I Will Survive (Gloria Gaynor)

Gloria Gaynor 16 July 2024
  • TYPE

3|7 3 %79qWryiOadgHkzc|zkHgdaOiyrWq|
[ep][tp]up p pp|a s
[9a]qetpp| p pp
[wp]ryo o o poo|i
[8i]0wruu| u uu
[qi]wetu uu u|u u
[qu]ery yy u y y y
[0u]er||uu u
[0rWO] O Op a O O O
[etup]|[etu]|[etu] p [etup] pp
[9qet]|[9qet]|[9qet] [ip] [9qetip][ip] [ip]
[wry] o [wryo]o p[wry] oo[wry]o
[80wrup] [uo] [80wruo][uo] [up][80wr] u[80wru]u i
[qet] u [qetu]u u[qet] u [qetu]u u
[qer] y [qery]y u[qer] y[qeru] uu
[0er] u [0eru] u [0eru]u [0eru] u
[0rWO] OO p a|[OH][OH] [OH]
[etupj] [etu] [etu] [etu] [psfj] [etupsfj] [psfj][psfj]
[9qet] [9qet] [9qet] [9qet] [pdgj] [9qetpdgj] [pdgj][pdgj]
5 [oadh] 5|5 [pj] [4pj] [3oh]
[1pj] [oh] [1oh][oh] [pj]1|2 3
4 [psf] [4psf] [psf][psf]4 [psf] [4psf] [2psf]
[7psf] [ipd] [7ipd][ipd] [ipf]7 [ipd][ipd][7ipd] [2ipd]
[O3af] [Oaf] 3|3 [Oaf][Oaf][O3af] [Oaf]
[3OH] [OH]3 [pj] [3ak] [OH] [3OH] [OH]
[etupj] [etu] [etu] [etu] [pj] [etuak] [sl][pj]
[9qet] [9qet] [9qet] [9qet] [pj] [9qet] [pj]
[5pj] [oadh] [5oadh] [oadh] [5pdj][oadh][oadh] 4 [3oadh]
[1psfj] [osfh] [1osfh][osfh] [psfj]1|[2f] [3f]
[4psf] [psf] [4psf] [psf][psf]4 [psf][4psf] [2psf]
[7psf] [psf] [7psg] [psf][psf]7 [psf][7psf] [O2af]
[O3af]|3|3 [pj] [3pj] [IG][OH]
3|3|3 [OH] 3 [pj]
[etud]|[etus]|[etu] p [etus] h
[9qetg]|[9qet] f [9qetd]fs [9qeta]sp
[wryo]|[wry]|[wry] g [wry] fg
[80wrf] df[80wrd] sd[80wrs] as[80wra] pa
[0erafj] [afj] [0er][afj] [0erafj] [afj][0er] [afj]
[0rafWH] [afH] [W0r]j [370fkx]||
[6ep]|6|6 [ep] [6ra] [ts][ep]
2|2|2 [ep] 2 [ep]
[5ep] [wo] [5wo] [wo] [5ep][wo][wo] 5 [wo]
[1ep] [wo] [1wo][wo] [ep]1|[1f] f
[4psf] [psf] [4psf] [psf][psf]4 [psf][4psf] [psf]
[7psf] [psf] [7psg] [psf][psf]7 [psf][7psf] [Oaf]
[O3af]|3|3 [ep] [3ep] [QI][WO]
3|3|3 [uf][3uf] [uf]
[6pj] [pj] [6pj] [pj][pj]6|[5ak] [3sl]
[2ak] [pj][pj]2|2 [pj] [3pj] [4pj]
[5pj] [oh] [5oh] [oh] [5pj][oh][oh] 4 [3ig]
[1ig] [uf][uf]1|1 [psf] [2psf][psf]3
[4psf] [psf] [4psf][psf] [psf]4|[4psf] [2psf]
[7psf] [ipd] [7ipd][ipd] [ipd]7 [psf] [7psf] [O2af][Oaf]
3|3|3 f[3f] f
[3OH] [OH] [3OH][pj] [ak]3 [OH] [3OH] [OH]
[3OH]|3|3 [oh] [3pj] [IG][OH]
3|3|3 [OH] [3IG] [OH][pj]
[6u] uu[6u] u [6u]|[6I] O

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About This Music Sheet

I Will Survive (Gloria Gaynor) is a song by Gloria Gaynor. Use your computer keyboard to play I Will Survive (Gloria Gaynor) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Expert song and aimed at advanced users. If you're not an advanced user, you can still load this song and press auto-play to enjoy the music. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:02, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song I Will Survive (Gloria Gaynor) is classified in the genre of Rock on Virtual Piano.


