Englishman in New York (Sting)

Sting 13 January 2024
  • TYPE
  • transposition

9 [ei] 9 [ei] 5 [ry] 5 [ry]
6 [tu] 6 [tu] 6 [tu] 5 [ry]
9 [ei] 9 [ei] 5 [ry] 5 [ry]
6 [tu] 6 [tu] [6tu]||
[9t] u p s [wrd] a o i
[etu] a a|[et]|[wr]|
[9t] u p s [wrd] a o i
[9t] u p s [wrd] a o i
[etu] a a p a|[wyp] a
[9is] s|s [5ya]|o a
[6tp] 0|0 6 0|0
[9t] u p s [wrd] a o i
[etu] a a|[et]|[wr]|
[9t] u p s [wrd] a o i
[9t] u p s [wrd] a o i
[etu] a a p a|[wyp] a
[9is] s|s [5ya]|o a
[6tp] 0|0 6|[59af]|
[9qps]|[ps] [ps] [59ps] a p|
[60oa] a d d sap [5p] [oa]
[9is] s|s [5oa]|[ro] [tp]
6 0|0 6|[6of]|
[9is]|[us] [us] [5qus] [ya] [tp]|
[60oa] a d d sap [5p] a
[9is] s|s [5oa]|[ro] [tp]
6 0|0 6|[wry]|
[9t] u p s [wrd] a o i
[etu] a a|[et]|[wr]|
[9t] u p s [wrd] a o i
[9t] u p s [wrd] a o i
[etu] a a p a|[wyp] a
[9is] s|s [5ya]|o a
[6tp] 0|0 6|[59af]|
[9qps]|[ps] [ps] [59ps] a p|
[60oa] a d d sap [5p] [oa]
[9is] s|s [5oa]|[ro] [tp]
6 0|0 6|[6of]|
[9is]|[us] [us] [5qus] [ya] [tp]|
[60oa] a d d sap [5p] a
[9is] s|s [5oa]|[ro] [tp]
[6tp] 0|0 6|[7w]|
[8wsf] [sf] [sf] [sf] [sh] [sh] [8sf] f
[59ad] [ad] [ad] [ad] [ag] [ag] [5ad] o
[60ps] [ps] [ps] [ps] [sf] [sf] [6ps] [ps]
[48ip] p p p [4s] s [4p] p
[59oa] a a a [5d] d [5a] a
[%0ad] [ad] [ad] [sf] [%dg] f [%ad] f
[9yi] [yi] 9 [yi] 5 [ry] 5 [ry]
6 [tu] 6 [tu] [6tu]|[5ry]|
9 [ei] 9 [ei] 5 [ry] 5 [ry]
6 [tu] 6 [tu] [6tu]||
[etu] a a p a|[wyp] a
[9is]| s [5ya] p o p
[6tp] 0|0 6|[5yp] a
[9is]| s [5ya] p o p
[6tp] 0|0 6|[5yp] a
[9is]| s [5ya] p o p
[6tp] 0|0 6

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About This Music Sheet

Englishman in New York (Sting) is a song by Sting. Use your computer keyboard to play Englishman in New York (Sting) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:18, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Englishman in New York (Sting) is classified in the genre of Pop on Virtual Piano.


