u o s f f f d g f s |
u u o s s s a d s |
s s s s a d s o |
u o o o i p o |
s s s s a d s o |
u o o o i p o |
p s s p o s o s |
d d d s f d s |
p s s p o s o s |
d d d s f d s |
f s |
f d s p f d s d |
f d s p o f d s p o f d s f |
f d s p p s d d |
f d s d d f f s |
f d s p o f d s p o f d s f
About This Music Sheet
Under the Sea (The Little Mermaid) is a song by Alan Menken. Use your computer keyboard to play Under the Sea (The Little Mermaid) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:25, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Under the Sea (The Little Mermaid) is classified in the genres: Songs From Movies, Disney, Kids on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Cartoon, Fun.
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Other Songs By Alan Menken
1 5 9 0| w r t
[2q] 6 8 q u i y u
[1t] 5 9 0| w r t
[2y] 6 8 q u i [7y] u
[1t] 5 9 0| w r t
[2q] 6 8 q u i [7y] u
[1t] 5 9 0| w r t
[2y] 6 8 q u i [7y] u
[1t] 5 9 0 t y u i
[3o] 7 0 7 [wo] i u y
[4t] 8 q 8 [ei] u y t
5 [2e] [7w] 8 [59t]| r|
[60][3e][6T]* 0 * [eT] [0u] [*O] [6p] [6y] 9 0 e [0p] O u r [6T] 0 e 0 [eT] u O p [6a] 9 w 9 [*S] a S f
[2p] 6 9 6 [Qp] O p S
[7y] $ 7 $ [0S] d a S
[6p] 3 6 3 * 3 6 3
6 3 6 3 [*p] a S d
[!f] % * % 0| p|
[2O] 6 9 6 [Qp] a S d
[!f] % * % 0| *|
[2I] 6 9 6 [Qp] a S d
[!f] % * % [0f] d S a
[2p] 6 9 6 [9d] S a p
[3u] 7 0 7 W| r|
6 0 e 0 [eT] u O p
[6y] 9 0 e [0T] u O p
[6a] 9 w 9 [*S] a S f
[2p] 6 9 6 [Qp] O p S
[7y] $ 7 $ [0S] d a S
[6p] 3 6 * 0 e T u
[eS] [ud] [pa] [uS] [ep] u p S
[eL] [uz] [pk] [uL] [6pb][*S][0f][ej]Level: 5Length: 01:48IntermediateBeauty And The Beast (Main Theme)
Alan Menken
[tu]osf f o[rd] [yg] [tf] [ws]
tuos [os] y[oa] [wid] [8us]|
[8uo] ss s s[wa] [qd] [0s] o
8 u[0o] o u[qwy] o [8u] 8
[8uo] ss ss [wa] [qd] [0s] o
8 u[0o] o u[qwy] o [8u] 8
q p[es] [es] [qp][0o] s [8uo] s
w a[id] [id] s[8of] [id] [us] 8
q p[es] [es] [qp][0o] s [8uo] s
w a[id] [id] s[8of] [id] [us] w
8 [of]|d[0s] [qip]| 8 q
8 [of]|d[0s] [wad]| 9 w
8 [of]|d[0s] [qep] of d[qs]
[wrp] of d[ws] [8of]| t w
[8E] [of] d|s[qep] ss p[qd]
[wr] [id] [id]|s[esf] ds f[0s]
[Qt] [pf]|d[es] [qep] of d[qs]
[wrp] of d[ws] [0s] s[tf] f o
[rd] [yg] [tf] [ws] tuos [os] y
