The Second Waltz

Dmitri Shostakovich 10 September 2020

6 [80] [80] 3 [80] [80]
6 [80] [80] 3 [80] [80]
[u6]| [t3]| r [e6]| 3 e r [t6] e t [u3]| i [u7]| [y3]|
[y7]| [r3]| e [W7]| 3 0 W [r7] W r [y3] u i [Y6]| [u3]|
[us6]| [ua3]| p [o2]| i [y6]| [ya5]| [yp5]| o [ut8]| 4
t y [u3] uyui[y4] ytyu[t3]| u 4
[te] [yr] [ut3] uyui[yr4] ytyu[te3]| [ut] 4
[tp] [ya] [us3] sasd[aO3] apas[p6]| [yu3] [tp6]

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About This Music Sheet

The Second Waltz is a song by Dmitri Shostakovich. Use your computer keyboard to play The Second Waltz music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:40, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song The Second Waltz is classified in the genre of Classical on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Classic Piano Songs, Waltz.


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Other Songs By Dmitri Shostakovich

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    1 [O7qea] [8qe][ps][4psgj] [8qe] [8qeps]
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    4 [ps] [ad] [3sf] [80sf][ad][sf][dg][4ad] [79ad][ps][ad][sf][3ps] [80] [psf]
    4 [68ps] [ad] [3sf] [80sf][ad][sf][dg][4ad] [79ad][ps][ad][sf][3ps] [80] [psf]
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    [18h]lxv[0wt] [0wt]
    [4q] [ps] [ad] [30sf] [80sf][ad][sf][dg][4qad] [79ad][ps][ad][sf][30ps] [80] [psf]
    [4q] [68ps] [ad] [30sf] [80sf][ad][sf][dg][4qad] [79ad][ps][ad][sf][30ps] [80] [psf]
    [4q] [gj] [Hk] [30jl] [80jl][Hk][jl][kz][H30k] [H90k][gj][Hk][jl][6psfj]| [30dfOH] [6psfj]

    Level: 8
    Length: 03:51
    The Second Waltz (Expert)

