01:00 -
[680u] t u p [9qei]||
[579y] r y o [80wu]|y t
[680]|t e [9qey]|e|
[589]|y t [579u]|y t
[680u] t u p [9qei]| i
[579y] r y o [80wu]|y t
[680] e t e [9qey]|e|
[589y] y y t [579u]|y t
[468t] t e w [589t] t e w
[680] [680] [680]|t y [680u]|
t y [680u]|t y [9qeu]|
i u [9qey]|r t [579y]|
r t [579y]|y u [680y]|
t|[680]|t y [680u]|
t y [680u]|t y [9qeu]|
i u [9qey]|r t [579y]|
r t [579y]|y u [680y]|
t|[680]|u i o
[680]||[9qe] p u o
[579] p| [80w] u i o
[680]| o [9qep]|o o
[468t] t e w [589t] t e w
[0wro]|u|[680t]|e w
[468t] t e w [589t] t e w
[0wr] p o p [680] p o p
[468t] t e w [589t] t e w
[0wro]|u|[680t]|e w
[468t] t e w [589t] t e w
[0wr] p o p [680] p o p
[680] [680] [680]
About This Music Sheet
Barbie Girl (Aqua) is a song by Aqua. Use your computer keyboard to play Barbie Girl (Aqua) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:00, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Barbie Girl (Aqua) is classified in the genres: Pop, Dance on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Dance-Pop.
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[g92]dp[d92]gd[p92][d30] [qg4]sp[sq4]gs[qp4][ws5] [fe6]SpSDsOsdaOaSPoP [yd2]696q9[uf6]9[pig2]696q969 [spj4]8q[oh8]eq[pj8]q [ts4][j8]q[h8]eq[j8]q [yd^]qEqyE[uqf]E[ig^]qEq[yf]Eq^ [soh8]wtw[upj]tw0[oh6]0e0[igT]w06 26[ig9]626[s9][g6][pj2]6[pj9]6[g2][f6][D9][d6] 48[qpj]8[OH4]8[qpj]8[oh4][oh8][qoh][ig8][YD4][oh8][qig]8 ^q[igE]q[ig^]q[sE]q[pj^]q[jE][qH][h^]q[gE]q [ig8]w[tp][wP][a8][ws][tpj]w 60[eSL]0[SL6]0[ige]0 ^q[PJE]q[sl^]q[zdE]q[xf8]w[th][wG][g8][wf][tSL]w [pjf6][S0][je][f0][SL6][SL0][eSL][xf0][zyed9] SiTsitaur[92]| [zd]Level: 6Length: 00:44Intermediate
Gravity Falls Weirdmageddon Theme
Brad Breeck
[qpe9]| psa [wr9]| | [tse0]||df[wt0]| | [qpe9]||ps[wra9]| | [tse0]||df[wt0]| d| [qpe9]||ps[wra9]| | [tse0]||df[wt0]||uo [tqpe] ap o [ute0]||u [ute0] y||[wr9]||fh [tqje] kj h [tfe0]||f [wrf9] d| | [qed9]| d d [qe8]| s| [wts0]| s d [wr9]| d| [qed9]| d d [qe8]| s| [wts0]| s d [wr9]| d| [qed9]| d d [qe8]| s| [wts0]| s d [wr9]| d| [qje9]hj hfh [qe8] fdf| [wtf0]df dsd [wr9] apo| [pe6]op ouo [q4] uyu| [u81]yu yty [w5] rew uo [pe6]op ouo [q4] uyu wu [u81]yu yty [w5] rew0et [u92]y uy [q4] uyy| [u81]y uy [w5] uyy| [u92]y uy [q4] uyy| [w81] t y uy[w5] rew| [pe6]op ouo [e6] uyu| [u81]yu yty [w5] rew| [pe6]op ouo [e6] uyu t [u81]yu yty [w5] rew| [pe6]op ouo [q4] uyu| [u81]yu yty [w5] rew uo [pe6]op ouo [q4] uyu wu [u81]yu yty [w5] rew| [e92] t y u [qe4] t y uw [w81] t y u [yw5] rew| [qe4] t y u [w81] ty uo [qp4] apo u[81] yu uy [wu5]y||[w5]||uo [qp4] apo u[81] yu uy [wu5]y||[w5]| yps [f92]d fd [q4] fdd| [f81]d fd [w5] fdd| [f92]d fd [q4] fdd| [s81]| s| [wd5]| pps [f92]d fd [q4] fdd| [f81]d fd [w5] fdd| [f92]d fd [q4] fdd| [s81]| s| [wd5]| | [qpe9]| psa [wr9]| | [tse0]||df[wt0]| | [qpe9]||ps[wra9]| | [tse0]||df[wt0]| d| [qe9] e wet[wr9] r