Counting Stars

One Republic 27 August 2020
  • TYPE
  • transposition

[y6] 0 [ue] 0 [o6] 0 [ue] 0
[y8] [wu] [yt]twu8 w t w
5 [yw] [yr] [wu]i5 [wu] [yr] t
[u4] q e q [t4] q e [qe]
[y6] 0 [ue] 0 [o6] 0 [ue] 0
[y8] [wu] [yt]twu8 w t w
5 [yw] [yr] [wu] [i5] [wu] [yr]t
[u4] [yq] [ye] [tq] [t4] [qe] e q
4 q e [qe] [u4] [yq] [ye] [tq]| |t e||
[e6] [te] [e6] [te] [e6] [te] [e6] [te]
[w1] [t8] [w1] [t8] [w1] [t8] [w1] [t8]
[w5] [wr] [w5] [wr] [w5] [wr] [w5] [wr]
[q4] [qe] [q4] [qe] [q4] [qe] [q4] [qe]
[ue6] [80][80]6 [80][80]6 [80][80][o6] [80][u80]
[yw8] [w0][w0][t8] [w0][w0]8 [w0][w0][o8] [w0][wu0]
[yw5] [97][97][t5] [97][97]5 [97][97][o5] [97][u97]
[yq4] [86][86][t4] [86][86]4 [u86][86][u4] [u86][86]
[ue860]||uy[ut860][ut] [ut]|
[wu850] [wu] t t[to850] oy|
[wu975] y t e [wu975] y [yw]|
[864] uyt e [ue864] y [yqe]|
[ue860]||uy[ut860][ut] [ue]|
[ut850]|u u[to850] oy|
[wu975] y [wt] e [wu975] y y|
[864] uyt e [ue864] y y|
6 [e8] 0 e [e0] [t8] [utp6] e
[to8] 0 [yw] t [wt] [y0] [ut8] t
[ywr5] 7 9 w [wr9] [e7] [wr5] [wt]
4 [e6] 8 q 8 6 4 q
e [e0] 8 6 [e8] [t0] [utpe] 6
[to] w [y0] 8 [t0] [yw] [ut] 8
[yw] 9 7 5 [wr7] [e9] [wr] [t5]
q [e8] 6 4 6 8 q 4
[64] q [qe64]|[e64] w[qe][64]|
[e64] w[qe][64]|[e64] w [e64] w
4| |[tpi864]|o|
[yqe864] t e we[860]|[860] [860]
[ye6] e [u6] e [uoe6] e [ue6] e
[y1] [u8] [y1]t8u1 8 1 8
5 [yw] [y5] [wu]i5 [wu] [y5] [wt]
[uq4] q [e4] q [tq4] q 4 [qe]
[ye6] e [u6] e [oe6] e [u6] e
[y1] [u8] [y1]t8u1 8 1 8
5 [yw] [y5] [wu] [i5] [wu] [y5]tw
[uq4] [yq] [y4] [tq] [tqe4] q 4 q
[ye6] e [u6] e [uoe6] e [ue6] e
[y1] [u8] [y1]t8u1 8 1 8
5 [yw] [y5] [wu]i5 [wu] [y5] [wt]
[uq4] q [e4] q [tq4] q 4 [qe]
[ye6] e [u6] e [oe6] e [u6] e
[y1] [u8] [y1]t8u1 8 1 8
5 [yw] [y5] [wu] [i5] [wu] [y5]tw
[uq4] [yq] [t4] q [u4] [yq] [y4] [tq]
[ue6] [80][80]6 [80][80]6 [80][80][o6] [80][u80]
[yw8] [w0][w0][t8] [w0][w0]8 [w0][w0][o8] [w0][wu0]
[yw5] [97][97][t5] [97][97]5 [97][97][o5] [97][u97]
[yq4] [86][86][t4] [86][86]4 [u86][86][u4] [u86][86]
[ue60] 8|[u8]y[ut60][ut]8[ut] 8
[ut85] [ut0] u 0u[to85] [o0]y 0
[wu73] [y5] [wt] [e5] [wu73] [y5] [yr] 5
[84] [u6]y[tqe] [e6] [ue84] [y6] [ye] 6
[ue60] 8|[u8]y[ut60][ut]8[ue] 8
