01:18 -
[qetg] j l x|x|z
[wry]||zx v z l
[0wt]|l z [wry] x|l
[0et]| j|l|g
[qet] j l x|x|z
[wry]||zx v z l
[0wt]|x z [wry] x|l
[0et]|p o p s|u
[8qe] y|y|t y|
[9wr]||t y|u
[80w] o|o [9wr] o u p
[0et] p o p|s|u
[8qe] y|y|t y|
[9wr] y t y|t|u
[80w] o|o [9wr] o u p
[0et]|y t||f
[8qe] d d s s|f|
[9wr] d s d|s|f
[80w] d|d [9wr] s|s
[0et] p|p|s|f
[8qe] d|d|s d|
[9wr] d s d|s|f
[80w] d|d [9wr] s|f
[0et]|d s|p|f
[8qe] d d s s|f|
[9wr] d s d|s|f
[80w] d|d [9wr] s|s
[0et] p|p|s|f
[8qe] d|d|s d|
[9wr] d s d|s|f
[80w] d|d [9wr] s|f
[0et]|d s|p|
[qetg] j l x|x|z
[wry]||zx v z l
[0wt]|l z [wry] x|l
[0et]| j|l|g
[qet] j l x|x|z
[wry]||zx v z l
[0wt]|x z [wry] x|l
About This Music Sheet
Use your computer keyboard to play Dancing In The Moonlight (Toploader) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:18, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Dancing In The Moonlight (Toploader) is classified in the genre of Pop Rock on Virtual Piano.Song Leaderboard
5 m
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[80s] a [5P]aPp[80O] o [5I] o
[80p] O [5o]OoI[80i] u [5Y] u
[9qo] yy[5T] y [9qo] yy[5T] y
[9qr]tTy[5Y]uiI[9qo]OpP[5p] o
[80s] a [5P]aPp[80O] o [5I] o
[80p] O [5o]OoI[80i] u [5Y] u
[8t] 0 [5t] [0t] [8t] 0 [5u] 0
[8o] 0 [5u] 0 [8t] 0 5 0
[9y] q [5r] q [9w] q 5 q
[8o] 0 [5u] 0 [8t] 0 [5w] 0
[8t] 0 [5t] [0t] [8t] 0 [5u] 0
[8o] 0 [5u] 0 [8t] 0 5 0
[9y] q 5 q [9w] q 5 [qw]
[8t] 0 w 0 8 0 [5w] 0
[8t] 0 [5t] [0t] [8t] 0 [5u] 0
[8o] 0 [5u] 0 [8t] 0 5 0
[9y] q [5r] q [9w] q 5 q
[8o] 0 [5u] 0 [8t] 0 [5w] 0
[8t] 0 [5t] [0t] [8t] 0 [5u] 0
[8o] 0 [5u] 0 [8t] 0 5 0
[9y] q 5 q [9w] q 5 [qw]
[8t] 0 w 0 8 0 [5w] 0
[8t] [0w] [0wt] [0wt] [5t] [0w] [0wu] [0w]
[8o] [0wo] [0wu] [0w] [5t] [0w] [0w] [0w]
[7y] [qwy] [qwr] [qw] [5w] [9q] [9q] [9q]
[8o] [0wo] [0wu] [0w] [5t] 0 [0w] 0
[8t] [0w] [0wt] [0wt] [5t] [0w] [0wu] [0w]
[8o] [0wo] [0wu] [0w] [5t] [0w] [0w] [0w]
[7y] [qw] [qw] [qw] [5w] [9q] [9q] [9qw]
[8t] [0w] [0w] [0w] 5 0 [0wo] 0
[8t] [0w] [0wt] [0wt] [5t] [0w] [0wu] [0w]
[8o] [0wo] [0wu] [0w] [5t] [0w] [0w] [0w]
[7y] [qwy] [qwr] [qw] [5w] [9q] [9q] [9q]
[8o] [0wo] [0wu] [0w] [5t] 0 [0w] 0
[8t] [0w] [0wt] [0wt] [5t] [0w] [0wu] [0w]
[8o] [0wo] [0wu] [0w] [5t] [0w] [0w] [0w]
[7y] [qw] [qw] [qw] [5w] [9q] [9q] [9qw]
[8t] [0w] [0w] [0w] 5 0 [0wo] 0
[8s]o[tp]a[0s] [ts] [ws] t [0f]
t [8h] t [0f] t [ws] t 0
t [7d]s[ra]p[9a] r [qo] r
9 r [8h] t [0f] t [ws] t [0o]
t [8s]o[tp]a[0s] [ts] [ws]
t [0f] t [8h] t [0f] t [ws]
t 0 t [7d]s[ra]p[9o]p[ro]p[qo]
r 9 [ro] [8s] t 0 t w t [0o] t [8s]o[tp]a[0s] [ts] [ws]
t [0f] t [8h] t [0f] t [ws] t 0 t [7d]s[ra]p[9a]
