Music Sheet Category USA

A selection of the best piano songs from the USA. Notable music artists from the USA include Bill Withers, Louis Armstrong, Scott Joplin and Michael Jackson. As well as Lana Del Rey, Miley Cyrus, Christina Perri, Beyonce and Pink. Famous composers from the USA include Phillip Glass, Jay Ungar, John Williams, James Horner and Alan Silvestri. Popular piano songs from the USA include Wrecking Ball, Lean On Me, Summertime Sadness, Safe and Sound, A Thousand Years, Halo and Smooth Criminal.

Music Sheets

  • OO D S|| iO|| T| i| YY|
    OO D S|| iO|| S| i| YY|
    T I i Y TT|

    Level: 2
    Length: 00:16
    Defying Gravity (Wicked)

    Stephen Schwartz

  • 3 7 0 Q e y Q w 3 8 0 w t o w|
    3 7 0 Q e y Q w 3 8 0 w t o w|
    6 0 [ua] [yp] [ua] 0 6 [to]
    [4ua] [8yp] q 8 [4e] y e r
    6 0 [ua] [yp] [ua] 0 6 [os]
    [4od] 8 [qpf] w [eup] [wy] [qu] y
    [5yo] 9 [od] [us] [od] y [5o] s
    [9id] e [yp] e [4tp] 8 [qus]|
    [6yua] 0 w w e y e r
    6 [0t] [eua] [ryp] [tua] r e [0to]
    [4ua] [8yp] q 8 [4e] y e r
    6 0 [eua] [ryp] [tua] r [es] [od]
    4 8 [qpf] w [eup] [wy] [qu] y
    [5yo] 9 [od] [us] [9od] y [us] [id]
    9 e p [tup] 4 8 [qus] e
    [I3ypd] 7 0 Q e y I p

    Level: 7
    Length: 00:43
    No One Mourns The Wicked (Wicked)

    Stephen Schwartz

  • [tus] t t [tid] t t t t [tiod] t t t t [ta] t [to]
    [tus] t t [tid] t t t t [tiod] t t t t a|o
    [80] t|t [qt]|t|[wt] y| q r|w
    [80] t|t [qt]|y|[wy]||q r|w
    [80] t t t [7t]|y|[6wu] o| 0|u o
    [9qp] o|s| u|[5q]|[to] [5qto]| u y
    [80t]|t|[qt] t| [wt] y| q [ru]|y
    [80t]| t u|o|[0rp] o| w|u o
    [Eqyp]|P P|p|o [wtus]||[wt]|u o
    [Eqyp] P|P| p|[wtyp] o o|r| o
    [eos] s s [9is]|a|p [7yo] p o [0tu]| t|
    [eos] s s [9is]|a|p [wtyo]| [wr]| i|
    [8tu] [9ti]|[0to]| s|[Eqt]| t [ei] u t|
    [80w]| [9q]||[5q]| [5q] g f s|
    [80o]| [9q]||[5q]| [5q] g f s|
    [80] t|t [9qt]|t|[5qt] y|[5q]|r|w
    [80] u|o [9qt]|y|[5qy]| [5q]|r|w
    [80] w t t [7t]|y|[6wu] o| 0||
    [9qp] o|s| u|[5qy]| [5qto]| u y
    [80t] t|t [9qt]|y|[5qy] t|[5q]| Y y
    [80y] t|[7wt]| u|[0wyo]| [0w]||o
    [^qyp] P|P|P|p [8wyp]|o|q t [0t] t
    [^qyp] P|P| p|[5qto]| s a o o|
    [6os] s s [9is]||[7ya] p o [0to]||
    [6os] s s [9is]|i p|[5qto]| [5q]| [ri]|
    [8tu] [9ti]|[0to]| s|[Eqt]| t [ei] u t|
    [WT6u]||T|u [TO]||u|
    [9TI] I I [eI] O I [r*I] u u|W| u
    [9TI]|O p e O|I [r*I] u u|W||
    [qup] a s s|a|p [0yp] a|o||
    [9t] p a s|a|p [0yp] o o| o|o
    [EY8o] p|[y(EP]|p|o [Eqto]|p [E9ti]| i|
    [EY8o] p|[y(EP]|p|o [Eqt] o p [E9ti]| i|
    [*WTi] o|O|o|i [8wtu]||t
    [^WTi]| o O|i|[8wio]|s|u|s|
    [eos] s s [9is]|a|p [7yo] p o [0tu]||
    [eos] s s [9is]|a|p [wtyo]| [wr]| [ri]|
    [8tu] [9ti]|[0to]| s|[Eqt]| t [ei] u t|
    [6wt]| [9q]||[5qty] [ty] [ty] [5qry]||
    [8tu] [9ti]|[0to]| s|[4tp]| t i u t

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:49
    The Wizard And I (Wicked)

    Stephen Schwartz

  • t|s|a p o i u|u|u||
    t|p|o i u y t|||
    t|t|y y t y u o p a| p
    O|O|P O o i o||o i u y
    t|s|a p o i u|u|u||
    t|p|o i u y t|||
    t|t|y y t y u o p a| p
    o u p o i| r t||t r t
    P||p o I o||t r t
    P p P p P p o i o||t r t
    O o O| o i Y i||Y i Y
    y y|yyy y y y||u
    t|s|a p o i u|u|u| u
    t|p|o i u y t||r
    t|r t y|t y u|o p a|s p

    Level: 2
    Length: 01:02
    The Christmas Song (Mel Tormé)

    Mel Tormé

  • 4|e||r [3t]||o|[2i]|||[1u]|||
    4|e||r [3t]||o|[2i]|||[1e]| e [2r] [@t]|
    4||P p P [5p]|o|y|o|2| i i u i p 4 d|i o p|
    5| s s a s [6d]|i o|p| 5| s s a s 2 f p a s||
    4||p o p o 3 s o i|u t 2|y||[1u]| t y u|
    4||P p P [5p]|o|y|o|2| i i u i p 4 d|i o p|
    5| s s a s [6d]|i o|p| 5| s s a s 2 f p a s||
    4||p o p o 3 s o i|u t 2|y||[1i]|p| i|p
    [@o]| i Y T t E [1i]|p| i|p [@o]| i Y T t E ^||P|
    [1s]||g|[2d]|o O [5P] s P o [^P]|t y u i o u [1i]| t i| i
    [!u] i o| i u|[1i]| u i| u [7y]||d||^| i p o p o
    [6s] g s P|p i 5 o| o||4||P p P [5p]|o|y|o|
    2| i i u i p 4 d|i o p| 5| s s a s [6d]|i o|p|
    5| s s a s 2 f p a s||[2t]||y||[3u]|||
    4| t p o p o 3 s o i|u t 2||p o p o 3 s o i|u t
    4||p o p o 3 s o i|u t 2||p o p o 3 s o i|u t
    [4t]||p o p o 3 s o i|u t 2||p o p o 3 s o i|u t
    [4t]||p o p o 3 s o i|u t 2||p o p o 3 s o i|u t

    Level: 4
    Length: 02:29
    God Only Knows (The Beach Boys)

    The Beach Boys

  • 8 [0t] 8w0 8 [0t] 8w0
    8 [qt] 8wq 8 [qt] 8wq
    8 [0t] 8w0 8 [0t] 8w0
    8 [qt] 8wq 8 [qt] 8wq

    Level: 4
    Length: 00:08
    Home (Phillip Phillips)

    Phillip Phillips

  • [2u]|y|t|e|[3w]| |2|e|t|i|[5p]|p| o|[1p]| |[2u]| |3| |6| |
    [2u]|y|t|e|[3w]| |2|e|t|i|[5p]|p| o|[3p]| |u| |6|||
    [2o]|o| u|y||t|[4Y]|Y| t|[^E]||W|
    [@E]|Q| w|[%E]| |5| |[2t]| |
    [5y]|e| E|[^y]| |@| |[2I]| |[5y]|||3| [6Y]|
    [2u]|y|t|e|[3w]| |2|e|t|i|[5p]|p| o|[1p]| |[2u]| |3| |%| |
    [5p]|o|i|y|[6t]| |[^t]|T|i|o|[1O]|P| o|[4O]| |@| |!| |5| |
    [1o]|Y| o|[5a]| a| [1o]| 7| ^| [@i]|
    [%Y]|t| u|[5o]| o| [1Y]| |@| Y|
    [2u]|y|t|e|[3w]| |4|q|W|t|[5Y]|i| y|[1t]|||6| |
    [2u]|y|t|e|[3w]| |2|e|t|i|[5p]|p| o|[1p]| |[2u]| |3| |6| |
    [2u]|y|t|e|[3w]| |2|e|t|i|[5p]|p| o|[3p]| |u| |6|||
    [2o]|o| u|y||t|[4Y]|Y| t|[^E]||W|
    [@E]|Q| w|[%E]| |5| |[2t]| |
    [5y]|e| E|[^y]| |@| |[2I]| |[5y]|||3| [6Y]|
    [2u]|y|t|e|[3w]| |2|e|t|i|[5p]|p| o|[1p]| |[2u]| |3| |%| |
    [5p]|o|i|y|[6t]| |[^t]|T|i|o|[1O]|P| o|[4O]| |@| |!| |5| |
    [1o]|Y| o|[5a]| a| [1o]| 7| ^| [@i]|
    [%Y]|t| u|[5o]| o| [1Y]| |@| Y|
    [2u]|y|t|e|[3w]| |4|q|W|t|[5Y]|i| y|[1t]|||6

    Level: 4
    Length: 03:40
    Autumn In New York (Vernon Duke)

    Vernon Duke

  • [1u]||[5y]||[6t]| |
    [4t]||[5r]||[1t]| |
    u [1u] o oo5| uy[6t]e| |
    t [4t] t t t| ee[1w]| |
    y[1u]o o [5o] u y [6t]e| |
    t[4t] t t t| tt[5y]| |
    op4 p pp o io[1o]u| |
    [4i] i i i u t [5y]| |
    o [1u]o oo5 u y [6t]e| |
    t [4t]tt y 5 tr [1t]| |
    [1u]o oo5 u y [6t]e| |
    t [4t]tt y 5 tr [1t]| |
    [1u] o oo5| uy[6t]e| |
    t [4t] t t t| ee[1w]| |
    y[1u]o o [5o] u y [6t]e| |
    t[4t] t t t| tt[5y]| |
    op4 p pp o io[1o]u| |
    [4i] i i i u t [5y]| |
    o [1u]o oo5 u y [6t]e| |
    t [4t]tt y 5 tr [1t]| |
    [1u]o oo5 u y [6t]e| |
    t [4t]tt y 5 tr [1t]

    Level: 2
    Length: 01:36
    Thanksgiving Prayer (Johnny Cash)

    Johnny Cash

  • [1wtu] 5 u i [5wry] 9 y u
    [2eti] 6 [9i] u y t t 2
    [1wtu] 5 u i [5wry] 9 y u
    [48we] t| 1 4| 4|
    [1wtu] 5 u i [5wry] 9 y u
    [2eti] 6 [9i] u y t t 2
    [1wtu] 5 u i [5wry] 9 y u
    [48we] t| 1 4| 4|
    [1wtu] 5 u i [5wry] 9 y u
    [2eti] 6 9 u y t t 2
    [1wtu] 5 u i [5wry] 9 y u
    [48we] t| 1 4| t y

    Level: 6
    Length: 00:28
    Here I Am to Worship (Tim Hughes)

    Tim Hughes

  • [0o] r [uo] r [0o] rIu [ro]
    8 w t wu[8a] [wp]pt [wo]
    [5o] 9 [wy] 9 5 9 w 9
    9 e y e 9 e [yu] [eI]
    [0o] r [uo] r [0o] rIu [ro]
    8 w t [wy]y[8a] [wp]pt [wo]
    [5o] 9 w 9 5 9 w 9
    9 e [ya] e [9I] eoy [eu]
    8 w t [wy] [9I] eoy [eu]
    0 r [ua] r [9I] eoy [eu]
    8 w t [wy] [0o] rpu [rp]
    9 e y e 9 e y e
    [5a] 9 w 9 [5a] 9 w [9o]
    [5s] 9 [wa] 9 [5a] 9 w 9
    [0a] r u r [0a] r u [ro]
    [9s] e [ya] e [9p] e y [eo]
    8 w t w [8s] [wa]pt [wo]
    [9p] e [ya] e [0p] r [uo] r
    8 w t w [8s] [wa]pt [wo]
    [9p] e y e 9 e y e
    [0o] r [uo] r [0o] rIu [ro]
    8 w t wu[8a] [wp]pt [wo]
    [5o] 9 [wy] 9 5 9 w 9
    9 e y e 9 e [yu] [eI]
    [0o] r [uo] r [0o] rIu [ro]
    8 w t w [8a] [wp]pt [wo]
    [5o] 9 w 9 5 9 w 9
    9 e [ya] e [9I] eoy [eu]
    8 w t [wy] [9I] eoy [eu]
    0 r [ua] r [9I] eoy [eu]
    8 w t [wy] [0o] rpu [ro]
    [9a] e y e [9p] e y e
    [5a] 9 w 9 [5a] 9 w [9o]
    [5s] 9 [wa] 9 [5a] 9 w 9
    [0a] r u r [0a] r u [ro]
    [9s] e [ya] e [9p] e y [eo]
    8 w t w [8s] [wa]pt [wo]
    [9p] e [ya] e [0p] r [uo] r
    8 w t w [8s] [wa]pt [wo]
    [9p] e y e 9 [eo] [yo] [ep]
    [5a] 9 w [9s] 5 [9o] [ws] [9a]
    [5p] 9 w [9o] 5 [9o] [wo] [9I]
    [8u] w t w 0 [ro] [uo] [rp]
    9 [ep] y e 9 [eo] [yo] [ep]
    [5a] 9 w [9s] 5 [9o] [ws] [9a]
    [5p] 9 w [9o] 5 [9o] [wo] [9I]
    [8u] w [tp] w [9o] [eI] y [eo]
    5 [9o] w 9 5 [9o] [wo] [9p]
    [0a] r u [rs] 8 [wo] [ts] [wa]
    [9p] e y [eo] 0 [ro] [uo] [rI]
    [8u] w t w 0 [ro] [uo] [rp]
    9 [ep] y e 9 [eo] [yo] [ep]
    [0a] r u [rs] 8 [wo] [ts] [wa]
    [9p] e y [eo] 0 [ro] [uo] [rI]
    [8u] w [tp] w [9o] [eI] y [eo]
    5 [9o] w 9 5 [9o] [wo] [9I]
    [8u] w [tp] w [9o] [eI] y [eo]
    5 [9o] w 9 5 [9o] [wo] [9I]
    [8u] w [tp] w [9o] [eI] y [eo]
    5 [9o] w 9 5 9 w 9

