Music Sheet Tag Italy

Music sheets by artists from Italy who have produced or composed well-known music. Play a variety of music sheets and instruments online at Virtual Piano.

Music Sheets

  • u p s [tea] p s p [yea] p i o [ute]| |
    u p s [tea] p s p [ea8] p u Y [yq9]| |
    y i O [qa9]| |
    y i O [p80]| |
    e t o [i0] u o i [i93] u u W [e86]

    Level: 5
    Length: 00:28
    The Godfather Theme (Alternative)

    Nino Rota

  • 6 0 e r t u 6 0 e r t u 4 8 e r t u 5 9 e r t u 6 0 e r t u 6 0 e r t u 4 8 e r t u 5 9 e r t u [s6] [u0] [ea] y o t [s6] [u0] [ea] y o t [p4] [t8] [oe] t i t [u6] 0 e r t u 6 0 e r t u [s4] [u8] [ea] y o t [s4] [u8] [ea] y o t [a5] [y9] [se] u a y [p6] 0 e r t u 6 0 e r t u [s6] [u0] [ea] y o t [s8] [wu] [ta] y o t [p4] [t8] [qo] [wt] [ie] t [u1] 5 8 9 0 t 1 5 8 9 0 t [s6] [u0] [ea] y o t [s3] [u7] [wa] [ye] [ro] t [a5] [y9] [se] u a y [p6] 0 e r t u 6 0 e r t u [f8] [wo] [td] i s u [f5] [o9] [wd] i s u [f6] [o0] [ed] i s u [f4] [o8] [ge] p d i [f8] [wo] [td] i s u [d5] [i9] [se] i a i [s6] 0 e r t u 4 8 q w e t [f8] [wo] [td] i s u [f5] [o9] [wd] i s u [f6] [o0] [ed] i s u [f4] [o8] [qg] [wp] [he] s [f8] [wo] [td] i s u [d5] [i9] [ws] [ie] [ra] i [s@] ^ ( q w t 4 8 q w e t [l1] [f5] [k8] [d9] [h0] s [l6] [f0] [ke] [rd] [th] s [j4] [s8] [qh] [ws] [ge] s [h1] 5 8 9 0 s 1 5 8 9 0 s [l6] [f0] [ke] [rd] [th] s [l3] [f7] [wk] [ed] [rh] s [j4] [s8] [qk] [ws] [le] s [h1] 5 8 9 0 s 1 5 8 9 0 s [l1] [f5] [k8] [d9] [h0] s [l6] [f0] [ke] [rd] [th] s [j4] [s8] [qh] [ws] [ge] s [h1] 5 8 9 0 s 1 5 8 9 [f0] o [g4] [p8] [qf] [wo] [ed] i [d5] [i9] [ws] [ie] [ra] i [s6] 0 e r t u 4 8 q w [fe] o [g2] [p6] [f9] [o0] [qd] i [d5] [i9] [ws] [ie] [ra] i [s@] ^ ( q w t 4 8 q w e t [s1] 5 8 [t9] [o0] s [P1] 5 8 [t9] [o0] P [O1] % 8 [t9] [Y(] O [p1] 6 8 [t9] [Y(] p [s1] 5 8 [t9] [o0] s [P1] 5 8 [t9] [o0] P [O1] % 8 [t9] [Y(] O [p1] 6 8 [t9] [Y(] p [s1] 5 8 9 0 t 1 5 8 9 0 t 6 0 e r t u 6 0 e r t u 4 8 e r t u 5 9 e r t u 6 0 e r t u 6 0 e r t u [i4] [u8] [ye] t r t [y5] [t9] [re] t y r 6 0 e r t u 6 0 e r t u 4 8 e r t u 5 9 e r t u 6 0 e r t u 6 0 e r t u [i4] [u8] [ye] t r t [y5] [u9] [ie] o p a [s6] [u0] [ea] y o t [s6] [u0] [ea] y o t [p6] [tq] [oe] t i t [u6] w e r t u 6 Q e r t u [s6] [uq] [ea] y o t [s6] [wu] [ea] y o t [a6] [yQ] [se] u a y [p6] q e r t u 6 0 e r t u [s6] [u0] [ea] y o t [s8] [wu] [ta] y o t [p4] [t8] [qo] [wt] [ie] t [u1] 5 8 9 0 t 1 5 8 9 0 t [s6] [u0] [ea] y o t [s3] [u7] [wa] [ye] [ro] t [a5] [y8] [se] u a y [p6] q e r t u 6 0 e r t u [f8] [wo] [td] i s u [f5] [o9] [wd] i s u [f6] [o0] [ed] i s u [f4] [o8] [ge] p d i [f8] [wo] [td] i s u [d5] [i9] [ws] i a i [s6] 0 e r t u 4 8 q w e t [f8] [wo] [td] i s u [f5] [o9] [wd] i s u [f6] [o0] [ed] i s u [f4] [o8] [qg] [wp] [he] s [f8] [wo] [td] i s u [d5] [i9] [ws] [ie] [ra] i [s@] ^ ( q w t 4 8 q w e t [l1] [f5] [k8] [d9] [h0] s [l6] [f0] [ke] [rd] [th] s [j4] [s8] [qh] [ws] [ge] s [h1] 5 8 9 0 s 1 5 8 9 0 s [l6] [f0] [ke] [rd] [th] s [l3] [f7] [wk] [ed] [rh] s [j4] [s8] [qk] [ws] [le] s [h1] 5 8 9 0 s 1 5 8 9 0 s [l1] [f5] [k8] [d9] [h0] s [l6] [f0] [ke] [rd] [th] s [j4] [s8] [qh] [ws] [ge] s [h1] 5 8 9 0 s 1 5 8 9 [f0] o [g4] [p8] [qf] [wo] [ed] i [s6] 0 e r [tf] o [g2] [p6] [f9] [o0] [qd] i [s1] 5 8 9 [f0] o [g4] [p8] [qf] [wo] [ed] i [d5] [i9] [ws] [ie] [ra] i [s@] ^ ( q w t 4 8 q w e t [s1] 5 8 [t9] [o0] s [P1] 5 8 [t9] [o0] P [O1] % 8 [t9] [Y(] O [p1] 6 8 [t9] [Y(] p [s1] 5 8 [t9] [o0] s [P1] 5 8 [t9] [o0] P [O1] % 8 [t9] [Y(] O [p1] 6 8 [t9] [Y(] p [l1] [f5] [k8] [d9] [h0] s [l1] [f5] [k8] [d9] [h0] s [J1] [D%] [H8] [d9] [D(] s [J1] [D6] [j8] [d9] [D(] s [l1] [f5] [k8] [d9] [h0] s [l1] [f5] [k8] [d9] [h0] s [J1] [D%] [H8] [d9] [D(] s [J1] [D6] [j8] [d9] [D(] s [l1] 5 8 9 0 s 1 5 8 9 0 s 1 5 8 9 0 s 1 5 8 9 0

