01:00 -
5 -
w e [1t]| [80wt] e [80wt]| tt|
[1e]| [80wt] e [80wt] e t t [2e] t [9qe] y [9qe]|||
2| [9qe]| [9qe]| t e [1t] e [80wt] e
[80wt]| ye|[1e] w [80w] e [80wt] u u u
[2u] y [9qe] u [9qe]|||
2| [9qe]| [9qe]| o
[8qep] s sp|s| s d
[70wp] o o u o| oo|
[8qep] s sp|s| s d
[70wp] o o u o|||
[8qe] soss|s p|
[70w] f f fdf d f f [9wrf] d| f|||
[9wrd]f f[9wrf] f [0wrf] f [9wrf] d
1| [80w] ss[80][9q] [0w]|
1| [80w]| [80][9q] [0w]f f
[2f] d [9qef]| [9q][0w] [qe]|
2| [9qe]| [9q][0w] [qe]f d
1| [80w] ss[80][9q] [0w]|
1| [80w]| [80][9q] [0w]f f
[2f] d [9qef]| [9q][0w] [qe]|y
[2t] e [9qet] y [9qu][0w]y[qe]t r
About This Music Sheet
Use your computer keyboard to play Valerie (Amy Winehouse) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:00, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. You can also find other similar songs using R&B.Comments
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[uspe]| |[wuso]| |[tqpi]| |[ut8]| | [uspfe] h j f| s [wusof] h j f|| [tqpif] h j f ds [tof8] hj f|| [uspfe] h j l k j[usoh0] f g h| h [tqpji] h f h f d[utf8] df s|| [uspfe] h j l kj [wuso] h f h|| [tqpih] f d f d [utf8] s s|| [uspfe] h j f d s [usofe] g h|| [tsqji] l jh f d [utf8] d ss s f [uspe]||f dd [uoed] d sd f [tqpi]| df fd d [toh8] hf d s s[ypj9]||h|| [yl9]||z x z[zywod]| | w r y o a o a d [uspfe] f d f [usph]| s| [wuso] f d h [usof]| | [tqpig] f g f [pig]| s| [uto8]| f h [utof]| d| [uspe] f d f [usph]| h| [wusoj] h f d [usof]| | [tqpig] f g f [pig]| s| [uto8]| f h [utof]| | [usple]| |[uspk]| | [wusoj]| |[usoh]| | [tqpi]| h f [pih]| j f [tof8] d f d [utso]| | [usple]| |[uspk]| | [wusoj]| |[usoh]| | [tqpi]| h f [pih]| j f [tof8] d f d [utso]| | [uspfe] h h f h||s [wusof] h h h||s [tqpif] h j f| d| [uts8]||| [upfea] h h f h||s [wusof] h h h||s [tqpif] h j f| d| [uts8]| |s| [uspfe] d f d f d f d [wusof] d f h h||h [tsqji] l j h| f| d [tof8]||d s||s [uspfe] d f d f d f| [wusof] d f g h| | [tsqji] l z x z l [tlf8]| h| l| s s [uspfe] df d f||s [wusof] h j| h||h [tqpji] h f j h f g [toh8]||f f| | [uspfe] d f| f| h| [wusoj]||f f| | [tsqji] l j h f d [tof8]| d| f| h| [ypj9]| |h| | [yl9]| |z| | [zywod]||| w r y o a o a d [uspfe] f d f [usph]| s| [wuso] f d h [usof]| | [tqpig] f g f [pig]| s| [uto8]| f h [utof]| d| [uspe] f d f [usph]| h| [wusoj] h f d [usof]| | [tqpig] f g f [pig]| s| [uto8]| f h [uof]| | [usple]| |[uspk]| | [wusoj]| |[usoh]| | [tqpi]| h