    Level: 4
    Length: 03:00
    Christ Is Enough (Hillsong Worship)

    Hillsong Worship

  • 8|[wu]|8|[wu]|
    8|[wu]|8|f d
    [8of] d [of] d [8of]|[of]|
    [8of] d [of] d [8of] [of]|[of]
    0|[wr]||[wrd] [sf]
    6|[0s] p| 0|
    [5ad]|9||[9f] [pd]
    4 [ps] 8||8|
    4|8||[8f] d
    [8of] d [of] d [8of]|[of]|
    [8of] d [of] d [8of] h|[of]
    0|[wr]||[wrd] [sf]
    6|[0s] p| 0|
    [5ad]|9||[9f] [pd]
    4 [ps] 8||8|
    9|[pg]|9|[pg] s
    [9pg] [pg]|[ah] 9 [sj]|[ah]
    0 [of] [wr]||[wr]|
    0|[wr]||[wrf] [pg]
    q [of]|[id] q s|[pg]
    q [of]|[id] q s|[ad]
    f f|
    [0h]|[wr] a a|[wrya]|
    [5ro]|9| s 9 [pg]
    4 [of] 8 [id]|s 8 [pg]
    4 [of] 8 [id]|[id] 8 [us]
    8|[0w]||[0w] s
    8 d [0w] f|l [0w] k
    0|[wr]||[wr] s
    0 d [wr] f|k [wr] [sj]
    [5af]|9||[9f] d
    [8of] d [of] d [8of]|[of]|
    [8of] d [of] d [8of] [of]|[of]
    0|[wr]||[wrd] [sf]
    6|[0s] p| 0|
    [5ad]|9||[9f] [pd]
    4 [ps] 8||8|
    4|8||[8f] d
    [8of] d [of] d [8of]|[of]|
    [8of] d [of] d [8of] h|[of]
    0|[wr]||[wrd] [sf]
    6|[0s] p| 0|
    [5ad]|9||[9f] [pd]
    4 [ps] 8||8|
    9|[pg]|9|[pg] s
    [9pg] [pg]|[ah] 9 [sj]|[ah]
    0 [of] [wr]||[wr]|
    0|[wr]||[wrf] [pg]
    q [of]|[id] q s|[pg]
    q [of]|[id] q s|[ad]
    f f|
    [0h]|[wr] a a|[wrya]|
    [5ro]|9| s 9 [pg]
    4 [of] 8 [id]|s 8 [pg]
    4 [of] 8 [id]|[id] 8 [us]
    8|[0w]||[0w] s
    8 d [0w] f|l [0w] k
    0|[wr]||[wr] s
    0 d [wr] f|k [wr] [sj]
    [5ah]|9| s [9d] [pg]
    4 [of]|[id] 4 s|[pg]
    4 [of]|[id] 4 [id]|

    Level: 5
    Length: 04:00
    Count on Me (Intermediate)

    Bruno Mars

  • u o [etup]||
    p a [0wru]||
    u o [etup]||
    p a [0wro]|u|
    u o [9qeu]|t|
    y [680r]|w|
    0 [9qe]|||
    e w [6e] 0 t||
    6 0 t|
    0 6 0 t||
    [6p] 0 t| a
    [3u] 7 w|u o
    [6p] 0 [tp]| a
    [3u] 7 w|u o
    [2u]ou6 [0qt]| y
    [6r]yr3 [89w]| 0
    [2e]we6 q||
    2 6 q|u o
    [6p] 0 t| a
    [3u] 7 w|u o
    [6p] 0 [tp]| a
    [3o] 7 [wu]|u o
    [2u]ou6 [0qt]| y
    [6r]yr3 [89w]| 0
    [2e] 6 [0q]||
    2 6 [0q]| w
    [6e]we3 8| 3
    6 3 8|u p
    [3a] 7 w|u a
    [6s] 3 8|u s
    [2a]sa[6p] [qi]|o|
    [6u] 3 8|u p
    [3a] 7 w|u d
    [6s]as3 8|u s
    [2a]sa[6p] [qi]|o|
    [3u] 7 w||
    3 7 w| yuiu
    [6u] 3 8||
    6 3 8| 3
    6 3 8| u
    [6p] 0 t| a
    [3u] 7 w|u o
    [6p] 0 [tp]| a
    [3u] 7 w|u o
    [2u]ou6 [0qt]| y
    [6r]yr3 [89w]| 0
    [2e] 6 [0q]||
    2 6 [0q]|u o
    [6p] 3 8|p a
    [3u] 7 w|u o
    [6p] 3 [8p]| a
    [3o] 7 [wu]|u o
    [2u]ou6 [0qt]| y
    [6r]yr3 [89w]| 0
    [2e] 6 [0u]||
    2 6 q| w
    [6eu]yu3 8 o IoIy
    [6u] 3 8|u p
    [3a] 7 w|u a
    [6s] 3 8|u s
    [2a]sa[6p] [qi]|o|
    [6u] 3 8|u p
    [3a] 7 w|u d
    [6s]as3 8|u s
    [2a]sa[6p] [qi]|o|
    [3u] 7 w||
    3 7 w| iuyu
    [6u] 3 8||
    6 3 8||
    6 3 8|u o
    [6p] 0 t|p a
    [3u] 7 w|u o
    [6p] 0 t|p a
    [3o] 7 [wu]|u o
    [2u] 6 [0qt]| y
    [6r] 3 [89w]| 0
    [2e] 6 9 0 q e
    y u i p d|
    6 3 6 8 0 e

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:47
    Nocturne (Secret Garden)

    Secret Garden

  • [8wt]|y|u|[60t]|y|u|
    [8t]| [sh]| [6eph] [pg] [pf] [pf] p [pf] p f
    [5wof] [od] [od]|o| [5w]||
    p s [9yid]|[pd] [id] i|f p [6etu]| u|
    p s [^Eid]|[Pd] d i|[Pf] [id] [5wtyo]| [ryo]|
    [8t]| [sh]| [6esh] [sg] [pf] [pf] p|[pf] [pf]
    [5waf] [od] [od]|o| [5w]||
    p [os] [9yid]|[id]|[id]|[is] [is] [6etu]| s f|
    [^Eif]|[id] [id] i| [6e]| p [ps] [ps]
    [5wod] [od]|[od]|[os] [od] [5wo]| [ryo]|p|
    [48is] [is] [is] [od] [59o] [od] [pf]|[60pf]| [60pf]|[pf] g
    [8wsh]| [sh] [og] [if]|[48is]| [is]|
    p [48is] [is] [is] [od] [59o] [od] f|[60f]| [60psf]|
    d s [59d]|a|a| [59o]| o|
    o [48ips] s|d [59oa] d f|[60psf]| [60psf]|
    f g [8wsfh]|[sfh] [sfh]|g f|[48ips]| [ips]|p
    [48ips] s s d [59oa]|d f [60ps]| [60psf]|
    d s [59d]|a|y| o| d|
    [8t]| [sh]| [6eph] [pg] [pf] [pf] p [pf] p f
    [5wof] [od] [od]|o| [5w]||
    p s [9yid]|[pd] [id] i|f p [6etu]| u|
    p s [^Eid]|[Pd] d i|[Pf] [id] [5wtyo]| [ryo]|
    [8t]| [sh]| [6esh] [sg] [pf] [pf] p|[pf] [pf]
    [5waf] [od] [od]|o| [5w]||p [os]
    [9yid]|[id]|[id]|[is] [is] [6etu]| s f|
    [^Eif]|[id] [id] i| [6e]| p [ps] [ps]
    [5wod] [od]|[od]|[os] [od] [5wo]| [ryo]|p|
    [48is] [is] [is] [od] [59o] [od] [pf]|[60pf]| [60pf]|[pf] g
    [8wsh]| [sh] [og] [if]|[48is]| [is]|p
    [48is] [is] [is] [od] [59o] [od] f|[60f]| [60psf]|d s
    [59d]|a|a| [59o]| o|o
    [48ips] s|d [59oa] d f|[60psf]| [60psf]|
    f g [8wsfh]|[sfh] [sfh]|g f|[48ips]| [ips]|p
    [48ips] s s d [59oa]|d f [60ps]| [60psf]|
    d s [59d]|a|[59oad] t y a y| [59uoa]|
    [59]|[yos]| [yoa]|[59yop]| [ryo]|
    [5wh]|h|[4q]| [30l]|j|[29h]|j|
    [9eyip]||d f [9epdg]|f d [0t]|s|
    [qtips]| [4q]|s j|h|[59] h g h
    [60psf]||f [60g] f|d d s d|
    [7woa]| [oad]| [7woad]| [8wuos]|
    [9eyip]||d f [9epdg]|f|[0td] s s|
    [qtip]| [4q]|s s j h|[qt] h h f
    [8wuos]| [uos]| [8w]|[sfh]| f h
    [59sdj]|h [sdh]|j|[59adh]| |
    [48ips]| [59oad]| [60psf]| |
    [8wosf]| |[48ips]| |
    [48ips]| [59oad]| [60psf]| |
    [59oad]| |[59oad]| [59oad]|h
    [48is] [is] [is] [od] [59o] [od] [pf]|[60pf]| [60pf]|[pf] g
    [8wsh]| [sh] [og] [if]|[48is]| [is]|p
    [48is] [is] [is] [od] [59o] [od] f|[60f]| [60psf]|
    d s [59d]|a|a| [59o]| o|o
    [48ips] s|d [59oa] d f|[60psf]| [60psf]|
    f g [8wsfh]|[sfh] [sfh]|g f|[48ips]| [ips]|p
    [48ips] s s d [59oa]|d f [60ps]| [60psf]|
    d s [59d]|a|y| o| d|

    Level: 7
    Length: 03:55
    Heaven (Bryan Adams)

    Bryan Adams

  • o| d s|
    a|poio| t
    a|poio| t y|||
    u t| o u|yt| o u|
    yt u o sa| pap|
    op| o| d s|
    a|poio| t
    a|poio| t y|||
    u t| u| o s| d| s o|||
    apoio| tapoio| t| i y|||u t|||
    o| d s|
    a|poio| t
    a|poio| t y|||
    u t| o u|yt| o u|
    yt u o sa| pap|
    op| o| d s|
    a|poio| t
    a|poio| t y|||
    u t| u| o s| d| s o|||
    apoio| tapoio| t| i y|||u t|||t

    Level: 2
    Length: 01:54
    Moon River (Easy)

    Henry Mancini

  • [I$] * Q e T Q e T [y9] Q e y [6u] 0 e T [$I] * Q e T e p Op[9I] O u O[6p] aa[0a]a [QS] a pp S | a pp [9S]dS e aaa aaa [Qa]aa p aaa p [9a]p pa S e [ua] [ua] [ua] [ua] [ua] [$uS] [ya]$ [Tp] [$uS] [ua]$ [Tp] [9pf] [pf] [pf]9 [uS] 6 [ua] [ua] [6ua] [ua] [ua] [ua] [$ua] [ua] [$ua] [Tp] [$ua] [ua] [$ua] [Tp] [$yp] [yp] [yp] OI [6u] T

    Level: 5
    Length: 02:15


  • [68q] eqe [68q] eqe [68q] eqe [68q] eqe
    [680] e0e [680] e0e [680] e0e [680] e0e
    [469] q9q [469] q9q [469] q9q [469] q9q
    [^49] eqe [^49] eqe [4^] qq [4^] qq
    [68qo] i t [68qo] i [68qo] i t [68qo] i
    [680o] u t [680o] u i [680p] P s [680o] i u
    [469o] i y [469o] i [469o] y y [469o] i [^49p] i i [^49o] i i [^4p] P s [^4o] i i
    [48wo] w w [48ep] e e [8qig] i [uf] [8qts] E [ep] [68wo] w w [68ep] e e [8qig] i [uf] [80ts] E [ep] [69wo] w w [69ep] e e [qeig] i [uf] [9ets] E [ep] [^9o] [^9p] q [^qp] [q^P]
    [48eg] [ep] [ep] [48ep] e [yo] [8qip] i u [8qts] E [ed] [68eg] [ep] [ep] [68ep] e [wo] [80ep] e e [80ts] t [yd] [9qeg] [ep] [ep] [9qep] [wo] y [9qig] [ep] [ep] [9qep] [ts] [ep] [^9d] p p [^9p] o [qg] [^qj] J l [^qh] g
    [68qo] i t [68qo] i u [68qo] i t [68qo] i i
    [680o] u t [680o] i i [680p] P s [680o] i u
    [469o] i y [469o] i [469o] i y [469o] i [^49p] i i [^49o] i i [^4p] P s [^4o] i u
    [48wo] w w [48ep] e e [8qig] i [uf] [8qts] E [ep] [68wo] w w [68ep] e e [8qig] i [uf] [80ts] E [ep] [69wo] w w [69ep] e e [qeig] i [uf] [9ets] E [ep] [^9o] [^9p] q [^qp] [q^P]
    [48eg] [ep] [ep] [48ep] e [yo] [8qip] i u [8qts] E [ed] [68eg] [ep] [ep] [68ep] e [wo] [80ep] e e [80ts] t [yd] [9qeg] [ep] [ep] [9qep] [wo] y [9qig] [ep] [ep] [9qep] [ts] [ep] [^9d] p p [^9p] o [qi] [q^J] J j [q^J] j
    [qigl] t e [8tgl] e u [qigl] t e [6el] J [tj] [0ufj] t e [8tfj] e [uj] [6eJ] [tJ] [ej] [8eJ] j [th] [9ydj] e q [6tdj] e y [qedj] y i [9qp] d [yg] [Eqyj] g d [9qyEJ] g d [qETP] P p [iP] p
    [ig] p p [ip] o [ip] [is] d [eg] p p [ep] o [ep] [es] d [yig] p p [yp] o
    [yig] p p [yp] s p [Eyd] p p [Eyp] o
    [Ep] TiP s