    Level: 4
    Length: 04:43
    Le Onde

    Ludovico Einaudi

  • o o o o o o o u t u o u o s [tuo] u t [tu] [tu] [tuo] u o [tus] [tu] [tuo] [wy] [0t] [wyo] o [tuo] [uo] [yi] [tuo] o [yio] [tu] [wy] [yio] o [tuo] [wy] [0t] [tuo] o [5wo] [5wo] [5wo] [5wo] [5wo] [wo] [5wo] [5wo] [5wo] [5wo] [5wsh] [5woh] [5woh] [5woh] [5woh] [5wph] [5woh] [5woh] [5woh] [5woh] [5woh] w w [180w] w w [180w] w w [180t] [180y] [180u] w w [180w] w w [180t] u u [579y] [579r] [579w] w w [180w] w w [180w] w w [180t] [180y] [180u] t u o [7qw] [7qw] [7qw] i u y [180t] [1wu] [180t] o o [180o] o o [180o] o o [180s] [180d] [180f] o o [180o] o o [180s] f f [579d] [579a] [579o] o o [180o] o o [180o] o o [180s] [180d] [180f] s f h [7qw] [7qw] [7qw] g f d [180s] [1wf] [180s] [sf] [sf] [68sf] [sf] [sf] [68sf] [sf] [sf] [68sf] j [68sf] j [68sf] j [68sf] [ad] [6ps] [O9qa] [80p] [sf] [sf] [68sf] [sf] [sf] [68sf] [sf] [sf] [68sf] j [68sf] j [68sf] j [29ah] [g9es] [29ah] [g9es] [9wah] [sf] [sf] [68sf] [sf] [sf] [68sf] [sf] [sf] [68sf] j [68sf] j [68sf] j [68sf] [ad] [6ps] [O9qa] [80p] [sf] [sf] [68sf] [sf] [sf] [68sf] [sf] [sf] [68sf] j [68sf] j [68sf] j [29ah] [g9es] [wah] [wy] [wy] [wy] [wy] [wy] [wy] [tu] [yi] [5wy] 6 [7yi] [8tu] [9t] 0 [qtu] [wry] [5ry] [wry] [wy] [wy] [wy] [wy] [wy] [wy] [tu] [yi] [5wy] 6 [7yi] [8tu] [9t] 0 [qtu] [wry] 5 w w w [180w] w w [180w] w w [180t] [180y] [180u] w w [180w] w w [180t] u u [579y] [579r] [579w] w w [180w] w w [180w] w w [180t] [180y] [180u] t u o [7qw] [7qw] [7qw] i u y [180t] [1wu] [180t] o o [180o] o o [180o] o o [180s] [180d] [180f] o o [180o] o o [180s] f f [579d] [579a] [579o] o o [180o] o o [180o] o o [180s] [180d] [180f] s f h [7qw] [7qw] [7qw] g f d [180s] [1wf] [180s] o a [18ws] [80ws] s [18ws] [80ws] [wo0f] [w80] [w180] [w80d] [18us] [w8a] [18es] [8qp] [180o] [180] a s [79i] o i o [79i] o p a [180u] i u i [180u] i o p [469y] u y u [469y] u y u [579y] u y u y o p a [18ws] [80ws] s [18ws] [80ws] [wo0f] [w80] [w180] [w80d] [18us] [w8a] [18es] [8qp] [180o] [180] a s [79i] o i o [79i] o p a [180u] i u i [180u] i o p [469y] u y u [579y] i u y [180t] r t r t o o o o o o o o [8ts] [9yd] [0uf] o o o o o o o o [0uf] [qig] [woh] [8ts] [9yd] [0uf] [30u] [4qi] [5wo] [18ts] [18ts] s [18ts] [18ts] [18ts] [5wo] o [5wo] [5wo] [8to] [30u] u [30u] [30u] [30u] [18t] t [18t] [18t] [18t] w [18t] w [30u] t [5wo] u [18s] o [18s] o [30f] s [5wh] f [18s] s s [18s] [18s] [18s] [18s] [18s] [18os] [18os] [150t] [150t]
    Level: 6
    Length: 02:51
    William Tell Overture

    Gioachino Rossini

  • eeupeupeupeupeuaueupeupeup rtuoaeupeupeupeupeuaueupeupeup rtuoaqupeupqupeupqupuwuprupwup rtuoaeupeupeupeupeuaueupeupeup rtuoaqupeupqupeupqeup9upeupeup rtuoa6uptupeupeupeupueupeupeup rtuoa[p4]8e[u8]e8e859r[a9][rp][a9][rp][a9]6[p0]t[u0]t0t0t apapa[p4]8e[u8]e8e859r[a9][ra][a9][sr][a9][a6][p0]e[u0]e0e0e rtuoa[p4]8q[u8]q8q859w[a9][wp][a9][wp][a9]6[p0]e[u0]e0e0e apapa[p4]8e[u8]e8e859w[a9][wa][a9][ws][a9][a6][p0]e[u0]e0e0e| |tostostostostosowoawoawoawoawoaoeupeupeupeupeupueupeupeupeupeuputostostostostosouoauoauoauoauoaoeupeupeup rtuoaeupeupeup rtuoatustustustustusuwyawyawyawyawyayetpetpetpetpetptetpetpetp rtuoaqupeupqupeupeupu9upeupeup| |6upeupeup| |eupeupeup rtuoa[p4]8qu u u59wapapa6pueupeup apapa[p4]qupqupu5wuaaasa6pueupeup apapa[p4]qupeupu5wuapapa6pueupeup rtuoa[p4]qupqupu5wuaaasa[a6]pueupeup| |qupeupqupeupqeupwuprupwup rtuoaeupeupeupeupeupueupeupeup rtuoaqupeupqupeupqeupwupruprup rtuoa

    Level: 4
    Length: 03:25
    Una Mattina (Intermediate)

