Wrecking Ball

Miley Cyrus 5 September 2020

[eyi] i i i [eyi] i i i [et] t t t [et] t t t [wtu] u u u [wtu] u u i y y y y |
p | [ey] | p | [ey] | p | [wt] | p | [wt] | t u | y u y u i | y |
p | [ey] | p | [ey] | p | [wt] | p | [wt] | t u | y u y u i | y |
[yd] | [yd] | [yd] [st] [ep] | [yd] | [yd] | [yd] [st] [ep] | [st] | [st] |[st] [EP] | [ep] | [qi] | E t y u i [yd] | [yd] | [yd] [st] [ep] | [st] | [st] |[st] [EP] | [ep] | [qi] |
P P P P P P | p [ip] | o [tuo] | i P p o i P | p [yp] | [eyi] | i i P p o i P | p [ip] | o [tuo] | i i P p o i [e9] | P p o P | i [eyi] | i P p o P |
p | [ey] | p | [ey] | p | [wt] | p | [wt] | t u | y u y u i | y |
p | [ey] | p | [ey] | p | [wt] | p | [wt] | t u | y u y u i | y |
y | y | y t e | y | y | y t e | t | t | t E e | q |
[qy] | y | y t [9qe] | [qy] | y | y t [9qe] | [qt] | t | t E [qe] | q
P P P P P P | p [ip] | o [tuo] | i P p o i P | p [yp] | [eyi] | i i P p o i P | p [ip] | o [tuo] | i i P p o i [e9] | P p o P | P P P P P P | p p | o [tuo] | i P p o i P | p [yp] | [qey] | i i P p o i P | p p | o [tuo] | i i P p o i [ey] | [EP] [ep] [wo] [EP] | i i [ey] | i [EP] [ep] [wo] [EP] |
[qy] | i i i i i P | p p | o | i i [eyi] i i i P | p p | o | i i i i P | p p [etu] o |
i [eti] i i i P | p p | o | i [eti] i i i P | p p | o | i [eti] i i i P | p p | o | i [eti] i i i P | p p | o |
y | y | y t e | y | y | y t e | t | t | t E e | q |
P P P P P P | i i [ey] | i P p o [EP]

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About This Music Sheet

Wrecking Ball is a song by Miley Cyrus. Use your computer keyboard to play Wrecking Ball music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 04:10, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Ecaterina. The song Wrecking Ball is classified in the genres: Pop, USA on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Love Songs, Female Artists.


