Epic Wynn (Wynncraft)

Needlr 4 December 2020

e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t w r y r q e t e [pe] t [us] [td] [fe] [tf] [ud] [ts] [pe] [tp]p[us] [td] [fe]g[tf]s[ud] [ts] [pe] t [us] [td] [ge] [tf] [ud] [ts] [wa] [rd] [ys] [ra] [qp] e t e [ue6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] [yw] [ue6] t [u0] t [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ywf] [use6]a[tp] [u0] t [e6] [ts] [ua0] [upe] [ywa5]s[rd] [ys9] [ywa] [tqp4] e [to8] [tqp] [ywa5] r [ya9] [sr] [wa5] [rp] [yo9] [rp] [wuo7] r [uo0] [rp] [wa7] [sr] [ua0] [rp] [uea6] t [us0] [tp] [ue6] t [ut0] t [pe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [us0] [td] [fe6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [pe6] [tp]p[us0] [td] [fe6]g[tf]s[ud0] [ts] [pe6] t [us0] [td] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [wa5] [rd] [ys9] [ra] [qpi4] e [t8] e [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] [ywo] [upe6] [tp] [ud0] [tf] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ywof] [uspe6]a[tp] [u0] t [e6] [ts] [ua0] [upe] [woa5]s[rd] [ys9] [ywoa] [qpi4] e [ts8] [tqpi] [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [uo0] [ti] [ue6] t [u0] t [ie6] t [u0] [yt] [w5] [ur] [y9] r [tq4] e [t8] e [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [w5] r [y9] r [q4] e [t8] e [pe6] t [us0] [td] [fe6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [pe6] [tp]p[us0] [td] [fe6]g[tf]s[ud0] [ts] [pe6] t [us0] [td] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [wa5] [rd] [ys9] [ra] [qpi4] e [t8] e [te6] [te] 0 [te] 6 [te]0 [wro] [tpe6] [tpe] [d0] [tfe] [g6] [tfe]0d [wrf] [tse6]a[tpe] 0 [te] 6 [tse]0a [tpe] [ra5]s[wrd]9s [wra] [pe4] [qe]8o [qpe] [oa5]|[oa9] [sp] [oa5] [pi] [uo9] [pi] [uo0]|[uo7] [pi] [oa0] [sp] [oa7] [pi] [ua6]|[si0] [up] [u6]|[t0]|[pe6]|0|6|5 % [tpe6] [te] [s0] [ted] [f6] [tfe]0d [wsr] [tpe6] [tpe]p[s0] [ted] [f6]g[tfe][s0]d [wsr] [tpe6] [te] [s0] [ted] [g6] [tfe]0[d0] [tse] [ra5]s[wrd]9s [wra] [pie4] [qe]8 [qe] [utpe6] [te] 0 [te] 6 [te]0 [wro5] [utpe6] [tpe] [d0] [tfe] [g6] [tfe]0d [wof5] [utspe6]a[tpe] 0 [te] 6 [tse]0a [tpe6] [wroa5]s[wrd]9s [wroa5] [qpie4] [qe]8 [qe4] [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [uo0] [ti] [ue6] t [u0] t [ie6] t [u0] [yt] [w5] [ur] [y9] r [tq4] e [t8] e e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t e t u t w r y r q e t e [pe] t [us] [td] [fe] [tf] [ud] [ts] [pe] [tp]p[us] [td] [fe]g[tf]s[ud] [ts] [pe] t [us] [td] [ge] [tf] [ud] [ts] [wa] [rd] [ys] [ra] [qp] e t e [ue6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] [yw] [ue6] t [u0] t [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ywf] [use6]a[tp] [u0] t [e6] [ts] [ua0] [upe] [ywa5]s[rd] [ys9] [ywa] [tqp4] e [to8] [tqp] [ywa5] r [ya9] [sr] [wa5] [rp] [yo9] [rp] [wuo7] r [uo0] [rp] [wa7] [sr] [ua0] [rp] [uea6] t [us0] [tp] [ue6] t [ut0] t [pe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [us0] [td] [fe6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [pe6] [tp]p[us0] [td] [fe6]g[tf]s[ud0] [ts] [pe6] t [us0] [td] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [wa5] [rd] [ys9] [ra] [qpi4] e [t8] e [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] [ywo] [upe6] [tp] [ud0] [tf] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ywof] [uspe6]a[tp] [u0] t [e6] [ts] [ua0] [upe] [woa5]s[rd] [ys9] [ywoa] [qpi4] e [ts8] [tqpi] [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [uo0] [ti] [ue6] t [u0] t [ie6] t [u0] [yt] [w5] [ur] [y9] r [tq4] e [t8] e [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [w5] r [y9] r [q4] e [t8] e [pe6] t [us0] [td] [fe6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [pe6] [tp]p[us0] [td] [fe6]g[tf]s[ud0] [ts] [pe6] t [us0] [td] [ge6] [tf] [ud0] [ts] [wa5] [rd] [ys9] [ra] [qpi4] e [t8] e [te6] [te] 0 [te] 6 [te]0 [wro] [tpe6] [tpe] [d0] [tfe] [g6] [tfe]0d [wrf] [tse6]a[tpe] 0 [te] 6 [tse]0a [tpe] [ra5]s[wrd]9s [wra] [pe4] [qe]8o [qpe] [oa5]|[oa9] [sp] [oa5] [pi] [uo9] [pi] [uo0]|[uo7] [pi] [oa0] [sp] [oa7] [pi] [ua6]|[si0] [up] [u6]|[t0]|[pe6]|0|6|5 % [tpe6] [te] [s0] [ted] [f6] [tfe]0d [wsr] [tpe6] [tpe]p[s0] [ted] [f6]g[tfe][s0]d [wsr] [tpe6] [te] [s0] [ted] [g6] [tfe]0[d0] [tse] [ra5]s[wrd]9s [wra] [pie4] [qe]8 [qe] [utpe6] [te] 0 [te] 6 [te]0 [wro5] [utpe6] [tpe] [d0] [tfe] [g6] [tfe]0d [wof5] [utspe6]a[tpe] 0 [te] 6 [tse]0a [tpe6] [wroa5]s[wrd]9s [wroa5] [qpie4] [qe]8 [qe4] [upe6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [e6] t [u0] t [pe6] t [uo0] [ti] [ue6] t [u0] t [ie6] t [u0] [yt] [w5] [ur] [y9] r [tq4] e [t8] e e

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About This Music Sheet

Epic Wynn (Wynncraft) is a song by Needlr. Use your computer keyboard to play Epic Wynn (Wynncraft) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 04:26, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Epic Wynn (Wynncraft) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano.


