[u1] 5 [o8] 5 [u3] 7 [y0] 7
[t4] 8 q 8 1 5 [u8] [o5]
[p4] 8 [sq] 8 [a5] 9 [wo] 9
[u1] 5 8 [i5]u[y5] 9 [wt] [y9]
[wu1] 5 [o8] 5 [wu3] 7 [y0] 7
[te4] 8 q 8 [w1] 5 [u8] [o5]
[pi4] 8 q 8 [t1] [p5] [o8] [u5]
[yr5] 9 w| [q^E]| |
[t6] [y0] [ue]| 5 9 [ws] d
[sf6] 0 e| 3 [u7] [p0] a
[spi4] 8 q ds[yoa5] 9 [wo]|
[wut1] 5 8 iu[ywr5] 9 [wt] y
[ute6] 0 e| 5 9 [ws] d
[spf6] 0 e| 3 [u7] [p0] a
[spi4] 8 q| [oda5] 9 w sd
[spf6] 0 e 6 6 s p s [us851]
About This Music Sheet
In Dreams (Lord of The Rings) is a song by Howard Shore. Use your computer keyboard to play In Dreams (Lord of The Rings) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:09, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Nova Nine. The song In Dreams (Lord of The Rings) is classified in the genre of Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Lord of The Rings, Theme Song, Instrumental.
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Other Songs By Howard Shore
sdf|h|f|dfds||f|h h j| l k|h f| gfd|
sdf|h|fd s dhs||
hf h h j| h|f hf||d| sds|||
sdf||f|f hjhd s d||
opa|a|s|p u| o y||o a
sdf|f||h hfd|s d a|asasdf||
jkl| k||h f| gfd|
fGHLevel: 2Length: 00:47EasyThe Shire
Howard Shore
y u [yeI92]|p| |uIu[yeQ]| |I p [ywoa5]||SdS|p|[yeI92]||oI[ueT30]||yu[yeI92]|p| |uI[yeQ]| |I p [ywoa5]||p|I oI[ueT60]||y|u|[yeI92]|p|[eTQI$]u|y u[ywr5]||[yeQ$]|I p [ywoa5]||Sd[upeS6]|p|[yeQI$]||oI[ueT30]|y u [yeI92]|p|[eTQI$]u|y u[ywr5]||[eQ$] y I p [ywra5]||[yrQ$] a [ype] I [ueT30]||[wt]||[rQ92]||[eT30]|y u [yrQI$]||[eT30] I a S [ywoS5] d SaS[upea6]||p [yeI92]||oI[ueT30]||[rQ92]||[eT30]|y u [ywrI5]||[yrQ$] I a S [ywod5]||[pfeS6]||df[rdaG7]||[ywo5]|T|[yeQ92]||[tqe4]||tt[yeQ92]||222||op[yqPE9]||po[tqie8]||op[oe90]||[qiE9]|[wut0]|[yeQ9]6$2$9[tqe4]8646e8t[yeQ92]|96$2||op[qPE9]||pP[wts0]|u I [urO30]|a|[rYWO%]|I|[ueT6]||[rW%]|O a [upeS6]||[rYI7] f D a [urWO%]||[rYQI$]|u I [urO30]|a|[rYWO%]|I|[ueT6]||[rW%]|O a [ueTS6]||[uWT%] S [ura] O [rYQI$]| |u I [urW30]||[ywr5]||yy[urW30]||333||pa[wus80]||ap[ywro9]|p a [rpQ0]||[wto0]|[yeQI]|[urW30]||[ywr5]||ry[urW30]||333||pa[wts0]||as[yedQ]|s d [ufaO0]| |xx
Level: 7Length: 02:05IntermediateThe Lord of The Rings Medley
Howard Shore