[ut85] 0 u 0u[to85] [o0]y 0
[73] [u5]u[te] [e5] [ue73] [y5] [yw] 5
[84] [u6]u[te] [e6] [ue84] [y6] [ye] 6
[60] [e8] [60] [e8] [e60] [te8] [utp60] [e8]
[wto8] [t0] [yw8] [t0] [wt8] [yt0] [wu8] [t0]
[yw95] [w7] [95] [w7] [r95] [we7] [r95] [wt7]
[84] [qe6] [84] [q6] [84] [q6] [84] [q6]
[e60] [e8] 8 8 [e60] [t8] [utp8] 8
[wto8] 0 [y0] 0 [wt8] [y0] [u0] 0
[yw95] 7 7 7 [wr95] [e7] [r7] [t7]
[q84] [e6] 6 6 [q84] 6 6 6
[64] q [qe64]|[e64] w[qe][64]|
[e64] w[qe][64]|[e64] w [e64] w
4| |[tpi864]|o|
[yqe864] t e we[860]|[860] [860]
[ye630] 8 [u6] 8 [uoe86] 0 [ue8] 0
[yw85] [u0] [y8]t0u[t80] w 0 w
[73] [y5] [y3] [u5]i[530] [u7] [y5] [t7]
[uq841] 6 [e4] 6 [tq64] 8 6 [e8]
[ye630] 8 [u6] 8 [oe86] 0 [u8] 0
[yw85] [u0] [y8]t0u[t80] w 0 w
[73] [y5] [y3] [u5] [i530] [u7] [y5]t7
[uq841] [y6] [y4] [t6] [tqe64] 8 6 8
[ye630] 8 [u6] 8 [uoe86] 0 [ue8] 0
[yw85] [u0] [y8]t0u[t80] w 0 w
[73] [y5] [y3] [u5]i[530] [u7] [y5] [t7]
[uq841] 6 [e4] 6 [tq64] 8 6 [e8]
[ye630] 8 [u6] 8 [oe86] 0 [u8] 0
[yw85] [u0] [y8]t0u[t80] w 0 w
[73] [y5] [y3] [u5] [i530] [u7] [y5]t7
[uq841] [y6] [t4] 6 [uq64] [y8] [y6] [t8]
[te8] r [e8]w [te8] r [e8]|
[te8] rr[e8]w w[te8]rr [e8]|
[te80] r [e80]w [te80] r [e80]|
[te80] rr[e80]w w[te80]rr [e80]|
[wte80] r [we80]w [wte80] r [we80]|
[wte80] rr[we80]w w[wte80]rr [we80]|
[yqe9]|u| |u y e we| |
[ye860] 3 [u8] 3 [uoe863] 0 [ue6] 0
[yw80] [u5] [y0]t5u[850] w 8 w
[975] [y2] [y7] [u2]i[752] [u9] [y5] [t9]
[uq864] 1 [e6] 1 [tq641] 8 4 [e8]
[ye860] 3 [u8] 3 [oe863] 0 [u6] 0
[yw80] [u5] [y0]t5u[850] w 8 w
[975] [y2] [y7] [u2] [i752] [u9] [y5]t9
[uq864] [y1] [y6] [t1] [tqe641] 8 4 8
[ye860] 3 [u8] 3 [uoe863] 0 [ue6] 0
[yw80] [u5] [y0]t5u[850] w 8 w
[975] [y2] [y7] [u2]i[752] [u9] [y5] [t9]
[uq864] 1 [e6] 1 [tq641] 8 4 [e8]
[ye860] 3 [u8] 3 [oe863] 0 [u6] 0
[yw80] [u5] [y0]t5u[850] w 8 w
[975] [y2] [y7] [u2] [i752] [u9] [y5]t9
[u864] [y1] [t6] 1 [u641] [y8] [y4] [t8]
[te8] r [e8]w [t8] r [e8]|
[te8] rr[e8]w w[te8]rr [e8]|
[te80] r [e80]w [t80] r [e80]|
[te80] rr[e80]w w[te80]rr [e80]|
[wte80] r [we80]w [wt80] r [we80]|
[wte80] rr[we80]w w[wte80]rr [we80]|
[te8] [r0] [e8]w0 [t8] [r0] [e8] 0
t rrew wtrr e