    Ludovico Einaudi

  • 8|[oY]|[oY]|[oY]| |[oY]|[oY]|[oY]|8|o Y o Y o Y [o%]|i|i||i @|o Y o Y o Y [o2]|y|y||Y 8|o Y o Y o Y [o%]|i|i||i @|o Y o Y o Y [o2]|y|y||r %|[O(] Y O Y O Y [O@]|[o^]|o|o|5|[i9] y i y i y [i1]|[Y5]|Y|Y|%|[O(] Y O Y O Y [O@]|[o^]|o| |5|[i9] y i y i y [o5]79w|||1|[o8] Y [o8] Y [o8] Y [o%]|[i(]|[Y(]|( i @|[o(] Y [o(] Y [o(] Y [o7]|[y9]|[y9]|9 Y 1|[o8] Y [o8] Y [o8] Y [o%]|[i(]|[Y(]|( i @|[wo] Y [wo] Y [wo] Y [o7]|[y9]|[t9]|9 r %|[O(] Y O Y O Y [O@]|[o^]|o| |5|[i9] y i y i y [i1]|[Y5]|Y| |%|[O(] [YW] O Y [O%] [Y(%] [O@]|[o^] ( o|@ [^@] 5|[i2] [y5] i y [i5] [y52] [o5]|7 2 4 5 7 9 3|[uo]|[uo]|[uo]|[uo2]|[yI]|[yI]| |1|[ut9]|[ut]|[ut]|[ut92]|[yI6]|[yI]|7|3|[uo7]|[uo]|[uo9]|[uo2] 7 [yI]|[yI0]|w|1|[ut]|[ut]|[ut]|7|[uo]|[up6]|[uaI7]|6|[se0]|s|[se0]|[s5] a [w9]| |[wa9]|$|[pQ9]|p|[Q9]|[p2]|[a96]| |[d96]|6|[us80]|[use0] u [e0] s [s5] [ya] [y97]|[w9]|[w9]|$|[yp96]|[ypQ9]|[Q9]|[yp2]|[ya6$]|[96]||I [w70]|[uo]|[uo]|[uo]|[uro7]|[yQI97]|[yI]| |[850]|[ut]|[ut]|[ut]|[ut80]|[YI(]|[rYI]||Q [w70]|[uo]|[uo]|[uo]|[wuo0]|[rQI97]|[rI]| |[850]|[ut]|[ut]|[ut]|[ut80]|[rY7($]|[rY]| |[u0] r e r e r e r e r e r e r e r 0 r e r e r e r e r e r e r e r [u0] w Q w|w Q w [o9] w Q w|w Q w [a8] w Q w|w Q w [I7] Q 0 Q|Q 0 Q [u0] w Q w|w Q w [o9] w Q w|w Q w [a8] w Q w|w Q w [I7] Q 0 Q|Q 0 Q [s8]|[w0]|[w0]|[w0]|[a5]|[97]|[97]|[97]|[I2]|[6$]|[I6$]|[6$]|[o3]|[I75]|[u75]|[75]|[s8]|[w0]|[w0]|[w0]|[a5]|[97]|[97]|[97]|[I2]|[6$]|[y6$]|[6$]|[u3]|[75]|[75]|[75]| |[75]|[75]|[75]|3|[hf]|[jf]|[hf]|5|[hf]|[jf]|[hf]|7|[hd]|[jd]|[hd]|[2$]|[dG]|[hd]|[dG]|3|[hf]|[jf]|[hf]|5|[hf]|[jf]|[hf]|7|[hd]|[jd]|[hd]|[2$]|[dG]|[hd]|[dG]|[wt80]|[hf]|[jf]|[hf]|[wr9]|[hd]|[jd]|[hd]|[Q97]|[dG]|[hd]|[dG]|[whf80]|[Q9]|[sf850]| |[wt80]|[hf]|[jf]|[hf]|[ywr]|[hd]|[wjd9]|[hd]|[Q9]|[dG]|[hd97]|[dG]|[da97]|[fa73]

    Level: 5
    Length: 03:14
    Love for Duty (Medici)

    Paolo Buonvino

  • f j l [k6] j [uspl] j [k9] j [ypig] h [f6]| [tsp]||
    f j l [k6] j [uspl] j [k8] j [uspf] D [d9]| [ypi]||
    d g H [k9]| [ypi]||
    d g H [j6]| [usp]|
    e p [usp] h [g8] f [usoh] g [g0] f [ufaO] O [pe6]| [usp]||
    j j H [h5]| [ywr] h [k5]| [ywrj] g [f8]| [uto] f h f [d9]|
    [ypi] d [g9] d [ufaO] [H z x V z x b m]
    f j l [k6] j [uspl] j [k9] j [ypig] h [f6]| [tsp]||
    f j l [k6] j [uspl] j [k8] j [uspf] D [d9]| [ypi]||
    d g H [k9]| [ypi]||
    d g H [j6]| [usp]| e p [usp] h [g8] f
    [usoh] g [g0] f [ufaO] O [pe6] sfjl[xusp]bmxbmxb

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:55
    The Godfather Love Theme (Alternative)

    Nino Rota

  • u p s [tp] p s p [ya] p i o [ue] |
    u p s [tp] p s p [ew] p u Y [yw] |
    y i O [rw] |
    y i O [pw] |
    e t o [iw] u o i [iw] u u W [ew]

    Level: 4
    Length: 00:30
    The Godfather Theme (Easy)

    Nino Rota

  • e e u p e u p e
    u p e u p e u a
    u e u p e u p e
    u p r t u o a e
    u p e u p e u p
    e u p e u a u e
    u p e u p e u p
    r t u o a q u p
    e u p q u p e u
    p q u p u w u p
    r u p w u p r t
    u o a e u p e u
    p e u p e u p e
    u a u e u p e u
    p e u p r t u o
    a q u p e u p q
    u p e u p q e u
    p 9 u p e u p e
    u p r t u o a 6
    u p t u p e u p
    e u p e u p u e
    u p e u p e u p
    r t u o a [p4] 8 e
    [u8] e 8 e 8 5 9 r
    [a9] [rp] [a9] [rp] [a9] 6 [p0] t
    [u0] t 0 t 0 t a p
    a p a [p4] 8 e [u8] e
    8 e 8 5 9 r [a9] [ra]
    [a9] [sr] [a9] [a6] [p0] e [u0] e
    0 e 0 e r t u o
    a [p4] 8 q [u8] q 8 q
    8 5 9 w [a9] [wp] [a9] [wp]
    [a9] 6 [p0] e [u0] e 0 e
    0 e a p a p a [p4]
    8 e [u8] e 8 e 8 5
    9 w [a9] [wa] [a9] [ws] [a9] [a6]
    [p0] e [u0] e 0 e 0 e
    t o s t o s t o
    s t o s t o s o
    w o a w o a w o
    a w o a w o a o
    e u p e u p e u
    p e u p e u p u
    e u p e u p e u
    p e u p e u p u
    t o s t o s t o
    s t o s t o s o
    u o a u o a u o
    a u o a u o a o
    e u p e u p e u
    p r t u o a e u
    p e u p e u p r
    t u o a t u s t
    u s t u s t u s
    t u s u w y a w
    y a w y a w y a
    w y a y e t p e
    t p e t p e t p
    e t p t e t p e
    t p e t p r t u
    o a q u p e u p
    q u p e u p e u
    p u 9 u p e u p
    e u p 6 u p e u
    p e u p e u p e
    u p e u p r t u
    o a [p4] 8 q u u u
    5 9 w a p a p a
    6 p u e u p e u
    p a p a p a [p4] q
    u p q u p u 5 w
    u a a a s a 6 p
    u e u p e u p a
    p a p a [p4] q u p
    e u p u 5 w u a
    p a p a 6 p u e
    u p e u p r t u
    o a [p4] q u p q u
    p u 5 w u a a a
    s a [a6] p u e u p
    e u p q u p e u
    p q u p e u p q
    e u p w u p r u
    p w u p r t u o
    a e u p e u p e
    u p e u p e u p
    u e u p e u p e
    u p r t u o a q
    u p e u p q u p
    e u p q e u p w
    u p r u p r u p
    r t u o a