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Other Songs By Needlr

  • [9ey] 9 [up]| [yo]| [ti]|
    [9ey] 9 [up]| [os]| [uo]|
    [9ey] 9 [up]| [yo]| [ti] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up]| [6et]| [tu] 8
    [9ey] [9s] [upf] s [yoa]| [tis] 8
    [9eyp] 9 [ups] d [osf]| [uog] 8
    [9eyd] 9 [up] s [yoa]| [tis] 8
    [9eyp] [9s] [up] d [6yoa]| [tio] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up] q [wyo]| [qti] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up] e [tos]| [wuo] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up] q [wyo]| [qti] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up] [8s] [6yoa]| [6tio] 8
    [9eyp] 9 [up] [qi] [wyo]| [qti] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up] [ed] [tos]| [wuoa] 8
    [9eyp] 9 [up] [qi] [wyo]| [qti] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up] [8o] [6eti]| [6tuo] [8p]
    [9yEP] 9 [ips] [6d] [8psf]| [0uod] 8
    [9yEP] [9s] [ipd] [qP] [wuos]| [qtup] [8i]
    [9yEP] 9 [ips] [6d] [8psf]| [0uog] 8
    [E9yd] [9s] [ip] [qP] [wtip]| [quo] [8i]
    [E9y] 9 [ip] 6 [8ps]| [0uo] 8
    [E9y] 9 [ip] q [wtuo]| [qti] [8e]
    [E9y] 9 [eip] 6 [8ps]| [0uo] 8
    [E9y] 9 [ip] q [6eps]| [8tsf] 8
    [9ey] [9s] [upf] s [yoa]| [tis] 8
    [9eyp] 9 [ups] d [osf]| [uog] 8
    [9eyd] 9 [up] s [yoa]| [tis] 8
    [9eyp] [9s] [up] d [6yoa]| [tio] 8
    [9y] [9s] [upsf] [8ts] [9ryoad] 9 [tipsg] [8t]
    [9eypd] 9 [ups] [9yd] [0uosf] 0 [tosg] [8t]
    [9eypd] 9 [up] [8ts] [9ryoa] 9 [tips] [8t]
    [9yps] [9sf] [ups] [8tdg] [9ryoad] 9 [tios] [8t]
    [9ey] 9 [up] q [wyo]| [qti] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up] e [tos]| [wuo] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up] q [wyo]| [qti] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up] [8s] [6yoa]| [6tio] 8
    [9eyp] 9 [up] [qi] [wyo]| [qti] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up] [ed] [tos]| [wuoa] 8
    [9eyp] 9 [up] [qi] [wyo]| [qti] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up] [8o] [6eti]| [6tu] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up]| [yo]| [ti]|
    [9ey] 9 [up]| [os]| [uo]|
    [9ey] 9 [up]| [yo]| [ti] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up]| [6et]| [tu] 8
    [9ey] [9s] [upf] s [yoa]| [tis] 8
    [9eyp] 9 [ups] d [osf]| [uog] 8
    [9eyd] 9 [up] s [yoa]| [tis] 8
    [9eyp] [9s] [up] d [6yoa]| [tio] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up] q [wyo]| [qti] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up] e [tos]| [wuo] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up] q [wyo]| [qti] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up] [8s] [6yoa]| [6tio] 8
    [9eyp] 9 [up] [qi] [wyo]| [qti] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up] [ed] [tos]| [wuoa] 8
    [9eyp] 9 [up] [qi] [wyo]| [qti] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up] [8o] [6eti]| [6tuo] [8p]
    [9yEP] 9 [ips] [6d] [8psf]| [0uod] 8
    [9yEP] [9s] [ipd] [qP] [wuos]| [qtup] [8i]
    [9yEP] 9 [ips] [6d] [8psf]| [0uog] 8
    [E9yd] [9s] [ip] [qP] [wtip]| [quo] [8i]
    [E9y] 9 [ip] 6 [8ps]| [0uo] 8
    [E9y] 9 [ip] q [wtuo]| [qti] [8e]
    [E9y] 9 [eip] 6 [8ps]| [0uo] 8
    [E9y] 9 [ip] q [6eps]| [8tsf] 8
    [9ey] [9s] [upf] s [yoa]| [tis] 8
    [9eyp] 9 [ups] d [osf]| [uog] 8
    [9eyd] 9 [up] s [yoa]| [tis] 8
    [9eyp] [9s] [up] d [6yoa]| [tio] 8
    [9y] [9s] [upsf] [8ts] [9ryoad] 9 [tipsg] [8t]
    [9eypd] 9 [ups] [9yd] [0uosf] 0 [tosg] [8t]
    [9eypd] 9 [up] [8ts] [9ryoa] 9 [tips] [8t]
    [9yps] [9sf] [ups] [8tdg] [9ryoad] 9 [tios] [8t]
    [9ey] 9 [up] q [wyo]| [qti] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up] e [tos]| [wuo] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up] q [wyo]| [qti] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up] [8s] [6yoa]| [6tio] 8
    [9eyp] 9 [up] [qi] [wyo]| [qti] 8
    [9ey] 9 [up] [ed] [tos]| [wuoa] 8
    [9eyp] 9 [up] [qi] [wyo]| [qti] 8
    [9ey] 9