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  • [5wry]|[ro]|[7wrI]|[ro]|
    [9eto]|[tI]|[29tu]| [tI]
    [59ro]||[Qeu] I [9to] p
    [wyoa]|[yoa]|[QYrpa] [Ypa]|
    [9tuo]|[tyI]|[2tya]| [typ]

    Level: 7
    Length: 00:36
    Love Me Tender (Elvis Presley)

    Elvis Presley

  • [teQ92]| |[tqe92]| |[w810]| |8yu 9[teQ92]| |[tqe92]| |[ut81] w [ut] w [ut] w [yr7] w [ute6]|[ute] 6 [wut81]|[wut] 8 [yie92]|[yie]|[yie]|9[yie]9 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywri5]|[ywri5]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [wur7]|[wur] 8 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [wut81]|[wut] 8 [yie92]|[yie]|[yie]|9[yie]9 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywr5]|[ywr5]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [wut7]|[wut] 8 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [ute] 6 [ute]6 [uro30]|[uro] 0 [uro] 0 [uro]3 [yi^E]|[yiE] ^ [yiE] ^ [yiE] ^ [wut5]|[wut] 5 [ywr5]| |[tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [teQ92]|[teQ] 9 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [tqW4]|[tqW]|[wt810]|t|t|[qe4]|[ut81] w [ut] w [ut] w [yr7] w [ute6]|[ute] 6 [wut81]|[wut] 8 [yie92]|[yie]|[yie]|9[yie]9 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywri5]|[ywri5]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [wur7]|[wur] 8 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [wut81]|[wut] 8 [yie92]|[yie]|[yie]|9[yie]9 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywr5]|[ywr5]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [wut7]|[wut] 8 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [ute] 6 [ute]6 [uro30]|[uro] 0 [uro] 0 [uro]3 [yi^E]|[yiE] ^ [yiE] ^ [yiE] ^ [wut5]|[wut] 5 [ywr5]| |[tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [teQ92]|[teQ] 9 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [tqW4]|[tqW]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [wut] 8 [wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [tqe] 4 [tqe]4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywr] 5 [ywr]5 [wut81]|[wut] 8 [ywr7]|[ywr] 7 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [wur5]|[wur] 5 [teQ92]|[teQ] 9 [teQ] 9 [teQ] 9 [tqe92]|[tqe] 9 [tqe] 9 [tqe] 9 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5] [ywr5]|||[tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [wut81]|[wut]|[wut]|8[wut]8 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [ywr5]|[ywr] 5 [ute6]|[ute] 6 [teQ92]|[teQ] 9 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [tqW4]|[tqW]|[wut81]|[wut] 8 [teQ92]|[teQ] 9 [tqe4]|[tqe] 4 [tqW4]|[tqW]|[wut81]

