05:10 -
-6 -
[zsi] x v l z [xod] v l
[zpf] x v b z [xsh] j l
[zsi] x v l z [xod] v l
[zpf] x v b z [xto] [vj] l
[tqd] f h s d [ywf] h s
[ued] [fd] [hd] [sd] d [tofd] [hd] [sd]
[tqd] f h [sf] [fd] [ywf] [hf] [sf]
[ued] [fd] [hd] [sd] d [tofd] f h
[tqj]| [ol] z p [yw] [ok] h
[ufe] h [ok] l p [to] [ol] k
[tqj]| [ol]| [pk] [ywh] o h
[zuhe] x [vo] l [zp] [xto] [of] h
[tqj]| [ol] z p [yw] [ok] h
[ufe] h [ok] l [zp] [zto] [zol] [zk]
[xtqj] x [xol] x [xpk] [yxwh] [xoh] [xj]
[zue] z [zo] z [zp] [to] [oj] k
[qlhf84]| o k [pj] [wkh95] [olj]|
[e60] k [ojf] [kh] [plj] [wtkh8] [ojf] [kh]
[qj84] s [so] j [sph] [wso95] [pod] [sf]
[ze60] z [zo] z [zp] [zwt8] [oj] k
[qlhf84]| o k [pj] [wkh95] [olj]|
[e60] k [ojf] [kh] [plj] [zwtk8] [xol] c
[q84] l [ol] x [zp] [wl95] [tl]| 8| |
x vx[zc4] [qml4] [qjb][tmli] [zic]gs[w95]
x[w95]vx[z6] [mle6] [vhe][upml] [xpml]jf[wt8] [xwt8]
vx[zc4] [q4] [xq][vti] [v55] 5[wb9] [ywvo]c[xwr7]
6 [e6] ept[e6]80[wt8] [xwt8]
vx[zc4] [qml4] [qjb][tmli] [zic]gs[w95]
x[w95]vx[zc6] [mle6] [vhe][upml] [xpml]jf[wt8]
[wtml8][nk][jb][nk][ljb4]8qw[zec]qti[nk5]9[ywojb] [ywonk] [nk]
[te8]| [yrml9]| [ut0]| [yr9]|
[zsi] x v l z [xod] v l
[zpf] [zx] [zv] [zl] z [zxsh] [zv] [zl]
[zxsi] x [xv] [xl] [zx] [xod] [xv] [xl]
[zpf] [zx] [zv] [zl] z [to]| lz
[xtq] [zt]l[ol] [tj][pk]lt[ywk]jh [ih]h
[uje] [uj]l[ok]h[ujg]p [uhf][to] ff[yg]h
[tsqj] [tk]l[ok] [tl][zp][xh]t[zyw]lk [ih]
[ue] [uh] [zo] [zu]pzu[zto] z [yl]z
[xtqh] [zt]l[olf] [tj][pk][lf]t[ywk]j[ha] [ih]h
[usje] [uj]l[ok]h[uj]p [uh][to] [sj] y[ha]
[tq] [tsj] o[lf]tp[zg]t[yw][xf] [zji]
[ue]lu o up[zd][xuf][vtoh] [jb] [yxf]
[sj84] 8 [wha] [pg8]e[of]8[95] [da][sqf][gd]
[60]f[d0]swd[f0][ge] [f0][wd8]s [pi][oa9][sp]
[84]a[p8]owo8[tpe] 8[us95] [ya]q
[ro60] 0[u0]w [tp0]e 0[w8] [zd] [sl9]
[tsqje] [tqe] [tqhea] [tqpge] [ywof9] [yw9] [ywda9][sf][ywsg9]
[te0] [te0] [tfe0]d[tfe0] [wt8] [wt8] [wt8] [wt8]
[tq8] [tq8] [tq8] [tqgc8] [yxwf9] [zywd9] [ywsl9] [ywsl9]
[tsqpi8]| [spjig] [tqe][spi] 4[sqpi86]q[qe6] [sqpie6]
[tspie8]| [splji] [tqe][spi] 4[sqpi86]q[tq8] [tsqpi8]
[wutso8]| [usolh] [wt0][uso] 3[uso850]0[t80] [utso80]
[ywroa7]| [yokha] [wr9][yoa] 2[yoa975]9[xwr7] [wvr7]x
[zc4] [qml4] [qjb][tmli] [zic]gs[w95] x[w95]vx
[z6] [mle6] [vhe][upml] [xpml]jf[wt8] [xwt8] vx
[zc4] [q4] [xq][vti] [v55] 5[wb9] [ywvo]c[xwr7]
6 [e6] ept[e6]80[wt8] [xwt8] vx
[zc4] [qml4] [qjb][tmli] [zic]gs[w95] x[w95]vx
[zc6] [mle6] [vhe][upml] [xpml]jf[wt8] [wtml8][nk][jb][nk]
[ljb4]8qw[zec]qti[nk5]9[ywojb] [ywonk] [nk]
[wt8]| [ywsl9]dfg[wutf0]ghghjklzx
