Tetris Theme (Alternative)

Various 7 February 2024

[3f] 0 [3a] [0s] [3d] 0 [3s] [0a]
[6p] 6 [6p] [6s] [6f] 6 [6d] [6s]
[7a] 7 7 [7s] [7d] 7 [7f] 7
[6s] 6 [6p] 6 [6p] 6 6 6
2 [9d] 2 [9g] [2j] 9 [2h] [9g]
[1f] 8 1 [8s] [1f] 8 [1d] [8s]
[7a] 7 7 [7s] [7d] 7 [7f] 7
[6s] 6 [6p] 6 [6p] 6 6 6
[6f] 6 6 6 [6s] 6 6 6
[%d] % % % [%a] % % %
[6s] 6 6 6 [6p] 6 6 6
[7O] 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
[6f] 6 6 6 [6s] 6 6 6
[7d] 7 7 7 [7a] 7 7 7
[1s] 8 [1f] 8 [1j] 8 [1j] 8
[7H] 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
[3f] 0 [3a] [0s] [3d] 0 [3s] [0a]
[6p] 6 [6p] [6s] [6f] 6 [6d] [6s]
[7a] 7 7 [7s] [7d] 7 [7f] 7
[6s] 6 [6p] 6 [6p] 6 6 6
2 [9d] 2 [9g] [2j] 9 [2h] [9g]
1 [8f] 1 [8s] [1f] 8 [1d] [8s]
7 [7a] 7 [7s] [7d] 7 [7f] 7
6 [6s] 6 [6p] [6p] 6 6 6

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About This Music Sheet

Tetris Theme (Alternative) is a song by Various. Use your computer keyboard to play Tetris Theme (Alternative) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:47, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Tetris Theme (Alternative) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano.

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    • 2 m


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    Other Songs By Various

    • o [5o]| p o| i [8i] u| Cv| y [8u] i o o [wi] u [5ry]||Cv| u [9y] q u [yi] q u [8y] q e [tp] q e [7o] [9p] [wo] [ri] [9u] [Wy] [6ru] 0 t e| u [9y] e [tu] [*Ei] q u [8y] e t [7yp]|| [5o] p o [7i] u y [8t]| Cv u i o [5i] w i [7y] [ru] i [8tu]| w u i o [5ri] w [ri] [%y] [ru] i [6tu]||[7wo]| y [8tu] i [Eo] [*o] i [eu] [9y] q e y w [eu] [9y] q [eu] [yi] q [eu] [8y] q e [tp] q e [7o] [9p] [wo] [ri] [9u] [Wy] [6ru] 0 t e| u [9y] e [tu] [*Ei] q u [8y] e t [7yp]|| [5o] p o [7i] u y [8t]| 5 [1C]v
      Level: 5
      Length: 00:57
      Tu Scendi dalle Stelle


    • s| s s s| a p a| O| u| |
      d| d d d| s a s| a| p| |
      s| s s s| a p a| O| u| |
      d| d d d| s a s| a| p| p a
      s s s s s| s s d s d s a| a s
      d s d s a| a p O p a s p| |
      s| s s s| s s d s d s a| a s
      d s d s a| a p O p a s p| |
      s| s s s| a p a| O| u| |
      d| d d d| s a s| a| p| |
      s| s s s| a p a| O| u| |
      d| d d d| s a s| a| p| p a
      s s s s s| s s d s d s a| a s
      d s d s a| a p O p a s p| |
      s| s s s| s s d s d s a| a s
      d s d s a| a p O p a s p

      Level: 1
      Length: 01:17
      Super Easy
      Los Peces en el Río


    • 3 3 6|6|0|0 0
      (|(|7||6|6|8|8 8
      9|^|^||0|0 0| 0|
      4|4 4||6| 6 6|6|
      @|@|@||0|6 6 0|
      6 0|9|8|7|6|||
      0|6 6 0| 6 0|9|8|7|6|||
      6 6|6 6| 0|9|8|7|6|||
      6 6| 7|7|q|q q
      0|0|8||7|7|9|9 9
      (|7|7||q|q|q|q|5 5 5||
      7| 7 7|7|3|3|3||q|7 7 q|
      7 q|0|9|8|7|||
      7 7 7|7|q|q q 0 0 0|8||
      7 7 Q| 7 Q|0|9|*|7