f [pih]| j f [tof8] d f d [tsoe]| | [usple]| |[uspk]| | [wusoj]| |[usoh]| | [tqpi]| h f [pih]| j f [to8] d f d [utso]| | [uspfe] h h f h||s [wusof] h h h||s [tqpif] h j f| d| [uts8]||| [uspfe] h h f h||s [wusof] h h h||s [tqpif] h j f| d| [uts8]||| [uspfe] d f| f d f| [wusof]| h| j| f| [tqpif] d f d f d s d [tof8] d f d s| | [uspfe] d f d f d f| [wusof] d f d f d f s [tqpif] d s d s a [uts8]||| [uspfe] d f| [uspf] d f| [wusof]| h| [usoj]| f| [tqpif] d f d [pif] d s d [tof8] d f d [uts]| | [uspfe] d f d f d f| [wusof] d f d f d f s [tqpif] d s d s a [uts8]| |f| f [ypj9]| |h| | [yl9]| |z| |[zywod]||| w r y o a o a d [uspfe] f d f [usph]| s| [wuso] f d h [usof]| | [tqpig] f g f [pig]| s| [uto8]| f h [utof]| d| [uspe] f d f [usph]| h| [wusoj] h f d [usof]| | [tqpig] f g f [pig]| s| [uto8]| f h [utof]| | [usple]| |[uspk]| | [wusoj]||h [usoj] l x z [ztqig]| h f [pih]| j f [tof8] d f d [utso]| | [usple]| |[uspk]| | [wusoj]| |[usoh]| | [tqpi]| h f [pih]| j f [tof8] d f d [utso]| | [uspfe] h h f h||s [wusof] h h h||s [tqpif] h j f| d| [uts8]||| [uspfe] h h f h||s [wusof] h h h||s [tqpif] h j f| d| [uts8]Level: 7Length: 04:43Intermediate
Lost Boy
Ruth B
[60] e t [48o]| i| u
[59y]| t [60u]| |
[60r]touyt[48e]| |we
[59r]| y [60t] re||
6 [0p] [es] [48qh]| g| f
[5d] 9 [ws] [60ef]| |
[60a]shfds[48p]| |ps
[680et] u u [48qeu] i u y t
[59wry] y t [680eu] yt||
[680et] u u [48qeu] i u y t
[59wro] o p [680eu]yt| yte
[680] e e [48qr]t e| et
[59wry] y t [680eu]| yyuyt
[680ey]t| [48qe]| y t p
[9qeyi]| |yuyt
[680ey]t| [48qe]||t y
[8wtu] i u [59wry]||yuyt
[680ey]t| [48qe]| ety
[8wtu] i u [59wry]||ty
[8wtuo] o p [59wro]y||yt
[48qet] t i [80wu]yt eyuyt
[680ey]t| [48qe]||t r
[59w]||t y t r
[680t]r[ep] s [468qh]| g| f
[579wd]| s [680ef]| |
[680ea]shfds[468qp]| |op
[579wa]| d [680es] ap| uy
[680et] u u [48qeu] i u y t
[59wry] y t [680eu] yt||
[680et] u u [48qeu] i u y t
[59wro] o p [680eu]yt| yte
[680] e e [48qr]t e| et
[59wry] y t [680eu]| yyuyt
[680ey]t| [48qe]| y t p
[9qeyi]| |yuyt
[680ey]t| [48qe]||t y
[8wtu] i u [59wry]||yuyt
[680ey]t| [48qe]| ety
[8wtu] i u [59wry]||ty
[8wtuo] o p [59wro]y||yt
[48qet] t i [80wu]yt eyuyt
[680ey]t| [48qe]||t r
[59wr]||t y o p
[680ep]||[468q]| |
[579w]||[680e]| |a
[680es] a p [468qp]| o i u
[579wy]uy t ty| t rLevel: 7Length: 02:23IntermediateListen To Your Heart (Roxette)