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Other Songs By Miley Cyrus

  • t r e
    6| 6 6 [8t] [0r] [8e]
    9| 9 9 [0t] [9e] [8r]
    5|w [5r] 5 [6w] 9 [60]
    8| 8 8 [9t] [8r] [7e]
    6| 6 6 [8t] [0r] [8e]
    9| 9 9 [0t] [9e] [8r]
    5|w [5r] 5 [6w] 9 [60]
    8| 8 8 [9y] 8 [7y]
    6 yyy [6t]y6 [8e] 0 [8y]
    9 yyy [9t]y9| r
    3 t e r|e r er t|y||
    [6u] u [6u] [8y] [0t] [8u]
    [9i]|9|9 0 9 8
    5|[5y] y [5y] [6t] [9e] [6u]
    8| 8 8 t 8 r
    6 u [6u] u [6u] [8y] [0t] [8u]
    [9i]|9|9 0 9 8
    5 y [5y] t [5u] [6y] [9y]t6y
    [8t]et|8 8 e w 0
    6|[6o] u [6o] [8u] [0o] [8p]
    9 u [9y] t 9 0 9 8
    5 y [5y] y [5o] 6 9i[6u]
    [8u]| 8 7 u y [7t]
    [4e]|u [4y] 4 [5t] [8r] [4r]3||t|e
    6 u u [6u] [6u] [8u] 0 [8i]
    9 i i [9i] [9i] [0i] [9y] [8y]
    5 y y [5y] [5y] [6y] 9 [6u]
    8 u u [8u] [7o] o yte
    6| 6 6 [8t] [0r] [8e]
    9| 9 9 [0t] [9e] [8r]
    5|w [5r] 5 [6w] 9 [60]
    8| 8 8 [9t] [8r] [7e]
    6| 6 6 [8t] [0r] [8e]
    9| 9 9 [0t] [9e] [8r]
    5 w w [5r] 5 [6w] 9 [60]
    8| 8 8 [9y] 8 [7y]
    6 yyy [6t]y6 [8e] 0 [8y]
    9 yyy [9t]y9| r
    3 t e r|e r er t|y||
    [6u] u [6u] [8y] [0t] [8u]
    [9i]|9|9 0 9 8
    5|[5y] y [5y] [6t] [9e] [6u]
    8| 8 8 t 8 r
    6 u [6u] u [6u] [8y] [0t] [8u]
    [9i]|9|9 0 9 8
    5 y [5y] t [5u] [6y] [9y]t6y
    [8t]et|8 8 e w 0
    6|[6o] u [6o] [8u] [0o] [8p]
    9 u [9y] t 9 0 9 8
    5 y [5y] y [5o] 6 9i[6u]
    [8u]| 8 7 u y [7t]
    [4e]|u [4y] 4 [5t] [8r] [4r]3||t|e
    6 u u [6u] [6u] [8u] 0 [8i]
    9 i i [9i] [9i] [0i] [9y] [8y]
    5 y y [5y] [5y] [6y] 9 [6u]
    [8u] u [8u] u [8o] [8o] [7y]t[7e]
    6 u [6u] u [6u] [8u] 0 [8i]
    9 i [9i] i [9i] [0i] [9y] [8y]
    5 y [5y] y [5y] [6o] 9 [6p]
    8ou 8|e w 0 [8y]
    6 yyy ty e|y
    9 yyyt y| r|
    t e r|e r e
    r t|y 0 3030|
    [6u] u [6u] [8y] [0t] [8u]
    [9i]|9|9 0 9 8
    5|[5y] y [5y] [6t] [9e] [6u]
    8| 8 8 t 8 r
    6 u [6u] u [6u] [8y] [0t] [8u]
    [9i]|9|9 0 9 8
    5 y [5y] t [5u] [6y] [9y]t6y
    [8t]et|8 8 e w 0
    6|[6o] u [6o] [8u] [0o] [8p]
    9 u [9y] t 9 0 9 8
    5 y [5y] y [5o] 6 9i[6u]
    [8u]| 8 7 u y [7t]
    [4e]|u [4y] 4 [5t] [8r] [4r]
    [0r]| 0 0 [7u] [%y] [3t]
    [4e]|u [4y] 4 [5t] 8 [4y]
    3||o u p
    6 u u [6u] [6u] [8u] 0 [8i]
    9 i i [9i] [9i] [0i] [9y] [8y]
    5 y y [5y] [5y] [6y] 9 [6u]
    8 u u [8u] [eo] [wo] [0y]t[8e]
    6 u u [6u] [6u] [8u] 0 [8i]
    9 i i [9i] [9i] [0i] [9y] [8y]
    5 y y [5y] [5y] [6y] 9 [6u]
    8| 8 8 851 8

    Level: 4
    Length: 03:04
    Flowers (Miley Cyrus)

    Miley Cyrus

  • TTT uu eeeW

    Level: 1
    Length: 00:08
    Super Easy
    River (Miley Cyrus)