    Level: 8
    Length: 03:30
    When I Was Your Man

    Bruno Mars

  • 8w[tx]u lz 8[wh]tuo xl[8z]wru|
    [8c][wx][rz][ul][ol]zj qt[ix]p lz q[th]ops|
    [qm][tb]i[Os]h hh
    8[wf]t[uf]fsf t [uoh] hhhh
    8w[rf][uf]fdf r [uo] hhhh
    [qh]t[ig][pg] f dt [ip] h h
    [qh]t[ig][Og] f dt [Ous] hhhh
    [8h]w[tf][uf] df t [uofl][fl][fl] [fl]
    [8fl]w[rfz][ufz] [hx] [hx]r [uo] [hx] [hx]
    [qjx]t[ijz][pjz] [jl][jl] t [ip] [jx] [jx]
    [qhx]t[ihz][Ohz] [hl][hl] t [uO][Hc] [hx]j
    [8h][wf][tf][ug]fgfg[th] [uo] hhhh
    [8h][wf][rf]u fff[rf]g[uof]gh hh
    [qh][tf][if][pf]fgfg[th] [ip] hhhh
    [qg][tg][ig]O gg [tg]f[Oug]fd h
    [8f]w[tf]uhhhh[tf]f[uof]f f f
    [8f][wf][rf][uf]fff [rh]f[uof]f f f
    [qf][td][id]pdddd[td] [ipd]dd d
    [qd][ts][is][Os]| d[td] [Ous] s|
    8wtus d [tf] [uos] o d
    8w[rs]us d [rf] [uos] o d
    qt[is]ps d [tf] [ips] o d
    qt[is]O|d t [Ous] f|
    8wtu[fx] [gc] [thv] [uogc] [fx] [dz]
    8w[rsl]u[sl] [dz] [rfx] [uosl] [oh] [dz]
    qt[isl]p [dz]|[tfx] [ipsl] [oh] [dz]
    qt[isl]O|[dz] t [Ousl] [sl] sh
    [8t]ft[uo]d [8tf]h[8t]ft[uo]d [8tf]h
    [8t]fr[uo]d [8tf]d[8t]sr[uo]d [8tf]h
    [4q]fi[ps]d [4qf]h[4q]fi[ps]|[4q][lm]
    [4q][kn]t[Oijb] [hv][4q][fx][4q] t[iO]d [4qf]h
    [8t]ft[uo]d [8tf]h[8t]ft[uo]d [8tf]h
    [8t]fr[uo]d [8tf]d[8t]sr[uo]d [8tf]h
    [4q]fi[ps]d [4qf]h[4q]fi[ps]|[4q]l
    [4q]kt[Oij] h[4q]f[4q] [ts][iO]f [4qf]s
    qt[if]pd d [tp] i| s
    [qs][ts]i[Os]s ss[ts]s[Ous]ssds
    8[wo][td][uf]fdds[td]d[uod]sd o
    8[wo][rd][uf]fdds[rd]d[uod]sd f
    qt[if]phfds[ts] [ips]s ss
    8wtus d [tf] [uos] o d
    8w[rs]us d [rf] [uos] o d
    qt[is]ps d [tf] [ips] o d
    qt[is]O|d t [Ous] f|
    8wtu[fx] [gc] [thv] [uogc] [fx] [dz]
    8w[rsl]u[sl] [dz] [rfx] [uosl] [oh] [dz]
    qt[isl]p [dz]|[tfx] [ipsl] [oh] [dz]
    qt[isl]O|[dz] t [Ousl]|
    [8tkn]|||[hlxv]| xcv[qijlx]|||z|||
    [hl] [hl][hv][18][hx]t[uo][hz] [18hx][hv]
    [18][hx]t[uo][hz] [18hx][hv]
    [18][hx]r[uo][hz] [18hx][hz]
    [18][hl]r[uo][hz] [18hx][jv]
    [4q][jx]i[ps][jz] [4qjx][jv]
    [4q][kn]t[Oijb] [hv][4q][fx]
    [4q] t[iO][hz] [4qhx][hv]
    [18][hx]t[uo][hz] [18hx][hv]
    [18][hx]t[uo][hz] [18hx][hv]
    [18][hx]r[uo][hz] [18hx][hz]
    [18][hl]r[uo][hz] [18hx][jv]
    [4q][jx]i[ps][jz] [4qjx][jv]
    [4q][kn]t[Oijb] [hv][4q][fx]
    [4q] [tl][iO]x [4qx]l
    8w[tf]u sd 8[wo]tut f [8s]w[rd]u|
    [8g][wf][rd][us][os]dp qt[if]p sd q[tp]ios|
    [ql][tj]i[Ol]h| [ql][tj]i[Ol]h|
    8w[tf]u sd 8[wo]tut f [8s]w[rd]u|
    [8g][wf][rd][us][os]dp qt[if]p sd q[tp]ios|

    Level: 8
    Length: 03:36
    Life Goes On
