My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)

Fall Out Boy 10 September 2020

f ff f f f f ffdd f
f ff f f f f ffdd f
f ff f f f f ffdd f
p f dsd f dsd f dsp
p f dsd f dsd f dsp
s s s a p
ppasapasapa ppasapasap sap sap sapasapop
p a s a p a f d s
g h g h g g g g
ppp s s s p ss s s p ss s s pp j j
p f dsd f dsd f dsp
p f dsd f dsd f dsp
sss s s a p ppasapasa p
ppasapasap sap sap sapasapop
p a s a p a f d s
g h g h g g g g
ppp s s s p ss s s p ss s s pp j j
ppp s s s p ss s s p ss s s pp j j
p f dsd f dsd f dsp
p f dsd f dsd f dsp

f ff f f f f ffdd f
f ff f f f f ffdd f
p f dsd f dsd f dsp
p f dsd f dsd f dsp
ppp s s s p ss s s p ss s s pp j j
ppp s s s p ss s s p ss s s pp j j
p f dsd f dsd f dsp
p f dsd f dsd f dsp

p f dsd f dsd f dsp

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About This Music Sheet

My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up) is a song by Fall Out Boy. Use your computer keyboard to play My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The song My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up) is classified in the genres: Indie, Rock, USA on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Alternative.


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Other Songs By Fall Out Boy

  • d sp f d s p f
    d p fds|p d|
    d sp f d s p f
    d p fds|p d|
    [etu] s a [etup] a p [etu] p
    [etu] s a [etup] a p [etup]|
    [qet] s a [qetp] a p [qetu] p
    [qetp] s a [qetp] a|[qetp]|
    [etu] s a [etup] a p [etu] p
    [etu] s a [etup] s s [etua]|
    [qet] s a [qetp] a|[qetp]|
    [qet] s a [qetp] s s [qeta]|
    [etuf]|d [etus] d s [etup] o
    [etup]|s [etud] f u [etup] a
    [qets] ssp [qetp] a|[qeto] o
    [qetp] p p|[qet]|[qet]|
    [etuf]|d [etus] d s [etup] o
    [etup]|s [etud] f u [etup] a
    [etus] s p p a a o o
    p||s s s s
    [etus]|p [etu]| [etu] s
    [qets]|p [qet]|s [qet] s
    [80w]|o [80wu]| [80ws] a
    [9wr]|u [9wru] i i [9wrs] s
    [etuo]|u [etu] u u [etus] s
    [qeto]| [qet]|s [qet] s
    [80w]|o [80wu]| [80ws] a
    [9wr]| [9wr] p p [9wrp] p
    [etud] s p [etuf] d s [etup] s
    [qet] p s [qet] p|[qet] p
    [80wd] s p [80wf] d s [80wp] s
    [9wr] p s [9wr] p|[9wr] p
    [etud] s p [etuf] d s [etup] s
    [qet] p s [qet] p|[qet] p
    [80wd] s p [80wf] d s [80wp] s
    [9wr] p s [9wr] p|[9wr]|
    [etud] sp f d s p f
    d p fds|p d|
    [etu] s a [etup] a p [etu] p
    [etu] s a [etup] s s [etua]|
    [qet] s s [qets] s s [qeta] s
    [qets] s s [qet] s s [qeta]|
    [etu] s a [etup] a p [etu] p
    [etu] s s [etu] s|[etua]|
    [qet] s a [qetp] a p [qetp]|
    [qet] s s [qet] s|[qeta]|
    [etuf]|d [etus] d s [etup] o
    [etup]|s [etud] f u [etup] a
    [qets] ssp [qetp] a|[qeto] o
    [qetp] p p|[qet]|[qet]|
    [etuf]|d [etus] d s [etup] o
    [etup]|s [etud] f u [etup] a
    [etus] s p p a a o o
    p||s s s s
    [etus]|p [etu]| [etu] s
    [qets]|p [qet]|s [qet] s
    [80w]|o [80wu]| [80ws] a
    [9wr]|u [9wru] i i [9wrs] s
    [etuo]|u [etu] u u [etus] s
    [qeto]| [qet]|s [qet] s
    [80w]|o [80wu]| [80ws] a
    [9wr]| [9wr] p p [9wrp] p
    [etud] s p [etuf] d s [etup] s
    [qet] p s [qet] p|[qet] p
    [80wd] s p [80wf] d s [80wp] s
    [9wr] p s [9wr] p|[9wr] p
    [etud] s p [etuf] d s [etup] s
    [qet] p s [qet] p|[qet] p
    [80wd] s p [80wf] d s [80wp] s
    [9wr] p s [9wr] p|[9wr]

