00:37 -
4 -
[u4]8[tq] u[y5]9[wr] w[60]8[t0]|680 ty[u4]8[tq] u[y5]9[wo] i[u1]58|158 ui[o4]8[qi] u[i5]9w|[o%][i0][uW] Y[u6]0e|[i4][u8][tq] u[y5]9w tr[e6]80|680|[uf4]8q [uf] [yd5]9w [wo][u60]8[ts0]|680 [ts][yd][uf4]8[yqd] [ts][oh5]9w [pj] [uf1]58|158 [uf][ig][oh4]8[qig] [uf][ig5]9w [oh][ig%]0[ufW] [YD][uf6]0e [ig][uf4]8[tsq] [uf][yd5]9w [ts][ra][e6]0e|[qhf] [tjg][hf]i[gd][whf] y o [qhf] [tjg][hf]i[gd][sfe] [tgd][sf]u[da][spe] t[oa][uhf][gd][sfe] t[hf][uhf][hf][qhf] [tjg][hf]i[gd][whf] y o [hfe] [tjg][hf]u[gd][sfe] [tgd][sf]u[da][spe] t[oa][usf][da][spe] t u [sqf] [tda][sp]i[da]tthtgtfthtgtfthtgtft|tuos
About This Music Sheet
Futari no Kyori (Shugo Chara) is a song by Kohei Tanaka. Use your computer keyboard to play Futari no Kyori (Shugo Chara) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:37, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Arda. The song Futari no Kyori (Shugo Chara) is classified in the genres: Manga, Songs From TV, Japan on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Anime.
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Other Songs By Kohei Tanaka
w|h o G o g|
[8f]| s|d f|
[qd]| p||
q|s s|d s|
[8f]|o o|p o s
[qd]| d D d s d
[8s]|Ppou y t|
9|I I o o p p [wa]|p o||
[8u]oo[wo]|8|[wp] o [8u]|[wo]|8|w|
[8u]oo[wo]|8|[wp] o [8u]|[wt]|8|w|
[8u]oo[wo]|8|[wp] o [8u]|[wo]|8|w|
[8u]oo[wo]|8|[wp] o [8u]|[wt]|8|w|
[8o] u [wy] t [4e] t [8w]|
[8o] u [wy] t [4e] t [8w]|
[4e] t [8w]|[4e] r [8t] i
[2u] u [6y] t [5y]|9 w
[8o] u [wy] t [4e] t [8w]|
[8o] u [wy] t [4e] t [8w]|
[4e] t [8w]|[4e] r [8t] i
[$u] t [5y] y [80]Level: 4Length: 00:55EasyOne Piece (Binks Sake)
Kohei Tanaka
sd[faTI]|a|[urpd]|u|[usoa0]|| op[ytYP]|o|[soie]|g|[wpda]|| dD[faTI]|a|[urpd]|u|[usoea] [yupdE]||T||e||f| [j^] q w t y h s d h||g|z| [k6] 0 r [th] [yd] [uf] [aI]||| f|[j^] q w t y h s d h||| [h9] Gef [ud]|y|I|| sd[faTI]|a|[urpd]|u|[usoa0]|| op[ytYP]|o|[soie]|g|[wpda]|| gh[ysH]|g|[tPJ]|P|[rpd]||S| [uraO]||| [ypie]||| [uraO0]||| 0Level: 6Length: 00:54Intermediate
Gold and Oden (One Piece)
Kohei Tanaka
[lj] s [kH] s [hJ] s [jg4]|[tie] g 8 h [tjie]| [hd5]|[yi] [da] 7SdSdSdS[yw]dSdSdSd [d^]|[yigdE]|[g^] h [yiHE]| [jg4]|[tie] s 4 d[tsie]dg [h^]|[yiHE] h [^H] h [yigE]| [spg4]|[tpie]sDds[p4] o [tie]| [J5]khd[yoPE] P [a5] s [yrod]| [tf]|[yid] s t|[uo]| [a5]ha[ysr]js[S5]JS[yrd]kd [utlf]|[tsi9]|[tsI(]|[tso0]| [p4]ss[tsie]|8|[tied] s [p4]|[tsie]|8|[tie]| [p4]ss[tsie]|8|[wtd0] s [p4]|[tqie]|[so92]|[oa30]| [p4]ss[tsie]|3|[wtd0] s [p@]|[wsYE]|2|[ytE]| [p5]ss[wsiE]|8|[widE] s [p4]|[tqie]|[gP5]|[sf6]| [s^]dg[tiW]gh[H4]hg[tiW]| [roiH]hg[h5]gd[wsE8]|| [l4] j [tqhe] g [d^] f [yqgE]| [l4] j [tqhe] g [yqdE] g [tsqe]| [yqdE] g [tsqe]|[yqdE] f g J [j5] j [ywhE] g [h8]|[wut]| [l4] j [tqhe] g [d^] f [yqgE]| [l4] j [tqhe] g [yqdE] g [tsqe]| [yqdE] g [tsqe]|[yqdE] f g J [j5] g [wtoh] h [qige]|| ^|[yigdE] d [gd^] h [yiHE]| [jg4]|[tie] [sg] 4 d[tsie]dg [hd^]|[yiHE] h [^H] h [yigE]| [spg4]|[tpie]sDds[p4] o [tie]| [J5]khd[yoPE] P [a5] s [yrod]| [tf]|[yid] s t|[uo]| [a5]ha[ysr]js[S5]JS[yrd]kd [utlf]|[tsi9]|[tsI(]|[tso0]| [l4] j [tqhe] g [d^] f [yqgE]| [l4] j [tqhe] g [yqdE] g [tsqe]| [yqdE] g [tsqe]|[yqdE] f g J [j5] j [ywhE] g [h8]|[wut]| [l4] j [tqhe] g [d^] f [yqgE]| [l4] j [tqhe] g [yqdE] g [tsqe]| [yqdE] g [tsqe]|[yqdE] f g J [j5] g [wtoh] h [qige]|| [p4]ss[tsie]|8|[tied] s [p4]|[tsie]|8|[tie]| [p4]ss[tsie]|8|[wtd0] s [p4]|[tqie]|[so92]|[oa30]| [p4]ss[tsie]|3|[wtd0] s [p@]|[wsYE]|2|[ytE]| [p5]ss[wsiE]|8|[widE] s [p4]|[tqie]|4|[yqE]| [l4] [qj] [the] g [yqdE] f g| [l6] [j0] [the] g [yqdE] g [tsqe]| [yqdE] g [tsqe]|[yqdE] f g J [j5] j [wqh9] g [h5]9q[80]| [l4]6j8[qh] g [d^9] f [qg8]| [l4]6j8[qh] g [yqdE] g [tsqe]| [yqdE] g [tsqe]|[yqdE] f g J [j5] g [wtoh] h [qige]|| [p4]ss[tsie]|8|[tied] s [p4]|[tsie]|8|[tie]| [p4]ss[tsie]|8|[wtd0] s [p4]|[tqie]|[so92]|[oa30]| [p4]ss[tsie]|3|[wtd0] s [p@]|[wsYE]|2|[ytE]| [p5]ss[wsiE]|8|[widE] s [p4]|[tqie]|4|[yqE] i 4|[tqe]|4|[yqE] i 4|[tqe]|4|[yqE] i 4 q [lj] s [kH] s [hJ] s [qg][je]Level: 6Length: 02:36Intermediate
Binks no Sake (One Piece)
Kohei Tanaka
[e8]|e|[ur]|e|[r8]|e|u|e|[wt8]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|e|[wr]|7|[e8]|e|[ur]|e|[r8]|e|[ur]|e|[t8]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|0|w|7|6|[ue0]|r|e|[ur0]|e|[r0]|[te]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|[ur]|e|[ro]|6|t|e|r|w|e|q|w|8|[ur]|i|u|e|[ur]|i|o|5|[ea4]|[ea]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[ra]|[wh]|e|[ur]|e|[srq]|e|[wr]|[u7]|[ea4]|[ea]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[rj]|[wo]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|e|[wr]|[u7]|6|[ue0]|r|e|[ur0]|e|[r0]|[te]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|t|e|r|w|e|q|w|8|[url]|i|[uk]|e|[wrj]|t|[wra]|0|[oe4]|[oe]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[ra]|[wh]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|e|[wr]|[u7]|[pe4]|[pe]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[rj]|[wh]|e|[ur]|e|[rqa]|e|[wr]|[u7]|6|[ue0]|r|e|[ur0]|e|[r0]|[te]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4] o t|e|[ro]|w|[ea]|q|[wa]|8|[ura]|i|[uk]|e|[wr]|t|[wro]|[o30]|[e8]|e|[ur]|e|[r8]|e|u|e|[wt8]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|e|[wr]|7|[e8]|e|[ur]|e|[r8]|e|[ur]|e|[t8]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|0|w|7|6|[ue0]|r|e|[ur0]|e|[r0]|[te]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|[ur]|e|[ro]|6|t|e|r|w|e|q|w|8|[ur]|i|u|e|[ur]|i|o|5|[ea4]|[ea]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[ra]|[wh]|e|[ur]|e|[srq]|e|[wr]|[u7]|[ea4]|[ea]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[rj]|[wo]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|e|[wr]|[u7]|6|[ue0]|r|e|[ur0]|e|[r0]|[te]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|t|e|r|w|e|q|w|8|[url]|i|[uk]|e|[wrj]|t|[wra]|0|[oe4]|[oe]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[ra]|[wh]|e|[ur]|e|[rq]|e|[wr]|[u7]|[pe4]|[pe]|[ur]|e|[t8]|r|[u4]|[rj]|[wh]|e|[ur]|e|[rqa]|e|[wr]|[u7]|6|[ue0]|r|e|[ur0]|e|[r0]|[te]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4]|[ur0]|[q4]|[yr]|[q4] o t|e|[ro]|w|[ea]|q|[wa]|8|[ura]|i|[uk]|e|[wr]|t|[wro]|[o30]
