Dog Song (Undertale)

Toby Fox 29 July 2024

8 [0wo] 8u[0w] [8t] [0wy]t8w[0we]t4 [68e] 4t[68] [5r] [79t]y5 [79]
8 [0wo] 8u[0w] [8t] [0wy]t8w[0we]t[68qi]uy [79wy]te [68qe] [80wt] [0wt]|
w8 [0wo] 8u[0w] [8t] [0wy]t8w[0we]t4 [68e] 4t[68] [579r] t[579y]|
w 8 [0wo] 8u[0w] [8t] [0wy]t8w[0we]t[68qi]uy [79wy]te [68qe] [80wt] [0wt]|
4 [68e] 4e[68] [4e] [68t]r4e[68w]e1 [350] 10[35] [19] [350]q10[359] 4 [68e] 4e[68]
[4e] [68t]r4e[68w]e5 [79r]|[79w]|[79r] y[79t] r[79e]r4 [68e] 4e[68]
[4e] [68t]r4e[68w]e1 [350] 10[35] [19] [350]q10[359] 4 [68e] 4e[68]
[4e] [68t]r4e[68w]e[79q] r|[79w]|[79qr] y[79qt]|[79qr]|
[79qr] [79qr][70wt][79qr]|[79qr]

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About This Music Sheet

Dog Song (Undertale) is a song by Toby Fox. Use your computer keyboard to play Dog Song (Undertale) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:34, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Dog Song (Undertale) is classified in the genre of Songs From Games on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Undertale.


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Other Songs By Toby Fox

  • [qj]|[eu]|[eu]|q|[eu]|[eu]|q||
    j h g f d [eS]|[TO]|[TO]|e|[TO]|[TO]|e||
    S d S a f [qj]|[eu]|[eu]|q|[eu]|[eu]|q||
    j H j x j [ej]|[TO]|[TO]|e|[TO]|[TO] kj[eH]||
    k j H| j k H [qpj]|[eu]|[eu]|q|[eu]|[eu]|q||
    j h g f d [eOS]|[TO]|[TO]|e|[TO]|[TO]|e||
    S d S a f [qpj]|[eu]|[eu]|q|[eu]|[eu]|q||
    j H j x j [Oej]|[TO]|[TO]|e|[TO]|[TO] kj[eH]||
    k j H| j k H [qj]|[eu]|[eu]|q|[eu]|[eu]|q||
    j h g f d [eS]|[TO]|[TO]|e|[TO]|[TO]|e||
    S d S a f [qj]|[eu]|[eu]|q|[eu]|[eu]|q||
    j H j x j [ej]|[TO]|[TO]|e|[TO]|[TO] kj[eH]||
    k j H| j k H [qpj]|[eu]|[eu]|q|[eu]|[eu]|q||
    j h g f d [eOS]|[TO]|[TO]|e|[TO]|[TO]|e||
    S d S a f [qpj]|[eu]|[eu]|q|[eu]|[eu]|q||
    j H j x j [Oej]|[TO]|[TO]|e|[TO]|[TO] kj[eH]||
    k j H| j k H

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:28
    Dialtone (Deltarune)

    Toby Fox

  • q e t u a s o u
    [0p]ere r t [0o]wre r t
    q e t u a s o u
    [0p]e t [us] [td] [0a]wre [wo] [9a]
    q e t u a s o u
    [0p]ere r t [0o]wre r t
    [9e] we t i u t yy
    5 9 w t [5r]| |
    q e t u a s o u
    [0p]ere r t [0o]wre r t
    q e t u a s o u
    [0p]e t [us] [td] [0a]wre [wo] [9a]
    q e t u a s o u
    [0p]ere r t [0o]wre r t
    [9e] we t i u t yy
    5 9 w t [5r]| |
    [30uoa] [wru] [0uoa] [wru] [0uoa] [wru]
    [4qto] [qet] [qto] [qet] [qto] [qet]
    [30uoa] [wru] [0uoa] [wru] [0uoa] [wru]
    [4qos] [eti] [qos] [eti] [qos] [eti]
    [30uoa] [wru] [0uoa] [wru] [0uoa] [wru]
    [4qto] [qet] [qto] [qet] [qto] [qet]
    [yp] op s g f s dd
    w y o s [wa]

    Level: 7
    Length: 01:15
    Lost Girl (Deltarune)

