Moonlight Densetsu is a song that served as an opening theme for the anime series Sailor Moon. The original version of the song was released in Japan on March 21, 1992, on a split single by Dali and Misae Takamatsu titled "Moonlight Densetsu / Heart Moving". The Dali recording of "Moonlight Densetsu" served as the opening theme for the first two seasons of the anime adaptation of Sailor Moon.Credit: Wikipedia
Artist's Music Sheets
upsf fd ds0a d| Oadg gh gfds f| upsj|jH|Hh g| gfdf d sa p| 0etu uy yttr y| 0Wry yt tr e t| etu uy yttr y| 0Wry uytr t| 0et[ut] [ut][yr] [yr][te][te][rW] [yr]| 0Wr[yr] [yr][te] [te][rW] [e0] [t0]| etu uy yuuo i| iuyu yytr e| p [gd]| [hf][jg]|[jg] [hf][gd]| [sf]|[da][sp][da] [sf]| p [gd]| [hf][jg]| [jg][jg][hf][gd]f@3 87 5%7q0 0etu uy yttr y| 0Wry uytr e|t| etu uy yuuoii| iuyu y tr e pppp| g d f s d a s p Yu| saOpgf| [ut] [ut][yr] [yr][te][te][rW] [yr]| 0Wr[yr] [yr][te] [te][rW] [e0] [t0]| etu uy yuuo i| iuyu yytr e| p [gd]| [hf][jg]| [jg] [hf][gd]| [sf]|[da][sp][da] [sf]| p [gd]| [hf][jg]| [jg][jg]hegtf@3 87 5%7q0 0etu uy yttr y| 0Wry uytr e|t| etu uy yuuoii| iuyu y tr ee| psf fd ds0a d| Oadg gh gfds f| upsj|jH|Hh g| gfdf d sa p eeee p [gd]| [hf][jg]|[jg] [hf][gd]| [sf]|[da][sp][da] [sf]| p [gd]| [hf][jg]| [jg][jg]hegtf@3 87 5%7q0 0etu uy yttr y| 0Wry uytr e|t| etu uy yuuoii| iuyu y tr e pppp fdf d sa p| fdf [gd] [sh][aH] [pj]| [uta]| [r80]Level: 5Length: 02:46Intermediate
Moonlight Densetsu (Sailor Moon)
Misae Takamatsu
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