02:16 -
-4 -
l k k h
[qj] e t i [wk] r [yk] [ok]
e [tl] u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th]
[qj] e [tl] [zi] w [rl] [yk] [oj]
e t u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th]
[qj] e [tl] i [h8] 0 [wl] t
[k5] [j7] [k9] [wl] 6 8 0 e
[l8] 0 [wh] [th] w [f0] [h8] [d0]
w r y o y r w r
r y o a o y [rd] y
[fe] t u [pf] u t [je] t
[th] u o [sg] o u [tf] u
[wd] r y [od] y r [wf] r
[sq] e t i t e q e
[fe] t u [pf] u t [je] t
[th] u o [sf] o u [th] u
[wd] r y o y r w r
w r y o y r [wk] r
[le] t u [pk] u t [je] t
[th] u o [sg] o u [tf] u
[wd] r y [oh] y r [wg] r
[ge] [tf] u p u t [ke] t
[le] t u [pk] u t [je] t
[th] u o [sl] o u [zt] u
[zw] r y o y r w r
w r y o [yl] [rk] [wk] [rh]
[tqjie] e t i [ywrok] r [yk] [ok]
[utpe] [tl] u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th]
[tqjie] e [tl] [zi] [ywro] [rl] [yk] [oj]
[utpe] t u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th]
[tqjie] e [tl] i [wth80] 0 [wl] t
[wk975] [j7] [k9] [wl] [e860] 8 0 e
[wtl80] 0 [wh] [th] w [f0] [h8] [d0]
[w975] 7 9 w 9 7 5 7
[fe] t u [pf] u t [je] t
[th] u o [sg] o u [tf] u
[wd] r y [od] y r [wf] r
[sq] e t i t e q e
[fe] t u [pf] u t [je] t
[th] u o [sf] o u [th] u
[wd] r y o y r w r
w r y o y r [wk] r
[le] t u [pk] u t [je] t
[th] u o [sg] o u [tf] u
[wd] r y [oh] y r [wg] r
[ge] [tf] u p u t [ke] t
[le] t u [pk] u t [je] t
[th] u o [sl] o u [zt] u
[zw] r y o y r w r
w r y o [yl] [rk] [wk] [rh]
[sqjg] e t i [wkhd] r [yk] [okhd]
e [tljf] u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th]
[sqjg] e [tl] [zjig] w [rl] [yk] [sojf]
e t u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th]
[sqjf] e [tljg] i [shf8] 0 [wlhf] t
[khf5] [j7] [k9] [wlhf] 6 8 0 e
[lhf8] 0 [wh] [thf] w [f0] [h8] [d0]
5 7 9 w 9 7 5 7
5 7 9 w 9 7 5 7
[qj] e t i [wk] r [yk] [ok]
e [tl] u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th]
[qj] e [tl] [zi] w [rl] [yk] [oj]
e t u p [ul] [tk] [ke] [th]
[qj] e [tl] i [h8] 0 [wl] t
[k5] [j7] [k9] [wl] 6 8 0 e
[l8] 0 [wh] [th] w [f0] [h8] [d0]
w r y r w 0 8
About This Music Sheet
Everytime We Touch is a song by Cascada. Use your computer keyboard to play Everytime We Touch music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:16, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Everytime We Touch is classified in the genres: Dance, Pop, Germany on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Dance-Pop.
