Firework (Intermediate)

Katy Perry 16 September 2020

[tuo] [tuo] [tuo] [tuo] [yip] [yip] [yip] [yip] [etu] [etu] [etu] [etu] [qet] [qet] [qet] [qet] t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u t y [is] [pd] [id] [ys] [is] p e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qd] [ef] [tf] e t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u y i [ps] [id] [yd] [is] [ps] i e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qd] [ef] [tf] e t u [of] [ul] [tl] [uh] [oh] u y i [pf] [ih] [yh] [ij] [pj] i e t [uf] [th] [eh] [tf] [uf] [th] [qh] [es] [ts] [ed] [qd] [es] [ts] e t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u y i [ps] [id] [yd] [is] [ps] i e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qeid] [ps] [qets] [pf] [tusf] f [tush] f [tusf] f [tudh] [fg] [yidj] g [yigj] g [yidj] g [yigj] [gh] [etps] s [etpf] s [etps] s [etfg] [sj] [qeip] p [qeis] p [qeip] p [qesl] [pl] [tusf] f [tush] f [tusf] f [tush] [fz] [yidj] g [yigj] g [yidj] g [yijl] [gl] [etsv] s [etpf] s [etsx] s [etfl] [sj] [qeps] [8l] [wv] [qc] [9x] [8z] [tshz] u o u t u [ol] [ux] [ydgj] i p i [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u t e t [ul] [tx] [qips] e t e [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o [uz] t u [oz] u [ydgj] i p [8il] [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u [tz] e t [uz] [tl] [qips] e t [8l] [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o u t u [ol] [ux] [ydgj] i p i [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u t e t [ul] [tx] [qips] e t e [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o [uz] t u [oz] u [ydgj] i p [il] [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u [tz] e t [uz] [tl]
t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u t y [is] [pd] [id] [ys] [is] p e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qd] [ef] [tf] e t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u y i [ps] [id] [yd] [is] [ps] i e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qd] [ef] [tf] e t u [of] [ul] [tl] [uh] [oh] u y i [pf] [ih] [yh] [ij] [pj] i e t [uf] [th] [eh] [tf] [uf] [th] [qh] [es] [ts] [ed] [qd] [es] [ts] e t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u y i [ps] [id] [yd] [is] [ps] i e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qetd] s [sf] f [tuo] d g [yip] f h [etu] g j [qet] l l [tuo] h z [yip] l l [etuv] x l j [qet] [8l] [wv] [qc] [9x] [8z] [tshz] u o u t u [ol] [ux] [ydgj] i p i [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u t e t [ul] [tx] [qips] e t e [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o [uz] t u [oz] u [ydgj] i p [8il] [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u [tz] e t [uz] [tl] [qips] e t [8l] [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o u t u [ol] [ux] [ydgj] i p i [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u t e t [ul] [tx] [qips] e t e [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o [uz] t u [oz] u [ydgj] i p [il] [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u [tz] e t [uz] [tl]
[0eul] [0eu] k [0eu] [0euh] [8qt] [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [wtol] [wto] k [wto] [wtoh] [9wy] [9wyl] l [9wyl] l [9wyl] l [0euz] x [0eu] z [0eu] [0eul] [8qt] [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [wtoz] x [wto] z [wto] [wtok] w r y [8l] [wv] [qc] [0yx] [9rz] [tfz] [uf] [od] [ud] [tf] [uf] [odl] [udx] [yg] [ig] [pf] [if] [ygv] [igc] [pfx] [ifz] [esz] [ts] [up] [tp] [es] [ts] [upl] [tpx] [qp] [ep] [ti] [ei] [qpv] [epc] [tix] [eiz] [tfz] [uf] [od] [udz] [tf] [uf] [odz] [ud] [yg] [ig] [pf] [ifl] [ygv] [igc] [pfx] [ifz] [esz] [ts] [up] [tpz] [es] [ts] [upz] [tpl] [qp] [ep] [ti] [eil] [qpv] [epc] [tix] [eiz] [tfz] u [od] u [tf] u [odl] [ux] [yg] i [pf] i [ygv] [ic] [pfx] [iz] [esz] t [up] t [es] t [upl] [tx] [qp] e [ti] e [qpv] [ec] [tix] [ez] [tfz] u [od] [uz] [tf] u [odz] u [yg] i [pf] [il] [ygv] [ic] [pfx] [iz] [esz] t [up] [tz] [es] t [upz] [tl] [qp] e [ti] e [qp] e [ti] e [0eul] [0eu] k [0eu] [0euh] [8qt] [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [wtol] [wto] k [wto] [wtoh] [9wy] [9wy] [9wy] [9wy] [0eul] [0eu] k [0eu] [0euh] [8qt] [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [wtoz] x [wto] z [wto] [wtok]

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About This Music Sheet

Firework (Intermediate) is a song by Katy Perry. Use your computer keyboard to play Firework (Intermediate) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:54, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Firework (Intermediate) is classified in the genres: Pop, USA on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Dance-Pop, Female Artists.