    Level: 7
    Length: 03:07
    Peaks of Ash and Flame (Wynncraft)


  • [y9] [qe] [t8] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9]t[y9] [uqe]y[t8] [yw0]t[wr5]t[yr9] [yr92] [yr9]u[yi9] [uqe]y[ut8] [wi0]u[yw5] [r9] [yr92]t[yr9]u[yi9] [qoe]i[ut8] [wo0]p[wo5] [yra9] [yra92] [r9]t[y94] [qe] [t85] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9]t[y94] [uqe5]y[t85] [yw0]t[wr5]t[yr9] [yr92] [yr9]u[yi94] [uqe]y[ut85] [wi0]u[yw5] [r9] [yr92]t[yr9]u[yi94] [qoe5]i[ut85] [wo0]p[wo5] [yra9] [yra92] [r9]t[yp9] [qoe] [to8] [wi0] [wu5]y[yr9]u[yr92] [r9] [yi9] [qoe]i[to8] [wp0] [wa5] [ro9] [ro92] [r9] [yp9] [qpe]a[ts8]a[wp0]o[wa5] [ro9] [ro92] [r9]i[yi9] [qoe] [to8] [w0] [wo5] [r9] [r92] [r95]4[y96] [qe5] [t85] [w0]4[w5] [r92] [r92] [r93] [y94] [qe3]2[t83] [w50] [w75] [r95] [r952] [r9] [yp9] [qe] [to8] [w0] [yw5] [r9] [r92] [rp9]a[yp9] [yqe] [ut8] [wi0]o[wa5] [ro9] [ro92] [yq9]u[i6]u[yq9] [u8] [wt0] [y9] [qe9] [i9] [qi9]u[y6] [qi9] [wu8]i[wo0] [qi9]|[i9]u[yq9]u[i6]u[yq9] [u8]i[wo0] [i9] [yq9] [pi9] [qpi9] [pi6] [qpi9] [wuo8] [wuo0] [qpi9]|[y94] [yq94][u3][i62]u[yq94] [u83] [wt20]3[y94] [qe92] [i94] [qi95]u[y64]3[qi92] [wu83]i[wo30] [qi94] 23[i94]u[yq95]u[i6]u[yq95]4[u85][i4][wo30] [i94] [yq96] [pi96]^[qpi98]^[pi6]5[qpi94]6[wuo85]4[wuo30]4[pi92] 2 [y9] [yqie] [t8] [wut0] [w5] [yro9] [r92] [yro9] [y9] [yqie9] [t80] [wut0] [w95] [yro9]0[r92] [yro9] [yi9] [yqie]o[tp8] [wuto0]i[wi5]o[yro9] [ro92] [yro9]i[y9]i[yqpie] [t8] [wuts0]u[wo5] [yroa9] [ra92] [yroa9]t[y9] [qe] [t8] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9] [y9] [qe] [t8] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9] [y9] [qe] [t8] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9] [y9] [qe] [t8] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9] [y9] [qe] [t8] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9]t[y9] [uqe]y[t8] [yw0]t[wr5]t[yr9] [yr92] [yr9]u[yi9] [uqe]y[ut8] [wi0]u[yw5] [r9] [yr92]t[yr9]u[yi9] [qoe]i[ut8] [wo0]p[wo5] [yra9] [yra92] [r9]t[y94] [qe] [t85] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9]t[y94] [uqe5]y[t85] [yw0]t[wr5]t[yr9] [yr92] [yr9]u[yi94] [uqe]y[ut85] [wi0]u[yw5] [r9] [yr92]t[yr9]u[yi94] [qoe5]i[ut85] [wo0]p[wo5] [yra9] [yra92] [r9]t[yp9] [qoe] [to8] [wi0] [wu5]y[yr9]u[yr92] [r9] [yi9] [qoe]i[to8] [wp0] [wa5] [ro9] [ro92] [r9] [yp9] [qpe]a[ts8]a[wp0]o[wa5] [ro9] [ro92] [r9]i[yi9] [qoe] [to8] [w0] [wo5] [r9] [r92] [r95]4[y96] [qe5] [t85] [w0]4[w5] [r92] [r92] [r93] [y94] [qe3]2[t83] [w50] [w75] [r95] [r952] [r9] [yp9] [qe] [to8] [w0] [yw5] [r9] [r92] [rp9]a[yp9] [yqe] [ut8] [wi0]o[wa5] [ro9] [ro92] [yq9]u[i6]u[yq9] [u8] [wt0] [y9] [qe9] [i9] [qi9]u[y6] [qi9] [wu8]i[wo0] [qi9]|[i9]u[yq9]u[i6]u[yq9] [u8]i[wo0] [i9] [yq9] [pi9] [qpi9] [pi6] [qpi9] [wuo8] [wuo0] [qpi9]|[y94] [yq94][u3][i62]u[yq94] [u83] [wt20]3[y94] [qe92] [i94] [qi95]u[y64]3[qi92] [wu83]i[wo30] [qi94] 23[i94]u[yq95]u[i6]u[yq95]4[u85][i4][wo30] [i94] [yq96] [pi96]^[qpi98]^[pi6]5[qpi94]6[wuo85]4[wuo30]4[pi92] 2 [y9] [yqie] [t8] [wut0] [w5] [yro9] [r92] [yro9] [y9] [yqie9] [t80] [wut0] [w95] [yro9]0[r92] [yro9] [yi9] [yqie]o[tp8] [wuto0]i[wi5]o[yro9] [ro92] [yro9]i[y9]i[yqpie] [t8] [wuts0]u[wo5] [yroa9] [ra92] [yroa9]t[y9] [qe] [t8] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9] [y9] [qe] [t8] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9] [y9] [qe] [t8] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9] [y9] [qe] [t8] [w0] [w5] [r9] [r92] [r9] [y9]

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:06
    Wynn’s Shining Fortress (Wynncraft)


