About This Music Sheet
Unconditionally (Easy) is a song by Katy Perry. Use your computer keyboard to play Unconditionally (Easy) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The song Unconditionally (Easy) is classified in the genres: Pop, USA on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Love Songs, Female Artists.
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Other Songs By Katy Perry
[tuo] [tuo] [tuo] [tuo] [yip] [yip] [yip] [yip] [etu] [etu] [etu] [etu] [qet] [qet] [qet] [qet] t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u t y [is] [pd] [id] [ys] [is] p e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qd] [ef] [tf] e t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u y i [ps] [id] [yd] [is] [ps] i e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qd] [ef] [tf] e t u [of] [ul] [tl] [uh] [oh] u y i [pf] [ih] [yh] [ij] [pj] i e t [uf] [th] [eh] [tf] [uf] [th] [qh] [es] [ts] [ed] [qd] [es] [ts] e t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u y i [ps] [id] [yd] [is] [ps] i e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qeid] [ps] [qets] [pf] [tusf] f [tush] f [tusf] f [tudh] [fg] [yidj] g [yigj] g [yidj] g [yigj] [gh] [etps] s [etpf] s [etps] s [etfg] [sj] [qeip] p [qeis] p [qeip] p [qesl] [pl] [tusf] f [tush] f [tusf] f [tush] [fz] [yidj] g [yigj] g [yidj] g [yijl] [gl] [etsv] s [etpf] s [etsx] s [etfl] [sj] [qeps] [8l] [wv] [qc] [9x] [8z] [tshz] u o u t u [ol] [ux] [ydgj] i p i [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u t e t [ul] [tx] [qips] e t e [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o [uz] t u [oz] u [ydgj] i p [8il] [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u [tz] e t [uz] [tl] [qips] e t [8l] [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o u t u [ol] [ux] [ydgj] i p i [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u t e t [ul] [tx] [qips] e t e [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o [uz] t u [oz] u [ydgj] i p [il] [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u [tz] e t [uz] [tl] t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u t y [is] [pd] [id] [ys] [is] p e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qd] [ef] [tf] e t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u y i [ps] [id] [yd] [is] [ps] i e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qd] [ef] [tf] e t u [of] [ul] [tl] [uh] [oh] u y i [pf] [ih] [yh] [ij] [pj] i e t [uf] [th] [eh] [tf] [uf] [th] [qh] [es] [ts] [ed] [qd] [es] [ts] e t u [of] [uh] [th] [uf] [of] u y i [ps] [id] [yd] [is] [ps] i e t [us] [td] [ed] [ts] [us] t q e [ts] [es] [qetd] s [sf] f [tuo] d g [yip] f h [etu] g j [qet] l l [tuo] h z [yip] l l [etuv] x l j [qet] [8l] [wv] [qc] [9x] [8z] [tshz] u o u t u [ol] [ux] [ydgj] i p i [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u t e t [ul] [tx] [qips] e t e [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o [uz] t u [oz] u [ydgj] i p [8il] [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u [tz] e t [uz] [tl] [qips] e t [8l] [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o u t u [ol] [ux] [ydgj] i p i [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u t e t [ul] [tx] [qips] e t e [wv] [qc] [0tx] [9ez] [tshz] u o [uz] t u [oz] u [ydgj] i p [il] [wyv] [qic] [0px] [9iz] [epfz] t u [tz] e t [uz] [tl] [0eul] [0eu] k [0eu] [0euh] [8qt] [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [wtol] [wto] k [wto] [wtoh] [9wy] [9wyl] l [9wyl] l [9wyl] l [0euz] x [0eu] z [0eu] [0eul] [8qt] [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [wtoz] x [wto] z [wto] [wtok] w r y [8l] [wv] [qc] [0yx] [9rz] [tfz] [uf] [od] [ud] [tf] [uf] [odl] [udx] [yg] [ig] [pf] [if] [ygv] [igc] [pfx] [ifz] [esz] [ts] [up] [tp] [es] [ts] [upl] [tpx] [qp] [ep] [ti] [ei] [qpv] [epc] [tix] [eiz] [tfz] [uf] [od] [udz] [tf] [uf] [odz] [ud] [yg] [ig] [pf] [ifl] [ygv] [igc] [pfx] [ifz] [esz] [ts] [up] [tpz] [es] [ts] [upz] [tpl] [qp] [ep] [ti] [eil] [qpv] [epc] [tix] [eiz] [tfz] u [od] u [tf] u [odl] [ux] [yg] i [pf] i [ygv] [ic] [pfx] [iz] [esz] t [up] t [es] t [upl] [tx] [qp] e [ti] e [qpv] [ec] [tix] [ez] [tfz] u [od] [uz] [tf] u [odz] u [yg] i [pf] [il] [ygv] [ic] [pfx] [iz] [esz] t [up] [tz] [es] t [upz] [tl] [qp] e [ti] e [qp] e [ti] e [0eul] [0eu] k [0eu] [0euh] [8qt] [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [wtol] [wto] k [wto] [wtoh] [9wy] [9wy] [9wy] [9wy] [0eul] [0eu] k [0eu] [0euh] [8qt] [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [8qtl] l [wtoz] x [wto] z [wto] [wtok]Level: 6Length: 03:54Intermediate
Firework (Intermediate)
Katy Perry
[rd0]| [r0] d|[r0]|[wod8]|f [wd8]|s [w8] a [95]| [95] a|[95]|[oa95]|s [a95] a [pe9]|o [rd0]| [r0] d|[r0]|[wod8]|f [wd8] d s [w8] a [95]| [95] a|[95]|[oa95]|s [a95]|[pe9]|o [rd0]| [r0] d|[r0]|[wod8]|f [wd8]|s [w8] a [95]| [95] a|[95]|[oa95]|s [a95]|[pe9]|o [rd0]| [r0] d|[r0]|[wod8]|f [wd8]|s [w8] a [95]|d [95]| [95]|[95]| [95] [he9] d h [lh730] [730] [730] [kh]|| [851] [851] [851] h d h [wlh95] [w95] [w95] [kh]|| [whd95] [w95] [w95] [he9] dd h [jf730] [730] [730]| h j [851] [851]k [j851]|h|d [w95] [w95] [w95]|| [wd95] [w95] [w95] [he9] d h [lh730] [730] [730] [kh]|| [851] [851] [851] h d h [wlh95] [w95] [w95] [kh]|| [whd95] [w95][w95] [w95] [he9] dd h [jf730] [730][730] [730]| h j [851] [851][k851] [j851]|h|[ha] [w95]Level: 7Length: 01:01Intermediate
Katy Perry
