Recollecting Memories (MapleStory)

Studio EIM MapleStory 12 November 2020

[tqh] s h s h s h sj[wrh] d h d h d h d [uhe] s h s h d h d [uhe] d h dm[nh]v[xf]z[lh]k[hf]f[qh84] [se] [uoh] [se] [uoh] [se] [uoh] [se]j[wh75] [ed] [yoh] [ed] [yoh] [ed] [zyoh] [ed] [zhe60] [sr] [uoh] [sr] [xoh] [rd] [uoh] [rd] [xe0]nx|||[qf] [tj] [xi] [zj] w [yv] o [zj] e u p [lj]||p|[xql] [ztk] [lji] [zk] w [ylj] [okh] [lj] e [ukh] p [hf]||p|[u4] [p8] [qf] [pd] 5 [h9] w [kh] 6 [hf0] e [ljh]||e [lf]z[xf4] [c8] [vq] [xf] 5 [zk9] w [zc] 6 0 e [xl]|r tuoa[sf4]8q[wda] [sp] [da]59we[sh] [oa] [da6]0e[usr] a [us]60er[us] 5 [sf4]8q[wda] [sp] [da]59we[sh] r [kha6]0e[srl] [ka] [oha] 60e[oha5]9we[spj4]8q[xwkf] [zed] [wsl][zd5]9we[vh]r e[nk6]0e[rml] [tnk] [rml]60[ne]r[zv5]9[wk]9[xj4]8q[zk] l [zk4]|[zv]|[zv3]50[zk] l [zj3] l k l [slh2]| |lxvm||[zjd5]| |zcbz||[vm1] x [vm] x [vn] x [vn] x [vn] x [vn] x [vn] x [vn] x [z1]vnz

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About This Music Sheet

Recollecting Memories (MapleStory) is a song by MapleStory. Use your computer keyboard to play Recollecting Memories (MapleStory) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:39, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Recollecting Memories (MapleStory) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Inspirational, Maplestory.


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Other Songs By MapleStory

  • [qi84] 4t 4O4[YW(%] % [qig^E] ^ [qi84] 4t 4O4[YW(%] % [qig^E] ^ [qi84] 4t 4O4[YW(%] % [qig^E] ^ [qi84] 4t 4O4[YW(%] % [yw95] 5 [qi84] [O4][ts] 4i4[YO(%]W[s%]W[qi^P]E[d^][PE][qi84] [O4][ts] 4i4[YO(%]W[s%]W[qi^P]E[d^][PE][qi84] [O4][ts] 4i4[YO(%]W[s%]W[qi^P]E[d^][PE][qi84] [O4][ts] 4i4[YO(%]W[s%]W[yo95]w[a5]w[O4][i4]Y[Y4][q8][Y4]@Y[i4] 4[q8] [i4]Y[O4][i4]Y[Y4][q8][Y4]@Y[i4] 4[qi8] [i4]i[s4][s4]O[Y4][q8][Y4]@Y[O4]oi[O4][qo8] 4i[O4][i4]Y[Y4][q8][Y4]@Y[i4][q8] 4[qi8] [i@]i[s!][O!]i[Y!][%][Y!]