A Whole New World (Aladdin) (Easy)

Alan Menken 27 August 2020

u y i u t w|
u y i u t u y|
y T u y r y t r t e t y t w|
u y i u t w|
u y i u t u y|
y T u y r y t r t e t y t u|
u i p o|
u i p o y i u u|
u i o a p o|
t a s o|
t u y t y i u t r t

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About This Music Sheet

A Whole New World (Aladdin) (Easy) is a song by Alan Menken. Use your computer keyboard to play A Whole New World (Aladdin) (Easy) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:00, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song A Whole New World (Aladdin) (Easy) is classified in the genres: Songs From Movies, Disney on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Cartoon, Love Songs.

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    Other Songs By Alan Menken

    • 1 5 9 0| w r t
      [2q] 6 8 q u i y u
      [1t] 5 9 0| w r t
      [2y] 6 8 q u i [7y] u
      [1t] 5 9 0| w r t
      [2q] 6 8 q u i [7y] u
      [1t] 5 9 0| w r t
      [2y] 6 8 q u i [7y] u
      [1t] 5 9 0 t y u i
      [3o] 7 0 7 [wo] i u y
      [4t] 8 q 8 [ei] u y t
      5 [2e] [7w] 8 [59t]| r|
      [60][3e][6T]* 0 * [eT] [0u] [*O] [6p] [6y] 9 0 e [0p] O u r [6T] 0 e 0 [eT] u O p [6a] 9 w 9 [*S] a S f
      [2p] 6 9 6 [Qp] O p S
      [7y] $ 7 $ [0S] d a S
      [6p] 3 6 3 * 3 6 3
      6 3 6 3 [*p] a S d
      [!f] % * % 0| p|
      [2O] 6 9 6 [Qp] a S d
      [!f] % * % 0| *|
      [2I] 6 9 6 [Qp] a S d
      [!f] % * % [0f] d S a
      [2p] 6 9 6 [9d] S a p
      [3u] 7 0 7 W| r|
      6 0 e 0 [eT] u O p
      [6y] 9 0 e [0T] u O p
      [6a] 9 w 9 [*S] a S f
      [2p] 6 9 6 [Qp] O p S
      [7y] $ 7 $ [0S] d a S
      [6p] 3 6 * 0 e T u
      [eS] [ud] [pa] [uS] [ep] u p S
      [eL] [uz] [pk] [uL] [6pb][*S][0f][ej]

      Level: 5
      Length: 01:48
      Beauty And The Beast (Main Theme)

