Circles (Post Malone)

Post Malone 2 September 2023
  • TYPE

[8u]|8| 8|7|
o|p|o u
q|q| q|q|
o|p|o u
8|8| 8|7|
o|p|o u
e|[eu] y|e y u
e|[eu] y r r [ry] t
[8u]|8|9 8|7|
[7o]|[9p] 8 o u
4|q|4 4 q|
4|[qo]|[4p]|[4o] u
8|8|9 8|7|
[7o]|[9p] 8 o u
4|[qu] y 4 4 [qy] u
4|[qu] y 4|[4y] t
8|8|9 8|7|
a [7a] a [9a] 8 a s
4|q|4 4 q|
4 p [qp] p [4p] p 4 p
[8o]|8|9 8|7|
a [7a] a [9a] 8 a s
4|q|4 4 q|
4 p [qp] p [4p] p 4 p
[8o]|8|9 8|7|
f [7f] f [9f] 8 d|
4|q|4 4 q|
4|[qf] f [4f] h 4 f
8|8|9 8|7|
f [7f] f [9f] 8 f d
4 s q|4 4 q|
4 o [qd] d [4d] s [4s]|
1|[8f] d [1d] 1 [8s] s
[7a] a 7 s 7 7 [7p] o
4|[qf] d [4d] 4 [qs] s
[4a] a q s 5 5 [wp] o
1|[8f] d [1d] 1 [8s] s
[7a] a [7a] s 7 7 [7p] o
4|[qf] d [4d] 4 q f
[4d] f q s [5f] [5g] [wf] h
1|8|[1f] 1 8 d
7|7 s [7f] [7g] [7f] h
4|q|[4f] 4 q d
4 s [qs] s [5f] [5d] [wd] s
1|[8f] d [1d] 1 [8s] s
[7a] a [7a] s 7 7 [7p] o
4|[qf] d [4d] 4 q f
[4d] d q|[5f] [5d] [wd]|
[8s]|[8o]|9 8|7|
o [7o] o [9o] [8o] o o
[4o] u [qu]|[4y] 4 q 4|
4|4 5| t
[8p]|[8o]|9 8|7|
o [7o] o [9o] [8o] o|
[4o] u [qu]|[4y] 4 q|
4|q s [5s] s [5s] s
[8f]|[8d]|9 8 f 7
d|7 s [9s] [8s] s s
[4f]|[qd]|4 [4s] [qf]|
[4d]|q s [5s] s [5s] s
[8f]|[8d]|9 [8s] f 7
d s [7s] s [9s] [8s] s s
[4s] p [qp] o [4o] 4 q|
4 p p s 8 [6d] 5 f
1|[8f] d [1d] 1 [8s] s
[7a] a 7 s 7 7 [7p] o
4|[qf] d [4d] 4 [qs] s
[4a] a q s 5 5 [wp] o
1|[8f] d [1d] 1 [8s] s
[7a] a [7a] s 7 7 [7p] o
4|[qf] d [4d] 4 q f
[4d] f q s [5f] [5g] [wf] h
1|8|[1f] 1 8 d
7|7 s [7f] [7g] [7f] h
4|q|[4f] 4 q d
4 s [qs] s [5f] [5d] [wd] s
1|[8f] d [1d] 1 [8s] s
[7a] a [7a] s 7 7 [7p] o
4|[qf] d [4d] 4 q f
[4d] d q|[5f] [5d] [wd]|
[rs]|f d d s s s
[ys] s s f|f g f
e s f d||
W s s f|f g f
r s f d d|s s
[ys] s s f|f g f
t s f d| y u|
s s f|f [5g] f
1|[8f] d [1d] 1 [8s] s
[7a] a 7 s 7 7 [7p] o
4|[qf] d [4d] 4 [qs] s
[4a] a q s 5 5 [wp] o
1|[8f] d [1d] 1 [8s] s
[7a] a [7a] s 7 7 [7p] o
4|[qf] d [4d] 4 q f
[4d] f q s [5f] [5g] [wf] h
1|8|[1f] 1 8 d
7|7 s [7f] [7g] [7f] h
4|q|[4f] 4 q d
4 s [qs] s [5f] [5d] [wd] s
1|[8f] d [1d] 1 [8s] s
[7a] a [7a] s 7 7 [7p] o
4|[qf] d [4d] 4 q f
[4d] d q|[5f] [5d] [wd]|

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About This Music Sheet

Circles (Post Malone) is a song by Post Malone. Use your computer keyboard to play Circles (Post Malone) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:28, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Circles (Post Malone) is classified in the genre of Pop Rock on Virtual Piano.