o|s|s s|d|f| d|s|p| s|d|o| | [wtf8]| h|j|f| d|s|p| o| s||| o|[wts8]| [s7]|d|[of60]| d|s| [pi84]| s|d|[yqo95]| r| [wtsf8]| [h7]|j|[of60]| d|s| [qpi84]| o| [wus8]||o| [us8]|w|[ys]|d|[of6]|0|[ed]|s| [pi4]|8|[sq]|d|[yqo5]| 9| [wof8]| [whda7]|j|[ofe60]| d|s| [qid5]||s|[w8]|s|f g h [tqd] f h|o|[ul]|o|u|[zt]|x|c [wth] l x|o|u|[ol]|[yoh]| | [pd4]|[f8]|[qd]|[ws]|[se]| r| [so6]|[d0]|[wf]|j|[hda93]| [wf]|h| [sjf4]|8|q|h|[qja5]|[h9]|[sq]|d f 1| [of5]|9|[o0]|[wu]| h|f| [ywpd]|u|[yw]|[uf]|[tse]|y|[tlf0]|k| [tsqjg]| [yw]|h|[sf1]|5|8|0| [pd2] 6 9|s|d|j|[sqh84]| [fe]|d [i5] [p9] [qd]|||[ia5]|||o| [ts]|o|[ts]|[rd]|[uofe]| [wud]|s| [tqpi]| s|d|[uo0] w t||o [sf60]| [wha7]|j|[wsf8]| [qpd84]|s|[qidO5]||s 1| [us5]|8|[z7]|[xlh6]|0|[zw]|l| [jg4]|8|[qlf]|z|[hd5]|9|w|r| [xwtlh8]| [wvrk7]|b|[xwh60]| z|l| [qjgd5]|9|[qh]| [wlhf8]| 5|h| [lhf8]|w|[wlf7]|z|[xlh6]|0|[zt]|l| [sjg4]|8|[sql]|[zd]|[qhd5]|9|w|r| [xlhe60]| [wvrk7]|b|[xwtlh8]| [zqj84]|l| [zqjg5]|9|w|r| [lhf80]|w|0|w|t|[w8] [w8]|5| [pd84]|f 4 [qpd8]|[s4]|[sp84]|4|[q8]|4| [sp60]|d e [fe]|[j6]|[ha93]|7 9 [f0] w h| [sjg4]|8 q w e [th]|[jda95]|h w s|[d5] f 1| [ofd5]|9|8|[w0]| [th]|f| [pda5] 9 w e r t f|[spe60]|6 [lhf30]|k| [sqjg84]| [wda95]|h|[wsof8]|o [f1] d s o [pid2]|[s6]|[d0]|[j3]|[shg4]|8 q [lhg]|4 z [zkhg5]|2 6 [tie] 8 q i [tqpi5]|y [uq5] i o [p2] a [si5] y u [i2] [o2] p [a5] [s2] [od5] s [d5] f [sohd5]|5 5 [xjg4]|[z4] [xjg] [q8] z 4 [ljg] [84]|4 [ie] [q8] [ro] 4| [xjf6]|[z6] [xjf] [e0] z 6 [hfd] [60]|6|[use0] a [o6]| [sjg84]|[h4] [sj] [q8]|[h4] [ha] [95]|[f5] [fa] [w9] d 5 [spf] [60]|6|[oea0]|6|[sp60] e 6|[o50] p [s5]| [sjg4]|[l4] [ljg] [q8] z 4 [lhg] [84]|4|[q8]|[l4] z [xjh6]|[z6] [xjh] [e0] z 6 [ljh] [60] e 6|[jf50]|[l5] [lhg] [84]|4 h [qj8]|[l4] [lhd] [q5]|5|[zwd9]|5|6| [lf6] [lf] [e0]|6|[so60] a [s6] [d3] 6 [sof] 6 5 [xjg4]|[z4] [xjg] [q8] z 4 [ljg] [84]|4 [ie] [q8] [ro] 4| [xjf6]|[z6] [xjf] [e0] z 6 [hfd] [60]|6|[use0] a [o6]| [sjg84]|[h4] [sj] [q8]|[h4] [ha] [95]|[f5] [fa] [w9] d 5 [spf] [60]|6|[oea0]|6|[sp60] e 6|[o50] p [s5]| [sjg4]|[l4] [ljg] [q8] z 4 [xjg] [84] z [lg4]|[q8]|[l4] z [xjh6]|[z6] [xjh] [e0] z 6 [ljh] [60] e 6|[jf50]|[l5] [lhg] [84]|4 h [qj8]|[l4] [lhg] [q5]|5 x [zwg9]|5|6| [lf3] [lf] 6 7 8 0 [je] [rf] [tj] [uk] [sp] [fa] [sj] [kd] [lff]||| o|[ts]|o s s|[rd]|[uofe]| [wud]|s| [tqpi]| s|d|[yto0]| | [wut6]| [ywo7]|p|[wut8]| [ye84]|t| [yqW5]||t|[10] [w5] [t8]Level: 7Length: 04:22Intermediate
Photo of My Mind (Crash Landing on You)
Yoon Mi-rae