03:05 -
-2 -
e| u| u|
q| t| t|
8| t| t|
0| y| y|
e| u| u|
q| t| t|
8| t| t|
0| y| [ya] s
[ef]| u| u s
[qa]| i| i s
[8u]| t| t|
0| y| [ya] s
[ef]| u| u s
[qj]| i| i g
[8f]| t| t d
[0f]| y| [ya] s
[ef]| u| u s
[qa]| i| i p
[8u]| t| t|
0| y| [ya] s
[ef]| u| u s
[qj] k [ij]| i g
[8f]| t| t d
[0f]| y| [yd] f
[yg] h [pg] f [pd] s
[wa] i [oh] g [of] D
[tf] g [of] d [os] a
[qp] u [ig] f [id] s
[Wd] f [ud] s [ua] p
[0O] u [rI] O [rp] a
[es] a [us] S [ud] D
[Wf]| [uf] h [ug] f
[yg] h [pg] f [pd] s
[wa] i [oh] g [of] D
[tf] g [of] d [os] a
[qp] u [ig] f [id] s
[Wd] f [ud] s [ua] p
[0O] u [ri] O [rp] a
[ep]| u| u|
u| |a s
[ef]| u| u s
[qa]| i| i p
[8u]| t| t|
0| y| [ya] s
[ef]| u| u s
[qj] k [ij]| i g
[8f]| t| t d
[0f]| y| [yd] f
[wg] h [ig] f [id] o
[tf]| o| o|
[0d] f [yd] s [ya] d
[es]| u| u|
[qp] O [ip] a [is]|
[0p] O [tp] a [ts]|
[(p] O [tp] a [ts] d
[0f]| [yu]| [yz] x
[wc] v [ic] x [iz] h
[tx]| o| o|
[0z] x [yz] l [yk] z
[el]| u| u|
[qj] H [ij] k [il]|
[0j] H [tj] k [tl]|
[(j] H [tj] k [tl] z
[0x]| [yf]| [yf]|
[yf]| |a s
[ef]| u| u s
[qa]| i| i s
[8u]| t| t|
0| y| [ya] s
[ef]| u| u s
[qj]| i| i g
[8f]| t| t d
[0f]| y| [yak] [sl]
[6flx]| u| u [sl]
[4ahk]| i| i [sl]
[8usf]| t| t|
0| y| [yak] [sl]
[6flx]| u||[sl]
[4jcb]| i| i [gc]
[8flx]| t| t [dz]
[0fkx]| y| [yak] [sl]
[6flx]| u| u [sfl]
[4ahk]| i| i [pgj]
[8usf]| t| t|
0| y| [yak] [sl]
[6flx]| u| [uflx] [sfl]
[4jcb] [kn] [ijb]| i [gc]
[8flx]| t| t [dz]
[0fkx]| y| [yd] f
[9g] h [yg] f [yd] s
[wa] i [yh] g [yf] D
[8f] g [rf] d [ts] a
[qp] u [ig] f [id] s
[Wd] f [ud] s [ua] p
[0O] u [rI] O [rp] a
[es] a [us] S [ud] D
[Wf]| [uf] h [ug] f
[9g] h [yg] f [yd] s
[wa] i [yh] g [yf] D
[8f] g [tf] d [ts] a
[qp] u [ig] f [id] s
[Wd] f [ud] s [ua] p
[0O] u [rI] O [rp] a
About This Music Sheet
Cordelia (Juan Arenosa) is a song by Juan Arenosa. Use your computer keyboard to play Cordelia (Juan Arenosa) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:05, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Cordelia (Juan Arenosa) is classified in the genre of Classical on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Relaxing.
