Music Sheet Tag
Music sheets by artists from Thailand who have produced or composed well-known music. Play a variety of music sheets and instruments online at Virtual Piano.
Music Sheets
s| u o p o
[s8] w [tf]hlw [uf] [wh] [tj] [wh]
[l8] w [ts] w [up] [wo] [tp] [wo]
[o8] w [tf]hlw [uj] [wh] [tj] [wh]
[h8] w [ts] w [ut] [wo] [tp] [ws]
[d2] 6 9 q e q [f9] 6
[d5] 9 w [f9] [rd] [s9] [wd]s[p5]
[s8] w [tl]k[wh]f[us]a[wo]utrw
[yuto8] w t y u| |
[e6] [r0] [te] [y0] [ut] 0 e 0u
[o5] [u9] [yw] [t9]yr 9 w 9
[e6] [r0] [te] [y0]ut 0 e 6u
[o5] [u9] [yw]teor e w 9
[u4] [o8] [qp]s8pq 8 e 8
[p3] [o7] [p0] [u7]y6 [u0] e r
[o2] [u6] [y9] 2t[y5] [u9][wo]eru
8 [wt] t y u| [u1]os
[e6] [r0]te [y0] [ut] 0 [ue] [o0]p
3 [s7] [p0] [u7] w [o7] 0 3
[p4] [o8]pq o [p2]6[o9][pQ]e t
[s5] 9dw e r| fx|
[yd4][uf][yd8][ts][yqd] [ts8] [pe][pe][pe][pe][pe]8[pe][pe][pe][pe]q[pe][pe][pe][u4]f
[zd3][xf][zd7][sl][zd0] [sl7][oh][oh][oh]w[oh][oh][oh][oh]7[oh][oh][oh][oh]0[oh][oh][oh][oh]3[oh][oh]
[pe2] [ts6] [yd9] [ts6][pe]5 [wo9] [wpe] [ts9]
[pe8] w[wo]t y [utoP8]| [o8]f|
[id4][of][id8][of][qid] [of8] [tpe] 8 q [uf4]
[zd3][xf][zd7][xf][zd0] [xf7][vh]6 [xf0] e [sl0]
[ts2][yd]6[ts]9 6[yd][uf5] [yd9][ts]w [yrd]
1 [ts6][ts][ts][ts][ts]5[ts][ts][ts][ts]9[ts][ts][ts][ts]8[ts][ts][ts][ts]0[ts][ts][ts][ts]9[ts][ts][ts]w
[u4]f [y8]d [uq]f [oe]h [yd5][yd][yd][yd][yd]9[yd][yd][yd][yd]r[yd][yd][yd][yd][yd][yd][yd]
[e6] [r0]te [y0]ut 0 e 0u
[o5] [u9] [yw] [t9]yr 9 w 9
[e6] [r0] [te]y0 [ut] 0 e 0u
[o5] [u9] [yw] [t9] [ro] 9 w 9
[u4] [o8] [qp] 8sq [p8] q 8
[o3] [p7] [u0]y7 [t6] 0 e 0
[o2] [u6]y9 2 [o5] [u9]yw [u5]
8 [wt] t y u y t w
[e6] [r0]te [y0] [ut] 0 [ue] [o0]p
3 [s7] [p0] [u7] w [o7] 0 3
[p4] [o8]pq o [p2]6[o9][pQ]e t
[s5] 9dw e r| fx|
[yd4][uf][yd8][ts][yqd] [ts8] [pe][pe][pe][pe][pe]8[pe][pe][pe][pe]q[pe][pe][pe][u4]f
[zd3][xf][zd7][sl][zd0] [sl7][oh][oh][oh]w[oh][oh][oh][oh]7[oh][oh][oh][oh]0[oh][oh][oh][oh]3[oh][oh]
[pe2] [ts6] [yd9] [ts6][pe]5 [wo9] [wpe] [ts9]
[pe8] w[wo]t y [utoP8]| [o8]f|
[id4][of][id8][of][qid] [of8] [tpe] 8 q [uf4]
[zd3][xf][zd7][xf][zd0] [xf7][vh]6 [xf0] e [sl0]
[ts2][yd]6[ts]9 6[yd][uf5] [yd9][ts]w [yrd]
1 [ts6][ts][ts][ts][ts]5[ts][ts][ts][ts]9[ts][ts][ts][ts]8[ts][ts][ts][ts]0[ts][ts][ts][ts]9[ts][ts][ts]w
[o5] [u9] [yw] [t9]yr 9 w 9
[e6] [r0] [te]y0 [ut] 0 e 0u
[o5] [u9] [yw] [t9] [ro] 9 w 9
[u4] [o8] [qp] 8sq [p8] q 8
[o2] [u6]y9 2 [o5] [u9]yw [u5]
8 [wt] t y u y t w
[d4]f[d8]s[qd] [s8] [qp] w [pe]sgt
[d3]wf[d7]s[d0] [s7] [wo] [o7] [p0] [s7]
[xd^] [qj] [lE] [qj] [x^] [qj] [lE] [xq]
[z5]9weryop[da]hk [u5]f|
[zd4][xf][zd8][sl][zqd] [sl8] [pje] 8 q [xf4]
[zd3][xf][zd7][sl][zd0] [sl7] [woh] 7 [30][@(] [oh]
[pe92] [ts6] [yd9] [ts6][pe]5 [o9] [wo]adh9
[oh1] 5[uf]8 5 [utoP81] [92][uof] [30]
[yqid4][uof][yid8][uof][yqd] [uf8] [pe] 8 q [uf4]
[d3]f[d7]f[d0] [f7]h6 [f0] e [s0]
[s2]d6s9 [l6] [l9]z6l9 [s6]
[s3]d7d0 7 0fd[s7] 0 3o
[p4] [s8]gq 8 e 8 [qf] 8gf
[wd]95| d f ds|
[d8] wse w t w e 0
[w3] 7 0 [s7]l [u6]f 0 [oe]h|
[pj2] 6 [s9]l [qd]z [f5]x 9 [wd]z r
[s1]l 5 8 9 0 w t y
Buppesannivas Opening Theme
Saranyu Winaipanit
utytyut t trtuy yuyut
yutyu uuyuyuou
popso poppy
yyyiuyut yuyuoty
yuyutp dss
popso poio
pssiop opsfdss
Sansoen Phra Barami (Royal Anthem of Thailand)
Prince Narisara Nuvadtivong