    Toby Fox

  • 8 w t y|w t y
    0 w t o|w t y
    ( w t y|w t y|
    w t o||
    8 w t y|w t y
    0 w t y|w t y
    q e t o|e t y|
    s a o|t y t
    8 w t y|w t y
    0 w t y|w t y
    ( w t y|o y t
    ( w t [9y]|o w t
    8 w t y|w t o
    0 w t o|i u t
    ( w t y|w t y
    9 t y [ti]o5||
    [8o] w t [yh]|t w|
    [0d] r y o|y r|
    [(s]|E [Yh]|E (|
    [9o] e t y w 5 9 w
    [8o] w t|[ys]|w|
    [0o]h|t jy|t y|
    [(h]|E|[9ed]|y [8s]|
    w t u y t w|
    [8o] w t [yh]|t w|
    [0d] r y o|y r 0
    [(s] E Y h|Y E o9|
    e y o|5 w|
    [8o] w t|s w 8|
    [4o] s h|[5qd]| [8s]|
    w t u y t w|
    [qd]|[ts]|[qa] [ts]|
    [0d]|t|[0k] Jtj
    [(h]|E|( E|
    [wd]|[ys]|[wd] [yf]|
    [qd]|[ts]|[qa] st d
    0|t|[0k] Jtj
    [(h]|t|( t|
    8 w t y|w t y
    0 w t o|w t y
    ( w t y|w t y|
    w t o||
    8 w t y|w t y
    0 w t y|w t y
    q e t o|e t y|
    s a o|t y t
    8 w t y|w t y
    0 w t y|w t y
    ( w t y|o y t
    ( w t [9y]|o w t
    8 w t y|w t o
    0 w t o|i u t
    ( w t y|w t y
    9 t y [ti]o5||
    [8o] w t [yh]|t w|
    [0d] r y o|y r|
    [(s]|E [Yh]|E (|
    [9o] e t y w 5 9 w
    [8o] w t|[ys]|w|
    [0o]h|t jy|t y|
    [(h]|E|[9ed]|y [8s]|
    w t u y t w|
    [8o] w t [yh]|t w|
    [0d] r y o|y r 0
    [(s] E Y h|Y E o9|
    e y o|5 w|
    [8o] w t|s w 8|
    [4o] s h|[5qd]| [8s]|
    w t u y t w|
    [qd]|[ts]|[qa] [ts]|
    [0d]|t|[0k] Jtj
    [(h]|E|( E|
    [wd]|[ys]|[wd] [yf]|
    [qd]|[ts]|[qa] st d
    0|t|[0k] Jtj
    [(h]|t|( t|

    Level: 5
    Length: 03:57
    Home (Undertale)

    Toby Fox

  • 680w|||
    680w| s a s| p a
    s h f s| a p u
    3579| a p a| u I
    o d| a| |
    5^9q| P p P| y Y
    i d| P| p o p
    [2y]468||[tu] [yi] [os]| [pf]|||
    [6p]sfh s [ea] s| [0p] a
    [6s] h f [es]| a [7p] [8u]
    [3u]oad a [0p] a| [7u] I
    [3o] d| [0a]||7 8
    [5o]Pdg P [wp] P| [9y] Y
    [5i] d| [wP]| p [9o] [6p]
    [2y]||[9tu] [yi] [os] 6 [pf]
    2||9||6 8
    [6p]sfh s [ea] s| [0p] a
    [6s] h f [es]| a [7p] [8u]
    [3u]oad a [0p] a| [7u] I
    [3o] d| [0a]||7 8
    [5o]Pdg P [wp] P| [9y] Y
    [5i] d| [wP]| p [9o] [6p]
    [2y]||[9tu] [yi] [os] 6 [pf]
    2||9||6 8
    [6p]sfh a [es] a o [0a] s
    [6a]| s [ed]||[7f] 8
    [3a]||[0o] h G [7d] a
    [3p]||0||7 8
    [5o]Pdg a [ws] a o [9a] s
    [5d]| D [wd]||[9D] 6
    [2y]ips| [9i] p i [6p] s
    [2g]||9||6 8
    68(||j h f
    [3d]%7 s| d| f|
    [2d]4^||d j hg
    [4h]68| |f gf
    5^0||| 5^0|||
    [6p]sfh s [ea] s| [0p] a
    [6s] h f [es]| a [7p] [8u]
    [3u]oad a [0p] a| [7u] I
    [3o] d| [0a]||7 8
    [5o]Pdg P [wp] P| [9y] Y
    [5i] d| [wP]| p [9o] [6p]
    [2y]||[9tu] [yi] [os] 6 [pf]
    2||9||6 8
    [6p]sfh s [ea] s| [0p] a
    [6s] h f [es]| a [7p] [8u]
    [3u]oad a [0p] a| [7u] I
    [3o] d| [0a]||7 8
    [5o]Pdg P [wp] P| [9y] Y
    [5i] d| [wP]| p [9o] [6p]
    [2y]||[6tu] [9yi] [6os]| 2pdj

    Level: 5
    Length: 02:37
    It’s Raining Somewhere Else (Undertale)