    Miley Cyrus

  • [wra0] p [wrd0] [raQ9] d f G [rfQ9]
    d [wta0] p [wtd0] [tea0] p o [ute0]
    [wra0] p [wrd0] [raQ9] d f G [rfQ9]
    d [wta0] p [wtd0] [tea0] p o [ute0]
    [wr0] p a p p p [wrp0] [rpQ9]
    o p o p o p o p
    a [raQ9] [wta0] p a p p p
    [wtp0] [tpe0] o p o p o p
    o p p o u [ute0] [wur0] G
    h h G G f [wrG0] [rfQ9] f
    f d d d a a a p
    [rQ9] a s [wt0] a o p p
    o [wt0] [yte0] u h f [te0] a
    [wtf0] f f h G [eQ9] d a
    p [wrf0] f f f h j [rQ9]
    h G k h j k [wrf0] d
    f [wrd0] f d [wra0] d f [rQ9]
    G f [rdQ9] a [raQ9] p [wt0] a
    [wt0] d f G [wtf0] d [tea0] p
    p [te0] u [te0] [wrf0] d f [wrd0]
    f d [wra0] d f [rQ9] G f
    [rdQ9] a [raQ9] p [wt0] a [wt0] d
    f G [wtf0] d [tea0] p p [te0]
    u f [the0] k [wt0] f h [wtk0]
    f [wth0] k [jeQ9] j h [jeQ9] h
    f d [feQ9] [wrh0] [wrh0] G d [wr0]
    f [rQ9] [rfQ9] f d a [rQ9] [wtf0]
    d f [wtd0] f d [wta0] d f
    [eQ9] G f [edQ9] a [eaQ9] p [wr0]
    a [wr0] d f G [wrf0] d [raQ9]
    p p [rQ9] u [rQ9] [wra0] p [wrd0]
    [raQ9] d f G [rfQ9] d [wta0] p
    [wtd0] [tea0] p o [ute0] [wr0] p a
    p p p [wrp0] [rpQ9] o p o
    p o p o p a [rQ9] h
    [wtf0] p a p p p [wtp0] [tpe0]
    o p o p o p o p
    p o u [ute0] [wur0] G h h
    G G f [wrG0] [rfQ9] f f d
    d d a a a p [rQ9] a
    s [wt0] a a d f [wt0] [tfe0]
    d f d a k j h f
    d [tfe0] a [wtf0] f f h G
    [eQ9] d a p [wrf0] f f f
    h j [rQ9] h G k h j
    k [wrf0] d f [wrd0] f d [wra0]
    d f [rQ9] G f [rdQ9] a [raQ9]
    p [wt0] a [wt0] d f G [wtf0]
    d [tea0] p p [te0] u [te0] [wrf0]
    d f [wrd0] f d [wra0] d f
    [rQ9] G f [rdQ9] a [raQ9] p [wt0]
    a [wt0] d f G [wtf0] d [tea0]
    p p [te0] u f [the0] k [wt0]
    f h [wtk0] f [wth0] k [jeQ9] j
    h [jeQ9] h f d [feQ9] [wrh0] [wrh0]
    G d [wr0] f [rQ9] [rfQ9] f d
    a [rQ9] [wtf0] d f [wtd0] f d
    [wta0] d f [eQ9] G f [edQ9] a
    [eaQ9] p [wr0] a [wr0] d f G
    [wrf0] d [raQ9] p p [rQ9] u [rQ9]
    [wtk0] h f k [jeQ9] G d j
    [wrj0] [wrj9] k z x [wtf0] G h
    k j [eQ9] h G d f f
    [wr0] k [rjQ(] h G f D [wrf0]
    d [wrf0] d f [wr0] d [wra0] d
    f [rQ9] G [rfQ9] d a [rQ9] [raQ9]
    p [wt0] a [wt0] d [wtf0] G [wtf0]
    d [tea0] p [tpe0] [ute0] [te0] [wrf0] d
    [wrf0] d f [wr0] d [wrf0] h k
    [rQ9] j [rjQ9] h k [rQ9] [rkQ9] l
    [wt0] k j [wt0] d [wtf0] G [wtf0]
    d [tea0] p [tpe0] [ute0] f [the0] k
    [wt0] f h [wtk0] f [wth0] k [jeQ9]
    j h [jeQ9] h f d [feQ9] [wrh0]
    [wrh0] G d [wr0] f [rQ9] [rfQ9] f
    d a [rQ9] [wtf0] d f [wtd0] f
    d [wta0] d f [eQ9] G f [edQ9]
    a [eaQ9] p [wr0] a [wr0] d f
    G [wrf0] d [raQ9] p p [rQ9] u
    [rQ9] [wra0] [wr0] p [wrd0] a [rQ9] [rdQ9]
    f G [rfQ9] d [wta0] [wt0] p [wtd0]
    a [te0] [tpe0] o [ute0] [wra0] [wr0] p
    [wrd0] a [rQ9] [rdQ9] f G [rfQ9] d
    [wta0] [wt0] p [wtd0] a [te0] [tpe0] o
    [ute0] [f30]