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  • [rd0]| [r0] d|[r0]|[wod8]|f [wd8]|s [w8] a [95]| [95] a|[95]|[oa95]|s [a95] a [pe9]|o [rd0]| [r0] d|[r0]|[wod8]|f [wd8] d s [w8] a [95]| [95] a|[95]|[oa95]|s [a95]|[pe9]|o [rd0]| [r0] d|[r0]|[wod8]|f [wd8]|s [w8] a [95]| [95] a|[95]|[oa95]|s [a95]|[pe9]|o [rd0]| [r0] d|[r0]|[wod8]|f [wd8]|s [w8] a [95]|d [95]| [95]|[95]| [95] [he9] d h [lh730] [730] [730] [kh]|| [851] [851] [851] h d h [wlh95] [w95] [w95] [kh]|| [whd95] [w95] [w95] [he9] dd h [jf730] [730] [730]| h j [851] [851]k [j851]|h|d [w95] [w95] [w95]|| [wd95] [w95] [w95] [he9] d h [lh730] [730] [730] [kh]|| [851] [851] [851] h d h [wlh95] [w95] [w95] [kh]|| [whd95] [w95][w95] [w95] [he9] dd h [jf730] [730][730] [730]| h j [851] [851][k851] [j851]|h|[ha] [w95]
    Level: 7
    Length: 01:01

    Katy Perry

  • sssdsPpppPpoi sssPpssssdsPpppPpoi sPpsdsPsssdsPppPoi sPpsdsPshdh lkhhdh lkhhhdh jhjkjhdh lkhdh lkhhhdh jhjkjhd
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    Unconditionally (Easy)

