A Virtual Flamenco Guitar is a digital equivalent of a classical guitar you can play online. It comes with thinner tops and less internal bracing. Like the classical guitar, a Flamenco Guitar usually has nylon strings, but it generally possesses a livelier, more gritty sound than the classical guitar. It is used in toque, the guitar-playing part of the art of flamenco. Traditionally, Flamenco guitars were made by luthiers from Spanish cypress, sycamore, or rosewood for the instrument and spruce for the top. Volume has historically been significant for flamenco guitarists, as they must be heard over the sound of the dancers' nailed shoes. To increase volume, harder woods, such as rosewood, can be used for the back and sides, with softer woods for the top. You can now experience playing the flamenco guitar online with the Virtual Flamenco Guitar.

Flamenco guitars respond quickly and typically have less sustain than classical. This is desirable since the flurry of notes that a good flamenco player can produce might sound muddy on a guitar with a big, lush, sustaining sound. The flamenco guitar's sound is often percussive; it tends to be brighter, drier and more austere than a classical guitar. Learn more about a Flamenco Guitar on Wikipedia.

Flamenco guitarists are known as tocaroes, and the instrument is played somewhat differently from a classical guitar. Players use different postures, strumming patterns, and techniques. Flamenco players tend to play the guitar between the sound hole and the bridge, but as close as possible to the bridge, to produce a harsher, rasping sound quality.
Learn to play the Flamenco Guitar in less than one minute, anywhere, anytime. You can use your computer, tablet or even mobile device.
Anyone can experience the Flamenco Guitar through Virtual Piano. You don’t need to be able to read music or to have played the guitar before. Virtual Piano music sheets contain letters that correspond to the keys from a QWERTY keyboard. So it’s quick and simple to pick up. You can enjoy playing the Flamenco Guitar instantly - anywhere, anytime.