Call Me Maybe

Carly Rae Jepsen 27 August 2020

[yo] [yo] [yo] [yo] [yo] [yo] [yo] [yo]
[yo] [yo] [yo] [yo] [yo] [yo] [yo] [yo]
[w8] r [wr8] r [wr8] r [we8] r
[w9] r [wr9] r [wr9] r [we9] r
[w8] r [wr8] r [wr8] r [we8] e
9 e [e9] w [w9] y9 r
[w8] r [wr8] r [wr8] r [we8] r
[w9] r [wr9] r [wr9] r [we9] r
[w8] r [wr8] r [wr8] r [we8] e
9 e [e9] w [w9] y9 r
[w8]|y|[yw8]r e w
[y9]|y|[y9]r e w
[yw8]|y|[yw8]r e w
[wo9] o [wo9] o [wo9] o [wp9] a
[w8]|[wo8]|[wr8]y o[w8] y
[e9]|[e9] r [re9]y a[e9] o
[r0]|[r0] o [ra0] s [ra0] o
[e9]|[e9] o [ea9] p [pe9] o
[w8]|[wo8]|[wr8]y o[w8] y
[e9]|[e9]|[re9] y [ea9]|
[r0] o [r0] o [ra0] s [ra0] o
[e9]|[e9] o [ea9] p [pe9] o

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About This Music Sheet

Call Me Maybe is a song by Carly Rae Jepsen. Use your computer keyboard to play Call Me Maybe music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:00, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Call Me Maybe is classified in the genres: Canada, Pop on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Happy.


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Other Songs By Carly Rae Jepsen

  • 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [qtu] [8u] [qtu] [8u] [qtu] [8y] [qtu] 8 [wtu] [8u] [wtu] [8u] [wtu] [8y] [wtu] 8 [etu] [8u] [etu] [8u] [etu] [8y] [ety] 8 [wry] [8y] [wrt] [8t] [wro] 8 [wru] 8 [qtu] [8u] [qtu] [8u] [qtu] [8y] [qtu] 8 [wtu] [8u] [wtu] [8u] [wtu] [8y] [wtu] 8 [qeu] [8u] [qeu] [8u] [qeu] [8y] [qey] 8 [wry] [8y] [wrt] [8t] [wro] 8 [wru] 8 [qt] [8os] [qt] [8os] [qt] u [8y] [qt] [8o] [wt] [8os] [wt] [8os] [wt] u [8y] [wt] [8os] [et] [8os] [et] [8os] [et] u [8y] [et] [8ps] [wr] [8ps] [wrps] [8ps] [wr] [8ad] [wrsf] [qet] s u o s o [wtu] [9wr] [9wru] o f f s t [qe] [8qe] [8qes] f g f s [tu] w [9wr] [9wrs] f d d s [qetjl] [8ws] u o s [oh] [wtu] [9wr] [9wr] u o f [hx] [qet] [8qes] [8qe] [sl] f g f s [tu] [wtu] [9wr] [9wrs] f d d s [qetjl] [ps] [tu] o [us] [uo] [wtu] [9wr] [9wrtu] o [sf] [fh] [of] t [qet] [8qe] [8qesf] [fh] [gj] [fh] [os] [tu] [wtu] [9wr] [9wros] [sf] [ad] [ad] [os] [qetjl] [8etps] [tu] o [us] [uo] [wtu] [9wr] [9wr] [tu] [uo] [sf] [qetoh] [sf] [8et] [os] [sf] [dg] [sf] [uos] [wtu] [wtu] [9wr] [9wruos] [osf] [oad] [iad] [uos] 8 [qt] [8sf] [qtad] [8ad] [qtps] [8ps] [qtuo] 8 [wt] 8 [wtuo] [8od] [wt] [8os] [wt] 8 [et] 8 [etio] [8od] [et] [8os] [et] 8 [wr] 8 [wryo] [8od] [wr] [8os] [wr] [8ips] [qt] [8psf] [qtad] [8iad] [qtps] [8yps] [qtuo] 8 [wt] 8 [wtuo] [8uod] [wt] [8uos] [wt] 8 [et] 8 [etio] [8iod] [et] [8iod] [et] 9 [wr] 9 [wryo] [9yod] [wr] [9yoad] [wr] [8uos] [wt] 8 [wt] [8uod] [wt] [8uos] [wt] 8 [wt] [8uod] [wt] [8u] [wo] [ts]