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  • kHfH kHfH kHDH kHDH LHfH LHfH Ljfj Ljfj CCCC x xxCC | k x CCCCx xx CCC | k x CCCCx xx C V C x Z L kk CCCCk xxCCCC | xxCCC x V C x Z L jjjH | jjjHGG | jjjjHHGfGHGfDS SSS aa [fk] [fk] [fk] HGG jjjHHGfGHGfDS aa SS Saa a GGGG f a fGG | a GGGG f a fGG fGGG fGHGfDS aSa fGGGf ff fGGG f GGGGf aHGfDS a jjjHH | jjjHGG | jjjHH GfGHGfDS SS Saa [fk] [fk] [fk] HGG aSSSaa GfGfG GfG [SH] f S a HG aSSSaa GfGfG GfG [SH] f S a [ak] [pj] [OH] [ISG] [OH] a jjjHH | jjjHGG jjjHHGfGHGfDS HH GG ff[af] kHfH kHfH kHDH kHDH LHfH LHfH Ljfj Ljfj GGGG f ffGG 3 a f GGGGf ff GGG 3 a f GGGGf ff G H G f D S aa GGGGa ffGGGG 3 ffGGG f H G f D S pppO 3pppOII 3 ppppOOIuIOIuYT TTT rr [ua] [ua] [ua] OII pppOOIuIOIuYT rr TT Trr r IIII u r uII 3 r IIII u r uII uIII uIOIuYT rTr uIIIu uu uIII u IIIIu rOIuYT r pppOO 3 pppOII 3 pppOO IuIOIuYT TT Trr [ua] [ua] [ua] OII [ua]O [ua]O [ua]O [ua] O [ua]O [ua]O [ua]O [ua] O rTTTrr IuIuI IuI [TO] u T r OI rTTTrr IuIuI IuI [TO] u T r [ra] [ep] [WO] [QTI] [WO] r pppOO 3 pppOII pppOOIuIOIuYT OO II uu[ru]
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  • [8o] i u y [9i] u y t [9t] y u y [qe] [et] [5t] [5r] [8w] 0 [wu] 0 [6i] u [wy] t [4o] 6 9 [qy] [5y] 7 9 w [8w] 0 [wu] 0 [6i] u [wy] t [3o] 7 0 w r w [rp] a [6s] t [ua] [tp] [3o] w u w [qp] t o i [8u] w [7y] w [6t] [0r] [wt] [0u] y Q e t [5t] 6 7 9 [wy] q 0 [9o] [qp] t o p [5o] r y i [8i] w [qu] y T e [ey] u [9yi] e [qu] y [5et] 9 [wy] 9 [8t] w q w 0 w [8w] 0 [wu] 0 [6i] u [wy] t [4o] 6 9 [qy] [5y] 7 9 w [8w] 0 [wu] 0 [6i] u [wy] t [3o] 7 0 w r w [rp] a [6s] t [ua] [tp] [3o] w u w [qp] t o i [8u] w [7y] w [6t] [0r] [wt] [0u] y Q e t [5t] 6 7 9 [wy] q 0 [9o] [qp] t o p [5o] r y i [8i] w [qu] y T e [ey] u [9yi] e [qu] y [5et] 9 [wy] 9 [8t] 0 w q 0 u [9yi] e [qu] y [5et] 9 [wy] 9 [8t] 0 w q 0 q 0
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  • [yip]| d d s|a [wry]|||
    [tuo]|s d s a|p [etu]|||
    [yip]| d d s|a [wry]|||
    [tuo]|s d s a|p [etu]| o o p s s
    [59]|[wr] o [wrD] d [wrs] s
    [60]|[et]|[eto] p [ets]|
    [9ed]|[yid] d [yi] d [yif] f
    [59] d [wr]|[wrf] d [wrs] s
    [60]|[et] o [eto] p [ets] d
    9 e y e i e i e
    5 9 w 9 [rD] [9d] [rs] [9s]
    8 w t w u w u w
    6 0 e 0 [to] [0p] [ts] 0
    9 [qd]|[ed]| [yf] f
    w [rd]| [yf] d [os] s
    [60]|[et] j [etfj] H [etj] [dj] [eyi]|||
    [ryo]| j [dj] h h [sh] [tuo]|||
    [tup]|j [fj]|[fj]|[dj]
    [eyi] [gj]|[gj]| h [dh]
    [wry]|[ah] [ah]|[dg]|[sf] [wtu]|||
    [etu]| j j h j j [9e]||[ei]||
    [59]|j j [9r] h j j [8w]||[wu]||
    [60]|j j [0t] j|j [9e] j|j [ei]|j h
    [59]|h h [9r] h g f [8w]||[wu]||
    [60]| f [0tf] d f f
    [yid] [yi] [yi] [yi] [yi] [yi] [yi] [yif]
    [oa] [oah]|[oah]|[oaf] [oad] [oas]
    [tu] [tu] [tu] [tu] [tu] [tu] [tu] [tu]
    [etu]| o o p s s
    [59]|[wr] o [wrD] d [wrs] s
    [60]|[et]|[eto] p [ets]|
    [9ed]|[yid] d [yi] d [yif] f
    [59] d [wr]|[wrf] d [wrs] s
    [60]|[et] o [eto] p [ets] d
    9 e y e i e i e
    5 9 w 9 [rD] [9d] [rs] [9s]
    8 w t w u w u w
    6 0 e 0 [to] [0p] [ts] 0
    9 [qd]|[ed]| [yf] f
    w [rd]| [yf] d [os] s
    [60]|[et] j [etfj] H [etj] [dj] [eyi]|||
    [ryo]| j [dj] h h [sh] [tuo]|||
    [tup]|j [fj]|[fj]|[dj]
    [eyi] [gj]|[gj]| h [dh]
    [wry]|[ah] [ah]|[dg]|[sf] [wtu]|||
    [etu]| j j h j j [9e]||[ei]||
    [59]|j j [9r] h j j [8w]||[wu]||
    [60]|j j [0t] j|j
    [9e] j|j [ei]|j h
    [59]|h h [9r] h g f [8w]||[wu]||
    [60]| f [0tf] d f f
    [yid] [yi] [yi] [yi] [yi] [yi] [yi] [yif]
    [oa] [oah]|[oah]|[oaf] [oad] [oas]
    [tu] [tu] [tu] [tu] [tu] [tu] [tu] [tu]
    [etu]| o o p s s
    [59]|[wr] o [wrD] d [wrs] s
    [60]|[et]|[eto] p [ets]|
    [9ed]|[yid] d [yi] d [yif] f
    [59] d [wr]|[wrf] d [wrs] s
    [60]|[et] o [eto] p [ets] d
    9 e y e i e i e
    5 9 w 9 [rD] [9d] [rs] [9s]
    8 w t w u w u w
    6 0 e 0 [to] [0p] [ts] 0
    9 [qd]|[ed]| [yf] f
    w [rd]| [yf] d [os] s
    [60]|[et]|[eto] p [ets] d
    [59]|[59]|[9rD] d s s
    [60]|[60]|[0to] p s|
    [9ed]|[9ed] d [ei] d f f
    [59] d [59]|[9rf] d s s
    [yip]| d d s|a [wry]|||
    [tuo]|s d s a|p [etu]|||
    [yip]| d d s|a [wry]|||
    [tuo]|s d s a|p [etu]

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:31
    Stumblin’ In (CYRIL)