    Level: 6
    Length: 05:23
    Midnight Sky

    Miley Cyrus

  • [pe6] [pe6] [pe6] [pe6] [pe6] [u30] [pe6] [u30] [wo5] [wo5] [wo5] [wo5] [wo5] [u30] [wo5] [u30] [ra7] [ra7] [ra7] [ra7] [ra7] [pe6] [ra7] [ts8] [pe6] [pe6] [pe6] [pe6] [pe6] [pe6] [f6] 6 [up0] 6 [f8] 6 [up6] 3 [f6] 3 [wuo] 8 [f0] 8 [uo5] 3 [o5] [p3] [a9] 5 7 5 [a9] [p6] [a7] [s8] [a6] [p2] 4 2 6 2 [f4] 2 [p0] 6 [f8] 6 [p6] 3 [f6] 3 [wo] 8 [f0] 8 [o5] 3 [o5] [p3] [a9] 5 7 5 [a9] [p6] [a7] [s8] [a6] [p2] 4 2 6 2 4 2 [p6] 6 [p6] 6 [p6] [o5] [u3] 3 [p6] 6 [p6] 6 [p6] [o5] [u3] 3 [o5] 5 [o5] 5 [o5] [i4] 3u[u3] [t4] 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 [p6] 6 [p6] 6 [p6] [o5] [u3] 3 [p6] 6 [p6] 6 [p6] [o5] [u3] 3 [o5] 5 [o5] 5 [o5] [i4] [i3]u[u3] [tq41]||| g g g g g [g85] 8 8 [f8] [f85] 8 8 8 [52] 5 5 [s5] [f52] [d5] [s5] [s5] [g63] 6 6 [f6] [f63] 6 6 6 [41] 4 [s4] [s4] [f41] [d4] [d4] [s4] [g85] 8 8 [f8] [f85] 8 8 8 [52] 5 [s5] [s5] [f52] [d5] [d5] [s5] [s63] 6 6 6 [f63] 6d6 [s6] [sg41] 4 4 4 [41] 4 [s4] [s4] [63] 6 6 [s6] [f63] 6d[d6] [s6] [sg41]||| 8 4 6 4 8 4 6 [s4] [s8] [s4] [s6] [s4] [g8] 4 6 [f4] [f0] 6 8 6 0 6 8 [s6] [s0] [s6] [s8] [s6] [g0] 6 [f8] 6 [f5] 1 3 1 5 1 3 [s1] [s5] [s1] [s3] [s1] [g5] 1 3 [f1] [f7] 3 5 3 7 3 5 [s3] [s7] [s3] [s5] [s3] [g7] 3 [f5] 3 [f8] 4 6 4 8 4 6 [s4] [s8] [s4] [s6] [s4] [g8] 4 6 [f4] [f0] 6 8 6 0 6 8 [s6] [s0] [s6] [s8] [s6] [g0] 6 [f8] 6 [f5] 1 3 1 5 1 3 [s1] [s5] [s1] [s3] [s1] [g5] 1 3 [f1] [f7] 3 5 3 7 3 5 3 [750]||| [p4] 6 [p1] 4 [p4] o u| [p6] 1 [p3] 6 [p6] o u| [o1] 3 [o5] 8 [o8] i iuu [tq41]||| g g g g g [g85] 8 8 [f8] [f85] 8 8 8 [52] 5 5 [s5] [f52] [d5] [d5] [s5] [g63] 6 6 [f6] [f63] 6 6 6 [41] 4 [s4] [s4] [f41] [d4] [d4] [s4] [g85] 8 8 [f8] [f85] 8 8 8 [52] 5 [s5] [s5] [f52] [d5] [d5] [s5] [63] 6 6 6 [f63] 6d6 [s6] [g41] 4 4 [g4] [g41] [g4] [g4] [g4] [g85] 8 8 [f8] [f85] 8 8 8 [52] 5 5 [s5] [f52] [d5] [d5] [s5] [g63] 6 6 [f6] [f63] 6 6 6 [41] 4 [s4] [s4] [f41] [d4] [d4] [s4] [g85] 8 8 [f8] [f85] 8 8 8 [52] 5 [s5] [s5] [f52] [d5] [d5] [s5] [s63] 6 6 6 [f63] 6d6 [s6] [g41] 4 4 4 [41] 4 [s4] [s4] [63] 6 6 [s6] [f63] 6d6 [s6] [g41] 4 4 4 [41] 4 [s4] [s4] 6 1 3 [s6] f d s [sg41]
    Level: 6
    Length: 02:36
    Wrecking Ball

