01:30 -
-5 -
[8qep]|s [8qep] s d [8qe] f
[80e] s a [9qep]|g [9qe] f
[80e]|s [80e]|d [80e] a
[9wr]|a [9wr]|s [9wr] p
[8qe]|s [8qe]|d [8qe] f
[80e] s a [9qep]|g [9qe] f
[80e]|s [80e]|d [80e] a
[9wr]|a [9wr]|s [9wr] p
[8qe]|p [8qei]|p [8qei]|
[8qe]|p [8qei]|p [8qei]|
[8qei] s s s s|d f
[80e] s|s [9qeg] g|f
[80e]| s s d|a
[9wr]|a p a s|p
[8qe]| s s|d f
[80e] s|s [9qeg] g|f
[80e]| s s d|a
[9wr]|a p a s|
[8qe]|s s s d|f
[80e] s s s [9qeg] g|f
[80e]| s s d|a
[9wr]| a a s|p
[8qe]| s s d|f
[80e]|f f [9qeg] g|f
[80e]| f f f|d
[9wr]| d d f|
[8qe]|f f f g f|
[80w]| f f g f|
[80e]||f g|h
[9wr]|g|f g|f
[8qe]|f f f g f|
[80w]| f f g f|
[80e]||f g|h
[9wr]|g|f g|f
[8qe]|h h h j h|
[80w]| h h j h|
[80ef]||f g|h
[9wr]|g|f g|f
[80ed] f||
About This Music Sheet
Another Love (Tom Odell) is a song by Tom Odell. Use your computer keyboard to play Another Love (Tom Odell) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:30, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Another Love (Tom Odell) is classified in the genres: Indie, Pop Rock on Virtual Piano.
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Summertime Sadness
Lana Del Rey
6 t e 0 6 t e 0 6 t e 0 6 t e 0 4 t e q 4 t e q 6 t e 0 6 t e 0 6 t e 0 6 t e 0 6 t e 0 6 t e 0 4 t e q 4 t e q 6 t e 0 6 t e [e0] [u6] t [ue] 0 [u6] t e [u0] [y6] t [te] [t0] 6 t e [e0] [t4] t [te] [tq] 4 t e [yq] [t6] t e 0 6 t e [t0] [u6] t [ue] [u0] 6 t e [u0] [y6] t [te] [t0] 6 t e [t0] [p4] [tp] e q [p4] t e [qi] [u6] t e 0 6 t e 0 0 [uo] u [ur] [u0] o u [ur] [u9] i y [ye] 9 i y e 0 [uo] u [ri] [o0] o u [ur] [y9] i y e 9 i y e 0 [uo] u [ur] [u0] o u r [u9] i y [ye] 9 i y [ye] [o5] [ro] w 9 [o5] r w [p9] [p5] [ro] w 9 5 r [wi] 9 [u8] u t w 8 u t w [u8] u t [wu] [i8] u t [wu] [y6] t [ue] 0 6 t e 0 [u6] t e 0 6 t [ie] 0 [u8] [ut] t w 8 u t w 8 [ut] t [wt] [t8] u t [yw]t [r6] t e 0 6 t e 0 [e6] t e 0 6 t e 0 [u5] [yr] w [y9] 5 r [yw] 9 [y5] r [yw] [y9] 5 r [wu] 9 [i4] [ue] q [t8] 4 e [qe] 8 [tqe84]||[qe84]|y| [yp60] t||[pf] t f||[pf]| [sq8]||gh k [je0]||kh [fe] [us86]|u|u|p u [ywf0]|t t| gh [xr] [tqlg]|t|t| [ylg] [tsp86]||[sp] u [us86] u|u| p u [ya76]|t t| p t [p64] p| p| [oi]i [up63]||| [s86] u u u u|p u [wuf0]|u u| gh [xu] [tqlig]|i|o| [lig] [usp86]||[sp]| [us86] u|u| [up]| [usje86]|u