01:31 -
s f h l [qnk] t p [jb] [vh0] t o|[ufa%] [s0] [ra] [ydO] [spe6]d[yw] [sf60] go[hf^] [tj] y g [sof]|[kd] [h^] [lf5]||y[kd]||s[yt8]u[w8]||t y u i[yp][ohd7] w r y||o|[sof6] 0 w s [sh5]a9 [o0] h[sp][pjg4] 8 w t [sh]|ooi[so][hd30] 8 0o[wu] [tse6] 0 [e6]t[y5][up][sf$] Q t [yi]y[aWO%] 0y[urfO9] W [tsoe6]|[wusf5]|[pjQ$]| |[wus5]|s [ida]5[ya] [t6] [o7] 92[usf81] 5 0 w [to] [ys]d[us]f[ig] [pohed7] [ywua] r||w [oh9] 7s[ufe6] 0 [yw][uod][si]h[wtso5] [u9] [rof] [oha] [pjQ$] 9 e|[sqf4] 8 [wld] i [oh30]o8 e [usf] [tse6] [y0]y[woh][us][tp][tsi][ig92] 6 9 [ig] [wt5] 9 r [sfe]u[t81]t5|w|y [woE5]E[sE8] [shfP81]|[toE8]8[yoe9] [wtso8]7[yqd8][ywu850][wup8][u8][d8] [yqpd4] [tso]| |a [p4] [wa] [oe30] 0 [wo] [to] [ts] [yd] [uf] [yd8] [yspig9] tat [rpi][o1][wigd5] i[wkh]p[sfe] [uf81]iO [uf] oI[utsP] [yd] [uf] [yd] [sqpi4]|t [wo] [tsqi4] [ydO]Ou [od] [yts0] u [wsp] [da][h@(]s g [tso] [pi] [us92] [igd6] [uf] [tq] [tq5]| |r [qkg]qp [sg] j [shf0] os h [sphf9] [ged] [sfe] sy[wtie5] 9 [ya9] 98[u10]s
About This Music Sheet
Letter (Violet Evergarden) is a song by Evan Call. Use your computer keyboard to play Letter (Violet Evergarden) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:31, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Letter (Violet Evergarden) is classified in the genres: Manga, Songs From TV on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Anime.
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Other Songs By Evan Call
[es]|[ud]|[pf]|[qsh]| t| o
[6s]|[0f]|[th]|[4dk]| [8l]|[eh]|s|
[5yis]| |[5yoa]||o
[4d] 8 [qs] [ed]|f d 5 9 [ws] [rs]| o
[6d] 0 [es] [td]|s d 3 8 [0f] [wf]| o
[4s] 8 [qd] e f|d|5 9 [ws] [rs]| o
[6s] 0 [eo] [ts]|d f|3 8 [0u] w i|3 o
[4d] 8 [qs] [ed]|q [8f] [4d] 5 [9s] [ws] r|w 9 [5o]
[6d] 0 [es] [td]|e [0h] [6d] 1 5 [8s] [0s]|8 5 [1o]
[2s] 6 [qd] f 3 8 [wg] h 4 8 e f d s 5|
[4fl] 8 [qfl] [edk]|q [esj] [qah] 5 9 [wos] [ros]|[wd] [rosf] w
6 0 [wl] [ez] h|6 s [1of] 5 [8og] [0of]|[8od] [0os] 8
[4l] [8z] [qh] e s [qd] [ef] [qadh] 5 9 [wf] [rd]|[ws] [rs] w
6 0 [er] 0 [et] 0 [eu] 0 [euo] 0 [esf] 0 [efh] 0 [6fhl]|
[4fl] 8 [qfl] [edk]|q [esj] [qah] 5 9 [woad] [road]|w r [wd]
[3fk] 7 [0fj] [Wfk]|0 [Wfl] [0fjl] 6 0 e r t|s d
[qetif]|g f|d s [wryo]|s [5ws] [oh] 7 [oh]Level: 7Length: 01:01IntermediateSincerely (Violet Evergarden Opening)
