00:50 -
160 -
[fe6]SpS[fe6] j
[pjS6]0e0[fSL6]0e [ypge9]dgjfSjLz| 2
About This Music Sheet
Gravity Falls Opening Theme is a song by Brad Breeck. Use your computer keyboard to play Gravity Falls Opening Theme music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:50, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Gravity Falls Opening Theme is classified in the genres: Songs From TV, Disney on Virtual Piano.
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Other Songs By Brad Breeck
[29g] d p d g d p d [4qg] s p s g s p s [6ef] S p S f S p S [6ef] S p S [6ef] j [2yd] 6 9 6 q 9 [6uf] 9 [2ipg] 6 q 6 q 9 6 9 [4psj] 8 q [8oh] e q [8pj] q [4ts] 8 q 8 e q 8 q [^yd] q E q y E [quf] E [^ig] q E q [yf] E q E [8osh] w t w [upj] t w 8 [8oh] 0 e 0 [Tig] e 0 6 2 6 [9ig] 6 [2ig] 6 [9ig] 6 [2pj] 6 [9pj] 6 [2oh] 6 [3ig] 6 4 8 [qpj] 8 [4pj] 8 [qpj] 8 [4oh] 8 [qpj] 8 [4oh] 8 [qig] 8 ^ q [Eig] q [^ig] q [Eig] q [^pj] q [Epj] q [^oh] q [Eig] q 8 w [tpj] w [8pj] w [^pj] w 6 0 [eSL] 0 [6SL] 0 [eSL] 0 2 6 [9ig] 6 [2ig] 6 [3ig] 6 [4pj] 8 [qpj] 8 [4oh] 8 [qig] 8 ^ q [EPJ] q [^PJ] q [EPJ] q [8oh] w t w [8sl] w t w [S6pj] 0 e 0 [6fSL] 0 e [9eypg] d g j f S j L [z] [2]Level: 6Length: 00:40Intermediate
Gravity Falls Opening Theme (Alternative)
Brad Breeck
[g92]dp[d92]gd[p92][d30] [qg4]sp[sq4]gs[qp4][ws5] [fe6]SpSDsOsdaOaSPoP [yd2]696q9[uf6]9[pig2]696q969 [spj4]8q[oh8]eq[pj8]q [ts4][j8]q[h8]eq[j8]q [yd^]qEqyE[uqf]E[ig^]qEq[yf]Eq^ [soh8]wtw[upj]tw0[oh6]0e0[igT]w06 26[ig9]626[s9][g6][pj2]6[pj9]6[g2][f6][D9][d6] 48[qpj]8[OH4]8[qpj]8[oh4][oh8][qoh][ig8][YD4][oh8][qig]8 ^q[igE]q[ig^]q[sE]q[pj^]q[jE][qH][h^]q[gE]q [ig8]w[tp][wP][a8][ws][tpj]w 60[eSL]0[SL6]0[ige]0 ^q[PJE]q[sl^]q[zdE]q[xf8]w[th][wG][g8][wf][tSL]w [pjf6][S0][je][f0][SL6][SL0][eSL][xf0][zyed9] SiTsitaur[92]| [zd]Level: 6Length: 00:44Intermediate
Gravity Falls Weirdmageddon Theme
Brad Breeck
[ef] [tu]
[tua]s[wh] [tu] [tua]s[qk]
[tu]l[tuh]f[0d] [ry]h[ryf]a[9p]
[et]u[eti]f[0d] [ry]o[ryp]h[qf]
[tu]p[tua]f[wd] [ry] [ryf] [ej] [tu]
[tuk]l[wv] [tu] [tuk]l[qn]
[tu]m[tuv]x[0z] [ry]v[ryx]k[9j]
[et]f[etg]x[0z] [ry] [ryk] [ej] [tu] [tu]
0 [wr] 0
6 [80] [80]
3 [57] 3
[6f] [80] [80]
[3d] [57] [57a]
[6p] [80] [80]
[3o] [57u] [3a]
[4p] [69] [69]
[3o] [57u] [3a]
[6p] [80] [80]
3 [57] 3
6 [80] [80]
3 [57] 3
[6f] [80] [80]
[3d] [57] [57a]
[6p] [80] [80]
[3o] [57u] [3a]
[4p] [69] [69]