    Miley Cyrus

  • [to]| [to]| [to]| [to]| [to]| [to]| [to]| [to]| [to]||| [to]| [to]| [to]| [to]| [tqo]| |[to]| [to] w [te9]| [to]| | [to8]| |[to]| [to]| [to]| [to]| [to]||w [tqo]| [to]| |[wq] e [wte96]| |[96] 6 [te9] [u0] [tp6]| [ut]| [ut]| | [wur3]| |[wr]| [tqie4]| |[toe]| [toe]| [ywto92]| [yto]| [yto]| [yto]| [wt10]| [wt80]| [wt80]| [wt80]| [wt10]| [wt80]| [wt80]| [wt80]| [tqe4]| [tqe]| [tqe]| [tqe]| [yqe2]| [yqe]| [yqe5]| [yqe]| [ywt1]| [ywt8]| [ywt8]| [ywt8]| [ywt1]| [ywt8]| [ywt8]| [ywt8]| [ut6] e [utp] e [ut5] e [utp] w [te4] q [tie] q [te]| | [wt10] 1 [wt80] 1 [yto1] 1 [wr80] [t1] [wt10] 1 [wt80] 1 [yto1] 4 [wr0] [t1] [wt1] [10] [wt8] [10] [wt1] [10] [wr8] [t50] [w1] [10] [wt8] [10] [wt1] [10] [wr2] [t30] [te4] [40] [te4] [q4] [te4] [q4] [r4] [tq4] [q92] [92] [qe2] [92] [qe2] [92] [e92] [85] [wt1] [10] [wt8] [10] [wt1] [10] [wr8] [t50] [w1] [10] [wt8] [10] [wt1] [10] [wr2] [t30] [te4] [q4] [te4] [q4] [te4] [q4] [r4] [tq4] [qe92] [92] [qe2] [92] [qe2] [92] [qe2] [95] [ute6] [60] [ute6] [60] [ute6] [60] [ute6] [60] [wur3] [30] [wur3] [30] [wur3] [30] [wur3] [30] [te3] [q3] [tie4] [q3] [te3] [q3] [tie4] [q3] [tq92] [e2]w[q92] 2 [qe2] [20] [e92] [85] [wt1] [10] [wut8] [10] [wt1] [10] [wr8] [t50] [wt1] [10] [wut8] [10] [wt3] [50] [wr3] [t20] [te4] [q4] [te4] [q4] [te4] [q4] [te4] [q4] [tqe2] 2 [tqe2] 2 [tqe5] 5 [tqe2]325 [wt1] [10] [wut8] [10] [wt1] [10] [wr5] [t10] [wt1] [10] [wut8] [10] [wt1] [10] [wr2] [t30] [te6] [60] [te6] [60] [yr6] [w6] [yr5] [w6] [te4] [q4] [te4] [q4] [te4] [q4]1[te4]1[q5]4 [wt10] 1 [wt60] [y1] [w10] [u1] [w50] 1 [wt10] 1 [wu60] [y1] [w30] [t5] [w30] 2 [wt40] 4 [tqe4] [y4] [qe4] [u4] [qe4] 4 [uqe4] [i4] [uqe4] [y4] [qe4] [t4] [qe4] 4 [ue2] [i2] [ue2] [y2] [qe2] [t2] [qe2] [w5] [30] [30] 3 [r3] [w30] [t3] [w30] [e5] [q4] [q4] 4 [r4] [qe4] [t4] [qe4] [y4] [wr5] 5 [wr5] [u5] [wr5] [i5] [wr5] [o5] [wt1]| [wt]| [wt]| [wt]| [wt]| [wt]| [wt]| [wt] t [utq4]| [ytq4]| [tq4] 4 [rq4] [t4] [810] [q92] [w30] [qe4] [wr5] [wr6] [wt1] [10] [wut6] [10] [wt1] [10] [wr5] [t10] [wt1] [10] [wut6] [10] [te1] [w1] [wr2] [t30] [te6] [60] [te6] [60] [yr5] [w5] [yr5] [w5] [te4] [q4] [te4] [q4] [te4] [q4]1[te4]1[q5]4 [wt1] [10] [wut8] [10] [wt1] [10] [wr8] [t10] [wt1] [91] [wut8] [w1] [wt1] [10] [te8] [t10] [te4] [q4] [te4] [q4] [te4] [q4] [re4] [tq4] [te4] [q4] [te4] [q4] [te4] [w4] [r4] [t4] [ut1] [yw1] [t6] [wt1] [w1] [t10] [wr6] [t50] [wt1] [10] [wt6] [10] [wt1] [50] [wr1] [t10] [toe4] [q4] [te4] [tq4] [e4] [rq4] 4 [tq4] [te4] [q4] [te4] [q4] [te4] [q4] [re4] [tq4] [ut1] [yw1] [t6] [wt1] [w1] [t10] [wr6] [t50] [wt1] [10] [wt6] [10] [wt1] [50] [wr1] [t10] [toe4] [q4] [te4] [tq4] [e4] [rq4] 4 [tq4] [te4] [q4] [te4] [q4] [te4] [q4] [re4] [tq4] [wt81] 0
    Level: 7
    Length: 04:10
    The Climb