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:49

    Conan Gray

  • [9qey] O p s f h G g f D d S s
    [W9qr] P a s P a s P a o O p o y Y u o
    [8hl] [tuo] [tuo] [gj] [7hl]
    [ryo] [ryogj] [fh] [6gj] [fh] [eti]
    [eti] 5 [wtu] [wtu]
    [4os] [eti] [eti] 3
    [wtu] [af] [wtuos] [2pd] [etI]
    [etI] 5 [ryo] [ryof] g
    [8hl] [tuo] [tuo] [gj] [7hl]
    [ryo] [ryogj] [fh] [6gj] [fh] [eti]
    [eti] 5 [wtu] [wtu]
    [4os] [eti] [eti] [5dg] [sf]
    [wtu] [wtuad] [8tuos] t u
    o s [qtis] t i s o
    [wtos] t o s o [qis]
    [0us] [9ys] [8tuo] t u
    o s [qtis] t i s o
    [wtos] t o s o [qis]
    [0us] [9yos] [8o] [tuo]
    [tuo] [7o] [ryio] [ryo] u
    [6i] u [eti] [eti] 5
    [wtu] [wtu] [4t] [eti]
    [eti] t [3t] [wtu] y [wtu]
    [2y] [etI] [etI] [5o] y
    [wryo] o [ryo] o [8o] [tuo]
    [tuo] 7 [ryo] [ryio] u
    [6i] [etui] t [eti] 5
    [wtu] [wetu] e [4e] [eti]
    [eti] u [5i] [wtu] [wtyu]
    [8t] [tuo] [tuo] 1
    [tuo] [tuof] g [8hl] [tuo]
    [tuo] [gj] [7hl] [ryo] [ryogj] [fh]
    [6gj] [fh] [eti] [eti] 5
    [wtu] [wtu] [4os] [eti]
    [eti] [5dg] [sf] [wtu] [wtuad]
    [8os] [tuo] [tuo] 1
    [tuo] [tuo] 8 [tuo]
    [tuo] 1 [tuo] h [tuoh]
    [8h] [tuoh] [tuoh] [7h]
    [ryog] [ryof] [6g] f [etis]
    [eti] 5 [wtu] [wtus]
    [4s] [etis] [etis] [3s]
    [wtu] [wtud] d [2d] [etI]
    [etI] 5 [ryo] [ryof] g
    [8h] [tuoh] [tuo] h [7h]
    [ryo] [ryog] f [6g] [etif]
    [etif] [5f] [wtu] [wtus]
    [4s] [etis] [eti] f [5g]
    [wtu] f [wtud] [8s] [tuo]
    [tuo] 1 [tuo] [rtyo] r
    [6e] [etu] [etu] e 5
    [wtu] [wrtu] t [$r] e [Qetu]
    [Qetu] 4 [qet] [qet]
    6 [etu] [etu] e 5
    [wtu] [wrtu] t [$r] [Qetu]
    [Qetu] 4 [qet] [qet] w
    5 [wry] [wry] [4oad]
    [wry] [wry] [3psg] [wry]
    [wry] [2adhk] [ryo] [ryo]
    [18o] o [tuo] [tuo] o [7o]
    [ryio] [ryo] u [6i] u [eti] t
    [eti] 5 [wtu] [wtu]
    [4e] [eti] [eti] t [3t]
    [wtu] [wtyu] [2y] [etI]
    [etI] 5 [ryuo] [ryio]
    [8o] [tuo] [tuo] o [7o]
    [ryio] [ryo] i [6i] u [eti]
    [eti] 5 [wtu] [wtu]
    [4e] [eti] [etui] [5i] u
    [wtu] [wtyu] [8t] [tuo]
    [tuo] 1 [tuo] [tuof] g
    [8hl] [tuo] [tuo] [gj] [7hl]
    [ryo] [ryogj] [fh] [6gj] [fh] [eti]
    [eti] 5 [wtu] [wtu]
    [4os] [eti] [eti] [5dg] [sf]
    [wtu] [wtuad] [8tuos] t u
    o s [qtis] t i s o
    [wtos] t o s o [qis]
    [0us] [9ys] [8tuo] t u
    o s [qtis] t i s o
    [wtos] t o s o [qis]
    [0us] [9yos] [8o] [tuo]
    [tuo] o [7o] [ryo] [ryio] u
    [6i] u [eti] [eti] 5
    [wtu] [wtu] [4e] [eti]
    [eti] t [3t] [wtu] y [wtu]
    [2y] [etI] [etI] 5
    [ryo] o [ryo] o [8o] o [tuo]
    [tuo] 7 [ryo] [ryio] u
    [6i] [etui] u [eti] u 5
    [wtu] [wetu] e [4e] [eti]
    [etui] [5i] [wtu] [wtyu]
    [8t] [tuo] [tuo] 1
    [tuo] [tuo] 8 [tuo]
    [tuo] 1 [tuo] h [tuoh]
    [8h] [tuoh] [tuo] h [7h]
    [ryog] [ryo] f [6g] f [etis]
    [eti] 5 [wtu] [wtup] p
    [4p] [etip] [eti] s [3s]
    [wtus] d [wtu] [2d] [etI]
    [etI] 5 [ryo] [ryoh] h
    [8h] [tuoh] [tuo] h [7h]
    [ryog] [ryo] f [6g] [etif] s
    [eti] 5 [wtu] [wtu] o
    [4p] [eti] s [etif] [5g]
    [wtuf] [wtud] [8s] [tuo]
    [tuo] 1 [tuo] [rtyo] r
    [6e] [etu] [etu] e 5
    [wtu] [wrtu] t [$r] e [Qetu]
    [Qetu] 4 [qet] [qet]
    6 [etu] [etu] e 5
    [wtu] [wrtu] t [$r] [Qetu]
    [Qetu] 4 [qet] [qet] w
    5 [wry] [wry] 4
    [wry] [wry] 3 [wry]
    [wry] 2 [wry] [wryo]
    [18o] [tuo] [tuo] o [7o]
    [ryio] [ryuo] [6i] u [eti]
    [eti] 5 [wtu] [wetu]
    [4t] [eti] [eti] t [3t]
    [wtu] y [wtu] [2y] [etI]
    [etI] 5 [ryo] [ryo] o
    [8o] [tuo] [tuo] [7o]
    [ryio] [ryo] u [6i] [eti]
    [eti] [5i] [wtu] [wtu] u
    [4i] [eti] [eti] [5i]
    [wtu] [wtyu] [8t] [tuo]
    [tuo] 1 [tuo] [tuof] g
    [8hl] [tuo] [tuo] [gj] [7hl]
    [ryo] [ryogj] [fh] [6gj] [fh] [eti]
    [eti] 5 [wtu] [wtu]
    [4os] [eti] [eti] [5dg] [sf]
    [wtu] [wtuad] [8os] [tuo]
    [tuo] 1 [tuo] [tuo]
    8 [tuo] [tuo] 1
    [tuo] [tuoh] h [8h] [tuoh]
    [tuo] h [7h] [ryog] [ryof]
    [6g] f [etif] [eti] 5
    [wtu] [wtuf] d [4p] [etis]
    [etis] [3s] [wtus] [wtud]
    [2d] [etI] [etI] 5
    [ryof] [ryog] [8h] [tuoh]
    [tuoh] [7h] [ryog] [ryof]
    [6g] f [etis] [eti] 5
    [wtu] [wtuo] o [4p] [etis]
    [etif] [5g] [wtuf] [wtud]
    [8s] [tuo] [tuo] 1
    [tuo] [ryo] [6p] s d f
    f h [5j] l h f
    [$g] G [dz] [dz] [4l] j
    g s p s [6p] s d f
    f h [5sl] [sl] j g s
    [$dz] [pj] [pj] [4dz]
    [pj] [pj] [6p] s d f
    f h [5j] l h f
    [$g] G [dz] [dz] [4l] j
    g s p s 5 [wry]
    [wry] [4oad] [wry] [wry]
    [3psg] [wry] [wry] [2adhk]
    [ryo] [ryo] [18h] h [tuo]
    [tuo] h [7h] [ryog] [ryo] f
    [6g] f [eti] s [eti] 5
    [wtu] [wtu] [4p] [etis]
    [eti] s [3s] [wtu] [wtud]
    [2d] [etI] [etI] 5
    [ryof] [ryog] [8h] [tuoh]
    [tuo] h [7h] [ryog] [ryo] g
    [6g] f [etis] [eti] 5
    [wtu] [wtuo] [4p] [etis]
    [etif] [5g] f [wtu] [wtud]
    [8s] [tuo] [tuo] 1
    [tuo] [tuof] g [8hl] [tuo]
    [tuo] [gj] [7hl] [ryo] [ryogj] [fh]
    [6gj] [fh] [eti] [eti] 5
    [wtu] [wtu] [4os] [eti]
    [eti] [5dg] [sf] [wtu] [wtuad]
    [8tuos] t u o s [qtis]
    t i s o [wtos] t o
    s o [qis] [0us] [9ys]
    [8tuo] t u o s [qtis]
    t i s o [wtos] t o
    s o [qis] [0us] [9yos] o
    [8o] o [tuo] [tuo] 7
    [ryo] [ryio] u [6i] u [eti]
    [eti] 5 [wtu] [wtu] y
    [4t] [eti] [eti] [3t]
    [wtu] y [wtu] [2y] [etI]
    [etI] 5 [ryo] o [ryo] o
    [8o] [tuo] [tuo] [7o]
    [ryo] [ryio] u [6i] [etui]
    [etui] [5u] [wtu] [wtu] u
    [4i] i [eti] [eti] [5i]
    [wtu] [wtyu] [8t] [tuo]
    [tuo] 1 [uos] [uos]
    8 [osf] [osf] 1
    [sfh] [sfh] h [18h] h [sfh]
    [sfh] [7h] [adgh] [adfh]
    [6g] f [psfg] [psg] [5]
    [osf] [osf] d [4p] [psg]
    [psg] [3s] [osf] [osdf] d
    [2d] [psG] [psG] [5]
    [adfh] [adgh] [18h] [sfh]
    [sfh] [7h] [adgh] [adfh]
    [6g] f [psfg] f [psg] [5]
    [osf] [osf] f [4g] [psg]
    [psg] [5g] [wtuf] [wtud]
    [8s] [tuo] [tuo] 1
    [tuo] [tuo] r [6e] [etu]
    [etu] e 5 [wtu] [wrtu] t
    [$r] e [Qetu] [Qetu] 4
    [qet] [qet] 6 [etu]
    [etu] e 5 [wtu] [wrtu] t
    [$r] [Qetu] [Qetu] 4
    [qet] [qet] w 5 [wry]
    [wry] [4oad] [wry] [wry]
    [3psg] [wry] [wry] [2adhk]
    [ryo] [ryo] [18osfhl] h [tuo]
    [tuo] h [7h] [ryog] [ryo] f
    [6g] f [eti] s [eti] 5
    [wtu] [wtu] [4p] [etis]
    [eti] s [3s] [wtu] [wtud]
    [2d] [etI] [etI] 5
    [ryof] [ryog] [8h] [tuoh]
    [tuo] h [7h] [ryog] [ryo] g
    [6g] f [etis] [eti] 5
    [wtu] [wtuo] [4p] [etis]
    [etif] [5g] f [wtu] [wtud]
    [8s] [tuo] [tuo] 1
    [tuo] [tuof] g [8hl] [tuo]
    [tuo] [gj] [7hl] [ryo] [ryogj] [fh]
    [6gj] [fh] [eti] [eti] 5
    [wtu] [wtu] [4os] [eti]
    [eti] [5dg] [sf] [wtu] [wtuad]
    [8tuos] t u o s [qtis]
    t i s o [wtos] t o
    s o [qis] [0us] [9ys]
    [8tuo] t u o s [qtis]
    t i s o [wtos] t o
    s o [qis] [0us] [9ys]

    Level: 8
    Length: 08:15
    Piano Man

    Billy Joel

  • [2gjz] [4gjl] |
    [4gjl]|[5dhk]|[2sgj] 2
    [1tyip] 2 4 522 2
    1 2 452 22
    1 2 452 s2df[2g]
    1 2 4 5 [2d]sp2 [2p]
    [1s] [2d] [4d] [5s] [2d] s 2dg[2d]1s [2p] 4 5 2 2 2
    1 2 4 5 2 s2df[2g]
    1 2 4 5 [2d] s p 2 [2d]
    [1s] [2d] [4d] [5s] [2d] s 2 d g [2d]
    1 s [2p] 4 5 2 d 2 g j [2h]
    1 g [2d] 4 5 2 2 h 2
    [1h] [2g] [4g] [5f] [2f] d 2 d f [2g]
    1 d 2 4 5 2 2 2
    1 2 4 5 2 d 2 g j [2h]
    1 g [2d] 4 5 2 2 h 2
    [1h] [2g] [4g] [5f] [2f] d 2 d f 2
    [1g] 2 4 5 [2g] h 2 g j [2g]
    [1h] 2 4 5 2 j 2 l j 2
    [1z] 2 l 4 5 2 2 2
    [1l] 2 [4k] 5 [2j] 2 j 2
    [1j] [2h] [4h] g 5 g 2 d 2 g h 2
    [1j] [2h] [4h] [5g] h 2 j 2 l j 2
    [1z] 2 l 4 5 2 2 2
    [1l] 2 [4k] 5 [2j] 2 j 2
    [1j] [2h] [4h] g 5 g 2 d 2 g h 2
    g d 5 H g 1 l 2
    [1z] 2 4 l [5j] 2 h 2 g 2
    1 2 4 5 2