    Level: 4
    Length: 03:22
    Una Mattina (Alternative)

    Ludovico Einaudi

  • [etu] [qeti] [wtu] [wty] r [etu] [qeti] [wtuo] [wryo] [60pd] s s s [pd] s s s [48pd] s s s [pd] s s s [8wog] f f f [og] f f o [59wf] d [od] o g f [od] o [60ed] s s s d s s s [48qa] p p p a p p p [8wto] f f f [og] f f o [59wf] d [od] o g f [od] o [6d] [0s] e [0s] e [0s] [6d] [0s] e [0s] e [0s] [4d] [8s] q [8s] q [8s] [4d] [8s] q [8s] q s [8g] [wof] t [wf] t [wf] [8g] [wof] t [wf] t [wo] [5u] [9y] w [9y] [wo] 9 [5i] [9u] w [9y] w [9o] [6d] [0s] e [0s] e [0s] [6d] [0s] e [0s] e [0s] [4a] [8p] q [8p] q [8p] [4a] [8p] q [8p] q p [8o] [wf] t [wf] t [wf] [8og] [wf] t [wf] t [wo] [5f] [9d] w [9od] w [9o] [5g] [9f] w [9od] w [9o] [6os] 0 e t e 0 o d f d s 4 8 q e q 8 o d f d s [8f] w t [uo] t w o d f d s [5sd] 9 w [ro] w 9 o d f d s [60ed] s o [0e] [0e] o d f d s [48qo] [8q] [8q] d f d s [8wtd] f [wt] [wt] d f d s [59wd] [9w] [9w] o [4j] 8 q e t i p h g f g [8th] w t f t d [7r] w r s r s 4 8 q e t i h g f g [8th] w t f t f [7rg] [wf] [rd] [rs] [4s] 8 q e d s a s [5d] 9 w r y o d f d s [6p] 0 [ed] [tf] [ed] [0s] [6p] [0s] [ed] [tf] [ed] [0s] [4p] 8 q e q 8 4 8 [qd] [ef] [qd] s [8f] [ws] [td] [uf] [td] [ws] [8f] [ws] [td] [uf] [td] [ws] [5sd] 9 w r w 9 5 9 w [rs] [wd] [9s] [6h] [0s] [ed] [tf] [ed] [0s] [6h] [0s] [ed] [tf] [ed] [0s] [4h] [8s] [qd] [ef] [qd] [8s] [4h] [8s] [qd] [ef] d s [8h] [ws] [td] [uf] [td] [ws] [8h] [ws] [td] [uf] [td] [ws] [5h] [9s] [wd] [ef] [wd] [9s] [5h] [9s] [wd] [ef] [wd] [9s] [6s] [0a] [ep] [ts] [ea] [0p] [6f] [0p] [ea] [ts] [ea] [0p] [4s] [8a] [qp] [es] [qa] [8p] [4g] [8p] [qa] [es] [qa] [8p] [8f] [wd] [ts] [uf] [td] [ws] [8h] [ws] [td] [uf] [td] [ws] [5d] [9s] [wa] [rd] [ws] [9a] [5h] [9a] [ws] [rd] [ws] [9a] [6s] [0a] [ep] [ts] [ea] [0p] [6f] [0p] [ea] [ts] [ea] [0p] [4s] [8a] [qp] [es] [qa] [8p] [4g] [8p] [qa] [es] [qa] [8p] [8f] [wd] [ts] [uf] [td] [ws] [8h] [ws] [td] [uf] [td] [ws] [5d] [9s] [wa] [rd] [ws] [9a] [5h] [9a] [ws] [rd] [ws] [9a] [6l] [0s] [ef] [tk] [es] [0f] [4j] [8s] [qf] [eh] s g [8h] [ws] [tf] [uh] [ts] [wf] [5h] [9a] [wd] [rh] [wa] [9d] [6l] [0s] [efk] t [esj] [0f] [4j] [8s] [qf] [eh] s g [8h] [ws] [tf] [uh] [ts] [wf] [5h] [9a] [wd] [rh] [wa] [9d] [6l] [0s] [ef] [tk] [es] [0f] [4j] [8s] [qf] [eh] s g [8h] [ws] [tf] [uh] [ts] [wf] [5h] [9a] [wd] [rh] [wa] [9d] [6l] [0s] [efk] t [esj] [0f] [4j] [8s] [qf] [eh] s g [8h] [ws] [tf] [uh] [ts] [wf] [5h] [9a] [wd] [rh] [ya] [od] [etu] [qeti] [wtu] [wty] r [etu] [qeti] [wtuo] [wryo] [60pd] s s s d s s s [48pd] s s s d s s s [8wog] f f f g f f o [59wf] d d d g f d o [60ed] s s s d s s s [48qa] p p p a p p p [8wto] f f f [og] f f o [59wf] d [od] o g f [od] o [6d] [0s] e [0s] e [0s] [6d] [0s] e [0s] e [0s] [4d] [8s] q [8s] q [8s] [4d] [8s] q [8s] q s [8og] [wf] t [wf] t [wo] [8g] [wf] t [wf] t [wo] [5f] [9d] w [9d] w [9o] [5g] [9f] w [9d] w [9o] [6d] [0s] e [0s] e [0s] [6d] [0s] e [0s] e [0s] [4a] [8p] q [8p] q [8p] [4a] [8p] q [8p] q p [8o] [wf] t [wof] t [wf] [8og] [wf] t [wf] t [wo] [5f] [9d] w [9d] w 9 [5og] [9f] w [9od] w [9o] [6s] [0a] [ep] [ts] [ea] [0p] [6f] [0p] [ea] [ts] [ea] [0p] [4s] [8a] [qp] [es] [qa] [8p] [4g] [8p] [qa] [es] [qa] [8p] [8f] [wd] [ts] [uf] [td] [ws] [8h] [ws] [td] [uf] [td] [ws] [5d] [9s] [wa] [rd] [ws] [9a] [5h] [9a] [ws] [rd] [ws] [9a] [6s] [0a] [ep] [ts] [ea] [0p] [6f] [0p] [ea] [ts] [ea] [0p] [4s] [8a] [qp] [es] [qa] [8p] [4g] [8p] [qa] [es] [qa] [8p] [8f] [wd] [ts] [uf] [td] [ws] [8h] [ws] [td] [uf] [td] [ws] [5d] [9s] [wa] [rd] [ws] [9a] [5h] [9a] [ws] [rd] [ws] [9a] [6l] [0s] [ef] [tk] [es] [0f] [4j] [8s] [qf] [eh] s g [8h] [ws] [tf] [uh] [ts] [wf] [5h] [9a] [wd] [rh] [wa] [9d] [6l] [0s] [efk] t [esj] [0f] [4j] [8s] [qf] [eh] s g [8h] [ws] [tf] [uh] [ts] [wf] [5h] [9a] [wd] [rh] [wa] [9d] [6l] [0s] [ef] [tk] [es] [0f] [4j] [8s] [qf] [eh] s g [8h] [ws] [tf] [uh] [ts] [wf] [5h] [9a] [wd] [rh] [wa] [9d] [6l] [0s] [efk] t [esj] [0f] [4j] [8s] [qf] [eh] s g [8h] [ws] [tf] [wh] [ts] [wf] [5h] [9a] [wd] [9h] [ea] 9 [60ed] o p s
    Level: 8
    Length: 05:06
    Nuvole Bianche (Alternative)