    Toby Fox


  • l z [xu]ps| z l [yk]oa||h [tj]ipk l z [soh]| u f [ypg]| [xi]| [zw] y [xd] c [vt] [oc] [fc] [xo] [zu] a [lf] z [xu]ps| z l [yk]oa||h [tj]ipk l z [uh]os||f [ypg] i [xs]| [zw] y [la] k [je] u p u s| s d [f6] 0 [ud] s [ra9] w y o [qpe8] [ra] [ts] [yd] [wro8]| 0 u [i9] q [tf] q [d5] 9 [wf] [rg] [sh8] [wsg] [usg] [wf] [d0] r [us] [rd] [sf6] 0 [utfd] s [wra9]||o [qpe8] [ra] [ts] [yd] [wro]| 0 u [ie9] q [tf] q [pd5] 9 [sr] [a9] [p6] 0 [te] [r0] [e6]| s a [p4] 8qe [tp] [ji] e [h8] g [sf8] [wsg] [tsf] [yd] [usf] t [so] [yd] [sf3] 7 [sfW] [g7] [sf3] 7 [srf] [d7] [s6] 0e[uto] 0e5 0 [wso] [ta] [p4] 8qe [tp] [ji] e [h8] [ge] [f8] [wsg] [tsf] [yd] [usf] t [so] [yd] [sf3] 7 [sfW] [sg7] [sf0] W t [sgW] [f0] [gW] [tsh] [sgW] [srfW7]| [30]| [sqpo4]| [pof] 8qe t [tof] [od4][of] 6 0e[uto] 0e[uto] 6 [sfe6] [g0][sh] 4 8qe t u e [sh4] [sj8]f 6 0e[ut] [s0] [sk6] 0 [she] 0 [tpi4] 8q[sjg8] qet| [sji] [she][sj] 6 0 [utpe] 0e[sjf] 6 [je6]k0l [lh5] [kh2] [kh5] [lh9][kh][yr]| [w5] 9 [s4] [a9] [o7] [y9] [u0] [qi] [wo]||| l z [le]x u [zf] [sl] [ka]||h [tpji] [ka] [sl] [zd] [toha]||f [ypg] i [xs] i [zw] y [xs] c [vtl] [oc] [lfc] [xo] [zu] a [lf] [za] [le]x u [zf] [sl] [oka]| o h [tpji] [ka] [sli] z [tha]| u f [ypg] i [xd] i [zw] y [la] [yk] [je] u [sp] [ua] p||u [i4] 8 [se] 8 [a9] w [yo]| [rpe5] t u a p| |x| n| n
    Level: 7
    Length: 02:38
    Scream (EXO)


  • G|[uf]|[aO]| |H j [rk]|[aYI]| |H Z [xT] O S|x Z H L r I a S D|j k [feL] u p|[rL] I [ka] j [kW] Y I|[ri]||j [SQHE]|* Q W W|H [rp] [aI] [YSI]| |I|[u3] 7 0 Q W|O p [a7] Q r T Y|O D [f] W T Y [uf] D O S 7 Q r T Y|p a [uS6] 0 e 0 [SI7] Q [ra] p [a7] ( Q|[rqi]| |[pT$] * [eTQ]|[eO7] I||0 Q e t u I yoa [yod5] 9 [yrod] d[d8] [ws] [yu]|[s9] Q [se] s[s(] [ea] Q|[p0] r [yo] a[p] w [ro] [of][of9] e [yof]Gfd9|yoas[yod5] 9 [yrod] d[d8] [ws] [yu] h [G9] e [yd]|[s(] [ea] Y|[o0] [ra] [ud] G [hfa]||Gh[j9] e [spi] e [yqpi5] 9 [tpie]|[uoa8] w [utoa]|[aI(] [pQ] e Io[ypI7] Q [yrpI]|[p] o||[o8] w t|o u t r [e2] 6 [eQ] 6 Q|[y9]oa [yoda5] 9 [ywrod] 9d[ud8] [ws] [yu] w [ysI2] 6 [ysQI] 6s[odY@] [a7] Q 7 [p3] 7 [wo] 7a[p!] 7 [wo] 7[of][of2] 69[of]Gf[dI]yeQ9[y6][o$][a2]s[yoda5] 9 [ywrod] 9d[u8] [ws] [yu] [wh] [G2] [eQ] [edQ] [eQ]s@ [raYQ] [rYQ] [rpYQ]a[p3][w0][w0][w0][wo0][w0][wp0][w0][ua] r w fG[h8] [wf] [us] a [p9] e [yo] I [I0] [rO] u 0 3 7 0|[w3]

    Level: 7
    Length: 01:16
    Namae o Yonde (The Pet Girl of Sakurasou)

