[u1] 5 [o8] 5 [u3] 7 [y0] 7
[t4] 8 q 8 1 5 [u8] [o5]
[p4] 8 [sq] 8 [a5] 9 [wo] 9
[u1] 5 8 [i5]u[y5] 9 [wt] [y9]
[wu1] 5 [o8] 5 [wu3] 7 [y0] 7
[te4] 8 q 8 [w1] 5 [u8] [o5]
[pi4] 8 q 8 [t1] [p5] [o8] [u5]
[yr5] 9 w| [q^E]| |
[t6] [y0] [ue]| 5 9 [ws] d
[sf6] 0 e| 3 [u7] [p0] a
[spi4] 8 q ds[yoa5] 9 [wo]|
[wut1] 5 8 iu[ywr5] 9 [wt] y
[ute6] 0 e| 5 9 [ws] d
[spf6] 0 e| 3 [u7] [p0] a
[spi4] 8 q| [oda5] 9 w sd
[spf6] 0 e 6 6 s p s [us851]
About This Music Sheet
In Dreams (Lord of The Rings) is a song by Howard Shore. Use your computer keyboard to play In Dreams (Lord of The Rings) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:09, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song In Dreams (Lord of The Rings) is classified in the genre of Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Lord of The Rings, Theme Song, Instrumental.
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Other Songs By Howard Shore
sdf|h|f|dfds||f|h h j| l k|h f| gfd|
sdf|h|fd s dhs||
hf h h j| h|f hf||d| sds|||
sdf||f|f hjhd s d||
opa|a|s|p u| o y||o a
sdf|f||h hfd|s d a|asasdf||
jkl| k||h f| gfd|
fGHLevel: 2Length: 00:47EasyThe Shire
Howard Shore
y u [yeI92]|p| |uIu[yeQ]| |I p [ywoa5]||SdS|p|[yeI92]||oI[ueT30]||yu[yeI92]|p| |uI[yeQ]| |I p [ywoa5]||p|I oI[ueT60]||y|u|[yeI92]|p|[eTQI$]u|y u[ywr5]||[yeQ$]|I p [ywoa5]||Sd[upeS6]|p|[yeQI$]||oI[ueT30]|y u [yeI92]|p|[eTQI$]u|y u[ywr5]||[eQ$] y I p [ywra5]||[yrQ$] a [ype] I [ueT30]||[wt]||[rQ92]||[eT30]|y u [yrQI$]||[eT30] I a S [ywoS5] d SaS[upea6]||p [yeI92]||oI[ueT30]||[rQ92]||[eT30]|y u [ywrI5]||[yrQ$] I a S [ywod5]||[pfeS6]||df[rdaG7]||[ywo5]|T|[yeQ92]||[tqe4]||tt[yeQ92]||222||op[yqPE9]||po[tqie8]||op[oe90]||[qiE9]|[wut0]|[yeQ9]6$2$9[tqe4]8646e8t[yeQ92]|96$2||op[qPE9]||pP[wts0]|u I [urO30]|a|[rYWO%]|I|[ueT6]||[rW%]|O a [upeS6]||[rYI7] f D a [urWO%]||[rYQI$]|u I [urO30]|a|[rYWO%]|I|[ueT6]||[rW%]|O a [ueTS6]||[uWT%] S [ura] O [rYQI$]| |u I [urW30]||[ywr5]||yy[urW30]||333||pa[wus80]||ap[ywro9]|p a [rpQ0]||[wto0]|[yeQI]|[urW30]||[ywr5]||ry[urW30]||333||pa[wts0]||as[yedQ]|s d [ufaO0]| |xx
Level: 7Length: 02:05IntermediateThe Lord of The Rings Medley
Howard Shore
I O [QETP] S [ETPq] O [QYIr] [QET] P S [QYDr] G [WTqg] S [QETP] a P [WTOq] [QETI] I I [Teu] u [QETI] Q Q Q a S [I9ed] S a [Teup] a S [O0ra] [I9ep] [0ru] [QETI] o p [5a] 9 [wd] 9 [7a] Q [rp] Q [8o] w t w 5 9 [wa] [9d] [8f] w [th] w [G9] e [yd] e [5a] 9 w [9s] a [9p] e [yo] [ep] [5ya] 9 [wd] 9 [7ya] Q [rp] Q [8uo] w t w [5y] 9 [wa] [9d] [8sf] w t w [5o] [9f] [wd] [9a] [I9p] e y [qti] [0o] [rp] [ua] 9 e [yh] j [0hk] r u 7 [Qa] [rf] G [8sfh] w t j h [G9pd] e [yd] [5yoa] 9 w s a [I9yp] e [yo] p [0uoa] r u 9 e [yh] j [0fhk] r u 7 [Qa] [rf] G [8sfh] w t [G9dj] e y h j [0fhk] r u 0 0 h f h [59wah] d w w [^9q] q q [79w] 5 5 5 s d [(EPDwo] d s [^P9qyi] s d [qetips] [(EYPwo] [qetip] [59wryo] 5 o o [^E9qyi] 4 i [79wryo] 5 w w w 5 s d [(EPDwo] d D [qetpsg] [pj] [ak] [SL6] 