02:25 -
[qp]|[qp] [qp] [qp]|[qp]|
[o8]|[o8] [o8] [o8]|[o8]|
[u6]|[u6] [u6] [u6]|[u6]|
[y5]|[y5] [y5] [y5]|[y5]|
[qp]|[qp] [qp] [qp]|[qp]|
[o8]|[o8] [o8] [o8]|[o8]|
[u6]|[u6] [u6] [u6]|[u6]|
[y5]|[y5] [y5] [t5] y [t5]|
[uq]|[uq] q [uq]|[yq] t
[t8] e 8 8 [u8] u [u8] u
[o6]|[o6] [p6] [y6] y [y6] t
[t5] y 5 5 [i5] i [i5] i
[u84]|u u u y y t [t80] e| t y t|
[u86]|u|y t e|[95]||
t y t|[uq]|[uq] q [uq]|[yq] t
[t8] e 8 8 [u8] u [u8] u
[o6]|[o6] [p6] [y6] y [y6] t
[t5] y 5 5 [i5] i [i5] i
[u84]|u u u y y t [t80] e| t y t|
[u86]|u|y t e|[95]|||
[wq] w t|q||8 t t t [t8] e w|
[w6] w w t 6||5 t t t [t5] e w|
[q4] q q q [40] 0|
[q1] q q 0 1 0 0 0
[60] 9 9|6 9 9 9
[95] 8 8|5||
[wq] w t|q||8 t t t [t8] e w|
[w6] w w t 6||5 t t t [t5] e w|
[q4] q q q [40] 0|
[q1] q q 0 1 0 0 0
[60] 9 9|6 9 9 9
[95] 8 8|5|0 q
[w1]|1|1|[10] w
[W3]|3|3|[30] 0
[r6]|[r6] e 3 0 [30] 9
[85]|5|5|[50] q
[w1]|1|1|[10] w
[W3]|3|3|[30] 0
[r6]|[r6] e 3 0 [30] 9
[85]|5|t y t|
[uq]|[uq] q [uq]|[yq] t
[t8] e 8 8 [u8] u [u8] u
[o6]|[o6] [p6] [y6] y [y6] t
[t5] y 5 5 [i5] i [i5] i
[u84]|u u u y y t [t80] e| t y t|
[u86]|u|y t e|[95]||t y t|
[uq]|[uq] q [uq]|[yq] t
[t8] e 8 8 [u8] u [u8] u
[o6]|[o6] [p6] [y6] y [y6] t
[t5] y 5 5 [i5] i [i5] i
[u84]|u u u y y t [t80] e| t y t|
[u86]|u|y t e|[95]||t y t|
[u6]|[u^]|[u7]|[y1] t
[t!] e 2|[u@] u [u3] u
[o4]|[o$] p [y5] y [y%] t
[t6] y ^|[i7] i [i8] i
[u*]|[u9] u [u(] y [y0] t
[tq] e Q|[wt] y [tW]|
[ue]|u|[yq] t e|5||
t y t|[utqe4]|[utqe4]|[utqe4]|[yq4] t
[t81] e [81]|[u81] u [u81] u
[toe6]|[toe6] p [y6] y [y6] t
[wt5] y 5|[tie5] i [tie5] i
[wutq4]|[uq4] u [uq4] y [yq4] t
[te81] e [81]|[te81] y [te81]|
[ute6]|[ute6]|[y6] t [e6]|
5|5|[te5] [ye] [te5]|
[utqe4]|[utqe4]|[utqe4]|[yq4] t
[t81] e [81]|[u81] u [u81] u
[toe6]|[toe6] p [y6] y [y6] t
[wt5] y 5|[tie5] i [tie5] i
[wutq4]|[uq4] u [uq4] y [yq4] t
[te81] e [81]|[te81] y [te81]|
[ute6]|[ute6]|[y6] t [e6]|[w5]
About This Music Sheet
High Hopes is a song by Panic! At the Disco. Use your computer keyboard to play High Hopes music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:25, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song High Hopes is classified in the genres: USA, Pop Rock on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Alternative, Inspirational.
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Other Songs By Panic! At the Disco
l| l l||
l| l l|l|
[8tl] h z h [8tx] h z l
[9yh] l z h [9yx] h z h
[6el] h z h [6ex] h z l
[6eh] l z h [5wx] h z h
[8tl] h z h [8tx] h z l
[9yh] l z h [9yx] h z h
[6el] h z h [6ex] h z l
[6eh] l z h [5wx] h z|
[6etu]|e t [5wry]|t|
[6etu]|e t [5wry]|t|
[18to] t [8u] [to] [18t] u [8to] t
[29yp] y [9i] [yp] [29y] i [9yp] y
[6eu] e [6t] [eu] [6e] t [6eu] e
[6eu] e [6t] [eu] [5w] r [5wy] r
[18to] t [8u] [to] [18t] u [8to] t
[29yp] y [9i] [yp] [29y] i [9yp] y
[6eu] e [6t] [eu] [6e] t [6eu] e
[6eu] e [6t] [eu] [5w] r [5wy] r
[18to] t [8u] [to] [18t] u [8to] t
[29yp] y [9i] [yp] [29y] i [9yp] y
[6eu] e [6t] [eu] [6e] t [6eu] e
[6eu] e [6t] [eu] [5w] r [5wy] r
[18to] t [8u] [to] [18t] u [8to] t
[29yp] y [9i] [yp] [29y] i [9yp] y
[180wt]Level: 6Length: 03:48IntermediateThis Is Gospel (Panic! At The Disco)
Panic! At the Disco
i y p u e r | i y p u [ei] [qy] [tp] [wu] | iid dssPpo | iid d pPso | iid dssPpo | pooiiyippo | iid d pPso | iid d d pPso | iid ds sPpo v po oi | i pPsg | spid | sPppo | i pPsg | spid | po oi | iid dssPpo | iid d v pPso | iid dssPpo | po oi iy iyipo | i d ds sPpo | iid ddpPso | dfgd sPpo | po oi | i pPsg | spid | sPppo | i pPsg | spid | po oi | dfg d sPpo v dfg d dssD | dfgd sssS | ds dd dggf dfg | iid d sPpo | iid dspPso | dfg | ddsPpo | po oi | i pPsg | spid | sPppo | i pPsg | spid | po oi | i pPsg | spid | sPppo | i pPsg | spid | po oiLevel: 4Easy
21 Guns
Green Day
[VQ] 9 Gfe pfO *aSapI $ SSS SSS SSS 9dd dddfda 6 aSS aSS aSfS *aSap[IQ] SS SSS SSS 9dd dd ddd fd 6 aSS aaaSfS
Level: 3Length: 00:40EasyUnstoppable
[s6] 0 [ro] t p||g [f5] 0 [ro] t p| |[s6] q [to]|p||j [h3] 7 [wg] f [d5] 9 w t r|||[f6] 0 r [tj] [h3] 7 [wd]|[g2] 6 [f0] [sq] [s5] 9 [ra]|[p4] 8 [ea] s [s5] 9 [ra]|[p6] 0 e r t| |[c2] [j6] [x0] [qh] [ze] [yg] [ul] [zi] [k5] [d9] [wj] [se] [rh] [ea] [wg] [h9] [g%] q [tf] [rd] [d5] [i9] [sq] [wa] [s4] 8 w W [yida]||s [uso1] 5 8 0 [wt]
Level: 6Length: 00:51IntermediateSteve’s Theme (The Last Song)
Aaron Zigman