      Alan Menken

    • [tu]osf f o[rd] [yg] [tf] [ws]
      tuos [os] y[oa] [wid] [8us]|
      [8uo] ss s s[wa] [qd] [0s] o
      8 u[0o] o u[qwy] o [8u] 8
      [8uo] ss ss [wa] [qd] [0s] o
      8 u[0o] o u[qwy] o [8u] 8
      q p[es] [es] [qp][0o] s [8uo] s
      w a[id] [id] s[8of] [id] [us] 8
      q p[es] [es] [qp][0o] s [8uo] s
      w a[id] [id] s[8of] [id] [us] w
      8 [of]|d[0s] [qip]| 8 q
      8 [of]|d[0s] [wad]| 9 w
      8 [of]|d[0s] [qep] of d[qs]
      [wrp] of d[ws] [8of]| t w
      [8E] [of] d|s[qep] ss p[qd]
      [wr] [id] [id]|s[esf] ds f[0s]
      [Qt] [pf]|d[es] [qep] of d[qs]
      [wrp] of d[ws] [0s] s[tf] f o
      [rd] [yg] [tf] [ws] tuos [os] y
      [oa] [wid] [8us]|
      [8uo] ss s s[wa] [qd] [0s] o
      8 u[0o] o u[qwy] o [8u] 8
      [8uo] ss ss [wa] [qd] [0s] o
      8 u[0o] o u[qwy] o [8u] 8
      q p[es] [es] [qp][0o] s [8uo] s
      w a[id] [id] s[8of] [id] [us] 8
      q p[es] [es] [qp][0o] s [8uo] s
      w a[id] [id] s[8of] [id] [us] w
      8 [of]|d[0s] [qip]| 8 q
      8 [of]|d[0s] [wad]| 9 w
      8 [of]|d[0s] [qep] of d[qs]
      [wrp] of d[ws] [8of]| t w
      [8E] [of] d|s[qep] ss p[qd]
      [wr] [id] [id]|s[esf] ds f[0s]
      [Qt] [pf]|d[es] [qep] of d[qs]
      [wrp] of d[ws] [qip]| 8 q
      8 [of]|d[0s] [wad]| 9 w
      8 [of] d|s[qep] of d[qs]
      [wrp] of d[ws] [8of]| t w
      [8E] [of]|d[0s] [qep] ss p[qd]
      [wr] [id] d|s[esf] ds f[0s]
      [Qt] [pf] d|s[qep] of d[qs]
      [wrp] of d[ws] [0s] s[tf] f o
      [wad] [wg] [8sf] [es] [wa]a aa [qp]
      [8uo]o o[0o] s [wia]a aa [qp]
      [8uo]o o[0o] o [qip]p p[es] [qp]
      [8uo]o o[0s] s [wia]a a[wd] a
      [8us] w 8 s [wa]a aa [qp]
      [8uo]o o[0o] s [wia]a aa [qp]
      [8uo]o o[0o] o [qip]p p[es] [qp]
      [8uo]o o[0s]|o[wia] a [wd] a
      [8us]| [wf] [qd][0s][qip]| 8 q
      [80o]| [wf] [qd][0s][wad]| 9 w
      [80]| [wf] [qd][0s][qep]| f [qd]s
      [wa] o 9 w [80o] ps|w
      [8uo] w tfds[qep] ss p[qd]
      [woa]| 9o[wa]d[tpf]| [rd] [es]
      [Qtp]| fd[es] [qep] i fd[es]
      [qrp] o| [qrp] [0s]os[tf] f o
      [rd] [yg] [tf] [ws] tuos [os] y
      [oa] [wid] [8us]|
      8 w [8of][9d][0s]
      [qip]|8e q [8uo] 0 [wf][qd][0s]
      [wid]|9w 9 [8uo]| [wf][qd][0s]
      [qep] of d[qs] [wrp] of d[ws]
      [8of]| t w [8E] [of]|d[0s]
      [qep] ss p[qd] [wrio] d [id]|s
      [etf] fd fd [Qtps] f|ds
      [qep] of d[qs] [wrp] of d[ws]
      [0s] s[tf] f o[rd] [yg] [tf]d[ws]
      [qep] of d[qs] [wrp] of d[ws]
      [0s] s[tf] f o[rd] [yg] [tf]d[ws]
      [qep] of d[qs] [wrp] of d[ws]
      [etp] of d[es] [Qtp] of d[Qs]
      [qep] of d[qs] [wrp] of d[ws]
      [0s] s[tf] f o[rd] [yg] [tf] [ws]
      tuos s o[ia] [wid] [8us] [8us]

      Level: 5
      Length: 03:18
      Under The Sea (Intermediate)

      Alan Menken

    • 0 w t t|t|w r|y|t|w|
      8 0 w w|w|8 9|q|0||
      0 w t t|t|w r|y|t|w|
      8 0 w w|w|8 9|q|0||
      e t|t|e w|t|w|t||
      y y|y|t u|y|t||
      e t|t|e w|t|w|t||
      y y|y|t u|y|t|||
      u y|t e|||
      w||u y|t y|||
      u y|t e|q|u y|t
      e|w|u y|t u|||
      u y|t e|t t e|y||
      y t|y u|u y|u y t
      t||u y|t e|q|u y|t
      e|w|u y|t t

      Level: 2
      Length: 01:04
      Under The Sea (The Little Mermaid) (Alternative)

      Alan Menken

    • o o p P d | SdS P p P p o d |
      PP p o d | d g d s d | ddS P S d |
      o o p P d | S d S | PpP p o d |
      PP p o d | dg d s d | d S P p o |
      opP p P p o p P p P p o P d S d S P S d |
      opP p P p o p P p P p o P d d d D d s d |
      o o p P d | P p o

      Level: 1
      Length: 02:00
      Super Easy
      Arabian Nights (Aladdin)