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About This Music Sheet

Counting Stars is a song by One Republic. Use your computer keyboard to play Counting Stars music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Expert song and aimed at advanced users. If you're not an advanced user, you can still load this song and press auto-play to enjoy the music. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 04:26, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Counting Stars is classified in the genres: USA, Pop Rock on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Alternative.


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Other Songs By One Republic

  • t y i y tytEy | ttyYytEy w E | wt y i y tytEy | ttyYytEytttwE | (yttE E w | yyy yytyyyyyyyiit | ytEwytt ytEw ytty | ytyyy y | ytyyyytEwyttwytwt ttoio | P | hg sPsd | s | popP | p o o i o P h g | sPsd | s | popP po | io io | o io | o ioi | o itE | t y tEw qw t y i y tytEy | ttyYy tEy w E | wt y i y tytEy | ttyYytEyttwE | s d g dsdsPd | ssdDdsPd o P | os d g d sdsPd | ssdDdsPds | dssP P o | o i y i t E e | yyy yytyyyyyyyiit | ytEwytt ytEw ytty | ytyyy y | ytyyyytEwyttwytwt ttoio | P | hg sPsd | s p opPp | oi oi | o | oio | oioi | o itE | t y tEwqwt y i y tytEy | ttyYytEy w E | wt y i y tytEy | ttyYytEyttw E | s d g d sdsPd | ssdDdsPd o P | os d g d sdsPd | ssdDdsPds | dssP o | oiyio | PpoiP p o | P ppooiP|Pp o | PpoiP p o | P ppooiP|Pp o | PpoiP p o | P ppooiP | Pp o | PpoiP p o | P ppooiP|Pp o | o itE | t y t y t t w q | wt y i y tytEy | ttyYytEyttw E | s d g d sdsPd | ssdDdsPd o P | os d g d sdsPd | ssdDdsPds | dssP o | oiyio | PpoiP p o | P ppooiP|Pp o | PpoiP p o | P ppooiP|Pp o | PpoiP p o | P ppooiP | Pp o | PpoiP p o | P ppooiP|Pp o

    Level: 3
    Length: 03:43
    Counting Stars (Easy)

