Indoors (OneShot)

Casey Gu 14 April 2021

[e8]|e|[ur]|e|[r8]|e|u|e|[wt8]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|e|[wr]|7|[e8]|e|[ur]|e|[r8]|e|[ur]|e|[t8]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|0|w|7|6|[ue0]|r|e|[ur0]|e|[r0]|[te]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|[ur]|e|[ro]|6|t|e|r|w|e|q|w|8|[ur]|i|u|e|[ur]|i|o|5|[ea4]|[ea]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[ra]|[wh]|e|[ur]|e|[srq]|e|[wr]|[u7]|[ea4]|[ea]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[rj]|[wo]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|e|[wr]|[u7]|6|[ue0]|r|e|[ur0]|e|[r0]|[te]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|t|e|r|w|e|q|w|8|[url]|i|[uk]|e|[wrj]|t|[wra]|0|[oe4]|[oe]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[ra]|[wh]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|e|[wr]|[u7]|[pe4]|[pe]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[rj]|[wh]|e|[ur]|e|[rqa]|e|[wr]|[u7]|6|[ue0]|r|e|[ur0]|e|[r0]|[te]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4] o t|e|[ro]|w|[ea]|q|[wa]|8|[ura]|i|[uk]|e|[wr]|t|[wro]|[o30]|[e8]|e|[ur]|e|[r8]|e|u|e|[wt8]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|e|[wr]|7|[e8]|e|[ur]|e|[r8]|e|[ur]|e|[t8]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|0|w|7|6|[ue0]|r|e|[ur0]|e|[r0]|[te]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|[ur]|e|[ro]|6|t|e|r|w|e|q|w|8|[ur]|i|u|e|[ur]|i|o|5|[ea4]|[ea]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[ra]|[wh]|e|[ur]|e|[srq]|e|[wr]|[u7]|[ea4]|[ea]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[rj]|[wo]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|e|[wr]|[u7]|6|[ue0]|r|e|[ur0]|e|[r0]|[te]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|t|e|r|w|e|q|w|8|[url]|i|[uk]|e|[wrj]|t|[wra]|0|[oe4]|[oe]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[ra]|[wh]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|e|[wr]|[u7]|[pe4]|[pe]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[rj]|[wh]|e|[ur]|e|[rqa]|e|[wr]|[u7]|6|[ue0]|r|e|[ur0]|e|[r0]|[te]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4] o t|e|[ro]|w|[ea]|q|[wa]|8|[ura]|i|[uk]|e|[wr]|t|[wro]|[o30]

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About This Music Sheet

Indoors (OneShot) is a song by Casey Gu. Use your computer keyboard to play Indoors (OneShot) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:16, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Indoors (OneShot) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Instrumental, Relaxing.


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Other Songs By Casey Gu

  • [if] s a o [if]| |[uf] s a o [uf]| |[if] s a o [if]| |[uf] s a o [uhf] g f d [if] s a o [if] s [ha] k [ulf] s [ka] [oh] [uf] g h k [if]l sk aj oh if| |[uf] s a o [uhf] g f d [uq] t [yr] w [tq] y|tr[r0] t [yr] w 0 y||[uq] t [yr] w [tq] y|tr[r0] t [yr] w [to0] [yi] u y [uq] t [yr] wh[tqk]ly k [th][rl][rl0] t [yrk] [wh] [f0] [yg] h k [uql] [tk] [yrj] [wh] [tqf] y|tr[rk0] t [yrl] w [zto0] [yi] [xu] [yh] [uqf] t [yrg] w [uqh] t [roj] a [sf0] t [rga] [wo] [uh0] i [of] a [uqf]s ta [rg]p wo [qh]u|j|[f0] t [rg] w [oh0] i u y [uqf] t [yrg] w [uqh] t [roj] a [sf0] t [rga] [wo] [uh0] i [of] a [uqf]s ta [rg]p wo [tqh]u r [je] w [f0] t [rg] w [a0]fh||[if] s a o [if]| |[uf] s a o [uf]| |[if] s a o [if]| |[uf] s a o [uhf] g f d [if] s a o [if] s [ha] k [ulf] s [ka] [oh] [uf] g h k [if]l sk aj oh if| |[uf] s a o [uhf] g f d [uq] t [yr] w [tq] y|tr[r0] t [yr] w 0 y||[uq] t [yr] w [tq] y|tr[r0] t [yr] w [to0] [yi] u y [uq] t [yr] wh[tqk]ly k [th][rl][rl0] t [yrk] [wh] [f0] [yg] h k [uql] [tk] [yrj] [wh] [tqf] y|tr[rk0] t [yrl] w [zto0] [yi] [xu] [yh] [uqf] t [yrg] w [uqh] t [roj] a [sf0] t [rga] [wo] [uh0] i [of] a [uqf]s ta [rg]p wo [qh]u|j|[f0] t [rg] w [oh0] i u y [uqf] t [yrg] w [uqh] t [roj] a [sf0] t [rga] [wo] [uh0] i [of] a [uqf]s ta [rg]p wo [tqh]u r [je] w [f0] t [rg] w [a0]fh

