01:30 -
-5 -
[8qep]|s [8qep] s d [8qe] f
[80e] s a [9qep]|g [9qe] f
[80e]|s [80e]|d [80e] a
[9wr]|a [9wr]|s [9wr] p
[8qe]|s [8qe]|d [8qe] f
[80e] s a [9qep]|g [9qe] f
[80e]|s [80e]|d [80e] a
[9wr]|a [9wr]|s [9wr] p
[8qe]|p [8qei]|p [8qei]|
[8qe]|p [8qei]|p [8qei]|
[8qei] s s s s|d f
[80e] s|s [9qeg] g|f
[80e]| s s d|a
[9wr]|a p a s|p
[8qe]| s s|d f
[80e] s|s [9qeg] g|f
[80e]| s s d|a
[9wr]|a p a s|
[8qe]|s s s d|f
[80e] s s s [9qeg] g|f
[80e]| s s d|a
[9wr]| a a s|p
[8qe]| s s d|f
[80e]|f f [9qeg] g|f
[80e]| f f f|d
[9wr]| d d f|
[8qe]|f f f g f|
[80w]| f f g f|
[80e]||f g|h
[9wr]|g|f g|f
[8qe]|f f f g f|
[80w]| f f g f|
[80e]||f g|h
[9wr]|g|f g|f
[8qe]|h h h j h|
[80w]| h h j h|
[80ef]||f g|h
[9wr]|g|f g|f
[80ed] f||
About This Music Sheet
Another Love (Tom Odell) is a song by Tom Odell. Use your computer keyboard to play Another Love (Tom Odell) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:30, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Another Love (Tom Odell) is classified in the genres: Indie, Pop Rock on Virtual Piano.
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Other Songs By Tom Odell
[tu] [tu] [tu] [tu]
[tu] [tu] [tu] [tu] [tuo]|
[eto]|[eto] [eto] [eto]|
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[tu]|[tu] [tu]h [tug] [tu]f
[ru]|[ruo] [ruo]h [ruog]|[rof]
[eti]|[eti] [eti]f [etig] f [eti]
[eyif] g [eyif] s[eyi]f [eyig] f [eyis]
[tup]|[tu] [tu]h [tug] [tu]f
[ruo]|[ruo] [ruo]h [ruog]|[rof]
[tip]|[tip] [tip]f [tipg] f [tipd]
[eyif] g [eyif] s[eyi]f [eyig] f [eyis]
[tp]|8|[8wh] g 8 f
[0u]|[0r]|[0h] g [0r] f
[qi]|[qt]|[qf] g [qtf] d
[9yf] g [9ef] s [9f] g [9ef] s
[8tp]|[8w]|[8h] g [8w] f
[0u]|[0r]|[0h] g [0r] f
[qi]|[qt]|[qf] g [qtf] d
[9yf] g [9ef] s [9f] g [9ef] s
[6ep]|[60]|[6h] g [60] f
[0uf]|[0r]|[0h] g [0r] f
[qi]|[qt]|[qf] g [qtf] d
[9yf] g [9ef] s [9f] g [9ef] s
[8tf] g [tuf] [tu]f [tuf] f[tu]f
[0uf] g [ruf] [ru]f [ru] [ru]
[qif] g [tif] [ti]f [tif] f[ti]f
[9yf] g [eyf] [ey]g [eyf] f[ey]
[8tf] g [tuf] [tu]f [tuf] f[tu]f
[0uf] g [ruf] [ru]f [ru] [ru]
[qif] g [tif] [ti]f [tif] f[ti]f
[9yf] g [eyf] [ey]g [eyf] f[ey]
[8tf] g [tuf] [tu]f [tuf] f[tu]f
[0uf] g [ruf] [ru]f [ru] [ru]
[qif] g [tif] [ti]f [tif] f[ti]f
[9yf] g [eyf] [ey]g [eyf] f[ey]
[tu]|[tu] [tu]h [tug] [tu]f
[ruo]|[ruo] [ruo]h [ruog]|[rof]
[eti]|[eti] [eti]f [etig] f [eti]
[eyif] g [eyif] s[eyi]f [eyig] f [eyis]
[tus]|[tu] [tu]h [tug] [tu]f
[ruo]|[ruo] [ruo]h [ruog]|[rof]
[eti]|[eti] [eti]f [etig] f [etid]
[eyif]|[eyif] d[eyi]f [eyig] f [eyis]
[ts]|8|[8wh] g 8 f
[0u]|[0r]|[0h] g [0r] f
[qi]|[qt]|[qf] g [qtf] d
[9yf] g [9ef] s [9f] g [9ef] s
[8tp]|[8w]|[8h] g [8w] f
[0u]|[0r]|[0h] g [0r] f
[qi]|[qt]|[qf] g [qtf] d
[9yf] g [9ef] s [9f] g [9ef] s
[8tf] g [tuf] [tu]f [tuf] f[tu]f
[0uf] g [ruf] [ru]f [ru] [ru]
[qif] g [tif] [ti]f [tif] f[ti]f
[9yf] g [eyf] [ey]g [eyf] f[ey]
[8tf] g [tuf] [tu]f [tuf] f[tu]f
[0uf] g [ruf] [ru]f [ru] [ru]
[qif] g [tif] [ti]f [tif] f[ti]f
[9yf] g [eyf] [ey]g [eyf] f[ey]
[8tf] g [tuf] [tu] [tu] d[tu]
[0ud] s [rus] s[ru] [ru] [ru]
[qif] g [tif] [ti] [ti] d[ti]
[9yd] s [eyd] f[ey] [ey] [ey]
[8tf] g [tuf] [tu] [tu] d[tu]
[0ud] s [rus] s[ru] [ru] [ru]
[qif] g [tif] [ti] [ti] d[ti]