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[se]aspsu[sq]psigpsigs[tf]sgshs[wd]a[hd]ohodoha[se]aspsu[sq]psigpsigs[tf]sgshs[wd]a[hd]oho[td]o[rh]a[se6]aspsu[sq4]psigpsigs[tf8]sgshs[wd5]a[hd]oho[td]o[rh]a[se6]aspsu[sq4]psigpsigs[tf8]sgshs[wd5]so s ssss[se6] p [utse]s[sqi4]ss|[tsqe]sss[us81] s [wuts]s[wso5]ps|[ywsr]ssp[us6]|[utse]s[sqi4]ps|[tsqe]ssp[us81] s [wuts]s[ws5]d [od] [ywsr]sss[pfe6] s [utse]p[sqi4]ps|[tsqe]sss[us81] p [wuts]s[wso5] s|[ywsr]psp[use6] p [tsqe] [si81]p [si] [tsqe]sss[wd5]ddfdss [sl][sl][ka][ka][pj] [oh][pj][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld]h[ld][lh9][zd][ywrh]d[h9][jd][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]i[s8]f[sf81][of][wsf][of][wusrh]o[hd5][ha][jd][ha][d9][ja][ywsro]sss[use6] p [utse]s[sqi4]ss44 [tsqe]ss [us81] s [wuts] [wso5]ps55 [ywsr]ssp[use6] f [utse]s[sqi4]ps44 [tsqe]sss[us81]sss[wuts]s[yws5]d[od]5[s5] [ywsr]ssd[pfe6] h [utse]s[sqi4]ss44 [tsqe]sss[us81]|[wuts]s[yws5]sd55 [ywsr]sss[use6] p [utse]s[sqi4]ss44 [tsqe]sss[wod5]dd|ss[sl][sl][ka][ka][pj] [oh][pj][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld]h[ld][lh9][zd][ywrh]d[h9][jd][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]i[s8]f[sf81][of][wsf][of][wutsh]o[whd5][ha][jd][ha][d9][ja][ywr] [sp9][da][usfe6]a[usf0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]p[us8][pd][usf81]o[wusf]o[wuto]s[wda5]oya[d9]o[ywra]o[sp9][da][usfe6]a[us0]p[utse]p[qpi4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]i[sp8][da][sf81]o[wsf]o[wutsh]o[whd5][ha][jd]a[hd9][ja][ywrd]a[sp9]d[fe6] [pf] [utse]s[qpf4] s [pf] [tsqe] ff[s81]s[of] [wuts] [wof5]|[of] [ywr] [of] [e6] [pf]f[utse]s[qpf4] s [pf] [tsqe] ff[s81] [of] [wuts]s[wof5] s [of] [ywsr] [of] [e6] [pf] [utse]s[qpf4] d [si] [tsqe] ff[s81]s[of] [wuts] [wof5] d [so] [ywr] f [e6] [pf]f[utfe]f[qpf4] g [pf] [tsqe] ff[s81] [of] ss[of] [sl][sl][ka][ka][pj] [oh][pj][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld]h[ld][lh9][zd][ywrh]d[h9][jd][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]o[tsqe]i[g8]s[f81]s[wg]s[wuth][sh][whd5][ld][h9]d[wkh][kh][ywrjd][ha][wd][ja][se6]a[s0]p[utse]p[sq4]psi[g8]p[tsqe]i[s8]f[sf81][of][wsf][of][wutsh]o[whd5][ha][jd][ha][d9][ja][ywrd]a[sp9][da][sfe6]a[sf0]p[utse]s[sq4]ssp[g8]p[tsqpe]s[s8][da][sf81]o[wsf]o[ws]s[wutpd]s[wa5]o[h9]o[ywsr]s[s9][da][sfe6]a[s0]p[utse]s[sqp4]psp[g8]p[tsqe]s[s8][da][sf81]p[wsf]p[wuts]s[wod5]aod[h9]o[ywsr]s[sp9][da][sfe6]a[sf0]p[utse]p[sq4]psp[g8]i[tsqe]s[sp8][da][sf81]o[wsf]o[ws]s[wutpd]s[wa5]o[h9]o[ywsr]p[sp9][da][sfe6]a[sp0]a[utse]p[sqp4]psp[g8]i[tsqe]s[sp8][da][sf81]s[wsf]s[wutd]s[wda5][so][sl][sl][ka9][ka][ywrpj][oh]9[pj][se6]aspsu[sq4]psigpsigs[tf8]sgshs[wd5]a[hd]ohodoha[se]aspsu[sq]psigpsigs[tf]sgshs[wd]a[hd]ohah