[xwvolh] o uytyy [wrokhda] [wu0][ysqljg9][t80][yq9]
[zyvqkh9] o uytyy [xwrolhf] [wu0][yxqlhf9][t80][yq9]
[zyqkhd9] o uytyy [wrokhda] [wu0][ysqljg9][t80][yq9]
[zyvqkh9] p oiuoo [xtpljfe] [wro][zqkihed][wu0][wro]
[wtsolhf] o uytyy [xwrolhf] [wu0][yxqlhf9][t80][yq9]
[zyqkhd9] o uytyy [wrokhda] [wu0][ysqljg9][t80][yq9]
[yvqh9]j[ok]l[uk][yl][zt][yx][zt8][yx9][uc0]h[vqih] [vh]
[vqh] [ywvh9] [vh]|||
[zsi] x v l z [xod] v l
[zpf] x v l z [xsh] v l
[zsi] x v l z [xod] v l
[zpf] x v l z [xsh] [vf] [xh]
[zsj] x [vl] [zl] z [xd] [vk] [lh]
[zf] [xh] [vk] l z [xh] [vl] [lk]
[zsj] x [vl] l [zk] [xhd] v [lh]
[zf] x v l z [xh] [vf] [xh]
[zsj] x [vl] [zl] z [xd] [vk] [lh]
[zf] [zxh] [zvk] [zl] z [zxh] [zvl] [zlk]
[zxsj] x [xvl] [xl] [zk] [zxhd] [zvh] [zlj]
[ywrohd] k [wutohf] l [ywrohd] z [xwo] [vt8]x
[zvc4] [qml4] [qjb][tmli] [zic]gs[w95] x[w95]vx
[z6] [mle6] [vhe][upml] [xpml]jf[wt8] [xwt8] vx
[zc4] [q4] [xq][vti] [v55] 5[wb9] [ywvo]c[xwr7]
[m66] [ne6] [me]p[vt][e6]80[wt8] [xwt8] vx
[zc4] [qml4] [qjb][tmli] [zic]gs[w95] x[w95]vx
[zc6] [mle6] [vhe][upml] [xpml]jf[wt8] [wtml8][nk][jb][nk]
[ljb4]8qw[zec]qti[nk5]9[ywojb] [ywonk] [nk]
[wt8]| [ywml9]| [wt80]| [jb][nk][ml]z
[xtqjfe8]| [tqpje8][ka][sl] [zgd] [wr97] [xhf][wr97]
[tslfe80]| [xtfe80][zd][sl] [zgd] [wut0] [wvutkh0]|
[xtqhfe8]| [tsqle8][ka][oh] [spj] [wr97] [oh][wr97][ig]
[tsohe80] lz[xte80] zxc [xwt80]c[wvt80]bxz
[tqpjfe8]| [tqpje8][ka][sl] [zgd] [wr97] [xhf][wr97]
[tslfe80]| [xtfe80][zd][sl] [zgd] [wut0] [wvutkh0]|
[xtqjeb8]| [tqe8] [xf] [zjd] [wr97] [wr97][sl][zd]
[xutlfe0]| [y9] [zd][sl][wtslhf80]| lzxc
[xvtqje8]| [tqpje8][ka][sl] [zd] [wr97] [xhf][wr97]
[tslje80]| [xthfe80][zd][sl] [zgd] [wut0] [xwvuth0]|
[xtqlfe8]| [tsqle8][ka][oh] [pjd] [wr97] [oh][wr97][ig]
[tsohfe80] lz[xte80] zxc [xwt80]c[wvt80]bxz
[tsqpjfe8]| [tqpje8][ka][sl] [zkgd] [wr97] [xlhf][wr97]
[tsljfe80]| [xtfe80][zd][sl] [zgd] [wut0] [xwvutlh0]|
[utpljeb] [te] p [xtfe] [zyrogda] [yr] a [ysrl][zd]
[xutlfe0]| [yh9] [zd][sl][wtslj80]| |
[zsi] x v l z [xod] v l
[zpf] x v l z [xso] v x
[zsi] x v l z [xod] v l
[zpf] x v l z x v l z x v l z x l z| |l
About This Music Sheet
Main Theme (Fireworks) is a song by Kenshi Yonezu. Use your computer keyboard to play Main Theme (Fireworks) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 05:10, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Main Theme (Fireworks) is classified in the genres: Pop, Japan on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Theme Song.