[3o] [57u] [3a]
[4p] [69] [69]
[3o] [57u] [3f]
9w[rf] [yd]
[8a]w[ts] [uf]
70[Wa] [ru]
[6s]0etu 60[eyd]t[uf]
[4pj]8qete[4ak]8[qsl]e[tdz]e[3hv]70w[rfx]w[6ak]0[esl]t[ufx]t[9z]eyI[pl]d[Gk]| l
[px] [sf] kl[ov] [sf] kl[in]
[sf]mvx[uz] [ad]vxk[yj] [ps]fgx[uz]
[ad]hjv[ix] [sf]jkx[oz] [ad] j
[ef] [tu] [tua]s[wh] [tu]
[tua]s[qk] [tu]l[tuh]f[0d] [ry]h[ryf]a[9p]
[et]u[eti]f[0d] [ry]o[ryp]h[qf] [tu]p[tua]f[wd]
[ry]a[ryo]u[6p] [80] [80]
[3o] [57u] [57a]
[6p] [80] [80]
[3o] [57u] [3a]
[4p] [69] [69]
[3o] [57u] [3a]
[4p] [69] [69]
[3o] [57u] [3a]
[6p]90eyupdfjzx[jzxb]Level: 5Length: 01:37IntermediateWaltz No.1 Op.6 Collapse (Hikaru Shirosu)
f h [tji]| l| [yok]| h| [tof]| | f d [use]| f| [wuf]| h| [tqp]| | s a [tqp]| s| [yws]| d| [wtf]| h| l| k| [tqj]| |h| f| [wtd]| |y| f h [tji]| l| [yok]| h| [tof]| | f d [use]| f| [wuf]| h| [tqp]| | s a [tqp]| s| [yws]| d| [wtf]| h| l| k| [tqj]| |h| f| [wtd]| |y| f h [tji]| l| [yok]| h| [tof]| | f d [use]| f| [wuf]| h| [tqp]| | s a [tqp]| s| [yws]| d| [wtf]| h| l| k| [tqj]| |h| f| [wed]| |r| f h [tji]| l| [yok]| h| [tof]| | f d [use]| f| [wuf]| h| [tqp]| | s a [tqp]| s| [yws]| d| [wtf]| h| [wl]| k| [tqj]| |h| f| [wtd]| |y| f h [tji]| l| [yok]| h| [tof]| | f d [use]| f| [wuf]| h| [tqp]| | s a [tqp]| s| [yws]| d| [wtf]| h| l| k| [tqj]| |h| f| [wtd]| |s| [utso]Level: 6Length: 02:14Intermediate
Smiling (Man On Fire)
Harry Gregson-Williams
gfspiutegfspiutegfspiutegfspiute [teY6]161431613431646 [ute6][ute][ute1][ute][ute6]1431613431646 [teY6]1614316 [p1]3431646 [ute6][ute]1[ute][ute6]14[ute3][ute][ute1][ute][ute6] 1[ute3][ute][ute4][ute][ute3][ute1][ute]6[ute][ute4]6 [e6]16143[r1]6[t1]3431646 6161[e4]3[r1]6[t1]343[y1]646 [u6]1614316134316466161431613431646 [t1]@1@%5[y@]1[Y@]5%5@1%1 1@1@[t%]5[y@]1[Y@]5%5[i@]1%1 [o5]^5^@2^5^2@2^52^5^5^@2^5^2@2^52^ [o3]53517[I5]3 [u5]71753[u7]I[o3]p [a3]5[o3]5[I1]7[u5]3 [w5]717[e5]373 [rQ7]2725$[20]7 [92]$5$27[r$]T[y7]u [I7]2725$272$5$27$7 [qie2]424^6[u4]2 [y4]6^642[y6]u[i2]o [p2]4[i2]4[u^]6[y4]2 [q4]6^6[w4]262 [e6]1614316134316[e3]r[t6]y [u6]1614316134316[e3]r[t6]y [u1]111111111[t1][y1][u1]1[o1]1 [I1]1[u1][y1]111111111111 [o1]111111111[Y1][i1][o1]1[P1]1 [p1]1[o1][i1]11111111[i1]111 [o5]757@27572@27525 [D5][d7][a5][o7][Y@][y2][r7][w5] [D7][d2][a@][o2][Y7][y5][r2][w5][w5]||| [ute][ute][ute]Level: 6Length: 01:14Intermediate
Jenova (Final Fantasy VII)
Nobuo Uematsu