03:37 -
-5 -
[qg]| t j i| t| [qh]| t f [ig]| t s
[0f]| w| t| [ud] s i u| y [td] f||
[yd]| s p y| u| o I e u f d [ys] d
w| y| w| [ya]| [wp]| [yo]| w| w|
q| [ts] s [is]| [ts] s [qd] d [tf] [ps] i| t|
0 o [wf] f [tf] d [us] [os] i u| y t| t|
y| d d [yd]| [ed] f y d e d y d e [oa]
w p [yo]| w| y| [ws] [oa]| [op]| [oa] w|
q| [ts] s [is]| [ts] s [qd] d [tf] [ps] i| [td] s
0| [wf] f [tf] d [us] [os] i u| y t| t|
y| e p [yd] d e f y d e d y d e [oa]
w p [yo]| w| w| [ws] [oa]| [op]| [oa] w|
[qtp]| g| g g h| [0tos] s| s||s p
[qtpg]| [pg] [pg]| f| p [et]| |e| w|
[qtpg]| [pg] [pg]| [pg]||
[0tg]| f [od]| [os]| [of] [wy] [ad]||p| a|
[ws] [oa]| [op]| [oa] w| [qtp]| g| g g h|
[0tos] s| s||s p [qtpg]| [pg] [pg]| f| p
[et]| |e| w| [qtpg]| [pg] [pg]| [pg]| [pg]
[0t] [of]| [od]| [os]| [of]
[wy] [ad]||[wp]| [wa]|
[ws] [oa]| [op]| [oa] w|
[wyoa]| [oa]| [op] [oa]| [os]| [oa]| [op]| [oa] w|
[wyoa]| [oa]| [op] [oa]| [os]| [oa]| [op]| [oa] w|
q| [ts] s [is]| [ts] s [qd] d [tf] [ps] i| t|
0 o [wf] f [tf] d [us] [os] i u| y t| t|
y| d d [yd]| [ed] f y d e d y d e [oa]
w p [yo]| w| y| [ws] [oa]| [op]| [oa] w|
q| [ts] s [is]| [ts] s
[qd] d [tf] [ps] i| [td] s
0| [wf] f [tf] d [us] [os] i u| y t| t|
y| e p [yd] d e f y d e d y d e [oa]
w p [yo]| w| w| [ws] [oa]| [op]| [oa] w|
[qtp]| g| g g h| [0tos] s| s||s p
[qtpg]| [pg] [pg]| f| p [et]| |e| w|
[qtpg]| [pg] [pg]| [pg]||
[0tg]| f [od]| [os]| [of]
[wy] [ad]||p| a|
[ws] [oa]| [op]| [oa] w|
[qtp]| g| g g h|
[0tos] s| s||s p
[qtpg]| [pg] [pg]| f| p [et]| |e| w|
[qtpg]| [pg] [pg]| [pg]| [pg]
[0t] [of]| [od]| [os]| [of]
[wy] [ad]||[wp]| [wa]|
[ws] [oa]| [op]| [oa] w|
[wyoa]| [oa]| [op] [oa]| [os]| [oa]| [op]| [oa] w|
[wyoa]| [oa]| [op] [oa]| [os]| [oa]| [op]| [oa] w|
[wyoa]| [oa]| [op] [oa]| [os]| [oa]| [op]| [oa]
About This Music Sheet
Patience (Guns N’ Roses) is a song by Guns N’ Roses. Use your computer keyboard to play Patience (Guns N’ Roses) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:37, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Patience (Guns N’ Roses) is classified in the genre of Rock on Virtual Piano.
