Ghostriders In The Sky

Johnny Cash 10 September 2020

0 eee r ttt e www 0 w 0 eee r ttt y uuu t u uu pppp uuu ttt ee qqqq ttt eewe

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About This Music Sheet

Ghostriders In The Sky is a song by Johnny Cash. Use your computer keyboard to play Ghostriders In The Sky music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is a Super Easy song which you can also load and play on your mobile or tablet. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 00:32, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song Ghostriders In The Sky is classified in the genre of USA on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Folk, Country.

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    Other Songs By Johnny Cash

    • 6 0 e| |
      8 w t| 9 e y|
      6 0 e| |
      8 w t| 9 e y|
      6 0 e| |f|
      [8h] [wf] t d 9 e y s
      [6f] 0 e| |p
      [8s] [ws] t s 9 e [yd]|
      [6f] 0 e| |f|
      [8h] [wf] t d 9 e y s
      [6f] 0 e| |p
      [8s] [ws] t d 9 e [yp]|
      [6p] 0 e| |f|
      [8h] [wf] t d 9 e y s
      [6f] 0 e| |p
      [8s] [ws] t s 9 e [yd]|
      [6f] 0 e| |f|
      [8h] [wf] t d 9 e y s
      [6f] 0 e| |p|
      [8s] [ws] t d 9 e [yo]|
      [59wo]| [59w]| [59w]| [59w]|
      [60eh] f [60e] d [60e]| [60es] s
      [48q]| [48q]| [48q]| [48q]|
      [8wt]| [8wtf]| [8wtd] s [8wt] d
      [59w]| [59w]| [59w]| [59w]|
      [60eh] f [60e] d [60e]| [60es]|
      [48qs]| [48q]| [48qs]| [48qp] s
      [8wt]| [8wt]| [8wtd]| [8wto] o
      [59w]| [59w]| [59w]| [59w] s
      [60ed] s [60e] f [60e]| [60es] s
      [48q]| [48q]| [48q]| [48q]|
      [8wtf]| [8wtf]| [8wtd] s [8wt] d
      [59w]| [59w]| [59w]| [59w]|
      [60ef] f [60e] d [60e]| [60es] s
      [48q]| [48q]| [48q]| [48q]|
      [8wtf] f [8wt] d [8wt]| [8wto]|
      8 w t| 9 e y|
      6 0 e| |f|
      [8h] [wf] t d 9 e y s
      [6f] 0 e| |p
      [8s] [ws] t s 9 e [yd]|
      [6f] 0 e| |f|
      [8h] [wf] t d 9 e y s
      [6f] 0 e| |p
      [8s] [ws] t d 9 e [yp]|
      [6p] 0 e| |f|
      [8h] [wf] t d 9 e y s
      [6f] 0 e| |p
      [8s] [ws] t s 9 e [yd]|
      [6f] 0 e| |f|
      [8h] [wf] t d 9 e y s
      [6f] 0 e| |p|
      [8s] [ws] t d 9 e [yo]|
      [59wo]| [59w]| [59w]| [59w]|
      [60eh] f [60e] d [60e]| [60es] s
      [48q]| [48q]| [48q]| [48q]|
      [8wt]| [8wtf]| [8wtd] s [8wt] d
      [59w]| [59w]| [59w]| [59w]|
      [60eh] f [60e] d [60e]| [60es]|
      [48qs]| [48q]| [48qs]| [48qp] s
      [8wt]| [8wt]| [8wtd]| [8wto] o
      [59w]| [59w]| [59w]| [59w] s
      [60ed] s [60e] f [60e]| [60es] s
      [48q]| [48q]| [48q]| [48q]|
      [8wtf]| [8wtf]| [8wtd] s [8wt] d
      [59w]| [59w]| [59w]| [59w]|
      [60ef] f [60e] d [60e]| [60es] s
      [48q]| [48q]| [48q]| [48q]|
      [8wtf] f [8wt] d [8wt]| [8wto]|
      [8wtf] f [8wt] d [8wt]| [8wt] s
      [59wd]| [59w]| [59w]| [59ws]|
      [60ed] s [60e] f [60e]| [60es] s
      [48q]| [48q]| [48q]| [48qs]|
      [8wtf] f [8wt] d [8wt]| [8wts]|
      [59wd]| [59w]| [59w]| [59w]|
      [60ef] f [60e] d [60e]| [60es]|
      [48qs]| [48q]| [48q]| [48q]|
      [8wtf] f [8wt] d [8wt]| [8wto]|

      Level: 6
      Length: 03:57
      Hurt (Johnny Cash)

