Clark (Minecraft)

C418 25 September 2020

[ypi] [ur0] [wur] [tqe] [yqpe9] t [ur0] w
e u [wur0] [tqe] e [yqpe9] o p
o [ur0] w e [wur0] s a o
y [tqe] e y i o [ypi2] i
u y 4 [up5] o [ura30] [ws] [a5]
p e o [wur3] a s a o
[y6] [a8] s [tqe4] [ute] o y [pi3]
[oa] [ypi2] i s [uo] y 4 [up5]
o [ura30] [ws] [a5] p e o y
[wur30] a g f s [p6] [a8] s
[tqe4] [ute] o y [pi3] [oa] [ypi2] g
o f d [p4] [f5] [od] [ura30] [ws]
[a5] p e o y [wur3] k [lf]
[kd] [sh] [j6] [kf8] l [spi4] [ute] o
y [pi3] [ua] [yqe] [ur0] [wur] [tqe]

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About This Music Sheet

Clark (Minecraft) is a song by C418. Use your computer keyboard to play Clark (Minecraft) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:40, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Clark (Minecraft) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Minecraft.

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    Other Songs By C418

    • u| s| o d f|
      h| t| y| |
      p l s z d x||
      [2pG] f d o I y e| 2|||
      [2s]| o| I| y|
      [6efx]| z j| h||u| y e| w||
      [6efx]| z j| h||u| y e| e r|
      [6of]| h| G h j|
      [6of]| |r t y
      [29hz]| k| l| z|
      [0uj]lxb y e| w||
      [6fx]| z j| h 7|
      [6uf]| d p| o||
      [0u]| y e| e r|
      [29of]| h| G h j|
      [29of]| |r t y
      [29hz]| k| l| z|
      [6v]mx z b| v||6|||
      [6v]mx z b| v||6|||
      [6v]mx z b| v||6|||
      vmx z b| m

      Level: 7
      Length: 01:35
      Beginning (Minecraft)


    • t| [ua]| o| [ua]|
      t| [ua]| o| [ua]|
      t| [ua]| o| [ua]|
      t| [ua]| o| [ua]|
      [8t]| [tua]| [8o]| [tua]|
      [8t]| [rua]| [8o]| [rua]|
      [8t]| [tua]| [8o]| [tua]|
      [8t]| [rua]| [8o]| [rua]|
      [8ta] s [rud] f w d [ru] a
      [8ts]| [ru] o w| [rua]|
      [6ea] f [tud] f e h [tu] f
      [6e]| [tud]| e| [tua]|
      [4qg] f [et] s q p [ets]|
      [5wa] o [ry] f w d [ryu] i
      [4qg] f [et] s q p [etj]|
      [5wh]| [ryf] d w a [ryo]|
      8| [tah]| [8of]| [tah]|
      8| [ruah]| [8of]| [ruah]|
      8| [tah]| [8of]| [tah]|
      8| [ruah]| [8of]| [ruah]| 0|||
      [8l]wu| |h| |s| |f
      [6p]0t| s|||
      [4h]8e| |p|||
      [5d]9r| |a|||
      [8l]wu| |h| |s|||
      8| [wr]| [0w]| |o| |y| |
      8| [wr]| [0w]| |y| |u| |
      [qs]| [tuh]| [etf]| p| o| |u| |
      [qh]| [tuj]| [ets]| |f| |u| |
      [1k]| [wrh]| [0wd]| |f| |s| |
      [1k] lz[wrx] v [0w]| |y| d| u| |
      [qs]| [tuh]| [etf]| p| o| |u| |
      [qh]| [tuj]| [ets]| |u| |f| |
      [1tos]| [wr]| [0w]| |o| |y| |
      [1t]| [wr]| [0w]| |y| |u| |
      [1t]| [wr]| [0w]|||
      1| [wr]| [0w]|||
      1| [wr]| [0w]|||
      1| [wr]| [0w]

      Level: 6
      Length: 03:04
      Subwoofer Lullaby (C418)


    • [wsf]||d|[tp]||[us]||
      [wtuh]lx| z|[tj]||[ul]||
      [wtuh]lx| z|[tj]||[ul]||

      Level: 10
      Length: 02:05
      Minecraft (Title)


