01:05 -
-2 -
[8tg] s o s f s o s d s o s d o f o
[6eg] s o s f s o s d s o s d o f o
[4qh] s o s g s o s f s o s g s h s
[5wd] s o s d s o s d|||
[0wos]| [os] qw[oa]| [oa]|
[os]| [os] ew[oa] q0[oa] 9
[68eos]| [os] 90[oa]| [oa]|
[os]| [os] 8w[qoa] 0 [9oa] 8
[48qos]| [os] 50[oa]| [oa]|
[od]| [od] 5[0oa] q[oa] w
[os] 9 [os]| [os]| [os]|
[oa]| [oa]| [oa]| [oa] w
[5wtu]| [wt] io[wr]| [wr]|
[wt]| [wt] po[wr] i [wru] y
[6wt]| [wt] yu[wr]| [wr]|
[wt]| [wt] o[wri] u [wry] t
[4wt]| [wt] wu[wr]| [wr]|
[wy]| [wy]| [wru]u i[wr] o
[wt] y [wt]| [wt]| [wt]|
About This Music Sheet
Stronger Together (Ladybug & Cat Noir) is a song by Jeremy Zag. Use your computer keyboard to play Stronger Together (Ladybug & Cat Noir) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:05, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Stronger Together (Ladybug & Cat Noir) is classified in the genres: Songs From TV, Kids on Virtual Piano.
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[29dy] [gi] [30fu] s [4qdi] [p] [15uo] s [29dy] [gq] [30ft] [hw] [4eji] [q] [3wu] 0 [29jp] [qls] [30ho] 8 [49oh] [6u] [15y] t 8 f g [29yf] [qs] [30d] w [4eyd] q t [3we] [0w] [29pj] [qsl] [30oh] 8 [49oh] [6u] [15y] t 8 f g [29yf] [qs] [30d] w [4eyd] q t [3we] [0w] [59hz] d [5s] [5rdz] [5f] j [8toh] 8 [8ufl] [8k] j k [6ufj] i 6 [6ef] [6g] [uf] s [49pd] 4 [49pf] [4g] f s [59hz] d [5s] [5rdz] [5f] j [6tjx] c l [5j] [5tj] 5 [$tDz] Z k [$D] [$tD] [$h] g d [$rak] k d [$a] [$ra] $ [8s] P O o [$s] P [Ei] Y [4wP] O [Wo] O [!Ti]Level: 5Intermediate
Mafia Game Main Theme
Vladimir Simunek
[80wt]| |t y u [8qeti]| |
i u y [80wt]| |
t y u [80wu]| |
[7qwy]| |
[80wt]| |t y u [8qeti]| |
i u y [80wt]| |
t y u [7qwr]| |
[80wt]| f d s
[80w]||ff| d [8qed]
s||ss a p [80wo]| |
s d f [80wf]||
d [7qwd]| |
[80ws]||ff| d [8qed]
s| |s a p [80wo]| |
f d s| s
[80ws]| s s[80wp] s| p
[80wu] o p [80ws]||fd
[80wf]| f [80wd] s||s
[7qwa]| d [80ws]||op
[80ws]| s s[80wp] s| p
[80wu] o p [80ws]||fd
[80wf]| f [80wd] s||s
[7qwa]| d [80ws]Level: 7Length: 01:10IntermediateLean On Me (Alternative)
Bill Withers
h f s d s| |f|||o|| [toe]o[up] p p u t [y0] o a a [so] [ya] [ys] u p p u t [r0] y [so] [od] [ys] [sr] [tf] u [pf] p u t y [ro] [yo] o [yo] [ro] [tpe] u p p u t [y0] r [yp] [so] [yp] [rp] [tse] u p p u t [y0] r [yo] o [yo] [ro] [tpe] u p p u t [y0] r y [of] [yf] [rf] [tfe]d[us] [sp] p u t [r0] y [po] [so] [yp] [rp]o [tpe] u p p u t [ur0] [yo] [po] [po] [ys] [sr] [se]ap [pe] e f [ed] [f0]ds 0 0|[o0] [p6]|6 6 s [p6] [sp0]|[u0] [o0] p [oa0] [se]ap [pe] e f [ed] [f0]ds 0 0oo [o0] [p6]|6 6 s [p6] [s0] h||j 3 [j6] 6h[f6] [d6]fds 6 3|p [sp] p [p3]o [p6]o[p6]s6 6|6 3sds[d3]s[d3]s [f6] 6 6 6|[f6] 3 oo o [o3] [o3] [p6] 6 [u6] [p6]|[u6] [o3] p 3 [f3] f [f3]|| [f6]d[s6] [s6] 6|6 3 ppps p [p3]o [p6]o[p6]s6 6|6 3|h j [j3]3 [j6]h[f6] [h6] [f6]ds [f6] [d3]|o o [o3] [o3] [sf6] [sp6] [a6] [p6] a [s6] [u3] [o3] [p3] [p3] [a3] [s3] [s6]ap p 6 f [d6] [f3]d[s3] 3 3 3 [o3] [p6]||6 s [p6] [s3] 3 [u3] [o3] [p3] [a5] [s6]ap p 6 f [d6] [f3]d[p3] 3 3o[o3] [o3] [p6]||6 s [p6] [s3] 3 3 [o3] [o3] [o3] [u6]||p|6 [o3]||a|3 [s6]||p|6 [u3]||[o3] [p3] 3 [spf6]Level: 5Length: 02:09Intermediate
Alicia Keys