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Other Songs By Kenshi Yonezu
[utqe84]| [uof] [oh] [wkfa95] [slf] [kfa] [ohf] [pjfe60]||[oh] [so] [od] [of] [of][od] [q84]||[so] [wua95] [uf] [ohf] [kfa] [e60]||[slf] [utoe]| | [utqe84]| [uof] [oh] [wkfa5] [slf] [kfa] [oh] [pjf6]||[soh] [utso] [sod] [sof] [sod] [q84]||s [woa95] [so] [od] [od] [yu851] s| 8 [wuto0]| [of]h 4 [of4]dq [toife]h [wof95]d w[yrof]h [so6]|| pa[so] a o p [utq84] qa[tsie] [wf][od95]a w[yrp] ap [ut6] [uto]| 6 [ute0]| [utof]h [qof84]d q[toife]h [wof95]h w[ysrol]h [ge60] f e [uso]d[of] d s p [ytqo84]| [yt] 8 [ywr95]| [ya] s [81]| 8 [ywut0]| t u o dfhz||[pj][ka][sl]| [ka][pj] [sohf4]||[zd][zkdH]%| [zd][xf][jgc] 6 [xjf][zjd] [slj] [utoe60]| [slf][skf][slf] 4 [skf][sjf][skf]| [jd5]h[jd]| [hd][sof] 6| [uto] e [utpojf][kfa][slf]| [ka][pj] [sohf4]||[zd][zkdH]%| [zd][xf][jgc] 6 [xjf][zjd] [slj] [utoe60]| [pj6][ka][sl] 4 [spj][soh][spj]| [oha5][iga][ufa]| [yd][uts] [81]| [yuo] 0 [thfd] u [so]| [sW][YD]l| J JH[odJ]|| d [yokd]| j jk[utplf]| j [sph] [utqe]||f [yoid]| s s [yut]| |8| | [pid4] [pif] [pid] [pid] [ywso95] [yso] [ypo] [ypo] [usp63] [usp] [upf] [upd6] [usp6] [usp] [up6] [up] [pid41] [pif] [tqpid] [pid] [ywso95] [ywso] [ywup] [yup] [yto851] [yto] [yto8] [yto8] [yto8] [rTI8] [tiE8] [iE] [e4][t8][uq]| [uqf] [oh] [wkfa5] [srlf] [yokfa] [roh] [pjf6]| [pf] [utsoh] [ts] [yd] [ufe60] [uf][yd] [q84]||[ts] [wura95] [uf] [wohf] [kfa] 6| [sl] [slf] [utoe]| | [utqe84]| [uf] [qohf] [wkfa95] [srlf] [yokfa] [ohf] [spj63]| [sp] [utsoh] [tso] [yod] [uofe60] [yod] [q84] q [yo] [tso8] [wroa95] [tso] [ywod] [yod] [81] [tso]| 8 [ywut0]| fh [of4]d[ue] [yofe]h[ye] [wof5]d[wte] [wfe]h[we] [so6] [ue] [ye] [ype]a[tsoe] [tea] [oe]i[ue] [tq84] [te]a[use] [ye]f[wd5]a[wte] [wpe] [wea]p [t6] [to] u [y6] [te0] t [fe6]he [qof4]d[ue] [yofe]h[ye] [wof5]h[wte] [wsle]h[we] [ge60] [tfe] [ue] [yse]d[tofe] [ted] [se] [pe] [tqo4] [tq] [uq] [yqe] [wte5] [wte] [ra] w[tso] [81] [to] [to] [to] [to] [rI] [iE]| [q84] t u o [wta95] [ts] [ta] u [e60] u [uo] [uea] [us] [uf] [uea] o [qg84] s [sq] f [wg95] z k h [zd6] k [sh] [pd] [ua] [to] [ye] [r0] [q84] t [utq] [tqo] [wta95] [ts] [wta] [ut] [e60] u [oe] [ea] s [fe] [ea] o [qg84] [qo] [sq] [qf] [wg95] z [wk] h [z81] l h d [a1] 1589wr8wtyoatosdhk[ztsod]| | [pjfe][rkfa][tslf]| [rkfa][pjfe][soh4]|| [zd][zkdH]%| [zd][xf][jgc] 6 [xujf][zyjd] [tslf] [utoe60]| [slf][skf][slf] 4 [kfa][pjf][kfa]| [pjd5][ohd][pjd]| [oh][uof] 6 [e6] [uto] e [utpojf][ka][slh]| [kfa][pjf] [sohf4]| [so] [zd][zkdH]%| [zridWOH][xf][jgc] 6 [xujf][zyjd] [tslf] 6[utoe0] 08[slf6][skf][slf] [41] [pjf][ohf][tpjife]| [oh5][ig][uof] w [yd][uts] [81] 8 [yuo] 8 [pjfe][rkfa][tslhf]| [rkfa][pjfe] [soh4]| [tsoe] [zd][zkdH]% Wr[zidOH][xf][jgc] 6 [volh][igc][xuf][xuf] 6[utoe0] 08[slf6][skf6][slf] 4 [kfa][pjf][tkifea] qe[pjd5][ohd][pjd] [yro] [oh][uof] 6 6 [e0] et[upojf][ka][slh] [e0]6[kfa6][pjf6] [soh4]| [tsoe] [zd][zkdH]%| [zridWOH][xf][jgc] 6 [xujf][zyjd] [tslj] 6[utoe0] 08[pjf6][kfa][slf] [41] [pjf][ohf][tpjife]| [oh5][ig][uf] w [yd][uts] [81] 8 [utr] w [thfd] u [zxvo] s [zf]xhvn| |s| [lWHD(%]| J JH[ywohdJ]|| d [wkd95]| j jk[uplfe]| j [sph] [tqi]||f [ywoid]| s s [ywut8]| |[yu]| | k| |s| [lO]| J JH[odJ]|| d [yokd]||lz[uspl]||| j h[utqe]||f [ywoid]|| ss[qpd84] [qf] [qd] [qd] [wso95] [ws] [wp] [wp] [us6] [s6] [f6] [d6] [tse] [se] [pe] [pe] [uqd84] [qf] [qd] [qd] [yws95] [ws] [wp] [wp] [yto81] [yto8] [yto8] [yto8] [yto8] [rTI8] [tiE8] [tE8]Level: 7Length: 04:11Intermediate
Ghosts of the Sea (Children of the Sea)
Kenshi Yonezu
lz[xp] lj|[zp] [ok] hf|[ok] [ji] hs|[ih] [tf] o s df [yg]| l [yk]l [th]| g [tf]g [YG]|Gl [kY]j [uH] a f lz [xp] lj|[zp] [ok] hf|[ok] [ji] hs|[ih] [tf] o s df [yg]| h [yg]h [tf] h l [xt] [zo]|zz ol [tl] o s o f| sd[f6] [s0]pe d [a5] [o9]uw a [p4] [o8]tq o [u1] 5 8 yu [i2] 6 [s9] as [o3] 7 [i0] ui [I@] $I[s(] ap [O3] 7 0 sd [f6] [s0]pe [d0] [a5] [o9]uw [a9] [p4] [o8]tq [o8] [u1] 5 8 [y5]u [i2] 6 [o9] [i6]o [u1] [o5] [s8] [f5] [d5] 9d[wd] 9s [s8] w t w [qp4]|as [qa4]p [to8] f f [t8] [wd5]|fg [wf5]d [se6] d o [e6] [qi4]|op [qo4]i [ut8] s s [ts8] [wa5]| [wp5] a [ts8]| [wd5]fds [p4]s8 [qf]g[h8] [d8]sw [td]f[wd]s [p5]s9 [wf]g[h9] [d6]s0 [ed]f[d0]s [p4]s8 [qf]h8 [j8]hw [th]lw [k5]h9 [wf]h9 [d3] 7 [d0]f[d7]s [p4]s8 [qf]g[h8] [d8]sw [ts]s[wd]f [g4]fq [d5]aw [s6] 0 e sa [p4] [a8] [sq] [d8] [s8] [wo] [ut] [wo] [p4]dq [a5]sw [s6] 0 e sa [p4] [a8] [sq] [d8] [s8] [wo] [ts] [wd] [f4]gq [d5]aw [s8] w t w uLevel: 5Length: 01:29Intermediate
Lemon (Unnatural)
Kenshi Yonezu
9 e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
9 e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
[9y] e t r [wy] e
[9ip] [eip] w e 0 [qp]
[8u] w 8 [9i] [0u] w
[9y] e t r w e