Evan Call
e [ut] [ut] 0 [ut] [ut] 6 [utp] [utp] [uraO] lkjg[fe] [ut] [utf] [l0] [ut]k[utj]f[yd] [pi] [pid] [ke] [pi] [pi] [wd] [yr]S[yrd]f[k9] [yrl] [yr]z[tl] [uo] [uoj] [rk] [uO] [uO]g[fe] [ut]d[utf] [l0] [ut]z[utl]k[yj] [pi]h[pig]h[ze] [pi] [zpi] [yx]z[iPJ]g[idP]g[uH] [laO] [aO]k[upj]|||jk[l9] [yi]k[yli] [ke]lk[yji] [yiH] [je] [sp]k[spl] [xu] [spf] [xspf] [tc] [xuso] [uso]x[wv] [xuso] [uso]l[z0] [urO] [urO] [x7] [urO] [urfO]H[k9] [yli] [yi]k[qj] [yi] [yji]l[ze] [xsp] [sp]c[x0] [sp] [spj] [ve] [yic] [yxi] [qc] [yxi] [yi]z[xurWO] [urk] [urH] uiuYupg[fe] [ut] [utf] [l0] [ut]k[utj]f[yd] [pi] [pid] [ke] [pi] [pi] [wd] [yr]S[yrd]f[k9] [yrl] [yr]z[tl] [uo] [uoj] [rk] [uO] [uO]g[fe] [ut]d[utf] [l0] [ut]z[utl]k[yj] [pi]h[pig]h[ze] [pi] [zpi] [yx9]z[iPJ]g[idP]g[uH0] [jaO] [aO]k[je] [ut] [ut] [e6]| f [f30]D[urf]G[urH]j[kW7] [url] [ur]k[je6] [utf] [ut] 3 [ut] [utf] [f30]D[urf]G[urH]j[kW7] [url] [ur]k[je6] [ut] [ut] w [utlf] [zutj] [xql] [yi][zk][yxli] [jf9] [ut] [utjf] [zg9] [yi][lf][zyig] [jf6] [ykig] [yi][lg][kg7] [yuifH][jg][ykiH] [qlj] [zyki] [yi][zc][xkH0]|[urO][urO] [urO]| 6 [jeT]L[xeT] [c4]l[qje]g[sqe] 6 [jeT]L[xeT] [qb]c[tli]j[tig] 6 [jeT]L[xeT] [c4]l[qje]g[sqe] 6 [jeT]L[xeT] [qb]c[tli]j[tig] [x6] [eT] [eT] 4 [qe] [qe] [pe6*]| 3| 6
Level: 7Length: 01:43IntermediateViolet and Amy (Violet Evergarden)
Evan Call
[rpdI] f G [ywpoj]||d p [ufeT] G h [ypIG]||[upfT]|[rpdI] G j [ywodL]|z j|[ued]| |[uTS6] 0 e|6 e [u5] 9 [yw] u I u 6 0 [ye] y|e [u7] Q [ye] u y u $ 9 [eI] I|e [y5] 9 [wu] I u 6 0 [ye] y|e [y7] Q e y u I $ 9 [peG] Q [yph] I y [jQ] [ofa5] 9 [wd] [fT] y w [pG] f 6 0 [ed] [dT] y e p p [f7] Q [rd] [fT] y r [pj] f $ 9 [ed] [dT] y Q p p [d3] 7 [wf] G $ 9 [ohe] [pj] 5 9 w [IG] [ufe6] [yd] 6 [zjdG5] [zjdG5] [wjSLG] T y [wka] [pjS] 6 6 [yd6] [yd0] e [uf0] [daIG6] 7 7 [z7] [xQ] [yj] [dQ] 7 [ydQ] [daIG7] 7 [oha7] [QIG] 6 Q [ufe] [ydI] 5 5 [z5] [x9] [ywd] [uf9] [IG5] [pjS] 6 6 [IG6] [uf0] T [yd0] [ydI6] 7 7 [pTI7] Q [yrpI] Q [yI7] Q [yrpI] Q [SG7] r [jdQG] 7 [zjdG$] 6 [zjdG5] [zjdG5] [wSL] T y [wka] [pjS] 6 6 [upf6] [upf0] e T u f [^SLJG] ^ [ka^G] [SQL] T Q [zyd] [zdQG] 7 7 7 Q y y u [wI73] o I u y [e9$] [yd] [ydQ9] [pj] $ [pj] [pjd^] [oh^] [tohE] [qig] [yE] [ig] [ig81] 8 [wsohE] [soh] 0 1 [spig2] [oh9] [ye] [pj] [sljg6] 6 q [spohe] [sqpig] t q 6 [yd] [ig^P] ^ [yd^] [qig] E [oh] [spj4] [e4] [t8] [qi] [h3] [o8] [ws] f [spig2] [oh9] [ye] [pj] [sljg6] 6 q [spohe] [sqpig] t q 6 [yd] [sig^] ^ [qpjE] [oh81] 8 [wig] [ig] [pi4] [qoP4] [si30] [o8] w u [spig2] 6 9 [qoh] e 9 y [pje] q 9 6 [slg2] ^ ^ ^ [oh^] [igE] q 9 ^ ^ ^ [ig] 4 [soh1] 5 8 [sig0] w [soh] 8 t w 0 [PJ8] 5 [pjS] 1 ! 