    Level: 7
    Length: 01:37

    Michael Jackson

  • [80wo]| |[80ed]| s| |
    [8qea]||p o i [80wo]| |t|
    [8qea]||p o i [80wo]| |t|
    [9qry]| |[W0ru]| |u|
    [80et]| |[80wo]| u| y|
    [8qet]| |[^9qo]| u||y
    [680t]| u| o| [(Q7s]| a| p|
    [0wra]| p||o [9qep]| |
    [80wo]| |[80ed]| s| |
    [8qea]||p o i [80wo]| |t|
    [8qea]||p o i [80wo]| |t|
    [9qry]| |[W0ru]| |u|
    [680t]| |[80wu]| |o|
    [Qets]| |[qetd]| |s|
    [80wo]| |[8qe]| a p o i
    [80wo]| |[8qe] t a p o i
    [80wo]| |[80et]| |
    [9qei]| y| |[9wr]| |u|

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:24
    Moon River

    Henry Mancini

  • [wra0] p [wrd0] [raQ9] d f G [rfQ9]
    d [wta0] p [wtd0] [tea0] p o [ute0]
    [wra0] p [wrd0] [raQ9] d f G [rfQ9]
    d [wta0] p [wtd0] [tea0] p o [ute0]
    [wr0] p a p p p [wrp0] [rpQ9]
    o p o p o p o p
    a [raQ9] [wta0] p a p p p
    [wtp0] [tpe0] o p o p o p
    o p p o u [ute0] [wur0] G
    h h G G f [wrG0] [rfQ9] f
    f d d d a a a p
    [rQ9] a s [wt0] a o p p
    o [wt0] [yte0] u h f [te0] a
    [wtf0] f f h G [eQ9] d a
    p [wrf0] f f f h j [rQ9]
    h G k h j k [wrf0] d
    f [wrd0] f d [wra0] d f [rQ9]
    G f [rdQ9] a [raQ9] p [wt0] a
    [wt0] d f G [wtf0] d [tea0] p
    p [te0] u [te0] [wrf0] d f [wrd0]
    f d [wra0] d f [rQ9] G f
    [rdQ9] a [raQ9] p [wt0] a [wt0] d
    f G [wtf0] d [tea0] p p [te0]
    u f [the0] k [wt0] f h [wtk0]
    f [wth0] k [jeQ9] j h [jeQ9] h
    f d [feQ9] [wrh0] [wrh0] G d [wr0]
    f [rQ9] [rfQ9] f d a [rQ9] [wtf0]
    d f [wtd0] f d [wta0] d f
    [eQ9] G f [edQ9] a [eaQ9] p [wr0]
    a [wr0] d f G [wrf0] d [raQ9]
    p p [rQ9] u [rQ9] [wra0] p [wrd0]
    [raQ9] d f G [rfQ9] d [wta0] p
    [wtd0] [tea0] p o [ute0] [wr0] p a
    p p p [wrp0] [rpQ9] o p o
    p o p o p a [rQ9] h
    [wtf0] p a p p p [wtp0] [tpe0]
    o p o p o p o p
    p o u [ute0] [wur0] G h h
    G G f [wrG0] [rfQ9] f f d
    d d a a a p [rQ9] a
    s [wt0] a a d f [wt0] [tfe0]
    d f d a k j h f
    d [tfe0] a [wtf0] f f h G
    [eQ9] d a p [wrf0] f f f
    h j [rQ9] h G k h j
    k [wrf0] d f [wrd0] f d [wra0]
    d f [rQ9] G f [rdQ9] a [raQ9]
    p [wt0] a [wt0] d f G [wtf0]
    d [tea0] p p [te0] u [te0] [wrf0]
    d f [wrd0] f d [wra0] d f
    [rQ9] G f [rdQ9] a [raQ9] p [wt0]
    a [wt0] d f G [wtf0] d [tea0]
    p p [te0] u f [the0] k [wt0]
    f h [wtk0] f [wth0] k [jeQ9] j
    h [jeQ9] h f d [feQ9] [wrh0] [wrh0]
    G d [wr0] f [rQ9] [rfQ9] f d
    a [rQ9] [wtf0] d f [wtd0] f d
    [wta0] d f [eQ9] G f [edQ9] a
    [eaQ9] p [wr0] a [wr0] d f G
    [wrf0] d [raQ9] p p [rQ9] u [rQ9]
    [wtk0] h f k [jeQ9] G d j
    [wrj0] [wrj9] k z x [wtf0] G h
    k j [eQ9] h G d f f
    [wr0] k [rjQ(] h G f D [wrf0]
    d [wrf0] d f [wr0] d [wra0] d
    f [rQ9] G [rfQ9] d a [rQ9] [raQ9]
    p [wt0] a [wt0] d [wtf0] G [wtf0]
    d [tea0] p [tpe0] [ute0] [te0] [wrf0] d
    [wrf0] d f [wr0] d [wrf0] h k
    [rQ9] j [rjQ9] h k [rQ9] [rkQ9] l
    [wt0] k j [wt0] d [wtf0] G [wtf0]
    d [tea0] p [tpe0] [ute0] f [the0] k
    [wt0] f h [wtk0] f [wth0] k [jeQ9]
    j h [jeQ9] h f d [feQ9] [wrh0]
    [wrh0] G d [wr0] f [rQ9] [rfQ9] f
    d a [rQ9] [wtf0] d f [wtd0] f
    d [wta0] d f [eQ9] G f [edQ9]
    a [eaQ9] p [wr0] a [wr0] d f
    G [wrf0] d [raQ9] p p [rQ9] u
    [rQ9] [wra0] [wr0] p [wrd0] a [rQ9] [rdQ9]
    f G [rfQ9] d [wta0] [wt0] p [wtd0]
    a [te0] [tpe0] o [ute0] [wra0] [wr0] p
    [wrd0] a [rQ9] [rdQ9] f G [rfQ9] d
    [wta0] [wt0] p [wtd0] a [te0] [tpe0] o
    [ute0] [f30]

    Level: 6
    Length: 05:23
    Midnight Sky

    Miley Cyrus

  • [0D] [I0] [O0] [0D]|[0I] [0O] [D]|[I] [O] [D]|[S]|a[P%] [%T] [%Y] [P%]| [%T] [Y%] [O%]|[%r] [%Y] [%O]|Pa S [0D] [I0] [O03] [0D3]|[0I3] [0O3] [DT]|[IT] [OT] [DT]|[ST]|a[P%W] [%TW] [%YW] [P%W]| [%TW] [Y%W] [O%W]|[%rW] [%YW] [%OW]||a O [a0Wr]| a O a|a O [%7(a] a a S S|I O [WrYP] I O P|I O [%7a] a a aSa|a O [a0Wr]| a O a|a O [%7(a] a a S S|I O [WrYP] I O P|I O [%7a] a a S a|O a [pfSG] f D S a a S S [WrYO] a SS S |Y Y|O a [pfSG] f D S a a D|[ETuS]|| I[(wrf] D S D [0Wra] [I03] [O03] [0D3]|[0I3] [0O3] [DT]|[IT] [OT] [DT]|[SW]|a[P%W] [%TW] [Y%W] [%PW]|[T%W] [Y%W] [O%W]|[%rW] [%YW] [%OW]|Pa S [0D3] [I03] [O03] [0D3]|[0I3] [0O3] [DT]|[IT] [OT] [DT]|[ST]|a[P%W] [%TW] [%YW] [P%W]| [%TW] [Y%W] [O%W]|[%rW] [%YW] [%OW]||[eTu] G f G H GHG|[eTu] G f G H fD D|[WrY] G D S a da|[WrY] a S D f D Sa|[WTYS]S S a SSDS|[WTYS] S S a S S D fDS|[(wE] G D G H GDD|[(wE] D G H G D S
    [ETuS]|| I[(wrf] D S D[0Wra]|[ar0] O [ar0]|[ar0][ar0] O [Ta] [Ta] [Ta] [TS] [TS]| I O [OWP]| I O [OWP]| I O[OWa] [OWa] [OWa] [OWS] [OWa] a S [30] [30] I [30G] [30] [30] I [30G][30]|[I] [I] [IS] [ID] [If]| [ID] [Ia] [IS] [Ia] [IS][ID][IS]| [W%S] [W%D] [W%f] [W%S] [W%a] [W%S][W%S]|[ETuS]|| I[(wrf] D S D [0Wra] [0D] [I0] [O0] [0D]|[0I] [0O] [D]|[I] [O] [D]|[S]|a[P%] [%T] [%Y] [P%]| [%T] [Y%] [O%]|[%r] [%Y] [%O]|Pa S [0D] [I0] [O03] [0D3]|[0I3] [0O3] [DT]|[IT] [OT] [DT]|[*ST]|a[P%W] [%TW] [%YW] [P%W]| [%TW] [Y%W] [O%W]|[%rW] [%YW] [%OW]

    Level: 7
    Length: 03:50
    Can't Help But Wait

    Trey Songz

  • [8t] [wu] [to] [us] [to] [wu] [8t] [wu] [to] [us] [to] [wu] [6e] [us] [pf] [sj] [pf] [us] [6e] [us] [pf] [sj] [pf] [us] [4q] [8e] [qt] [ei] [qt] [8e] [4q] [8e] [qt] [ei] [qt] [8e] [5w] [ya] [od] [ah] [od] [ya] [5w] [ya] [od] [ah] [od] [ya] [8t] [wu] [to] [us] [to] [wu] [8t] [wu] [to] [us] [to] [wu] [5qti] t [8wuos] 0 w t y u y [7wrod] t [eos] u p a s 6 0 t o [5y] [4qupsf] [ts] w e 4 8 e t s [5yo] 9 r y o [5y] [7o] d f [8uos] 8 w t o [8s] t [wo] [7ros] [eus] u p a f 6 0 t u i [0ro] 0 r o w r y 3 7 w y [59et] |
    t |
    [woaf] y [5wyidP]|
    [wogx] |

    Level: 7
    Length: 01:26
    Unchained Melody

    The Righteous Brothers

  • t|t|y|[80wu]||u|| u|y|u|[80wt]||t|| t|y|u|[8qei]||p|| p|o|i|[80wu]||| t|y|u|[8qei]||p|| p|o|i|[80wu]||t||| t|y|[80wu]||i|[79wy]|| y|u|[80wt]
    Level: 5
    Length: 00:32
    You Are My Sunshine

    Jimmie Davis

  • o|
    [8u] o o o
    [9i] p p p p
    [wa] a a p a
    [8s] d f
    [8u] o o o
    [9i] p p p
    [wa] a p a
    [8s] o s
    [8o] o o
    [qp] p p
    [9a] a a p a
    [8s] d f
    [8o] o o
    [qp] p p
    [9a] a a p a
    [8s] [wo] [8s]

    Level: 4
    Length: 00:50
    Little Brown Jug

    Joseph Eastburn Winner

  • [thd]|s| |[ihd]|a|s| |[thd]|s| |[ihd]|a|s| |[s1] 5 [a8] 9 [s0] w o|[u4] 8 [yq] w u|y|[s1] 5 [a8] 9 s 0 o|[u4] 8 y| |[i2] 6 [u9] 0 [qi] e y|[t6] 0 r e t| |[y^] 4 [t^] 9 y|u|[i5] 9 [wo] e p r a|[s1] 5 [a8] 9 [s0] w o|[u4] 8 [yq] w u|y|[s1] 5 [a8] 9 s 0 o|[u4] 8 y| |[i2] 6 [u9] 0 [qi] e y|[t6] 0 r e t| |[y^] 4 [t^] 9 y|u|[i5] 9 [wo] e p r a|[a1] 5 [s8] 9 d 0 s|[f4] 8 w e d| |[a6] 3 [s6] 8 d 0 o|[p4] 8 [qh] w [ge]|f|[a1] 5 [s8] 9 d 0 s|[f%] 8 0 W d| |[a6] 3 [s6] 8 d 0 s|[h4] 8 q w e| |[i2] 6 9 [u0] [qi]|p|[o3] 7 0 [yQ] [wa]| |[p4] 8 q w e| |[t5] 9 [wt] e t|y|[wr95]