Level: 5Length: 03:16IntermediateIndoors (OneShot)
Casey Gu
o|u e [468]||
o|u e [579]||
o|u w [680] e||
w e t [468]||
o e [468]||
o e [579]||u|
[680y]|t e|
uuuo [468] u e t [579] r|w [680]
uuuo [570]|uue [468]|e t [579] r|w [680]
uuo|[570u] ooouo [468] u e t [579] r|w [680]
uu i [570o] iu y [468t]|e t [579] y|t [468]|
o u [579]|t y [69q]|||
[468] t ou [579u]|
t y [69q]|u|i|
t [468o]oo o u|
ttt[579o]|o r|
ee [680o]o o u|o|e|u|
t ooo o u [468]|
t ooo o r [579]|
e ooo o u [680] o|||
t ooo o u [468]||
o|u y [579]||
o|u w [680] e||
w e t [468]||
o e [468]||
o e [579]||u|
[680y]|t e uu uuo
[468] u e t [579] r|w [680] uuu [570o] uuue
[468]|e t [579] r|w [680] uuo u[570u] o ouo
[468] u e t [579] r|w [680] uuu [570o] iu y[468y] t e t
[579] r|t [680] [tu][tu][ro][ro]
[570ro] [ro][ro][ro] [ro][ro][468ro] u e t
[579] r|r [680] oo i [570u] y|yt[468] t e t
[579] r|t [680]|o u [570]|t y [69q]|u|i||
[468] t ou [579u]|t y [69q]|u|i|o|
[468] t ou [579u]|t y [69q]|u|i|o t
[468o]oo o u| ttt[579o]|o r| ee
[680o]o o u|o|e|u|t ooo o u [468]|
t ooo o r [579]| e ooo o u [680] o|||
t ooo o u [468]||o|u y [579]||o|u w [680] e||
w e t [468]||
o e [468]||
o e [579]||u|
[680y]|t e||
[468t]|o u [579]|t y [69q]|u|i||
[468] t ou [579u]|t y [69q] y t| y|
[468] t ou [579u]|t y [69q]|u|i||
[468]|[et][et] [et] [ry]|
[579]|[ry][ry] [ry] [tu]|
[680] [uo] [yi] [tu]|[ry]|
[ry] [ry] [ry] [et][et]||
[468]|[et][et] [et] [ry]|
[579ry][ry] [ry][ry] [ry][tu]|
[680] [uo] [yi] [tu]|[uo] [yi]|
[tu]|[ry] [ryo]|
u e [468]||o|
u e [579]||o|
u w [680] e||
w e t [468]||
o e [468]||
o e [579]||u|
[680y]|t e|||
t ooo o u [468]|ttto|o r [579]|ee oo o u [680] o|e|u| [468]|
t ooo o u [468]| t ooo o r [579]||e u|[680y]|t e|||
t ooo o u [468]|ttto|o r [579]|ee oo o u [680] o|e|u| [468]|
t ooo o u [468]| t ooo o r [579]||e u|[680y]|t e|||
t ooo o u [468]|||
t ooo o r [579]|||
e u|
[680y]|t e||
[680]| eet|t y [680]|ee ttt t e
[680]| eet|t yY[680y]|ee ttt t e [680]Level: 7Length: 04:20IntermediateStranger Things (Running Up That Hill) (Alternative)
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein
j| l| k| [fe] u p a s a p u i p [sj] g h s p g [th] u o s d s o u y i [pg] d f p i d [fe] [us] [pf] j l u t u [yk] i p d [kY] I p j [uH] O a f H| | 6 0 [pe] 0 [sr] 0 t a [u0] W r u I u O u q e [tp] i o i t [ie] [o8] 0 w t y t u t 9 q [yi] e [yu] e q y [u6] 0 e y t e 0 8 [y9] q e t [rW] 0 7 r [e6] 8 0 e r t u p y i [pjg] d [jg] p i k [lje] u [pjf] u a s a p y i [pjg] d [jg] p i k [lje] u p a s f s a y i [pljg] d [lj] p i z [th]lxu [ol] s [hf] o u o [zy] i p d [lY] I p [sj] [uk] O a O f| | 6 0 [pe] 0 [sr] 0 t a [u0] W r u I u O u q e [tp] i o i t [ie] [o8] 0 w t y t u t 9 q [yi] e [yu] e q y [u6] 0 e y t e 0 8 [y9] q e t [rW] 0 7 r [e6] 8 0 e r t u p 9 q [pie] y [pi] e q a [sp6] 0 [pe] 0 e t r e 9 q [jge] y [jg] e q [kg] [ljf6] 0 e r t u t r 9 q [pie] y d e q a [usp6] 0 e r [tp] r e 0 q e [tpi] s [woa] r y o [pi9] q e y i u y e i p [sj] [lf] [ok] a d h [yj] i p d f g h g [ji] p s l [ok] a d h k| | [xpjf]| |6Level: 6Length: 01:52Intermediate
Rue’s Whistle (The Hunger Games)