    Dmitri Shostakovich


  • w [y8] t [w8] r 8r|[t8]|[w8] t [w8] r 8r|[t8] w [y8] t [w8] r 8r|[t8]|[w8] t [u8] y 8t|[y8] w [y8] t [w8] r 8r|[t8]|[w8] t [w8] r 8r|[t8] w [y8] t [w8] r 8r|[t8]|[w8] t [u8] y 8t|[y8] [w8] [yq] [t8] [wq] [r8] qr8 [tq] 8 [wq] [t8] [wq] [r8] qr8 [tq] [w8] [y0] [t8] [w0] [r8] 0r8 [t0] 8 [w0] [t8] [u0] [y8] 0t8 [y0] [w8] [yq] [t8] [wq] [r8] qr8 [tq] 8 [wq] [t8] [wq] [r8] qr8 [tq] [w9] [yw] [t9] w [r9] wr9 [wt] 0 [we] [t0] [ue] [y0] et0 [ye] [wo8] [yq] [t8] q [roh8] qr8 [tq] [yd8] q [t8] q [r8] qr8 [tq] [ts8] [y0] [t8] 0 [roh8] 0r8 [t0] [wo8] [w0] [t8] [u0] [y8] 0t8 [y0] [wo8] [yq] [t8] q [ra8] qr8 [tq] [oh8] q [t8] q [r8] qr[pj8] [tq] [oh9] [yw] [t9] w [yrd9] wr9 [wt] [ts0] [we] [t0] [ue] [y0] et0 [ye] [wo8] [yq] [t8] q [roh8] qr8 [tq] [yd8] q [t8] q [r8] qr8 [tq] [ts8] [y0] [t8] 0 [roh8] 0r8 [t0] [wo8] [w0] [t8] [u0] [y8] 0t8 [y0] [wo8] [yq] [t8] q [ra8] qr8 [tq] [oh8] q [t8] q [r8] qr[pj8] [tq] [oh9] [yw] [t9] w [yrd9] wr9 [wt] [tse60] l k h f d s o [wto8] [yq] [t8] q [sroh8] qr8 [tq] [yod8] q [t8] q [r8] qr8 [tq] [tso8] [y0] [t8] 0 [sroh8] 0r8 [t0] [wto8] [w0] [t8] [u0] [y8] 0t8 [y0] [wto8] [yq] [t8] q [roa8] qr8 [tq] [soh8] q [t8] q [r8] qr[spj8] [tq] [soh9] [yw] [t9] w [yrod9] wr9 [wt] [tso0] [we] [t0] [ue] [y0] et0 [ye] [wto8] [yq] [t8] q [sroh8] qr8 [tq] [yod8] q [t8] q [rd8] [qf]r[d8] [tsq] [tso8] [y0] [t8] 0 [sroh8] 0r8 [t0] [wto8] [w0] [t8] [u0] [a8] [s0] [f8] [j0] [wto8] [yq] [t8] q [yrda8] qr8 [tq] [soh8] q [t8] q [sr8] [qa]r[spj8] [tqd] [sohf9] [yw] [t9] w [yrod9] wr9 [wts] [tso0] [we] [t0] [ue] [y0] et0 [ye] [wtqo4] q [t8] q [sroh8] qr8 [tq] [yqod4] q [t8] q [r8] qr8 [tq] [tso30] 0 [t8] 0 [sroh8] 0r8 [t0] [wto30] [w0] [t8] [u0] [y8] 0t8 [y0] [wtqo4] q [t8] q [roa8] qr8 [tq] [sqoh4] q [t8] q [r8] qr[spj8] [tq] [wsoh5] w [t9] w [yrod9] wr9 [wt] [tsoe6] [we] [t0] [ue] [y0] et0 [ye] [wtqo4] q [t8] q [sroh8] qr8 [tq] [yqod4] q [t8] q [rd8] [qf]r[d8] [tsq] [tso30] 0 [t8] 0 [sroh8] 0r8 [t0] [wto30] [w0] [t8] [u0] [a8] [s0] [f8] [j0] [wtqo4] q [t8] q [yrda8] qr8 [tq] [sqoh4] q [t8] q [sr8] [qa]r[spj8] [tqd] [wsohf5] w [t9] w [yrod9] wr9 [wts] [tsoe60] l k h f d s o [qo]| |h|f|[qd]|s|a|s|[wd]| |k||Jj[th]|||[qp]| |h|f|[qd]|s|d|f|[wa]| |d| |[ed]|s|[wa]|s|[toe]|q|[the]|[qf]|[red]|[sq]|[rea]|[sq]|[yrd]|w|[yrk]|w Jj[uth]|w|[ut]|w|[tpe]|q|[the]|[qf]|[red]|[sq]|[rea]|[sq]|[yra]|w|[yrd]|w|[utd]|[se]|[yra]|[ws]|[wqo4] q [t8] q [roh8] qr8 [tq] [ywd5] w [t9] w [r9] wr9 [wt] [ts30] 0 [t8] 0 [roh8] 0r8 [t0] [woe6] [we] [t0] [ue] [y0] et0 [ye] [wqo4] q [t8] q [ra8] qr8 [tq] [woh5] w [t9] w [r9] wr[pj9] [wt] [oh30] 0 [t8] 0 [yrd8] 0r8 [t0] [tse6] [we] [t0] [ue] [y0] et0 [ye] [wtqo4] q [t8] q [sroh8] qr8 [tq] [ywod5] w [t9] w [sroh9] wr[spj9] [wt] [tso30] 0 [t8] 0 [sroh8] 0r8 [wto0] [wtoe6] [we] [t0] [ue] [yf0] [ge]t[f0] [yed] [tsqo4] q [t8] q [ura8] qr8 [tq] [wsoh5] w [t9] w [rd9] wr[spj9] [wt] [soh30] 0 [ts8] 0 [yrod8] 0r[o8] [t0] [tsoe6] [wle] [tk0] [uhe] [yf0] [ed]t[s0] [yoe] [wto4] q [ts8] q [sroh8] qr[d8] [tq] [yod5] w [tp9] w [yroa9] wr[so9] [wt] [tso3] 0 [th8] 0 [sroh8] 0r[s8] [t0] [wto6] [wfe] [tk0] [ule] [yx0] [ze]t[l0] [yhe] [wto4] q [t8] q [ura8] qr8 [tq] [soh5] w [t9] w [rd9] wr[spj9] [wt] [soh3] 0 [ts8] 0 [yrod8] 0r[o8] [t0] [tso6] [wle] [tk0] [uhe] [yf0] [ed]t[s0] [yoe] [wto4] q [ts8] q [sroh8] qr[d8] [tq] [yod5] w [tp9] w [yroa9] wr[so9] [wt] [tso3] 0 [th8] 0 [sroh8] 0r[s8] [t0] [wto6] [wfe] [tk0] [ule] [yx0] [ze]t[l0] [yhe] [wto4] q [t8] q [ura8] qr8 [tq] [soh5] w [t9] w [rd9] wr[spj9] [wt] [soh3] 0 [ts8] 0 [yrod8] 0r[o8] [t0] [tso6] [wle] [tk0] [uhe] [yf0] [ed]t[s0] [yoe] [o81] d s o [ta8]|a|s [w5] o s o [a30]|a[q4] s [wo5] d s o [wa5]|a[q4] s [30] o s f [td8]|s[y9] d [tqoe8] d s o [tea8]|a[ue0] s [ywr9] o s o [wta8]|a[yw9] s [wo750] d [wus0] o [ywa9]|a[wt8] s [te80] o s f d|s|d [o81] d s o [ta8]|a|s [w5] o s o [a30]|a[q4] s [wo5] d s o [wa5]|a[q4] s [30] o s f [td8]|s[y9] d [tqoe8] d s o [tea8]|a[ue0] s [ywr9] o s o [wta8]|a[yw9] s [wo750] d [wus0] o [ywa9]|a[wt8] s [te80] o s f d|s|d