0 e T [ufx] T e 0 [*SL] W T u [Oak] u T W [9pj] Q e y I y e Q 6 0 e T [SLu] T [efx] 0 [GC9] e y I p I y e 0 W [rj] u [OH] u [rfx] W [SL6] e T u p u [Tdz] [SLe] [0ak] W r u [Opj] u [rak] W [SL6f] 0 e T [ufx] T e 0 [*SLf] W T u [Oak] u T W [G9pj] Q e y I y e Q [6f] 0 e T [SLu] T [efx] 0 [GC9jz] e y I p I y e 6 e [TGC] u [pfx] u [TSL] e [H0afk] r u O a f H k [akx] [ak] [pj] [OH] [S60epfj] [G9edz] y I p P p I y [9e] y I p P [pdz] [IGC] [yj] [^Jqz] E y i I i y E [^q] E y i I i y E [G9edz] y I p P p I y [9e] y I p P [pdz] [IGC] [yj] [^qjz] E y i I i y E [^q] E y i I i y E [wyhkv] o a d D d a o [wy] o a d D d a o [8wjl] o s f g f s p [qtlc] i p s s p i o [qetp] s [0etp] o [Eqyi] [qet] p s [Eqyd] g [0wtf] s [qetp] P p [0wto] [48qipg] [ig] [ig] [%(WYOD] [YD] [YD] [48qipg] q q q [PJ] [sl] [*WTSLg] [sl] [PJ] [%(WOHs] [PJ] [sl] [(EYPJh] [*WTOHg] [(EYDoh] [48qipg] 4 [ig] [ig] [%(WYOD] ( [YD] [YD] [48qipg] 4 q q q 4 [PJ] [sl] [!%*SLg] [TOi] [sl] [SL] [@^(DZh] [YPo] [SL] [DZ] [48qgjc]
Level: 7Length: 02:30IntermediateIn Dreams (Lord Of The Rings) (Intermediate)
Howard Shore
t y [80tu] o [70ru] y [68tu] [58] t u o [qeip] s [wroa] o [80tu] i u [79ry] t y [80tu] o [70ru] y [68tu] [58] t u o [qeip] [qeip] p o u [70ru] [680] e t u 8 6 [579] w r y 7 5 [80tu]Level: 6Intermediate
The Breaking of the Fellowship (Lord Of The Rings)
Howard Shore
0 e e e t [9wr] [0wt] [qey] e Q e w e e [0e] e e e t [9wr] [wtu] [ey] [yp] e y u y y [0e] u [up] [up] [up] [yoa] [uos] [uos] [ipd] [yp] [ua] o I o [uo] [tu] p p p s [yoa] [uos] [ipd] [yp] [ua] o I o [uo] [tu] [0e] e e e t [9wr] [0wt] [qey] e Q e w e e [0e] e e e t [9wr] [wtu] [ey] [yp] p p p s [yoa] [uos] [ipd] [yp] [ua] o I o [wo] [tu] [et] [qe] p p p I [yoa] [uos] [ipd] [yp] [ua] o I o [uo] [tu] [et] [qe] [0e] [60p]Level: 5Intermediate
Rohan (Lord of The Rings)
Howard Shore
[x8] z [whv] [egl] j [x8] z [ef]jl x [qgl] j [wadh] [wa] [5r] [efj] [gl] [whl] j [qgjl] [gj9] l [wkh] h [gd9] [qe] [wh0] f [qs] d s [esf] g h [qf] [qd] sd [esf] [h8] f [5d] [0f] [80x] zl [wh] z [gil] j [x8] z [fjl] [gl] [whl] j [qgl] [gj9] l [whk] h [gd9] [qe]Level: 5Intermediate
Mice on Venus (Minecraft)
1 5 w e| |1 5 w e||0| 1 5 w e| |1 5 w e||0| 1 5 [wo] [pe]| |1 5 [wo] [pe]||[u0]| 1 5 [wo] [ra]| |1 5 [wo] [pe]||[u0]| [u1]o[p5]a[wso]d[pea]| | [u1] 5 [wo] [pe] u| [u0]| [a1] 5 ws[rd]sasapot [u1] 5 [wo] [pe] u| [u0]| [u1]o[p5]a[wso]d[pea]| | [u1] 5 [wo] [pe] u| [u0]| [a1] 5 ws[rd]sasapot [u1] 5 [wo] [pe] u| [u0]| [s1] 5 [wo] [pe] a| | 1 5 [woa] [pe]||[uo0]| [a1] 5 [wo] [ra] p| | 1 5 [wpo] [pe]||[u0]| [s1] 5 [wo] [pe] a| | 1 5 [woa] [pe]||[uo0]| [a1] 5 [wo] [ra] p| | 1 5 [wpo] [pe]||[u0]| [td86] [e8]f[d0]s[ed]h[rd6] 8 w [h8] [rd75] wa9 a [wp5] 8o[tp8] o [rd75] wf[d9]s[rd7]h[rd7]||h [td6] 8s0 [ea] [pe6] op| [t86] [e8] 0 e [r6] 8 w 8 [r75] w 9| [w5] 8 [t8]| [r75] w 9 [r7] [r7]| | [t6] 8 0 e [e6]| | [td86] [e8]f[d0]s[ed]h[rd6] 8 w [h8] [rd75] wa9 a [wp5] 