    One Republic

    Level: 4
    Good Life

    One Republic


  • [yie9] [yi] [yi] [yoe9] [yoE9] [yp] [yo] [E9] [q8] [ti] [ti] [tsq8] [wtp8]|[tqo] 0 [e9] [yi] [yi] [yse9] [ypE9]|[yo] [E9] [q8] [ti] [ti] [tsq8] [wtp8]|[tqo] 0 [ied9] s [id] [sie9] [idE9] s [id] [siE9] [qid8] s [id] [sqi8] [wpi8]|q 0 [ied9] s [id] [sie9] [idE9] s [id] [siE9] [qid8] s [id] [sqi8] [pjgd81]|[pd80]| [pjgd92] 6 9 [qe]|[sp] [qped] [sp] [id^] 4 [si] [^9] [pi]|[id^]| [qpjgd4] 8 q [te]|[sp] [tped] [sp] [id81] 5 [si] [w0] [pi]|[w0]| [p92] s p [qoe] [p^E] s p [yoi] [qp4]|i [te] [i81]|[w0]| [p92] s p [qoe] [p^E] s p [yoi] [qp4]|i [te] [i81]|[w0]| [ye92] t y [te92] y t [ye92] t [ye92] t y [te92] [ye92] [ye92]| [ye92] t y [te92] y t [ye92] t [ye92]||[oh] [oh]| [pjgd92]|[pd] [sqpe] [pd]|[pg92]| ^ [pd] [pd] [qpd9] [pg] [pg] [ph^]| [qpjgd4]|[pd] [tspe] [pd]|[qpg4]| [81] [pd] [pd] [wpd0] [pg] [pg] [ph81]| [pjgd92] [phgd]|[qpjged] [phgd]|[pgd92]| [id^P]| [q9]|d [g^]| [qpjgd4] [phgd]|[tpjged] [phgd]|[qpgd4]| [81] [pd] [pd] [wpd0] [pg] [pg] [pd81]| [zd92] [zd] [SL] [SL92] [sl] [sl] [ka92] [ka] [PJ92] [PJ] [pj] [pj92] [pj] [pj] [pj92] [pj] [zd92] [zd] [SL] [SL92] [sl] [sl] [ka92] [ka] [PJ92] [PJ] [pj] [pj92] [pj] [pj92]| [yd92] [yd] [yd] [yd92] [uf] [uf] [uf92] [uf] [ig92] [ig] [ig] [ig92] [oh] [oh] [oh92] [oh] [yd92] [yd] [yd] [yd92] [uf] [uf] [uf92] [uf] [ig92] [ig] [ig] [ig92] [oh92]|| [ie9] i i [oe9] [oE9] p o [E9] [q8] i i [sq8] [wp8]|[qo] 0 [e9] i i [se9] [pE9]|o [E9] [q8] i i [sq8] [wp8]|[qo] 0 [pe9] o p [oe9] [pE9]opop [oE9] [qp8] o p [qo8] [wi8]|q 0 [pe9] o p [oe9] [pE9]opop [oE9] [qp8] o p [qo8] [wi8]|[qohd] 0 [pjgd92]|[pd] [sqpe] [pd]|[pg92]| ^ [pd] [pd] [qpd9] [pg] [pg] [ph^]| [qpjgd4]|[pd] [tspe] [pd]|[qpg4]| [81] [pd] [pd] [wpd0] [pg] [pg] [ph81]| [pjgd92] [phgd]|[qpjged] [phgd]|[pgd92]| [id^P]| [q9]|d [g^]| [qpjgd4] [phgd]|[tpjged] [phgd]|[qpgd4]| [sig81]| [81]|[yd] [yd81] [yd] [zd92] [zd] [SL] [SL92] [sl] [sl] [ka92] [ka] [PJ92] [PJ] [pj] [pj92] [pj] [pj] [pj92] [pj] [zd92] [zd] [SL] [SL92] [sl] [sl] [ka92] [ka] [PJ92] [PJ] [pj] [pj92] [pj] [pj92]| [yd92] [yd] [yd] [yd92] [uf] [uf] [uf92] [uf] [ig92] [ig] [ig] [ig92] [oh] [oh] [oh92] [oh] [yd92] [yd] [yd] [yd92] [uf] [uf] [uf92] [uf] [ig92] [ig] [ig] [ig92] [oh92]|| [zd92] [zd] [SL] [SL92] [sl] [sl] [ka92] [ka] [PJ92] [PJ] [pj] [pj92] [pj] [pj] [pj92] [pj] [zd92] [zd] [SL] [SL92] [sl] [sl] [ka92] [ka] [PJ92] [PJ] [pj] [pj92] [pj] [pj92]| [yd92] [yd] [yd] [yd92] [uf] [uf] [uf92] [uf] [ig92] [ig] [ig] [ig92] [oh] [oh] [oh92] [oh] [yd92] [yd] [yd] [yd92] [uf] [uf] [uf92] [uf] [ig92] [ig] [ig] [ig92] [oh92]|| [g9] [ge] [yg] [if]|s y e [s^] [qP] [pE] [yP] s|i y [i4] 8 [qp] [oe]|q 8 i [i8] [wt] [tp] o|t w 8 [pg9] [pge] [ypg] [if]|s y e [s^] [qP] [pE] [yP] s E i q [i4] 8 [qp] [oe]|q 8 [i4] [i8] w [tp] [uo]|y [y81]||| [oh*!]| [pjgd92]|[pd] [sqpe] [pd]|[pg92]| ^ [pd] [pd] [qpd9] [pg] [pg] [ph^]| [qpjgd4]|[pd] [tspe] [pd]|[qpg4]| [81] [pd] [pd] [wpd0] [pg] [pg] [ph81]| [pjgd92] [phd]|[qpjed] [phd]|[pgd92]| [id^P]| [q9]|d [g^]| [qpjgd4] [phd]|[tpjed] [phd]|[qpgd4]| [81] [pd] [pd] [wpd0] [pg] [pg] [ph81]| [pjgd92]|[pd] [sqpe] [pd]|[pg92]| ^ [pd] [pd] [qpd9] [pg] [pg] [ph^]| [qpjgd4]|[pd] [tspe] [pd]|[qpg4]| [81] [pd] [pd] [wpd0] [pg] [pg] [ph81]| [pjgd92] [phd]|[qpjed] [phd]|[pgd92]| [id^P]| [q9]|d [g^]| [qpjgd4] [phd]|[tpjed] [phd]|[qpgd4]| [pgd81] [pd] [pd] [wpd0] [pg] [pg] [pd81]
    Level: 8
    Length: 03:06
    Ko Ko Bop (EXO)