9 e w e 0 w
q e [tip] e [qps] e
[9id] e y e [9is] e
[qip] t [woa] r [yo] r
[9ip] e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
9 e t r w e
9 e w e [0d] q
[9id] e y e [9id] e
[qps] e t e [tp] e
[qp] e [0o] w [9i] q
[8u] w t w q w
0 w 9 w 8 w
[9y] q e q [9p] q
[8o] 0 w 0 [9i] q
[8u] 0 [9y] q [0t] w
[9y] e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
9 e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
[9y] e [ty] r [wy] e
[9yp] e [wyp] e [0yp] q
[8tu] w [9yi] w [8tu] w
[9yi] e [tu] r [wy] e
[9y] e [wy] e [0t] w
[qe] e [tip] e [qps] e
[9id] e y e [9is] e
[qip] t [woa] r [yo] r
[9ps] e [td] r [ws] e
[9d] e [wd] e [0d] w
[9f] q [wf] e [wf] 0
[9d] q w e [wd] q
[9id] e y e [9id] e
[qps] e t e [tp] e
[qtp] e [0yo] w [9yi] q
[8tu] w t w [qt] w
[0t] w [9y] w [8t] w
[9y] q [ey] q [9p] q
[8o] 0 w 0 [9i] q
[8u] 0 [9y] q [0t] w
[9yi] e [wu] e [qi] e
[0o] e [9i] e [8u] e
[9i] e [0u] e [qt] e
[9y] q w e w q
[9y] e [ty] r [wy] e
[9yp] e [wyp] e [0yp] q
[8tu] w [9yi] w [8tu] w
[9yi] e [tu] r [wy] e
[9y] e [wy] e [0t] w
[qe] e [tip] e [qps] e
[9id] e y e [9is] e
[qip] t [woa] r [yo] r
[9ps] e [td] r [ws] e
[9od] e [wd] e [0pd] w
[9f] q [wf] e [wf] 0
[9d] q w e [wi] q
[9i] e [yi] e [9o] e
[qp] e t e [to] e
[qi] e [0o] w [9ip] q
[8us] w t w [qo] w
[0s] w [9s] [wo] [8s] [wa]
[9yd] q e q [9p] q
[8o] 0 w 0 [9i] q
[8u] 0 [9y] q [0t] w
[9yi] e [wu] e [qi] e
[0o] e [9i] e [8u] e
[9i] e [0u] e [qt] e
[9y] q w e w q
[9y] e [ty] r [wy] e
[9yp] e [wp] e [0p] q
[8u] w [9i] w [8u] w
[9y] e [tyu] r [wy] e
[9y] e [wy] e [0t] w
[qy] e [etip] e [qps] e
[9id] e y e [9is] e
[qip] t [woa] r [yo] r
[9ps] e [td] r [ws] e
[9d] e [wd] e [0d] w
[9f] q [wf] e [wf] 0
[9d] q w e [wi] q
[9i] e [yi] e [9i] e
[qp] e [ts] e [tos] e
[qis] e [0op] w [9is] q
[8uo] w t w [qo] w
[0t] [wy] [9u] w [8i] w
[9y] q [ey] q [9p] q
[8o] 0 w 0 [9i] q
[8u] 0 [9y] q [0t] w
[9y] e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
9 e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
[9y] e t r [wy] e
[9ip] [eip] w e 0 [qp]
[8u] w 8 [9i] [0u] w
[9y] e t r w e
9 e w e 0 w
q e [tip] e [qps] e
[9id] e y e [9is] e
[qip] t [woa] r [yo] r
[9ip] e t r w e
9 e w e 0 q
9 e t r w e
9 e w e [0d] q
[9id] e y e [9id] e
[qps] e t e [tp] e
[qp] e [0o] w [9i] q
[8u] w t w q w
0 w 9 w 8 w
[9y] q e q [9p] q
[8o] 0 w 0 [9i] q
[8u] 0 [9y] q [0t] w
[9y] e t r w e