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Other Songs By Sting

  • [60]|[wy] [59]| [wy]|
    [60]|[wy] [59]| o p
    [60a] s d [59] d o p s
    [60]|f [59d]| 9|
    [60ya]| [59yp]||
    [60]| [59]| o p
    [48a] d|[59d]|o p s
    [48]|f [59d]| 9|
    [Q7ru]| [Q7ry]||
    [8wru]| [8wru]| o p
    [60a] d|[59d]|o p s
    [60]|f [59] d|9|
    [60a] d|[59a]|p|o
    [60]| [59]| o p
    [48a] d|[59d]|o p s
    [48] f|[59d]| 9|
    [Q7ua] d|[Q7ya]|p|[yo]
    [8w]| [8wy]| o p
    [15a] s a [26s]|o p a
    [37s]|a|[48p]|o p
    [15a] s a [26s]|o p a
    [37s]|a|[48p]|o p
    [15a] s a [26s]|o p a
    [37s]|a|[48p]|o p
    [15a] s a [26s]|o p a
    [37s]|a [48] p|o p
    [6a] s [0d]|[5d] o [9p] s
    6|[0f] d 5|9|
    [6a] d 0 a 5 p 9 o
    6|0|5|[9o] p
    [4a] d 8 d [5d] o [9p] s
    [4s]|[8f] d 5|9|
    [3a] d 7 s 3 a 7 p
    4|8|4|o p
    [6a] d 0 d 5 o [9p] s
    [6a] d 0 a 5 p 9 o
    5|9|5|o p
    [6a] d 0 d [5d] o [9p] s
    6 f 0 d [59]||
    [Q7ua] d|[Q7ya]|p|[yo]
    [8w]| [8wy]| o p
    [15a] s a [26s]|o p a
    [37s]|a|[48p]|o p
    [15a] s a [26s]|o p a
    [37s]|a|[48p]|o p
    [15a] s a [26s]|o p a
    [37s]|a|[48p]|o p
    [15a] s a [26s]|o p a
    [wry] a a [wrya]|a a [wryd]|
    s a [qetp]|p|[wrya]|
    a a [wrya]|a|[wryd]|
    d d f [qets] s s [wrya]|
    a a [wrya]|a|[wryd]|
    d d f [qets]|d [wrya]|
    a a [wrya]aa|[wryd]|
    o p a [4ps]|[5ad]|
    6|[sf] 6 6||
    [^q]|p [^qa] [^qs]|d f
    [^qd]| [^q] [^q]|o p
    [60a] d|[59d]|o p s
    [60]|f [59] d|9|
    [60a] d|[59a]|p|o
    [60]| [59]| o p
    [48a] d|[59d]|o p s
    [48] f|[59d]| 9|
    [Q7ua] d|[Q7ya]|p|[yo]
    [8w]| [8wy]| o p
    [rua] s d [EY] d o p s
    [ey]|f [WTd]| o p
    [rua] d|[EYd]|o [eyp] s
    [WT]|f [wtd]||
    [30]|[30]|[30]|[30o] p
    [15a] s a [26s]|o p a
    [37s]|a|[48p]|o p
    [15a] s a [26s]|o p a
    [37s]|a|[48p]|o p
    [15a] s a [26s]|o p a
    [37s]|a|[48p]|o p
    [15a] s a [26s]|o p a
    [37s]|a [48] p||
    [15us]| [15]||
    [15]| [48]|h g hd
    [15sf]| [15]||
    [15]| [48]|h g hd
    [15sf]| [15]

    Level: 5
    Length: 03:09
    King Of Pain (Sting)