    Miley Cyrus


  • [ypi] [ur0] [wur] [tqe] [yqpe9] t [ur0] w
    e u [wur0] [tqe] e [yqpe9] o p
    o [ur0] w e [wur0] s a o
    y [tqe] e y i o [ypi2] i
    u y 4 [up5] o [ura30] [ws] [a5]
    p e o [wur3] a s a o
    [y6] [a8] s [tqe4] [ute] o y [pi3]
    [oa] [ypi2] i s [uo] y 4 [up5]
    o [ura30] [ws] [a5] p e o y
    [wur30] a g f s [p6] [a8] s
    [tqe4] [ute] o y [pi3] [oa] [ypi2] g
    o f d [p4] [f5] [od] [ura30] [ws]
    [a5] p e o y [wur3] k [lf]
    [kd] [sh] [j6] [kf8] l [spi4] [ute] o
    y [pi3] [ua] [yqe] [ur0] [wur] [tqe]

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:40
    Clark (Minecraft)


  • 66|66|88 66|66|66 66|66|88 66|66|| 6 [te] 6 [te] 6 [te] 6 [te] 5 [wt] 5 [wt] 5 [wr] 5 [wr] 4 [qe] 4 [qe] 4 [qe] 4 [qe] 2 [e9] 2 [e9] 3 [W0] 3 [W0] 6 [ute] 6 [ute] 6 [ute] 6 [ute] 5 [wut] 5 [wut] 5 [wur] 5 [wur] 4 [qie] 4 [qie] 4 [qie] 4 [qie] 2 [ye9] 2 [ye9] 3 [WO0] 3 [WO0] 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e [p6]u[te]e[60]8[e6]3[p6]u[te]e[60]8[e6]3 [s6]p[ue]t[e6]0[e8]6[j6]f[se]p[l6]j[fe]s 6 eo[p6] e 6 e 6 [oe]p [a5] [ws] [a5]s[wa]o[a5] [ws] [a5]ow [p4] q 4 q 4 q 4 [qi]o [p3] 0 3 0 [O3] 0 3 0 [p6] ep[f6] e 6 e 6 [ed]f [g5] [wf]g[h5] [wg]h[l5] [wk] [j5] [wh] [j4] q 4 q 4 q 4 qgh [j3] 0 3 0Hj[k3] 0 [f3] 0 [f8] t 8 t [d8] t 8 [tf]d [s6] e 6 e [a7] r [u7] r [p4] q [i4] q [p4] q [s4] [qa]p [a2] 9 2 [p9]O[p3] 0 [O3] [u0] [p6] [pe]s6 [se]s6 [se]s6 [ea]p 6 [pe]p6 [pe]p6 [pe]p6 [pe]u 6 [ue]u6 [ue]u6 [ue]u6 [ye]t 6 [te]t6 [te]t6 [te]t6 [re]e [e6] 6 [e6] 6e[u6] 6 6 6ty [u3] 3 3 3 [y3] 3 [o3] [i3]u [u6] 6 6 6 [t6] 6 6 [r6]t [Y@] [@(]Y@([Y@] [t@]t[r@]t[Y@]Y[r@]t 6 ee[p6] ee[p6] e[pe]6 [pe]pa [p4] q 4 