Manami Kiyota

2 Music Sheets

About the Artist


Credit: Wikipedia

Artist's Music Sheets

  • B z Z B V J l v c h H Z z D g l [WJ] Y [sD] P J H [whD] Y [oPD] Y [iP] Y [qD] t [oY] [tO] [oD] g [D8] [wd] [ys] [dY] [PD] [YJ] [sJD%] ( [ED] t [JE] [lW] [gPJD5] ( [wD] W E w [O4]sDH[h8] [qg] [wD] [sW] [tD] [s5]dg9 e t y w [wo5]adh| |[iYPE1] o P [yoY] P o [tYP] o P [yoY] P o [iYPE1] o P [yoY] P o [tYP] o P [yoY] s|[hD8] w t Y y w 8 w t [gY] [yD] [dY] [d8] wDd[ts] Y y w 8 w t [YP] [ys] [wd] [D%] [g(] [sE] t o t % ( E t o [tP]O[o%] ( E t o t % ( E [tO] [oY] [yi] [oY8] w y Y d P 8 w Y o D d 8 w [yi] o g D 8 w [toY] s h|[lW] t o t [iJ] P [wD] E i Y [yd] [ED] [qH] t O t [oh] t [s8] w t [yd] [YD] [oh] [lW] t o t [iJ] P [tD] Y o [gd] [sh] o [sqh] [tH] [og] i [OD] t [wd] y o p a s [ywo]ad| |[t8] w [oY] y [iP] w [yi5] [Y9] [ye] 9Yy[wt] [E9] [t%] ( [oYE] ( W E [t^] q [oE] t [yoP] Y [tso8] w [ysohD] Y [sogPJ] Y [igdP5] [D9] [dPE] 9Dd[ws] [P9] [tso%] ( [sohE] t Y [oP] [tso^] q [tsoh] y Y [oP] [ts8] w t y Y o d P s h d D J| |[lhOD]|[ogdJ] h [gTSPJ] l [gTSQPO]|[tsogPJ] h [sgPOE] h [soYW]|[ywoP] s [siYPE1] o P [yoY] P o [tYP] o P [yoY] P o [iYPE1] o P [yoY] P o [tYP] o P [yoY] P o [igYPE1] o P [yodY] P o [tsYP] o P [yodY] P o [igYPE1] o P [yodY] P o [tYPD] o [gdP] [yoY] [hdPD] o [sl%] ( [tYE] y [PJE] W [YD5] ( [wYE] E [ywd] [YD(] [OH4] 8 [toW] i [toh] W [ts1] 5 9 [yd(] [YED] [woh] [sl%] ( [tYE] y [PJE] W [YD8] w [to] [ig] [yoh] E [oh4] [OH8] [wigE] W [wYD] q [yd5] 9 q w t y [ywoda]| |[t1]589[oY(]89([qiP]|[yi5]9[wY]W[yE]wW[YE]yt E [t%](WE[toY]WEty E [t^]qty[oY]tyY[iP] E [tso1]589[sohD(]89([sqgPJ]|[igdP5]9[wD]W[dPE]wW[ED]d[ts] P [tso%](WE[tsoh]WEty P [tso^]qty[sohY]tyYi P [soY8] w t y Y w t y Y o y Y [t81]yYos

    Level: 7
    Length: 02:53
    Where We Used to Be (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)

    Manami Kiyota

  • 5 h [lg]o[kf][ol][jd]o[zf]ogo[kf][ol][jd]o[zs]oaopoaoytrw987 o [si]w[ua][ws][yp]w[ud]wiw[ua][ws][yp]w[td]wrwew[r5]9weryopwypa|a a [wid] dp| [wu]| p a [wsoY]|a|pa[ywo]| a [wpid] fd|df[wsog] gf|ds[wY]| oYte[r5]9era a [d2] dpqeyu[ti4]8qwe pa[so5]9[ed][wa] 9[up8][ya]59wer aa[d2] fdqe[yd][of][ypig]|g|ips g h|d[ws]| psd[wa]|||eusu[fa]u[ph]u[sqh]tiop s [ws]yp[ya]oy[ig]y[f8]wyu o[y7]r60r0[us]0[ya][us0]48qw[us] as[y5]9[wd]9e9t9rhwd9a%i[u6]0t0[rfa]0[hfe]0[hf4]8qwe j [h5]9e[d9]w9[qg]9[f8]|u[od]s[s7]a[s6]0r0[ts]0[ed]0[f4]8e8[rf]8[tg]8[wsod]| ghlz|[l5]zcvl k|l[sl2]hgslhgs[ql]hgs[wl]hgs[le]hgslh[wg]slhgs[ql]hgs[l30]hgflhgf[tl]hgf[yl]hgf[ul]hgflh[yg]flhgf[tl]hgf[l8]qhwtgslhgs[ul]hgs[li]hgs[ol]hgslhgs[pl]hgslhgs[ytoli]hgdlhgd[l5]hgdlhgd[yroki]hgdkhgd[k5]hgd[wk]hgd[tl9]hgslhgs[wl]hgslhgs[ql]hgs[tl]hgs[rl]hgs[tl]hgs[wl5]8h0gflhgf[yl]hgflhgf[tl]hgflhgf[wl]hgf[l0]hqgf[wl850]hgslh[qg]slhgs[l0]hgs[l9]hgslhgs[l8]hgslhgs[l95]hgdlhgdlhgdlhgdkhgdhgdao [oh] [sl92] [qe][wr][te][sl][wrka][tsle][30][oh][ut][yi][ut] [wt][wf]g[qoh4] [qh]l[zw]v[pje]|fg[ohW%] [ts]D[yh]H[slY] [tsl] [zd92]| [yt]| [yie]| [ytpi]| [h5]lzv|||[to]sD|h J JhDO| D [ED]|d^ H [h(]Eio iYytw8w[oYD]w[yid][woD]W(%([oED]([tid][oD(]^ [gP] YqyYy| [iJ]g[yD]d[tD]8wt[yh]s[tJ]s[WJ][s%][d(][WD][gE]s[WD]O[ED][i^][qP][dE][tP]d[HE]P[hY]P[D(]h[yg]D[d9]P8wty[soYPD]y[tsigP]w[oW]PsDh| H [PE]sDg|DgJ|JZcD d|D[hY]| PDh[gYS]|||[sYJ]| Hh[aYH]hD| g [aYG] r Q [JGD7]| Q T Y [qgJD]| DgJj|||^ E [YW] [y^]Y[wt] [i^] q [y^]Y[wt] [i^] W ^ w ^ qEyYi J Z zZ[sliP] c| zZ[smgP] c

    Level: 7
    Length: 03:01
    Title Theme (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)

    Manami Kiyota


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