    • [6osf]0t||g| |
      [9etis]| |d| |
      [wush]| |g| f|
      [9etipd]| |u| |
      [6p] s h| g| f|
      [8uod]| |[9y]| |
      [wosf]| |q| 0|
      [8uod]| |5| |
      [4p]| 0| |s|
      [6d]| w| s| [yo]|
      [2p]| q| o| |
      [2up]| 9| |0|
      [4h]| 0| |g f
      [6d]| [ws] f 6||o
      [2p]| [qf]| |
      [2p]| [9h]| |
      [6osf]0t||g| |
      [9etis]| |d| |
      [wush]| |g| f|
      [9etipd]| |u| |
      [6p] s h| g| f|
      [8uod]| |[9y]| |
      [wosf]| |q| 0|
      [8uod]| |5| |
      [4p]| 0| |s|
      [6d]| w| s| [yo]|
      [2p]| q| o| |
      [2up]| 9| |0|
      [4h]| 0| |g f
      [6d]| [ws] f 6||o
      [2p]| [qf]| |
      [2p]| [9h]| |
      [6osf]0t||g| |
      [9etis]| |p| |
      2 6 9 e u p

      Level: 8
      Length: 01:35
      Dry Hands (C418)


    • q u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      [qj] [us] p [pj] e f u f [ej] [tj] i [uj] j [tj] j
      [qj] [uj] [jx] p [es] [uf] [es] f t i u j [tf]
      [qf] [ug] f [pg] [ef] g u s [es] [ts] i [ug] t
      [qj] [uf] p [es] [us] [ef] t [is] [up] [tj] j
      [qg] [uf] p [es] f [uj] l e t i [ug] f t f
      [qp] u p p [efj] [up] e [tp] [ip] u [gj] [tf]
      [qg] [uf] p [ep] u [es] t [ip] [up] t
      q u p e u e t i u t p
      [qf] u p [ef] u p [ef] p t [ip] [uf] t p
      [qf] u p [ef] u p [ef] t [ip] [up] t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u e [ta] [is] [ua] s [ta] o
      [qp] [us] p [ps] e s [up] [fj] e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u [ef] x t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      [qf] u p [es] u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i [uh] t
      [qa] u p e u e t i u t
      [qf] u p e u e t i u t
      [qf] u p [es] u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i [uh] t
      [qa] u p e u e t i u t
      [qf] u p e u e t i u t
      [qf] u p [es] u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i [uh] t
      [qa] u p e u e t i u t
      [qf] u p e u e t i u t
      [qfj] u p [es] u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i [uhl] t
      [qak] u p e u e t i u t
      [qfj] u p e u e t i [uh] t
      [qfj] u p [es] u e t i u t
      q u p e u [el] t i [uhl] [tz] l
      [qak] u p e u [eh] t i u t
      [qfj] u p e u e t i [uhx] t
      [qfj] u p [es] u e t i u t
      q u p e u [el] t i [uhl] [tz] l
      [qak] u p e u [eh] t i u t
      [qfj] u d [ph] [ef] u e [td] [ih] [uf] [td]
      [qpf] u d p [ef] [ud] [ef] [td] i [uf] [td]
      [qf] u d p [ef] [ud] [ef] [td] i [uf] [td]
      [qf] u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      [qf] u p [es] u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i [uh] [tf]
      [qa] u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      [qf] x u p [es] u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i [uh] [tf]
      [qa] u p e u e t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      [qfx] u [pj] [esl] u e t i u [tak]
      [qsl] u [fx] [pj] e u e t i [uhv] [tfx]
      [qak] u [pj] e u e [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [qi] [uf] [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [qix] [uf] [pj] [epl] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [tsk]
      [qil] [uf] x [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [ufv] [tsx]
      [qik] [uf] [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [qi] [uf] [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [qifx] [uf] [pj] [epsl] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [task]
      [qisl] [uf] [fx] [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [ufhv] [tsfx]
      [qiak] [uf] [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [qi] [uf] [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [qifx] [uf] [pj] [epsl] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [task]
      [qisl] [uf] [fx] [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [ufhv] [tsfx]
      [qiak] [uf] [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [qi] [uf] [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [6epfx] [uf] [pj] [epsl] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [task]
      [8tsl] [uf] [fx] [pj] [ts] [uf] [ts] [ts] [ig] [ufhv] [tsfx]
      [5woak] [uf] [pj] [wo] [uf] [wo] [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [4qi] [uf] [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [6epfx] [uf] [pj] [epsl] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [task]
      [8tsl] [uf] [fx] [pj] [ts] [uf] [ts] [ts] [ig] [ufhv] [tsfx]
      [5woak] [uf] [pj] [wo] [uf] [wo] [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [4qi] [uf] [pj] [ep] [uf] [ep] [ts] [ig] [uf] [ts]
      [6efx] u [pj] [esl] u e t i u [tak]
      [8tslc] u [fx] [pj] t u [tv] t i [uhv] [tfx]
      [5wak] u [pj] w u [wl] t i u t
      [4qj] u p e u e t i [uh] t
      [6efx] u [pj] [esl] u e t i u [tak]
      [8tslc] u [fx] [pj] t u [tv] t i [uhv] [tfx]
      [5wahk] u [pj] w u [wl] t i u t
      [4qfj] u p e u [efh] t i u t
      [6efjlx] u [pj] [esl] u e t i [uk] [tak]
      [8tsglc] u [fx] [pj] t u [thv] t i [uhlv] [tfx]
      [5wak] u [pj] w u [wsjl] t i u t
      [4qpsj] u p e u [esh] t i u t
      [6efjlx] u [pj] [esl] u e t i [uak] [tak]
      [8tsglc] u [fx] [pj] t u [thv] t i [uhlv] [tfx]
      [5wadhk] u [pj] w u [wsh] t i u t
      [4qupsf] u p e u [eipd] t i u t
      [efx] u [pj] [esl] u e t i u [tak]
      [tsl] u [fx] [pj] t u t t i [uhv] [tfx]
      [wak] u [pj] w u w t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      [efx] u [pj] [esl] u e t i u [tak]
      [tsl] u [fx] [pj] t u t t i [uhv] [tfx]
      [wak] u [pj] w u w t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t
      [efx] u [pj] [esl] u e t i u [tak]
      [tsl] u [fx] [pj] t u t t i [uhv] [tfx]
      [wak] u [pj] w u w t i u t
      q u p e u e t i u t