8o[tp8] o [rd75] wf[d9]s[rd7]h[rd7]||h [td6] 8s0 [ea] [pe6] op| [u1]o[p5]a[wso]d[pea]| | [u1] 5 [wo] [pe] u| [u0]| [a1] 5 ws[rd]sasapot [u1] 5 [wo] [pe] u| [u0]| [u1]o[p5]a[wso]d[pea]| | [u1] 5 [wo] [pe] u| [u0]| [a1] 5 ws[rd]sasapot [u1] 5 [wo] [pe] u| [u0]| [s1] 5 [wo] [pe] a| | 1 5 [woa] [pe]||[uo0]| [a1] 5 [wo] [ra] p| | 1 5 [wpo] [pe]||[u0]| [s1] 5 [wo] [pe] a| | 1 5 [woa] [pe]||[uo0]| [a1] 5 [wo] [ra] p| | 1 5 [wpo] [pe]||[u0]| [td86] [e8]f[d0]s[ed]h[rd6] 8 w [h8] [rd75] wa9 a [wp5] 8o[tp8] o [rd75] wf[d9]s[rd7]h[rd7]||h [td6] 8s0 [ea] [pe6] op| [td86] [e8]f[d0]s[ed]h[rd6] 8 w [h8] [rd75] wa9 a [wp5] 8o[tp8] o [rd75] wf[d9]s[rd7]h[rd7]||h [td6] 8s0 [ea] [pe6] opLevel: 6Length: 03:25Intermediate
Guts (Berserk)
Susumu Hirasawa
[6pj]|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[6w] e [6etu] [3w] [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu] e|[3e] 5 [5w] [3e] [2w]
[6e] e [6tu] [3e] 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 [3e] [2w]
[6e] e [6etu] 3 [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu] e|[3e] 5 5 [3e] [2e]
[6e]|[6tu] 3 5 [tu] [3w] [2e]
[6tu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] 2
[2yd] [yd]|[6yd] 8|[6yd] [5ts]
[2yd] [yd]|[6yd] 8|[6yd] [5ts]
[2yd] [yd]|[6yd] 8 [yd] [6yd] [5yd]
[2uf] [uf] [uf] [6uf] [8ep] [ep] 6 [5ep]
6|[6etu] [3w] [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu]|e [3w] [5e] 5 [3e] [2w]
[6e]|[6tu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] [2yd]
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [30] [30uf]|[30uf] [uf]
[30uf]|[30uf] [uf] [30uf]|[30ts] [ts]
[29ep] [ep] [29ep] [29] [29ep]|[29ep] [ep]
[29ep]|[29ep] [29] [29ep]|[29] [30]
[6pj]|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2 6|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 [2w]
[6e] e [6tu] [3e] 5 [etu] 3 [2e]
[6tu]|e [3w] [5e] [5w] [3e] [2w]
[6e]|[6tu] [3e] 5 [tu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 [5e] [3e] [2w]
[6e] e [6tu] [3e] 5 [etu] 3 [2e]
[6tu]|e 3 [5e] [5e] [3w] 2
[6e]|[6e] [3tu] [5e] [etu] 3 [2e]
[6tu]| 3 5 5 3 [2ts]
[2yd]|[yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] [6ts] [5yd]
2|[yd] [6ts] [8yd] [yd] 6 [5yd]
2|[yd] [6yd] [8yd]|[6yd] [5yd]
[2uf] [uf] [uf] [6wo] [8wo] [WO] [6ep] 5
6|[6etu] [3w] [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu]|e [3w] [5e] 5 [3e] [2w]
[6e]|[6tu] [3e] 5 [tu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] [2yd]
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [30] [30uf]|[30uf] [uf]
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [uf] [30uf]|[30] [ts]
[29ep] [ep] [29ep] [29ep] [29ep]|[29ep] [ep]
[29ep]|[29ep] [29] [29ep]|[29] [30]
[6pj]|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2 6|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 [2w]
[6e] e [6etu] 3 [5etu] e 3 2
[6etu]| [3e] [5e] [5e] 3 [2e] 6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 [2w]
