i y p u e r | i y p u [ei] [qy] [tp] [wu] | iid dssPpo | iid d pPso | iid dssPpo | pooiiyippo | iid d pPso | iid d d pPso | iid ds sPpo v po oi | i pPsg | spid | sPppo | i pPsg | spid | po oi | iid dssPpo | iid d v pPso | iid dssPpo | po oi iy iyipo | i d ds sPpo | iid ddpPso | dfgd sPpo | po oi | i pPsg | spid | sPppo | i pPsg | spid | po oi | dfg d sPpo v dfg d dssD | dfgd sssS | ds dd dggf dfg | iid d sPpo | iid dspPso | dfg | ddsPpo | po oi | i pPsg | spid | sPppo | i pPsg | spid | po oi | i pPsg | spid | sPppo | i pPsg | spid | po oi
About This Music Sheet
21 Guns is a song by Green Day. Use your computer keyboard to play 21 Guns music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The song 21 Guns is classified in the genres: Rock, USA on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Alternative, Punk.
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Other Songs By Green Day
[es]| |[qp]| |
[tf]| |[wa]| |
[es]| |[qp]| |
[tf]| |[wa]|||
[et]| [et] [8t] [qp]| [qp] [8p] [wo] i [wu] [5y]8w 7 [wy] 5
[et]| [et] [8t] [qp]| [qp] 8 [wu] i [wo] [5y]8w 7 [wy] 5
[et]| [et] [8t] [qp]| [qp] 8 [wo] i [wu] [5y]7w 7 [wu]y5
[4qt] e [8qt] e8[qt] [qe] [qu] [8u]
[5w] y [9w] r5w [wy] w [7y]
[6t]| [0t] 8 [4qp]| [8qp] o
[18o] i [8u] [9y] [5w]| [9y] w [6t]| [0t] [8t] [4qp]| [qp] [qp]4
[18u] i [8o] [9y] [5w]| [wy]9t5[6t]| [0t] 8 [4qp]| [qp] [qo]4
[18o] i [0u] [9y] w 95[7u][8y]75[4y] t| |e|
[4qe]| [qe]| [4qe]| [5wr]|
[1t] 1||[7u] [7i] o s 6 6 [0t]|
[5o] [5u] [9t]8[5p]6[4q] [4q] [4qt] q4[18o] [18i] [0u]8[9u]w5 y|
[5y]9[5a] s [5d] o5[18s] [18] [0t]| [7u] [7i] [wo] s 6 6 [0t]|
[5o] [5u] [9t]6[8p]4[4q] q4[4qt] q4[18o] [8i]4[8u] u15
[5y]9[5y] [5y]9[5a] s [9u][wy]95[4qy]
[qo]4q [8t]4[8t] u58 [5t]8[59wyo]Level: 5Length: 01:30Intermediate21 Guns (Greeny Day)
Green Day
[qe9] y [yqe9] u [tqie] s [tqpe] p [wuto] i [wuto] io[ywr] p [ywro] iy [qe9]| [yqe9] u [tqie] s [tqpe]| [wuto] i [wuto] io[ywr] p [ywro] iy [qe9]| [uqe9] i [tqe]| [tqpe] o [wut]| [wut] i [ywr]| [ywr]| [qe9] y [yqe9] u [tqie] s [tqpe]| [wuto] i [wuto] io[ywr] p [ywro] iy [qe9]| [yqe9] u [tqie] s [tqpe] p [wuto] i [wuto] io[ywr]op [ywro] iy [qe9]| [uqe9] i [tqe]| [tqpe] o [wut] p [wuto] io[ywr] p [ywro] iy [qe9]| [uqe9] i [tqe]| [tqpe] o [wut] p [wuto] io[ywr] [ywrp] [ywr] [ywri] [yiE] [yiE] d s [tqe] i [tqe] o [wut] [wuti] o io[yqe] [yqpe] o i [yiE] [yiE] d s [tqie] i [tqe] o [wut] [wuti] o io[yqe] [yqpe] o i [yiE] [yiE] d s [tqie] i [tqe] io [wut] [wuti] [wuto] [wuti]o[yqe] [yqpe] [yqoe] [yqie] [yiE] [yiE] [yidE] [ysiE] [tqie] [tqie] [tqe] [tsqe] [upTS] [upT] [upT] [upT] [upT] [qe9]| [uqe9] i [tqe]| [tqpe] o [wut]| [wut] i [ywr]| [ywri]| [yqe9]| [uqe9] i [tqe]| [tqpe] o [wut]| [wut] i [ywr]| [ywro]i y [qe9] y [yqe9] u [tqie] s [tqpe]| [wuto] i [wuto] i [ywro] p [ywro] i [yqe9]| [yqe9] u [tqie] s [tqpe]| [wuto] i [wuto] i [ywro] p [ywro] iy [qe9]| [uqe9] i [tqe]| [tqpe] o [wut]| [wut] i [ywr]| [ywr]| [qe9]| [yqe9] u [tqie] s [tqpe] p [wuto] i [wuto] i [ywro] p [ywro] i [yqe9]| [yqe9] u [tqie] s [tqpe] p [wuto] i [wuto] io[ywr]o[ywrp] [ywro] [yie] [yiE] [yiE] [uf] [ig] [tqe] [tqe] [pj] [oh] [wut] [wut] [uf] [ig] [yqe] [yqe] [ig]| [yiE] [yiE] [uf] [ig] [tqe] [tqe] [pj] [oh] [wut] [wut] [uf] [ig] [yqe] [yqe] [ig]| [yiE] [yiE] [uf] [ig] [tqe] [tqe] [pj] [oh] [wut] [wut] [uf] [ig] [yqe] [yqe] [ig]| [yiE] [yiE] [uf] [ig] [tpi] [tpi] [pj] [oh] [upT] [upT] [upT] [upT] [upT] [upT] [upT] [upT] [upT] [upT] [upT] [upT] [upT] [qe9] y [yqe9] u [tqie] s [tqpe]| [wuto] i [wuto] io[ywr] p [ywro] iy [qe9]| [yqe9] u [tqie] s [tqpe] p [wuto] i [wuto] io[yro]o[yrpo] [yro] [yie] [yiE] [yiE] d s [tqie] i [tqe] io [wut] [wuti] o io[yqe] [yqpe] o i [yiE] [yiE] [yidE] [ysiE] [tqie] [tqie] [tqe] [tqoe] [wut] [wuti] [wuto] [wuti]o[yqe] [yqpe] [yqoe] [yqie] [yiE] [yiE] [uf] [ig] [tqe] [tqe] [pj] [oh] [wut] [wut] [uf] [ig] [yqe] [yqe] [ig]| [yiE] [yiE] [uf] [ig] [tqe] [tqe] [pj] [oh] [upT] [upT] [upT] [upT] [upT] [upT] [upT] [upT] [upT]Level: 6Length: 02:45Intermediate
Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Green Day
s s s|o|
f f f|s|
s f h|h|g f d||
d f g|g|
f d f|s|
s f d|o|a d sLevel: 1Length: 00:22Super EasyOh My Darling Clementine
u o u o u o u o u o u o u o u o [8u]
o u o u o u o u o u o u o u o [8u]
o u o u o u o [7y] I y I a I y I
[8p] a a p p 8||[0p] a a p p o [7u] I u y u |
o [8p] a a p p 8 u o||[0p] a a p p o 7 ||p a p | o | [8u] | I | [8o] |
[tp] a [0f] | [rd] | [7a] | p a [rp] | o | [8u] | I | [8o] |