    Ludovico Einaudi

  • a [ywa] a a pod [yw] [yw] ds[ywa] a a pod [yw] [yw] ds[ywa] sds a p y y a [ywa] a a pod [yw] [yw] ds[ywa] a a pod [yw] [yw] ds[ywa] sds a [ywp]| a [ywd] sas d f d [yw] a [ywd] sas d f d [yw] s f d [yw] s [ya] po[tp] p [wro]| a [ywd] sas d f d [yw] a [ywd] sas d f d [yw] s [ya] po[tp] p [wro]
    Level: 5
    Length: 00:52

    Antonio Vivaldi

  • [ute]||[tqie]|| [wut]||[ywr]|| [ute]||[tqie]|| [wto]||[wro]|| [ued] s|s|s d s|s|s [tqd] s|s|s d s|s|s [tog] f|f|f g f|f|o [ywf] d|d|o g f|d|o [ued] s|s|s d s|s|s [tqa] p|p|p a p|p|p [to] f|f|f g f|f|o [ywf] d|d|o g f|d|o [ued] s|s|s d s|s|s [tqd] s|s|s d s|s|s [tog] f|f|f g f|f|o [ywf] d|d|o g f|d|o [ued] s|s|s d s|s|s [tqa] p|p|p a p|p|p [to] f|f|f g f|f|o [ywf] d|d|o g f|d|o [use]||o d f d s [tq]||o d f d s [tof]||o d f d s [ywd]||o d f d s [ued] s o||o d f d s [tq]|||d f d s [tof]|||d f d s [ywd]|||o| [tqj]|||hgf g [toh]| f|d [yw]| s|s [tq]|||hgf g [toh]| f|f [ywg] f d|s| [tsq]|||dsa s [ywd]|||d f d s [upe]|d f d s p s d f d s [tqp]|||d f d s [tof] s d f d s f s d f d s [ywd]|||s d s [uhe] s d f d s h s d f d s [tqh] s d f d s h s d f d s [toh] s d f d s h s d f d s [ywh] s d f d s h s d h s d [use] a p s a p f p a s a p [tsq] a p s a p g p a s a p [tof] d s f d s h s d f d s [ywd] s a d s a h a s d s a [use] a p s a p f p a s a p [tsq] a p s a p g p a s a p [tof] d s f d s h s d f d s [ywd] s a d s a h a s d s a [ule]| k| [tqj]| h|g [toh]| h| [ywh]| h| [ule]|k|j|[tqj]| h|g [toh]| h| [ywh]| h| [ule]| k| [tqj]| h|g [toh]| h| [ywh]| h| [ule]|k|j|[tqj]| h|g [toh]| h| [ywh]| h
    Level: 5
    Length: 03:20
    Nuvole Bianche