I O [QETP] S [ETPq] O [QYIr] [QET] P S [QYDr] G [WTqg] S [QETP] a P [WTOq] [QETI] I I [Teu] u [QETI] Q Q Q a S [I9ed] S a [Teup] a S [O0ra] [I9ep] [0ru] [QETI] o p [5a] 9 [wd] 9 [7a] Q [rp] Q [8o] w t w 5 9 [wa] [9d] [8f] w [th] w [G9] e [yd] e [5a] 9 w [9s] a [9p] e [yo] [ep] [5ya] 9 [wd] 9 [7ya] Q [rp] Q [8uo] w t w [5y] 9 [wa] [9d] [8sf] w t w [5o] [9f] [wd] [9a] [I9p] e y [qti] [0o] [rp] [ua] 9 e [yh] j [0hk] r u 7 [Qa] [rf] G [8sfh] w t j h [G9pd] e [yd] [5yoa] 9 w s a [I9yp] e [yo] p [0uoa] r u 9 e [yh] j [0fhk] r u 7 [Qa] [rf] G [8sfh] w t [G9dj] e y h j [0fhk] r u 0 0 h f h [59wah] d w w [^9q] q q [79w] 5 5 5 s d [(EPDwo] d s [^P9qyi] s d [qetips] [(EYPwo] [qetip] [59wryo] 5 o o [^E9qyi] 4 i [79wryo] 5 w w w 5 s d [(EPDwo] d D [qetpsg] [pj] [ak] [SL6] 0 e T [ufx] T e 0 [*SL] W T u [Oak] u T W [9pj] Q e y I y e Q 6 0 e T [SLu] T [efx] 0 [GC9] e y I p I y e 0 W [rj] u [OH] u [rfx] W [SL6] e T u p u [Tdz] [SLe] [0ak] W r u [Opj] u [rak] W [SL6f] 0 e T [ufx] T e 0 [*SLf] W T u [Oak] u T W [G9pj] Q e y I y e Q [6f] 0 e T [SLu] T [efx] 0 [GC9jz] e y I p I y e 6 e [TGC] u [pfx] u [TSL] e [H0afk] r u O a f H k [akx] [ak] [pj] [OH] [S60epfj] [G9edz] y I p P p I y [9e] y I p P [pdz] [IGC] [yj] [^Jqz] E y i I i y E [^q] E y i I i y E [G9edz] y I p P p I y [9e] y I p P [pdz] [IGC] [yj] [^qjz] E y i I i y E [^q] E y i I i y E [wyhkv] o a d D d a o [wy] o a d D d a o [8wjl] o s f g f s p [qtlc] i p s s p i o [qetp] s [0etp] o [Eqyi] [qet] p s [Eqyd] g [0wtf] s [qetp] P p [0wto] [48qipg] [ig] [ig] [%(WYOD] [YD] [YD] [48qipg] q q q [PJ] [sl] [*WTSLg] [sl] [PJ] [%(WOHs] [PJ] [sl] [(EYPJh] [*WTOHg] [(EYDoh] [48qipg] 4 [ig] [ig] [%(WYOD] ( [YD] [YD] [48qipg] 4 q q q 4 [PJ] [sl] [!%*SLg] [TOi] [sl] [SL] [@^(DZh] [YPo] [SL] [DZ] [48qgjc]
Level: 7Length: 02:30IntermediateIn Dreams (Lord Of The Rings) (Intermediate)
Howard Shore
t y [80tu] o [70ru] y [68tu] [58] t u o [qeip] s [wroa] o [80tu] i u [79ry] t y [80tu] o [70ru] y [68tu] [58] t u o [qeip] [qeip] p o u [70ru] [680] e t u 8 6 [579] w r y 7 5 [80tu]Level: 6Intermediate
The Breaking of the Fellowship (Lord Of The Rings)
Howard Shore