  • [tu] o s o [tof] d s d
    [tu] o s o [tof] d s d
    [et] u a u [eus] a p a
    [et] u a u [eus] a p a
    [qp] s h s [qg] s [pf] d
    [wa] d j d [wh] d [ag] h
    [tu] o s o [tof] d s d
    [to]|f g [tof]|d s
    [8s] u o u [8of] d s d
    [8o] w [uf] g f|[wud] s
    [6s] u a u [6us] a p a
    [6u] s [0s] [of] t [pg]|[ps]
    4 s [8s] [pg] e [of]|[ad]
    5 [od] [ws] f [os]|[wis]|
    6 u a u [6us] a p a
    [6p] 0 [tf] g [5of]|[wid] s
    [8of] w t w [8of] d s d
    [8o] w [uf] g f|[wud] s
    [6s] u a u [6us] a p a
    [6u] s [0s] [of] t [pg]|[ps]
    4 s [8s] [pg] e [of]|[ad]
    5 [od] [ws] f [os]|[wis]|
    [8u] o s o [8of] d s d
    8 8 [8os] 8 [8sf] 8 [8sh] [8f]
    [qsgj] q q q q q q q
    q ( [(sgj] j [9psh] e i s
    [8osf] 8 8 8 [8of] [8d] [8s] [8d]
    [8f] w [ul] j [fl]|[wl]|
    [G9j] l [ej]|[IG] f d f
    9 j [Gez] [Gz] [IGsk] j e h
    [wadh] w w w [wad] p o p
    [5a] 5 [5f] [5g] [wf]|[id] s
    [8s] u o u [8of] d s d
    [8o] w [uf] g f|[wud] s
    [6s] u a u [6us] a p a
    [6u] s [0s] [of] t [pg]|[ps]
    4 s [8s] [pg] e [of]|[ad]
    5 [od] [ws] f [os]|[wis]|
    6 u a u [6us] a p a
    6 u a u [6us] a p a
    % [Dl] [WDl] [Dl] % [DJ] [WDJ] [DJ]
    % [DJ] W [Dl] % J [WDJ] [dJ]
    ^ [dJ] [dEJ] [dJ] [d^J] h [Eg] [dJ]
    ^ h E [dJ] ^ [DJ] E [gJ]
    % [sDH] [sWDJ] [sDJ] [s%DJ]|[sWDJ] [sDJ]
    [s%DJ] [sDJ] W [DHl] %|[Wh] g
    [^d] g [EJ] g [d^J]|[Eh] g
    [d^J]|[Eh] [dJ] ^|[EDJ] [gJ]
    % h [sWDJ]|[s%DJ]|[Wh] [sDJ]
    % h W [sDJ] % h W J
    [8fhl] 8 8 8 8 8 8|
    [tu] o s o [tof] d s d
    [et] u a u [eus] a p a
    [et] u a u [eus] a p a
    [qp] s h s [qg] s [pf] d
    [wa] d j d [wh] d o d
    [et] u a u [ets] a p a
    [et] u a u [ets] a p a
    [tu] o s o [tof] d s d
    [tu] o s o [tof] d s d
    [et] u a u [eus] a p a
    [et] u a u [eus] a p a
    [qp] s h s [qg] s [pf] d
    [wa] d j d [wh] d o d
    [tu] o s o [tof] d s d
    8 8 [8os] 8 [8sf] 8 [8sh] [8f]
    [6u] s [0s] [of] t [pg]|[ps]
    4 s [8s] [pg] e [of]|[ad]
    5 [od] [ws] f [os]|[wis]|
    e u a u [eus] a p a
    [et] u a u [eus] a p a
    [et] u a u [eus] a p a
    [et]|f g [5of]|[wid]|
    [8s] [8fh] [8sf] [8fh] 8 [8fh] 8 [8sf]
    8 [8fh] [8sf] [8fh] 8 [8fh] 8 [8sf]
    6 [6fh] [6sf] [6fh] 6 [6fh] 6 [6sf]
    q [qfh] [qfh] [qgj] q [qgj] q [wfh]
    8 [8fh] [8sf] [8fh] 8 [8fh] 8 [8sf]
    8 [8fh] [8sf] [8fh] 8 [8fh] 8 [8sf]
    6 [6fh] [6sf] [6fh] 6 [6fh] 6 [6sf]
    q [qfh] [qfh] [qgj] q [qgj] q [wfh]
    [8s] [8fh] [8sf] [8fh] 8 [8fh] 8 [8sf]
    8 [8fh] [8sf] [8fh] 8 [8fh] 8 [8sf]
    6 [6fh] [6sf] [6fh] 6 [6fh] 6 [6sf]
    q [qfh] [qfh] [qgj] q [qgj] q [wfh]
    8 [8fh] [8sf] [8fh] 8 [8fh] 8 [8sf]
    8 [8fh] [8sf] [8fh] 8 [8fh] 8 [8sf]
    6 [6fh] [6sf] [6fh] 6 [6fh] 6 [6sf]
    q q [qpsf] [qg] [qf] q [qd] w
    [8s] w u w [tof] d s d

    Level: 6
    Length: 03:16
    Every Breath You Take (Sting)