[oa] [wid] [8us]|
[8uo] ss s s[wa] [qd] [0s] o
8 u[0o] o u[qwy] o [8u] 8
[8uo] ss ss [wa] [qd] [0s] o
8 u[0o] o u[qwy] o [8u] 8
q p[es] [es] [qp][0o] s [8uo] s
w a[id] [id] s[8of] [id] [us] 8
q p[es] [es] [qp][0o] s [8uo] s
w a[id] [id] s[8of] [id] [us] w
8 [of]|d[0s] [qip]| 8 q
8 [of]|d[0s] [wad]| 9 w
8 [of]|d[0s] [qep] of d[qs]
[wrp] of d[ws] [8of]| t w
[8E] [of] d|s[qep] ss p[qd]
[wr] [id] [id]|s[esf] ds f[0s]
[Qt] [pf]|d[es] [qep] of d[qs]
[wrp] of d[ws] [qip]| 8 q
8 [of]|d[0s] [wad]| 9 w
8 [of] d|s[qep] of d[qs]
[wrp] of d[ws] [8of]| t w
[8E] [of]|d[0s] [qep] ss p[qd]
[wr] [id] d|s[esf] ds f[0s]
[Qt] [pf] d|s[qep] of d[qs]
[wrp] of d[ws] [0s] s[tf] f o
[wad] [wg] [8sf] [es] [wa]a aa [qp]
[8uo]o o[0o] s [wia]a aa [qp]
[8uo]o o[0o] o [qip]p p[es] [qp]
[8uo]o o[0s] s [wia]a a[wd] a
[8us] w 8 s [wa]a aa [qp]
[8uo]o o[0o] s [wia]a aa [qp]
[8uo]o o[0o] o [qip]p p[es] [qp]
[8uo]o o[0s]|o[wia] a [wd] a
[8us]| [wf] [qd][0s][qip]| 8 q
[80o]| [wf] [qd][0s][wad]| 9 w
[80]| [wf] [qd][0s][qep]| f [qd]s
[wa] o 9 w [80o] ps|w
[8uo] w tfds[qep] ss p[qd]
[woa]| 9o[wa]d[tpf]| [rd] [es]
[Qtp]| fd[es] [qep] i fd[es]
[qrp] o| [qrp] [0s]os[tf] f o
[rd] [yg] [tf] [ws] tuos [os] y
[oa] [wid] [8us]|
8 w [8of][9d][0s]
[qip]|8e q [8uo] 0 [wf][qd][0s]
[wid]|9w 9 [8uo]| [wf][qd][0s]
[qep] of d[qs] [wrp] of d[ws]
[8of]| t w [8E] [of]|d[0s]
[qep] ss p[qd] [wrio] d [id]|s
[etf] fd fd [Qtps] f|ds
[qep] of d[qs] [wrp] of d[ws]
[0s] s[tf] f o[rd] [yg] [tf]d[ws]
[qep] of d[qs] [wrp] of d[ws]
[0s] s[tf] f o[rd] [yg] [tf]d[ws]
[qep] of d[qs] [wrp] of d[ws]
[etp] of d[es] [Qtp] of d[Qs]
[qep] of d[qs] [wrp] of d[ws]
[0s] s[tf] f o[rd] [yg] [tf] [ws]
tuos s o[ia] [wid] [8us] [8us]Level: 5Length: 03:18IntermediateUnder The Sea (Intermediate)
Alan Menken
0 w t t|t|w r|y|t|w|
8 0 w w|w|8 9|q|0||
0 w t t|t|w r|y|t|w|
8 0 w w|w|8 9|q|0||
e t|t|e w|t|w|t||
y y|y|t u|y|t||
e t|t|e w|t|w|t||
y y|y|t u|y|t|||
u y|t e|||
w||u y|t y|||
u y|t e|q|u y|t
e|w|u y|t u|||
u y|t e|t t e|y||
y t|y u|u y|u y t
t||u y|t e|q|u y|t
e|w|u y|t tLevel: 2Length: 01:04EasyUnder The Sea (The Little Mermaid) (Alternative)
Alan Menken
o o p P d | SdS P p P p o d |
PP p o d | d g d s d | ddS P S d |
o o p P d | S d S | PpP p o d |