      Alan Menken

    • 9 e y u [IC] v x C [5z] 9 w e [rj] 9 e y u [IC] v x C [5z] 9 w e [rb] 9 e y u [IGC] [hv] [fx] [GC] [5dz] 9 w e [rpj] 9 e y u [IGC] [hv] [fx] [GC] [5dz] 9 w e [rjb] 2 6 9 0 Q e T y [5w] 9 w e [ra] S [yS] d [2p] 6 9 0 Q e T y [5wu] 9 w e [ra] y w p [2p] 6 9 0 [Qyd] [euf] [*IG] [Qoh] [7pj] 9 Q e [Tpj] [oh] [IG] [uf] [5yd] 9 w e [roh] [IG] [wuf] [0yd] [6p] 9 0 e r y u [ep] [2I] 6 9 0 [QI] [ep] S d [5o] 9 w e [rG] [yh] h j [2G] 6 9 0 [QI] [ep] [QS] [5d] [1o] sf 5 8 0 [6epSG] [0f] [eupSG] [9pj] [5woad] 9 w r [$d] [6S] [9d] [QG] [3o] 7 0 w [6G] [0h] [ef] [TG] [2d] 6 9 0 Q e [yd] S [5d] 9 w e [rd] [yf] G h [Qpj] e T I O p S d [wG] y o p [ad] f G k [Qj] e T I O p S f [wd] y o p [ad] f G h [Qpj] e T I [Tpj] h G f [7d] 9 Q r [I7yd] [0uf] [rIG] [5d] [18osf] 5 [18usf] 5 [7uaf] 7 [6upf] 0 [3u]Oaf % 7 0 [rWO] a [0D] [7f] [6ep] 0 u TxC[ukV] [kC] [kTC] 7 xC[3kx] 7 0 W [rO] a [WD] [0f] [6eaSG] 0 e T [uaSG] T u [7f] [O30uaf] 7 [W0r] W [raf] [0G] [af(H] j [*WHafk] 0 [TO] u [OHafk] [Tj] [0aH] [eG] [6af] 0 [eu] T [uaj] [TH] [uaG] [$f] [I7ua] [7af] [7rua] [I7rua] 7 [O30ua] 7 [W0r] W [rO] a [WD] [0f] [6ep] 0 u T [uaj] H [aH] G [3aH] 7G[0f] W [rO] a D [6f] [2I]dG 6 9 Q [7raDH] [(G] [raYIDH] [0k] [S6eaf] 0 e r [%Of] [7D] [O0f] [WH] [$p] 6 * Q [7aH] j [rYIG] H [3f] 7 0 W r u I O [*f] W T Y [uH] G H k [6f] 0 e r [Tf] D [Wf] H [Qp] e T I [7H] j G H [3f] 7 0 Q [WV] [eb] C V [6x] 0 e r [Tk] 3 7 0 Q [WV] b [eC] V [6x] 0 e r [Tn] 3 7 0 Q [WH] j [eG] H [6f] 0 e r [Ta] 3 7 0 Q [WH] [ej] G H [6f] 0 e r [Tk] u p [3W]uO7 0
      Level: 8
      Length: 01:58
      Tale As Old As Time (Beauty and the Beast) (Expert)

      Alan Menken


    • aaaaasdddddoaaaaasdddddo dhGfdadapoadapoada dhGfdadapsapoo dhGfdadapoadapoada dhGfdadaoadaoada dkjlkhjhkkjjh dkjlkhjhkkjjh jhhzkjzkjzkjhjkjhhzkjzkjzkjhjkjhh
      Level: 2
      Take Me Home

      Cash Cash

    • [tu]|o u p|o|[Eu]|||
      [qp]|s p s|p|[0o]|||
      q p i|o|t|[Wa]|a|s|p o
      [qs]|p o p|u t [eu]|u|u||
      q p a d s o u t [eY]|u|t|p|
      [9s]|p o u|t|[8t]

      Level: 4
      Length: 00:24
      You’ve Got A Friend In Me (Toy Story)