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:48
    Library Stroll (OneShot)

    Casey Gu

  • [yk]|i|[pl] k [zy]|i|p|y|[ki] l [pk] x [zy]|i|[pl] k [th]|u|o|t|u|o|E|y|p|E|y|u|[yk]|i|[pl] k [zy]|i|p|y|[ki] l [pk] x [zy]|i|[pl] x [tn]|u|o|t|u|o|[vE]|y|p|[bE]|y|p|[yk]|i|[pl] k [yj] k [li] k [zp] x [yk]|i l [pk]|[yj] k [li] k [zp] x [th]|u|o|[vt]|u|o|[hE]|y|[pb]|[vE]|y|u|y|[ic]|[xp]|[yl]|i|[pk]|[th]|u|[og]|[tf]|u|o d [jE]|y|p|E|y|[oh]|[jE]|y|i|E|y|u|[a9]|q|[se] a [d9]|q|e|9|[qa] s [ea] f [d9]|q|[se] a [o8]|0|w|8|0|w|^|9|e|^|9|0|[a9]|q|[se] a [d9]|q|e|9|[qa] s [ea] f [d9]fd q|[se] f [k8]|0|w|8|0|w|[h^]|9|e|[j^]|9|e|[a9]|q|[se] a [p9] a [sq] a [ed] f [a9]|q s [ea]|[p9] a [sq] a [ed] f [o8]|0|w|[h8]|0|w|[o^]|9|[je]|[h^]|9|0|9|[qg]|[fe]|9|[qa] s [ea]|[o8]|0|[wi]|[u8]|0|w y [p^]|9|e|^|9|[wo]|[p^]|9|q|^|9|0|y|[xi]|[pc]|[yl]|i|[pk]|[yh]|i|p|[yk]|[ih]|[pf]|[tj]|u|o|[th]|[ua]|[po]|[jE]|y|p|[hE]|y|u|y|[xi]|[pc]|[yv]|i|[pb]|[yx]cx i|p|[yj]|[xi]|[vpb]|[th]|u|o|[tf]|[uh]|[ob] J [vE]|y|[xp] h [zE]|y|p|y|[ji]|[xp]|[yj]|i|p|[yk]|[ji]|[xp]|[yj]|[li] k [xp] k [vt]|u|o|t|[xu] c [xo] j [hE]|y|[pc]|[vE]|[yb]|u|[yb]|i|[pm]|[yv]|i m [pn]|[vt]|u|[oc]|[xt]cx u|o z [bE]|y|p|E|y|[oB]|[zE]|y|i|E|y|u

    Level: 4
    Length: 03:09
    Niko And The World Machine (OneShot)

    Casey Gu

  • Y 3 7 r| |Y 3 7 r||W|T ! 3 r| |T ! 3 r||0|[kY] 3 7 [rf]| |[kY] 3 7 [rf]||[ZW]|[kT] ! 3 [rf]| |[kT] ! 3 [rD]||[f0]|[H6] 0 r [uaW] f|D|[H6] 0 r [aW]||[S0]|[aW] Y I a|Y u|W Y I a||0|[k0] [rV] [uC] a V|Y|[k0] [rf] u [ka]|Y [ZW]|[k*] [rV] [YC] a V|r|[k] [xr] [uZ] [aL] k|[u0]|[H6] [x0] [rZ] u x| |[H6] [S0] r [uf]|k 0|[kW] [YV] [IC] a x Z|L [kW] [uf] [kI] [aD] a|u|0 [rH] [uG] a H|D|[kY] [rf] 0 [rk]||W|* [rH] [uG] a [fH]|D|[a*] [rf] [uD] S a|0|6 [x0] [rZ] u [xf]|D|[H6] [S0] r [ufa]|k S|[kW] [YV] [IC] a x Z|L [kW] Y [kI] [aD]||u|[k0] [rV] [uC] a V|C|[k0] [rf] u [ka]||[ZW] x [k] [rV] [YC] a V|Z k [k*] [xr] [uZ] [aL] k|[n0]|[H6] [x0] [rZ] u x|C|[VH6] [S0] r [uf]|k 0|[kW] [YV] [IC] a x Z|L [kW] [uf] [kI] [aD] f|[k0]|Y 3 7 r| |Y 3 7 r||W|T ! 3 r| |T ! 3 r||0|[kY] 3 7 [rf]| |[kY] 3 7 [rf]||[ZW]|[kT] ! 3 [rf]| |[kT] ! 3 [rD]||[f0]|[H6] 0 r [uaW] f|D|[H6] 0 r [aW]||[S0]|[aW] Y I a|Y u|W Y I a||0|[k0] [rV] [uC] a V|Y|[k0] [rf] u [ka]|Y [ZW]|[k] [rV] [YC] a V|r|[k*] [xr] [uZ] [aL] k|[u0]|[H6] [x0] [rZ] u x| |[H6] [S0] r [uf]|k 0|[kW] [YV] [IC] a x Z|L [kW] [uf] [kI] [aD] a|u|0 [rH] [uG] a H|D|[kY] [rf] 0 [rk]||W| [rH] [uG] a [fH]|D|[a*] [rf] [uD] S a|0|6 [x0] [rZ] u [xf]|D|[H6] [S0] r [ufa]|k S|[kW] [YV] [IC] a x Z|L [kW] Y [kI] [aD]||u|[k0] [rV] [uC] a V|C|[k0] [rf] u [ka]||[ZW] x [k] [rV] [YC] a V|Z k [k*] [xr] [uZ] [aL] k|[n0]|[H6] [x0] [rZ] u x|C|[VH6] [S0] r [uf]|k 0|[kW] [YV] [IC] a x Z|L [kW] [uf] [kI] [aD] f|[k0]