PP p o d | dg d s d | d S P p o |
opP p P p o p P p P p o P d S d S P S d |
opP p P p o p P p P p o P d d d D d s d |
o o p P d | P p oLevel: 1Length: 02:00Super EasyArabian Nights (Aladdin)
Alan Menken
9 e y u [IC] v x C [5z] 9 w e [rj] 9 e y u [IC] v x C [5z] 9 w e [rb] 9 e y u [IGC] [hv] [fx] [GC] [5dz] 9 w e [rpj] 9 e y u [IGC] [hv] [fx] [GC] [5dz] 9 w e [rjb] 2 6 9 0 Q e T y [5w] 9 w e [ra] S [yS] d [2p] 6 9 0 Q e T y [5wu] 9 w e [ra] y w p [2p] 6 9 0 [Qyd] [euf] [*IG] [Qoh] [7pj] 9 Q e [Tpj] [oh] [IG] [uf] [5yd] 9 w e [roh] [IG] [wuf] [0yd] [6p] 9 0 e r y u [ep] [2I] 6 9 0 [QI] [ep] S d [5o] 9 w e [rG] [yh] h j [2G] 6 9 0 [QI] [ep] [QS] [5d] [1o] sf 5 8 0 [6epSG] [0f] [eupSG] [9pj] [5woad] 9 w r [$d] [6S] [9d] [QG] [3o] 7 0 w [6G] [0h] [ef] [TG] [2d] 6 9 0 Q e [yd] S [5d] 9 w e [rd] [yf] G h [Qpj] e T I O p S d [wG] y o p [ad] f G k [Qj] e T I O p S f [wd] y o p [ad] f G h [Qpj] e T I [Tpj] h G f [7d] 9 Q r [I7yd] [0uf] [rIG] [5d] [18osf] 5 [18usf] 5 [7uaf] 7 [6upf] 0 [3u]Oaf % 7 0 [rWO] a [0D] [7f] [6ep] 0 u TxC[ukV] [kC] [kTC] 7 xC[3kx] 7 0 W [rO] a [WD] [0f] [6eaSG] 0 e T [uaSG] T u [7f] [O30uaf] 7 [W0r] W [raf] [0G] [af(H] j [*WHafk] 0 [TO] u [OHafk] [Tj] [0aH] [eG] [6af] 0 [eu] T [uaj] [TH] [uaG] [$f] [I7ua] [7af] [7rua] [I7rua] 7 [O30ua] 7 [W0r] W [rO] a [WD] [0f] [6ep] 0 u T [uaj] H [aH] G [3aH] 7G[0f] W [rO] a D [6f] [2I]dG 6 9 Q [7raDH] [(G] [raYIDH] [0k] [S6eaf] 0 e r [%Of] [7D] [O0f] [WH] [$p] 6 * Q [7aH] j [rYIG] H [3f] 7 0 W r u I O [*f] W T Y [uH] G H k [6f] 0 e r [Tf] D [Wf] H [Qp] e T I [7H] j G H [3f] 7 0 Q [WV] [eb] C V [6x] 0 e r [Tk] 3 7 0 Q [WV] b [eC] V [6x] 0 e r [Tn] 3 7 0 Q [WH] j [eG] H [6f] 0 e r [Ta] 3 7 0 Q [WH] [ej] G H [6f] 0 e r [Tk] u p [3W]uO7 0Level: 8Length: 01:58Expert
Tale As Old As Time (Beauty and the Beast) (Expert)
Alan Menken
[sfj] [sfj] [sfj] [sfj] [sfj] [sfj] [sfj] [sfj] [afj] [afj] [afj] [afh] [afh] [afh] [afh] [afh]Level: 3Easy
Still D.R.E. (Easy)