6 0 [ohS6] 0 [oheS] T u T e 0 6 [i2] p s g 6 [uspf9] q [spige] 9 y e q [zd9] 6 [slg] 2 ^ 4 9 [ig^] q [igP] 9 E q 9 ^ ^ [ts] ^ [soh1] 5 8 [spj0] w [soh] 8 0 w t [ig] [spig] 4 8 q w e q e t i p s g f [ypig] f g z l [piE] g g|s [tsh] u o|||[h8] g u f [i9] p e s g t o p [si^]|q [ti] E i [to8] p [wP] [pi4]|8 [wto30] 8 [tie9] p q s [pife] ^ g|q t E [tsoh8] w y i [uto8] w g|[i4] p s g 8 q w e q o p [splif]
Level: 7Length: 01:57IntermediateSincerely (Violet Evergarden)
Evan Call
e u o I y u e u y u r t e u o I y u e u y u r t [pe] u o I [yp] u [sfe] [usf] y u r [tf] [wa] y w [se] [ra] y [pe] u o I y u e u y u r y t u [sof] u [thf] u [sje] u p u [she] u [tsf] o [ydG] I [pd] I [sfe] u o I y u e u y u r t e u o I y u e u y u [rj] t [sje] u p u [sje] u [thf] u o u [of] u [tf] u [rd] y [se] t [wa] y o y t y r y e y w y [pe] t u t [fe] t [wd] r y r [se] t [wa] r [pe] t [ro] y [pe] u o I y u e u y u r t e u o I y u e u y u r t [pe] u [po] I [yp] u [pfe] u [ypf] u [rpf] t [woa] y [spe] y [woa] y [spe] u [oa] I [yp] u [pe] u [yp] u [ro] y [ut] u [sof] u [thf] u [sje] u p u [she] u [tsf] o [ydG] I [pd] I [hfe] u [oj] I [yh] u [je] u [yj] u [rj] y [ke] t [yk] u [yk] r [je] t y u [yj] t [sje] u p u [sje] u [thf] u o u [of] u [tof] u [rpd] y [spe] t [woa] y o y [to] y [ro] y [pe] y [wo] y [pe] t [up] t [fe] t [wd] r y r [se] t [wa] r [pe] t [ro] y [spe] u [ya] u [ts] u [rd] u [se] u [wa] u [se] u [ra] u [to] u [pe] t y u y t [pe] u [po] I [yp] u [pfe] u [ypf] u [rpf] t [woa] y [spe] y [woa] y [spe] u [oa] I [yp] u [pe] u [yp] u [ro] y [ut] u [sof] u [thf] u [sje] u p u [she] u [tsf] o [ydG] I [pd] I [hfe] u [oj] I [yh] u [jed] u [yj] u [rjf] y [ke] t [yk] u [yk] r [je] t y u [ys] t [se] u [sp] u [ed] u [tf] u o u [od] u [ts] u [rd] y [sfe] t [wha] y o y [td] y [rh] y [he] [yd] [wh] [yG] [pje] t u t [fe] t [wd] r y r [se] t [wa] r [pe] t [ro] y [spe] u [ya] u [ts] u [rd] u [se] u [wa] u [se] u [ra] u [to] u [pe] t y u y t [pe] u [po] I [yp] u [pfe] u [yf] u [rf] t [wa] y [se] y [wa] y [pe] u [poa] I [yp] u [pe] u [yp] u [ro] y [tp] u [usof] u [thf] u [sje] u p u [she] u [tsf] o [ydG] I [pd] I [hfe] u [oj] I [yh] u [je] u [yj] u [rj] y [ke] t [yk] u [yk] r [je] t y u [ys] t [se] u [sp] u [se] u [tf] u [oh] u [ohd] u [tsh] u [rfd] y [she] t [wda] y o y [td] y [ro] [yp] [ea] y [ws] y [pe] t [up] t [fe] t [wd] r y r [se] t [wa] r [pe] t [ro] y [pe] u o I y u e u y u r t e u o I y u e u y u r t [pe] u o I y u [ed] u y u r y [se] t u t [ya] o [upe]|[xj]Level: 6Length: 02:36Intermediate
Scarborough Fair
Simon & Garfunkel
j|j j l| k x Z x l j|| j|j j l| k x Z x l j [tolh] [rkha]| [je] t [uj] [je] [tl] u e [tl]z[xq] [eZ] [xt] [ql] [je] t q e [tj] u [oj] [tj] [ul] o t [uk] [xw] [rZ] [yx] [wl] [rj] y w r [je] t [uj] [je] [tl] u e [tl]z[xq] [eZ] [xt] [ql] [je] t q e [tj] u [oj] [tj] [ul] o t [zu] [xw] [rZ] [yx] [wl] [rj] y w r [ute]|j [utje] f f [utfe] f [tqpe] p f [tqfe] g f [tqe] f [utoj] j f [utof] s s [utof] f [ywrp] p f [ywrf] g f [ywr]| [utje] j f [utfe] s s [fe] [tf] [tqpe] p f [tqfe] g f q e [utoj]|f [utof] s|[tf] [uf] [ywrp] p f [ywrf] g f w r e t [us]ses[ts]aup[se] t q e [ts]sqs[se]atp[sq] e t u [so]sts[us]aop[ts] [ua] w r [ys]sws[sr]ayp[ws] [rp] e [tp] [us] [pe] t [up] [se] [tp] q [pe] [ts] [qp] e [tp] [sq] [pe] t [up] [so] [tp] u [po] [ts] [up] w [rp] [ys] [wp] r [yp] [ws] [rp] [ute]||f d s p [tqed]||s d [utof] f f f d f [ywrg] g g g f d [ute]||[utfe] d s p [tqed]||[tqe]|s d [utof] f f [uto] d d f [ywrg] g g [ywrf]|d| [ute]| [ute] s d[ute] s [tqed] d [tsqe] d p[tqe] p [utso] d [utso] d p[uto] s [ywrf] d d [ywsr] d|[ywsr]| [ute]| [ute] s d[ute] s [tqed] d [tsqe] d|[tqfe]| [utoj]|h [uto] f f [utod] d [ywsr] s s [ywsr] ss [ywra]a [je] t [uj] [je] [tl] u e [tl]z [xq] [eZ] [xt] [ql] [je] [tl] [ql] [le] [tlj] u [oj] [tj] [ul] o t [uk] [wl] [rl] [yl] [wl] [rl]ly [wk]kr [je] t [uj] [je] [tl] u e [tl]z [xq] [eZ] [xt] [ql] [je] [tl] [ql] [ze] [zt]l[uj] [oj] [tj] [ul] o t [ul]z x Z x l j|| [usp] [usp] [usp] [usp] [usp] [usp] [usp] [uspe] [uspe] [uspe] [uspe]|[tsp] [srp]| e t [us]a[pe]a[ts]a[up]a[se]pt q [se] [ts] [sq] [se] [ts] [sq]pe t u [po]p[ts] [up]o[po]p[tp]p[up]s [wp] [rp] [ys] [wo] [rp] y [wp] [sr] [fe] [ts] [ua] [se] [ts]a[up]a[se]a[tp]a [sq]a[pe]a[ts]a[qp]a[se] t [qp] e [tf] [us] [oa] [ts] [us]a[po]a[ts]a[up]a [ws]a[rp]a[ys]a[wp]a[sr] y [wp] r [ute]||f d s p [tqed]||s d [utof] f f f d f [ywrg] g g g f d [ute]||f d [utse] p [tqed]||[tsqe] d [utof] f f|d [utod] f [ywrg] g g f|[ywrd]| [ute]| [ute] s d[ute] s [tqed] d [tsqe] d p[tqe] p [utso] d [utso] d p[uto] s [ywrf] d d [ywsr] s|[ywrf]| [ute]|[ute]|[utse] d[ute] s [tqed] d[tqe] s [tqed]|[tqfe]| [utoj] [uto] [utoh] [uto] [utof] [utof] [utod] [utod] [ywsr] [ywsr] [ywsr] [ywsr] [ywsr]s [ywra]a [je] t [uj] [je] [tl] u e [tl]z [xq] [eZ] [xt] [ql] [je] [tl] [ql] [le] [tlj] u [oj] [tj] [ul] o t [uk] [wl] [rl] [yl] [wl] [rl]ly [wk]kr [je] t [uj] [je] [tl] u e [tl]z [xq] [eZ] [xt] [ql] [je] [tl] [ql] [ze] [zt]l[uj] [oj] [tj] [ul] o t [ul]z [xw] [rZ] [yx] [wl] [rj] y w r [utje] j j [utje] j f[ute] f [tqge] g [tqhe] g f[tqe] f [utof]| [uto]| [uto] g [ywrf]| [ywr]| [ywr]| [utje] j j [utje] j f[ute] f [tqge] g [tqhe] g f[tqe] f [utof]| [uto]| [uto] d [ywrf] lll [ywrl]ll ll[ywrk]| [pe] t u [je] t u e [tl]z [xq] [ze] [xt] [ql] [je] t q [le]z [xt] [zu] [xo] [tl] [uj] o t u w [rl]l[yl] [wl]l[rl] [yl]l[wk] r [pe] t u [je] t u e [tl]z [xq] [ze] [xt] [ql] [je] t q [le]z [xt] [zu] [xo] [tl] [uj] o t u w r y w r [ylh] [wkha] r [utje]|j [utje] J j [utje] J [tqje] j j [tqfe] J j [tqje] x [utoj]|j [utoj] J j [utoj] J [ywrj] j j [ywrf] J j [ywrj] x [xute] xlj [xute] xlj [utje] k [xtqe] xlj [xtqe] xlj [tqje] k [xuto] xlj [xuto] xlj [utoj] k [ywr] lll [ywrl]ll ll[ywrk] k [uje]|j p J j [pj] J [tqj] j j [pf] J j [pj] x [utj]|j p J j [pj] J j [tj]t[tj] [tf]t[tJ] [tj]t[rj] x [le] lkj [pl] lkj [pj] k [tql] lkj [pl] lkj [pj] k [xut] xlj [xp] xlj [pj] k [tle] [tle] [tle] [tle] [tl][tl] [rk][rk] [tspjfe0]Level: 7Length: 03:56Intermediate
0| [6u] s a [6s] [6u] s a s [%y] a P [%a] [%y] a P a [5y] a P [5a] [5y] a P a [$y] p O [$p] [$y] p O p [4t] p O [4p] [4t] p O p [1t] o I [1o] [1t] o I o [2y] u I [2o] [2p] a s p [3u] I O [3p] [3a] s d D [6f] l k [6l] [6f] l k l [%d] k J [%k] [%d] k J k [5d] k J [5k] [5d] k J k [$d] j H [$j] [$d] j H j [4s] j H [4j] [4s] j H j [1s] h G [1h] [1s] h G h [2d] f G [2h] [2j] k l j [3f] G H [3j] [3k] l z k [6j] x x 6 6| j x [2j] c c 2 2| | [6j] x x 6 6| j x [2j] c c 2 2| | [4g] d a [4O] [4i] y r W [6e]Level: 5Length: 00:55Intermediate
Love Theme from Flashdance
Giorgio Moroder