    Ludovico Einaudi

  • [se] t o t o t [wa] t o t o t [qa] t [po] t o t q|| p a [se] t o t o t [wa] t o t o t [qp] t o t o t q| a p a [se] t o t o t [wa] t o t o [ts] [qa]s[ta] [po] t o t q|| p a [se] t o t o t [wa] t [od] t [so] [ta] [qp] t o t o t q|| s d [fe] t o t o t [wd] t o t o [tf] [qd] t [so] t o t q|| s d [fe] t o t o t [wd] t o [th] o t [sq] t o t o t q| p a p a [se] t o t o t [wa] t o t o [ts] [qa]s[ta] [po] t o t q|| p a [se] t o t o t [wa] t [od] t [so] [ta] [qp] t o t o t q| s a s [t6] 8 w s a s [r5] 9 w d s a [a4] 8 [wp] 8 w 8 4 8 w s a s [t6] 8 w s a s [r5] [d9] [ws] [d9] [ws] [a9] [p4] 8 w 8 w 8 4| s a s [t6] 8 w s a s [r5] 9 w d s a [a4] 8 [wp] 8 w 8 4 8 w s a s [t6] 8 w s a s [r5] [d9] [ws] [d9] [ws] [a9] [p4] 8 w 8 w 8 4| u i u i [o8] w [ut] [wi] [ut] [wi] [o5] 9 [wu] [i9] [wu] [i9] [o6] [t0] [ue] [o0] [te] [u0] [i4] 8 [ue] [i8] [ue] [i8] [o8] w [ut] [wi] [ut] [wi] [o5] [p9] [wo] [i9] [wu] [y9] 6 0 [te] 0 e 0 4 8 [ue] [i8] [ue] [i8] [o8] w [ut] [wi] [ut] [wi] [o5] [p9] [wo] [i9] [wu] [i9] [o6] [t0] [ue] [o0] [te] [u0] [i4] 8 [ue] [i8] [ue] [i8] [o8] w [ut] [wi] [ut] [wi] [o5] [p9] [wo] [i9] [wu] [y9] 6 0 [te] 0 e 0 4 8 [ue] i u y [t81] u o t u o 5 t u i u y 6 0 [te] 0 e 0 4 8 [ue] i u y [o81] w t o w t [o5] w t i w t [i6] w t u w t [u4] w t i w t [s81] t o s t o [s5] t i s t i [s6] [t0] [ue] [s0] [te] [u0] [s4] [t8] [ie] [s8] [te] [i8] [s8] [wu] [to] [ws] [ut] [wo] [s5] [y9] [wi] [s9] [yw] [i9] [s6] [t0] [ue] [s0] [te] [u0] [s4] [t8] [ie] [s8] [te] [i8] [s8] [wu] [ts] [wu] [ts] [wu] [si5] [y9] [wsi] [y9] [wsi] [y9] [us6] [t0] [use] [t0] [use] [t0] [si4] [t8] [sie] t [si] t [wus8] t [us] t [us] t [yws95] t [ys] t [ys] t [t1][u5][s8]|| [wf86]|p|g| [wh85]|a|s| [wj84]|f|d|s|a|o| [wf86]|p|g| [wh85]|a|s| [wj84]||| [wf86]|p|g| [wh85]|a|s| [wj84]|f|d|s|a|o| [wf86]|p|g| [wh85]|a|s| [wp84]|||t [tsoe]|| [wtoa]|| [tqoa]|p|||p a [tsoe]|| [wtoa]|| [tqpo]|||a p a [tsoe]|| [wtoa]||s [tqoa]sa p|||p a [tsoe]|| [wtoa]|d|s a [tqpo]|||s d [fe] t o t o t [wd] t o t o [tf] [qd] t [so] t o t q|| s d [fe] t o t o t [wd] t o [th] o t [sq] t o t o t q| p a p a [se] t o t o t [wa] t o t o [ts] [qa]s[ta] [po] t o t q|| p a [se] t o t o t [wa] t [od] t [so] [ta] [qp] t o t o t q| s a s [t6] 8 w s a s [r5] 9 w d s a [a4] 8 [wp] 8 w 8 4 8 w s a s [t6] 8 w s a s [r5] [d9] [ws] [d9] [ws] [a9] [p4] 8 w 8 w 8 4| s a s [t6] 8 w s a s [r5] 9 w d s a [a4] 8 [wp] 8 w 8 4 8 w s a s [t6] 8 w s a s [r5] [d9] [ws] [d9] [ws] [a9] [p4] 8 w 8 w 8 4| u i u i [o8] w [ut] [wi] [ut] [wi] [o5] 9 [wu] [i9] [wu] [i9] [o6] [t0] [ue] [o0] [te] [u0] [i4] 8 [ue] [i8] [ue] [i8] [o8] w [ut] [wi] [ut] [wi] [o5] [p9] [wo] [i9] [wu] [y9] 6 0 [te] 0 e 0 4 8 [ue] [i8] [ue] [i8] [o8] w [ut] [wi] [ut] [wi] [o5] [p9] [wo] [i9] [wu] [i9] [o6] [t0] [ue] [o0] [te] [u0] [i4] 8 [ue] [i8] [ue] [i8] [o8] w [ut] [wi] [ut] [wi] [o5] [p9] [wo] [i9] [wu] [y9] 6 0 [te] 0 e 0 4 8 [ue] i u y [t81] u o t u o 5 t u i u y 6 0 [te] 0 e 0 4 8 [ue] i u y [o81] w t o w t [o5] w t i w t [i6] w t u w t [u4] w t i w t [s81] t o s t o [s5] t i s t i [s6] [t0] [ue] [s0] [te] [u0] [s4] [t8] [ie] [s8] [te] [i8] [s8] [wu] [to] [ws] [ut] [wo] [s5] [y9] [wi] [s9] [yw] [i9] [s6] [t0] [ue] [s0] [te] [u0] [s4] [t8] [ie] [s8] [te] [i8] [s8] [wu] [ts] [wu] [ts] [wu] [si5] [y9] [wsi] [y9] [wsi] [y9] [us6] [t0] [use] [t0] [use] [t0] [si4] [t8] [sie] t [si] t [wus8] t [us] t [us] t [yws95] t [ys] t [ys] t [t1]5[u8]os||| f g f g [wth8]| f g f g [wh95]| f g f g [th60]||[e84]| f g f g [wth8]| f g f g [wh95] j h g f d [t60]|s||[e84]| f g f g [wth8]| f g f g [wh95] j h g f g [th60]||[e84]| f g f g [wth8]| f g f g [wh95] j h g f d [ts60]||[e84]| f g f d [wts8]|f|h|[w95]|f g f d [t60]|s||[e84]| f g f d [wth8] o s h o s [wh95] o s g o s [tg60] o s f o s [fe84] i o s i o [wth8] o s h o s [wh95] o s g o s [tg60] o s f o s [fe84] o s g o s [wth8] o s l s h [wl95] s g l s g [tl60] s f l s f [le84] s g l s g [wtl8] s h l s h [wl95] s g l s g [tl60] s f l s f [le84] s g l s g [lh8] [ws] [tlh] [ws] [tlh] [ws] [lh5] [s9] [wlg] [s9] [wlg] [s9] [lg6] [s0] [tlf] [s0] [tlf] [s0] [lg4] [s8] [lfe] [s8] [lge] s [lh8] [ws] [tlh] [ws] [tlh] [ws] [lh5] [s9] [wlj] [s9] [wlj] [s9] [lj6] [s0] [tlh] [s0] [tlh] [s0] [lh4] [s8] [lge] [s8] [lge] s [lh8] [ws] [tlh] [ws] [tlh] [ws] [lh5] [s9] [wlg] [s9] [wlg] [s9] [lg6] [s0] [tlf] [s0] [tlf] [s0] [lg4] [s8] [lfe] s [lg] s [wlf8] s [lf] s [lf] s [wld95] s [ld] s [ld] s [t1][u5][o8]s
    Level: 6
    Length: 06:03
    I Giorni

    Ludovico Einaudi

  • [xe] u p s p u
    [xe] u p [xs] p u
    w y o a [zo] [yl]
    [zw] y o a o y
    [le] u p [sj] p u
    e u p [sk] p [ul]
    [yl] p s [gd] s p
    w y o [ka] o [yj]
    [tk] u o [fa] o u
    p o u a o u
    q e t [ji] t [he]
    [j7] q e [yd] e q
    0 e r [xu] r e
    [z0] e r u r e
    [x3] 7 0 W r u
    O u r y r 0
    [x6] 0 e t u p
    [xs] p u [xt] e 0
    5 9 w r [zy] [ol]
    [za] o y r w 9
    [l6] 0 e [tm] u p
    s p u [tk] e [l0]
    [ql] e t [ig] t e
    [wk]j[rk] [yk]j[ok] [yk]j[rk]
    [k8] 0 w [tf] w 0
    r w 0 t w 0
    [qj] e t i t e
    [qj]h[je] [tj]h[ji] [tj]h[je]
    [d7] q e [yd] e q
    7 q e y e q
    [H3] 7 0 W r u
    [OH]G[uH] [rH]G[yH] [rH]G[H0]
    6 0 e [tj] u p
    [sb] p u t e 0
    6 0 e t u p
    s p u t e 0
    [f6] [ut] [ut] [te] dfgf
    [d7]s[urd] [ur] 0 [yr] [ysr]a
    [s6] [te] [te] [te] [te] [te]
    5 [te] [te] [wte]pasfh
    [j4] [tie] [tie] [tie] hjJj
    [h6] [oeT] [oeT] 6|gf
    [g2] [yie] [yie] [yue] [yue] [yue]
    [yie] [yie] [yie] [yie] f d
    [f3] [ue] [ue] j [ue] [ue]

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:35
    Chi mai (Maddalena)