r [qo] r 9 r [8h] t [0f] t [ws] t [0o] t [8s]o[tp]a[0s]
[ts] [ws] t [0f] t [8h] t [0f] t [ws]
t 0 t [7d]s[ra]p[9o]p[ro]p[qo] r 9 [ro] [8s] [0s] [8s]
[0d] [8f] 0 [8s] 0 [*S] [0S] [eS]
[0d] [*f] 0 [*p] 0 [9d] [Qed] [9d] [Qed]
[9d] [Qe] [9G] [Qe] [9j] [Qe] [9G] [Qe]
[9d] [Qe] 9 [Qe] [0f] [we] [0S] [we]
[*p] [0w] * [0w] [9j] [Qe] [9G] [Qe]
[9d] [Qe] [9p] [Qe] [9d] [Qed] [9d] [Qed]
[9d] [Qe] [9G] [Qe] [9j] [Qe] [9G] [Qe]
[9d] [Qe] 9 [Qe] [0f] [we] 0 [we]
[*p] [0w] * [0wp] [9d] [Qe] 9
[Qe] 9 [Qe] 9 [Qe] [Q9z] L [6l]Llk[9QJ] j [6H] j [Q9k] J [6j]JjH[Q9h] G [6g] G [0wj] ff[6D] f
[0wj] ff[6D] f [0wS]dDf[6g]GhH[0wj]Jkl[6k] j
[Q9z] L [6l]Llk[9QJ] j [6H] j
[Q9k] J [6j]JjH[Q9h] G [6g] G
[S0wfj]|6|[0w]|[6e] y T e erTe[Q9y]|2Level: 7Length: 02:25IntermediateWheels on the Bus Play (CoComelon)
[e60]|||r| |e|w|[q6]|||0|||[96]|||8| |7| |[e6] r t r 0 r t r q r t r w r t r [pe] r t r 0 r t r q r t r [w5] r t r [pe63] r t r 0 r t r q r [ta] r [wp] r [to] r [pe63] r t r 0 r t r q r [ts] r [wa] r [to] r [ie63] r t r 0 r t r q r t r [wo] r [t3] r [ue63] r t r 0 r t r q r t r [wp] r t r [pj6]|6|0| |q|[ra]|[pe]|[wo]|[pie6]| |q| |0|s|[wa]|[o0]|[i96]| |6| |[60]| |[o9]|8|[u763]|||6| |t|r|[e6]| |0| |q| |w| |[pje6]| |0| |q| |u| |[se]| |[d0]|s|[qa]| |[wo]| |[ue]| |0| |[yq]| |w| |[ye]| |[u0]|t|[rq]| |w| |[e6]| |3| |4| |5|u|[s6]| |[d3]|s|[ia4]| |[o5]| |[ue2]| |3| |[ye4]| |[e5]| |[y7]| |[u1]|t|[re2]| |[w3]| |[e6] r t r 0 r t r q r t r w r t r [pje60] r t r 0 r t r q r t r w r t r [pje60] r t r [60] r t r q r t r [w3] r t r [uf63] t e t e t e t [ue7] t [ra] t [pe6] t [wo5] t [ype4] r e r [ye] r e r [ye3] r [ea] r [ype] r [oe] r [yie2] t e t [ge] t [he] t [g3] t e t [oh2] t [e1] t [uf7] r e r e r e r [ue6] r e r e r e r [pf63] t e t e t e t [ue7] t [ra] t [pe81] t [wo5] t [ype4] r e r [ye] r e r [ye3] r [ea] r [tse] r [ohfe] r [ig2] t e t e t [he] t [j3] t e t [upf2]|[yd1]|[usf5] t e t e t e t e r [se] r [a1]|[i7]|[up6]| |0| |q|p|[ut]|r|[ue60] p|p [u70] o|o [uq8] p|p [wo9] a s a [ue60] p|p [u70] o|o [uq8] p|p [wo9] a s a [ue60] p|p [u70] o|o [uq8] p|p [wo9] a s a [ute] p|p [u0] o|o [uq] p|p [wo] a s a [pe] r t r 0 r t r q r t r [wuo] r t r [upe] r t r 0 r t r q r t r [wuo] r t r [upe] r t r 0 r t r e
Level: 6Length: 03:38IntermediateAsh and Bone (Ori and the Will of the Wisps)
Gareth Coker
[w80]|[w80]|[w80]|[w80]|[w80]|[w80]|[w80]| f d[ws80] df g[wh9]| fds[qa8] pa s[wo80]| poi[wu8] os f[qd] Sd p[wsq8] aa s[wd97]| f d[ws80] df g[wh9]| fds[qa8] pa s[wo80]| poi[u860] os f[d7]Sdg a[ws80]Level: 6Length: 00:27Intermediate
Do You Hear The People Sing (Les Miserables)