01:30 -
-5 -
[8qep]|s [8qep] s d [8qe] f
[80e] s a [9qep]|g [9qe] f
[80e]|s [80e]|d [80e] a
[9wr]|a [9wr]|s [9wr] p
[8qe]|s [8qe]|d [8qe] f
[80e] s a [9qep]|g [9qe] f
[80e]|s [80e]|d [80e] a
[9wr]|a [9wr]|s [9wr] p
[8qe]|p [8qei]|p [8qei]|
[8qe]|p [8qei]|p [8qei]|
[8qei] s s s s|d f
[80e] s|s [9qeg] g|f
[80e]| s s d|a
[9wr]|a p a s|p
[8qe]| s s|d f
[80e] s|s [9qeg] g|f
[80e]| s s d|a
[9wr]|a p a s|
[8qe]|s s s d|f
[80e] s s s [9qeg] g|f
[80e]| s s d|a
[9wr]| a a s|p
[8qe]| s s d|f
[80e]|f f [9qeg] g|f
[80e]| f f f|d
[9wr]| d d f|
[8qe]|f f f g f|
[80w]| f f g f|
[80e]||f g|h
[9wr]|g|f g|f
[8qe]|f f f g f|
[80w]| f f g f|
[80e]||f g|h
[9wr]|g|f g|f
[8qe]|h h h j h|
[80w]| h h j h|
[80ef]||f g|h
[9wr]|g|f g|f
[80ed] f||
About This Music Sheet
Another Love (Tom Odell) is a song by Tom Odell. Use your computer keyboard to play Another Love (Tom Odell) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:30, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Another Love (Tom Odell) is classified in the genres: Indie, Pop Rock on Virtual Piano.
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[d81]||[wr0]| [wr0] h| [f81]||[wr0]| [wr0] s| [ed6]| f [wt0]| | [e6]||[wt0]||5| [qd4]||[ute]| [yte] f| [sq4]||[ute]| [yte] d| [a30]||[ywr]||[ywr]| [30]||[ywr]||%| [d6]||[wt0]| [wt0] h| [f5]| [ywE] 8| [utE] s| [d4]| f [tqe]||[ute]| [wuT]||5||[wuT]| [d$]||[ute]| [yte] f| [s4]||[ute]| [yte] d| [a3]||[ywr]||[ywr]| [yuraW3]| |a asdfGH [tqpj4] e u y t [ufe] [uof] [ohe] [pje4] t [srl] e [uka] e [oh] e [pj30] r y w I [wuf] [yuf] [yd0] [uf30] r p r [uof] r [uoh] r [d92]h q e [qd] [yd] [ed] [yd] f [yf9]g e [yg] e [uf] e [yd]eq9 [uf*!]0WryuOaO u T u [OH30]| [urW]| [urO]| [uaO]| [tqpj4] e u y t [ufe] [uof] [ohe] [pje4] t [srl] e [uka] e [oh] e [pj30] r y w I [wuf] [yuf] [yd0] [uf30] r p r o r O| Eidj| |j h g f| d| s| d| rypf||| [f3]HkxLevel: 7Length: 01:29Intermediate
Eternal Wind (Final Fantasy III)
Nobuo Uematsu
[EYo] [YD] [yd] [wo]
[EYo] [YD] [yd] [wo]
[WO] [oh] [ig][WO] [oh] [iJ]|[YD]|[yd]|[EP]
[EYo] [YD] [yd] [wo][EYo] [YD] [yd] [EP] [EO]|P|[oh] [ig]
[(Eo] [YD] [yd] [wo][(EYo] [YD] [yd] [wo]
[WO]|P|[oh] [ig]
[(Eo] [YD] [yd] [wo]
[(Eo] [YD] [qyd] [wo]
[WO]|P|[oh] [ig][WO]|P|[oh] [iPJ]|D|d|P
Level: 6Length: 00:50IntermediateTurning Page (Twilight)
Sleeping At Last
t t [qes] sP|[8p]|o|[qei]|t|8|
t t[6qo]| i [%qo]| i [50u]|t|8|y|
[wd] ds|[9QP]|p|[wo]|9|5|
[7f] d[8s]|s P[8p]|p o[qi]|8|4|t|
[qes] sP|[8p]|o|[qei]|t|8|
t t[6qo]| i [%qo]| i [50u]|t|8|y|
[wd] ds|[9QP]|p|[wo]|9|5|
[7f] d[8s]|s P[8p]|p o[qi]|8|4|
u i[80o] po|[wu]|s|[6uo]|e|w|
u o[9i]|i u[qwy]|t y[8u]|e|w|
u i[80o]|p o[wu]|s|[8uo]|9|0|w|
[Q9s] ap|[wia]|p a[8us]|[9i]|[0o]|t|
[qes] sP|[8p]|o|[qei]|t|8|
t t[6qo]| i [%qo]| i [50u]|t|8|
y y[wd] ds|[9QP]|p|[wo]|9|5|
[7f] d[8s]|s P[8p]|p o[qi]|8|[4pg]Level: 5Length: 01:04IntermediateLet It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
Frank Sinatra