    Ennio Morricone

  • [810]|w|t|u|t|w|[810]|w|t|u|t|w| [f8]|w|t|u|t|w|5|q g f [wd] f [rh]|w g [qf] d [d8]|q|w|r|w s [qf] d [s8]|0|w|[ts]|w|0 d [f8]|0|w|[ts]|w|0 d [g6] f d f 0|w|[jT]|w|[h0]| [j9]|q|e h [yj] h [ge]|[qf]|[g9]|q|e|y|e|q| [g9]|q|e|y|e|q|6|0 h g [wf] g [jT]|e h [g0] f [f9]|w|e|T|e h [wg] S [d9]|q|e|[yd]|e|q f [g5]|9|[qd]|[rj]|q|[h9]|[j5]|[h9]|[qg]|[rg]|[qf]|[D9]| [D8]|0|w|[tf]|w|0|6|0|e|[tf]|e|[j0]| [k7] j|[H9]|[qk]|[gW]|q|9|1|[D8]|[f0]|[le]|[k0]|[j8]| [k7] j|[H9]|[qk]|[igW]|q|9|[QIG]|9|Q|[woh]|q|[h9]| h|H|j|f|g|h|g|S|d|D| [810]|w|t|u|t|w|0|w|t|u|t|w| [80]|w|t|u|t|w|[q5]|w|t|u|t|w| [q8]|w|r|y|r|w|[80]|w|t|u|t|w| [80]|w|t|u|t|w|[60]|w|e|T|e|w| [q9]|e|y|i|y|e|[q9]|e|y|i|y|e| [q9]|e|y|i|y|e|[q6]|e|T|u|T|e| [w9]|e|T|u|T|e|[q9]|e|y|i|y|e| [q5]|w|r|y|r|w|[q5]|w|r|y|r|w| [81]|w|t|u|t|w|6|0|w|[ut]|e|[p0]| [p7]|[O9]|[qa]|[iW]|q|9|1|[Y8]|[u0]|[se]|[a0]|[p8]| [p7]|[O9]|[qa]|[igW]|q|9|[QIG]|9|Q|[woh]|q|9| [80]|w|t|u|t|w|[q9]|w|r|i|r|w| *|[ufE]|w|9|[urf]|W|*|[ufE]|w|9|[urf]|W| [ig6]|8 f [d0] s [ed]|0 s [a8] p [a4]|6 p [o9] i [o2]|6 i [u9] y [p5]|8 o [I9] o w|0|8|[r5]|9|q|w|q|9| [t1]|[850]|[850]|[ut850]|[850] [ut] [uo850]|1|[850] [ut] [ut850]|[850]|[850] [ut] [850]| [uo1]|[850]|[850] [ut] [yr850]|[850]|[850] [ut] [yi1]|[850]|[850] [ut] [yr850]|[850]|[850] [te] [te5]|[q75]|[q75] [wr] [yrq75]|[q75]|5 [te] [tqe75]|[q75]|[q75] [wr] [yqi75]|[q75]|[q75] [ut] [ut5]|[q75]|[q75] [yr] [yqi75]|[q75]|5 [uo] [qoa75]|[q75]|[q75] [pi] [uqo75]|[q75]|[q75] [yi] [ut1]|[850]|[850]|[ut850]|[850]|[850] [ut] [uo1]|[850]|[850] [ut] [ut850]|[850]|[850] [ut] [uo1]|[850]|[850] [ut] [yr850]|[850]|[850] [ut] [yi1]|[850]|[850] [ut] [yr850]|[850]|[850] [wr] [te5]|[q75]|[q75] [wr] [yrq75]|[q75]|[q75] [te] [te5]|5|[q75] [wr] [yqi75]|[q75]|[q75] [ut] [ut5]|[q75]|[q75] [yr] [yqi75]|[q75]|[q75] [uo] [oa5]|5|[q75] [pi] [uqo75]|[q75]|[q75] [yi] [ut1]|8|0|w|0|8|[ysp$]|6|9|Q|9|6| [ysO4]|%|9|q|9|%|[yso5]|9|q|[ws] a|[qp]|[a9]| [uts80]|w|t|u|t|w|0|w|t|u|t|w| [80]|w|t|u|t|w|[q5]|w|t|u|t|w| [q8]|w|r|y|r|w|[80]|w|t|u|t|w| [80]|w|t|u|t|w|[60]|w|e|T|e|w| [q9]|e|y|i|y|e|[q9]|e|y|i|y|e| [q9]|e|y|i|y|e|[q6]|e|T|u|T|e| [w9]|e|T|u|T|e|[q9]|e|y|i|y|e| [q5]|w|r|y|r|w|[q5]|w|r|y|r|w| [81]|w|t|u|t|w|6|0|w|[ut]|e|[p0]| [p7]|[O9]|[qa]|[iW]|q|9|1|[Y8]|[u0]|[se]|[a0]|[p8]| [p7]|[O9]|[qa]|[igW]|q|9|[QIG]|9|Q|[woh]|q|9| [80]|w|t|u|t|w|[q9]|w|r|i|r|w| *|[ufE]|w|9|[urf]|W|*|[ufE]|w|9|[urf]|W| [ig6]|8 f [d0] s [ed]|0 s [a8] p [a4]|6 p [o9] i [o2]|6 i [u9] y [p5]|8 o [I9] o w|0|8|[r5]|9|q|w|q|9| [t8]|0|w|t|w|0|[ysp$]|6|7|Q|9|6| [ysO4]|%|9|q|9|%|[yqoa95]||| [wri5]|||[wut8]| [ut8]|w|t|[u5]|t|w|[30]|w|t|[u5]|t|w| [10]| |[t0]|[81]||| [tq81]
    Level: 7
    Length: 08:34
    Casta Diva (Norma)

    Vincenzo Bellini

  • [o8]|[wu]|[ts]|[wuo]| 5|[ywo]|[ya]|[ywo] d [s6]|[upe]|t|[upe]| [s4]|[pie]|t|[pied]| [f8] o [ws] o [tf] o [sr] o 5 i [wa] i [yid] [pg]w[of] [s6]|[upe]|t|[sle]| [wka] [oh]r[sl] [qka] [oh]r[uf] [oh0]|w|u|t| [qid] gtf [id] [ys] [yria]|| [yria]| [wo] i o p o p a p a s a s d [sq4] p d f [sog8]| w [utof]| w i o p o p a p a [ts] a s [yd] [se] p d [f8] [sog]| w [utof]| w [yws]| ap[ywa]|a r [tqpig]|[ge]|[utpf0]|[pe]| [tqpi4]| [p6] [yoa5]|| [wuto]||[utp] o [yro]|[ywro]|a|[wtp] o [uto]|[wo8]|o o [f0] [tqg]| s s s s|[ywra]| [wuto]||[utp] o [yro]|[ywro]||[wts] a [utf] p [utf] p [pe0] s p p [fe0] [tqg]|s s s s| [ywra]||| [uo8] t [wu] o [ts]|[wuo]| 5|[ywo]|[yda] s [wd]fd [s6]|[upe]|[ts]|[upe]| [s4]|[pie]|t|[pied]| [sof0]|w|[tof]|r| t||[yqd] g f [utsp]|e|0|[tsl]| [wurka] [oh] [sl] [ywrqka] [oh] [uf] [oh8]|w|u|t| [qid] gtf [id] ys[yria]||| [wo] [o8]|[wu]|[ts]|[wuo]| 5|[ywo]|[ya]|[ywo] d [s6]|[upe]|t|[upe]| [s4]|[pie]|t|[pied]| [f8] o [ws] o [tf] o [sr] o 5 i [wa] i [yid] [pg]w[of] [s6]|[upe]|t|[sle]| [wka] [oh]r[sl] [qka] [oh]r[uf] [oh0]|r|u|t| [qid] gtf [id] [ys] [yria]||| i o p o p a p a s a s d [sq4] p d f [sog8]| w [utof]| w [qi4] o p [wo] [pe6] a p s [yd9]| s [uf0]|| [qi4] o p [wo] [wp5] a p a [se6]||s [qi4] o p [wo] [wp5] a p s [pied]| s [ufe8]| d [tqge]| f [ywro]||| [o8]|[wu]|[ts]|[wuo]| 5|[ywo]|[ya]|[ywo] d [s6]|[upe]|t|[upe]| [s4]|[pie]|t|[pied]| [f8] o [ws] o [tf] o [sr] o 5 i [wa] i [yid] [pg]w[of] [s6]|[upe]|t|[sle]| [wka] [oh]r[sl] [qka] [oh]r[uf] [oh0]|w|u|t| [qid] gtf [id] [ys] [yria]|| [yria]| [wo] [p9]|[eI]|[yd]|[peI]| 6|[upe]|[uS]|[upe] f [d7]|[raI]|y|[raI]| [d5]|[roa]|y|[rofa]| [G9]|e|[yG]|T| 6|e o [uof] [ha]e[pG] [d7]|[raI]|y|[zrd]| [eSL] [pj]T[zd] [wSL] [pj]T[IG] [pjQ]|e|I|T| [wof] hyG [of] [ud] [uoTS]|| [uoTS]| [pe] o|[wut]|s|[wut]|| [wut]|a|[ywr] d s|[wu8]||[wu8]
    Level: 8
    Length: 02:54
    Con te Partiro (Time To Say Goodbye)

    Andrea Bocelli

  • e u p e u p e u p e u p e u a u e u p e u p e u p e u p r t u o a e u p e u p e u p e u p e u a u e u p e u p e u p e u p r t u o a q u p e u p q u p e u p w u p r u p w u p r u p r t u o a e u p e u p e u p e u p e u a u e u p e u p e u p e u p r t u o a q u p e u p q u p e u p q u p u 9 u p e u p e u p r t u o a 6 u p e u p e u p e u p e u p u [6e] u p e u p e u p r t u o a [4p] 8 e [8u] e 8 e 8 5 9 r [9a][rp][9a][rp][9a] 6 [0p] t [0u] t 0 t 0 t | a p a p a [4p] 8 e [8u] e 8 e 8 5 9 r [9a][ra][9a][rs][9a] [6a] [0p] e [0u] e 0 e 0 e r t u o a [4p] 8 q [8u] q 8 q 8 5 9 w [9a][wp][9a][wp][9a] 6 [0p] e [0u] e u e u e a p a p a [4p] 8 e [8u] e 8 e 8 5 9 w [9a][wa][9a][ws][9a] [6a] [0p] e [0u] e 0 e 0 e r t u o a t o s t o s t o s t o s t o s o w o a w o a w o a w o a o e u p e u p e u p e u p e u a u e u p e u p e u p e u p t o s t o s t o s t o s t o s o u o a u o a u o a u o a o e u p e u p e u p e u p e u a u e u p e u p e u p e u p r t u o a t u s t u s t u s t u s t u s u w y a w y a w y a w y a w y a y e t p e t p e t p e t p e t a t e t p e t p e t p r t u o a q u p e u p q u p e u p q u p u 9 u p e u p e u p r t u o a 6 u p e u p e u p e u p e u p u [6e] u p e u p e u p r t u o a [4p] 8 e [8u] e 8 e 8 5 9 r [9a][rp][9a][rp][9a] 6 [0p] t [0u] t 0 t 0 t | a p a p a [4p] 8 e [8u] e 8 e 8 5 9 r [9a][ra][9a][rs][9a] [6a] [0p] e [0u] e 0 e 0 e r t u o a [4p] 8 q [8u] q 8 q 8 5 9 w [9a][wp][9a][wp][9a] 6 [0p] e [0u] e u e u e a p a p a [4p] 8 e [8u] e 8 e 8 5 9 w [9a][wa][9a][ws][9a] [6a] [0p] e [0u] e 0 e 0 e
    Level: 4
    Una Mattina

    Ludovico Einaudi

  • 1 [t8] [ow] [t8] [iy] | 1 [t8] [ow] [t8] W o s D [d1] [s8] D [s8] d s O P [o1] 8 w 8 W o s D [d1] [s8] D [s8] d s o I [i4] 8 W 8 q i O a [d4] 8 q W t | i O a [s1] 5 8 ( w t Y P O [o9] w P O O o o r [t1] 5 8 ( w s s a P ^ 9 q E | d 9 q s O o ( w E o P o [i4] * q W % | [i9] [OW] I [o5] 9 w 9 5 o s D [do1] [s8] D [s8] [di] s O P [o1] 8 w 8 W o s D [do1] [s8] D [s8] [di] s o I [i4] 8 W 8 q i O a [d4] 8 q W t | i O a [s1] 5 8 ( w t Y P O [o9] P O O o o a [s1] 5 8 ( w [ho] [ls] [ZD] [zd] [ls] [ZD] [ls] [zd] [ls] [HO] [JP] [h1] [otw] [tq] [ho] [ls] [ZD] [zd] [ls] [ZD] [ls] [zd] [ls] 8 [ho] [GI] [g4] [i8] [tq] [gi] [HO] [ka] [z4] [d8] [tq] [gi] [HO] [ka] [l1] [sw8] t [st] [DY] [JP] [HO] [ho] [w9] [JP] [HO] [HO] [ho] [ho] [ar] [s1] [tw8] t s s a P ^ 9 q E y i | d 9 q s y O o ( w E o P o i % * q W T % | i [OW] I [o5] 9 w 9 5 o s D [do1] s [D(] s [di] [st] O P [o1] [tw] [tq] o [s8] D [do1] s D s [di] s 8 o I [i4] W 4 i O a [d4] W 4 | i O a [s1] [w8] 1 t [Y(] P O o P O O o [orq] P [s8]
    Level: 6
    The Godfather Theme (Intermediate)

    Nino Rota

  • s tuosa tuoap asdsadii i opapoa u u wetuo s tuosa tuoad p pasap hfds puuo y u t
    Level: 2
    Musetta's Waltz (La Boheme)

    Giacomo Puccini

  • ppaa aass ppaa aaass ffffpp ddddpp ssssapddsap ffff hh dddd GG pppsasdddddssap ffff hh dddd GG ppppsadsap ffff hh dddd GG ffffhhGGffddssap aspaspaspaspaspaspaspaspaspaspaspaspaspaspasp ffff hh dddd GG ppppsadsap ffff hh dddd GG ffff llkkjjhhGGf
    Level: 3

    Ludovico Einaudi