qpa[O4] [uq]p4u[qa]u [s6] e [p6] e 6ps[je] [f6] e [D@] ( @ (Df[g@] ( [i@] (saP [p6]u[se]u[D6] [ed] [sp6]d[use]p[f6]o[pe]o [ph8]u[ts]u[fD8] [td] [sj9]d[ys]p[f9]s[yd]f [pD6]u[se]u[D6] [ed] [s6]d[spe]p[f6]o[pe]o [OD3]u[a0]u[s3] [a0] [sO2] [a9] [fa2]a[O9]a [pf1]s[h8]f[ka1]f[h8]f[pD7]a[aG7]D[pj7]G[u7]a [si4]p[s4]f[s4]i[a4]p[s4]p[s4]f[so4]i[a4]p [p6]u[up6]s[pj6]u[pf6]u[D@]s[p(]u[p@]u[p(]D [s@]p[u(]t[u@]t[u(]p[p6]u[up6]s[pf6]u[s6]f [pd1]u[p8]d[p1]u[sp8]f[p1]u[p8]u[pd1]u[p8]f [p6]u[up6]s[pj6]u[pf6]u[D@]s[p(]u[p@]u[p(]D [j@]f[s(]p[sD@]p[s(]u[f3]p[s0]f[H3]u[pf0]s [j6]f[s6]f[g6] [f6]d[s6]p[s6]d[D6]d[s6]p 66[upe][up]6 [upe][up]6 [upe][up]6 [upe][up] 66[use][us]6 [use][us]6 [uea][ua]6 [uea][ua] 66[upe][up]6 [upe][up]6 [upe][up]6 [upe][up] %%[uWO][uO]% [uWO][uO]% [uWO]u% [uWO]u 6 ee[u6] e 6 e 6 [te]y [u5] [wi] [u5]i[wu]t[u5] [wi] [u5]tw [y4] q 4 q [t4] q [e4] [tq] [r3] 0 3 [e0]W[e3] 0 [W3] 0 [e6] ee[u6] e 6 e 6 [te]y [u5] [yw]u[i5] [wue]i[uo5] [wi]o[si5] [wa] [tp4] q 4 q [ie4] q 4t[qp] [tO3] 0 3u[rO0][pe][ra3] 0 [yd3] 0 [pf1] 8 1 8 [ha1] 8 [f1] [h8] [sj6] 6 6 [H6]G[fH7] 7 [f7] [h7] [jg4] q [sg4] q [jg4] q [l4] q [zj2] 9 2 [l9]z[xk3] 0 3 0 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 [ue] 6 ee6 [ie]i[i6] [ye]yyy6 [ie]iii 6 ee6 [ue]u[u6] [ye]yyy6 [ue]uuu 6 ee6 [ie]i[i6] [ye]yyy6 [ie]iii 6 ee6 [ue]u[u6] [ye]yyy6 [ue]uuu 6 ee6 [ie]i[i6] [ye]yyy6 [ie]iii 6 ee6 [ue]u[u6] [ye]yyy6 [ue]uuu 6 ee6 [ie]i[i6] [ye]yyy6 [ie]iii 6 ee6 [ue]u[u6] [ye]yyy6 [ue]uuu 6 ee6 [ie]i[i6] [ye]yyy6 [ie]iii 6 ee6 [ue]u[u6] [ye]yyy6 [ue]uuu 6 ee6 [ie]i[i6] [ye]yyy6 [ie]iii 6 ee6 [ue]u[u6] [ye]yyy6 [ue]uuu
    Level: 5
    Length: 02:55
    Disco Descent (Crypt of the Necrodancer)

