03:12 -
-3 -
[tuoh] j f|||
h j l j h f
[ish] j f|||
f d f h f d s
[etud] s p| f|s
[wryd] s|p f f|s
[8wtd] s|s|||
[80wo] p u|||
o p s p o u
[qeto] p u|||
u y u o u y t
[60y] t e| u|t
[59wy] t|e u u|t
[158y] t|t|||
[80wo] p u|||
o p s p o u
[qeto] p u|||
u y u o u y t
[60y] t e| u|t
[59wy] t|e u u|t
[158y] t|t||s
[etuf]||d f
h|f|d f|
[wryh]|f|d f|
[8qef]||s d
f j h f d s d|
[wry]||o o o
[wtuf]|d|s a|
p||o o o
[wryf]|d|s d|f|
d|s d|
[8qep]||o u y
[9wr]||o o u
[80wy] t t|||
[80wo] p u|||
o p s p o u
[qeto] p u|||
u y u o u y t
[60y] t e| u|t
[59wy] t|e u u|t
[158y] t|t|||
[80wo] p u|||
o p s p o u
[qeto] p u|||
u y u o u y t
[60y] t e| u|t
[59wy] t|e u u|t
[158y] t|t||s
[etuf]||d f
h|f|d f|
[wryh]|f|d f|
[8qef]||s d
f j h f d s d|
[wry]||o o o
[wtuf]|d|s a|
p||o o o
[wryf]|d|s d|f|
d|s d|
[8qep]||o u y
[9wr]||o o u
[80wy] t t|||
o p s
[wry]||o p s
[etu]| o o p s
[9qef]|d| s f d
[wry]| f f|d|
o p s
[wry]||o p s
[etu]| o o p s
[9qef]|d| s f d
[wry]| f f|d|
o o o
[wtuf]|d|s a|
p||o o o
[wryf]|d|s d|f|
d|s d|
[9wr]||o o o
[wtuf]|d|s a|
p||o o o
[wryf]|d|s d|f|
d|s d|
[9wro]||o o u
[80wy] t t|||
o o o
[wtuf]|d|s a|
p||o o o
[wryf]|d|s d|f|
d|s d|
[8qep]||o u y
[9wr]||o o u
[80wy] t t
About This Music Sheet
Honeybee (The Head and the Heart) is a song by The Head and the Heart. Use your computer keyboard to play Honeybee (The Head and the Heart) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:12, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. You can also find other similar songs using Alternative.
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Land of Immortality (Bravely Default)
[d8] f [wd] f [ud] f [wd] f [d6] f [d0] f [td] f [d0] f [d4] f [d8] f [ed] f [d8] f [d5] f [d9] s [rd] f [g9] f [d8] f [wd] f [ud] f [wd] f [d6] f [d0] f [td] f [d0] f [d4] f [d8] f [ed] f [d8] f [d5] f [d9] s [rd] f [g9] f [d8] [wf] [tf] [uf] [of] u s h [s6]h 0 e [ts] u o t o [o4] p [s8] o [qp] s [d8] f [d5] f [d9] s [wd] f [rg] f [d8] [wf] [tf] [uf] [of] u s j [s6]j 0 [he] [ts] u s [td] s [s4] 8 q [oe] t o [ts] o [o5]s 9 w [ro]a y s a [s6] 0 e [ts]l|u d z [d3]z 7 [s0]l [wa]k r oh w o [o4]h 8| [pe]j|t| [p4]j 8 q [pe]j [tp]j|[a3]k| [s6]l 0 e [ts]l|u dz sl [a3]k 7 0 [wo]h|r jb| [j4]b 8 [qh]v e|t|gc|fx| [c8]wti[cO] c c [cH] x l h [wh]z r [ys] [od] [ywo]a y|o [o5]s d [f8] w t w u w [ts] [a9] [a6]f 0 e 0 t 0 [se] [a0] 5 h [h2] [j6] [h9] q [ge] y f d [a5] 7 [t9] y r o s d [f8] w t w u w [ts] [yd7] [f^] q [dE] q y q [ts] [d7] [d6]f 0 [se] r t u s d [a3] 7 0 w r u o a f|h a [p4] 8 [oe]p[o8]p[qo]p[o8]p[oe]p[o8]p [rqa95]|o o og f| s|dLevel: 6Length: 01:36Intermediate
For River (To The Moon)
Kan R. Gao