    Level: 6
    Length: 02:19
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  • W r I u W r Y u W T Y u e T e p I | W r I u W r Y u W T Y u e T e p I | [af] [af] [DG] H [DG] [SO] kk jj HH GG f f | [af] [af] [DG] H [DG] [SO] kk jj HH GG f f | u a a a a O I u u uuu uuu u I u u I OOO p O u r OOO p | O u r uuuuu u I O T | u u u | aaaa a OO II O I u aaa aaa O p aa O p a | u O O O p O u r O O O p O u u aaaaa O p a [ua] S [ua]
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  • t o i Y yYyYt| t o i Y yYyYt| t o i Y yYyYt E yE| w t| t|Et| Y y Y i YytEt| Y y Y i YytEt| Y y Y i YytEP||| t|EtEt|EttEtEtE t|EtEt|EttEtEtE t|EtEt|EEtytEtw E t y t||| t tY t| o| o o oPoio| o| o o oiYt| o| o o oPoio t Y i o io tY t| o| o o oPoio| o| o o oiYt| o| o o oPoiot Y i o io tY t||| Yio Yio Y t| Yio Yio Y it| Yio Yio Y O|o|i i|Y|t i| o i YYy Y t| o i YYy Y t| o i YYy Y i| o i|YyYiYyYt||| y| t|||y| Y|tOo i iiiiiiiit Y i o i||| [ts] [ts][YD] [ts]| o| o o oPoio| o| o o oiYt| o| o o oPoio t Y i o io tY t| o| o o oPoio| o| o o oiYt| o| o o oPoio t Y i o io tY t| O oi| YYi o| YYi o iiYi t| O oi| YYi o| Y Y y yo E t| YiYi|YiiYioiYi| YiYi|YiiYioiYi| YiYi|YYioiYit Y i o i||| [ts] [ts][YD] [ts]| [oh]| [oh] [oh] [oh][PJ][oh][ig][oh]| [oh]| [oh] [oh] [oh][ig][YD][ts]| [oh]| [oh] [oh] [oh][PJ][oh][ig][oh][ts] [YD] [ig] [oh] [ig][oh] [ts][YD] [ts]| [oh]| [oh] [oh] [oh][PJ][oh][ig][oh]| [oh]| [oh] [oh] [oh][ig][YD][ts]| [oh]| [oh] [oh] [oh][PJ][oh][ig][oh][ts] [YD] [ig] [oh] [ig][oh] [ts][YD] [ts]
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  • 6 [0t] o y [7r] [wyo]| [8tu]|||
    q t i o t q p o
    8 [to]| [5ro]| [9p]o[wy] [5t]
    6 [0t] o y [7r] [wyo]| [8tu]| w t| |8|
    6 0 [etp] [tp] [7tp] [wo]| [8tu]| w t| |
    q t i [qti] [ti] [ti] [qti] [ti]
    [8ti] u| [5wty]| 9 [wp]o[5y]
    6 0 [etp] [tp] [7tp] o w [8tu]| w t||w t 8
    4 8 [qti] [eti] [ti] [4ti] [qti] [4ti]
    [8ti] u| [5wty]| 9 [wp]o[5y]
    [60et]| |[7wry]||[8wy] [8tu]|||
    4 [8to] [qto] [eto] [to] i 4 u
    [8ty]| u [5ry]| [9y] [wt] [5t]
    [60et]| |[7wry]||[8wy] [8tu]|||
    4 [8to] [qto] [eto] [to] i 4 u
    [8ty] w u [5wy]| 9 w 5
    6 [0t] o y [7r] [wyo]| [8tu]| w t| |8|
    6 0 [esj] [tsj] [7sj] [7h] r [8osf]| w u||w t|
    q t [is] [pg] [pg] [tpg] [ipg] [pg]
    [8pg] [wof] t [5sd]| [9f]d[ws] [ra]
    6 [0s] [ej] [tsj] [7h] w [rf]d[8os] w u||w t 8 4
    8 [qs] [epg] [tpg] [pg] [4qpg] [pg] [8tog]
    [wf] t [5wosd]| 9 w 5 [60uos]| |
    4 [8osh] [qosh] [eosh] [tosh] [og] 4 f
    [8osd] w [tf] [5wsd]| 9 [wd] s
    6 0 e t [7wrosh]||[8wtosf]||w| w t 8 4|
    [8osh] [qosh] [eosh] [tosh] g 4 f
    [8osd] w [tf] [5wd]| [9s] w 5
    [29gjc] [gjc] [gjc] [9ygjc]| [fjx]||
    [5wdhz] [dhz] [fhx] [wrydhz]| [sl] [5w]|
    [8tfhx] [fhx] [fhx] [hv] [7wr] [sfl]| [sfl]
    [60e] [fx]| |[6e]|
    [29gjc] [gjc] [gjc] [9ygjc]| [fx] [29]|
    [5wdhz] [dhz] [fx] [wrydz]| [sl] [5w] [oh]
    [8wtoh] [fhx] [tuofhx] [hxv] [7wr] [sl] [wry] [sfl]
    [60e] [fx] [etu]||6 e 6
    2 9 [edgl] [ydgl] [2dgl] [dl] 9|
    [5wdhk] k l [wryhk]||[5w]|
    8 w [tfhl] [fhl] [7dhl] w [rdhl] [7k]
    [6fhk] [0j] e [sfj]| 0 e 6
    [29]| [dgl] [9edgl] [dgl] [dl] [29]|
    [5wdhk] k l [wryhk]||[5wh] h
    [8tfhl] [fhl] [tuofhl] [dhl] [7r] h [wry] [sf]
    [6eu]||[tu]| [et] u e
    6 0 e t u 0 e 6
    [3uoa] 0 w r [uoa] [rs] [0a] 3
    [5yoa] 9 w 5 9 w 5 [I9ya]
    2 9 e [ys] e [9f] [9s] [ea]
    [6tup] 0 e t [upsf] 0 e [6uoa]
    3 0 w [ruoa] 0 [rs] [0a] [3s]
    [5oaf] 9 w 5 9 w r 5
    [I2pf] 9 e 9 e y 9 e
    [29gjc] [gjc] [gjc] [9egjc]| [fjx]||
    [5wdhz] [dhz] [fhx] [wrydhz]| [sl] [5w]|
    [8wtfhx] [fhx] [tosfhx] [hv] [7wr] [sl] [wry] [sfl]
    [60e] [fx] [etu]||6 e 6
    [2gjc] [9gjc] [egjc] [ygjc] 9 [efx] y 9
    [5dz] [wdz] [rfx] [ydz] w [ysl] r [5oh]
    [8sfl] [wsfl] [tsfl] [8sfl] 7 [woh] r [7uf]
    [6u] 0 e t u 6 e 6
    2 9 [edgl] [ydgl] [9dgl] [edgl] y 9
    [5hk] [9k] [wl] [9dhk] r 9 w 5
    8 w [tfhl] [8fhl] [7dhl] [wl] [rdhl] [7k]
    [6fhk] [0j] e [tfj] u| 6|
    2 9 [esgj] [ysgj] [9sgj] [ysgj] e 9
    [5adh] 9 [wdj] [rdk] y| w h
    [8fhl] [wfhl] [tfhl] [dhl] 7 [wh] r [7sf]
    6 0 e t u e t 0
    [9eygjc] c c c| x||
    [wyodhz] z x z| l| h
    [tuofhx] x x v [roa] [hl]| [hl] [eu] x| |
    [ypdgjc] c c c| x| u
    [oadhz] z x z| l| h
    [tosfl] l l l [roa] h| f [eup]