@Y[i!] ![%] [i!]Y[s@][O@]i[Y@][^(][Y@]4Y[i@] @[^(] [i@]Y[i4]g[i4]gig[i4]g[qi8]g[i4]g[i@]gig[i4]gigig[i4]g[qi8]gig[i4]gig[i4]g[i4]gig[i4]g[qi8]g[i4]g[i@]gig[qi4]gigig[qi4]g[qi4]gig[i@(]gig[g4] [O4]g[q8][g4]s4[P8] [P8][P%][q8][P%][s4]%[o@] @ [o^(]@O@[^P] [^O][P5][^(][s5]@5[g!] [O!]g[%][g!]s![P%] [P%][P4][%][P4][s!]4[i@] @i[^(]@O@[^P] [^O][P5][^(][O5]@5[g4] [O4]g[q8][g4]s4[P8] [P8][P%][q8][P%][s4]%[o@] @ [o^(]@O@[^P] [^O][P5][^(][s5]@5[g!] [O!]g[%][g!]s![P%] [P%][P4][%][P4][s!]4[i@] @i[^(]@O@[^P] [^O][P5][^(][O5]@5[g4]H[g4]4[qH8]4g48 [D8]%[q8]%4%[D@]h[D@]@[^J(]@h@^ ^5[^(]5@5[H!]g[s!][g!][H%]!g!%s%4[g%]4[s!]4[D@]h[D@]@[^J(]@h@^ ^5[^(]5@5[g4]H[g4]4[ql8]4H48 [g8]%[qH8]%[h4]%[D@]h[D@]@[^J(]@h@^ [^D]5[^(]5@5[H!]g[s!][g!][H%]!g!%s%4[g%]4[s!]4[D@]h[D@]@[^J(]@h@^D^5[h^(]5[D@]5[qig84] 4t 4O4[YWD(%] % [qig^E] ^ [qig84] 4t 4O4[YWD(%] % [qig^E] ^ [qig84] 4t 4O4[YWD(%] % [qig^E] ^ [qig84] 4t 4O4[YWD(%] % [ywd95] 5 [qi84] [O4][ts] 4i4[YO(%]W[s%]W[qi^P]E[d^][PE][qi84] [O4][ts] 4i4[YO(%]W[s%]W[qi^P]E[d^][PE][qi84] [O4][ts] 4i4[YO(%]W[s%]W[qi^P]E[d^][PE][qi84] [O4][ts] 4i4[YO(%]W[s%]W[yo95]w[a5]w[g4] [O4]g[q8][g4]s4[P8] [P8][P%][q8][P%][s4]%[o@] @ [o^(]@O@[^P] [^O][P5][^(][s5]@5[g!] [O!]g[%][g!]s![P%] [P%][P4][%][P4][s!]4[i@] @i[^(]@O@[^P] [^O][P5][^(][O5]@5[g4] [O4]g[q8][g4]s4[P8] [P8][P%][q8][P%][s4]%[o@] @ [o^(]@O@[^P] [^O][P5][^(][s5]@5[g!] [O!]g[%][g!]s![P%] [P%][P4][%][P4][s!]4[i@] @i[^(]@O@[^P] [^O][P5][h^(]D[P5]o[H@][h5][qg4]