    Konomi Suzuki

  • [6rtu] [rtu] [etu] [etu] [5rtu] [rtu] [etu] [etu] [4rtu] [rtu] [etu] [etu] [3eru] [eru] [Wru] [Wru] k l x z [6rtu] [rtu] [etu] [etu] [5rtu] [rtu] [etu] [etu] k l x z [4rtu] [rtu] [etu] [etu] [3eru] [eru] [Wru] [Wru] k l v x [6rtu] [rtu] Z x [etu] [etu] Z x [5rtu] [rtu] Z x [etu] [etu] c [4rtux] [rtu] z l [etuk] j [etu] h [3eruG] g [eru] f [Wru] [Wru] u p a h [6rtuf] [rtu] D [etuf] [etu] D [5rtuf] l [rtu] k [etuH] j [etu] a [4rtups] [rtu] [Oa] [etups] [etu] [ad] [3erups] [eryui] [Wru] f [Wru] d [6rtus] a [rtus] d [etus] [etu] a [5rtus] [rtu] a [etus] l k [etuH] j a [4rtus] a p [rtu] [etu] [etu] [3eru] a [WO] [@Qr] [29qt] e [29qr] t [qrWT] y [W40ryu] i [30rtI] o [0eyp] [qEY] o [qEY] [6ioTP] [ET60u] i 5 o [rtu$QO] O p [rtua] p [etu] O p a [O4qtus] [yO] [ti] [Wy] [7u] e o [eyi] 3 [37eru] W [6rtu] [rtu] [etu] [etu] [5rtu] [rtu] [etu] [etu] [4rtu] [rtu] [etu] [etu] [3eru] [eru] [Wru] [Wru] k l x z [6rtu] [rtu] [etu] [etu] [5rtu] [rtu] [etu] [etu] k l x z [4rtu] [rtu] [etu] [etu] [3eru] [eru] [Wru] [Wru] k l v x [6rtu] [rtu] Z x [etu] [etu] Z [5rtux] [rtu] Z [etux] [etu] c [4rtux] [rtu] z l [etul] j [etu] h [3eruG] g [eru] f [Wru] [Wru] u p a h [6rtuf] [rtu] D [etuf] [etu] D [5rtuf] l [rtu] k [etuH] j [etu] a [4rtus] [rtu] a [etus] [etu] d [3erus] [erui] [Wru] f [Wru] d [6rtus] a [rtus] d [etus] [etu] a [5rtus] [rtu] a [etus] l k [etuH] j a [4rtus] a p [rtu] [etu] [etu] [3eru] a [WO] [@Qr] [29qt] e [2qr] t [5qrWT] y [40wryu] i [30rtuI] o [10eyp] [qEY] o [qEY] [T60wip] P [ET59up] i o [rtu$O] O p [rtua] p [etu] O p a [O4qtus] [yiO] [ti] y [7u] e o [eyi] 3 [37eru] W a [6rtus] [rtu] [etu] [etu] a [5rtus] [rtu] [etu] [etu] a [4rtus] [rtu] [etu] [etu] d [3erua] [eru] [Wru] [Wru] a [6rtus] [rtu] [etu] [etu] a [5rtus] [rtu] [etu] [etu] a [4rtus] [rtu] [etus] d [etu] f [3eruj] [eru] [Wruk] [Wru] k l [6rtuz] l [rtu] d [etuf] [etu] j [5rtuj] [rtuh] d f [etu] [etu] j [4rtuj] [rtu] d [etud] f [etus] a s d [3erua] s a [eru] p a [Wru] [Wru] u [6rtu] [rtu] a a [etup] d [etud] s h [5rtud] f [rtu] f [etuf] k [etuj] H j k [4rtul] [rtu] z [etuk] l [etuj] k [3eruj] k l k [eru] j k [Wru] f [Wru] d [6rtuf] k l [rtu] d [etuf] k l [etu] d [5rtuf] l [rtuz] l [etuk] l [etuz] l z [4rtux] j [rtu] h [etuj] k [etul] z [3eruk] l k [eru] k l k [Wru] d f [Wru] f g [6rtuf] s d [rtu] p a s [etud] s d f [etu] d [5rtuf] s d [rtu] a s p [etua] p a s [etu] d f [4rtuh] d f j [rtu] d f k [etu] d f l [etu] k l z [3eruk] l k [eru] h d [Wru] h g [Wruf] d [6rtuf] k [rtul] z [etux] k l j [etu] d [5rtuf] k [rtul] z [etux] k l j [etu] k l [4rtu] l v [rtuv] c c [etuc] x [etuz] l [3eruz] [eru] l z [Wrux] k [Wruj] k [6rtul] k [rtul] z [etuk] l j [etu] k [5rtul] k l [rtu] z [etuk] l [etuj] x x [4rtux] d f [rtuf] u u [etu] y [etu] p [3erup] a [eruo] y o [Wru] [Wru] [469waf] [pd] [af] [pd] [af] [pd] [af] [pd] [af] [pd] [af] [pd]
    Level: 6
    Never Meant to Belong (Bleach)

    Shiro Sagisu