Level: 6Length: 03:23IntermediateHall Of Fame (Alternative)
The Script
[rpdI] f G [ywpoj]||d p [ufeT] G h [ypIG]||[upfT]|[rpdI] G j [ywodL]|z j|[ued]| |[uTS6] 0 e|6 e [u5] 9 [yw] u I u 6 0 [ye] y|e [u7] Q [ye] u y u $ 9 [eI] I|e [y5] 9 [wu] I u 6 0 [ye] y|e [y7] Q e y u I $ 9 [peG] Q [yph] I y [jQ] [ofa5] 9 [wd] [fT] y w [pG] f 6 0 [ed] [dT] y e p p [f7] Q [rd] [fT] y r [pj] f $ 9 [ed] [dT] y Q p p [d3] 7 [wf] G $ 9 [ohe] [pj] 5 9 w [IG] [ufe6] [yd] 6 [zjdG5] [zjdG5] [wjSLG] T y [wka] [pjS] 6 6 [yd6] [yd0] e [uf0] [daIG6] 7 7 [z7] [xQ] [yj] [dQ] 7 [ydQ] [daIG7] 7 [oha7] [QIG] 6 Q [ufe] [ydI] 5 5 [z5] [x9] [ywd] [uf9] [IG5] [pjS] 6 6 [IG6] [uf0] T [yd0] [ydI6] 7 7 [pTI7] Q [yrpI] Q [yI7] Q [yrpI] Q [SG7] r [jdQG] 7 [zjdG$] 6 [zjdG5] [zjdG5] [wSL] T y [wka] [pjS] 6 6 [upf6] [upf0] e T u f [^SLJG] ^ [ka^G] [SQL] T Q [zyd] [zdQG] 7 7 7 Q y y u [wI73] o I u y [e9$] [yd] [ydQ9] [pj] $ [pj] [pjd^] [oh^] [tohE] [qig] [yE] [ig] [ig81] 8 [wsohE] [soh] 0 1 [spig2] [oh9] [ye] [pj] [sljg6] 6 q [spohe] [sqpig] t q 6 [yd] [ig^P] ^ [yd^] [qig] E [oh] [spj4] [e4] [t8] [qi] [h3] [o8] [ws] f [spig2] [oh9] [ye] [pj] [sljg6] 6 q [spohe] [sqpig] t q 6 [yd] [sig^] ^ [qpjE] [oh81] 8 [wig] [ig] [pi4] [qoP4] [si30] [o8] w u [spig2] 6 9 [qoh] e 9 y [pje] q 9 6 [slg2] ^ ^ ^ [oh^] [igE] q 9 ^ ^ ^ [ig] 4 [soh1] 5 8 [sig0] w [soh] 8 t w 0 [PJ8] 5 [pjS] 1 ! 6 0 [ohS6] 0 [oheS] T u T e 0 6 [i2] p s g 6 [uspf9] q [spige] 9 y e q [zd9] 6 [slg] 2 ^ 4 9 [ig^] q [igP] 9 E q 9 ^ ^ [ts] ^ [soh1] 5 8 [spj0] w [soh] 8 0 w t [ig] [spig] 4 8 q w e q e t i p s g f [ypig] f g z l [piE] g g|s [tsh] u o|||[h8] g u f [i9] p e s g t o p [si^]|q [ti] E i [to8] p [wP] [pi4]|8 [wto30] 8 [tie9] p q s [pife] ^ g|q t E [tsoh8] w y i [uto8] w g|[i4] p s g 8 q w e q o p [splif]
Level: 7Length: 01:57IntermediateSincerely (Violet Evergarden)
Evan Call
[wut]||f a| | [urW]||f k| | [tie]||jkl k| j [yrk]||h [utke]| | 8 e t [uf] a u t e 0 W r [uf] k u r W q e t [ji]kl [ki] t [je] [wk] r y [oj] [ke] r u f [he]tih g g [wf]ruf d d [f0]ruf a f Wru||f [he]tih g g [wf]ruf d d [f0]Wru k| Wru||f [sh4]8w[sh] [sg] [sg] [pf3]680[pf] [pd] [pd] [fa3]70[fa] [aO] [fa] %70||f [sh4]8w[sh] [sg] [sg] [pf3]680[pf] [pd] [pd] [fa730]| [kf]| [urW]| | [ute]||f a| [ute] [ute] [wut]||f k| [wut] [wut] [utq]||jkl k [utq] [utqj] [k730]| |H| [730] [730] [962]||p u| [962] [730] [q84]||p f| [q84] 0 [8510]||sdf d [851] [s962] [f730]||dsa||u [o4]8wo i i [u3]680u y y [u3]70u r u %70||u [o4]8wo i i [u3]680u y y [u730]| a| [urW]||u [to4]8w[to] [ti] [ti] [ue3]680[ue] [ye] [ye] [ur3]70[ur] [rW] [ur] %70||u [to4]8w[to] [ti] [ti] [ue3]680[ue] [ye] [ye] [ur730]||iuy| t| [r3]Level: 7Length: 01:39Intermediate
Renesmee’s Lullaby (Twilight)
Carter Burwell