    Danny Baranowsky

  • [18tu] w [tu] w [tu] w [tu] w
    [3ry] W [ry] W [ry] W [ry] W
    [6tu] e [tu] e [5ry] w [ry] w
    [4et] q [et] q [et] q [et] q
    [16] w o [tus] a [ws] a [tus] [wf] [tu] w
    [3a] a W a [ry] [Ws] s [ry] W [ry] [Wp] d
    6 [es] p [tu] e 5 w [ry] [wp] d
    4 [qs] [etp] q [et] q [et] q
    [16] w o [tus] a [ws] a [tus] [wf] [tu] w o
    [3a] [Wa] [rya] [Ws] s [ry] W [ry] [Wp] d
    6 [es] p [tu] e 5 w [ry] [wp] d
    4 [qs] [etp] q [et] q [et] q
    2 9 [qe] [9p] [qeg] [9f] [qed] a
    5 [wa] [ry] [ws] [ry] [wd] [ry] s p
    2 9 [qe] [9p] [qef] [9d] [qes] a
    [5w] p a s p
    [4h] 8 [qe] 8 [5g] 9 [wr] 9
    [6f] 0 [et] 0 [6p] [0a] [ets] [0p]
    [4h] 8 [qe] 8 [5g] 9 [wr] 9
    [6f] 0 [et] 0 6 0 [et] [0f]
    [4g] [8f] g [qe] [8f] [5g] f [9d] [wr] 9
    [8f] [wf] h 7 [wh] j 6 [0f] [5f] f 9 s
    [4d] s [qp] [qe] 8 [qe] 8 p [qef] [8s] d
    5 w [ry] w f 5 d s a s a
    [6tup] [5ryo]
    [16] w o [tus] a [ws] a [tus] [wf] [tu] w o
    [3a] W a [ry] [Ws] s [rya] W [ry] p [Wp] d
    6 [es] p [tu] e 5 w [ry] [wp] d
    4 [qs] [etp] q [et] q [et] q
    [16] w o [tus] a [ws] a [tus] [wf] [tu] w o
    [3h] g W f [ry] d W g [ry] f W d [ry] d [Ws]
    [6d] [ef] f [tu] e 5 w [ry] d [ws] d
    4 [qf] g [etf] q [et] q [et] q
    2 9 [qe] [9p] [qeh] [9g] [qef] d
    5 [ws] [ry] [wd] [ry] [wf] [ry] s p
    2 9 [qe] [9p] [qef] [9d] [qes] a
    [5w] p a s p
    [4h] 8 [qe] 8 [5g] 9 [wr] 9
    [6f] 0 [et] 0 [6p] [0a] [ets] [0p]
    [4h] 8 [qe] 8 [5g] 9 [wr] 9
    [6f] 0 [et] 0 6 0 [et] [0f]
    [4g] [8f] g [qe] [8f] [5g] f [9d] [wr] 9
    [8f] [wf] h 7 [wh] j 6 [0f] [5f] f 9 s
    [4d] s [qp] [qe] 8 [qe] 8 p [qef] [8s] d
    5 w [ry] w f 5 d s a s a
    [2qep] [9qep] [uf] 6 [2qeu] 2 [9qe]
    [2qe] [9qeo] [uf] 6 [2qeu] 2 [9qe]
    [2qe] [9qeo] [uf] 6 [2qeu] 2 [9qe] 3 4
    [5wtig] [ig] [ig] [ig] [wig] [uf] 9 [5wruf] [5yd] [wts] [4ep] 3
    [2qe] [9qeo] [uf] 6 [2qeu] 2 [9qef] h
    [2qef] [9qeo] [uf] 6 [2qeu] 2 [9qef] h
    [2qef] [9qeo] [uf] 6 [2qeu] 2 [9qe] [3f] 4
    [5rtupj] [5rtuoh] [5rtuoh] [5rtuf] [5rtupj] [epj] [epj] [epj]
    [etipj] [wyoh] h [qryig] [0etuf]
    [0etuf] 6 [etuf] g g f d [1d] s
    [wetoh] [qryig] [0etuf]
    f 6 e r [1t] [uf] [qetig]
    [0etug] [uf] [qetig] u [uf] [qetig] [ug] [wryd] 5
    [1wtuf] [uf] [wryoh] [wryo] [wryoh] [etupj] [etup] [uf] [wruf] [uf] [ts]
    [qeyd] [ts] [ep] 4 [qp] [ep] [4weuf] [ts] [wryd]
    5 [5d] [wruf] 5 [yd] [ts] [ra] [ts] [ra]
    [6etup] [5wry]
    [tu] [wo] [8ts] [ra] [ts] [ra] [0ts] [uf] [wt] w
    [W9ra] [ra] [ra] a [ts] [ts] [ra]

    Level: 6
    Length: 3:38
    Talking to The Moon (Alternative)

    Bruno Mars