    Level: 6
    Length: 01:54
    Sengoku Ogassen (MapleStory)


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    Level: 8
    Length: 01:50
    Temple Of Time (Maplestory)



  • [u8]|[wo]|[ts]|o|[tf]|o|[ts]|o| [u0]|[ro]|[ua]|o|[uf]| | [u8]|[wo]|[ts]|o|[td]|o|[ts]|o| [u0]|[ro]|[ua]|[ro]|[uf]| | [u8]|[wo]|[ts]|o|[tf]|o|[ts]|o| [u0]|[ro]|[ua]|o|[rf]|o|[ua]|o| [u8]|[wo]|[ts]|o|[td]|o|[ts]|o| [u0]|[ro]|[ua]|o|[rf]|o|[ua]|o| [u8]|[wo]|[ts]|o|[tf]|o|[ts]|o| [u0]|[ro]|[ua]|o|[rf]|o|[ua]|o| [u8]|[wo]|[ts]|o|[tf]|o|[ts]|o| [u0]|[ro]|[ua]|o|[rf]|o|[ua]| p a [us6] 0 e t a p [oa30]|7 0|3| p a [us6] 0 e t a p [uo30]|7 0|3| p a [us6] 0 e t s d [of30]| [oa]|[oa30]| [oa]|[oa5] 9 w r [yoa]|[so5] 9 w r [yod] [30] s| [us6] 0 e t [us]|[ia4] 8 q e [tia]|t i p s [od5] 9 [wod] r [yso]|[oa3] 7 0 [wso] r a r a p| 6 0 e t [us]|[ia4] 8 q e [tsi]|t i p s [od5] 9 [wod] r [yso]|[oa3] 7 0 [wof] r [of] r|p a [us6] 0 e t [us]|[a4] 8 q e [ts]|t i p s [od5] 9 [wod] r [yso]|[oa3] 7 0 [wof] r [of] r d s a [us6] 0 e t [usi]|[ia4] 8 q e [tsi]|t i p s [so5] 9 w r [yoa]|[ywa5]| | 9 t r w 9 5|a| s| [u8]|[wo]|[ts]|o|[tf]|o|[ts]|o| [u0]|[ro]|[ua]|o|[rf]|o|[ua]|o| [u8]|[wo]|[ts]|o|[td]|o|[ts]|o| [u0]|[ro]|[ua]|o|[rf]|o|[ua]|o| [u8]|[wo]|[ts]|o|[td]|o|[ts]|o| [u0]|[ro]|[ua]|o|[rf]|o|[ua]|o| [u8]|[wo]|[ts]|o|[td]|o|[ts]|o| [u0]|[ro]|[ua]|o|[rf]|o|[ua]| p a [us6] 0 e t a p [oa30]|7 0|3| p a [us6] 0 e t a p [uo30]|7 0|3| p a [us6] 0 e t s d [of30]| [oa]|[oa30]| [oa]|[oa5] 9 w r [yoa]|[so5] 9 w r [yod] [30] s a [us6] 0 e t [us]|[ia4] 8 q e [tia]|t i p s [od5] 9 [wod] r [yso]|[oa3] 7 0 [wso] r a r a p| 6 0 e t [us]|[ia4] 8 q e [tsi]|t i p s [od5] 9 [wod] r [yso]|[oa3] 7 0 [wof] r [of] r|p a [us6] 0 e t [us]|[a4] 8 q e [ts]|t i p s [od5] 9 [wod] r [yso]|[oa3] 7 0 [wof] r [of] r d s a [us6] 0 e t [usi]|[ia4] 8 q e [tsi]|t i p s [so5] 9 w r [yoa]|[ywa5]| | 9 t r w 9 5||| t r [e4] 8 q e t|[qpi4]| [qia4]| [ua6] 0 e t [us]|[us6] 0 e t u|d|[e6]| [od5] 9 w r y|[so5] 9 w r y|[oa]|[w5]| [ia4] [p8] q e t i p a [sqi4]|a s [uo30]|s| [s2] 6 9 q e|[s2] 6 9 q e|f|[92]| [d3] 7 0 w r|[d3] [s7] 0 w r a|[30]| [ia4] 8 q e t|[si4] 8 q e t|[id]|[q4]|[wof5]| |d| | s|s| |[jf] [kf] [lf] [zf] [lf6] 0 e t [ujf]|[lj4] 8 q e t|t|j k [zh5] 9 w r [yk] j [h3] 7 0 [xw] r x r|j k [lf6] 0 e t [ul] k [jg4] 8 q e t|t|k l [zh5] 9 w r [yx] c [x3] 7 0 w [xr]|[xr] z l k [l6] 0 e t [us]|[ia4] 8 q e [tsi]|t i p s [od5] 9 [wod] r [yso]|[oa3] 7 0 [wso] r a r a p| 6 0 e t [us]|[ia4] 8 q e [tsi]|t i p s [od5] 9 [wod] r [yso]|[oa3] 7 0 [wof] r [of] r d s a [us6] 0 e t [usi]|[ia4] 8 q e [tsi]|t i p s [so5] 9 w r [yoa]|[ywa5]| | 9 t r w 9 5| a| s| [u8]|[wo]|[ts]|o|[tf]|o|[ts]|o| [u0]|[ro]|[ua]|o|[rf]|o|[ua]|o| [u8]|[wo]|[ts]|o|[td]|o|[ts]|o| [u0]|[ro]|[ua]|o|[rf]|o|[ud]|o| [u8] [wo] [td]| s|a|s
    Level: 6
    Length: 04:26
    My Immortal


  • t u t [80wr]||[70w]|
    t u r [680e]|
    e t e [580w]||
    e [68u]|y|
    e u|y|t|[26e]|||
    t y t [579r]||[79]|
    r y r [479w]|
    w r w q||
    [135]|0|q|w| e r|
    s f s [tuoa]||[ruo]|
    s f a [etup]|
    p s p [wtuo]||
    p [etf]|d|
    p f|d|s|[9ep]|||
    s d s [wrya]||[ry]|
    a d a [qryo]|
    o a o i||
    [0wt]|u|i|o| p a|

    Level: 6
    Length: 00:51
    Married Life (Up) (Alternative)

