[9ye] [itq] [ywo] [EP] [8t][8t][t8][8t]
[0u][0u][0u][0u] [ho][ho][ho][ho] [sl][sl][sl][sl]
[ls] [JP] [pj] [ho] [8l] [ig4] [ts] [dy] [8gi]
[st] [dy] [gi] [ho9] [pj] [oh] [gi] [6pj]
[pj] [JP^] [pj] [ho] [4gi] [gi] [dy] [st] [ig5] [ts] [jp] [8ho]
[4ig] [st] [dy] [8ig] [st] [yd] [gi] [ho9] [jp] [ho] [gi] [6pj]
[jp] [^PJ] [pj] [ho] [4gi] [gi] [oh] [gi] [cg4] [ls] [pj] [ig]
[gi4] [ts] [dy] [gi] [ho] [jp] [oh] [5gi] [sl] [ig]
[gi6] [ts] [dy] [gi] [ho] [jp] [oh] [^gi] [8oh] [oh]
[gi4] [ts] [dy] [gi] [ho] [jp] [oh] [5gi] [sl] [ig]
[gi6] [ts] [dy] [gi] [ho] [jp] [oh] [^gi] [^PJ] [8sl]
9 [dy] [dy] [st] [yd] [st][iq] [st] [9yd] [st] [yd] [st] [dy] [st][igq]
9 [ig] [ig] [gi] [gi] [gi] [ho] [gi] [ho] [HO] [ho] [HO] [ho] [gi] [dy] [st]
9 [dy] [dy] [st] [yd] [st][giq] [st] [9yd] [st] [yd] [st] [dy] [st][igq]
* [gi] [ho] [gi] [(ho] [HO] [ho] [ig] [qgi] [ts] [dy] [gi]
[gi] [gi] [ho] [6jp] [fu] [jp] [ho] [ho] [9ho] [gi] [fu] [gi]
[6pj] [fu] [jp] [ho] [oh] [9ho] [ho] [gi] [uf] [ig]
[ho5] [pj] [ho] [gi] [dy] [ho5] [pj] [ho] [gi] [dy] [dy] [jp] [gi] [ho]
[8t][8t][t8][8t] [0u][0u][0u][0u] [ho][ho][ho][ho] [sl][sl][sl][sl]
[ls] [JP] [pj] [ho] [8l]
[ig4] [ts] [dy] [6gi] [st] [dy] [gi] [ho9] [pj] [oh] [gi] [6pj]
[pj] [JP^] [pj] [ho] [4gi] [gi] [dy] [st] [ig5] [ts] [jp] [8ho]
[4ig] [st] [dy] [6ig] [st] [yd] [gi] [ho9] [jp] [ho] [gi] [6pj]
[jp] [^PJ] [pj] [ho] [4gi] [gi] [oh] [gi] [gc4] [EP] [ar] [ts]
[ig4] [ts] [dy] [6gi] [st] [dy] [gi] [ho9] [pj] [oh] [gi] [6pj]
[pj] [JP^] [pj] [ho] [4gi] [gi] [dy] [st] [ig5] [ts] [jp] [8ho]
[4ig] [st] [dy] [6ig] [st] [yd] [gi] [ho9] [jp] [ho] [gi] [6pj]
[jp] [^PJ] [pj] [ho] [4gi] [gi] [oh] [gi] [4cg] [ls] [jp] [gi]
About This Music Sheet
Friend Shitai (Gakkou Gurashi!) (Alternative) is a song by Gakuen Seikatsu-bu. Use your computer keyboard to play Friend Shitai (Gakkou Gurashi!) (Alternative) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The song Friend Shitai (Gakkou Gurashi!) (Alternative) is classified in the genres: Japan, Electronica, Manga on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Anime, Fun, Happy, Virtual Piano Comp.