[9yd] s [eyd] f[ey] [ey] [ey]
[tu]|[tu] [tu] [tu] [tu]
[tu]|[tu] [tu] [tu] [tu]
[eti]|[eti] [eti] [eti]|[eti]
[eyi]|[eyi] [eyi] [eyi]|[eyi]Level: 6Length: 02:17IntermediateBlack Friday (Lost Frequencies)
Tom Odell
e u s u 0 r o r e u s u 0 r o r e u s u 0 r o r e u s u 0 r o r e u [xs] u [z0] [rm] [on] [rn] e [um] [sm] u [z0] [rm] [zo] [zr] e [un] [sn] u [b0] [vr] [ob] [rb] e [zu] [sn] u 0 r o r e u [xsm] u [zn0] [rmb] [von] [vrn] e [umb] [smb] u [zn0] [rmb] [zon] [zrn] e [xum] [xsm] u [zn0] [rmb] [zon] [zrn] e [xvu] [xsm] u 0 r o r y p [gc] [pc] [tc] [pc] [xf] [pc] [yx] [zp] g p y o d o t o [xf] [xo] [xr] [xo] [zf] [xo] [ze] [pl] s [us] [rd]| [tf]| y p [dcb] [pcb] [tcb] [pcb] [xvg] [pcb] [rcb] [zpc] d p r p d p t p [xvf] [xvp] [xvr] [xvp] [zfc] [xpm] [zec] [xvp] f p 0 u o u [yspi]||| [spif] [uoda] [yspi] [ypia] [yspi]||| [yspi] [uoda] [yspi] [uoda] [spif]||| [spif] [uoda] [yspi] [utoa] [yrpi]||| eryip| e u s u 0 r o r e u s u 0 r o r e u s u 0 r o r e u s u 0 r o r e u [xs] u [z0] [rm] [on] [rn] e [um] [sm] u [z0] [rm] [zo] [zr] e [xu] [xs] u [z0] [rm] [zo] [zr] e [vu] [xs] u 0 r o r e u [xsm] u [zn0] [rmb] [von] [vrn] e [umb] [smb] u [zn0] [rmb] [zon] [zrn] e [xum] [xsm] u [zn0] [rmb] [zon] [zrn] e [xvu] [xsm] u 0 r o r y p [gc] [pc] [tc] [pc] [xf] [pc] [yx] [zp] g p y o d o t o [xf] [xo] [xr] [xo] [zf] [xo] [ze] [pl] s [us] [rd]| [tf]| y p [dcb] [pcb] [tcb] [pcb] [xvg] [pcb] [rcb] [zpc] d p r p d p t p [xvf] [xvp] [xvr] [xvp] [zfc] [xpm] [zec] [xvp] f p 0 u o u [yspi]||| [spif] [uoda] [yspi] [ypia] [yspi]||| [yspi] [uoda] [yspi] [uoda] [spif]||| [spif] [uoda] [yspi] [utoa] [yrpi]||| eryipLevel: 6Length: 02:29Intermediate
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s d f k j| |h s| | s d f l k| |h f| | jk[pfjl] x [odhk] x [isgj]|| h [tofh]| s| | df[wyad]| | s [8wus]||| t y u a [4ep]| |o t| | t y [6u] s [5wa]| | o u||| [4e]| [5r]| [6t]| |t [5r]| |[3w]| [46ep] [57ra] [68ts]| |d [79yd]| | pa[es] f [wa] f [qp] t i o [8o] w [tu]| 8 w [typ] a [6s] 0 t d [7d] w y f [8g]fwd[uf] w 8 w [7d]| [6s] [0f] [ya] f [4p] 8 e o [8o] w [tu]| y| y u [5y] 9 e 9 5 9 r t [8t] w u w 8| |[18]Level: 6Length: 01:30Intermediate
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G H H G f S [eT] [GeT] H H G f D [rY] [GrY] H H G f S [Tu] S D [fTu] k j H [HWr] G [GWr] H H G f S [eT] [GeT] H H G f Y [rY] G H [GrY] H H G f S [Tu] S D [fTu] L k j [HTu] G [jTu] H G f [GeT] f G f H [SeT] S [GrY] f G f H [GrY] f [GTu] G G G H G [Tu] f S f G [Wr] f [jWr] H G f [GeT] f G f H [SeT] S [GrY] G k [HrY] G [GTu] G G H G [Tu] f S f G [Wr] [Wr] a S D [feT] S D f [eT] D S a a [GrY] S f G [rY] G f D S S [HTu] j [Tu] H f S a [Wr] [Wr] a S D [GwT] f S D f [eT] D S a a [GrY] S f G [rY] G f D S S [GTu] j [Tu] H f S a [Tu] S a G H H G f S [eT] [GeT] H H G f D [rY] [GrY] H H G f S [Tu] S D [fTu] k j H [HWr] G [GWr] H H G f S [eT] [GeT] H H G f D [rY] G H [GrY] H H G f S [Tu] S D [fTu] L k j [HWr] G [jTu] H G f [SeT] a [jeT] H G f [SrY] a [jrY] H G f [STu] a f [STu] a O [IWr] [jWr] H G f [SeT] a [jeT] H G f [SrY] r [jrY] H G f [STu] a f [STu] a O I [Wr] [GWr] H H G f SLevel: 5Intermediate
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