    Level: 6
    Length: 05:07
    Undertale (Undertale)

    Toby Fox

  • t o s d t o s d t o s d t o s d [t8] o f o t o f o t o f o t o f o [f8]|w|[uf]|w|u|w|[uof]|w [pg] [pg9]|e|[pig]|e|i [pg] [pge] [pg] [pig] [pg] [pge] [ha] [wha]|y|[ha]|y|a|y|[ha]|[sj] [of8]|w|u|w|u|w|u|5| [of1]|w|[uof]|w|8 [of] [wof] [of] [uof] [of] [wof] [pg] [pg2]|e|[pig]|e|9 [pg] [pge] [pg] [pig] [pg] [pge] [ha] [wha]|y|[ha]|y|a|d|[ha]|j [of8]|w|u|w|8|w|[ut]|r| e u [xl] f [zsk] f [lj] f 0 r [kh] a [ojG] a [hf] a [sqj] t i t [wha] y [og] y [f8] u o t d y o t s t u w [o7] w y w 6 0 [sf] u [tda] u [sp] u 3 7 [oa] r [wpI] r [uo] r [tpi4]|o|i o 5 w t y w t y i w y i o w y i o [y5] i o d [yw] i o d [o5] d g h [wo] d g h [d5] g h z [wd] g h z [h5] z c v [wh] z c v [h5] k z v [h5] k z v [xh1]|w|[xuh]|w|u|w|[xuh]|w [jc] [jc2]|e|[jic]|e|i [jc] [jec] [jc] [jic] [jc] [jec] [vk] [wvk]|y|[vka]|y|a|d|[vk]|[lb] [xh8]|w|[wvE(] Z J h [tqec] l j g [zwj] k h 5 [xh81]|w|[xuh]|w|8 [xh] [xwh] [xh] [xuh] [xh] [xwh] [jc] [jc92]|e|[jic]|e|9 [jc] [jec] [jc] [jic] [jc] [jec] [vk] [wvk]|y|[vka]|y|a|d|[vk]|[lb] [xtl]|o|d|o|f|o|f|h| e u [xl] f [zsk] f [lj] f 0 r [kh] a [ojG] a [hf] a [qjg] t i p [wha] r [pg] [oh] t f d s [yo] u [to] w 8 7 6 0 [sf] u [tda] u [sp] u 3 7 [oa] r [wpI] r [uo] r [p4] t i t o t i o 5 w t y w t y i w y i o w y i o [y5] i o d [yw] i o d [o5] d g h [wo] d g h [d5] g h z [wd] g h z [h5] z c v [wh] z c v [h5] k z v [h5] k z v [xh1]|w|[xuh]|w|u|w|[xuh]|w [jc] [jc2]|e|[jic]|e|i [jc] [jec] [jc] [jic] [jc] [jec] [vk] [wvk]|y|[vka]|y|a|d|[vk]|[lb] [xh8]|w|[wvE(] Z J h [tqec] l j g [zwj] k h 5 [xh81]|w|[xuh]|w|8 [xh] [xwh] [xh] [xuh] [xh] [xwh] [jc] [jc92]|e|[jic]|e|9 [jc] [jec] [jc] [jic] [jc] [jec] [vk] [wvk]|y|[vka]|y|a|d|[vk]|[lb] [xtl]|o|s|f|[pc] j l c [va] k z v [xh81]|w|[xuh]|w|8 [xh] [xwh] [xh] [xuh] [xh] [xwh] [jc] [jc92]|e|[jic]|e|9 [jc] [jec] [jc] [jic] [jc] [jec] [vk] [wvk]|y|[vka]|y|a|d|[vk]|[lb] [xth]|o|s|f|p j l c [va] k z v [xth]|o|s|f|s j l c [va] k z v t o s f h l x
    Level: 6
    Length: 02:55
    Ballade Pour Adeline