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Other Songs By Gakuen Seikatsu-bu
[w5][w5] [w5][w5] 5 [r7][r7] [r7][r7] 7
[y9][y9] [y9][y9] 9 [wo][wo] [wo][wo] [a75]|
o i u y|h|
[t1] [w8] [e1] [t8] 5 [w5] [e5] [t5]
[y6] [u6] [y6] [t6] [u3] 3 3 [u3]
[i4] [u4] [y4] [t4] 1 [t1] [e1] [w1]
[t2] [w2] [u2] [y5] 5 5 5 5
[t1] [w8] [e1] [t8] 5 [w5] [e5] [t5]
[y6] [u6] [y6] [t6] [u3] 3 3 [u3]
[i4] [u4] [y4] [t4] 5 [t5] [y5] [t5]
1 [s8] [o1] [u8] [t1] 8 1 8
[s1] [o8] [p1] [s8] 1 [d8] [f1] [d8]
[s2] 9 [h2] 9 [s2] 9 2 [s9]
[s3] [o0] [p3] [s0] 3 [d0] [f3] [d0]
[s4] q 4 [wd] 5 w 5 w
[s1] [o8] [p1] [s8] 1 [d8] [f1] [d8]
[s2] 9 [h2] 9 [s2] 9 2 [s9]
[s3] [o0] [p3] [s0] 3 [d0] [f3] [d0]
6 e [e1] [w6]2e [e6]t [w5]
[e6] e [e1] [w6]2e [e6]t 5
6 t [t1] [t6]2t [t6] y [t5]
[y6] Y [y1] [Y6]2y [t6] e [w5]
6 e [e1] [w6]2e [e6]t [w5]
[e6] e [e1] [w6]2e [e6]t 5
% t [y1] [t%] [y^] [^Y] [y2] [t^]
[t1] [w5] [e6] [t1]|t y y
[u753]| [r3] [u3]|y y
[y860]|t [r6] [t6]||
[u753]| [r3] [r3] u y y
[y860]|t [r6] [t6]||
[ye2] [ur9] [ye2] [t9] [e2] 9 [ye2] [ur9]
[ye2] [t9] [e2] [e9] [u4] q [t4] [yw]
[w5][w5] [w5][w5] 5 [r7][r7] [r7][r7] 7
[y9][y9] [y9][y9] 9 [wo][wo] [wo][wo] [a75]|
o i u y|h|
[t1] [w8] [e1] [t8] 5 [w5] [e5] [t5]
[y6] [u6] [y6] [t6] [u3] 3 3 [u3]u
[i4] [u4] [y4] [t4] 1 [t1] [e1] [w1]
[t2] [w2] [u2] [y5] 5 5 [h5] 5
[t1] [w8] [e1] [t8] 5 [w5] [e5] [t5]
[y6] [u6] [y6] [t6] [u3] 3 3 [u3]
[i4] [u4] [y4] [t4] 5 [t5] [y5] [t5]
1 8 1 8 [i4] [I$] [o5]|
[ts1] [wo8] [pe1] [ts8] 5 [yd5] [uf5] [yd5]
[ts6] 6 [oh6] 6 [ts3] 3 3 [ts3]
[ts4] [wo4] [pe4] [ts4] 1 [yd1] [uf1] [yd1]
[ts2] [wo2] [uf2] [yd5] 5 5 5 5
[ts1] [wo8] [pe1] [ts8] 5 [wo5] [pe5] [ts5]
[yd6] [uf6] [yd6] [ts6] [uf3] 3 3 [uf3]
[ig4] [uf4] [yd4] [ts4] 5 [ts5] [yd5] [ts5]
1 [sl8] [oh1] [uf8] [ts1]Level: 5Length: 01:28IntermediateFriend Shitai (Gakkou Gurashi!)
Gakuen Seikatsu-bu
[yid9] [92]||[y*][oTS]| [yqid4] [92]||[y*][oTS]| [yi^P] *E[S9] 0T[d9] ^y[f5] 3u[d^] 9 0 9da[P5] ^ 9 ^dP [pd6]|f|[g3]|[d2]|[f6]|g|h|j|2| d g d [uT] d [yd] p f d [pg] d f d [od^] p f d g d f d [id] p [uT] d [yi] d [uf] d [od5] p f d g d f d d p [uT] d [yi] d [of] d [id4] p f d g d f d [ud3] p f d [iT] d f d 2||[92]||4||2|| [92] [q4] [92] [30]q09^| 5 6 ^ 6 5| [d2]| p[f92]| p[qg4] [30]9^ 4p[H2] [92]j| 2 5 6| 11112||| [slGD]||4|4 [pohD] [92][pohD] [q4] [pieY] [w5][pieY] [W%] [qS4]Dgjk||Ps[S@(]Dghj||PS[P*!]SgHJ||^||| [fdOLH]||4|4 [zhfJ] [y92][zhfJ] [qi4] [slGD] [wo5][slGD] [WO%] [piTS92] [q4] [30] [@(] [92][q4] [30] [@(] [92] [q4] [30] [@(] [92][q4] [30] [@(] [92] [q4] [30] [@(] [92][q4] [30] [@(] [wohD5]|^ 7 8 1[*!] [92] [@(] [30] [q4] [Q$] [w5] [W%] [e6] [pjhf]| [d92]| pd[f81]| df[h^]| gf[g6]|f| [d5]| sd[f6] s| [J3]| jh[j6]|| [yid9] [92]||[y*][oTS]| [yqid4] [92]||[y*][oTS]| [yi^P] *E[S9] 0T[d9] ^y[f5] 3u[d^] 9 0 9da[P5] ^ 9 ^dP [pd6]|f|[g3]|[d2]|[f6]|g|h|j|2| d g d [uT] d [yd] p f d [pg] d f d [od^] p f d g d f d [id] p [uT] d [yi] d [uf] d [od5] p f d g d f d d p [uT] d [yi] d [of] d [id4] p f d g d f d [ud3] p f d [iT] d f d 2||[92]||4||2|| [92] [q4] [92] [30]q09^| 5 6 ^ 6 5| [d2]| p[f92]| p[qg4] [30]9^ 4p[H2] [92]j| 2 5 6| 11112||| [slGD]||4|4 [pohD] [92][pohD] [q4] [pieY] [w5][pieY] [W%] [qS4]Dgjk||Ps [S@(]Dghj||PS [P*!]SgHJ||^||| [fdOLH]||4|4 [zhfJ] [y92][zhfJ] [qi4] [slGD] [wo5][slGD] [WO%] [piTS92] [q4] [30] [@(] [92][q4] [30] [@(] [92] [q4] [30] [@(] [92][q4] [30] [@(] [92] [q4] [30] [@(] [92][q4] [30] [@(] [wohD5]|^ 7 8 1[*!] [92] [@(] [30] [q4] [Q$] [w5] [W%] [e6] [pjhf]| [d92]| pd[f81]| df[h^]| gf[g6]|f| [d5]| sd[f6] s| [J3]| jh[j6]Level: 7Length: 02:29Intermediate
Steinway to Heaven (Crypt of the NecroDancer)
Danny Baranowsky
h f s d s| |f|||o|| [toe]o[up] p p u t [y0] o a a [so] [ya] [ys] u p p u t [r0] y [so] [od] [ys] [sr] [tf] u [pf] p u t y [ro] [yo] o [yo] [ro] [tpe] u p p u t [y0] r [yp] [so] [yp] [rp] [tse] u p p u t [y0] r [yo] o [yo] [ro] [tpe] u p p u t [y0] r y [of] [yf] [rf] [tfe]d[us] [sp] p u t [r0] y [po] [so] [yp] [rp]o [tpe] u p p u t [ur0] [yo] [po] [po] [ys] [sr] [se]ap [pe] e f [ed] [f0]ds 0 0|[o0] [p6]|6 6 s [p6] [sp0]|[u0] [o0] p [oa0] [se]ap [pe] e f [ed] [f0]ds 0 0oo [o0] [p6]|6 6 s [p6] [s0] h||j 3 [j6] 6h[f6] [d6]fds 6 3|p [sp] p [p3]o [p6]o[p6]s6 6|6 3sds[d3]s[d3]s [f6] 6 6 6|[f6] 3 oo o [o3] [o3] [p6] 6 [u6] [p6]|[u6] [o3] p 3 [f3] f [f3]|| [f6]d[s6] [s6] 6|6 3 ppps p [p3]o [p6]o[p6]s6 6|6 3|h j [j3]3 [j6]h[f6] [h6] [f6]ds [f6] [d3]|o o [o3] [o3] [sf6] [sp6] [a6] [p6] a [s6] [u3] [o3] [p3] [p3] [a3] [s3] [s6]ap p 6 f [d6] [f3]d[s3] 3 3 3 [o3] [p6]||6 s [p6] [s3] 3 [u3] [o3] [p3] [a5] [s6]ap p 6 f [d6] [f3]d[p3] 3 3o[o3] [o3] [p6]||6 s [p6] [s3] 3 3 [o3] [o3] [o3] [u6]||p|6 [o3]||a|3 [s6]||p|6 [u3]||[o3] [p3] 3 [spf6]Level: 5Length: 02:09Intermediate
Alicia Keys
[tf] o s [wd] y o [se] u p [wa] y o [qp] t i| [wa] y o| |o p s s 8 w t y u| f f d s [sf6] 0 e r t| d f f [tqif] d s s| s d f [wd] t o p a s|a|f f d s [tf] o s t o s t o s [th] o [sf] [ed] [us] [sp] e u p e u p [se] [ud] [pf] [qg] t [ig] [qf] t [id] [qd] [ts] i [sq] [td] [if] [ywod]||o h h h h j f d [sof8] w t [sof8] w t [sof8] w t [of8] [wod] [tso] [sofe] u p [sofe] u p [sofe] u p [sfe] [ud] [sp] [qog] t i [qof] t i [sqo] t i [qo] t i [wusf] y o w [yog] [of] [wod] y o [wuf] [yd] [tso] [sof8] w t [sof8] w t [sof8] w t [of8] [wod] [tso] [sofe] u p [sofe] u p [sofe] u p [sfe] [ud] [sp] [qog] t i [qof] t i [sqo] t i [qo] t i [ywod]||[oh]|[uf]|[yd] [tse] u p u s u [ql] t [ki] [qj] t [ki] [tf] o s t o s [wh] y [og] [wf] y [od] [se] u p e u p [ql] t [ki] [qj] t [ki] [tf] o s t o s [wh] [yh] [oh] [wh] y [oj] [fe] [ud] [sp] e [uf] [ph] [ql] t [ki] [qj] t [ki] [tf] o s [ts] [od] [sf] [wh] y [og] [wf] y [og] [fe] u p d|[qg] t i f|s d [tf] o s d|[wd] y o s|s s [tf] o s [wd] y o [se] u p [wa] y o [qp] t i| [wa] y o||[wtsof8]
Level: 6Length: 03:55IntermediatePerfect (Alternative)
Ed Sheeran