0 e e e t [9wr] [0wt] [qey] e Q e w e e [0e] e e e t [9wr] [wtu] [ey] [yp] e y u y y [0e] u [up] [up] [up] [yoa] [uos] [uos] [ipd] [yp] [ua] o I o [uo] [tu] p p p s [yoa] [uos] [ipd] [yp] [ua] o I o [uo] [tu] [0e] e e e t [9wr] [0wt] [qey] e Q e w e e [0e] e e e t [9wr] [wtu] [ey] [yp] p p p s [yoa] [uos] [ipd] [yp] [ua] o I o [wo] [tu] [et] [qe] p p p I [yoa] [uos] [ipd] [yp] [ua] o I o [uo] [tu] [et] [qe] [0e] [60p]Level: 5Intermediate
Rohan (Lord of The Rings)
Howard Shore
[tuos] ss s [wrya] s a p [qets]
ss s a s a ff[tuof] f f ss[wryd]
d d aa[qets] s d d ff fdsa[etus]fff|
[wry] fffdsa[qets]fff||
fff f [9qeh]ffh| [0wr] fffdsa[qets]s ff|
ss s s [8s] [wf][tf] [wf] [5a] [9a][wd] [9d]
[4s] 8[qs] 8 4 [8s][qs] [8s]
[8s] [wf][tf] [wf] [5h] [9f][wf] [9d]
[4d] 8[qs] 8 [4f] 8[qf] [8h]
6 [0f][ef] [0d] [5d] 9[wg] [9f]
[4d] 8[qs] 8 4 f[8f][qf] [8f]
[2h]f 69 [6f] [3d] [7d][0d] [7d]
[4s] 8q 8 [48q]ff [4qf]f[4qd]s
[8s] [wf][tf] w 5 f9[wf] [9d]
[4s] [8f][qf] 8 4 h8[qh] [8h]
[8h] [wf][td] w 5 h9[wh] [9h]
[4h] d8[qf] 8 4 f8[qf] [8s]
[6s] [0s][ef] [0s] [5a] [9a][wf] [9a]
[4p] 8q 8 4 h8[qh] [8f]
[2f] 69 6 3 h7[0h] [7h]
[4p] 8q 8 q864 ss[8s] [wf][tf] [ws] [5a] [9a][wd] [9d]
[4d] 8[qp] 8 4 8[qs] [8s]
[8s] [wf][tf] [ws] [5a] [9d][wd] [9d]
[4d] 8[qp] 8 4 h8[qh] [8f]
[6g] f0[ef] [0d] [5g] 9[wf] [9d]
[4f] 8[qs] 8 4ss[8g][qf] [8d]
[9qef] s [9qef] sd[0wr]d d[0wr]d d[48q] p| [48q]
f fff[8h] 0f [wf] [wh] rf [yf]
[qh] e [tf] q sel [tk]
[8j] h0f [wh] [wh] rf [yh]
[qh] e t q fef [th]
[6h] f8f [0h] [5h] f7f [9f]
[qg] es t q geg [tf]
[9f] dqd [ed]s[0d] sws [rf]
[qf] es t [48q]| [48qf] fh
[8h] [wf][tf] [wh] [5h] [9f][wf] [9h]
[4h] [8f][qf] [8h] [4h] h8[ql] [8k]
[8j] hw[th] [wf]g5 [9f]w [9s] [48qg] gfssd| |
s [6f] [0f][ef] [0s] [5d] [9d][wd] [9s]
[4d] d8[qd] 8 [4d]d 8[qf] [8s]
[2f] [6f][9f] [6s] [3d] [7d][0d] [7s]
[48qd]dd ddd [48q]ss [48qs] s
[8s] [wf][tf] [wf] [5a] [9a][wd] [9d]
[4s] 8[qs] 8 4 [8s][qs] [8s]
[8s] [wf][tf] [wf] [5h] [9f][wf] [9d]
[4d] 8[qs] 8 [4f] 8[qf] [8h]
6 [0f][ef] [0d] [5d] 9[wg] [9f]
[4d] 8[qs] 8 4 f[8f][qf] [8f]
[2h]f 69 [6f] [3d] [7d][0d] [7d]
[4s] 8q 8 [48q]| [4q] [4qs]s
[8s] [wf][tf] [ws] [5a] [9a][wd] [9d]
[4d] 8[qp] 8 4 8[qs] [8s]
[8s] [wf][tf] [ws] [5a] [9d][wd] [9d]
[4d] 8[qp] 8 4 h8[qh] [8f]
[6g] f0[ef] [0d] [5g] 9[wf] [9d]
[4f] 8[qs] 8 4ss[8g][qf] [8d]
[9qef] s [9qef] sd[0wr]d d[0wr]d d[48q] p| [48q]| |
[tuos] ss s [wrya] s a p [qets] ss s a
