01:11 -
[8of] [of] s w o f s [qp]|
p p i [9o] o [5i]|
8 [wu]|[wu]|[wu]|[wu]
[ei] [ei] [ei] [ei] [qy] 5|5
8 [wu]|[wu]|[wu]|[wu]
[ei] [ei] [ei] [ei] [qy] 5|5
8 [wu]|[wu]|[wu]|[wu]
[ei] [ei] [ei] [ei] [qy] 5|[5w]
[8u] u y|[wt]|r r
[qe]|e y 9 y|t
[wr]|r r 5 e r|
[8e]|w w|w|w
[8u] u y|t|r r
[qe] e|y 9 y y t
[wr] r|r| [5w]|
[6e]|[7r] [8t]|t|e
[5w] [5w] [5w]| [9q]|[9q]
[80] [80] [80]| t|e
[5w] [5w] [5w]| [9q]|[9q]
[80] [80] [80]| t|e
[5w] [5w] [5w]|[6e]|[7r] [8t]|
[of]|[of] [id] [id] [wus] w
[8u]|y y [wt] t r r
[qe] e e|[9y]|y t
[wr] r r r [5r]|e r
[8e]|w w| u u
[8u]|y y [wt]|r e
q e e|[9y]|y t
[wr]|r r| [5w] [5w]|
[6e] [7r]|[8t]|t e
[5w] [5w] [5w]| [9q]|[9q]
[80] [80] [80]| t|e
[5w] [5w] [5w]| [9q]|[9q]
[80] [80] [80]| t|e
[5w] [5w] [5w]|[6e]|[7r] [8t]|
[of]|[of] [id] [id] [us]
About This Music Sheet
Da Coconut Nut (Smokey Mountain) is a song by Ryan Cayabyab. Use your computer keyboard to play Da Coconut Nut (Smokey Mountain) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:11, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Da Coconut Nut (Smokey Mountain) is classified in the genre of Pop on Virtual Piano.
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[1y]|5|5|[1u]|5|5|[15s]| a|[15o]| u|
[3y]|7|7|[3u]|7|7|[37s]| a|[37o]| u|
[3y]|6|6|[3u]|6|6|[36s]| a|[36o]| u|
[16y]||[16u]| t|[%1u]||i||
[358s]|u|u|[358u]| y|[358u]||[358o]| p|
[357s]|u|u|[357u]| y|[357u]||[357o]| p|
[136s]|u|u|[136u]| y|[136s]|u|u|[136u]|o|u|
[1y]|5|5|[1u]|5|5|[15s]| a|[15o]| u|
[3y]|7|7|[3u]|7|7|[37s]| a|[37o]| u|
[3y]|6|6|[3u]|6|6|[36s]| a|[36o]| u|
[16y]||[16u]| t|[%1u]||i||
[358s]|u|u|[358u]| y|[358u]||[358o]| p|
[357s]|u|u|[357u]| y|[357u]||[357o]| p|
[136s]|u|u|[136u]| y|[136s]|u|u|[136u]|o|u|
[358s]|u|u|u| y|[358u]||o| p|
[357s]|u|u|u| y|[357u]||o| p|
[136s]|u|u|u|y| [136s]|u|u|u|o|u|
[146p]|u|u|u|y| [%14u]|i|o| |
[15wt]Level: 6Length: 03:18IntermediateHeather (Alternative)
Conan Gray
sfhle u p a| s| osh0 t u o| s| psgjq t i o| p| s d [ywrf]|||d| [ywrf]|||d h [spi]| u| y| t| [rj] h g f d| s| [tsqe]| o| [ywrd]|||[tqhe]|||[uto]|||s d [utoa]|||[ywra]s ap o|||u| [tsqe]|||s d [utsoe]|[so]a o| u [qe9] h g f [tsqe]| p| d| a| [tsqe]| a| p| s| a| [o860]|||s| a| p| s d [ywrf]|||[wrd0]|||p[tsqe]|a| p| s| [ywra]| o|||sd s[tqfe]| g d| s [wrd0]|||u| o| a s d [tsqe]| a a| d| [tsqe]| a| o a [utse]| s a| d a [wr0]| o| o p s f [tqe] o d| f a [wr0] d a| o a [utse]| s [ywrh]| g f [ute]| d| a s d [tsqe]| a a| d| d[sqe9]| a| o a [utse]| [ywrd]|s d [utof]| s h|[qge9]| s j| [wrh0]|||s| a s [qpe9]| a| s|[ywra]| s| [utod]|||u| o| a s d [tsqe]| a a| d| [tsqe]| a| o a [utse]| s a| d a [wr0]| o| o p s f [tqe] o d| f a [wr0] d a| o a [utse]| s [ywrh]| g f [ute]| d| a s d [tsqe]| a a| d| d[sqe9]| a| o a [utse]| [ywrd]|s d [utof]| s h|[qge9]| s j| [wrh0]|||s| a s [qpe9]| a| s|[ywra]| s| [utod]|||[tsqe]| f| [wa80]| s| d h| s [tqje]|||h [ywr] s| [uthe]|||[ywrg]| f| [tsqe]|||p a s [wa80]| s| d f s f [tqfe]| g| [wf80] s p s [so]|||ds[ywrd]| f| [sqe9]|||f|||[wa80]| s| d h| s [tqje]|||[ywrl] k h [w80]| f [ywr] g h [tqje]| h| g| [wrh0]|||s|||[tqle]|||k j| j| k| l| [zywr]|||[xute]|||[zywr]|||k [tqhe]| g h [utje]| l| h l [zywr]| k| z|x c[xtqe] z l [wrk0]|||[tsqe]|||[ywrf] g h|ds s [wra0]| fg[tqhe]|||[utse]|||o s [ywrd]|||o|||[tqfe]|||g| h| [qje9]|||[tqle]|||h l [zywr]| k| z| x c [vtqe]|||[ute] s f j|||[tqle]| k| z| v
Level: 6Length: 05:42IntermediateMight U (My Hero Academia)
Yuki Hayashi
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Happy Birthday To You (Intermediate)