  • 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] [q4] [ti4] [q6] [ti8] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tea] [p6] [te] [s3] [tea] [s6]a[tpe] [p8] [te] [qp] [ti] q [toi] [s6]a[tpe] [81]7[te6] [s6]a[tpe] [p3] [tea] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tpe] [qg] [tig]f[qg]f[tig]f6 [ut6]5[86] [ut5] 6 [ut] [83] [ut8] [86] [ut] 8 [ut] [q8] [tig] [qg7]8[tig7] [f6] [ted] [f8]d[tfe] [f6] [tse] [p3] [te]a[s6] [tse] 8 [te] [qi4][qi4][tqi4] [qi4][qi4][tqi4] 6 [ut] 8 [ut] [86] [ut7] [83] [ut9] [60] [ut9]08 [utq] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] 6 [ut] [w8] [utq] [60] [ut8]63 [ut] 6 [ut] 8 [ut8] [qg8] [tig7]8[qg] [tig] 6 [ut] 8 [ut] [s6] [uta] [s3] [utd] [f6] [utd]f8 [ut] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] 6 [ut] [h8] [utg] [f6] [uts]p3 [ut] 6 [ut] 8 [uts] [sqg] [tiga]s[qg] [tig] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] [p6] [toe] [p8] [tea] [s6] [tea] [s3] [ted] [f6] [te] [f8] [tse] q [ti] q [ti] [f6] [tse] [p8] [te] [p6] [te] [a3] [te] [s6] [te] [p8] [te] [qi] [ti] [qi] [toi] [p6]o[tpe0] [te8] [te0] [s6]a[tse0] [te3] [te0] [f6]d[tfe0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[tig8]f[tqig] [tih8]G[g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] 6 [te0] [te3] [te0] [g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[ti8] [tqig]f[ti8] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tea] [p6] [te] [s3] [tea] [s6]a[tpe] [p8] [te] [qp] [ti] q [toi] [s6]a[tpe] [81]7[te6] [s6]a[tpe] [p3] [tea] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tpe] [qg] [tig]f[qg]f[tig]f6 [ut6]78 [ut7] 6 [ut] [83] [ut7] [86]7[ut6] [86] [ut] [qg6] [tig] [qg] [ig5] [86]7[ut6] [t8][r7][ute6] [86]7[ut6] [63] [ut7] 6 [ut6]78 [ut6] [qg] [tqig]0[qg]0[tqig]0[p6] [toe] [p8] [tea] [s6] [tea] [s3] [ted] [f6] [te] [f8] [tse] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] [f6] [tse] [tp8][r7][te6] [p6] [te] [a3] [te] [s6] [te] [p8] [te] [qig] [tig] [qig] [toig] [p6]o[tpe0] [te8] [te0] [s6]a[tse0] [te3] [te0] [f6]d[tfe0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[tig8]f[tqig] [tihg8]G[g6]f[te0] [te8][r7][te60] 6 [te0] [te3] [te0] [g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[ti8] [tqig]f[ti8] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] [q4] [ti4] [q6] [ti8]56 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] [q4] [ti4] [q6] [ti8] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tea] [p6] [te] [s3] [tea] [s6]a[tpe] [p8] [te] [qp] [ti] q [toi] [s6]a[tpe] [81]7[te6] [s6]a[tpe] [p3] [tea] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tpe] [qg] [tig]f[qg]f[tig]f6 [ut6]5[86] [ut5] 6 [ut] [83] [ut8] [86] [ut] 8 [ut] [q8] [tig] [qg7]8[tig7] [f6] [ted] [f8]d[tfe] [f6] [tse] [p3] [te]a[s6] [tse] 8 [te] [qi4][qi4][tqi4] [qi4][qi4][tqi4] 6 [ut] 8 [ut] [86] [ut7] [83] [ut9] [60] [ut9]08 [utq] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] 6 [ut] [w8] [utq] [60] [ut8]63 [ut] 6 [ut] 8 [ut8] [qg8] [tig7]8[qg] [tig] 6 [ut] 8 [ut] [s6] [uta] [s3] [utd] [f6] [utd]f8 [ut] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] 6 [ut] [h8] [utg] [f6] [uts]p3 [ut] 6 [ut] 8 [uts] [sqg] [tiga]s[qg] [tig] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] [p6] [toe] [p8] [tea] [s6] [tea] [s3] [ted] [f6] [te] [f8] [tse] q [ti] q [ti] [f6] [tse] [p8] [te] [p6] [te] [a3] [te] [s6] [te] [p8] [te] [qi] [ti] [qi] [toi] [p6]o[tpe0] [te8] [te0] [s6]a[tse0] [te3] [te0] [f6]d[tfe0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[tig8]f[tqig] [tih8]G[g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] 6 [te0] [te3] [te0] [g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[ti8] [tqig]f[ti8] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tea] [p6] [te] [s3] [tea] [s6]a[tpe] [p8] [te] [qp] [ti] q [toi] [s6]a[tpe] [81]7[te6] [s6]a[tpe] [p3] [tea] [p6] [tpe]a[s8] [tpe] [qg] [tig]f[qg]f[tig]f6 [ut6]78 [ut7] 6 [ut] [83] [ut7] [86]7[ut6] [86] [ut] [qg6] [tig] [qg] [ig5] [86]7[ut6] [t8][r7][ute6] [86]7[ut6] [63] [ut7] 6 [ut6]78 [ut6] [qg] [tqig]0[qg]0[tqig]0[p6] [toe] [p8] [tea] [s6] [tea] [s3] [ted] [f6] [te] [f8] [tse] [qg] [tig] [qg] [tig] [f6] [tse] [tp8][r7][te6] [p6] [te] [a3] [te] [s6] [te] [p8] [te] [qig] [tig] [qig] [toig] [p6]o[tpe0] [te8] [te0] [s6]a[tse0] [te3] [te0] [f6]d[tfe0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[tig8]f[tqig] [tihg8]G[g6]f[te0] [te8][r7][te60] 6 [te0] [te3] [te0] [g6]f[te0] [te8] [te0] [qg]f[ti8] [tqig]f[ti8] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] q [ti] q [ti] 6 [te] 8 [te] 6 [te] 3 [te] 6 [te] 8 [te] [q4] [ti4] [q6] [ti8]56