9 q e q 9 q e q 9 q e q 9 q e q q e t e w r y r 9 q e q 9 q e q [y9] [yq]u[ie] [uq] [y9] [tq] [ye] q [u9] q e [uq]i[u9] [yq] e q [sq] e t [se]a[wp] r y [ro] [p9] q e q 9 q e q [sq] e t [se]a[wp] r y [ro] [p9] q e q 9 q e q [y9] [yq] [ye] [uq]i[u9] [yq] [te] q [wr] r [r9] ty[wt] r [r9] r [y9] [yq] [ye] [uq]i[u9] [yq] [te] q [wo] r 9 [ri] [wu] r [y9] r [ue] T 0 T e T 0 T [ie] T 0 T [ue] T 0 T [y92][u0][qi][wo][pe6] q [92] q [e6] [q4] [wa5] r [92] r [w5] r [92] [r5] [d94] q [e6] q [s94] q [ea6] q [wp5] r [97] r [wo5] r [97] r [pe6] T [0*] T [e6] T [0*] T e T 0 T [e6] T [30] T [y92] [yq]u[ie6] [uq] [y92] [tq] [ye6] [q4] [u92] q [e6] [uq]i[u92] [yq] [e6] [q4] [tqi8] e [t4] [tie][ur][ywe7] r [y5] [tri] [ye92] q [e6] q [92] q [e6] q [tqi4] e [t8] [tie][ur][ywe5] r [y9] [troi7] [ype92] q [e6] q [92] q [e6] q [92] q e q [92] q e q [92] q e q [92] q e q [tq4] e t e [yw5] r y r [92] q e q [92] q e q [tqi4] e [tq] e [ywo5] r [yw] r [y92]y[yq]y[ye9]y[yqi][yp][yd92][yd][yqd][yd][yed9][yd][yqd][yd][y92] q e q [u92] q e q [i92] q e q [o92] q e q [qp4] [oe] [ti] e [wo5] [ri] [yu] r [y92] q e q [92] q [ype] q [sqp4] [oea] [tpi] e [woa5] [rpi] [yuo] rt[yp92] q e q [92] q e q [yi92] [q2] [e6] q [uo92] [q2] [e6] [q4] [pi92] [q2] [e6] q [oa92] [q2] [e6] [q4] [sqp4] [oea4]i[tpo8] [pe] [wia5] [urp5]y[yoi9] [ur] [yp92] [q2] [e6] [tq]y[u92] [qi2] [uoe6] [yqp4] [sqp4] [oea4]i[tpoa8] [spe] [wia5] [urp5]y[ypoi9] [ura] [yp92] [q2] [e6] [yq]u[i92] [qo2] [pe6] [qT4] [y9] q e q 9 q e q 9 q e q 9 q e q q e t e w r y r 9 q e q 9 q e q [y9] [yq]u[ie] [uq] [y9] [tq] [ye] q [u9] q e [uq]i[u9] [yq] e q [sq] e t [se]a[wp] r y [ro] [p9] q e q 9 q e q [sq] e t [se]a[wp] r y [ro] [p9] q e q 9 q e q [y9] [yq] [ye] [uq]i[u9] [yq] [te] q [wr] r [r9] ty[wt] r [r9] r [y9] [yq] [ye] [uq]i[u9] [yq] [te] q [wo] r 9 [ri] [wu] r [y9] r [ue] T 0 T e T 0 T [ie] T 0 T [ue] T 0 T [y92][u0][qi][wo][pe6] q [92] q [e6] [q4] [wa5] r [92] r [w5] r [92] [r5] [d94] q [e6] q [s94] q [ea6] q [wp5] r [97] r [wo5] r [97] r [pe6] T [0] T [e6] T [0] T e T 0 T [e6] T [30] T [y92] [yq]u[ie6] [uq] [y92] [tq] [ye6] [q4] [u92] q [e6] [uq]i[u92] [yq] [e6] [q4] [tqi8] e [t4] [tie][ur][ywe7] r [y5] [tri] [ye92] q [e6] q [92] q [e6] q [tqi4] e [t8] [tie][ur][ywe5] r [y9] [troi7] [ype92] q [e6] q [92] q [e6] q [92] q e q [92] q e q [92] q e q [92] q e q [tq4] e t e [yw5] r y r [92] q e q [92] q e q [tqi4] e [tq] e [ywo5] r [yw] r [y92]y[yq]y[ye9]y[yqi][yp][yd92][yd][yqd][yd][yed9][yd][yqd][yd][y92] q e q [u92] q e q [i92] q e q [o92] q e q [qp4] [oe] [ti] e [wo5] [ri] [yu] r [y92] q e q [92] q [ype] q [sqp4] [oea] [tpi] e [woa5] [rpi] [yuo] rt[yp92] q e q [92] q e q [yi92] [q2] [e6] q [uo92] [q2] [e6] [q4] [pi92] [q2] [e6] q [oa92] [q2] [e6] [q4] [sqp4] [oea4]i[tpo8] [pe] [wia5] [urp5]y[yoi9] [ur] [yp92] [q2] [e6] [tq]y[u92] [qi2] [uoe6] [yqp4] [sqp4] [oea4]i[tpoa8] [spe] [wia5] [urp5]y[ypoi9] [ura] [yp92] [q2] [e6] [yq]u[i92] [qo2] [pe6] [qT4] [y9]
Level: 6Length: 03:39IntermediateTriumphant Citadel (Wynncraft)