ery [te0] t etu[wt0]uuu uop [qe8] apo u[wt0] yu uy [wur9]y||[wr9]| uop [qe8] apo u[wt0] yu uy [wur9]y y ty[wr9]| pps [f92]d fd [q4] fdd| [f81]d fd [w5] fdd| [f92]d fd [q4] fdd| [s81]| s| [wd5]| pps [f92]d fd [q4] fdd| [f81]d fd [w5] fdd| [f92]d fd [q4] fdd| [s81]| s| [wd5]| pps [f92]d fd [q4] fdd| [f81]d fd [w5] fdd| [s81]| s| [wd5]| pps [f92]d fd [q4] fdd| [f81]d fd [w5] fdd| [f92]d fd [q4] fdd| [s81]| s| [wd5]| | [qj4]hj hfh [w5] fdf| [wf5]df d sd[e6] apo [qp4] oiuyt[wo5] iuytr [wo5] iuytr[oe6] iuyte [p92] ouyte[o92] iuyte[tqie4]Level: 6Length: 04:12Intermediate
[sh]||| [tf]||| asds||| t t yu[ush]| |y| y tu| | t yu[sh]| o| u y| t t| | t y [u6] [o0] e [u0]y4 8 qt8y[u6] [o0] e [p0]o4 8 [sq] [s8] [s8] w [ts] w [D4]d8 q [s8]st 0 8 5 1| | 6 0 e t [up] t [pe] [o0] 4 8 [qp] [se] t e q 8 1 5 8 0 [ws] [s0] 8 [u5] wr5yo 9 w r y r w 9 6 0 e [tp] [up] t [pe] [o0] [p4] [s8] q e t e [qd] [f8] 1 [d5]s8 0 w 0 [f8] 5g[f5] [d9] w r y r [wt] [y9] [u6] 0 e t u [yt] [ue] [o0] et4ip 8 q e t [oe] [qp] [s8] [ypid2] 6 9 q e [qf] [d9] [s6] [tpie4] 8 q e t [se] [sq] [a8] tu1os 5 8 0 w [u0] [u8] [p5] 4 8 q e t [oe] q [u8] 5 [y9] w r y r w 9 5 9 w r y r [wt] [y9] [u6] 0 e t u [yt]ueo0 [p4] 8 q e t e [qp] [s8] yi2pd 6 9 q e [qf] [d9] [s6] 4 [p8] q e t [se] [sq] [a8] [utso1] 5 8 0 w 0 [u8] [p5] 4 8 q e t [ed] [qd] [s8] [yoda5] 9 w r y r w 9 4 8 q [se] [ts] e [sq] [s8]f4 [d8] [qd] e [td] [se]pq 8 6 60e t [uf] [tg] [fe] [f0] [d5] 59w r yrw 9 5 2 269 [qp] [pe]q[s9] [p6] [f2] 4 48q [pe] [tp]e[sq] [p8] [f4] 6 60e [tf] [uf]t[ge] 0 [f6] [d5] 59w r y r w 9 [w95]| | t y [u8] 0 [wt] t [y0] 8 0 [t8] w [t0] 8 t w 0 [t8] [y5] [u8] [wo] 0 [wp] q 8 [o6] [o4] w 0 8 t w 0 [t8] [y5] [u6] 0 e [r0] [t4] 8 q [t8]y[u6] 0 e [o0] [p4] 8 [qp] [s8] [s8] wst [wD]d4 8 q [s8]st w 0 t t w 0 8 6 0 e t [up] t [pe] [o0] 4 8 [qp] [se] t e q 8 1 5 8 0 [ws] [s0] 8 [u5] wr5yo 9 w r y r w 9 6 0 e [tp] [up] t [pe] [o0] [p4] [s8] q e t e [qd] [f8] 1 [d5]s8 0 w 0 [f8] 5g[f5] [d9] w r y r [wt] [y9] [u6] 0 e t u [yt] [ue] [o0] et4ip 8 q e t [oe] [qp] [s8] [ypid2] 6 9 q e [qf] [d9] [s6] [tpie4] 8 q e t [se] [sq] [a8] tu1os 5 8 0 w [s0] [s8] [d5] 4 8 q e t [ed] q [s8] 5 [d9] w r y r w 9 5 59w r yrw [t9] [y5] [u6] 60e t ut[ye] [u0] [o6] [p4] 48q e teq [p8] [s4] yi2pd [f2]69 q eq[d9] [s6] 2 [p4] 48q e te[sq] [s8] [a4] [utso1] 158 0 w08 [s5] [d1] 4 48q e te[qd] [d8] [s4] [yoda5] 59w r yrw 9 5 5 59w r yrw 9 5 2 269 [sq] [se]q9 [s6] [s2]f4 [d4]8[qd] e [td]e[sq]p8 4 6 60e t [uf]t[ge] [f0] [f6] [d5] 59w r yrw 9 5 2 269 [qp] [pe]q[s9] [p6] [f2] 4 48q [pe] [tp]e[sq] [p8] [f4] 6 60e [tf] [uf]t[ge] 0 [f6] [f5] [d5]9w r yrw 9 5 5 9 w r y w 9 5qe[tp] g p j g s p i0e[ut] s p j f s p uqe[ti] s p j g s p i0e[ut] s p j f s p uqe[ti] s p j g s p i0et| |p| s pqet[if]| | p p s| f| | p| 8uw[to]sLevel: 7Length: 04:22Intermediate
The Last Goodbye (The Hobbit)
Billy Boyd