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:53
    Pretty Love

    Iris Temple

  • odfds[tp60]| [ut]| [up]| df[d8][s6][tpi84]o [ti]| [te]||s [us85] os o[uso]sss[uso][id]oa[yo95]| [yo]| [yo] odf[d3]s[tp60]| [ut] e [ut] o[uod]f[d8][s6][tpi84]o [ti]| [ti]| [ti] s [wuso8] o[uso] to[uso] ss[uso][id]oa[yo95]| [yo] r [yo]| u[u3]o[tpi84] p [tpi] a [tsi] s s uo[wto8] p [wt]| [wt]||uo[tpie8] p [tpi] a [tsi] s s [u3]u[yw95]| [yr] w [yr]||[u6][o5][tpi84]| [yro95] [ute60]| |te[te84]| [ur95] [wu8]ou||u [ie84] uy tr[w95] er t [wt8]|||yuyt[e60]| [ut0]| [ut6] e [ye]u[y8][t6][qe84]w 8| [te4] e [te8] t [wt85] w[wt8] w[wt8]58t[te8]y [wr][95]| [wr] w [yr] w [yo]o[ys3]a[ut60] po[utp0]| 6 u [uto]o[us1][a3][ti84] po[tpe4]oi[yr] [tqe]| q wo[wso8] uo[wso] uo[us8] os[uso8][id]oa[o95]| [oa5] y [p5]y[oa] [oa5]u[u6]o[pi84] [tp] [pi4] [ta] [si4] [ts] [si8] uo[wu8] p [uo8] y [uo8]5[y8] [to8] uo[up60] p [up0] [ya] [usp0] s [usp] [u3]u[yr95]| [yr5] w [yr5]| [yr5] [ur6][o5][tpi84]| [yro95] [ute60]||6 te[te84]| [yur95] [wu8]o[ut]||u [ie84] uy4 tr[w95] er5 t [tq^]| [sqi^P]| [tqp^E] E [y^E] E [piD84]dsp[spi84] sp[spi84]ssY4yt [w810] Dd[uso81]| [uoD81][yd][us] [uo81]y[us] [ysi^] Dd[ysi^]| [yi^D][td][ys]s[yi^]t[ys] [sqpi4] Dd[sqpi4]| [qpiD4][dY][si]s[qpi4]Y[si] [da5] [o5]h[hd5] [o5] [wh5]h[whd5] [w5]u[wu5]o[pi84] [tp] [pi4] [ta] [si4] [ts] [piD8]dsu[wuo8]po [uo8] y [uo8]5[y8] [to8] uo[up60] p [up0] [ya] [usp0] s [usp] [u3]u[yr95]| [yr5] w [yr5]| 5 [u6][o5][tpi84]| [yro95] [ute60]||[e6] te[te84]| [yur95] [wut8] o||u [tie84] uy[e4] tr[w95] er5| [up60] sp[tsp60]p [spD60]dss[up] [ue]o[tpi84]| [yro95] [u60]y[te]||te[te84]| [yur95] [wu8] [uto]||u[tie4] [u8]yq tr[w5] [e9]rw| |te[t84]|||[y^E]| [^YE]yte t [te4]| |[10]8

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:51
    Always Remember Us This Way (A Star Is Born)

    Lady Gaga

  • p| uo p| u| ry u| y| et y| p| uo p pasds p| upasdf d| dsdsd sf dd s p o oo o oo p pasds p| pasdf d| dsdsd sf dd p| o oo o oo p opg fgf dfd dds d a| opg fgf dfd d ssdda| opg fgf dfd d s d a| u f fff fff f f f f f d s a pops p ops p p s d f f| dsd d s d s f d s o o pa p ops p p ops p s d f f| dsd s s f d d p oa aa| p p p p| o o o o| p p p p| o| pasds p| upasdf d| dsdsd sf dd s p o oo o oo p pasds p| pasdf d| dsdsd sf dd p| o oo o oo p opg fgf dfd dds d a| opg fgf dfd d ssdda| opg fgf dfd d s d a| u f fff fff f f f f f d s a pops p ops p p s d f f| dsd d s d s f d s o o pa p ops p p ops p s d f f| dsd s s f d d p oa aa| u p p p p a a a a s a p| u p p p ppa a a pas a p| p u u O O a a d d f f d s a pops p ops p p s d f f| dsd d s d s f d s o o pa p ops p p ops p s d f f| dsd s s f d d p oa aa| p p p p| o o o o| p p p p| o o o o| p| uo p| u| ry u| y| et y| u| uo p

    Level: 2
    Length: 02:36
    A Woman's Worth (Alternative)

    Alicia Keys

  • [se]aspsu[sq]psigpsigs[tf]sgshs[wd]a[hd]ohodoha[se]aspsu[sq]psigpsigs[tf]sgshs[wd]a[hd]oho[td]o[rh]a[se6]aspsu[sq4]psigpsigs[tf8]sgshs[wd5]a[hd]oho[td]o[rh]a[se6]aspsu[sq4]psigpsigs[tf8]sgshs[wd5]so s ssss[se6] p [utse]s[sqi4]ss|[tsqe]sss[us81] s [wuts]s[wso5]ps|[ywsr]ssp[us6]|[utse]s[sqi4]ps|[tsqe]ssp[us81] s [wuts]s[ws5]d [od] [ywsr]sss[pfe6] s [utse]p[sqi4]ps|[tsqe]sss[us81] p [wuts]s[wso5] s|[ywsr]psp[use6] p [tsqe] [si81]p [si] [tsqe]sss[wd5]ddfdss [sl][sl][ka][ka][pj] [oh][pj][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld]h[ld][lh9][zd][ywrh]d[h9][jd][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]i[s8]f[sf81][of][wsf][of][wusrh]o[hd5][ha][jd][ha][d9][ja][ywsro]sss[use6] p [utse]s[sqi4]ss44 [tsqe]ss [us81] s [wuts] [wso5]ps55 [ywsr]ssp[use6] f [utse]s[sqi4]ps44 [tsqe]sss[us81]sss[wuts]s[yws5]d[od]5[s5] [ywsr]ssd[pfe6] h [utse]s[sqi4]ss44 [tsqe]sss[us81]|[wuts]s[yws5]sd55 [ywsr]sss[use6] p [utse]s[sqi4]ss44 [tsqe]sss[wod5]dd|ss[sl][sl][ka][ka][pj] [oh][pj][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld]h[ld][lh9][zd][ywrh]d[h9][jd][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]i[s8]f[sf81][of][wsf][of][wutsh]o[whd5][ha][jd][ha][d9][ja][ywr] [sp9][da][usfe6]a[usf0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]p[us8][pd][usf81]o[wusf]o[wuto]s[wda5]oya[d9]o[ywra]o[sp9][da][usfe6]a[us0]p[utse]p[qpi4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]i[sp8][da][sf81]o[wsf]o[wutsh]o[whd5][ha][jd]a[hd9][ja][ywrd]a[sp9]d[fe6] [pf] [utse]s[qpf4] s [pf] [tsqe] ff[s81]s[of] [wuts] [wof5]|[of] [ywr] [of] [e6] [pf]f[utse]s[qpf4] s [pf] [tsqe] ff[s81] [of] [wuts]s[wof5] s [of] [ywsr] [of] [e6] [pf] [utse]s[qpf4] d [si] [tsqe] ff[s81]s[of] [wuts] [wof5] d [so] [ywr] f [e6] [pf]f[utfe]f[qpf4] g [pf] [tsqe] ff[s81] [of] ss[of] [sl][sl][ka][ka][pj] [oh][pj][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld]h[ld][lh9][zd][ywrh]d[h9][jd][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]i[s8]f[sf81][of][wsf][of][wutsh]o[whd5][ha][jd][ha][d9][ja][ywrd]a[sp9][da][sfe6]a[sf0]p[utse]s[sq4]ssp[g8]p[tsqpe]s[s8][da][sf81]o[wsf]o[ws]s[wutpd]s[wa5]o[h9]o[ywsr]s[s9][da][sfe6]a[s0]p[utse]s[sqp4]psp[g8]p[tsqe]s[s8][da][sf81]p[wsf]p[wuts]s[wod5]aod[h9]o[ywsr]s[sp9][da][sfe6]a[sf0]p[utse]p[sq4]psp[g8]i[tsqe]s[sp8][da][sf81]o[wsf]o[ws]s[wutpd]s[wa5]o[h9]o[ywsr]p[sp9][da][sfe6]a[sp0]a[utse]p[sqp4]psp[g8]i[tsqe]s[sp8][da][sf81]s[wsf]s[wutd]s[wda5][so][sl][sl][ka9][ka][ywrpj][oh]9[pj][se6]aspsu[sq4]psigpsigs[tf8]sgshs[wd5]a[hd]ohodoha[se]aspsu[sq]psigpsigs[tf]sgshs[wd]a[hd]ohah

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:23
    Hall Of Fame (Alternative)

    The Script

  • [teQ92]| |[tqe92]| |[w810]| |8yu 9[teQ92]| |[tqe92]| |[ut81] w [ut] w [ut] w [yr7] w [ute6]|[ute] 6 [wut81]|[wut] 8 [yie92]|[yie]|[yie]|9[yie]9 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywri5]|[ywri5]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [wur7]|[wur] 8 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [wut81]|[wut] 8 [yie92]|[yie]|[yie]|9[yie]9 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywr5]|[ywr5]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [wut7]|[wut] 8 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [ute] 6 [ute]6 [uro30]|[uro] 0 [uro] 0 [uro]3 [yi^E]|[yiE] ^ [yiE] ^ [yiE] ^ [wut5]|[wut] 5 [ywr5]| |[tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [teQ92]|[teQ] 9 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [tqW4]|[tqW]|[wt810]|t|t|[qe4]|[ut81] w [ut] w [ut] w [yr7] w [ute6]|[ute] 6 [wut81]|[wut] 8 [yie92]|[yie]|[yie]|9[yie]9 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywri5]|[ywri5]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [wur7]|[wur] 8 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [wut81]|[wut] 8 [yie92]|[yie]|[yie]|9[yie]9 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywr5]|[ywr5]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [wut7]|[wut] 8 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [ute] 6 [ute]6 [uro30]|[uro] 0 [uro] 0 [uro]3 [yi^E]|[yiE] ^ [yiE] ^ [yiE] ^ [wut5]|[wut] 5 [ywr5]| |[tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [teQ92]|[teQ] 9 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [tqW4]|[tqW]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [wut] 8 [wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [tqe] 4 [tqe]4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywr] 5 [ywr]5 [wut81]|[wut] 8 [ywr7]|[ywr] 7 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [wur5]|[wur] 5 [teQ92]|[teQ] 9 [teQ] 9 [teQ] 9 [tqe92]|[tqe] 9 [tqe] 9 [tqe] 9 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5]|||[tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [teQ92]|[teQ] 9 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [tqW4]|[tqW]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [teQ92]|[teQ] 9 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [tqW4]|[tqW]|[wut81]

    Level: 8
    Length: 03:30
    When I Was Your Man

    Bruno Mars

  • Typ [tp9]| [t(]| pasao[wutr]|[wutr]| [wurT]|[wurT]|O pt [tqe9]| [q5] [q5] eErtyt [WE10]|[rW93]| [y0][ws6] [wa6] [wp6] [wo6]i[t9] [t9]o[tp9] [ts9] [qp5]Pa[qp5] [qo5] [qi5]u[r8] [r8] [E8] [E8] [qe]p[qoe] [qie] [uqe]y[e7] [e7]u[ie7] [pe7]O[W0] [iW0] [uW0]iu[yW0]t[w6] [w6] [Q9] [Q9]T[yt9]p[tp9] [t9] [t9] [t(] [t(] [tp(]s [ta(][uo][y0] [y0] [y0] [y0] [eT] [eT] [eT] [eT]r[te9]i[t9]i[t9] [t9] [q5] [q5]t[pi]r[uo]e[yi8]|[wur8]| [ype7] 7eyip[yWO0]pa[us6][us][ya7] [tp1] [ro3][ie]2 3o[p4]o[s6] [ya5][ya][tp6] [ro7] [ie9][wu]812 3 5$4p[o5] [i6] [u8]y7 8u[i9] [qp]O0O[i(] [u9]iu[y7]t667 8 * 9y[t2]p4 6 @ $ [p6]Pas[a8]f3 5 ^ 9 **^ 66[f5] fs s [ytqe]|[teYQ]| D fs s [wutr]|[wurT]|uops [f2]s3s4 $ [q5] [q5] [p6][^P][a7][s8][d9][s8] [uPO8]|[yaO0]|[uto6]|[utI9]|[yiE5]| [piE1] [piE1]| pPas[utr] ap[urT] oi[uqe] op[eYQ] sa[qYW] po[yqW] iu [WT0][wte]| 4aj[h3] [g2]h[f1]d771f[g2] [j4]H3g[f@]d2P[a7]s667 1 6u[s6]usauwapup[uro][tie]9|[o4]pPas$[a5]sapa5po [riW][wur]1|E Ee|[utqp][uto0] [utqi] [ut][yW]3|[ut$][yi%] [utp][yO]7 [yiW] [wuT]3Tyt6|78 * 9tO[tpY] 34$5 O[qp][spY] [yaO][ofa] 3 5^ %[p6] [a7][S*]| [ofP] fs [ytsqp]| [tYQ] Ips[pD9] [iD%] [f5]s [utsro]| [urT] [urT] uops [i2]psfs3[si]4 $ 5 vhvh| eErtyt|[lf] 8 [lg] 9 [lG] ([lh] [C$][v5][xm1]

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:35
    Fly Me To The Moon (Expert)