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:07
    Unfamiliar Lands (Wynncraft)


  • 9 q e q 9 q e q 9 q e q 9 q e q q e t e w r y r 9 q e q 9 q e q [y9] [yq]u[ie] [uq] [y9] [tq] [ye] q [u9] q e [uq]i[u9] [yq] e q [sq] e t [se]a[wp] r y [ro] [p9] q e q 9 q e q [sq] e t [se]a[wp] r y [ro] [p9] q e q 9 q e q [y9] [yq] [ye] [uq]i[u9] [yq] [te] q [wr] r [r9] ty[wt] r [r9] r [y9] [yq] [ye] [uq]i[u9] [yq] [te] q [wo] r 9 [ri] [wu] r [y9] r [ue] T 0 T e T 0 T [ie] T 0 T [ue] T 0 T [y92][u0][qi][wo][pe6] q [92] q [e6] [q4] [wa5] r [92] r [w5] r [92] [r5] [d94] q [e6] q [s94] q [ea6] q [wp5] r [97] r [wo5] r [97] r [pe6] T [0*] T [e6] T [0*] T e T 0 T [e6] T [30] T [y92] [yq]u[ie6] [uq] [y92] [tq] [ye6] [q4] [u92] q [e6] [uq]i[u92] [yq] [e6] [q4] [tqi8] e [t4] [tie][ur][ywe7] r [y5] [tri] [ye92] q [e6] q [92] q [e6] q [tqi4] e [t8] [tie][ur][ywe5] r [y9] [troi7] [ype92] q [e6] q [92] q [e6] q [92] q e q [92] q e q [92] q e q [92] q e q [tq4] e t e [yw5] r y r [92] q e q [92] q e q [tqi4] e [tq] e [ywo5] r [yw] r [y92]y[yq]y[ye9]y[yqi][yp][yd92][yd][yqd][yd][yed9][yd][yqd][yd][y92] q e q [u92] q e q [i92] q e q [o92] q e q [qp4] [oe] [ti] e [wo5] [ri] [yu] r [y92] q e q [92] q [ype] q [sqp4] [oea] [tpi] e [woa5] [rpi] [yuo] rt[yp92] q e q [92] q e q [yi92] [q2] [e6] q [uo92] [q2] [e6] [q4] [pi92] [q2] [e6] q [oa92] [q2] [e6] [q4] [sqp4] [oea4]i[tpo8] [pe] [wia5] [urp5]y[yoi9] [ur] [yp92] [q2] [e6] [tq]y[u92] [qi2] [uoe6] [yqp4] [sqp4] [oea4]i[tpoa8] [spe] [wia5] [urp5]y[ypoi9] [ura] [yp92] [q2] [e6] [yq]u[i92] [qo2] [pe6] [qT4] [y9] q e q 9 q e q 9 q e q 9 q e q q e t e w r y r 9 q e q 9 q e q [y9] [yq]u[ie] [uq] [y9] [tq] [ye] q [u9] q e [uq]i[u9] [yq] e q [sq] e t [se]a[wp] r y [ro] [p9] q e q 9 q e q [sq] e t [se]a[wp] r y [ro] [p9] q e q 9 q e q [y9] [yq] [ye] [uq]i[u9] [yq] [te] q [wr] r [r9] ty[wt] r [r9] r [y9] [yq] [ye] [uq]i[u9] [yq] [te] q [wo] r 9 [ri] [wu] r [y9] r [ue] T 0 T e T 0 T [ie] T 0 T [ue] T 0 T [y92][u0][qi][wo][pe6] q [92] q [e6] [q4] [wa5] r [92] r [w5] r [92] [r5] [d94] q [e6] q [s94] q [ea6] q [wp5] r [97] r [wo5] r [97] r [pe6] T [0] T [e6] T [0] T e T 0 T [e6] T [30] T [y92] [yq]u[ie6] [uq] [y92] [tq] [ye6] [q4] [u92] q [e6] [uq]i[u92] [yq] [e6] [q4] [tqi8] e [t4] [tie][ur][ywe7] r [y5] [tri] [ye92] q [e6] q [92] q [e6] q [tqi4] e [t8] [tie][ur][ywe5] r [y9] [troi7] [ype92] q [e6] q [92] q [e6] q [92] q e q [92] q e q [92] q e q [92] q e q [tq4] e t e [yw5] r y r [92] q e q [92] q e q [tqi4] e [tq] e [ywo5] r [yw] r [y92]y[yq]y[ye9]y[yqi][yp][yd92][yd][yqd][yd][yed9][yd][yqd][yd][y92] q e q [u92] q e q [i92] q e q [o92] q e q [qp4] [oe] [ti] e [wo5] [ri] [yu] r [y92] q e q [92] q [ype] q [sqp4] [oea] [tpi] e [woa5] [rpi] [yuo] rt[yp92] q e q [92] q e q [yi92] [q2] [e6] q [uo92] [q2] [e6] [q4] [pi92] [q2] [e6] q [oa92] [q2] [e6] [q4] [sqp4] [oea4]i[tpo8] [pe] [wia5] [urp5]y[yoi9] [ur] [yp92] [q2] [e6] [tq]y[u92] [qi2] [uoe6] [yqp4] [sqp4] [oea4]i[tpoa8] [spe] [wia5] [urp5]y[ypoi9] [ura] [yp92] [q2] [e6] [yq]u[i92] [qo2] [pe6] [qT4] [y9]

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:39
    Triumphant Citadel (Wynncraft)