  • [eyi] i i i [eyi] i i i [et] t t t [et] t t t [wtu] u u u [wtu] u u i y y y y | p | [ey] | p | [ey] | p | [wt] | p | [wt] | t u | y u y u i | y | p | [ey] | p | [ey] | p | [wt] | p | [wt] | t u | y u y u i | y | [yd] | [yd] | [yd] [st] [ep] | [yd] | [yd] | [yd] [st] [ep] | [st] | [st] |[st] [EP] | [ep] | [qi] | E t y u i [yd] | [yd] | [yd] [st] [ep] | [st] | [st] |[st] [EP] | [ep] | [qi] | P P P P P P | p [ip] | o [tuo] | i P p o i P | p [yp] | [eyi] | i i P p o i P | p [ip] | o [tuo] | i i P p o i [e9] | P p o P | i [eyi] | i P p o P | p | [ey] | p | [ey] | p | [wt] | p | [wt] | t u | y u y u i | y | p | [ey] | p | [ey] | p | [wt] | p | [wt] | t u | y u y u i | y | y | y | y t e | y | y | y t e | t | t | t E e | q | [qy] | y | y t [9qe] | [qy] | y | y t [9qe] | [qt] | t | t E [qe] | q P P P P P P | p [ip] | o [tuo] | i P p o i P | p [yp] | [eyi] | i i P p o i P | p [ip] | o [tuo] | i i P p o i [e9] | P p o P | P P P P P P | p p | o [tuo] | i P p o i P | p [yp] | [qey] | i i P p o i P | p p | o [tuo] | i i P p o i [ey] | [EP] [ep] [wo] [EP] | i i [ey] | i [EP] [ep] [wo] [EP] | [qy] | i i i i i P | p p | o | i i [eyi] i i i P | p p | o | i i i i P | p p [etu] o | i [eti] i i i P | p p | o | i [eti] i i i P | p p | o | i [eti] i i i P | p p | o | i [eti] i i i P | p p | o | y | y | y t e | y | y | y t e | t | t | t E e | q | P P P P P P | i i [ey] | i P p o [EP]
    Level: 5
    Length: 04:10
    Wrecking Ball

    Miley Cyrus

  • [etij]| l [wryk]| z
    [wruh]| h [etij]|||
    [etij]| l [wryk]| z
    [wruh]| h [etij]|||
    [etis]|d|[wryf]| s
    [etis]|d|[wryf]| s
    [wrua]| a [etis]|||
    [etih]| h [wryg] f|f
    [etih] h h|[wryd] d d|
    [wrud] d f|[etip]|||
    [etis]|d|[wryf]| s
    [etis]| d [wryf]| s
    [etih]|h|[wryg] g f|
    [eh] h h|[rd] d d|
    [wd] d f|[ep]|||
    [etip]|f|[etif]|d s
    [etu]|d g [etuf] d|s
    [etip]|f|[etif]|d s
    [wryp]|f g [wryf]||
    [eyi] d d g f d s a p|f|f| d
    [etul]||[etu] k l k
    [wry] j| [wry]||
    [wtuf]||[wtu] h f|
    [etuf]||[etuf] h f|
    [wryd]| s [wrya]||
    [etip]|f|f|d s p|f|f|||
    [etis]|d d [wryf]|s|
    [etis] s d|[wryf]|s|
    [wrua]| a [etis]|||
    [etih]|h h [wryg]|f|
    s s
    [etih] h h|[wryd] d d|
    [wrud] d f|[etip]|||
    [etul]||[etu] k l k
    [wry] j| [wry]||
    [wtuf]||[wtu] h f|
    [etuf]||[etuf] h f|
    [wryd]| s [wrya]||
    [etip]|f|[etif]|d s
    [etul]||[etu] k l k
    [wry] j| [wry]||
    [wtuf]||[wtu] h f|
    [etuf]||[etuf] h f|
    [wryd]| s [wrya]||
    [etip]|f|[etif]|d s
    [eyi]||f g g f
    [wtuf]|f|f|d s
    [wtu]||d f f f
    [wrud]|d|s d|f
    [etul]||k l k
    [wry] j||
    [wtuf]||h f|
    [etuf]||f h f|
    [wryd]| s a||
    [qetp]|f|f|d s
    [eyil]||[eyi] k l k
    [wru] j| [wru]||
    [etif]||[eti] h f|
    [wryd]| s [wrya]||
    [etip]|f|f|d s p|f|f||
    [etij]| l [wryk]| z
    [wruh]| h [etij]|||
    [etij]| l [wryk]| z
    [wruh]| h [etij]

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:02
    Arcade (Duncan Laurence)

    Duncan Laurence