    Level: 7
    Length: 01:21
    Call Me Maybe

    Carly Rae Jepsen


  • [te]||| [tq]||| [yw5]||| [ue]||| [xt0] x x x x [xj] x x [xwu8] x x x x x x x [xie9] x x x x [xj] x x [xro0] x x x x x x x [te60]|||6||| [qe84]| |j x j [te60]|||6||| [e60]| |j x j [e60] x x x x [xj] x [xj] [xwu8] x x x x x x [x6] [x6] x x [x6] x [xj] x [xj]||6 [xro0] x x x x x [xro0] [x6] [x6] x x x x [xj] x [xj] [xjeb84]||| [xrjb95]| i|||j [xtb60]| |6 6 [xts60] x x x x [xj] x [xj] [xwud8] x x x [xf] x x x [xige9] x x x [xup] [xj] [yxx] [xj] [xroh0] x x x [uo]| x x x x [xts60] x x x x [xj] x [xj] [xwus8] x x x x x x x [xied9] x x x x [xj] x [xj] [xrof0] x x x x x x x [xts60] x x x x [xj] [xxa] [xj] [xwuf8] x x x x x x x [xige9] x x x x [xj] x [xj] [xroh0] x x x x x x x [xe6]| x x x x [xj] x [xj] [xqb] x x x x x x x [x9]| x x x x [xj] x [xj] [xupeb] x x x x x x x [xupe] x x x x [xj] x [xj] 6
    Level: 7
    Length: 02:05
    Leaving Earth (Mass Effect 3)