kHfH kHfH kHDH kHDH LHfH LHfH Ljfj Ljfj CCCC x xxCC | k x CCCCx xx CCC | k x CCCCx xx C V C x Z L kk CCCCk xxCCCC | xxCCC x V C x Z L jjjH | jjjHGG | jjjjHHGfGHGfDS SSS aa [fk] [fk] [fk] HGG jjjHHGfGHGfDS aa SS Saa a GGGG f a fGG | a GGGG f a fGG fGGG fGHGfDS aSa fGGGf ff fGGG f GGGGf aHGfDS a jjjHH | jjjHGG | jjjHH GfGHGfDS SS Saa [fk] [fk] [fk] HGG aSSSaa GfGfG GfG [SH] f S a HG aSSSaa GfGfG GfG [SH] f S a [ak] [pj] [OH] [ISG] [OH] a jjjHH | jjjHGG jjjHHGfGHGfDS HH GG ff[af] kHfH kHfH kHDH kHDH LHfH LHfH Ljfj Ljfj GGGG f ffGG 3 a f GGGGf ff GGG 3 a f GGGGf ff G H G f D S aa GGGGa ffGGGG 3 ffGGG f H G f D S pppO 3pppOII 3 ppppOOIuIOIuYT TTT rr [ua] [ua] [ua] OII pppOOIuIOIuYT rr TT Trr r IIII u r uII 3 r IIII u r uII uIII uIOIuYT rTr uIIIu uu uIII u IIIIu rOIuYT r pppOO 3 pppOII 3 pppOO IuIOIuYT TT Trr [ua] [ua] [ua] OII [ua]O [ua]O [ua]O [ua] O [ua]O [ua]O [ua]O [ua] O rTTTrr IuIuI IuI [TO] u T r OI rTTTrr IuIuI IuI [TO] u T r [ra] [ep] [WO] [QTI] [WO] r pppOO 3 pppOII pppOOIuIOIuYT OO II uu[ru]Level: 4Easy
The One That Got Away
Katy Perry
oPoPoiPsdspP | oPoPoiPsdspP | oPoPoiPsdspP | ids | oPoPoiPsdspP | oPoPoiPsdspP | oPoPoiPsdspP | ids Ppo | ooiiyio ii | Ppo | ooiiyio iio Pd P P P oPoPPo P P P oPoPPo PPP oPoP dsPP odsPPLevel: 3Easy
Teenage Dream
Katy Perry
[wetpj] 5 [ak] [wryoh] 5 [qetig] 5 [oh] [wetuf] 5 [480e] p o u [39w] o y t [28q] i u t [58qw] e t [2o] 6 [9e] [6t] [5o] 9 [wu] [9o] [1a] 5 s [8a] s [5a] s [6a] o e t [2u] 6 [9i] [6o] [5u] 9 [wy] [9t] [1r] t [5r] t [8r] [5w] 1 5 [48e] [39t] [2uo] 6 [9e] [6t] [5uo] 9 [wu] [9o] [1a] 5 s [8a] s [5a] s a [3o] [680] e t [2u] 6 [9i] [6o] [5u] 9 [wy] 9 t [3r] 7 0 7 [Qa] 7 3 7 0 Q [Wr] u I a [4s] d [8s] d [qs] 8 [3a] [7o] [0u] 7 [2u] i [6u] i [9u] [6t] [1u] [5o] 8 5 [$a] s [8a] s [Qa] [I8] [3p] [7a] 0 Q w [*6wp] a p a [29p] e [5qr] t T y [hv] e t [2uo] 6 [9e] [6t] [5o] 9 [wu] [9o] [1a] 5 s [8a] s [5a] s [3a] [7o] [680] e t [2u] 6 [9i] [6o] [5u] 9 [wy] 9 t [3r] 7 0 7 [Qa] 7 [Q5] E r [wet] 5 [ak] [wryoh] 5 [qetig] 5 [oh] [wetuf] 5 [48e] [39t] [2o] [5i] [158wto]
Level: 8Length: 01:39ExpertPure Imagination (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) (Expert)
Gene Wilder
[8t] [0w] [0w]
[8o] [0w] [0w]t[7r] [0W] [0W]
[7O] [0W] [0W]rty[8t] [0w] [0w]
[8o] [0w] [0w]t[7r] [0W] [0W]
7 [0W] [0W]
[9y] [qe] [qe]
[9p] [qe] [qe]y[8t] [0e] [0e]
[8p] [0e] [0e]t[7r] [0W] [0W]
[7O] [0W] [0W]r[6e] [80] [80]r[6t] [80y] [80u]
[9y] [qe] [qe]
[9p] [qe] [qe]y[8t] [0e] [0e]
[8p] [0e] [0e]t[7r] [0W] [0W]
[7O] [0W] [0W]r[6e] [80] [80]
6 [80] [80]
[8t] [0w] [0w]
[8o] [0w] [0w][ts][7ra] [0W] [0W]
[7O] [0W] [0W][ra][8ts] [0w] [0w]
[8o] [0w] [0w][ts][7ra] [0W] [0W]
7 [0W] [0W]
[9yd] [qe] [qe]
[9pj] [qe] [qe][yd][8ts] [0e] [0e]
[8pj] [0e] [0e][ts][7ra] [0W] [0W]
[7O] [0W] [0W][ra][6ep] [80] [80][ra]
[6ts] [80yd] [80uf]
[9yd] [qe] [qe]
[9pj] [qe] [qe][yd][8ts] [0e] [0e]
[8pj] [0e] [0e][ts][7ra] [0W] [0W]
[7OH] [0W] [0W][ra][6ep] [80] [80]