  • [s4] 4 [sq] df8 [so8] [tso] [wda][sf]5 [da5] [wda] [sf9] [up2] [up2] [oa9] [sp8] 4 4 [sqp] [da][sf]8 [so8] [tso] [wh] 5 [k5] [wha] [hd9] 2[pd][sf2][gd]9[sf][da8][sp][sp4] 4 [sqp] [da][sf]8 [so8] [tso] [wda][sf]5 [da5] [wda] [sf9][up]2 [up2] [oa9] [sp8] 4 4 [sqp] [da] [sf8] 8 [thf] [wk] 5 [hd5] [whd] [hd9] 2[pd][sf2][gd]9[sf][da8][sp][sp4] 4 q q [k8] [l8] [th] w [h5] [a5] [wa] [s9] 2 [p2] [p9] 8 4 4 q w [k8] [l8] [th] w [h5] [j5] w [s9] [d2] [f2] [g9] 8 4 4 q q [k8] [l8] [th] [wh] 5 [a5] [ws] [d9] [f2] [d2] [s9] 8 [p4]|q w[k8] [l8] [th] [wh] 5 [o5] [o5]|[o5] 5 [o5] 5 [ut6]|w [te] [yr5] 5 w 9 6 [ut] w [te] [yr5] 5 [wte] 78[wr3] 3[wr]0 [te8] 4 4 q|[wr3] 3[wr]0 [te8] 4 [e4] [r8]ty 6 [pf6] e [wpd] 5 [o5] [wp] [sp9] 6 [pf6] e [wpd] 5 [o5] [wo]p[s9]d6 [f6] e [wp] [pd5] 5[pd]w [pi9] 4 4 q i [o4] 4 q|[pi2] 2 [q9] i [o2] 2 [q9]|[f4] 4 [sq] qw[f8] 8 t [wd] 5 5 [wd] [f9] [p2] 2 9 [a8] [sp4] 4 [sqp] d [sf8] 8 [th] [wo] [kh5] [hd5] [whd] [ha9] 2d[f2][gd]9[sf]8[sp][sp4] 4 [sqp] [da][sf]8 [so8] [tso] [wda][sf]5 [da5] [wda] [sf9] [up2] [up2] [oa9] 8 [sp4] 4 [sqp] [pd][sf]8 8 [tsh] w [k5] [ha5] [wha] [hd9] 2[pd][pf2][pg]9[pf]8[sp][sp4] 4 q i [f8] [d8] [to] [wd] 5 5 w [f9] [p2] [p2] [a9] 8 [sp4] 4 q [ti] [sf8] [da8] [tsp] [wda] 5 [da5] [wh] [h9] 2 [gd2] [sf9] [da8] [sp4] 4 [sqp] [qda] [sf8] 8 [tso] w [oa5] 5 w [pi9] 2 2 [uo9] 8 [pi4] 4 [sqp] q [sf8] 8 [th] [wk] 5 [h5] w [gd9] 2 f d s p s d f g f d s p s p o [s4]|q p 2 2 [h9] [qj] [of8] 8 t w [od5] 5 w 9 [sp4] 4 q [p8]9[s2] [p2] [h9] [qj] [lj6] 6 e w [d8] [f8] [to] [pe] [sq] q t p [s9] [p9] y jk8 [g8] [th] [wf] [d5] 5 [woa] 9 [pf4] [pf]0 [pd] [up4] 4 [uo0]|[pf4] [pf]0 [pd] [up4] 4 0|[of4] [of]0 [od] [so4] 4 [o0]|[so4]|[od5]

    Level: 5
    Length: 02:40
    Longest Night (Night in the Woods)