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  • e r t y [0u]| e| [7q]| 6 0 [6q] 0 [7q] 0 [0e]||u [eY]| [9r]| e 6 0 q [*e]| *| [60]||6 [80] 6 q t e| [79] q [qe]| [Wt]| [0r]| 8 0 [(e]| r t [ry]||q [0y]| 9| r||9 [er]| [Wt]| [we]| 9 q [QW] 0 y| [eu]| r t [eY]| [wr] e r| [9y] q [*e] w [5(]| 6 8 q 0 t| [0r]|| q| q [(e]| [8W]| [0e]| t u [8Y]| [8t]| e| q 9 [8e]| W| [0e]| e| e| [qe]| e| e| e| e| [(e]| e| e| [9e]| e| e| e| e| 0 0 e t p u i y q 3 8 q e q W 0 9 0 e y o y I e| q E y i t y r 0 0 e t p| i| q 3 8 q e| W| 9 0 e y o| I| ( 4 ^ 9 q| 9| [eu]| |[0e]| [qe]| [qt]| E| | [Qr]| |[9e]| r| [qt]| |[8E]| W| [(e]| |[*e]| w| [*e]| e| e| e| [(e]| e| [*e]| e| [we]| e| e| e| e||| [60]| |[6e]| [60]| [7q]| |[(w]| (| [80]| 0| [0w]| 0| [9q]| |[8w]| 7| [60]| |6| [0e]| [qr]| |[Yi]| [Yu]| [0e]| |[eu]| | [ei]| |[ey]| | [60]| |[70]| 8| q| 7| [0w]| q| [60]||| [6(]| 9| [6*]| 8| [60]| |6| 0| | 6| q| | 6| 0| | [6(]| |[69]||| e| u| | y| i| | u| y| | u| |t| | [0e]| |[eu]| | [ry]| [ri]| | [tu]| [ey]| | [eu]| |[Wt]| | [6e]| |[7r]| [8t]| | [7r]| [9y]| | [9y]| [8t]| [7r]| [6e]| [6e]| |[%W]| | [0e]| |[0e]| [qe]| [9W]| [qr]| | [qy]| [et]| [0r]| [8e]| [qe]| |[8W]| 7| [0e]| [8e]| |[0e]| [8e]| |[9W]| | [0e]| |[8e]| [0e]| |[7W]| | [6e]| [8e]| |[0e]| [8e]| |[9W]| | [0e]| |[qe]| [0e]| |[9W]| | e e e e e e e e e e e e W W W W e e e e e e e e e e e e W W W W e086e086e086e086 e086e086W97%W97% e086e086e086e086 e086e086W97%W97% e0[80]6e086e086e086 e0[8q]6e086W97%W97% e0[80]6e086e086e086 e0[8q]6e086W97%W97%| 8| [0u]| [qi]| | [9y]| [eY]| | [eT]||| [we]||| [0e]
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