      Johnny Cash


    • 8 [uo] 5 [uo] 8 [uo] Y u o 8 [uo] 5 [uo] 8 Y u o p [8u] t [wu] [5o] o [wu] [8p] [wu] o 5 [wu] 6 [0t] p [0to] p 6 s [0t] [8e] 5 [9r] d d [9r] [5f] [9r] d [9r] [qp] [etp] [8p] [eio] [8p] s [0w] 5 [0w] 8 [0w] 5 [0w] 8 [wu] [5o] [wuo] [8p] [wu] o 5 [wu] [6p] s [0t] s f [8e] [6f] [0t] [0t] [5d] [9rd] d [9rd] [5f] [9r] d [9r] [qp] [tps] [8s] [tid] s 0 s d [8f] [0wt] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryo] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f [ryid] [es] [tup] 0 [tup] e [tup] f [tuph] [qj] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] j [eti] j [8h] [0wtf] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryof] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f d [ryos] [qs] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] s [etid] [8s] [0wt] [0wt] [0wt] [80w] o o [8p] [wu] o 5 [wu] 6 [0t] p [0to] p 6 s [0t] [8e] 5 [9r] d d [9r] [5f] [9r] d [9r] [qp] [etp] [8p] [eio] [8p] s [0w] 5 [0w] 8 [0w] 5 [0w] 8 [wu] [5o] [wuo] [8p] [wu] o 5 [wu] [6p] s [0t] s f [8e] [6f] [0t] [0t] [5d] [9rd] d [9rd] [5f] [9r] d [9r] [qp] [tps] [8s] [tid] s 0 s d [8f] [0wt] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryo] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f [ryid] [es] [tup] 0 [tup] e [tup] f [tuph] [qj] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] j [eti] j [8h] [0wtf] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryof] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f d [ryos] [qs] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] s [etid] [8s] [0wt] [0wt] [0wt] [80w] [etu] s s s [wrya] s d [tuof] f f f f d 8 s 9 0 s [qg] [eti] g [8g] [etig] [8g] [0wtf] [5d] [0wts] [wd] [ryo] [9f] [ryo] f [wd] [ryo] 9 [ryod] [6f] [80ef] f [80ef] [^d] [E9qd] [4d] d [E9q] [qs] [etis] [8s] s [eti] [8s] [0wt] s [5s] [0wts] [wd] [ryof] d 9 [ryo] w [ryo] [9d] [ryof] g w [ryi] [ryi] [ryi] [wri] s d [8f] [0wt] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryo] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f [ryid] [es] [tup] 0 [tup] e [tup] f [tuph] [qj] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] j [eti] j [8h] [0wtf] 5 [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryof] 9 [ryo] w [ryo] f d [ryos] [qs] [eti] 8 [eti] q [eti] s [etid] [8s] [0wt] [0wt] [0wt] [80w] s d [8f] [0wt] [0wt] [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryi] [ryi] [ryi] w [ryi] f [ryid] [es] [tup] [tup] [tup] e [tup] f [tuph] [qj] [eti] [eti] [eti] q [eti] j [eti] j [8h] [0wtf] [0wt] [0wt] 8 [0wt] f d [0wts] [wd] [ryof] [ryo] [ryo] w [ryo] f d [ryos] [qs] [eti] [eti] [eti] q [eti] s [etid] [8s] [0wt] [0wt] [0wt] [80w] f d s [wd] [ryo] [ryo] [ryo] w [ryo] [ryof] d [ryos] [tuos] f d s [wd] [ryo] [ryo] [ryo] w [ryo] [ryof] d [ryos] [ts] w e 0 w 0 9 8 0 w 9 8

      Level: 6
      Length: 03:10
      Take Me Home Country Roads (Intermediate)