    Frank Sinatra

  • 6 [0t] o y [7r] [wyo]| [8tu]|||
    q t i o t q p o
    8 [to]| [5ro]| [9p]o[wy] [5t]
    6 [0t] o y [7r] [wyo]| [8tu]| w t| |8|
    6 0 [etp] [tp] [7tp] [wo]| [8tu]| w t| |
    q t i [qti] [ti] [ti] [qti] [ti]
    [8ti] u| [5wty]| 9 [wp]o[5y]
    6 0 [etp] [tp] [7tp] o w [8tu]| w t||w t 8
    4 8 [qti] [eti] [ti] [4ti] [qti] [4ti]
    [8ti] u| [5wty]| 9 [wp]o[5y]
    [60et]| |[7wry]||[8wy] [8tu]|||
    4 [8to] [qto] [eto] [to] i 4 u
    [8ty]| u [5ry]| [9y] [wt] [5t]
    [60et]| |[7wry]||[8wy] [8tu]|||
    4 [8to] [qto] [eto] [to] i 4 u
    [8ty] w u [5wy]| 9 w 5
    6 [0t] o y [7r] [wyo]| [8tu]| w t| |8|
    6 0 [esj] [tsj] [7sj] [7h] r [8osf]| w u||w t|
    q t [is] [pg] [pg] [tpg] [ipg] [pg]
    [8pg] [wof] t [5sd]| [9f]d[ws] [ra]
    6 [0s] [ej] [tsj] [7h] w [rf]d[8os] w u||w t 8 4
    8 [qs] [epg] [tpg] [pg] [4qpg] [pg] [8tog]
    [wf] t [5wosd]| 9 w 5 [60uos]| |
    4 [8osh] [qosh] [eosh] [tosh] [og] 4 f
    [8osd] w [tf] [5wsd]| 9 [wd] s
    6 0 e t [7wrosh]||[8wtosf]||w| w t 8 4|
    [8osh] [qosh] [eosh] [tosh] g 4 f
    [8osd] w [tf] [5wd]| [9s] w 5
    [29gjc] [gjc] [gjc] [9ygjc]| [fjx]||
    [5wdhz] [dhz] [fhx] [wrydhz]| [sl] [5w]|
    [8tfhx] [fhx] [fhx] [hv] [7wr] [sfl]| [sfl]
    [60e] [fx]| |[6e]|
    [29gjc] [gjc] [gjc] [9ygjc]| [fx] [29]|
    [5wdhz] [dhz] [fx] [wrydz]| [sl] [5w] [oh]
    [8wtoh] [fhx] [tuofhx] [hxv] [7wr] [sl] [wry] [sfl]
    [60e] [fx] [etu]||6 e 6
    2 9 [edgl] [ydgl] [2dgl] [dl] 9|
    [5wdhk] k l [wryhk]||[5w]|
    8 w [tfhl] [fhl] [7dhl] w [rdhl] [7k]
    [6fhk] [0j] e [sfj]| 0 e 6
    [29]| [dgl] [9edgl] [dgl] [dl] [29]|
    [5wdhk] k l [wryhk]||[5wh] h
    [8tfhl] [fhl] [tuofhl] [dhl] [7r] h [wry] [sf]
    [6eu]||[tu]| [et] u e
    6 0 e t u 0 e 6
    [3uoa] 0 w r [uoa] [rs] [0a] 3
    [5yoa] 9 w 5 9 w 5 [I9ya]
    2 9 e [ys] e [9f] [9s] [ea]
    [6tup] 0 e t [upsf] 0 e [6uoa]
    3 0 w [ruoa] 0 [rs] [0a] [3s]
    [5oaf] 9 w 5 9 w r 5
    [I2pf] 9 e 9 e y 9 e
    [29gjc] [gjc] [gjc] [9egjc]| [fjx]||
    [5wdhz] [dhz] [fhx] [wrydhz]| [sl] [5w]|
    [8wtfhx] [fhx] [tosfhx] [hv] [7wr] [sl] [wry] [sfl]
    [60e] [fx] [etu]||6 e 6
    [2gjc] [9gjc] [egjc] [ygjc] 9 [efx] y 9
    [5dz] [wdz] [rfx] [ydz] w [ysl] r [5oh]
    [8sfl] [wsfl] [tsfl] [8sfl] 7 [woh] r [7uf]
    [6u] 0 e t u 6 e 6
    2 9 [edgl] [ydgl] [9dgl] [edgl] y 9
    [5hk] [9k] [wl] [9dhk] r 9 w 5
    8 w [tfhl] [8fhl] [7dhl] [wl] [rdhl] [7k]
    [6fhk] [0j] e [tfj] u| 6|
    2 9 [esgj] [ysgj] [9sgj] [ysgj] e 9
    [5adh] 9 [wdj] [rdk] y| w h
    [8fhl] [wfhl] [tfhl] [dhl] 7 [wh] r [7sf]
    6 0 e t u e t 0
    [9eygjc] c c c| x||
    [wyodhz] z x z| l| h
    [tuofhx] x x v [roa] [hl]| [hl] [eu] x| |
    [ypdgjc] c c c| x| u
    [oadhz] z x z| l| h
    [tosfl] l l l [roa] h| f [eup]

    Level: 8
    Length: 03:42
    Shallow (A Star Is Born) (Expert)

    Lady Gaga

  • d a p o [ya] | y d a p o [ya] | d a p o [ya] p o | y u [ry] | d a p o [ya] p o | y u [ry] | y y d a p o [ya] | y d a p o [ya] | y y d a p o [ya] p o | y u [ry] | d a p o [ya] p o | y u y a p o [tp] | u | p a p o [tp] | u | u p a [tp] o p | o | p a o p | p a p o o | o p p p a o u y r e w | p p p a o u y r e w | p p p a o u y r e w | p a o | p a o | o p p p a o u y r e w | p p p a o u y r e w | p p p a o u y r e w | p a o | p a o | [suo] d o | [suo] d o | o o | [suo] d o | [suo] d o o p o | [yos] d o | [yos] d o | o o | o s d o | s | d | s
    Level: 5
    Length: 01:40
    Shake It Off

    Taylor Swift

  • z x l j k h d f s p a o [9y] [0u] [8t] [6e] [7r] [6e] [%W] [5w] [5adh] y Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [fl] [wtgz] [GZ] [5hx] [fl] [0wgz] [hx] 5 [dk] [qwgz] [8fl] [wt] [wt] [qwry] Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [(j] h [9G] j [Qtl] [Gx] 9 z [Qtl] j [wrgz] 5 6 [7y] Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [fl] [wtgz] [GZ] [5hx] [fl] [0wgz] [hx] 5 [dk] [qwgz] [8fl] [wt] [wt] l z [tux] l [tuz] x [Etu] l [Etuz] l [etix] l [etiz] x [Wti] l [Wtiz] l [wtuhx] [fl] [wtugz] [hx] [wri] [dk] [wrigz] [tufl] 5 6 [7y] Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [fl] [wtgz] [GZ] [5hx] [fl] [0wgz] [hx] 5 [dk] [qwgz] [8fl] [wt] [wt] [qwry] Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [(j] h [9G] j [Qtl] [Gx] 9 z [Qtl] j [wrgz] 5 6 [7y] Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [fl] [wtgz] [GZ] [5hx] [fl] [0wgz] [hx] 5 [dk] [qwgz] [8fl] [wt] [wt] l z [tux] l [tuz] x [Etu] l [Etuz] l [etix] l [etiz] x [Wti] l [Wtiz] l [wtuhx] [fl] [wtugz] [hx] [wri] [dk] [wrigz] [tufl] w 8 f g G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0wg] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0ws] o [qp] a [ets] d [qf] d [Wts] d [8o] f [0wg] h [5j] h [0wf] g [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0wg] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 0 h [(j] J [9k] k [wr] k 9 j [tQG] d [wrh] q 0 f [9g] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0wg] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0ws] o [qp] a [ets] d [qf] d [Wts] d [8s] [0w] 8 o [0wI] o [qets] [qetp] s [eQY] p [QYes] p [wtuo] s [wtuf] h [wtu] f [wtus] o [Q9tp] [Q9ts] [wrif] d [wr] [us] t w 0 x [9c] C [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0wg] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0ws] o [qp] a [ets] d [qf] d [Wts] d [8o] f [0wg] h [5j] h [0wf] g [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0wg] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 0 h [(j] J [9k] k [wr] k 9 j [tQG] d [wrh] q 0 f [9g] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0wg] G [8fh] [0wj] [fh] 5 f [0ws] o [qp] a [ets] d [qf] d [Wts] d [8s] [0w] 8 o [0wI] o [qets] [qetp] s [eQY] p [QYes] p [wtuo] s [wtuf] h [wtu] f [wtus] o [Q9tp] [Q9ts] [wrif] d [wr] [us] t w 8 y Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [fl] [wtgz] [GZ] [5hx] [fl] [0wgz] [hx] 5 [dk] [qwgz] [8fl] [wt] [wt] [qwry] Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [(j] h [9G] j [Qtl] [Gx] 9 z [Qtl] j [wrgz] 5 6 [7y] Y [8u] s [wt] u [0s] [wtu] s q [et] 0 [fl] [wtgz] [GZ] [5hx] [fl] [0wgz] [hx] 5 [dk] [qwgz] [8fl] [wt] [wt] l z [tux] l [tuz] x [Etu] l [Etuz] l [etix] l [etiz] x [Wti] l [Wtiz] l [wtuhx] [fl] [wtugz] [hx] [wri] [dk] [wrigz] [tufl] w [18fhl] [4gj] H [qegj] 8 [qel] [^Jgz] [yEP] p [qP] s [Eyd] [2dg] f [qedg] 6 [qej] [5dhJ] [Eyo] I [9o] p [yEP] h [wd] [Eyh] d w h [Wd] [es] [ti] [9g] [ey] [0f] H [yuk] x W z [yuk] l [etuj] [wtuPJ] 8 [4gj] H [qegj] 8 [qel] [^Jgz] [yEP] p [qP] s [Eyd] [2dg] f [qedg] 6 [qej] [5dhJ] [Eyo] I [9o] p [yEP] h [wd] [Eyh] d w h [Wd] [es] q 0 9 [!*Og] g [8sj] l [qe] [Ph] t s [8d] f [qepg] a s d f g h [4gj] H [qegj] 8 [qel] [^Jgz] [yEP] p [qP] s [Eyd] [2dg] f [qedg] 6 [qej] [5dhJ] [Eyo] I [9o] p [yEP] h [wd] [Eyh] d w h [Wd] [es] [ti] [9g] [ey] [0f] H [yuk] x W z [yuk] l [etuj] [wtuPJ] 8 [4gj] H [qegj] 8 [qel] [^Jgz] [yEP] p [qP] s [Eyd] [2dg] f [qedg] 6 [qej] [5dhJ] [Eyo] I [9o] p [yEP] h [wd] [Eyh] d w h [Wd] [es] q 0 9 [!*Og] g [8sj] l [qe] [Ph] t s [8d] f [qepg] [4qjlc] [qets] [qetp] s [eQY] p [QYes] p [wtuo] s [wtuf] h [wtu] f [wtus] o [9tp] [9es] [wrif] d [wr] [us] t [18fhl] [4yi] [qeu] [yi] 6 u [qeyi] 4 p [qeid] p [6s] d [qes] p [8uo] [0wI] [uo] 5 I [0wuo] 8 s [0wof] s [5d] f [0wd] s [5ad] [qwS] [ad] 9 S [qwad] 5 g [qwaj] g [9h] j [qwh] g [(Qsl] [(Qsl] [(Qsl] [(Qsj] [0wsh] [uo] [uo] [uo] [uo] [4yi] [qeu] [yi] 6 u [qeyi] 4 p [qeid] p [6s] d [qes] p [8uo] [0wI] [uo] 5 I [0wuo] 8 s [0wof] s [0d] f [wtd] s [qp] O [9p] h 0 g q s [wf] D [tuf] j [tQY] l [wtuh] f [I6es] [I9s] [5wif] [id] [7r] [us] [8t] [uo] [uo] [uo] [uo] [4yi] [qeu] [yi] 6 u [qeyi] 4 p [qeid] p [6s] d [qes] p [8uo] [0wI] [uo] 5 I [0wuo] 8 s [0wof] s [5d] f [0wd] s [5ad] [qwS] [ad] 9 S [qwad] 5 g [qwaj] g [9h] j [qwh] g [(Qsl] [(Qsl] [(Qsl] [(Qsj] [0wsh] [uo] [uo] [uo] [uo] [4yi] [qeu] [yi] 6 u [qeyi] 4 p [qeid] p [6s] d [qes] p [8uo] [0wI] [uo] 5 I [0wuo] 8 s [0wof] s [0d] f [wtd] s [qp] O [9p] h 0 g q s [wf] D [tuf] j [tQY] l [wtuh] f [I6es] [I9s] [5wif] [id] [7r] [us] [8t] w [18fhl]

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:21
    The Entertainer (Intermediate)