      Randy Newman

    • d f d s [qo] p [ts]|q p t f q|t|[wd] f [yd] s [oe] p [us]|e p [uf]|[wd]|y|[wd] f [yd] s [qo] p [ts]|q p t s [qh] f t|[ws] d y f e|u|e|u|e|u|[wd] f [yd] s [qo] p [ts]|q p t f q|t|[wd] f [yd] s [oe] p [us]|e p [uf]|[wd]|y|[wd] f [yd] s [qo] p [ts]|q p t s [qh] f t|[ws] d y f e|u|e|u|e|[uf] f [wd] f [yd] s [sq]|[ts] p [sq] p [ts]|8|w|[d8] f [td] s [wd]|[yd] s [wf]|[yd] d [se]|u|[ed] f [ud] s [qd] s [tp] p [qp] o [ts]|8|w|8|t|w|y|w|y|w|[yf] f [wf] d [yd] s [sq]|[ts] p [sq] p [ts]|8|w|[d8] f [td] s [wd]|[yd] s [wf]|[yd] d [se]|u|[ed] f [ud] s [qd] s [tp] p [qp] o [ts]|8|w|8|t|w|y|w|y|w|d s f d d s [pe]|t|u|w|[sqpi]|e|t|e|[woda]|r|y|q|[ofa0]|w|r|w|[spfe]|t|u|w|[sqpi]|e|t|e|[woda]|r|y|r|[woda]|r|y|r|[fe] f [tf] f [uf] d [ws] s [sq]|e|[tf]|e f w d r d [yd] s [qa]|[a0]|w p [rf] d w s e|[tp] p [uf]|w d [sq]|[pe]|t|e|w|r|y|r|w|r|y|r p [fe] f [tf] f [uf] d w s [sq]|e|[tf] f [fe] f w d r d [yd] s [qa]|[a0]|w|[rf] f [wf] f [fe]|t s u s [wd] s q|e|t|e|w|r|y|r|w|[rf] f [yf] f [rd] s [sq]|[ts] p [sq] p [ts]|8|w|[d8] f [td] s [wd]|[yd] s [wf]|[yd] d [se]|u|[ed] f [ud] s [qd] s [tp] p [qp] o [ts]|8|w|t|r|w|r|y|r|w|[rf] f [yf] f [rd] s [sq]|[ts] p [si] p [ts]|8|w|[td] f [rd] s [wd]|[rd] s [yf] d [rd] s e|t|[ud] f [td] s [qd] s [tp] p [pi] o [ts]|8|w|t|r|w|r|y|r|w|r|y|r|[fe] f [tf] f [uf] d [ws] s [sq]|e|[tf]|e f w d r d [yd] s [qa]|[a0]|w p [rf] d w s e|[tp] p [uf]|w d [sq]|[pe]|t|e|w|r|y|r|w|r|y|[rh] h [he]|[th] h [uh] g [wf] g q|e s [tj] h [he] h w d r|[yd] s [qd] f 0 f w f [rf] f [wf] f [fe]|[tp] p [uf]|w d [sq]|[pe]|t|e|w|r|y|r|w|[rf] f [yf] f [rd] s [sq]|[ts] p [sq] p [ts]|8|w|[d8] f [td] s [wd]|[yd] s [wf]|[yd] d [se]|u|[ed] f [ud] s [qd] s [tp] p [qp] o [ts]|8|w|t|r|w|r|y|r|w|[rh] h [yh] h [rg] f [qg]|[tg] f [ig] f [th] f 8|w|[th] h [rh] h [wh]|[rd] d [yg] g [rg] f e|t|[ud] f [td] s [qd] s [tp] p [pi] s [tf] d [s8]|w|t|r|w|r|y|r|w|[rd] d [yf] d [rf]|[fe]|t|u d [tf] g q|e|t f e a w|r|y|r|w|[rd] d [yf] d [rf]|[fe]|t|u d [tf] g q|e|t f e a w p r o y|r|w|[rh] h [yh] h [rj]|[he] f t|u|w|[sqpi]|e|t|e|[woda]|r|y|q|[ofa0]|w|r|w|[spfe]|t|u|w|[sqpi]|e|t|e|[woda]|r|y|r|w|[rh] h [yh] h [rg] f [qg]|[tg] f [ig] f [th]|8|w|[th] h [rh] h [wh]|[rd] d [yg]|[rg] g [fe]|t|[uh] h [th] h [qh] g [tg] g [ig] f [th] f 8|w|t|r|w|r|y|r|w|[rh] h [yh] hr h [qj]|[th] h [ih] s [tf]|8|w|[th] h [rh] h [wh]|[rd] d [yg] g [rg] f e|t|[uh] h [th] h [qh] g [tg] g [ig] f [th] f 8|w|t|r|w|r|y|r|w|[rf] f [yf] f [rd] s [tsqe]|s p s p s|[uto]| |d f d s [ywrd]|d s f|d d [utse]| |d f d s [tqed] s p p p o s|[uto]|||[ywr]|||f f f d d s s|s p s p s| |d f d s d|d s f|d d s| |d f d s d s p p p o s|||o o f d d s p

      Level: 6
      Length: 05:06
      Let Her Go (Alternative)