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[se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up] 0 [uo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up] [a0] [up] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti] [s8] [ti] [wa] [yo] 9 [yo] [wo] [yo] 9 [yo] [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up] 0 [uo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up] [a0] [up] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti] [s8] [ti] [wd] [yo] [s9] [yo] [wa] [yo] [so9] [yod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuoa] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [s9] [yo] [woa] [yo]9s [ywod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuspf] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [whda] [yo] 9 [yo] [whda] 0 w [h0] [je] [sp][f0] [spje] [wh] [oa] 9 [oa] [qg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [fe] [up] 0 [wup] [jfe] [spf][j0] [spfe] [whd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [jfe] [up] 0 [wupd] [pfe] [sp][us0] [spfe] [wod] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqi] [tpi8][sqi] [wpi] [upe] [up] 0 [wup] e [up][a0]sa[upe] [wa] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpif] [pje] [up] [sf0] [wuphd] [pjfe]|0|e|0|e|0|e|0 w [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up]0 [wuo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up]0a [wup] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti]8s [tqi] [wa] [yo] 9 [yo] [wo] [yo]9 [ywo] [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up]0 [wuo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up]0a [wup] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti]8s [tqi] [wd] [yo] [s9] [yo] [wa] 0 [wso] [od0] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuoa] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [s9] [yo] [woa] [yo]9s [ywod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuspf] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [sp9] [yo] [woa]|0|e [sp]0 [spe] w [oa] 9 [oa] q [pi8]q [wpi] e [up] 0 [wup] e [sp]0 [spe] w [oa] 9 [oa] q [pi8]q [wpi] e [up] 0 [wuph] [je] [sp][f0] [spje] [wh] [oa] 9 [oa] [qg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [fe] [up] 0 [wup] [jfe] [spf][j0] [spfe] [whd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [jfe] [up] 0 [wupd] [fe] [sp][s0] [spfe] [wd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpi] [pe] [up] 0 [wup] e p[a0]sa[pe] [wa] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpif] [pje] [up] [sf0] [wuphd] [sjfe] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up] 0 [upo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up] [a0] [up] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti] [s8] [ti] [wa] [yo] 9 [yo] [wo] [yo] 9 [yo] [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up] 0 [uo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up] [a0] [up] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti] [s8] [ti] [wd] [yo] [s9] [yo] [wa] [yo] [so9] [yod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuoa] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [s9] [yo] [woa] [yo]9s [ywod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuspf] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [whda] [yo] 9 [yo] [whda] 0 w [h0] [je] [sp][f0] [spje] [wh] [oa] 9 [oa] [qg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [fe] [up] 0 [wup] [jfe] [spf][j0] [spfe] [whd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [jfe] [up] 0 [wupd] [pfe] [sp][us0] [spfe] [wod] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqi] [tpi8][sqi] [wpi] [upe] [up] 0 [wup] e [up][a0]sa[upe] [wa] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpif] [pje] [up] [sf0] [wuphd] [pjfe]|0|e|0|e|0|e|0 