      John Denver

    • [8wt]|y|u|[60t]|y|u|
      [8t]| [sh]| [6eph] [pg] [pf] [pf] p [pf] p f
      [5wof] [od] [od]|o| [5w]||
      p s [9yid]|[pd] [id] i|f p [6etu]| u|
      p s [^Eid]|[Pd] d i|[Pf] [id] [5wtyo]| [ryo]|
      [8t]| [sh]| [6esh] [sg] [pf] [pf] p|[pf] [pf]
      [5waf] [od] [od]|o| [5w]||
      p [os] [9yid]|[id]|[id]|[is] [is] [6etu]| s f|
      [^Eif]|[id] [id] i| [6e]| p [ps] [ps]
      [5wod] [od]|[od]|[os] [od] [5wo]| [ryo]|p|
      [48is] [is] [is] [od] [59o] [od] [pf]|[60pf]| [60pf]|[pf] g
      [8wsh]| [sh] [og] [if]|[48is]| [is]|
      p [48is] [is] [is] [od] [59o] [od] f|[60f]| [60psf]|
      d s [59d]|a|a| [59o]| o|
      o [48ips] s|d [59oa] d f|[60psf]| [60psf]|
      f g [8wsfh]|[sfh] [sfh]|g f|[48ips]| [ips]|p
      [48ips] s s d [59oa]|d f [60ps]| [60psf]|
      d s [59d]|a|y| o| d|
      [8t]| [sh]| [6eph] [pg] [pf] [pf] p [pf] p f
      [5wof] [od] [od]|o| [5w]||
      p s [9yid]|[pd] [id] i|f p [6etu]| u|
      p s [^Eid]|[Pd] d i|[Pf] [id] [5wtyo]| [ryo]|
      [8t]| [sh]| [6esh] [sg] [pf] [pf] p|[pf] [pf]
      [5waf] [od] [od]|o| [5w]||p [os]
      [9yid]|[id]|[id]|[is] [is] [6etu]| s f|
      [^Eif]|[id] [id] i| [6e]| p [ps] [ps]
      [5wod] [od]|[od]|[os] [od] [5wo]| [ryo]|p|
      [48is] [is] [is] [od] [59o] [od] [pf]|[60pf]| [60pf]|[pf] g
      [8wsh]| [sh] [og] [if]|[48is]| [is]|p
      [48is] [is] [is] [od] [59o] [od] f|[60f]| [60psf]|d s
      [59d]|a|a| [59o]| o|o
      [48ips] s|d [59oa] d f|[60psf]| [60psf]|
      f g [8wsfh]|[sfh] [sfh]|g f|[48ips]| [ips]|p
      [48ips] s s d [59oa]|d f [60ps]| [60psf]|
      d s [59d]|a|[59oad] t y a y| [59uoa]|
      [59]|[yos]| [yoa]|[59yop]| [ryo]|
      [5wh]|h|[4q]| [30l]|j|[29h]|j|
      [9eyip]||d f [9epdg]|f d [0t]|s|
      [qtips]| [4q]|s j|h|[59] h g h
      [60psf]||f [60g] f|d d s d|
      [7woa]| [oad]| [7woad]| [8wuos]|
      [9eyip]||d f [9epdg]|f|[0td] s s|
      [qtip]| [4q]|s s j h|[qt] h h f
      [8wuos]| [uos]| [8w]|[sfh]| f h
      [59sdj]|h [sdh]|j|[59adh]| |
      [48ips]| [59oad]| [60psf]| |
      [8wosf]| |[48ips]| |
      [48ips]| [59oad]| [60psf]| |
      [59oad]| |[59oad]| [59oad]|h
      [48is] [is] [is] [od] [59o] [od] [pf]|[60pf]| [60pf]|[pf] g
      [8wsh]| [sh] [og] [if]|[48is]| [is]|p
      [48is] [is] [is] [od] [59o] [od] f|[60f]| [60psf]|
      d s [59d]|a|a| [59o]| o|o
      [48ips] s|d [59oa] d f|[60psf]| [60psf]|
      f g [8wsfh]|[sfh] [sfh]|g f|[48ips]| [ips]|p
      [48ips] s s d [59oa]|d f [60ps]| [60psf]|
      d s [59d]|a|y| o| d|

      Level: 7
      Length: 03:55
      Heaven (Bryan Adams)