    Clint Mansell

  • [se] a s p s u [sq] p s i g p s i g s [tf] s g s h s [wd] s d o h s d o s a [se] a s p s u [sq] p s i g p s i g s [tf] s g s h s [wd] s d o h s [td8] o [sr7] a [se6] a s p s u [sq4] p s i g p s i g s [tf8] s g s h s [wd5] s d o h s [td8] o [sr7] a [se6] a s p s u [sq4] p s i g p s i g s [tf8] s g s h s [wd5] s d o h s s s s s [se6]||[utse] s [sq4] s s||[tsqe] s s s [ts8] s s s [utso] s [ws5] p s||[ywsr] s s s [se6]||[utse] s [sq4] p s||[tsqe] s s s [ts8] s s s [utso] s [ws5] d d||[ywsr] s s s [fe6]|s|[utse] s [sq4] s s||[tsqe] s s s [ts8] s s s [utso] s [ws5] p s||[ywsr] s s s [se6]|p|[utse]|[sq4] p s||[tsqe] s s s [wd5] d d f d s s| [sl] [sl] [ka] [ka] [pj]|[oh] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [f81] s [g5] s [wh80] [oh] [woh5] [sl] [w5] [sl] [ywrka] [ka] [pj] [oh] [ywr] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [f81] s [g5] s [wh80] [oh] [woh5] [sl] [w5] [sl] [ywsrl] [sl] [zd] [zd] [ywr] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [f81] s [g5] s [wh80] [oh] [woh5] [sl] [w5] [sl] [ywrka] [ka] [pj] [oh] [ywr] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [uf81] [uf] [uf5] [uf] [woh80] o [woh5] [oh] [wpj5]|[ywroh] [pj] s s s s [se6]||[utse] s [sq4] s s||[tsqe] s s s [ts8] s s s [utso] s [ws5] p s||[ywsr] s s s [se6]|f|[utse] s [sq4] s s||[tsqe] s s s [ts8] s s s [utso] s [ws5] d d||[ywsr] s s d [fe6]|h|[utse] s [sq4] s s||[tsqe] s s s [ts8]|s|[utso] s [ws5] p s||[ywsr] s s s [se6]|p|[utse]|[sq4] p s||[tsqe] s s s [wd5] d d f d s s| [sl] [sl] [ka] [ka] [pj]|[oh] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [f81] s [g5] s [wh80] [oh] [woh5] [sl]| [sl] [ywrka] [ka] [pj] [oh] [ywr] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [f81] s [g5] s [wh80] [oh] [woh5] [sl]| [sl] [ywsrl] [sl] [zd] [zd] [ywr] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [f81] s [g5] s [wh80] [oh] [woh5] [sl]| [sl] [ywrka] [ka] [pj] [oh] [ywr] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [uf81] [uf] [uf5] [uf] [woh80] o [woh5] [oh] [pj]|[ywroh] [pj]| [ywsr] d [sfe6] [da] [sf0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tsqge] [sd] [f81] d [f5] s [wf80] s [wd5]| [w5] o [ywrh] s d o [ywsr] [da] [sfe6] [da] [sf0] p [utse] u [sqp4] [pi] s i [tqge] p s i [tsqge] [sd] [uf81] [uf] [uf5] [uf] [woh80] o [woh5] [oh] [wpj5]|[ywroh] [pj]| [ywr]| [e6]|[pf] [pf] s s [qpf4] [pf] s|[pf]|s|[pf] [pf] [ts8]|[pf]|s|[wpf5] [pf] s s [pf]|s s [pf]| [e6]|[pf] [pf] s s [qpf4] [pf] s|[pf]|s|[pf] [pf] [ts8]|[pf]|s|[wpf5] [pf] s s [pf]|s s [pf]| [e6]|[pf] [pf] [utse] s [qpf4] [pf] d|s|[tqe]|[of] [of] [ts8] s [of] [of] [utso] s [wof5]|s|[of]|[ywsr]|[of]| [e6]|[pf] [pf] [utse] s [qpf4] [pf] s|[pf]|[tsqe]|[pf] [pf] [ts8]|[pf]|[utso]|[pf] [pf] [sl] [sl] [ka] [ka] [pj]|[oh] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [f81] s [g5] s [wh80] [oh] [woh5] [sl]| [sl] [ywrka] [ka] [pj] [oh] [ywr] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [f81] s [g5] s [wh80] [oh] [woh5] [sl]| [sl] [ywsrl] [sl] [zd] [zd] [ywr] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [f81] s [g5] s [wh80] [oh] [woh5] [sl]| [sl] [ywrka] [ka] [pj] [oh] [ywr] [pj] [se6] a [s0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tqge] s [uf81] [uf] [uf5] [uf] [woh80] o [woh5] [oh] [pj]|[ywroh] [pj]| [ywsr] d [sfe6] [da] [sf0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tsqge] [sd] [f81] d [f5] s [wf80] s [wd5]| [w5] o [ywrh] s d o [ywsr] [da] [sfe6] [da] [sf0] p [utse] u [sqp4] [pi] s i [tqge] p s i [tsqge] [sd] [f81] d [f5] s [wf80] s [wd5]| o h s d o [ywsr] d [sfe6] [da] [sf0] p [utse] u [sq4] p s i [tqge] p s i [tsqge] [sd] [f81] d [f5] s [wf80] s [wd5]| [w5] o [ywrh] s d o [ywsr] [da] [sfe6] [da] [sf0] p [utse] u [sqp4] [pi] s i [tqge] p s i [tsqge] [sd] [uf81] [uf] [uf5] [uf] [woh80] o [woh5] [oh] [wpj5]|[ywroh] [pj]| [ywr]| [se] a s p s u [sq] p s i g p s i g s [tf] s g s h s [wd] s d o h s d o s a [se] a s p s u [sq] p s i g p s i g s [tf] s g s h s [wd] s d o h s d o s a
    Level: 7
    Length: 03:56
    Hall Of Fame