w [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up]0 [wuo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up]0a [wup] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti]8s [tqi] [wa] [yo] 9 [yo] [wo] [yo]9 [ywo] [se] [up] 0 [up] [ea] [up]0 [wuo] [pe] [up] 0 [up] [pe] [up]0a [wup] [sq] [ti] 8 [ti] [qa] [ti]8s [tqi] [wd] [yo] [s9] [yo] [wa] 0 [wso] [od0] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuoa] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [s9] [yo] [woa] [yo]9s [ywod] [sfe] [up] 0 [up] [eda] [up]0 [wuspf] [spe] [up] 0 [up] [spe] [up]0[da] [wup] [sqf] [ti] 8 [ti] [qda] [ti]8[sf] [tqi] [wda] [yo] [sp9] [yo] [woa]|0|e [sp]0 [spe] w [oa] 9 [oa] q [pi8]q [wpi] e [up] 0 [wup] e [sp]0 [spe] w [oa] 9 [oa] q [pi8]q [wpi] e [up] 0 [wuph] [je] [sp][f0] [spje] [wh] [oa] 9 [oa] [qg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [fe] [up] 0 [wup] [jfe] [spf][j0] [spfe] [whd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sqg] [spi8][qg] [wpih] [jfe] [up] 0 [wupd] [fe] [sp][s0] [spfe] [wd] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpi] [pe] [up] 0 [wup] e p[a0]sa[pe] [wa] [oa] 9 [oa] [sq] [pi8][sq] [wpif] [pje] [up] [sf0] [wuphd] [pjfe]
Level: 6Length: 04:16IntermediateAmongst the Clouds (Wynncraft)
8 s o u8 s o u 6 sss[so]s[us]| s o uq s o u| s o uw s o y||sd[f8] s o u8 f[sf]fod[us][s6] s o u6 s [so]d[uf][qg] s o uq gsg[of]s[ud]wd s o yw s os[ud][f8] s o u8 fsfodsu[d6] ss o u6 s [so]d[uf][qg] s ofu[qd] s os[us]w s o yw s os[ud][f8]f s o u8 fsfodsu[s6] s o u6 s [so]d[uf][qg] s o uq gsgofsu[wd] ds o yw [sd]sohu[f8] s o u8dss [oh] [uf]6 so u6 s od[uf][qg] sfo u[qd] s os[us]w s o ywLevel: 4Length: 01:03Easy
Enrique Iglesias
[gcJ] s P i g s P i [gZJ] s P i g s P i [zhg] s P i g s P i [lhg] s P i g s P i [gcJ] s P i g s P i [gZJ] s P i g s P i [zhg] s P i g s P i [lhg] s P i g s P i q E t i| |[qZ] [zE] [tZ] [ic]| |[qZ] [zE] [tZ] [vi]| |[zq] [lE] t i| t E| [qZ] [zE] [tZ] [ic]||J| [qZ] [zE] [tZ] [vi]||h| [qZ] [zE] [tZ] [ic]| |[zq] [JE] t i| t E| [qc] E t [iZ]||z| [ql] E t [zi]||J| [ql] E t i| |q E t i| t E| [qc] E t [iZ]||z| [ql] E t [zi]||Z| [zq] E t i| |q E t i| t E| [qZ] [zE] [tZ] [ic]| |[qZ] [zE] [tZ] [ic]| |[qZ] [zE] [tZ] [ic]| z| J [ql] E t i| t E| [qZ] [zE] [tZ] [ic]| |[qZ] [zE] [tZ] [ic]| |[qZ] [zE] [tZ] [ic]| z| J [ql] E t i| t E| q E t i| |[ql]z[ZE]c[vt]b[iB]mzZcvcZzm[qc]Z[zE]m[tc]Z[zi]mcZzmBVvm[qB]V[vE]c[tZ]z[li]JcZzlJHhg[qJ]H[hE]g[tD]d[ih]gDdsPOoi q E t i| |[slh] q [slhE] t [slih]| [slh]| [slh] q [slhE] t [slih]| [slh]| [slh] q E t i| |[ql]z[ZE]c[vt]b[iB]mzZcvcZzm[qc]Z[zE]m[tc]Z[zi]mcZzmBVvm[qB]V[vE]c[tZ]z[li]JcZzlJHhg[qJ]H[hE]g[tD]d[ih]gDdsPOoi q E t i| |[slh] q [slhE] t [slih]| [slh]| [slh] q [slhE] t [slih]| [slh]| [slh] q E t i| |[wtD8] d D [wtg8]||[wt8]| [q^ED] d D [qh^E]||[q^E]| [WD(%] d D [gW(%]||[W(%]| [qd^E] P| [q^E]| 4 ^| [wtD8] d D [wtg8]||[wt8]| [q^ED] d D [qh^E]||[q^E]| [WD(%] d D [gW(%]||[W(%]| [qd^E] P| [q^E]| 4 ^| [sig1] 5 w [tYD]||[ywd]| [ts^] 4 q [ydE]||[qPE]| [YD%] [yd@] [YD(] [igW]||(| [yd^] [PE4] q E||q| [sig1] 5 w [tYD]||[ywd]| [ts^] 4 q [ydE]||[qPE]| [YD%] [yd@] [YD(] [igW]||(| [yd^] [PE4] q E||q| [tog]||D||d| [siE]||d||P| [sYW]| |[iE]| |[tog]||D||d| [siE]||d||D| [hYW] d| |[iE]| |[shZD] z J l| |[shD]| |[vodP]| |v c B [odZP]| |[zpid] Z c v| |[pid]| |[zsoD] Z J l| |[soD]| |[ts8] g h l s g h l s g h l s g h l [s^E] g h l s g h l s g h l s g h l [sW%] g h l s g h l s g h l s g h l [s^E] g h l s g h l s g h l s g h l [s81] g h l s g h l s g h l s g h l [s^] g h l s g h l s g h l s g h l [s%] g h l s g h l s g h l s g h l [sq4] g h l s g h l [s@(] g h l [s92] g h l [s81] g h l s g h l s g h l s g h l
Level: 6Length: 03:44IntermediatePhendrana Drifts (Metroid Prime)
Kenji Yamamoto