  • s| a| i [9y]| e 9 9| e| 9| e [9s] [9q] a e i [wy]| y w [wr]| y| [wy]| y [wg] [wr] h y g [8ta] f w 8 [80]| w| [8t]| w [8g] [80] a w f [E8o] f w 8 8| w| [8E]| w [8l] 8 k w g [9yi]| [edg] [9g] [9dg] g [ep] p [9g] g e [9l] [9q] k e g [wy] d [yad] [wd] [wrd] d [yoa] o [wyd] d y [wg] [wr] h y g [8t] f [wsf] [8s] [80of] f [wos] s [8tf] f w [8g] [80] s w f [E8o] f [wsf] [8s] [8os] o [ws] s [E8f] f w 8 8| w| [9i] y e 9 9 q e y 9 y e 9 [9o] qieuy [wi] r y w w y r w w r y w [wo] yirow [8i] r t [wu] 0 8 8 w 8 r t [ws] 0 [8a] 8 [wi] [9y]| e 9 9| e| 9| e [9s] [9q] a e i [wy]| y w [wr]| y| [wy]| y [wg] [wr] h y g [8ta] f w 8 [80]| w| [8t]| w [8g] [80] a w f [E8o] f w 8 8| w| [8E]| w [8l] 8 k w g [9yi]| [edg] [9g] [9dg] g [ep] p [9g] g e [9l] [9q] k e g [wy] d [yad] [wd] [wrd] d [yoa] o [wyd] d y [wg] [wr] h y g [8t] f [wsf] [8s] [80of] f [wos] s [8tf] f w [8g] [80] h w| [E8s] f [wsf] [8s] [8os] o [ws] s [E8fh] [fh] w 8 [8l]| w| [yc] [ic] d [px] [dc] [pc] i [px] [yc] [ic] d [px] [ic] [pc] [iv] p [oc] [ac] g [dx] [gc] [dc] a [dx] [oc] [ac] g [dx] [ac] [dc] [av] d [sx] [fx] k [hz] [kx] [hx] f [hz] [sx] [fx] k [hz] [fx] [hx] [fv] h [tx] [ux] a [oz] [ax] [ox] u o [tx] [ux] [ax] [oz] [ux] [ox] [uv] o [9pg] [yg] e [9f] [9g] [qg] e [yf] [9dg] [yg] e [9f] [9g] [qg] [eh] y [wdg] [rg] y [wf] [wg] [yg] r [wf] [wog] [rg] y [wf] [wg] [yg] [rh] w [8f] [rf] t [wd] [0f] [8f] 8 [wd] [8f] [rf] t [wd] [0f] [8f] [8h] w [8of] [Ef] t [wd] [0f] [8f] 8 w [8f] [Ef] [tf] [wd] [0f] [8f] [8h] w [9pg] [yg] e [9f] [9g] [qg] e [yf] [9dg] [yg] e [9f] [9g] [qg] [eh] y [wdg] [rg] y [wf] [wg] [yg] r [wf] [wog] [rg] y [wf] [wg] [yg] [rh] w [8f] [rf] t [wd] [0f] [8f] 8 [wd] [8f] [rf] t [wd] [0f] [8f] [8h] w [8of] [Ef] t [wd] [0f] [8f] 8 w [8f] [Ef] [tf] [wdl] [0f] [8fk] [8h] [wg] [9yig] g e [9f] [9g] g e f [9ig] g e [9fl] [9qg] [gk] [eh] g [wyi] g y [wf] [wrg] g y f [wyg] g y [wif] [wrg] [og] [yh] [ig] [8t] f w [8d] [80f] f w d [8tf] f w [8ud] [80f] [of] [wh] [ig] [8E] f w [8d] [8f] f w| [sf] [sf] [Pof] d [sf] [sf] [sfh]| [9ig] y e 9 9 q e y 9 y e 9 [9oh] q[ig]e[uf]y [wig] r y w w y r w w r y w [woh] y[ig]r[oh]w [8ig] r t [wu] 0 8 8 w [8a] r t [wf] [0h] 8g8hw [8g] 0 [rf] w r w 0 w 8 0 r w r w 0 w [9ig] y [edg] [9g] [9g] [qp] [ep] [yp] [9g] [yg] e 9 [9oh] q[ig]e[uf]y [wig] r [ydg] [wg] [wd] [yd] [ra] [wa] [wg] [rg] y w [woh] y[ig]r[oh]w [8ig] r [tsf] [wf] [0f] [8f] [8s] [ws] [8f] [rf] t w 0 8 8 w 8 0 [rsf] [wf] [ra] [wa] [0sf] [wf] [8f] [0f] r w r w 0 w [yig]| [yi] p y i y i [yi]| [yi] p y i y i [odg]| [oa] d o a o a [od]| [oa] d o a o a [taf]| [uo] s u a u s [ta]| [uo] s u a u a [taf]
    Level: 6
    Length: 03:43
    No One Noticed

    The Marías