[tp] a [0f] | [rd] | [7a] | p a [rp] | o | [8u] | I | [8o] |
[tp] a [0f] | [rd] | [7a] | p a [rp] | o | [8u] | I | [8o] |
[tp] a [0f] | [rd] | [7a] | Qr [8k] | jh G f | jhG ||[0k] | jh G f G f h |
[8k] | jh G f ||jh G 0 ||h G [G0] 0 ||G f h [0u]|
u o u o u o u o u o u o u o u o |
[8p] a a p p 8||[0p] a a p p o [7u] I u y u |
o [8p] a a p p 8 u o||[0p] a a p p o 7 | p a p | o | [8u] | I | [8o] |
[tp] a [0f] | [rd] | [7a] | p a [rp] | o | [8u] | I | [8o] |
[tp] a [0f] | [rd] | [7a] | p a [rp] | o | [8u] | I | [8o] |
[tp] a [0f] | [rd] | [7a] | p a [rp] | o | [8u] | I | [8o] |
[tp] a [0f] | [rd] | [7a] | Qr [8k] | jh G f | jhG ||[0k] | jh G f G f h |
[8k] | jh G f ||jh G 0 ||h G [G0] 0 ||G f h [0u]||
[0f][0h][0f][0h][0f] [0o] | [0o] [tk][tz][tk][tz] [tk] [0o] | h kzk zka [8k] | jh G f | jhG ||[0k] | jh G f G f h |
[8k] | jh G f ||jh G 0 ||h G [G0] 0 ||G f h d a p p aLevel: 4Length: 03:30EasyLovely
Billie Eilish
6 3 8 3 8 [p3] [s8] [a3] [u3] 7 w 7 w [u7] [wo] [u7] [p4] 8 e 8 e 8 [pe] 8 [d2] 6 q 6 q 6 q 6 [a3] 7 w 7 w 7 [wu] 7 [s6] 3 8 [a3] [p6] [o3] [s6]a3p [o3] 7 w 7 w 7 w 7 [p6] 3 8 3 6 [p3] [s8] 3a [u3] 7 w 7 w [u7] [wo] 7u [p4] 8 e 8 e [p8] [oe] 8i [o3] 7 w 7 w [o7] [wi] 7u [y2] 6 q 6 q [u6]y[tq] [y6] [u6] 3 8 3 8 [p3] [s8] 3a [u3] 7 w 7 w [u7] [wo] 7u [p4] 8 e 8 e 8 e [p8] [d2] 6 q 6 q 6 q [d6] [a3] 7 w 7 w 7 w [u7] [s6] 3 8 [a3] [p8] [o3] [s8]a3p [o3] 7 w 7 w 7 w [oh7] [pj6] 3 8 6 [e6]tup| | [uf6] [ts0] [utfe] 0 [te] [uf0] [utfe] [qig] [ig6] q [te] q [te] q [te] [qig] [oh3] [uf0] [wroh] 0 [wr] 0 [wr] [oh0] [oh62] [qpj] [ypje] q [ye] q [ye] [qpj] [pj84][oh]q[ig][utfe] q [te] q [yted] q [uf6] 0 [te] 0 [te] [jb0] [tmle] 0[nk] [xf0] r [uo] r [uo] [xrf] [vuoh] r[xf] [jb8] t [pi] t [pi] [tjb] [vpih] t[gc] [vh7] r [uo] r [uo] [vrh] [uogc] r[xf] [zd96] e [yi] e [yi] [xfe][zd][ysli] [zed] [xf60] e [ut] e [ut] [jeb] [utml] e[nk] [xf73] r [uo] r [uo] [xrf] [vuoh] r[xf] [qjb] t [pi] t [pi] t [pi] [tjb] [z62] e [yi] e [yi] e [yi] [ze] [nk73] r [uo] r [uo] r [uo] [xrf] [ml60] e [ut] [nke] [utjb] [vhe] [utml][nk]e[jb] [vh0] r [uo] r [uo] r [uo] r [e6] [u8] [p0] [se] [tf] [uj] [pl] [xs] [pj]sfjLevel: 6Length: 02:14Intermediate
A Time For Us
Henry Mancini