Felix Bernard

1 Music Sheets

About the Artist

Felix William Bernard was an American conductor, pianist and a composer of popular music. His writing credits include the popular songs "Winter Wonderland" (with lyricist Richard B. Smith) and "Dardanella". A professional pianist from childhood, his early musical studies were with his father, and his formal musical education was from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and CR. Bernard wrote professional one-act musical comedies for vaudeville, and he toured throughout the United States with the Orpheum and Keith Vaudeville Circuit, and also abroad.Credit: Wikipedia

Artist's Music Sheets

  • ggg | ggdg| ggg | ggDg| jjjh| gggD| ddddssssP| ggg | ggdg| ggg | ggDg| jjjh| gggD| ddddssssP
    Level: 2
    Length: 00:22
    Winter Wonderland

    Felix Bernard


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