fff h[tuo]f fff h[wry]f d d d[qet]| s||
ffff h[etu]f fdd d[wry]d d d d[qet]| s||
[9qes] ss s [0wra] s a p [qets] sss ssLevel: 6Length: 02:48IntermediateImagínate (Danny Ocean)
Danny Ocean
s o u w a d s p
a i y w p s a o
p u t w p Y t w
p y r w o Y r w
[1t] 5 8 0 [0wr] y t e
[2i] 5 8 q [qwru] o i y
[3s] 8 w t 3 8 W t
4 8 e t [$(d] s O p
[5t]ua8 0 w [tup] o e t
[2e]tio5 8 q [5ryip] o w e
[1u] e [50r] t y r [50t] e
[1y] w [50e] r t e [50r] e
[1t] 5 8 0 [0wr] y t e
[2i] 5 8 q [qwru] o i y
[3s] 8 w t 3 8 W t
4 8 e t [$(d] s O p
[5t]ua8 0 w [tup] o e t
[2e]tio5 8 q [5ryip] o w e
[1t] w u y t w e 0
9 0 8| 8| |
[%t] [(Y] [Ws]| @ o [t(WP] O
[%t] [8Y] [(o] W @ i [8(Y]qW
[^Y]| [wT]| [6Y]| [Qt]|
[^Y]| [wT]| @| [wT]|
[%t] [(Y] [Ws]| @ o [t(WP] O
[(W4t] Y [(o]| [%qr] i [qu] y
[1u] e [50r] t y r [50t] e
[1y] w [5qe] r t e [5qr] w
[1t] 5 8 0 [0wr] y t e
[2i] 5 8 q [qwru] o i y
[3s] 8 w t 3 8 W t
4 8 e t [$(d] s O p
[5tua] 8 0 w [tup] o etu
[2etio] 5 8 q [5ryip] o w e
[1t] w u y t w e 0
9 0 8| 8Level: 6Length: 01:45IntermediateSmoke Gets In Your Eyes (Jerome Kern)
[tsY]D[thY]lsD[thY]l[tsY]D[thY]lsD[thY]l [tsY]D[thY]lsD[thY]l[tsY]D[thY]lsD[thY]l [tsY] [tY]|[tY] [tdY] [tY] D [tY] [tYJ] [tY]|[tY] [tY] [tY] j [tY] [iTH] [iT]|[iT] [iT] [iT]|[iT] [igT] [iT]|[iT] [iTS] [iT]|[iT] [sTE] [TE]|[TE] [TSE] [TE] D [TE] [TPE] [TE]|[TE] [TOE] [TE] P [TE] [sY]||t||W||w|| [sQE]|S|P||D||S|s| [siTE]|S|P||| [sQE(]|S|P|| g||D|S|[tsWQ]|D|[O(]|q| Q|W|E|t|[TSPE]||| [iTLE]||l|L| [liTE]||J|| [TQE]||Q W E t [TE]||L|| [iZTE]||L|l| [lTQE]|L|J|| [TQE]||J|H G [iTH]||g|| [iTO]||H|G g [rpgY] G D||| a|D|g| [TSQE]||| G|g|D|S| [ueTS]||| [raYI]||D|| [iTS]||| [tsY] [tY]|[tY] [tdY] [tY] D [tY] [tYJ] [tY]|[tY] [tY] [tY] j [tY] [iTH] [iT]|[iT] [iT] [iT]|[iT] [igT] [iT]|[iT] [iTS] [iT]|[iT] [sTE] [TE]|[TE] [TSE] [TE] D [TE] [TPE] [TE]|[TE] [TOE] [TE] P [TE] [sY]||t||W||w|| [sQE]|S|P||D||S|s| [siTE]|S|P||| [sQE(]|S|P||g||D|S| [tsWQ]|D|[O(]|q|Q|W|E|t| [TSPE]||| [iTLE]||l|L| [liTE]||J|| [TQE]||Q W E t [TE]||L|| [iZTE]||L|l| [lTQE]|L|J|| [TQE]||J|H G [iTH]||g|| [iTO]||H|G g [rpgY] G D||| a|D|g| [TSQE]||| G|g|D|S| [ueTS]||| [raYI]||D|| [iTS]Level: 6Length: 02:20Intermediate
Unknown Lands (Final Fantasy V)
Nobuo Uematsu