    Level: 5
    Length: 03:18
    Children of the Ruins (OneShot)

    Casey Gu


  • 2 [6qe] 4 [6qe] 2 [6qe] 4 [6qe] [2e] y [6qei] p [4d] p [6qei] y [2e] y [6qei] p [4d] [6qep] [18] s [0euf] j [6l] j [0euf] s [18p] s [0euf] j [6l] [0eu] [3] L [8wrl] k [4s] [W8ql] [3s] S [8wrs] a a a [4a] [W8qt] [(8e] T t r [79W] T t r [^9w] i u [6*W] e [2] y [6qei] p [4d] p [6qei] y [2e] y [6qei] p [4d] [6qep] [18] s [0euf] j [6l] j [0euf] s [18p] s [0euf] [6] [0euf] [%] g [Y0rf] D D D [6D] [0etu] [%Y] i [Y0ru] H [6D] [0etu] [%(Y] o s D h D s D [sh] D s D h D [ws] [(D] [18th] [oD] [18ts] [oD] [18th] D [18ts] [29y] D [@(Yh] [4qi] D [5wos] [%WO] D [5woh] D [5wos] [%WO] [oD] [^EPh] [8ts] [Dl] [9ydZ] [(YD] [lv] [9ydv] [8ts] [hZ] [^EPl] [8ts] [Dh] [o^EP] [%WO] [Yo] [5wto] [4qi] [Yo] [@(Yo] [29y] [wY] [18t] Y [^od] P [9wydh] h [J5z] h [9wydh] P [^dh] J [9wyhz] v [5zB] [9wydz] [$] D [T9ed] S [5y] [9wED] [$d] D [T9ed] S S S [5S] [E9wy] [49qe] y i p d [Ph] [pg] [Id] [id] [Eh] [eg] [qd] [Qd] p [8I] y [4qy] [5w] [ei] [6ep] [^E] [id] [6eg] [id] [6ep] [^E] [ei] [18tp] [29y] [id] [30ug] [4qi] [dj] [30uz] [29y] [dj] [18tg] [29y] [id] [18ti] [^E] [pd] [6ed] [5w] [gj] [4qH] [30] [29p] [18ep] [30] [6ep] [30] [ep] 7 [29] [%ep] [29ra] [6ts] [1yd] 8 [4uf] [18ig] [5uf] 7 [3uf] [7ig] [4uoh] [pj] 6 [29uak] [sl] 6 [3udz] [fx] 5 [18fgc] [hv] 5 [%HV] [fx] [SL] [pj] [IG] [QYD] [ts] [8WO] [2y] [6qe] [4] [6qe] [2] [6qe] [4] [6qe] [2ep] d [6qeig] j [4dz] p [6qeig] y [2ep] d [6qeig] j [4dz] [6qepj] [18] s [0eux] j [6l] p [0euf] s [18p] s [0eux] j [6l] [0eu] [3] L [8wrs] a [4t] [W8ql] [3s] S [8wrs] a a a [4a] [8qt] [(1e] 7 8 T t r [9W] ^ 7 T t r [9w] 6 ^ [6epgz] [gz] [gz] [29ydgjz]
    Level: 7
    Length: 02:55
    Montagues and Capulets (Dance of the Knights)