    The Script

  • 8 [uo] 5 [uo] 8 [uo] Y u o 8 [uo] 5 [uo] 8 Y u o p [8u] t [wu] [5o] o [wu] [8p] [wu] o 5 [wu] 6 [0t] p [0to] p 6 s [0t] [8e] 5 [9r] d d [9r] [5f] [9r] d [9r] [qp] [etp] [8p] [eio] [8p] s [0w] 5 [0w] 8 [0w] 5 [0w] 8 [wu] [5o] [wuo] [8p] [wu] o 5 [wu] [6p] s [0t] s f [8e] [6f] [0t] [0t] [5d] [9rd] d [9rd] [5f] [9r] d [9r] [qp] [tps] [8s] [tid] s 0 s d [8f] [0wt] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryo] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f [ryid] [es] [tup] 0 [tup] e [tup] f [tuph] [qj] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] j [eti] j [8h] [0wtf] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryof] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f d [ryos] [qs] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] s [etid] [8s] [0wt] [0wt] [0wt] [80w] o o [8p] [wu] o 5 [wu] 6 [0t] p [0to] p 6 s [0t] [8e] 5 [9r] d d [9r] [5f] [9r] d [9r] [qp] [etp] [8p] [eio] [8p] s [0w] 5 [0w] 8 [0w] 5 [0w] 8 [wu] [5o] [wuo] [8p] [wu] o 5 [wu] [6p] s [0t] s f [8e] [6f] [0t] [0t] [5d] [9rd] d [9rd] [5f] [9r] d [9r] [qp] [tps] [8s] [tid] s 0 s d [8f] [0wt] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryo] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f [ryid] [es] [tup] 0 [tup] e [tup] f [tuph] [qj] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] j [eti] j [8h] [0wtf] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryof] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f d [ryos] [qs] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] s [etid] [8s] [0wt] [0wt] [0wt] [80w] [etu] s s s [wrya] s d [tuof] f f f f d 8 s 9 0 s [qg] [eti] g [8g] [etig] [8g] [0wtf] [5d] [0wts] [wd] [ryo] [9f] [ryo] f [wd] [ryo] 9 [ryod] [6f] [80ef] f [80ef] [^d] [E9qd] [4d] d [E9q] [qs] [etis] [8s] s [eti] [8s] [0wt] s [5s] [0wts] [wd] [ryof] d 9 [ryo] w [ryo] [9d] [ryof] g w [ryi] [ryi] [ryi] [wri] s d [8f] [0wt] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryo] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f [ryid] [es] [tup] 0 [tup] e [tup] f [tuph] [qj] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] j [eti] j [8h] [0wtf] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryof] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f d [ryos] [qs] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] s [etid] [8s] [0wt] [0wt] [0wt] [80w] s d [8f] [0wt] [0wt] [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryi] [ryi] [ryi] w [ryi] f [ryid] [es] [tup] [tup] [tup] e [tup] f [tuph] [qj] [eti] [eti] [eti] q [eti] j [eti] j [8h] [0wtf] [0wt] [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryof] [ryo] [ryo] w [ryo] f d [ryos] [qs] [eti] [eti] [eti] q [eti] s [etid] [8s] [0wt] [0wt] [0wt] [80w] f d s [wd] [ryo] [ryo] [ryo] w [ryo] [ryof] d [ryos] [tuos] f d s [wd] [ryo] [ryo] [ryo] w [ryo] [ryof] d [ryos] [ts] w e 0 w 0 9 8 0 w 9 8

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:10
    Take Me Home Country Roads (Intermediate)

    John Denver