[6e] e [6etu] 3 [5e] [tu] 3 2 6| [3e] [5e] [5e] 3 [2e]
6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 [2ts]
[2yd] [yd] [yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] 6 [5yd]
2 [yd] [yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] [6yd] [5yd]
2|[yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] [6yd] [5yd]
[2uf] [uf] [uf] 6 [8wo] [WO] 6 [5ep]
6|[6etu] [3w] [5e] [etu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu] e e [3w] [5e] [5e] [3e] [2w]
6 e [6tu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] 2
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [30] [30uf]|[30uf]|
[30uf] [uf] [30uf]|[30uf]|[30] [30]
[29ep] [ep] [29ep] [29] [29ep] [ep] [29ep] [ep]
[6pj]|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2 6|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[2uf]| 6 8|[6yd] [5uf]
[2yd]|[ts] [6yd] [8ts]|[6ra] [5ts]
[2ra]| [6wo] 8|[6ep] 5 2| 6 8|6 5
[6tu]|6 3 5|[3ry] [2tu]
[6ry]|[et] [3ry] [5et] 5 [3wr] [2et]
[6wr]|6 [3w] 5|[3e] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[5oh]|5 2 4|[2uf] [1oh]
[5oh]|[5uf] [2oh] 4|[2uf] 1
[2ig]|9 6 8|[6uf] 5
[2yd]|[9uf] [6yd] [8ts]|[6yd] 5
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6pj]|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
6|[6etu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 [6etu]| 5 4 3 2 1
6 e [6etu] [3e] [5e] [etu] 3 [2e]
[6etu]|e [3e] [5e] [5e] [3w] 2
[6e]|[6tu] 3 5 [etu] 3 2 [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
[6w] e [6etu] 3 5 [etu] [3e] [2e]
[6tu] e|3 [5e] 5 [3e] 2
[6e]|[6tu] 3 5 [tu] [3e] [2e] [6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
2 [yd] [9yd] [6yd] [8yd] [yd] 6 [5yd]
2|[9yd] [6yd] [8yd] [yd] 6 [5yd]
2|[9yd] 6 [8yd] [yd] [6yd] 5
[2uf] [uf] [9uf] [6uf] [8wo] [WO] 6 [5ep]
6|[6etu] [3w] [5e] [tu] [3e] [2w]
[6etu]|e [3w] [5e] 5 [3e] [2w]
[6e]|[6tu] [3e] 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 [3yd] [2yd]
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [30uf] [30uf]|[30uf] [uf]
[30uf] [uf] [30uf] [uf] [30uf]|[30] [ts]
[29ep]|[29ep] [29ep] [29ep] [ep] [29ep] [ep]
[29ep]|[29ep] [29] [29ep]|[29] [30]
[6pj]|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2 6|[etu] 6 5 [etu] 3 2
[6etu]| 3 5 5 3 2
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[2uf]| 6 8|[6yd] [5uf]
[2yd]|[ts] [6yd] [8ts]|[6ra] [5ts]
[2ra]| [6wo] 8|[6ep] 5 2| 6 8|6 5
[6tu]|6 3 5|[3ry] [2tu]
[6ry]|[et] [3ry] [5et] 5 [3wr] [2et]
[6wr]|6 [3w] 5|[3e] 2 6|r 3 [5t] 5 [3y] 2
[5oh]|5 2 4 4 [oh] [ig]
[5uf]|[5oh] [2ig] [4uf] [4ts] [yd] [uf]
[2ig]|9 6 8 8 [ig] [uf]
[2yd] [ts] [9ig] [6uf] [8yd] [8ts] [yd] [ts]
[6uf]|6 3 5|[3yd] [2uf]
[6yd]|[ts] [3yd] [5ts] 5 [3ra] [2ts]
[6ra]|6 [3wo] 5|[3ep] 2 6| 3 5 5 3 2
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]|||
[6etu]| [6etu]||[W4ti]Level: 6Length: 05:53IntermediateRed Right Hand (Peaky Blinders Main Theme)
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds