
Coldplay 10 September 2020

[qpe9]| psa [wr9]| |
[tse0]||df[wt0]| |
[qpe9]||ps[wra9]| |
[tse0]||df[wt0]| d|
[qpe9]||ps[wra9]| |
[tqpe] ap o [ute0]||u
[ute0] y||[wr9]||fh
[tqje] kj h [tfe0]||f
[wrf9] d| |
[qed9]| d d [qe8]| s|
[wts0]| s d [wr9]| d|
[qed9]| d d [qe8]| s|
[wts0]| s d [wr9]| d|
[qed9]| d d [qe8]| s|
[wts0]| s d [wr9]| d|
[qje9]hj hfh [qe8] fdf|
[wtf0]df dsd [wr9] apo|
[pe6]op ouo [q4] uyu|
[u81]yu yty [w5] rew uo
[pe6]op ouo [q4] uyu wu
[u81]yu yty [w5] rew0et
[u92]y uy [q4] uyy|
[u81]y uy [w5] uyy|
[u92]y uy [q4] uyy|
[w81] t y uy[w5] rew|
[pe6]op ouo [e6] uyu|
[u81]yu yty [w5] rew|
[pe6]op ouo [e6] uyu t
[u81]yu yty [w5] rew|
[pe6]op ouo [q4] uyu|
[u81]yu yty [w5] rew uo
[pe6]op ouo [q4] uyu wu
[u81]yu yty [w5] rew|
[e92] t y u [qe4] t y uw
[w81] t y u [yw5] rew|
[qe4] t y u [w81] ty uo
[qp4] apo u[81] yu uy
[qp4] apo u[81] yu uy
[wu5]y||[w5]| yps
[f92]d fd [q4] fdd|
[f81]d fd [w5] fdd|
[f92]d fd [q4] fdd|
[s81]| s| [wd5]| pps
[f92]d fd [q4] fdd|
[f81]d fd [w5] fdd|
[f92]d fd [q4] fdd|
[s81]| s| [wd5]| |
[qpe9]| psa [wr9]| |
[tse0]||df[wt0]| |
[qpe9]||ps[wra9]| |
[tse0]||df[wt0]| d|
[qe9] e wet[wr9] r ery
[te0] t etu[wt0]uuu uop
[qe8] apo u[wt0] yu uy
[wur9]y||[wr9]| uop
[qe8] apo u[wt0] yu uy
[wur9]y y ty[wr9]| pps
[f92]d fd [q4] fdd|
[f81]d fd [w5] fdd|
[f92]d fd [q4] fdd|
[s81]| s| [wd5]| pps
[f92]d fd [q4] fdd|
[f81]d fd [w5] fdd|
[f92]d fd [q4] fdd|
[s81]| s| [wd5]| pps
[f92]d fd [q4] fdd|
[f81]d fd [w5] fdd|
[s81]| s| [wd5]| pps
[f92]d fd [q4] fdd|
[f81]d fd [w5] fdd|
[f92]d fd [q4] fdd|
[s81]| s| [wd5]| |
[qj4]hj hfh [w5] fdf|
[wf5]df d sd[e6] apo
[qp4] oiuyt[wo5] iuytr
[wo5] iuytr[oe6] iuyte
[p92] ouyte[o92] iuyte[tqie4]

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About This Music Sheet

Paradise is a song by Coldplay. Use your computer keyboard to play Paradise music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 04:12, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Paradise is classified in the genres: UK, Pop Rock on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Alternative, Indie.


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Other Songs By Coldplay

  • [6tu]|[tu]|[tu]|[tu]|
    [4ti]|[ti]|[ti]|i o
    [4ti]|[ti]|[ti]|i o
    t y t o 4 u|
    t y t o 8 u|
    w t y t u 5 u|u u|y t 6||
    t y t o 4 u|
    t y t o 8 u|
    t y t u 5 u|u u|y t 6||
    t y t o 4 u|
    t t y t o [8o] u|
    t y t u 5 u|u u|y t 6||
    t y t o 4 u|
    t y t o 8 u|
    t y t u 5 u|u u|y t 4| s|
    p o s 4 p o s|p| 8| u|
    o u p 8 u u u u|y t 4| s|
    p o s 4 p o s|p| 8|
    u o o u p 8 u u u u|
    y t [5r]|||
    5 i i i i i i i
    6ut [tu]|[tu]|[tu]|
    [4ti]|[ti]|[ti]|[ti] [to]
    [4ti]|[ti]|[ti]|[ti] [to]

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:26
    The Scientist (Intermediate)


  • [ro0] [ro0] [ro0]|[yp9]|[yp9] [ywa8] [ywa8] [ywa8]|[ywa8]|[ywa8] [ywa5] [ywa5] [ywa5]|[ywa5]|[ywa5] [ypQ7] [ypQ7] [ypQ7]|[ypQ7]|[ypQ7] [ro0] [ro0] [ro0]|[yp9]|[yp9] [ywa8] [ywa8] [ywa8]|[ywa8]|[ywa8] [ywa5] [ywa5] [ywa5]|[ywa5]|[ywa5] [ypQ7] [ypQ7] [ypQ7]|[ypQ7]|[ypQ7] [yro0] [yro0] [yro0]|[ra0] s [ra0] [wsd8] [wo8] [wo8]|[wa8] s [wa8] [wod9] [wo9] [wo9]|[ws9] a [wp9] [yeQI] [yeQI] [yeQI]|[yeQI]|[eQ] [yro0] [yro0] [yro0]|[ra0] s [ra0] [wsd8] [wo8] [wo8]|[ws8] a [wp8] [ywr9] [ywr9] [ywr9]|[ywr9]|[w9] [yeQI] [yeQI] [yeQI]|[yeQI]|[eQ] [yo0] [yro0] [yro0]|[f0] [rd] h 8|[wto] [to8][to8] [d8] [wf] d [wh9] [woa] [woa]|h j G [Q7] [aQI7] [aQI7]|[yQI7]|[yI] [uo0]|[uo] 0[uo] [yp9] 9 [yp] [yto8]|[yto] w[yto] [yto8] w [yto] [ywr]|[yr] w[yr] [ywr] w [yr] [ypQ]|[yp] Q[yp] [ypQ] Q [yp] [yro0] [yro0] [yro0]|[ra0] s [ra0] [wsd8] [wo8] [wo8]|[wa8] s [wa8] [wod9] [wo9] [wo9]|[ws9] a [wp9] [yeQI] [yeQI] [yeQI]|[yeQI]|[eQ] [yro0] [yro0] [yro0]|[ra0] s [ra0] [wsd8] [wo8] [wo8]|[ws8] a [wp8] [ywr9] [ywr9] [ywr9]|[ywr9]|[w9] [yeQI] [yeQI] [yeQI]|[yeQI]|[eQ] [yo0] [yro0] [yro0]|[f0] [rd] h 8|[wto] [to8][to8] [d8] [wf] d [wh9] [woa] [woa]|h j G [Q7] [aQI7] [aQI7]|[yQI7]|[yI] [uo0]|[uo] 0[uo] [yp9] 9 [yp] [yto8]|[yto] w[yto] [yto8] w [yto] [ywr]|[yr] w[yr] [ywr] w [yr] [ypQ]|[yp] Q[yp] [ypQ] Q [yp] [wto] o a [to] d o [ts] a [ye] o a [yo] d o [yp] a [r0] o a [yo] d o [ys] a y o a o [wd] o s a [wto] o a [to] d o [ts] a [ye] o a [yo] d o [yp] a [r0] o a [yo] d o [ys] a y o a o [wd] o s a

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:36
    A Sky Full Of Stars (Alternative)


  • t y [ut6]|[ts]|a|[tp4]| |[to]| |t y [wut1]|o|u|[ywt3]|||t y [wut6]|[yw]|t|[qe4]| |w| |w [wt10]|y [wu0]||[ywr95]|||t y [wut6]|[ts]|a|[tp4]| |[to]| |t y [wut1]|o|u|[ywt3]|||t y [wut6]|[yw]|t|[qe4]| |w|0|w|[w5]||0 0|[w975]|||t y [wut6]|[yw]|t|[qe4]| |w| |w [wt50]|y [yw0]||[ywr95]|||t y [ute860]|o|o|[tqpie86]|||[wut850]|[wut]|u|[ywr975]|||t y [ute860]|[ye]|[te]|[qe86]| |w| |w|[t853]|y [ut]||[yr752]|||t [ute860]|o|o|[tqpie86]|||t y [wut850]|[wut]|u|[ywr975]|||t y [ute860]|[ye]|[te]|[qe86]| |w|0| |[wt850]||w||[wr975]| |w t w t o [se6] o s [he] d s [qo] u o y||q| |[t81] w t [o8] u t [w5] 0 w t r|5| |[se6] o s [he] d s [qo] u o y||q| |[t81] w t [o8] u t [w5] 0 w t r|5|t y [ute860]|o|o|[tqpie86]|||[wut850]|[wut]|u|[ywr975]|||t y [ute860]|[ye]|[te]|[qe86]| |w| |w|[t853]|y [ut]||[yr752]| |o uyt r t y [ute860]|o|o|[tqpie86]|||t [wut850]|[wut]|u|[ywr975]|||t y [ute860]|[ye]|[te]|[qe86]| |w|0| |[t850]||w||[r975]|||t y [ute860]|[ye]|[te]|[qe86]| |w|0| |[wt850]| |[wt]|[85]||w t w t o [r975]||w||[o975]| |w e t||[t63]|s|a|[p41]| |o| |w|[t851]|y u||[y730]| |w|u o||[t63]|s|a|[p41]| |o| |w|[o851]|u t||[y730]| |y t y|t y [u63]|s|a|[p41]| |o| |t y [u851]|o|u|[y730]|||t y [u63]|y|t|[e41]| |w| |t|[51]|y y||[y73]| |w| |[se6] o s [he] d s [qo] u o y||q| |[t81] w t [o8] u t [w5] 0 w t r|5| |[se6] o s [he] d s [qo] u o y||q| |[t81] w t [o8] u t [w5] 0 w t r|5|t y [ute860]|o|o|[tqpie86]|||[wut850]|[wut]|o|[ywr975]|||t y [ute860]|[ye]|[te]|[qe86]| |w| |w|[t853]|y [ut]||[yr752]| |o uyt r t y [ute860]|o|o|[tqpie86]|||o [uso850]|p|[uto]|[yro975]|||p a [usp860]|[ua]|[uo]|[i864]| |u|t|o|[850]||o t|[r975]|||p a [utp860]| |[to]|[ti864]| |[ut]|t| |[wt850]| |[wt]|[85]||w t w t o [r975]||w||[o975]| |w e t||[t63]|s|a|[p41]| |o| |w|[t51]|y u||[y73]| |w|u o||[t63]|s|a|[p41]| |o| |w|[o51]|u t||[y73]| |y t y|t y [u63]|s|a|[p41]| |o| |t y [u51]|o|u|[y73]|||t y [u63]|y|t|[e41]| |w| |t|[51]|y y||[y73]| |w| |[se6] o s [he] d s [qo] u o y||q| |[t81] w t [o8] u t [w5] 0 w t r|5| |[se6] o s [he] d s [qo] u o y||q| |[t81] w t [o8] u t [w5] 0 w t r|5|t y|||[u1]|o|u|[y3]|||t y [u6]|y|t|[e4]| |w|0|w|[t5]||w||[r5]| |t|t y [u6]|y|t|[e4]| |w| |t|5|y y||[r5]| |w|t y [u6]|s|a|[p4]| |o| |t y [u1]|o|u|[y3]|||t y [u6]|y|t|[e4]| |w| |w|[t1]|y u||[y5]| |o uyt r t y [u6]|s|a|[p4]| |o| |t y [u1]|o|u|[y3]|||t y [u6]|y|t|[y4]| |w|0|w|5||0 8|[w5]|||t y [u6]|y|t|[e4]| |w| |t|5|y y||[r5]| |y| |[t6]| |[t4]|||[u1]| |[y3]|||[t6]| |[t4]|||[u1]| |[y3]|||t y [u860]|o|o|[qp86]| |t t|[850]|o|u|[y975]|||t y [u860]|y|t|[qe86]| |w| |t|[w985]|y y||[w975]|||[s60]

    Level: 9
    Length: 06:09


  • [9d] p I d p I d p
    [6s] p u s p u s p
    [6s] p u s p u s p
    [0a] o u a o u a |
    d d d dasa p |
    s sss pap o y |
    d d d dasa p |
    s sss pap o y

    Level: 4
    Length: 00:25
    Clocks (Easy)


  • TyTe r r IoIy I I TyTe r r IoIy I TyTe r r IoIy I I TyTe r r uIury TTyTe r r IoIy I I yTe rrrr IoIy I EErTy r r rTyu T T ErTy r r rTyu T III y I IIII uu ryu I III y I IIII uu ryuI k GfdG k Gfdf a k GfdG k Gfdf a
    Level: 2



  • 6 0 e s| f| s| 6| a s f a| 4 8 q p| s| p| 4| 8 p| s| 8 w t f| h| f| 8| w f h f| 5 9 w a| d a| [wda95]|| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [ush] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsh] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y|| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [ush] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsh] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y||| [pf6] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [pf6] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [tpd] 0 [spe] 0 [pf4] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [pf4] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [ped] 8 [sqp] 8 8 w [tof] w [uof] w [tof] w [of8] w [tof] w [uod] w [tso] w 5 [od9] [wod] [od9] [rod] 9 [wod] [od9] [od5] 9 [wof] 9 [rod] 9 [wso] 9 6 [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] 0 [pfe] [pf0] 6 [pf0] [pfe] 0 [tph] 0 e 0 4 [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] 8 [qpf] [pf8] 4 [pf8] [qpf] 8 [phe] 8 [qpd] 8 8 [wso] [tso] [wso] [uso] w [tso] [wso] 8 [wso] [tso] w [uso] w [tso] w 5 [oa9] [woa] [oa9] [roa] 9 [woa] [oa9] 5 [oa9] [woa] 9 [roa] 9 [wso] 9 [us6] 0 e [o0] t 0 [use] 0 [us6] 0 e 0 t 0 [use] 0 [si4] 8 q [o8] e 8 [sqi] 8 [si4] 8 q 8 e 8 [sqi] 8 [so8] w t [wo] u w [tod] w [so8] w t w u w [tso] [wso] [oa5] 9 [woa] [oa9] [roa] 9 [woa] 9 [oa5] 9 w [sh9] [srh] [sh9] [wsh] 9 [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [usl] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsl] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y|| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [usl] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsl] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y||| [pf6] [d0] [spe] [d0] [tpf] [d0] [spe] [d0] [pf6] [d0] [spe] [d0] [tsp] 0 e 0 [pf4] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [pfe] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [pf4] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [spe] 8 q 8 8 [wso] [tso] [wso] [uso] w [tso] [wso] 8 [wso] [tso] w [uso] w [tso] w [w5] [oa] [oa] [oa] [oa]| [oa5] [oa9] w [oa9] [woa] 9 [oa5] 9 [wso] 9 [pf6] [d0] [spe] [d0] [tpf] [d0] [spe] [d0] [pf6] [d0] [spe] [d0] [tsp] 0 e 0 [pf4] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [pfe] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [pf4] [d8] [sqp] [d8] [spe] 8 q 8 8 [wso] [tso] [wso] [uso] w [tso] [wso] 8 [wso] [tso] w [uso] w [tso] w 5 [oa9] [woa] [oa9] [roa] 9 [woa] [oa9] 5 [oa9] [woa] 9 [roa] 9 [wso] 9 [pf6] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [pf6] 0 [pfe] [pf0] [tpd] 0 [spe] 0 [pf4] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [pf4] 8 [qpf] [pf8] [ped] 8 [sqp] 8 8 [wso] [tso] [wso] [uso] w [tso] [wso] 8 [wso] [tso] w [uso] w [tso] w 5 [oa9] [woa] [oa9] [roa] 9 [woa] [oa9] 5 9 [wsh] [sh9] [srh] [sh9] [wsh] 9 [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [usl] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsl] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y|| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [usl] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsl] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y| | [pf]| [pf] [pf6] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [pf6] 0 [phe] 0 t [pf0] e [pf0] [pf4] [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pf4] 8 [qph] 8 e [pf8] q [pf8] [of8] w [tof] [wof] [uof] [wof] [tof] [wof] [of8] w [tof] w [uof] w [tof] [wof] 5 [od9] w 9 [rof] 9 [wof] [of9] 5 [od9] w 9 r [pf9] w [pf9] [pf6] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [tpf] [pf0] [pfe] [pf0] [pf6] 0 [phe] 0 t [pf0] e [pf0] [pf4] [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pfe] [pf8] [qpf] [pf8] [pf4] 8 [qph] 8 e [pf8] q [pf8] [of8] w [tof] [wof] [uof] [wof] [tof] [wof] [of8] w [tof] w [uof] w [tpj] w [ka5] 9 w 9 r 9 w 9 5|| [vl] [vl] [vl] [vl]| [vple]| | [vl] [vl] [vl]| [vl]| | [vl] [vl] [vl]| [vqli]| | [vl] [vl] [vl] [vl] [vl]| | [vl] [vl] [vl] [vtsl]||[vl]| | [vl] [vl]| [vl]| [vl]| [ml] z [wo]||| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [utshe]| | [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsqhe]| | [tsqhe] [sh] [sh] [sh8] w t [ush]| o u [sh] [utsoh]| [sh] [uto] [sh]| [sl] [zd] 5 9 w r| y r w| | [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [ush] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsh] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y|| [sh] [sh] [sh] [sh]| [sh6] 0 e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [ush] t e t [ush] [tsh] [she] t [sh4] 8 q e [tsh] [she] [sqh] [she] [tsh] e q e [tsh] e[sh]q[sh]e [sh8] w t [ush] o u t [ush] [soh] u [tsh] u [soh] u [tsl] [zud] 5 9 w r y r w r y||| 6 0 e s| f| s| 6| a s f a| 4 8 q p| s| p| 4| 8 p| s| 8 w t f| h| f| 8| w f| [lf]| [kd5] 9 w a| d a| [wda95]|| [w95] [w95]| [w95]| [te60]
    Level: 6
    Length: 06:26
    Just a Dream


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    Level: 7
    Length: 01:35
    Valse Di Fantastica (Final Fantasy XV)

    Yoko Shimomura

  • [8wtu]| |[8wtu]| [7wry]|
    [60rt]| e| [38to]| |
    [48ep]| [48eo]| [59ro]| [59ri]|
    [8wtu]| |[9eti]| [0wto]|
    [qetp]| |[0wto]| |
    [9eyi]| [7wry]| [8wtu]| [9eyI]|
    [59to]| |r| |
    [8wtu]| |[8wtu]| [7wry]|
    [60et]| |[30to]| r|
    [48eo]| [48ei]| [6qti]| [T60u]|
    [9qey]| |8| |
    [7wry]| |[60tu]| [59ri]|
    [80tu]| [7wry]| [60et]| [2eti]|
    [5wtu]| |[5wry]| q|

    Level: 6
    Length: 00:45
    Abide With Me (William Henry Monk)

    William Henry Monk