1 @4 $4 @1 @1 @4 $4 @1 @ 4 1@ 1@ 12 1@ 12 11|1| 1 @4 $4 [t@]y[Y1] [t@]y [tY1] [t@][y4] [t$][Y4] [t@][i1] [t@] [o4] [ti1]@ [tY1]@ [t1]2 [tY1]y [Y@] [t1]y[Y2] [t1]1 [o@]5 [I8] [i%] [Y1][t@] [Y1][i2] [tY1]y[Y%] [i1]y [Y%] [t1][i@] [t1][i2] [t1]1 [ti1] [o1] [t@][s4] [s$]4o@[I1] [ti@]y [Y1] [t@]y[Y4] [i@][I8] [i4][Y@] [t1] [s%] [o1][W@] [i1][W4] [o1][iE@] [I1] [ti@] [Y2][t1] [w1][tr@] 2[t1] [w1] [Y8] 18 1[y^] 1^ 1 [t%] 1% [y1]t[r5] [w1][y5] [w1] [Y4] 14 1[i@] 1[Y@] 1 [O@] O Oo[i5] i|sot||| 1 @4 $4 @1 @1 @4 $4 @1 @ 4 1@ 1@ 12 1@ 12 11|1| 1 @4 $4 [t@]y[Y1] [t@]y [tY1] [t@][y4] [t$][Y4] [t@][i1] [t@] [o4] [ti1]@ [tY1]@ [t1]2 [tY1]y [Y@] [t1]y[Y2] [t1]1 [o@]5 [I8] [i%] [Y1][t@] [Y1][i2] [tY1]y[Y%] [i1]y [Y%] [t1][i@] [t1][i2] [t1]1 [ti1] [o1] [t@][s4] [s$]4o@[I1] [ti@]y [Y1] [t@]y[Y4] [i@][I8] [i4][Y@] [t1] [s%] [o1][W@] [i1][W4] [o1][iE@] [I1] [ti@] [Y2][t1] [w1][tr@] 2[t1] [w1] [Y8] 18 1[y^] 1^ 1 [t%] 1% [y1]t[r5] [w1][y5] [w1] [Y4] 14 1[i@] 1[Y@] 1 [O@] O Oo[i5] i|sotLevel: 4Length: 01:18Easy
Knight to C Sharp (Crypt of the Necrodancer)
Danny Baranowsky
[6s] 0 t u
[9i] [ts] [ia] p
[wia] d [ro] i
[8wi]| u w
t u [rtuo] a
[euod] s a s [wuf]||
f [qtup] O p [0th] [9tg]||
8 7 d [ryij] h
[0h] g [Oryf] d [etus]||
s [eud] s [wua] o [qtp]| |
[TQY] p a s [0rya]| e| [W0y]| |
[6s] 0 t u
[9i] [ts] [ia] p
[wia] d [ro] i
[8wyi]| [tu]|
t u [rtuo] a
[eud] s a s [wuf]| |
[qtup] O p [0th] [9tg]||
8 7 d [ryij] h
[0h] g [Oryf] d [etus]||
s [wtud] s a o [qtup]| |
[TQY] p a s [wtuo]| |
[wrio]| |
[8wyi]| |
[8wtu]| |
[6s] 0 t u
[9i] [ts] [ia] p
[wia] d [ro] i
[8wi]| u w
t u [rtuo] a
[euod] s a s [wuf]||
f [qtup] O p [0th] [9tg]||
8 7 d [ryij] h
[0h] g [Oryf] d [etus]||
s [eud] s [wua] o [qtp]| |
[TQY] p a s
[0rya]| e| [W0Y]| |
[6s] 0 t u
[9i] [ts] [ia] p
[wia] d [ro] i
[8wyi]| [tu]|
t u [rtuo] a
[eud] s a s [wuf]| |
[qtup] O p [0th] [9tg]||
8 7 d [ryij] h
[0h] g [Oryf] d [etus]||
s [wtud] s a o [qtup]| |
[TQY] p a s [yupa]| |
[0yO]| 0|
[6s] 0 t u
[9i] [ts] [ia] p
[wia] d [ro] i
[8wi]| [tu]|
t u [rtuo] a
[eud] s a s
[wuf]| u|
[qtup] O p [0th] [9tg]||
8 7 d [ryij] h
[ryuh] g f d [ets]||
s [wrd] s a o [qtp]| |
[Qt] p a s
[wto]| y t
[wto] r e r
[8s] w yd[wf]g[8h] w uj[wk]l[8k] w yj[wh]g[8h] w u w
[8k] w yj[wh]g[8h] w u w 7 d [ryij] h
[ryuh] g f d [etups]| u s
[eud] s [wua] o [qtp]| |
[TQY] p a s
[wtuo]| r t
[weio]| r|
[8s] w ud[wf]g[8h] [wj]k[ul]z[ox]v[tum][os]|||
[1wtu]Level: 7Length: 03:00IntermediateLove Theme (Cinema Paradiso)
Andrea Morricone