    Scott Joplin

  • 6 6 8 6 5 4 3
    6 6 8 6 5 4 5 4 3
    6 6 8 6 5 4 3
    6 6 8 6 5 4 5 4 3 p p p
    [6s] p [up] 6 8 6 5
    4 O [3p] p p o
    [6p] p [up] [6p] [O8p] [O6up] [5p]
    [4tip] 3 p [up] [tup]
    [O60psf] [up] [eup] 6 8 6 5
    [4q] [up] [iO] [30up] [up] [up] [Oup]
    [O6ps] [pf] [sfj] [D6pj] [8sfj] [DH6sj] [5sH]
    [4sfj] [H5sgk] [4sfj] [3fOH] [pj] [pj]
    [6fx] [fx] [fz] [6fz] [8sfjl] [H6agk] [5psgj]
    4 [sgj] [pgj] [pgj] [3sfOH] [sfOH] [psfj]
    6 p f j s [6f] j [8f] j l [6j] l x [5l] x
    [4b] x j [5n] V x [4b] c [3kxHV]
    [6ejxb] [Zhv] [jb] [6e] [8tjlxb] [V6ejxb] [ZV5wjb]
    [4qjlcb] [lcHV] [jlcb] [30kxHV] [kxHV] [jlxb]
    [6epj] [6ej] [8tl] [6ej] [5wh]
    [4qig] [5woh] [4qig] [30uf] [30u] [30u]
    [18w] [wt] [18wtu] [tuo] [18uos] [osf] [158osfh] [sfhl]
    [29e] [ey] [29eyI] [Iyp] [I29pd] [pdG] [G269pdj] [Gdjz]
    [6jxb] [upsf] [jxb] [18lvm] [jxb] [opsf] [hzv]
    [29glc] [ipsd] [30fkx] [Orua]
    [6jxb] [upsf] [jxb] [18lvm] [jxb] [opsf] [C29kn]
    [4qlcm] [zC] [ipsd] [lcm] [C30kxn] [Orua]
    [6b] [pf] b [8m] b [of] v
    [9c] [id] [0x] [ua] V
    [6b] [pf] b [8m] b [of] n [9y]
    [qim] p m [un] a
    6 e 6 [8e] 6 e 5
    [4e] e [3e] e
    [6e] e 6 [8e] 6 e 5
    [4e] e 5 r [4f] [3p] a f H k j k
    [el] [uj] [pj] e t f e p w
    q e t [iH] [0j] [Wj] [rj] [uh]
    [ej] [uj] [pfj] [ej] [Htj] f [Hefj] p [wj]
    [qfj] i w o q i 0 u [Wj] [Ok] [rj] [aH] [uj] [fk]
    [H6jlx] [ufj] [pfj] 6 8 t e p 5
    4 e t [ifj] [gH] [3fj] [Wfj] [rfj] [Hufj]
    [H6jl] [ujx] [plxb] [Z6jb] [8tlxb] t [ZVlb] p [5lV]
    [4lxb] i [Vwlcn] o [qlxb] i [3xHV] [WO] [epjb] [ujb]
    [ex] [ux] [px] [ex] [tlxbm] s [Vekcn] p [wjlcb]
    q [elcb] [tjcb] [ijcb] [0lxHV] W [lxHV] r [ujlxb]
    p [fj] x [jb] l [px] b [lx] b [fm] b [jm] [om]
    i [gb] o h i g [unV] f O H a k f x
    [pb] [fv] [jb] p [lbm] f b j [ob]
    [ibm] [gmV] o [hbm] i g [unV] f O [nHV] a k [fbm] x
    [epj] u p [ej] [tl] s [ej] p [wh]
    [qgc] e [hv] t [igc] [0fx] W [rf] [uf]
    [8to] s o s [8to] s f h [8tf] h l x [8thl] [xv] [lx] [vm]
    [8tp] d [9yp] d [7rp] d [8tG] j [6eG] j [7rz] C [30jz] [Cb] [z%WC] b
    [6jxb] [upsf] [jxb] [18lvm] [jxb] [opsf] [hzv]
    [29glc] [ipsd] [30fkx] [Orua]
    [6jxb] [upsf] [jxb] [18lvm] [jxb] [opsf] [Ckn]
    [4qlvm] [zV] [padg] [lm] [5wk] n [$Ql] m [4qz] [@(Z]
    [3xn] [ruoa] [xn] [5v] [xn] [yuoa] [zb]
    [6lvm] [tuop] [C7kn] [rQYI]
    [3fkx] [ruoa] [fkx] [5hzv] [fkx] [yuoa] [GLC]
    [18hzv] [kn] [uosf] [jb] [7hv] [rQYIGC]
    [0u] 0 u [0o] u 0 y
    [0t] 0 [0r] 0
    [6tu] 6 u [7ro] [7u] y
    [80t] 8 [9r] [9t]
    [30W] e

    Level: 9
    Length: 03:35
    Seven Nation Army (Expert)

    The White Stripes

  • [8][( q w W E t y Y i 1 o][O][P][s] [d] [Do1] [8] [w] [tY] [8] [d] [s]|[oytWq4] [8] [oYtw8] [8] [P] [d] [s] [Yt%] [(] [W] [Yt] [8] [P] [d%] [s] [itEq^]| [itEq^] [^] [P] [i] [o] [Yy1] [5] [8] [t] [5] [Yy1] [5] [8] [t] [s] [d] [Do8] [w] [t] [8] [w8] [di] [sYw] [sY] [8] [w] [t] [8] [sY] [P] [d8] [s] [Yt%] [(] [W] [%] [sY] [%] [P%] [dPi] [%] [Piyq] [E] [Jgd]| [s%] [d] [Dso8] [w] [t] [doi] [8] [soY] [soY] [8] [w] [t] [oY] [P8] [d] [sOY%] [(] [W] [t] [sOY] [%] [P%] [dPi] [%] [Piyq] [E] [iy] [%] [s%] [d] [Dso81] [Dso] [8] [Dsotw] [w] [8] [d8] [8] [Poy5] [Poy] [5] [yEw9] [9] [o5] [P] [sOY%] [%] [sOY%] [sOYW(] [%] [P%] [W(] [PiYEw(5] [w] [iYEq] [(] [^] [o^] [O] [PYt4] [8 ][4 ] [oYtq] [4] [O4] [PYEw5] [Y] [5] [w(] [5] [ow(] [O] [POYW(%] [%] [(] [sOYW(] [%] [so%] [PoW(] [i] [YEq^] [^] [q] [E] [Y] [i^] [E] [yEq^] [^] [^] [^] [l^] [z] [Zh8] [w] [t] [zgoY] [8] [lD8] [8] [lD8] [lDw] [t] [oY] [8] [J8] [z] [lD%] [(] [W] [%] [lDYt] [%] [J%] [zg] [%] [Jdq] [E] [iy] [%] [l%] [z] [Zh8] [w] [t] [zgoY] [8] [lDw] [lD] [8] [w] [t] [oY] [J8] [z] [lD%] [(] [W] [lDYt] [%] [(] [J%] [zg] [%] [Jdq] [E] [iy] [lDs%] [zgd] [ZhD8][w] [ZhD][t] [ZhDoY] [w] [zgd8] [8] [JdP5][9] [JdP][w] [yE] [5] [ho5] [JP] [lHDs%] [(] [lsW] [lDst] [(] [JP%] [%] [JgDPw(5] [5] [iYEw(] [(] [o5] [O] [PYtq84] [Y ][4 ] [oYtq8] [8][O4] [PiYEw(5] [YE] [5] [Ew(] [5] [ow(] [O] [PoYW(%] [%] [(] [DPoYW(] [%] [gi%] [giW(] [%] [iYEq^] [^] [iYEq^] [^] [iyEq^] [^] [dy^] [DY^] [DPoY@] [@] [oYE(^] [@] [oYE(^] [i2] [oYt1] [1] [oYt85] [1] [PE85] [ho] [gsOi%] [%] [yEq^] [^][D]d[Do8] [w] [t] [Y] [t] [dw] [5] [Py5] [9] [w] [E] [w] [o9] [P] [sY%] [(] [W] [t] [W] [(] [P(] [^] [iY^] [q] [E][Z J g E ] [^] [s^] [d] [Do8] [w] [t] [di] [8] [sYw] [sY] [8] [w] [t] [Y] [sY] [P] [dw] [sY] [%] [(] [W] [t] [sY] [%] [P%] [di] [%] [Pyq] [E] [iy] [%] [s%] [d] [Do8] [w] [t] [di] [8] [8] [sY] [sYw] [8] [w] [sYt] [sY] [sY] [P] [di8] [sY] [%] [(] [W] [t] [sY] [(] [P(] [di] [%] [Pyq] [E] [y] [%] [lDs%] [zgd] [ZhD81] [ZhD8] [w] [ZhDYt] [w] [8] [zgd8] [5] [JdP5] [JdP5] [9] [JdPEw] [9] [5] [JP] [lDs%] [%] [lDs(] [lDstW] [(] [JP(] [%] [JgDP5] [5] [(] [Eq] [(] [o5] [O] [PYW4] [Y ][4 ] [oYWq8] [8 ][O4] [PiYE5] [Y ][5 ] [w(] [5] [w(] [o] [O] [POYE%] [%] [DPOYW(] [%] [gi%] [gDPiW(] [^ q E Y i P D g P D g J Z] [czJg]| [dy^] [DY] [DPoY@] [@] [oYE(^] [@] [oYE(^] [i2] [oYt1] [1] [oYt85] [81] [PE81] [ho] [gsOi%] [%] [yEq^] [yEq^] [yEq^] [D]d[Do8] [w] [t] [Dot] [w] [8] [d8] [5] [Py5] [9] [Pyw] [w] [9] [o5] [P] [sY%] [(] [W] [sYW] [(] [%] [P%] [^] [iY^] [q] [E] [yE] [q] [s^] [d] [Do8] [w] [t] [Dot] [w] [8] [d8] [5] [Py5] [9] [Pw] [w] [9] [o5] [P] [sY%] [(] [W] [sY] [W] [PY(] [^] [iY^] [^] [q] [E] [Y] [i^] [Iye962] [2] [6] [Q9] [GI2] [ho] [hdao5] [5] [oyrw9] [5] [aoy5] [p$] [our3] [3] [our07] [3] [dy3] [ka] [jfsp81] [8] [Iye92] [2] [96] [ho][GI][hfao073] [3] [7] [rw0] [ho92] [GI] [hdao5] [5] [oyrw9] [5] [aoy5] [p$] [our3] [3] [our07] [3] [dy07] [ka] [jfsp1] [1] [Iye2] [2] [96] [h][G][hfa3] [7] [0] [or]|[I3]|[yQ]|[$]|[Q9]|[r ] [y ]|[uw1] [5 ] [8 ] [w0]|[y1]|[ew2]|[6]|[9]|[e]|[y]|[o]|[p ]|[d ]||[Ie9]

    Level: 8
    Length: 03:54
    The Last Unicorn


  • [80w]|||||[9wr]






    |[80w]|| 8 | 0 | w
    ||[9wr]|| 9 | w | r
    ||[80e]|| 8 | 0 | e
    ||[8qe]|| 8 | q | e



    Level: 5
    Length: 04:20
    Rise Up

    Andra Day

  • [te60]|[te0]|[te0]|[te0] [te50] [te60]|[te0]|[te]|0w[e5]w[te60]|[re0] r [e0] e [e0] [w50] [w860] w [w8]0e [80]|[80]w[e5]w[te60]|[re0] r [e0]|[w0] [w50] [w860] w [80] e [80]|0 [w5] [tqe4] e [qe] w [tqe] e [qe] [w3]w[wq92] w [90] e [q9]|[q9] [w5] [te60] t [re0] r [e0] e [w0] [w50] [w860] w [80] e [80]|0wew[te60]|[re0] r [e0]|[w0] [w50] [w860] w [80] e [80]|[80]w[e5]w[te60] t [re0] r [e0] e [w0] [w50] [w860] e [t80] e [80]|[w0]w[e5] [tqe4] eeq w [tqe] eeq [w2]0[wq92] w [w9]0e [q9]|[q9] [e5]w[te60] t [re0] r [e0] e [w0] [w50] [w860] w 0 e|u yte [q84] e [qe8] e [tq8] ty[q8]|[q82] ee[qe8] e [tq8]t y[q8]|[860] ee[e80] e [te0] ty[e0] t [wur5]yty[wr]|[wur]yty[wr] t [q84] e [qe8] e [tq8] ty[q8]|[q82] ee[qe8] e [tq8]t y[q8]|[860] ee[e80] e [te0] ty[e0] t [wur5]yty[wr]|[wur]yty[wr] uy[tqe4]|[qe]|[ue92]yty uy[te60]|[e0]|[e0]|0w[e5]w[te60]|[re0]|[e0]|[e0] [w50] [w860] w [80] e [80] 0[80]w[e5]w[te60] t [re0] r [e0] e [w0] [w50]w[w860] w [80] e [80] e [e0] [w5] [tqe4] e [qe]|[tqe] e [qe] [w3]w[wq92] w [w9]0e [q9]|[q9] [w5]w[t860] ee[80] w [t80] ee0w[w50]w[w860] w [80] e [80] u yte [q84] e [qe8] e [tqe8] ty[qe8]|[q92] ee[qe9] e [tqe9]t y[qe9]|[te60] ee[te0] e [te0] ty[e0] t [wur5]yty[wr]|[wur]yty[wr] t [q84] e [qe8] e [tqe8] ty[qe8]|[q92] ee[qe9] e [tqe9]t y[qe9]|[te60] ee[te0] e [te0] ty[e0] t [wur5]yty[wr]|[wur]y[t9]yw [wur]y[tqe4]| |[uqe2]yty uy[te60]|[te0] [qe84]|[qe8] q 8 [w810]|[w80] [eQ92]|[eQ9] Q 9 [te60]|[te0] [qe84]|[qe8] [qe] 8 [w810]|[w80] [eQ92]|[eQ9] [eQ] 9 [te60] 0 [qe8] [tqe84] u [yqe8] [tqe] [e8] [w810] e [we80] [teQ92] u [yeQ9] [teQ] [e9] [Q92] e [eQ9] [t2] [uQ9] y [tQ92] u [eQ92] [eQ92] [eQ92] [eQ92] [eQ92] [eQ92] [yeQ92]t[eQ92]w[te4] Y [yte] [t4] [yte] Yy[e4] [tq] [qe2] YY[yqe] [t2] [yqe] uy[e2] [tq] [te6] uu[yte] t [yte] uye [t0] [wur5]yty[wr] 5 [wur]y[t5]y[wr] t [te4] Y [yte] [t4] [yte] Yy[e4] [tq] [qe2] YY[yqe] [t2] [yqe] uy[e2] [tq] [te6] uu[yte] t [yte] uye [t0] [wur5]yty[wr] 5 [wur]y[t5]y[wr] t [qe4] e [tqe] [t4] [uqe] y [tqe4] [e4] [q92] e [tq9] [t2] [uq9] y [tq92] [e2] [e60] e [te0] [t6] [ute] [y0] [te6] [e60] [wr5] e [wtr] [t5] [wur] [y95] [wt5] [e95] [ute4]y[tq]y[te] q [te4]t[tq]ye [qe] [uqe2]y[t9]y[qe] 9 [tq2]t[t9]yq 9 [ute6]y[t0]y[te] 0 [te]t[t0]ye [e0] [wur5]yty|[wur]yty uy[te4]| |[qe2]| |[t60]

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:01
    How Did You Love (Shinedown)