      Bryan Adams

    • 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 0 [wr] 0 [wr] 0 [wr] 0 [wr] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 0 [wr] 0 [wr] 0 [wr] 0 [wr] 8 [wto] [8o] [wto] o 8 i [wt] [8u] [wti] [0o] [wro] [0o] [wrp] [0o] i [wr] [0u] [wri] [8o] [wto] [8o] [wto] o 8 i [wt] [8u] [wti] [0o] [wro] [0o] [wrp] [0o] i [wr] [0u] [wry] [6u] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 5 4 [8qi] [4i] i [8q] u 5 y [9w] t 5 y [9w] u 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0eu] [6u] y [0et] y 5 [9w] 5 [9w] 5 [9w] 5 [9w] 8 [wto] [8o] [wto] o 8 i [wt] [8u] [wti] [0o] [wro] [0o] [wrp] [0o] i [wr] [0u] [wri] [8o] [wto] [8o] [wto] o 8 i [wt] [8u] [wti] [0o] [wro] [0o] [wrp] [0o] i [wr] [0u] [wry] [6u] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 5 4 [8qi] [4i] i [8q] u 5 y [9w] t 5 y [9w] u 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0eu] [6u] y [0et] y 5 [9w] 5 [9w] 5 [9w] 5 [9w] [8os] [wt] 8 [wtos] [8f] [wtd] [5s] a s 6 a [0ep] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 7 [9wr] [8o] [wt] 8 [wto] [8o] [wti] [5u] y u 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] [7a] [9wr] [8os] [wt] 8 [wtos] [8f] [wtd] [5s] a s 6 a [0ep] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] [7a] [9wr] [8o] [wt] 8 [wto] [8o] [wti] [5u] y u 6 [0e] 6 [0e] [6o] [0ei] [7u] [9wry] u 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 5 [wt] 8 [wto] [8o] [wto] o 8 i [wt] [8u] [wti] [0o] [wro] [0o] [wrp] [0o] i [wr] [0u] [wri] [8o] [wto] [8o] [wto] o 8 i [wt] [8u] [wti] [0o] [wro] [0o] [wrp] [0o] i [wr] [0u] [wry] [6u] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 5 4 [8qi] [4i] i [8q] u 5 y [9w] t 5 y [9w] u 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0eu] [6u] y [0et] y 5 [9w] 5 [9w] 5 [9w] 5 [9w] 8 [wto] [8o] [wto] o 8 i [wt] [8u] [wti] [0o] [wro] [0o] [wrp] [0o] i [wr] [0u] [wri] [8o] [wto] [8o] [wto] o 8 i [wt] [8u] [wti] [0o] [wro] [0o] [wrp] [0o] i [wr] [0u] [wry] [6u] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 5 4 [8qi] [4i] i [8q] u 5 y [9w] t 5 y [9w] u 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0eu] [6u] y [0et] y 5 [9w] 5 [9w] 5 [9w] 5 [9w] [8os] [wt] 8 [wtos] [8f] [wtd] [5s] a s 6 a [0ep] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 7 [9wr] [8o] [wt] 8 [wto] [8o] [wti] [5u] y u 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] [7a] [9wr] [8os] [wt] 8 [wtos] [8f] [wtd] [5s] a s 6 a [0ep] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] [7a] [9wr] [8o] [wt] 8 [wto] [8o] [wti] [5u] y u 6 [0e] 6 [0e] [6o] [0ei] [7u] [9wry] u 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 5 [wt] [4i] [8qi] [4i] [8qi] [4o] p [8q] p 4 [8qp] [5o] [9wo] [5o] [9wo] [5p] a [9w] a 5 [9wa] [6s] [0ea] [6p] [0eo] [6o] [0ei] [6u] i [0e] u 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 5 [9w] [4i] [8qi] [4i] [8qi] [4o] p [8q] p 4 [8qp] [5o] [9wo] [5o] [9wo] [5p] a [9w] a 5 [9wa] [6s] [0ea] [6p] [0eo] [6o] [0ei] [6u] i [0e] u 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 5 [9w] i [4i] [8qi] [4i] [8qi] [4o] p [8q] p 4 [8qp] [5o] [9wo] [5o] [9wo] [5p] a [9w] a 5 [9wa] [6f] [0ed] [6s] [0ea] [6s] [0ea] [6p] [0ea] s 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0ep] [6s] [0es] a 5 [9w] 5 [9w] 5 [9w] 5 p [9wo] 5 [9w] 5 [9w] 5 [9w] 5 [9w] 8 [wto] [8o] [wto] o 8 i [wt] [8u] [wti] [0o] [wro] [0o] [wrp] [0o] i [wr] [0u] [wri] [8o] [wto] [8o] [wto] o 8 i [wt] [8u] [wti] [0o] [wro] [0o] [wrp] [0o] i [wr] [0u] [wry] [6u] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 5 4 [8qi] [4i] i [8q] u 5 y [9w] t 5 y [9w] u 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 5 4 [8qi] i [4i] i [8q] o 5 o [9w] o 5 p [9w] 6 [0e] [6u] [0e] 6 [0e] 5 4 [8qi] [4i] i [8q] u 5 y [9w] t 5 y [9w] u 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0eu] [6u] y [0et] y 5 [9w] 5 [9w] 5 [9w] 5 [9w] 5 [9wr] 5 [9wr] 5 [9wry] 5 [9wry] [8os] [wt] 8 [wtos] [8f] [wtd] [5s] a s 6 a [0ep] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 7 [9wr] [8o] [wt] 8 [wto] [8o] [wti] [5u] y u 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] [7a] [9wr] [8os] [wt] 8 [wtos] [8f] [wtd] [5s] a s 6 a [0ep] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] [7a] [9wr] [8o] [wt] 8 [wto] [8o] [wti] [5u] y u 6 [0e] 6 [0e] [6o] [0ei] [7u] [9wry] u 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] [5o] [6p] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] [7a] [9wr] [8s] [wt] 8 [wt] [8f] [wtd] [5s] a p 6 [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] [7a] [9wr] [8o] [wt] 8 [wt] [8o] [wti] [5u] y u 6 [0e] 6 [0e] [6o] [0ei] [7u] [9wry] u 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] [5r] [6t] [0e] 6 [0e] 6 [0e] [7u] [9wr] [8t] [wt] 8 [wt] 8 [wt] 5 [9w] [18w] t u
      Level: 5
      Length: 03:53
      Hey There Delilah

      Plain White T’s