    Michael Giacchino

  • u u [p6]|[ue0]|[ue0] u [a5]|[wu9]|[wu9]| [s4]|[qa8]|[qp8]| [O3]|[70]|[u70] u [p2]|[uq9]|[yq9] t [y6]|[uq9]|[tq9] t [y3]|[u70]|[t70] r [e60]|| u u [p6]|[ue0]|[ue0] u [a5]|[wu9]|[wu9]| [s4]|[qa8]|[qp8]| [O3]|[70]|[u70]| [p2]|[uq9]|[yq9] t [y6]|[uq9]|[tq9]| [y3]|[u70]|[t70] r [e60]| G h H [j6] k [j0] H [je] k [l5] k [l9] z [xw] l [c4] x [z8] l [qk] z [x3]|[k7]|[H70]| [p6]|0 e [p0] [pe] [a5]|9 w [u9] w [f4]|8 [qg] [f8] [qd] [s3]|[a7] 0 7 u [p6]|0 e [p0]pep [a5]|9 w [u9] w [f4]|8 [qg] [f8] [qd] [s3]|[a7] 0 [u7] 3 [fe60]| g f d s|a|6| [utfe60]| g f d s|a|| [p6]|0 e [p0] [pe] [a5]|9 w [u9] w [f4]|8 [qg] [f8] [qd] [s3]|[a7] 0 7 u [p6]|0 e [p0]pep [a5]|9 w [u9] w [f4]|8 [qg] [f8] [qd] [s3]|[a7] 0 [u7] 3 [fe60]| g f d s|a|6| [utfe60]| g f d s|a| u u [p6]|[ue0]|[ue0] u [a5]|[wu9]|[wu9]| [s4]|[qa8]|[qp8]| [O3]|[70]|[u70] u [p2]|[uq9]|[yq9] t [y6]|[uq9]|[tq9] t [y3]|[u70]|[t70] r [e60]|| u u [p6]|[ue0]|[ue0] u [a5]|[wu9]|[wu9]| [s4]|[qa8]|[qp8]| [O3]|[70]|[u70] u [p2]|[uq9]|[yq9] t [y6]|[uq9]|[tq9] t [y3]|[u70]|[t70] r [e60]| u I O p|p O p a s|p|i|u|I|O|u|| [p6]|0 e [p0] [pe] [a5]|9 w [u9] w [f4]|8 [qg] [f8] [qd] [s3]|[a7] 0 7 u [p6]|0 e [p0]pep [a5]|9 w [u9] w [f4]|8 [qg] [f8] [qd] [s3]|[a7] 0 [u7] 3 [fe60]| g f d s|a|6| [ufe60]| g f d s|a|| [p6]|0 e [p0] [pe] [a5]|9 w [u9] w [f4]|8 [qg] [f8] [qd] [s3]|[a7] 0 7 u [p6]|0 e [p0]pep [a5]|9 w [u9] w [f4]|8 [qg] [f8] [qd] [s3]|[a7] 0 [u7] 3 [fe60]| g f d s|a|6| [ufe60]| g f d s|a|u u [p6]|[ue0]|[ue0] u [a5]|[wu9]|[wu9]| [s4]|[qa8]|[qp8]| [O3]|[70]|[u70] u [p2]|[uq9]|[yq9] t [y6]|[uq9]|[tq9] t [y3]|[u70]|[t70] r [e60]||u u s|a|u u [p6]|[ue0]|[ue0] u [a5]|[wu9]|[wu9]| [s4]|[qa8]|[qp8]| [O3]|[70]|[u70] u [p2]|[uq9]|[yq9] t [y6]|[uq9]|[tq9] t [y3]|[u70]|[t70] r [e60]||e| [e6]|[63]|[e63]| [r5]|[w9]|[wr9]| [t4]|[q8]|[rq8]| [u3]|[70]|[p70]| [y2]|[q9]|[uq9]| [u6]|[q9]|[qe9]| [e6]|[63]|[e63]| [r5]|[w9]|[wr9]| [t4]|[q8]|[rq8]| [u3]|[70]|[u70]| [p2]|[q9]|[uq9]| [pe60]|[f951]|| [jfe0]
    Level: 7
    Length: 02:58
    Secret (Pretty Little Liars)

    The Pierces