  • [e60] e t e u e t e [w5] w r w y w r w [e60] e t e u e t e [wt8] t u t [ye9] t r t [te6] e t e [ut] e t e [wr5] w r w [yr] w r w [te6] e t e [ut] e t e [wt8] t u t [ye9] t r t [te60]|3|6 6 6 66[t6] [te0] [u3] [te0]u[o6] [ie0]3u [e60]i[o5] [wr] [i9] [wur] [y5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[u3] [wt0] [t8] [wr0] [t3] [w0] 8 [wt0]y[u4] [tqe] [t8] [rqe] [t4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [tp6] [tpe0] [us3] [te0][up][so6] [pie0]3[up] [e60][si][oa5] [wr] [i9] [wur] [yo5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[uo3] [wt0] [t8] [wri0] [to3] [w0] 8 [wt0]y[up4] [tqpe] [tp8] [rqoe] [tp4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [t6] [te0] [u3] [te0] [o6] [te0]3u [te60] [r5] [wr] [y9] [wr] [o5] [wr]9y [wr7] [t6] [te0] [u3] [te0] [o6] [te0] [u3] [te60] [u8] [wu0] [o5] [wu0] [i9] [uqe] [y6] [rqe] [ut6] [te0] [up3] [te0] [oa6] [te0]3[us]d[te60] [uf5] [wr] [yd9] [wsr] [od5] [wr]9[ya] [wr7] [tp6] [ute0] [uo3] [tpe0] [so6] [te0] [ua3] [te60] [up8] [wu0] [o5] [wu0] [ia9] [uqe] [y6] [rqe] [ue60]|3|[e60]|3|[e60]|3|[e60]|3|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[ue60]|[y3]|[ue60]|[te3] [yr] [ute60]|[y3]|[ue60]|[te3]|[ywr5]|[t9]|[ywr5]|[wr9] [te] [ywr5]|[t9]|[ywr5]|[w9]|[u6] [e0] [y3] [e0] [u6] [e0]3t [e60] [y5] [wr] [u9] [wr] [y5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[u3] [wt0] [t8] [wr0] [t3] [w0] 8 [wtp0][ya][us4] [tqpe] [tp8] [rqoe] [tp4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [ts6] [tse0] [uf3] [te0][us][of6] [ied0]3[us] [e60][id][oa5] [wr] [ia9] [wusr] [ya5] [wr]9 [wtrp7][ya][us3] [wtp0] [tp8] [wro0] [tp3] [w0] 8 [wtp0][ya][uso4] [utqpe] [utp8] [yrqoe] [utp4] [qe] [yro8] [qe6] [up6] [e0] [p3] [e0] [a6] [e0]3sd[e60] [o5] [wr] 9 [wr] 5 [wr]9 [wr7] [oa3] [w0] 8 [w0] 3 [w0] 8 [w50] [pi4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe6] [up6] [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0]3 [e60] [yo5] [wr] 9 [wr] 5 [wr]9 [wr7] [oa3] [w0] 8 [w0] 3 [w0] 8 [w50] [pi4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe6] [e60] e t e u e t e [w5] w r w y w r w [e60] e t e u e t e [wt8] t u t [ye9] t r t [te6] e t e [ut] e t e [wr5] w r w [yr] w r w [te6] e t e [ut] e t e [wt8] t u t [ye9] t r t [te60]|3|6 6 6 66[t6] [te0] [u3] [te0]u[o6] [ie0]3u [e60]i[o5] [wr] [i9] [wur] [y5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[u3] [wt0] [t8] [wr0] [t3] [w0] 8 [wt0]y[u4] [tqe] [t8] [rqe] [t4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [tp6] [tpe0] [us3] [te0][up][so6] [pie0]3[up] [e60][si][oa5] [wr] [i9] [wur] [yo5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[uo3] [wt0] [t8] [wri0] [to3] [w0] 8 [wt0]y[up4] [tqpe] [tp8] [rqoe] [tp4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [t6] [te0] [u3] [te0] [o6] [te0]3u [te60] [r5] [wr] [y9] [wr] [o5] [wr]9y [wr7] [t6] [te0] [u3] [te0] [o6] [te0] [u3] [te60] [u8] [wu0] [o5] [wu0] [i9] [uqe] [y6] [rqe] [ut6] [te0] [up3] [te0] [oa6] [te0]3[us]d[te60] [uf5] [wr] [yd9] [wsr] [od5] [wr]9[ya] [wr7] [tp6] [ute0] [uo3] [tpe0] [so6] [te0] [ua3] [te60] [up8] [wu0] [o5] [wu0] [ia9] [uqe] [y6] [rqe] [ue60]|3|[e60]|3|[e60]|3|[e60]|3|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[wr5]|9|[ue60]|[y3]|[ue60]|[te3] [yr] [ute60]|[y3]|[ue60]|[te3]|[ywr5]|[t9]|[ywr5]|[wr9] [te] [ywr5]|[t9]|[ywr5]|[w9]|[u6] [e0] [y3] [e0] [u6] [e0]3t [e60] [y5] [wr] [u9] [wr] [y5] [wr]9 [wtr7]y[u3] [wt0] [t8] [wr0] [t3] [w0] 8 [wtp0][ya][us4] [tqpe] [tp8] [rqoe] [tp4] [qe] 8 [qe6] [ts6] [tse0] [uf3] [te0][us][of6] [ied0]3[us] [e60][id][oa5] [wr] [ia9] [wusr] [ya5] [wr]9 [wtrp7][ya][us3] [wtp0] [tp8] [wro0] [tp3] [w0] 8 [wtp0][ya][uso4] [utqpe] [utp8] [yrqoe] [utp4] [qe] [yro8] [qe6] [up6] [e0] [p3] [e0] [a6] [e0]3sd[e60] [o5] [wr] 9 [wr] 5 [wr]9 [wr7] [oa3] [w0] 8 [w0] 3 [w0] 8 [w50] [pi4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe6] [up6] [e0] 3 [e0] 6 [e0]3 [e60] [yo5] [wr] 9 [wr] 5 [wr]9 [wr7] [oa3] [w0] 8 [w0] 3 [w0] 8 [w50] [pi4] [qe] 8 [qe] 4 [qe] 8 [qe6] [e60]