      Level: 6
      Aria Math (Minecraft)



    • [aW] Pa [SQ] a S [rOD0] S a [QP] QaPQ[aW] YPaY[SQ] aT[SI] [OD0] [aH]r[uPG]r[SQI] DI[aT] [aW] YPaY[SQ] aI[TS] [D0] Su[ra] [P(] EOIY[aW] YPaY[SQ] [aI] [TS] [OD0] Hu[rG] [SQP] DQ[a$] [aY%] WP[aW]([SI$] [aQ] [SQ]*[OD3] S0[a7] [TP$] *[aQ][PE] [aY%] (P[aW]([SI$] [aQ][S$] [OD3] [aH]0[PG7] [SQI$] DQ[aY]$[aY%] W[TP(][aY%] [SI$] Qa[TS] [aOD3] S0[a7] [YPI@] ^[O][QI] [uaO30] 0[P7][a0] [SQI$] [a]Q[P$] [ua30] 0[P7][a0] [SQ$] [a]Q[P$] [aYW%] W[WP][a(] [SQ$] [a*]QS [ID3] [S7]0[ra] [TP$] *[aQ][PE] [aY%] ([WP][aW]([SI$] [aQ][S$][OD30] [aH0]7[PG0] [SQI$] [D]Q[raY] [aYW%] ([WTP][aYW]([SQI$] [aQ][S$] [D30] [S0]7[a0] [QP$] Q[QO][I] [a30] 0[P7][a0] [SQ$] [aQ]QP[a30] 0[P7][a0] [SQ$] [aQ] [P*] [H!] GSGk

      Level: 7
      Length: 00:55
      The First Layer (Made in Abyss)

      Kevin Penkin

    • p| s| [qpf4]||| [w5]| |[ywoa]| s| [oed6]||| [30]| |[utoe]| a| [q4]| [p8]| q| | [w5]| |[ywod]| |[soe6]||| [30]| |p| s| [qpf4]||| [w5]| |[ywoa]| s| [oed6]| 0| [se]| | [30]| |[utohe]| d| [q4]| [s8]| q| | [w5]| |[ywod]| | [soe6]| 0| e| t| u| |e| u| [uq4]| 8| q| u r [w5]| 9| w| e t [e6]| 0| e| 0| r| 0| e| u| [uq4]| 8| q| u a [w5]| 9| w| s [uo] [e6]| 0| e| 0| r| 0| [pe]| [f0]| [qpf4]| 8| q| f [oa] [w5]| 9| w| s [uo] [e6]| 0| e| 0| r| 0| [oe]| [u0] o [q4]| 8| q| 8| [w5]| 9| [wd]| [s9] d [e6]| 0| e| s [up] [30]| 7| 0| r
      Level: 7
      Length: 01:12
      Call of Silence (Attack on Titan)

      Linked Horizon

    • [spf6] s [spf] s [spf6] sa[pf] [si] [pg4] s [pig] [si] [pig4] [so] [spg] [sa] [of8] [sa] [ofa] [sa] [ofa8] sp[of] [ys] [od7] a [od] a [pod7] a [pod] [sa] [id4] p [id] p [pid4] [pa] [pid] [sp] [si4] p [si] p [spi4] [pa] [spi] [pa] [ua] O [uoa] a| O| u s s| s| a p
      Level: 6
      Length: 00:27
      I Need A Doctor