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d [uod] d [I29ey]

    Level: 8
    Length: 06:00
    Bohemian Rhapsody (Alternative)


  • p f j jk[li] s g jk [ol] d h kj[uk] a fflk [pj] f jjkj[ic] s g xz [xs] h l zl[zo] d h x [dc] j z xz[PB] g J bv [gb] l c vc[vs] h [lc] x [xP] c z g J J c B [vsh] h l l v m v l [pe] u p pa[sq] t i pa [ws] y o ap[a0] r uusa [pe] u ppap[qg] t i fd [tf] o s ds[wd] y o f [yg] p d fd[JE] i P jh [ji] s g hg[th] o [sg] f [fE] g d i P P g J [th] o s s h l [rh7] s [pe6] u p pa[sq2] t i pa [ws5] y o ap[a30] r [ua]usa [pe6] u ppap[qg4] t i fd [tf8] o s ds[wd5]o[yp]a[so]dfg [yg] p d fd[JE] i P jh [ji] s g hg[th] o [sg] f [f^E] gd [qi] [PE] P g J [th8] o s s h l [rh7] s [pe] u p pap[sq] t i pap [ws] y o ap[a0] [ur] [us] a [pe6] u p pap[qg] t [qi] fd [tf8] o s ds[wd5]o[yp]a[so]dfg [yg] p d fd[JE] i P jh [ji] s g Jj[th] o [sg] f [f^E] gd [^E] [^E] [^E] [^E] [^E] [eS6][eS6][eS6][eS6][eS6] po[qp4][qo4][qi4][qo4][i30][u30][y30][t30] [yd9] p d dfd[g^E] i P dfd [tg8] o s fd[fe6] [up] [pg] f [yd9] p ddfd[^JE] i P jh [qji] s g hg[th8]s[od]f[sg]hjJ [woJ] d h jh[ZY(] P D zl [zPE] g J lJ[qli] s [gJ] j [jYE(] Jh [PE] [YPD] h Z z [ztqie]| |[sl]| | [tsqlie]||| [d9] ef[yf] ig[pg] sl[ld] z [z6] 0l[le] t u p [uJ] [tj] [j^] qJ[hE] y i P [ig] [yf] [f9] [ge] [yd] i p d [pg]f[id]f [yd9] e[uf][yuf] i[ig][pig] s[sl][ld] [zd] [zd6] 0[sl][sle] t u p [uPJ] [tpj] [j^] qJ[hE] y i P [ig] [yf] [f9] eg[yd] i p d [pg]f[id]f [J5]9we[E8]ewE[yJ][uoj][yohd][ihP][ugd][yfdP][tdP][yP] [h9]e[yj]u[ug]pdpiyeyuiuy ^q[JE]y[li]P[zi]y[x8]wtu[vo]sou [c9]e[yx]u[zi]pspiyeyuiuy [J5]9weEtyo[PJ]d[jh]d[hP]p[pg]P [h9]e[yj]u[ig]pdfgjzjgdgd ^q[JE]y[li]P[zi]y[c8]wty[xu]oso [c9]eyuip[zd]p[zi]yiy[xe]qwe [sqpg4] [q4] [q4] [qg4]h[jgd92] [92] [92] [g92]h [P^jd] ^ ^ [h^]g[shf81] [81] [81] [j81]h [sqpg4] [q4] [q4] [qh4]g[pid92] [93] [93] [l93]J [lgd^] ^ ^ [^J]j[shf81][81][81][81][j81][81][J81][81] [zd9][yq][yq][yq][yq][yq][yxqf][zyqd][^JB][qE][qE][qE][qE][qE][qjbE][vqhE] [jb0][wu][wu][wu][wu][wu][wvuh][wugc][xf6][we][we][we][wgec][we][xwfe][we] [i9]uyi[u9]yui[o9]poiop[P9]P[p9]opP[P9]pop[P9]sds[P9]dsP [s9]Pos[P9]pPs[d9]fdsfd[s9]d[f9]ddf[g9]fhg[pj9] 9[ka] [le] u p jk[ql] t i jl [wl] y o kj[k0] [rf] [ul] k [je6] u p kj[qc] t [qi] xz [xt8] o s zl[zw5]h[yj]k[ol]zxc [yc] p d xz[EB] i P bv [ib] s g vc[vt] o [sc] x [x^E] cz [qi] [PE]| x c [b8]vcx[v8]c[x8]z[c8]xzl[x8]z[l8]j[z8]lJj[l8]Jjh[l8]Jjh[J8]jhg [d92] p d fgf[g^] i P fgf [g81] o s fd[fe6] [up] [pg] f [d92] p d fd[^J] i P jh [qj4] s g hg[h81]s[od]f[sg]hjJ [wJ5] d h jh[Z@(] P D zl [z^] g J Zz[ql4] s [gJ] j [jYE(] Jh [PE] [YPD]| | [j9]||zcb| | [d^]
    Level: 6
    Length: 02:43


  • o o i d o i d o i | Y Y Y y y Y Y y y t t | o o i d o i d o i | Y Y Y y y Y Y y y t t | Y y E E
    Level: 2
    Love The Way You Lie