6 [80] [80]
[6j]80e08[6u]80e[0s]8[6p]Level: 4Length: 01:51EasyLa Dispute (Yann Tiersen)
Yann Tiersen
d f d s [qo] p [ts]|q p t f q|t|[wd] f [yd] s [oe] p [us]|e p [uf]|[wd]|y|[wd] f [yd] s [qo] p [ts]|q p t s [qh] f t|[ws] d y f e|u|e|u|e|u|[wd] f [yd] s [qo] p [ts]|q p t f q|t|[wd] f [yd] s [oe] p [us]|e p [uf]|[wd]|y|[wd] f [yd] s [qo] p [ts]|q p t s [qh] f t|[ws] d y f e|u|e|u|e|[uf] f [wd] f [yd] s [sq]|[ts] p [sq] p [ts]|8|w|[d8] f [td] s [wd]|[yd] s [wf]|[yd] d [se]|u|[ed] f [ud] s [qd] s [tp] p [qp] o [ts]|8|w|8|t|w|y|w|y|w|[yf] f [wf] d [yd] s [sq]|[ts] p [sq] p [ts]|8|w|[d8] f [td] s [wd]|[yd] s [wf]|[yd] d [se]|u|[ed] f [ud] s [qd] s [tp] p [qp] o [ts]|8|w|8|t|w|y|w|y|w|d s f d d s [pe]|t|u|w|[sqpi]|e|t|e|[woda]|r|y|q|[ofa0]|w|r|w|[spfe]|t|u|w|[sqpi]|e|t|e|[woda]|r|y|r|[woda]|r|y|r|[fe] f [tf] f [uf] d [ws] s [sq]|e|[tf]|e f w d r d [yd] s [qa]|[a0]|w p [rf] d w s e|[tp] p [uf]|w d [sq]|[pe]|t|e|w|r|y|r|w|r|y|r p [fe] f [tf] f [uf] d w s [sq]|e|[tf] f [fe] f w d r d [yd] s [qa]|[a0]|w|[rf] f [wf] f [fe]|t s u s [wd] s q|e|t|e|w|r|y|r|w|[rf] f [yf] f [rd] s [sq]|[ts] p [sq] p [ts]|8|w|[d8] f [td] s [wd]|[yd] s [wf]|[yd] d [se]|u|[ed] f [ud] s [qd] s [tp] p [qp] o [ts]|8|w|t|r|w|r|y|r|w|[rf] f [yf] f [rd] s [sq]|[ts] p [si] p [ts]|8|w|[td] f [rd] s [wd]|[rd] s [yf] d [rd] s e|t|[ud] f [td] s [qd] s [tp] p [pi] o [ts]|8|w|t|r|w|r|y|r|w|r|y|r|[fe] f [tf] f [uf] d [ws] s [sq]|e|[tf]|e f w d r d [yd] s [qa]|[a0]|w p [rf] d w s e|[tp] p [uf]|w d [sq]|[pe]|t|e|w|r|y|r|w|r|y|[rh] h [he]|[th] h [uh] g [wf] g q|e s [tj] h [he] h w d r|[yd] s [qd] f 0 f w f [rf] f [wf] f [fe]|[tp] p [uf]|w d [sq]|[pe]|t|e|w|r|y|r|w|[rf] f [yf] f [rd] s [sq]|[ts] p [sq] p [ts]|8|w|[d8] f [td] s [wd]|[yd] s [wf]|[yd] d [se]|u|[ed] f [ud] s [qd] s [tp] p [qp] o [ts]|8|w|t|r|w|r|y|r|w|[rh] h [yh] h [rg] f [qg]|[tg] f [ig] f [th] f 8|w|[th] h [rh] h [wh]|[rd] d [yg] g [rg] f e|t|[ud] f [td] s [qd] s [tp] p [pi] s [tf] d [s8]|w|t|r|w|r|y|r|w|[rd] d [yf] d [rf]|[fe]|t|u d [tf] g q|e|t f e a w|r|y|r|w|[rd] d [yf] d [rf]|[fe]|t|u d [tf] g q|e|t f e a w p r o y|r|w|[rh] h [yh] h [rj]|[he] f t|u|w|[sqpi]|e|t|e|[woda]|r|y|q|[ofa0]|w|r|w|[spfe]|t|u|w|[sqpi]|e|t|e|[woda]|r|y|r|w|[rh] h [yh] h [rg] f [qg]|[tg] f [ig] f [th]|8|w|[th] h [rh] h [wh]|[rd] d [yg]|[rg] g [fe]|t|[uh] h [th] h [qh] g [tg] g [ig] f [th] f 8|w|t|r|w|r|y|r|w|[rh] h [yh] hr h [qj]|[th] h [ih] s [tf]|8|w|[th] h [rh] h [wh]|[rd] d [yg] g [rg] f e|t|[uh] h [th] h [qh] g [tg] g [ig] f [th] f 8|w|t|r|w|r|y|r|w|[rf] f [yf] f [rd] s [tsqe]|s p s p s|[uto]| |d f d s [ywrd]|d s f|d d [utse]| |d f d s [tqed] s p p p o s|[uto]|||[ywr]|||f f f d d s s|s p s p s| |d f d s d|d s f|d d s| |d f d s d s p p p o s|||o o f d d s p
Level: 6Length: 05:06IntermediateLet Her Go (Alternative)