    Richard Clayderman

  • [81] mcvmmcvmmcvmmc[81] mcvmmcvmmcvmmc[81] mcvmmc[vq]mmcvmmc0 mcvmmc[v7]mmcvmmz[tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|p|[wd5]|y o d s|a [tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|[ph]|[wd5]|y o d s|a [qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]| |[yw5]|u|[te6]| |[qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]| |[yw5]| |y t|r [qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]| |[yw5]|u|[te6]| |[qp4]|[wa5]|[ts8]||o [yw5]|y t r| |[tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|p|[wd5]|y o d s|a [tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|[ph]|[wd5]|y o d s|a [qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]|s a [yws5]|u|[te6]|s a [sqp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]|s d [ywa5]| |y t o r [sqp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]|s a [yws5]|u|[te6]|s d [sqp4]|[wa5]|[ts8]|f o [ywd5]|y t r| |[qe] [ql]kl [qj] [ql] [zq]|[ql] [w0] [l0]kl [h0] [x0] [z0]|[j0] [86] [l6]kl [h6] [l6] [z6]|[k6] [80] [l8]kl [f8] [l8] [k8]|[h8] [qe] [ql]kl [qj] [ql] [zq]|[ql] [w0] [l0]kl [h0] [x0] [z0]|[j0] [t6] [l6]kl [h6] [l6] [z6]|[k6] [80] [l8]kl [f8] [x8] [c8]|[x8] [81] mcvmmcvmmcvmmc[81] mcvmmcvmmcvmmc[81] mcvmmc[vq]mmcvmmc0 mcvmmc[v7]mmcvmmz[tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|p|[wd5]|y o d s|a [tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|[ph]|[wd5]|y o d s|a [qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]| |[yw5]|u|[te6]| |[qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]| |[yw5]| |y t|r [qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]| |[yw5]|u|[te6]| |[qp4]|[wa5]|[ts8]||o [yw5]|y t r| |[tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|p|[wd5]|y o d s|a [tf8] g o p [se6]|[up]|[qf4] g t p [spe6]|[ro7]|[tf8] g o p [se6]|[ph]|[wd5]|y o d s|a [qp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]|s a [yws5]|u|[te6]|s a [sqp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]|s d [ywa5]| |y t o r [sqp4]|[wo5]|[ut8]|s a [yws5]|u|[te6]|s d [sqp4]|[wa5]|[ts8]|f o [ywd5]|y t r| |[qe] [ql]kl [qj] [ql] [zq]|[ql] [w0] [l0]kl [h0] [x0] [z0]|[j0] [86] [l6]kl [h6] [l6] [z6]|[k6] [80] [l8]kl [f8] [l8] [k8]|[h8] [qe] [ql]kl [qj] [ql] [zq]|[ql] [w0] [l0]kl [h0] [x0] [z0]|[j0] [t6] [l6]kl [h6] [l6] [z6]|[k6] [80] [l8]kl [f8] [x8] [c8]|[x8]

    Level: 6
    Length: 04:24
    Lori M. (Night in the Woods)

    Alec Holowka