    Alec Holowka

  • 5 9 e r| | 4 8 w e| | 5 9 e r| | 4 8 w e| | [k5] 9 e r| | l [k4] 8 [wj] e|| h g [f5] 9 e r| | d [s4] 8 w e| | [h5]k 9 e r| | [lh] [kh4] 8 [wjg] e|| h g [f5] 9 e r|| v c [xl4] 8 w [zke]|| [lj]| [kh5] 9 [le]z [zr]| | 4 [k8]l[zw] [je]|| h j [k5] [h9] [ed] r| |4 8 w e| | [kh5] 9 [le]z [zr]| | 4 [k8]l[zw] [je]|| h j [w^J(]| | J l J [qje8]| | j| [wh^(]||g|| d| [qfed8]||[sg]|| j| [k5] [v9] [ne] [vr]| v m v 4 [v8] [wm] [ve] z v b n [k5] [v9] [ne] [vr]| v m v 4 [v8] [wm] [ve] z v b n [k5] [v9] [ne] [vr]| v m v 4 [v8] [wm] [ve] z v b n [k5] [v9] [ne] [vr]| v m v 4 [v8] [wm] [ve] z v b n 5 9 e r| | 4 8 w e| | 5 9 e r| | 4 8 w e| | [k5] 9 e r| | l [k4] 8 [wj] e|| h g [f5] 9 e r| | d [s4] 8 w e| | [h5]k 9 e r| | [lh] [kh4] 8 [wjg] e|| h g [f5] 9 e r|| v c [xl4] 8 w [zke]|| [lj]| [kh5] 9 [le]z [zr]| | 4 [k8]l[zw] [je]|| h j [k5] [h9] [ed] r| | 4 8 w e| | [kh5] 9 [le]z [zr]| | 4 [k8]l[zw] [je]|| h j [w^J(]| | J l J [qje8]| | j| [wh^(]||g|| d| [qfed8]||[sg]|| j| [k5] [v9] [ne] [vr]| v m v 4 [v8] [wm] [ve] z v b n 5 9 e r| | 4 8 w e| | 5 9 e r| | 4 8 w e| | e [w975]| |[w975]
    Level: 5
    Length: 02:54
    My Confession (Doki Doki Literature Club)

    Dan Salvato

  • [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8ti]|
    [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8wy]|
    [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8ti]|
    [0tu] [tu]0 [ry] 9[ry] [8wt]|
    8|8 t [8t] y [8t] [tu]
    [8w]|[8u] u [8u] u [8i] i
    [8q]|[8i] i [8i] u [8u] u
    [8w]|[8u] u [8u] u [8y] y
    [59]|5 t [5t] y [5t] [tu]
    [8w]|[8u] u [8u] u [8i] i
    [8q]|[8i] i [8i] i [8i] u
    [8w] o 8 r [59r] t 5|
    [8t] w 8 [wy] 8 [wu] 8 [wi]
    8 q 8 [qt] 8 [qe] 8 [qu]
    8 w 8 [wt] 8 w [8u] [wy]
    5 [9u] 5 9 5 9 5 9
    [8t] w 8 [wy] 8 [wu] 8 [wi]
    8 q 8 [qt] 8 [qi] 8 [qu]
    8 w 8 [wy] 5 9 [5t] [9t]
    8 w 8 w 8 t t y
    [80tu] w [80t] [wt] [80t] [wt] [80i] w
    [8q] w [8qu] [wi] [8qo] wi[8q] [wu]
    [80] [wu] [80u] [wo] [80o] [wo] [80] w
    [57] 9 [57] [9t] [57t] [9y] [57t] [9u]
    [80] w [80] [wu] [80u] [wu] [80u] [wu]
    [8qi] [wi] [8q] [wi] [8qi] [wi] [8qi] [wu]
    [80u] [wu] [80] [wr] [57r] [9t] [57] 9
    [80] w [80] w [80] [wt] [80t] [wy]
    [80tu] w [80t] [wt] [80t] [wt] [80i] w
    [8q] w [8qu] [wi] [8qo] wi[8q] [wu]
    [80] [wu] [80u] [wo] [80o] [wo] [80] w
    [57] 9 [57] [9t] [57t] [9y] [57t] [9u]
    [80] w [80] [wu] [80u] [wu] [80u] [wu]
    [8qi] [wi] [8q] [wi] [8qi] [wi] [8qi] [wu]
    [80u] [wu] [80] [wr] [57r] [9t] [57] 9
    [80] w [80] w [80] w [80] w
    [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8ti]|
    [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8wy]|
    [8tu] [tu]8 [tu] 8[tu] [8ti]|
    [0tu] [tu]0 [ry] 9[ry] [8wt]

    Level: 5
    Length: 01:33
    Try Everything (Shakira)