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[el] [uk] [pl] k [ql] [th] [il] g | s f [el] [uk] [pl] k [ql] [th] [il] g | s f [el] [uk] l p s k l q s [th] l i s [tg] s [of8] [wg] [tsh] f [wd] y o s a [es] u p o s d [qf] t i f g [8h] w u g f [wd] y a [esfl] [uk] l p s k l q s [th] l i s [tg] s [of8] [wg] [th] x [wz] [yh] [ox] z l k [el] u p s d [qf] t i f g [8h] w u g f [wd] y [ol] z l k [el] s [uh] s [pl] z [ul] k [ql] s [th] s [il] z [tl] k [8l] z [wx] c [uv] x [wz] l [wk] [yd] [ol] z [yl] k [el] s [uh] s [pl] z [ul] k [ql] s [th] s [il] z [tl] k [8l] z [wx] c [uv] x [wz] l [wk] [yd] [ol] [l z] [yl] k [6l] s [0h] s [tl] [l z] [0l] k [ql] s [th] s [il] [l z] [tl] k [8l] z [wx] c [uv] x [wz] l [5k] [9d] [wl] [l z] [9l] k [6l] s [0h] s [tl] [l z] [0l] k [ql] s [th] s [il] z [tl] k [8l] z [wx] c [uv] x [wz] l [5k] [9d] [wa] o | [esfl] [uk] l p s k l q s [th] l i s [tg] s [of8] [wg] [tsh] f [wpd] y o s a [es] u o s d [qf] o [ts] d [if] o f g [8h] o [wf] g [uh] o g f [wd] o [yg] f [ad] | a f [el] [uk] l p s k l q s [th] l i s [tg] s [osf8] [wg] [th] x [wz] [yh] z [ox] z l k [efl] u p s d [qf] o [ts] d [if] o f g [8h] o [wf] g [uh] o g f [wd] o [ya] d [ol] z l k [6l] s [0h] s [tl] l z [0l] k [ql] s [th] s [il] l z [tl] k [8l] z [wx] c [uv] x [wz] x z l [5k] d [9h] d [wl] l z [9l] k [6l] s [0h] s [tl] l z [0l] k [ql] s [th] s [il] l z [tl] k [8l] z [wx] c [uv] x [wz] x z l [5k] d [9h] d [wl] l z [9l] k [6l] s [0h] s [tl] z [0l] k [ql] s [th] s [il] l z [tl] k [8l] z [wx] c [uv] x [wz] l [5k] [9d] [wl] l z [9l] k [6l] s [0h] s [tl] l z [0l] k [ql] s [th] s [il] l z [tl] k [8l] z [wx] c [uv] x [wz] l [5k] [9d] [wa] o s f [efl] k l k [pl] [uh] [tl] [wg] [8f] [wg] [th] f [woad] s a u p [6s] 0 t s d [qf] t i f g [8h] w u g f [wd] y a s f [el] [uk] [pl] k g j q l [th] [il] [8g] [8of] [wg] [th] x [wz] y a s a [es] u s d [qf] t i f g [8h] w t g f [wd] y o [6s] [68] [80] e [tus]Level: 6Intermediate
River Flows in You (Alternative)
6 6 6 [ute] u u 6 6 6 [ute] u u 4 4 4 [ute] u u 4 4 4 [ute] u u 2 2 2 [ute] u u 2 2 2 [ute] u u 6 6 6 [ute] u u 6 6 6 [ute] u u 6||| 6| e| [e80]|ew| [e6]| r| [w80]|we| 4| e| [e86]|ew| [e4]| r| [w86]|we| 2| e|e[e64]| w| [e2]|er| [w64]|we| 6| e|e[e80]| w| [e6]| r| [w80]|we| 6| y|y[t80]|rr|e [r6]|ee|w[e80]|we| 4| y|y[t86]|rr|e [r4]|ee|w[e86]|we| 2| 9| [64]| w|w [e2]| r| [w64]|we| 6| e|e[80]|ew|w [e6]|er|r[w80]| e||| 6|t t[80] te t 6 ty|[e80]|e t [r4]|t t[86] te t 4 ty|[e86]| 2|t t[64] te t 2 ty|[e64]|e t [r6]|t t[80] te t 6 ty|[e80]|e t [r6]|t t[80] te t 6 ty|[e80]|e t [r4]|t t[86] te t [t4] ty|[e86]| [y2] ty|[y64] te y [t2]|y t[y64] ty t [y6] ty|[y80] te y [t6]|r e[r80] e0| 6|ee[e80]|ww [e6]|r|[w80] we| 4|ee[e86]|w| [e4] er r[w86] we| 2|ee[e64] ww w [e2] er r[w64]|e| 6|e e[w80]|w| [e6] er r[w80] we| 6| y|y[t80]|rr|e [r6]|ee|w[e80]|we| 4| y|y[t86]|rr|e [r4]|ee|w[e86]|we| 2| 9| [64]| w|w [e2]| r| [w64]|we| 6| e|e[80]|ew|w [e6]|er|r[w80]| e||| 6|t t[80] te t 6 ty|[e80]|e t [r4]|t t[86] te t 4 ty|[e86]| 2|t t[64] te t 2 ty|[e64]|e t [r6]|t t[80] te t 6 ty|[e80]|e t [r6]|t t[80] te t 6 ty|[e80]|e t [r4]|t t[86] te t [t4] ty|[e86]| [y2] ty|[y64] te y [t2]|y t[y64] ty t [y6] ty|[y80] te y [t6]|r e[r80] e0| 6|t t[80] te t 6 ty|[e80]|e t [r4]|t t[86] te t 4 ty|[e86]| 2|t t[64] te t 2 ty|[e64]|e t [r6]|t t[80] te t 6 ty|[e80]|e t [r6]|t t[80] te t 6 ty|[e80]|e t [r4]|t t[86] te t [t4] ty|[e86]| [y2] ty|[y64] te y [t2]|y t[y64] ty t [y6] ty|[y80] te y [t6]|r e[r80] e0| 6 e [40] e [20] e0600[630]Level: 5Length: 03:38Intermediate
Crazy in Love (50 Shades of Grey)
[f4] 8|8 3 8|8 6 8|8 6 8 [h5] 8 [f4] 8|[d8] 3 8|[s8] 1 8|8 1 8 [h0] 8 [f4] 8|8 3 8|8 6 8|8 6 8 [h5] 8 [f4] 8|[d8] 3 8|[s8] 1 8|8 1 8 1 8 [s4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] o 8 [s6] [d8]|[a8] 6 [s8] [f5] 8 [s4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] u 8 [o1] 8|8 1 8 0 8 [s4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] o 8 [s6] [d8]|[a8] 6 [s8] [f5] 8 [s4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] u 8 [o1] 8|8 1 8 [h1] 8 [f4] 8|8 3 8|8 6 8|8 6 8 [h5] 8 [f4] 8|[d8] 3 8|[s8] 1 8|8 1 8 [h0] 8 [f4] 8|8 3 8|8 6 8|8 6 8 [h5] 8 [f4] 8|[d8] 3 8|[s8] 1 8|8 1 8 [s1] [a8] [p4]||4 4|4|[o3]||3 3|[s3] a [p4]||4 4|[i4]|[o3]||3 3|[s1] a [p4]||4 4|[h4]|[f6]||6 6|[d6] s [d1]||1 1|[s1]|[d5]||5 5|[s5] a [p4]||4 4|4|[o3]||3 3|[s3] a [p4]||4 4|[i4]|[o3]||3 3|[s1] a [p4]||4 4|[h4]|[f6]||6 6|[d6] s [d1]||1 1|[s1]|[d5]||5 5|[h5]|[sf4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] o 8 [s6] [d8]|[a8] 6 [s8] [hf5] 8 [sf4] [d8]|[da8] 3 [s8] u [s8] [o1] 8|8 1 8 [h0] 8 [sf4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] o 8 [s6] [d8]|[a8] 6 [s8] [hf5] 8 [sf4] [d8]|[da8] 3 [s8] u [s8] [o1] 8|8 1 8 1 8 [f4] 8|8 3 8|8 6 8|8 6 8 [h5] 8 [f4] 8|[d8] 3 8|[s8] 1 8|8 1 8 [h0] 8 [f4] 8|8 3 8|8 6 8|8 6 8 [h5] 8 [f4] 8|[d8] 3 8|[s8] 1 8|8 1 8 1 8 [s4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] o 8 [s6] [d8]|[a8] 6 [s8] [f5] 8 [s4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] u 8 [o1] 8|8 1 8 0 8 [s4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] o 8 [s6] [d8]|[a8] 6 [s8] [f5] 8 [s4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] u 8 [o1] 8|8 1 8 [h1] 8 [f4] 8|8 3 8|8 6 8|8 6 8 [h5] 8 [f4] 8|[d8] 3 8|[s8] 1 8|8 1 8 [h0] 8 [f4] 8|8 3 8|8 6 8|8 6 8 [h5] 8 [f4] 8|[d8] 3 8|[s8] 1 8|8 1 8 [s1] [a8] [p4]||4 4|4|[o3]||3 3|[s3] a [p4]||4 4|[i4]|[o3]||3 3|[s1] a [p4]||4 4|[h4]|[f6]||6 6|[d6] s [d1]||1 1|[s1]|[d5]||5 5|[s5] a [p4]||4 4|4|[o3]||3 3|[s3] a [p4]||4 4|[i4]|[o3]||3 3|[s1] a [p4]||4 4|[h4]|[f6]||6 6|[d6] s [d1]||1 1|[s1]|[d5]||5 5|[h5]|[sf4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] o 8 [s6] [d8]|[a8] 6 [s8] [hf5] 8 [sf4] [d8]|[da8] 3 [s8] u [s8] [o1] 8|8 1 8 [h0] 8 [sf4] [d8]|[a8] 3 [s8] o 8 [s6] [d8]|[a8] 6 [s8] [hf5] 8 [sf4] [d8]|[da8] 3 [s8] u [s8] [o1] 8|8 1 8 1 8
Level: 5Length: 03:20IntermediateOl’ Pickaxe (Night in the Woods)
Alec Holowka