Despacito (Super Easy) (Alternative)

Luis Fonsi 18 May 2023

s a p u
uuuu ppppp o p i
iiii ppppp a s o
oooo sssss dd a

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About This Music Sheet

Despacito (Super Easy) (Alternative) is a song by Luis Fonsi. Use your computer keyboard to play Despacito (Super Easy) (Alternative) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is a Super Easy song which you can also load and play on your mobile or tablet. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:10, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Despacito (Super Easy) (Alternative) is classified in the genre of Pop on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Latin.

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    • 1 y
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    Other Songs By Luis Fonsi

    • d | S | a
      I IIIIaaaaa pa o|
      ooooaaaaa Sd p|
      ppppppddd ff S|
      d|S | a
      I IIIIaaaaa pa o|
      ooooaaaaa Sd p|
      ppppppddd ff S|

      Level: 1
      Length: 00:26
      Super Easy
      Despacito (Super Easy)

      Luis Fonsi

    • uos ua|up|| sapoi|| sapas|| sasda|| uos ua|up| upasdsapoi|s|s|| s o s o s o s da|| p| upasdsapoi|s|d s|| s o s o s o s da|| uos ua|up| pppasasasap| pppasasasdo| oooosasasdd a|| p p| p| pppasasasap| pppasasas do| oooosasas dd a s| a| p u uuuuuppop op i| iiiiipppp as o| ooooossss dd a| s| a| p u uuuuuppop op i| iiiiipppp as o| ooooossssd d a| uos ua| ufdfdf df dfdf gg s| gggg ghg f| ffff hgf d||| fdfdfdf|dfdf gg s| ggggg hg f| ffff hgf d sssssspsappssspsappssspsapssspssappdddsdddddfsss s dddsdddddfsss spssspssssssspd s spspspssssssspd s sssssfffhhsss| ffffd dd ds d sps ssp p ssssp p ssssp pps ssp p dddsd s dddsd s ssssa aa aaps pps ssp p ssssp p ssssp pps ssp p dddsd sd ddsd s ssssa aa aaps a p p s| a| p u uuuuuppop op i| iiiiipppp as o| ooooossss dd a s| a| p u uuuuuppop op i| iiiiipppp as o| ooooossssd d a| uos ua| ufdfdf df dfdf gg s| gggg ghg f| ffff hgf d||| fdfdfdf|dfdf gg s| ggggg hg f| ffff hgf d s| a| p u uuuuuppop op i| iiiiipppp as o| ooooossss dd a||| ps ssp p ssssp p ssssp pps ssggggg hg f| ffff hgf d||| ps ssp p ssssp p ssssp pps ssggggg hg f| ffff hgf d| s| a| a p
      Level: 2
      Length: 03:39

      Luis Fonsi


    • s s s|o|
      f f f|s|
      s f h|h|g f d||
      d f g|g|
      f d f|s|
      s f d|o|a d s

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    • [etu] p u p u p
      [Wtu] O u O u O
      [wtu] o u o u o
      [Qey] I y I y I
      [qya]|[0tp]|[9rO] u
      [6u]|[et] i [6u]|
      [%u]|[Wt]|[%i] u
      [5u] u [et]|5|
      $|[et]|$ u
      [4y]|[qery]|4 y
      [7y]|[6t]|[%ryu] u
      [6u]|[et]|[6i] u
      [5u]|[et]|[5i] u
      [2y] y [2qey]|[3t]|
      [%r] u [6u]|[et] i
      [%i] u [5u] u [et]|
      5|$|[et]|$ u
      [4y]|[qery]|4 y [4qey]|[W3ru]|
      [%ryu] u [6u]|[et]|
      [6i] u [5u]|[et]|
      [5i] u [4eto]|i|
      [2y] y [2qey]|[3t]|
      Level: 6
      Length: 00:58
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    • pasd fs Da ds| pasd f j H| pasd fs Da ds| pasd f| H j
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      Length: 00:26
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