    Sergei Prokofiev

  • [qetg] j l x|x|z
    [wry]||zx v z l
    [0wt]|l z [wry] x|l
    [0et]| j|l|g
    [qet] j l x|x|z
    [wry]||zx v z l
    [0wt]|x z [wry] x|l
    [0et]|p o p s|u
    [8qe] y|y|t y|
    [9wr]||t y|u
    [80w] o|o [9wr] o u p
    [0et] p o p|s|u
    [8qe] y|y|t y|
    [9wr] y t y|t|u
    [80w] o|o [9wr] o u p
    [0et]|y t||f
    [8qe] d d s s|f|
    [9wr] d s d|s|f
    [80w] d|d [9wr] s|s
    [0et] p|p|s|f
    [8qe] d|d|s d|
    [9wr] d s d|s|f
    [80w] d|d [9wr] s|f
    [0et]|d s|p|f
    [8qe] d d s s|f|
    [9wr] d s d|s|f
    [80w] d|d [9wr] s|s
    [0et] p|p|s|f
    [8qe] d|d|s d|
    [9wr] d s d|s|f
    [80w] d|d [9wr] s|f
    [0et]|d s|p|
    [qetg] j l x|x|z
    [wry]||zx v z l
    [0wt]|l z [wry] x|l
    [0et]| j|l|g
    [qet] j l x|x|z
    [wry]||zx v z l
    [0wt]|x z [wry] x|l

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:18
    Dancing In The Moonlight (Toploader)
  • e [sf] d e [oa] p e [ps] d e [oa] p
    e [sf] d 0 [oa] p q [ps] d 0 [oa] p
    6 [tup]a[0s]f[9a] [yi] [qp] 6 [tu] i % [tu] y
    6 [tup]a[0s]f[9a] [yi] [qp] 6 [tu] i % [tu] y
    6 [tus]d[0f]j[0f] [ryud]|
    6 [etp]a[6s]f[5a] [wr] p [4i] [we] [4p]s[5a] [wr] [5o]
    [6p] [sf] d e [oa] p 6 [tus]d[0f]j[0f] [ryud]|
    6 [etp]a[6s]f[5a] [wr] p
    [4i] [qe] [4p]s[5a] [wr] [5o]
    [6p] [sf] d e [oa] p
    6 [ps] d e [oa] p
    6 [sf] d 3 [oa] p
    4 [ps] d 3 [oa] p
    6 [tup]a[0s]f[9a] [yi] [qp] 6 [tup] [ia] % [tus] [yd]
    6 [tup]a[0s]f[9a] [yi] [qp] 6 [tup] [ia] % [tus] [yd]
    8 [tus]d[8f]j[0f] [ryud]|
    6 [tup]a[6s]f[5a] [wr] p [4i] [we] [4p]a[5a] [wr] [5o]
    [6p] [sf] d e [oa] p 8 [tus]d[8f]j[0f] [ryud]|
    6 [etp]a[6s]f[5a] [wr] p [4i] [qe] [4p]s[5a] [wr] [5o]
    [ep] [sf] d e [oa] p 6 [tu] y 7 [YI] o
    [30] [uo] [0f]f[5d] [Iya] d
    [8f] [tu] [8G]f[7D] [Yrf]|
    0 [uo] [0f]G[9h] [yIG] f
    [8a] [tu] [8f]a[7p] [Yro] [7p]
    [0oa] [uo] [0pf][of][I9d] [Ia] [od]I[8uf] [tu] [8G]f[7YD] [ruf] 7
    0 [uo] [0f]G[9h] [yIG] f
    [8a] [tu] [8f]a[7p] [Yro] [7p]
    [3a] w0wr[6ep]| [wo][ep][3a] w0wr[6ep]| [wo][ep][7ra] [wr]|
    6 [Qe] 6 5 [0w] 5 $| $|
    [qi][wo][ep][ra][ts]| [ra]tr[ep] [sf] d
    e [oa] p e [ps] d e [oa] p e [sf] d
    0 [oa] p q [ps] d 0 [oa] p
    6 [tup]a[0s]f[9a] [yi] [qp] 6 [tup] [ia] % [tus] [yd]
    6 [tup]a[0s]f[9a] [yi] [qp] 6 [tup] [ia] % [tus] [yd]
    8 [tus]d[8f]j[0f] [ryud]|
    6 [etp]a[6s]f[5a] [wr] p [4i] [we] [4p]s[5a] [wr] [5p]
    [ep] [sf] d e [oa] p e [ps] d a| p|p

    Level: 5
    Length: 02:03
    Hijo de la Luna (Mecano)