[9o] e w e 0 w
[9i] q e q [wu] t
[9ey] [dj]Level: 5Length: 3:11IntermediateScarborough Fair (Alternative)
Simon & Garfunkel
tw yw Yw iw o w tw yw Yw iw o w tw yw Yw iw Y w tw yw Yw iw Yyw tw yw Yw iw orw tw yw Yw iw orw tw yw Yw iw y ao so ao Po po i o [18t]w yw [1Y]w iw o w [18t]w yw [1Y]w iw o w [18t]w yw [1Y]w iw Y w [18t]w yw [1Y]w iw Yyw [18t]w yw [1Y]w iw orw [18t]w yw [1Y]w iw orw [18t]w yw [1Y]w iw y ao [18s]o ao [18P]o po [8i] o [2r] [18wt]|d|D s|d|[1D] [1s]|d|D s|d|D [7a]|d|D a|d|D a|d|D a|d|D [5a]|s|d a|s|d a|s|d a|s|d [%O]|a|s O|a|s O|a|s O|a|s [18t][o |s |y |o |s |Y |o |s |i |o |s |Y |s |y |s |t |o |s |o |s |o |t |o]t [18t]w [8y]w [8Y]w [8i]w [8i][8o] [18t]w [8y]w [8Y]w [8i]w [8i][8o] [18t]w [8y]w [8Y]w [8i]w [8Y]y[8w] [18t]w [8y]w [8Y]w [8i]w [8Y]y [18t]w [8y]w [8Y]w [8i]w [8o]r [18t]w [8y]w [8Y]w [8i]w [8o]r [18t]w [8y]w [8Y]w [8i]w [8y]a[8o] [18s]o [8a]o [8P]o [8p]o [8i] o r [1t]O 8[to] [8ti] [8tY] [8ti] [8to] t [2t]O 9[to] [9ti] [9tY] [9ti] [9to] t [@t]O ([to] [(ti] [(tY] [(ti] [(to] t [1t]O 8[to] [8ti] [8tY] [8ti] [8to] t [1t]O 8[to] [8ti] [8tY] [8ti] [8to] t [2t]O 9[to] [9ti] [9tY] [9ti] [9to] t [4t]O q[to] [qti] [qtY] [qti] [qto] t [1t]O 8[to] [8ti] [8tY] [8ti] [8to] tLevel: 6Intermediate
Connor Main Theme (Detroit: Become Human)
Nima Fakhrara
s f s f s f s f
[s8] f [wts] f [s6] f [se0] f
[a30] f [raW] f a [sq4] s a
[tse] f [s8] f [wts] f [s6] f
[se0] f [a30] f [raW] f a [sq4]
s a [tse] s [f1] f s [w0]
s [a6] a u 0 3 [W0] 4
[qpe] a s d [f1] f s [w0]
s [a6] a p [e0] a 3 [W0]
[s4] [qe] a [s1] s a [w0] a
[p6] p a [e0] p [f3] d s
[W0] p [f4] d [sqe] 8 f [wt]
f [p6] [e0] [30] f [rW] f [qp4]
[tge] 8 f [wt] f [p6] [e0] [30]
[rW] [q4] [te] s [f1] f s [w0]
s [a6] a u 0 3 [W0] 4
[qpe] a s d [f1] f s [w0]
s [a6] a p [e0] a 3 [W0]
[s4] [qe] a [s1] s a [w0] a
[p6] p a [e0] p [f3] d s
[W0] p [f4] d [sqe] 8 f [wt]
f [p6] [e0] [30] f [rW] f [qp4]
[tge] 8 f [wt] f [p6] [e0] [30]
[rW] [q4] [te] [h8] [wt] h g f
d [f6] [e0] f [d30] [rW] d [sq4]
a p a [tse] d f g [h8]
[wt] h g f d [f6] [e0] f
[d30] [rW] d [sq4] a p a [tse]
d f g [h8] [wtsl] [ka6] [e0] [30]
[rW] [sql4] [te] 8 [wtsl] [ka6] [e0] [30]
[rW] [q4] [tW] [s8] f [wts] f [s6]
f [se0] f [a30] f [raW] f a
[sq4] s a [tse] f [s8] f [wts]
f [s6] f [se0] f [a30] f [raW]
f a [sq4] s a [tse]Level: 5Length: 02:18IntermediateWhere Is My Mind