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:53
    The Forest Lives On (Wynncraft)



  • u s | p d | saO u [pi] u [aO] [sp] | f s a [pd] [gO] | d f p d sas| asfjh p [ga] sd[sf]| Opagf u [id] Oa[sp]| uipf[qd9]d[id]d[yd]ds[us][qia]aaaaapp[a0] u [ki] u O p [ka] [uO] [s6] pp[lji]i[up]u[id94]iuu[zyk]y[us][ua][uO0]uuu[pki]uiu[eaO6]O[sp]u[i7]uiu[t8]t[ut]op[ta]sd[tof]t[tod]t[yqpg9]yyy[ya]y[yd]y[tsof8]tttttty[u80] 00[ws][wd][wf][wj][phe][pe][spe]p[pged]p[sp][pa][spfe]pp[pa][spe][pa][sp][pg][pf]e[pe]e[oda]w[ws][wa][sqpi]qq[qi][uqp][qi][qp][qf][d92]9[i9]9[u9]99[si9][aO942]999999[p9][a30]0[u0]0[i0]0[u0]0[i0]0[u0]0[YQI]Q[uWO]W[ue6]e[fe]e[pe]e[fe]e[qed][qf][qg]qqq[sqf][qa][dWO0]uuu[pjW]yyy[ta6]e[se]eee[ed][fe][tpg9]e[ug][yh][if]e[uf][yg][id] [ud][yf][us]i[up]i[ua70] uiy yut tyr| [uf0]0[uf][g0][ud0]0[ud][f0][us0]0[us][d0][ua0] u0[k73]30[i3][u73]30[i3][u30]i[u0][qi][u50][i50][u0%][u0%][pe6]a[s0]d[D0]f[g0]f[eYD6]000[60]e[70]r[e8]t[r(]Y[je6]k[l0]z[Z0]x[c0]x[eZD6]000[63]ee[73]rr[861]tt[@7(]YY[e6][u0]3[u0][Y6]u[i0]3[u0][y9][pQ]6Q9Q6Q[y96][qp]6[qp][O96]p[qa]6[qp][s86]030[86]030[f86][p0]3[p0][a86][s0][a3]sa[p0][d96][pQ]6Q[96]Q6[pQ]a[s96][sq]d[a6][qa]s[p96][qp]a[O6][qi]u[p60]e[70]r[e80]t[r(]Y[Z86][xf][j0]3[j0][k86][l0][k3]lk[j0][z96][jQ]6Q[96]Q6[jQ]k[l96][ql]z[k6][qk]l[j96][qj]k[H6][qg]f[pj60]e[70]r[e0]t[Q7][($][ra7]2[IG$]79Q[rIG]Q[ig9][QIG][roh]Q97[IG$]2[uf3]7[ka0]WrurW0W07%7%3[uf7]3[ka5]70w[rka]w[PJ0][wka][rSL]w07[ka5]3[zd7]2$79QrQ9QrQ97$2[GC7]2[ka$]79Q[rka]Q[SL9]Q[zrd]Q[SL9][zdQ][SL9][ka7][xf3]7[ka0]WrurW0W07%7[ka%][SL3][zd7]57070[zwd][xrf][SL7]57070[wka][rSL][zd^]5^0^0[zwd][xfE][^SL]5^0[wpj]0^5[kfa7]7777777777777777777777777777777[kaD7]

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:24
    Who You Really Are (Sherlock)

    Michael Price

  • fhz|||dGz|||Ghz|||hjx|||fhk|||dGk|||sfh|||adh|||uoa uo[ha] [uh]o[ha] [uh]o[ha] [yd]GjIpdyI[ph]G[yf]I[pd] [yd]Ip oadaoadaoa[kd] [ok]a[kd] [ph]lsfjps[kf]j[th] o [yjdG] p [uf]o[kha] [ukh]oaG[uh]oa uo[ja]h[yj]I[zpG] [zyG]IpGhGdpI [ka]j[tj]u[oh] [th]uod[tsf]uostuoh[rh]yIar a [p9]dGeyuI e 0w[ro]w[o0]w[ro]w[o0]w[ro]w[o0]w[ro] [y9]IpQey9Q[oe][QI][u9]Q[ye] [y9] e wryrwryrwr[ya]r[wa]r[ya] [oe]stupet[ua]p[o8]wtu[pI9] e [pI0]r[uoa]r[oa0]ru[rI][o0]Iyurp[p0][o0][p9]e[ydI]e[dI9] y[ue][u9]eyI9e[ya][pe][p8]w[to]w[ut8]wt[yw][u8]wt [o8] t [o5]9wer w [peI2]690Q696[w30]7[ro0]7[ro3]7[ro0]7[ro3]7[ro0]w[ro3]7[ro0]7[y2]Ip69Q26[o9][QI][u2]6[y9]Q[y2] [e6] [r5]9w959w9[r5]9[wa]9[a5]9[wa]9[u6]s0et60[ea]p[uo8]wt [ypI9] y [up3]7[ua0]w[ua3]70Q[w3]7073[p7][p0][o7][ypI2]6[dI9]6[dI2]69[r6][yQ2]696[e2][a6][a9][p6][p1]5[o8]0[o1]580[u1]580[uo1]58 [r5]yo9wer9w92690Q 9 [I0][ro][ud]r[I0][ro][ud]r[I0][ro][ud]r[f0]r[ud]r[aI9]eyu[pI]9ey[o9]e[yI]e[d9]e[yp]e[up8]wtu[o8]wtw[a8]wtwo8tw[yo5]9wer5w9[eI2]690Q696[w3]7[ro0]7[ro3]7[ro0]7[ro3]7[ro0]w[ro3]7[ro0]7[ypI$]9Q9[e$]9[oeQ][I9][ue$]9[yeQ]9[ye$]9Q9[r5]9w9[y5]9w9[r5]y9[woa]9[oa5]9[woa]9[u6]ps0e060[ea]p[u1]o585[ypI2]696[urp3]7[oa0]7[oa3]70[e7][wr3]70w[ur3]7[a0][p7][ypI2]6[dI9]6[dI2]69[QG][h2][G6][d9][pQ]26[a9]sa[p6][up1]5[uo8]0[uo1]580[w1]580[uto1]58[o0][o5]9wer9w9[yeI2]690Q 9 [wr3] 70w[ro]70[y2]Ip69[oQ][eI]ye2[y5]oa9wer9[ywa]9[u1]s58[a0]p[o2]6[eI9] e| [Q2]69