      Level: 2
      Length: 02:00
      Grim Grinning Ghosts (Easy)


    • y|y|r||

      Level: 1
      Length: 00:16
      Super Easy
      Trick Or Treat


    • uu[6p] [0p] [6f] [0f]f[7D] [QD] [7a] Q
      [6p] [0p] [6s] [0s]s[^d] [qP] [^P] q
      [6f] [0f] [6f] [0f] [4i] [8i] [4i] 8
      [6p] [0p] [6p] [0s] [4D] [8D] [4D] 8
      [6f] [0p]p[6f] 0p[7f] [0d] [7s] [0a]
      [6p] 0 6 0 6| [0u]|
      [6p] [0p] [6f] [0f]f[7D] [QD] [7a] Q
      [6p] [0p] [6s] [0s]s[^d] [qP] [^P] q
      [6f] [0f] [6f] [0f] [4i] [8i] [4i] 8
      [6p] [0p] [6p] [0s] [4D] [8D] [4D] 8
      [6f] [0p]p[6f] 0p[7f] [0d] [7s] [0a]
      [6p] 0 6 0 6| 6

      Level: 4
      Length: 00:32
      Grim Grinning Ghosts (Intermediate)



    • ef u pf ul af u sf ul ef ul pk uj sh uj ak uh of r uf rk of r f rk 0f r of rk f r o r ef u pf ul af u sf ul ef ul pk uj sh uj ak uh of r f rk of r o r l r o r qs t s tj pf tg 9d e yd ej ud e id ej 9d e yd ef g f ed 30ru 7 0 w r u a f
      Level: 3
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      James Horner

    • ffffhf dd| | ffffhf dd| | ffffhf dd| | ffffhf dd|| d s a p| | d s ap a| f d s a| | f d sa s| d s a p| | o dsap a| f d s a||o| f d sa s o h| | h j k h| | h j k k| | z l kjl|| j k l k j| g|[xl]|[lj]|[jg]| [sf]||[da]| | [xl]|[lj]|[jg]| [fH]||[da]| | ffffhf dd| | ffffhf dd| | ffffhf dd o fdfdfda|| lll kkk jjj hhh fd[sp]| | lll kkk jjj hhh fd s| | lll kkk jjj hhh fd [sf]| |h| s|h|s|h| s|k h d f| [hd] s a p| | d s ap a| f d s|a| | f d sa s| d s a p| | od s ap a| f d s|a|o| f d sa s p h| | h j k h| | h j k k k| | z l kjl|| j k l k j g||l|j|g|f||d
      Level: 4
      Length: 02:02
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    • uasdfs[id]as| oasdfs[pd]as| uasdfs[id]as| oasdfs[pd]as| uasdfs[id]as| oasdfs[pd]as| uasdfs[id]as| oasdfs[pd]as|||0rtyut[yq]rt| wrtyut[ye]rt| 0rtyut[yq]rt| wrtyut[ye]rt| 0rtyut[yq]rt| wrtyut[ye]rt| 0rtyut[yq]rt| wrtyut[ye]rt| 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte Wtyuiouiy wtyuiouiyw6tyuiouiy [w^]tyuiouiy Wtyuiouiy wtyuiouiyw6tyuiouiyw^tyuiouiy Wtyuiouiy wtyuiouiy 6tyuiouiy [w^]tyuiouiy Wtyuiouiy wtyuiouiyw6tyuiouiyw^tyuiouiy [W92]| [92]| [92] [92] re[W92]| [92] [92]| [92] [92]| [q92]| [92] [92]| [92] [92] wq[920]| [92] [92]| [!] [!] [!] [W92]| [92] [92]| [92] [92] re[W92]| [92] [92]| [92] [92]| [q92]| [92] [92]| [92] [92] wq[920]| [92] [92]| [!] [*!]| [W92]| [92] [92]| [92] [92] re[W92]| [92] [92]| [92] [92]| [q92]| [92] [92]| [92] [92] wq[920]|||uasdfs[id]as| oasdfs[pd]as| uasdfs[id]as| oasdfs[pd]as| 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte 0rt[yq]ut[yw]rte 0rtyut[yq]rt| wrtyut[ye]rt| 0rtyut[yq]rt| wrtyut[ye]rt| 0rtyut[yq]rt| wrtyut[ye]rt| 0rtyut[yq]rt| wrtyut[ye]rt

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      Length: 02:45
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