  • [ue]|f [ue] p|[ue]|
    [tqp] p p [tqp] p|[tqo]|
    [yw]|f [yw] p|[yw]|
    [wtp]|p [wtp] p|[wto] o
    [ue]| [ue]| [ue]|
    [tq]| [tq]| [tq] d
    [ywf] d f [ywd] f h [ywf]|
    [wt]|s [wts] s s [wtd]|
    [utoe] p [utse] p s[uted]|
    [tqoe] p [tsqe] p [tsqe]df
    [ywro] p [ywsr] p s[ywrd]|
    [wuto] p [wuts] p [wuts]df
    [utoe] p [utse] p s[uted]|
    [tqoe] p [tsqe] p [tsqe]dfd
    [ywr]| [ywr]| [ywsr]dfd
    [wut]| [wut]| [wut]|
    [q84] [q84]f [q84] p[q84] [q84]|
    [qp84] p[q84]p [qp84] p[q84] [qo84]|
    [w95] [w95]f [w95] p[w95] [w95]|
    [pe60] [e60]p [pe60] p[e60] [oe60] o
    [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84]|
    [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] p
    [wa95] p[w95]a [wp95] a[w95]p [ws95]|
    [e60] [e60]s [se60] s[e60]s [ed60]|
    [qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] s[qd4]|
    [qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] [sq4]df
    [wo5] [wp5] [ws5] [wp5] s[wd5]|
    [oe6] [pe6] [se6] [pe6] [se6]df
    [qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] s[qd4]|
    [qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] [sq4]dfd
    [wd5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [ws5]dfd
    [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6]|
    [qo] [qp] [sq] [qp] s[qd]|
    [qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] [sq84]df
    [wo95] [wp95] [ws95] [wp95] s[wd95]|
    [oe60] [pe60] [se60] [pe60] [se60]df
    [qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] s[qd84]|
    [qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] [sq84]dfd
    [w95] [w95] [w95] [w95] [ws95]dfd
    [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60]|
    [ute] [ute]f [ute] p[ute] [ute]|
    [tpie] [tie]p [tpie] p[tie]o [toie]|
    [ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr]|
    [wut] [wut] [wut] [wut] [wut]|
    [ute] [ute]f [ute] p[ute] [ute]|
    [tpie] [tie]p [tpie] p[tie]o [toie]|
    [ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr]|
    [wut] [wut] [wut] [wut] [wut]|
    [ute] [ute]g [ute] f[ute] [ute]|
    [tied] s[tie]d [tie] d[tie]s [tied]|
    [ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr]|
    [wut] [wut] [wut] [wut] [wut]|
    [ute] [ute]f [ute] p[ute] [ute]|
    [tpie] [tie]p [tie] p[tie]o [toie]|
    [ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr] [ywr]|
    [wut] [wut] [wut] [wut] [wut]|
    [q84] [q84]f [q84] p[q84] [q84]|
    [qp84] p[q84]p [qp84] p[q84] [qo84]|
    [w95] [w95]f [w95] p[w95] [w95]|
    [pe60] [e60]p [pe60] p[e60] [oe60] o
    [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84]|
    [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] p
    [wa95] p[w95]a [wp95] a[w95]p [ws95]|
    [e60] [e60]s [se60] s[e60]s [ed60]|
    [qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] s[qd4]|
    [qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] [sq4]df
    [wo5] [wp5] [ws5] [wp5] s[wd5]|
    [oe6] [pe6] [se6] [pe6] [se6]df
    [qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] s[qd4]|
    [qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] [sq4]dfd
    [w5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [ws5]dfd
    [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6]|
    [qo] [qp] [sq] [qp] s[qd]|
    [qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] [sq84]df
    [wo95] [wp95] [ws95] [wp95] s[wd95]|
    [oe60] [pe60] [se60] [pe60] [se60]df
    [qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] s[qd84]|
    [qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] [sq84]dfd
    [w95] [w95] [w95] [w95] [ws95]dfd
    [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60]|
    [ue]|f [ue] p|[ue]|
    [tqp] p p [tqp] p|[tqo]|
    [yw]|f [yw] p|[yw]|
    [wtp]|p [wtp] p|[wto] o
    [ue]| [ue]| [ue]|
    [tq]| [tq]| [tq] a
    [yw]|p [ywa] s|[yw]|
    [wut]| [wut]| [wut]|
    [q84] [q84]f [q84] p[q84] [q84]|
    [qp84] p[q84]p [qp84] p[q84] [qo84]|
    [w95] [w95]f [w95] p[w95] [w95]|
    [pe60] [e60]p [pe60] p[e60] [oe60] o
    [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84]|
    [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] [q84] p
    [wa95] p[w95]a [wp95] a[w95]p [ws95]|
    [e60] [e60]s [se60] s[e60]s [ed60]|
    [qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] s[qd4]|
    [qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] [sq4]df
    [wo5] [wp5] [ws5] [wp5] s[wd5]|
    [oe6] [pe6] [se6] [pe6] [se6]df
    [qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] s[qd4]|
    [qo4] [qp4] [sq4] [qp4] [sq4]dfd
    [w5] [w5] [w5] [w5] [ws5]dfd
    [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6] [e6]|
    [qo] [qp] [sq] [qp] s[qd]|
    [qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] [sq84]df
    [wo95] [wp95] [ws95] [wp95] s[wd95]|
    [oe60] [pe60] [se60] [pe60] [se60]df
    [qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] s[qd84]|
    [qo84] [qp84] [sq84] [qp84] [sq84]dfd
    [w95] [w95] [w95] [w95] [ws95]dfd
    [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60] [e60]

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:38
    This Is What You Came For (Alternative)


  • [utqpe]|a|s [sp] [utohe]||f|u o [ha]|[ywr]|a|r| [ywr0]||y 0 [rp] o [utqpe]|a t s| [utokfe]||s|u| [of]|[ywr]|[ha]|r y [ywro0]||r[uf] d [s0] a [tp4]|[ta] 8 [tsq]| [sph6]||[spf] 0 t 6 [oha]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 3| 7 0 w r| [p3] o [tp2] 6 [ta9] q [tse]| [sf6]||[shf] 0 t 6 [of]|5|[oha] 9 w 5 [uoa3]||7 [uo][wf] d [s3] a [tp4] 8 [tqa4] e [ts]| [sph6]||[spf0] [te] 6 0 [oha]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 3| 7 0 7 w 3 p o [tp2] 6 [ta9] q [tse]| [us6]||[sh0]|t 6 [of]|5|[oha] 9 w 5 [uoa3]||7 [uo][wf] d [s3] a [up4]|[ua] [84] [tsqi4] 4 [tsphe6]||[spf0]|t 6 [oa]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [30]| [73] 0 7 w 3 p [o3] [up4]|[uta] [84] [tsq4]| [usf6]||[shf0]|t 6 [of]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [uo30]||[73] [wuof] d [s73] a [usp4]|[ua] [84] [tsqi4] 4 [sphe6]||[spf0]|t 6 [oa]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [p3]||[o73]|w 7 [p3] o [utp92]|[uta] 6 [ts9]| [usfe6]||[shf0]|t 6 [uof]|5|[oa] 9 w 5 [uoa30]||[73] [wuof] d [s73] a [p840]||[uo]fd sa [woa60]|o o [ua] s [ua]|5 9 w r y|3|| 7 s [wf] f [h3]|[sp4] 8 q e t p [if4]|[d6] 0 e [uts] e| 6 as[oa5] 9 w r y|3| 7 0 w [rof] d [s3] a [tqpie]| [pi]f d s a [utoea]|o o a s a|[ywr]| r y w 0|| w s [rf] f [h0]|[utsqe]| t u [qp] f|[utoed]| s t u e as[ywra]| y r w 0|| w|r|y| [qe] [usj] a [sl] [utoe]|f u|[ywr] [ha]| [wr0]| 0 po[utqpe] [ka] [sl] [utoe]|h u [xf] [ywr] h| [ha] [ywr0]|[yxhf][zd][sl][ka][tqpje] [ka] [sl] [utokhe]|[hf] u|[ywr] [ha]| [wr0]| 0 po[qpe9] a [sl] [utofe]|t u [ofa] [ywr]| a [ywr0]
    Level: 7
    Length: 02:12
    Jocelyn Flores (Intermediate)


  • d f s p|
    a o|
    y u t e|
    r w|
    9 0 8 6|
    7 6 % 5||
    y Y [u8] s [wt] u [s0]|
    [utE] s q|
    Q s [tdY] D [wf] s [utd] f w a [rid]|
    [yr] Y [u8] s [wt] u [s0]|
    [utE] s q|
    [p(] o [I9] p [tsQ] f 9 d [tsQ] p [wrid]|5|6|
    [y7] Y [u8] s [wt] u [s0]|
    [utE] s q|[te]|Q s [tdY] D [wf] s [utd] f w a [rid]|[uts]|w|t|
    s d [tf] s [ud] f E s [utd] s [fe] s [tid] f W s [tid] s [wf] s [utd] f w a [rid]|
    8 u i I [o8]|
    [wp0] o 5 u [wi] I [o8]|
    [wp0] o 5 f [ws] o [qp] a [tse] d [qf] d [tsW] d [o0]|[wt]|
    5 u i I [o8]|
    [wp0] o 5 u [wi] I [o8]|
    [wp0] o 0 o [p(] P [a9] a [wr] a 9 p [tQI] y [wro]|q|
    0 u [i9] I [o8]|[wp0] o 5 u [wi] I [o8]|
    [wp0] o 5 f [ws] o [qp] a [tse] d [qf] d [tsW] d [s0]|[wt]|
    8 o [IE0] o [sqe]|
    [qpe] s [YQ] p [sYQ] p [wuo] s [wuf] h [wu] f [ws] o [tpI9]|
    [seI9]|[wrif] [id] [wr] [us] t|w|8|
    y Y [u8] s [wt] u [s0]|
    [utE] s q|[te]|
    Q s [tdY] D [wf] s [utd] f w a [rid]|
    [uts]|w|e|[yr] Y [u8] s [wt] u [s0]|
    [utE] s q|[te]|0|[p(] o [I9] p [tsQ] f 9 d [tsQ] p [wrid]|5|6|
    [y7] Y [u8] s [wt] u [s0]|
    [utE] s q|
    [te]|Q s [tdY] D [wf] s [utd] f w a [rid]|
    s d [tf] s [ud] f E s [utd] s [fe] s [tid] f W s [tid] s [wf] s [utd] f w a [rid]|

    Level: 8
    Length: 01:44
    The Entertainer (Expert) (Alternative)

    Scott Joplin

  • uy uy y uy uy y uy ru u u y |
    uy uy y uy uy y uy ruu uy | Iu u
    uy Iu u uy Iuuyu I uIuy | I u u
    uy Iu u u yIu u u y | r u u u y

    Level: 1
    Length: 00:50
    Super Easy
    Young and Beautiful (The Great Gatsby)

    Lana Del Rey

  • tp ouo pu y | tt tu |
    p pouo pu y | tty u t |
    p oooo p ooo u p ooo i u yuop | p o o p u yt | tty uytyt t

    Level: 1
    Length: 00:40
    Super Easy
    When I Was Your Man (Super Easy)

    Bruno Mars

  • o o | O o i o i | YtO o i ot | ttioO | o i o i | YtO o i ot | YtO o i o t |
    o o | O o i o i | YtO o i ot | ttioO | o i o i | YtO o i ot | YtO o i o t

    Level: 1
    Length: 01:00
    Super Easy

    Bruno Mars

  • t y u i | yte | et y y t y t y i yte |
    t y u i | yte | et y y t y t y i yte |
    y i o oiy | ooo i i u u y yu iy |
    y i o oiy | oo i i u u y yu i | i o i oio

    Level: 1
    Length: 01:00
    Super Easy
    Thriller (Super Easy)

    Michael Jackson

  • f f f f d s d f | sp | sdf fds |
    f f f f d s d s p | sdf fds |
    f h hf f h hf h h h | ss hf d d f p |
    psf f f f d s d f | sp | g f d s

    Level: 1
    Length: 01:00
    Super Easy
    The Lazy Song (Super Easy)

    Bruno Mars

  • pooiy y | pooio o | pooiu u | uyuiy y |
    pooiy y | pooio o | pooiu u | pooiu u y | pooiy y |
    eyuiipy y | yuipp o | popop o | oioip i |
    yuipy y | yuipp o | popop o | oioip y

    Level: 1
    Length: 01:10
    Super Easy
    Take You Dancing

    Jason Derulo

  • t t Y Y | Y Y t o i Y t o i Y |
    t t Y Y | Y Y Y o i Y t o | Y |
    Y Y Y P | Y Y Y | t Y t Y i i |
    Y Y Y P | Y Y Y |
    t Y t Y i i |
    P | i | Y | o |
    o P P P o P P P P | i | Y
    | o |
    o P P P o P s P P | i | Y | o |
    o P P P o P P P P | i | Y |
    i P P P P P | P P P s

    Level: 1
    Length: 02:15
    Super Easy
    Savage Love

    Jason Derulo

  • a S a p | S S a p | S |
    a S a p | S S a | p S |
    a S a p | G G G G f |
    da d f | G G G G | f | d | a f |
    g g g | f | f d | d |
    f f f | d | d s | s |
    d d d | s | s a | p | a s |
    g g g | f | f d f da |
    f f f | d | d s d sp |
    d d d | s | s a | p | a s

    Level: 1
    Length: 02:10
    Super Easy
    Pretty Woman

    Roy Orbison

  • y p p a p | o | I p I p a I I |
    p p a p | o | I p I p a I I |
    p p a p | o | I pP I uy | III y u yr |
    IuIuyu | I | o | I u y

    Level: 1
    Length: 00:55
    Super Easy
    It Will Rain

    Bruno Mars

  • hhhhgfgh hggfddh hggfddp |
    gg hhhgffh hggf d gghhgghg g d

    Level: 1
    Length: 00:40
    Super Easy
    Grenade (Super Easy)

    Bruno Mars

1 2 3 5 6 7