u| p o [p86] p|p| i oi [up63]||| [of850] u u u [uf]| [ud]s [upd96]|y y|| [of850] u u i [of]| [ud]s [ypf60]||| [of5] u u u [uf]|u ds [ud6]|y y||y [oa72] o| o| p p o||i|[utf8]||| [ur8]| u [ki]l|zx u [yk6]|u|| [sj]||[ig]|[uf8] [tl]|| f [ts] [ts] [ts] [ts]| [ys]d[ts] [ra6]| e [sp]||| po u [uod5] y|y| y| [yof]|y y| u| [ig84] [uf]|[ts]| [pe]|[ts]|| [yg]h k [ywlf8] t|| f||l|zx c [kd60]||| s||g|[wd8]f h||| [a60]||p||| oi u [t95]|||a||| [g84] f|s| p| [s84]||[84]|d| j m b x j m b x j m b x j m b x g m b c g m b c j m b x j m b [xe] [uj] m [ub] x [uj] m b [xu] [uj] m [tb] [xt] j m b [xe] [tg] m [tb] c [tg] m b [yc] [tj] m b x j m b [xe] [je] m [eb] [xe] jem b x [je] m [eb] [xe] j m b [xi] [pg] m [pb] [pc] g m [ib] c [uj] m b x j m b x f [vu] [xu] [uk] [uf] v x [uk] [ud] c [zy] [yj] d c z j f [vu] [xu] [ki] [of] v x [uk] [yd] c z j d c z j f [vu] [xu] [uk] [uf] v [xu] k [ud] c [zy] [yj] d c z [yj] o [ok] h d o k h [pd] [po] [ok] h d o k h d o k h d a h f [id] [wusf8]||| [wu8]| u [ki]l|zx u [yk60]| u|| [sj60]||[ig]| [wug8]f [tl]|| [wf8] [ts] [ts] [ts] [ts]| [ys]d[ts] [ra60]| e [sp]|| [60]||po u [uod95] y|y| y| [yof95]|y y| u| [ig84] [uf]|[ts]| [pe]|[ts84]|| [yg]h k [ywlf8] t|| [wf8]||l|zx c [kd60]||| [s60]||i|[ig]| [wug8]f l|| [wu8]||| [a60]||p|| [60]||oi u [uoa95] y|y| y| [yod95]|y y| u| [ig84] [uf]|[ts]| [pe]| [ts84]||[td]| [wtsf8]||| [w8]||kg[lh] zh[xj] [kh60]||| [lj60]||i|[ig]| [wug8]f [sh]|| [w8] s s s s| sds [a60]||[sp]|| [60]||po u [uod95] y|y| y| [yof95]|y y| u y [tg84] [tf]|[ts]| [pe]| [ts84]||[yg]h k [uf60]j||| [f6][j0]Level: 7Length: 04:40Intermediate
Fruhling in Paris
[30]| |YuiIoO[p6]|6666| |[s6]| |[p6]| |6| |[s6]| |[p2] 3 1|[o6]| |[sp6]||6 [up2] 3 5|6| |[s6]||6 [p2] 3 5|[f3]| |[u30]|[u30]|[y92] [t81] [e6]|[e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e6]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[30]|[30]|[92] [81] 6|[e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e6]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[30]|[30]|[92] [81] 6|[s6]|0e0[s6]|[f0] 8 [d5] s [wa] 9 [p4]|48i[qp]s[d9]|[yd] e [ws] a [wp] 0 [p6]|ewe[s6]|[fe] 0 [d5] s [wa] 9 [ype]|[te]|[pe9]|[pe9]|[y9] [u0] [wo] 0 [s6]|0e0[s6]|[sf0] 8 [da5] [sp] [woa] 9 [pi4]|4[i8][qp][gd9]|[ygd] e [wsf] [da] [wsp] 0 [p6]|[ue][wo][pe][s6]|[se] 0 [a5] p [wo]|[p2]|[ye]|[pe9]|[pe9]|[y9] [u0] [wo] 0 [e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e60]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[uf30][uf][uf][uf30][uf][uf][yd92] [ts81] [pe6]|[e6]||yu[pe6]|e|[y92] [u30] [wo1]|[pe6]||yu[pe6]||[yw]6[oe][ts2] [ra3] 5[pe][wo][pe6]| |[60]|[pe]|[y92] [u30] [wo5]|[u30]| |[uf30][uf][uf][uf30][uf][uf][yd92] [ts81] [pe6]|[sp6]|6|6 3 6215|[p5]|[sh5] 2 [j5]17[of4]|4|4 1 476[d5]|[f5]|[to54] 3 [p5]17[sp6]|6|6 3 6215|[p5]|[sh5] 2 [j5]17[lh4]|4|4 1 476[d5]|[f5]|[to54] 3 [p5]17[tsp6]|6|6 3 6215|[pe5]|[soh5] 2 [pj5]17[uof4]|4|4 1 476[yd5]|[uf5]|[wto54] 3 [pe5]17[tsp6]|6|6 3 6215|[pe5]|[soh5] 2 [pj5]17[slh4]|4|4 1 476[yd5]|[uf5]|[wto54] 3 [pe5]1 t| |e| |[s6]| |[p6]| |6| |[s6]| |[p2] 3 1|[o6]| |[sp6]||6 [up2] 3 5|6| |[s6]||6 [p2] 3 5|[f3]| |[u30]|[u30]|[y92] [t81] [e6]|[e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e6]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[30]|[30]|[92] [81] 6|[e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e6]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[30]|[30]|[92] [81] 6|[s6]|0e0[s6]|[f0] 8 [d5] s [wa] 9 [p4]|48i[qp]s[d9]|[yd] e [ws] a [wp] 0 [p6]|ewe[s6]|[fe] 0 [d5] s [wa] 9 [ype]|[te]|[pe9]|[pe9]|[y9] [u0] [wo] 0 [s6]|0e0[s6]|[sf0] 8 [da5] [sp] [woa] 9 [pi4]|4[i8][qp][gd9]|[ygd] e [wsf] [da] [wsp] 0 [p6]|[ue][wo][pe][s6]|[se] 0 [a5] p [wo]|[p2]|[ye]|[pe9]|[pe9]|[y9] [u0] [wo] 0 [e6]| |[e6]|e|[92] [30] [w1]|[e60]| |[e6]||e6r[t2] [r3] 5ew[e6]| |[60]|e|[92] [30] [w5]|[30]| |[uf30][uf][uf][uf30][uf][uf][yd92] [ts81] [pe6]|[e6]||yu[pe6]|e|[y92] [u30] [wo1]|[pe6]||yu[pe6]||[yw]6[oe][ts2] [ra3] 5[pe][wo][pe6]| |[60]|[pe]|[y92] [u30] [wo5]|[u30]| |[uf30][uf][uf][uf30][uf][uf][yd92] [ts81] [pe6]|[sp6]|6|6 3 6215|[p5]|[sh5] 2 [j5]17[of4]|4|4 1 476[d5]|[f5]|[to54] 3 [p5]17[sp6]|6|6 3 6215|[p5]|[sh5] 2 [j5]17[lh4]|4|4 1 476[d5]|[f5]|[to54] 3 [p5]17[tsp6]|6|6 3 6215|[pe5]|[soh5] 2 [pj5]17[uof4]|4|4 1 476[yd5]|[uf5]|[wto54] 3 [pe5]17[tsp6]|6|6 3 6215|[pe5]|[soh5] 2 [pj5]17[slh4]|4|4 1 476[yd5]|[uf5]|[wto54] 3 [pe5]1 [s6]| |[p6]|[s6]|p|h|[j6]|[f6]| |6|[d6]|[f6]66[o6]|[p6]|l|616[j6]|6|m| |b
Level: 6Length: 04:14IntermediateTitle (Night in the Woods)
Alec Holowka