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:57
    Hanezeve Caradhina (Made in Abyss)

    Kevin Penkin

  • [woPD] y o P d y o P S y o P d y o P [wpD] y o p d y o p S y o p d y o p [qoOD] t o O d t o O s t o O d t o O [9is] e i o s e i o [wiad] y i a [qryg] D d s [wDZ] y p P [wdz] y p P [wSL] y p P [wdz] y p P [whjZ] T o p [wdHz] T o p [wdHL] T o p [wSHz] T o p [qDHl] t o O s g h [Wuosfl] [8wPJ] [qOh] t Y I [4wWt] 8 [4i] [8wWi] 4 [8wW] i t i [8o] [(wEt] 8 [(wE] o t o [*O] [qWE] [OPO] [@o] [*wE] o D s 4 [8wW] E t 1 [0wE] [4w] t i [8wWt] 4 [8wW] i t i [8O] [(wEo] t 8 [(wE] t o O [^P] [qWY] s O T o @ [(wtY] i [oE] i 4 [wWt] [wWu] [4eti] 8 [1tip] [@tYP] [!Tis] [%TiP] [iUD] [@YOs] [^ToP] o O [1tYP] [8tYO] w [oPD] [4EYo] [8tYO] w W w [!Tis] [%TiP] [iPD] [@Isg] [QEIPD] H [Wth] s 4 [qWY] T [tw(1] 5 E w ( [!Tis] [%TiP] [iPD] [@YOk] [^ToP] o O [1tYP] [8tYO] w [oPD] [4EYo] [8tYO] w W w [$TiP] * [qOs] [EPS] [tsD] [TIPg] T O T [tiPg] E [9PDJ] [4PsgJ] [qEt] [qw] [4psDj] [8(e] [qet] [woPD] y o P d y o P S y o P d y o P [wpD] y o p d y o p S y o p d y o p [qoOD] t o O d t o O s t o O d t o O [9is] e i o s e i o [wiad] y i a [qryg] D d s [wDZ] y p P [wdz] y p P [wSL] y p P [wdz] y p P [wThjZ] T o p [wdHz] T o p [wdHL] T o p [wSHz] T o p [QDGZ] t I O [Qdjz] t I O [QSGL] t I O [Qjzb] [wv] [yl] [pz] [Pj] [wJ] [yh] [pj] [Pl] [9g] [ef] [up] [id] [9s] [eo] [up] i [6b] [0z] [rx] [tk] [6l] [0j] [rk] [tf] [0h] [rG] [Id] [of] [0a] [rd] [Ip] o [7n] [Qx] [TC] [yL] [7z] [Qk] [TL] [yj] [9h] [eg] [uf] [id] [9s] [ef] [up] [id] [qH] [td] [og] [OH] [Ql] [tg] [oH] [Oz] [qH] [tl] [oc] [OH] [Ql] [tc] [oH] [OV] [8B] J [wB] J [EB] J [oB] J [8B] J [wB] J [EB] J [TB] J [tB] J [TB] J [EB] J [tB] J [WB] J [EB] J [wB] J [WB] J [4i] [8wWt] 4 [8wW] i t i [8o] [(wEt] 8 [(wE] o t o [*O] [qWE] O P O [@o] [*wE] o D s 4 [8wW] E t 1 [0wE] [4w] t i [8wWi] 4 [8wW] [iai] [8o] y [(wEo] t 8 [(wE] t [oO] [(P] [qWY] g [TO] o @ [(wtY] i [EO] i 4 [wWt] [wWY] [4eti] 8 [1tip] [@tYP] [TOsSgl] J Z [YHl] P [shJ] h H [tsDJ] o H h H Z [isPh] P [isDH] oOo [TSgl] [OSgJ] [gJZ] [YGlc] [IUGJZ] V [Osv] l i t [EiOD] W [(S] [8Yos] 1 [tYP] o Y [!Tis] [%TiP] [iPD] [@YOs] [^ToP] oO [1tYP] [8tYO] w [oPD] [4EYO] w W w [$TiP] * [qOs] [EPS] [tsP] [TIPg] T O T [tiPg] E [(PDJ] [4PsgJ] [qEt] [qw] [4psDj] 8 e E u p D [!Tis] [%TiP] [tPD] [@YOg] [^ToP] oO [1tYP] [8tYO] w [oPD] [4EYo] [8tYO] w W w [@Tis] [WTiP] [iPD] [@Tsg] [QEIPD] H [Wth] s 4 [qWY] T [1(wt] 5 E W ( [!Tis] [%TiP] [iPD] [@YOs] [^ToP] o O [1tYP] [8tYO] w [oPD] [4EYo] [8tYO] w W w [$TiP] * [qOs] [EPS] [tsD] [TIPg] T O T [tiPg] E [(PDJ] [4PsgJ] [qEt] [qw] [4psDj] 8 e E i p D [glLcB] D i [glZb] [(qt] [woPD] y o P S y o P d y o P [wpD] y o p d y o p S y o p d y o p [qoOD] t o O d t o O s t o O d t o O [9is] e i o s e i o [wiad] y i a [qryg] D d s [wdZ] y p P [wdz] y p P [wSL] y p P [wdz] y p P [whjZ] T o p [wdHz] T o p [wdhL] T o p [qDHl] t o O s g h [Wuosfl] [8wPJ] [qOsh] t Y o [4wWt]
    Level: 6
    Gate of Steiner (Steins;Gate)

    Takeshi Abo