Jurassic Park Theme

John Williams 15 March 2023

s a [8s]| |8|
s a [qs]| |q|
s a [8s]||d [8d]||
g [8g]| |8|
f s [wd]||a o| [8f] s [wd]| |w|
h s [eg]||[wf] [wf]||d [wd]| |w|
s a [8s]| |8|
s a [qs]| |q|
s a [8s]| o| [8h]|
g f [8g]| |8|
h d [8g]||f [wd]|
h d [Eg]| |E| [wh] d [eg]||[wf] [qd]|
g j [wk]| |w|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
l k [8k] l||[8h]| s| [qJ]| |q|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
l k [8k] l||[8h]| s| [wl]| |[wk]|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
s a [8s]| o| [qi]|
s a [8a] s||[8g]| d|
[wgl]| |w| |
[whk]| |w| |
[tfl]| |[qgl]|
[tfl]| |[qgl]|
[tfl]| |w| |8

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About This Music Sheet

Jurassic Park Theme is a song by John Williams. Use your computer keyboard to play Jurassic Park Theme music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Easy song and requires practice. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 01:18, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Jurassic Park Theme is classified in the genre of Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano.

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    • time
    • 11 m


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    Other Songs By John Williams

    • u s a
      [6p] 8 0 6 8 [0u] [6s] 8 [0a]
      [6p] 8 0 6 8 0 [6f] 8 [0g]
      [6f] 9 q [6d] 9 q [6d] 9 [qf]
      [6d] 8 0 [6s] 8 0
      6 8 [0u] [6s] 8 [0a]
      [6p] 8 0 6 8 [0u] [6s] 8 [0a]
      [6p] 8 0 6 8 [0o]
      [6i] 9 q [6u] 9 q [6y] 9 [qu]
      [6y] 8 0 [6t] 8 0 6 8 0

      Level: 4
      Length: 00:18
      In Noctem (Harry Potter)

      John Williams

    • t i T s t i T s t i T [uosh] [yia] [uoshl] [ipdk] [ipdl] k [odhl] [ishlz] [oahl] z [OHsglz] [PJsd] l k [8fhl] w u [yh] [og] s [wd] i [8o] [wf] g [yh] [ro] [ei] [qs] 0 [9p] [wy] [80wt] [0wt] r [4qet] [qet] r [80wt] y [8wry] i [8wti] 8 [8wtu] t [5wry] r [5w] [8wu] t [5wry] [30wto] t [4qeti] [5wtu] [5wtu] [5wry] [5wry] [5w] [et] [5w] [ry] [5ws] a [8wuos] [8wuo] [8wuos]a [4qips] [4qip] [4qips] a [8wtuos] [yoad] [8wyoad] [eipsg] [8eipsg] 8 [8wuof] s [5wyoad] a [wryo] [wtuof] s [5wyoad] [5w] [0osh] s [6eisg] [5wusf] [5wusf] [5wyoad] [5wyoad] 5 [sl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg] [4sl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg] [4sl] [ak] [8afhk] [sl]8 [8osh] [8s] [PJ4qg] 4 4 [5wsl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg][4sl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg] [4sl] [ak] [8sfhl] o I [9o] g f [wg] d S [td] [sl] [ak] [8sgl] [4qh] G h [5w] [ak] [5wh] G h 5 [8sfhl] s g d h [8s] [wg] [5d] [8l] s g d l [8s] [wg] [5d] [8fl] k h k l k [8h] k [4qsgl] h g h [5wadk] t r [80wtl] k l v [8l] k [0wth] [rk] [qetl] k l v [4l] k [qeth] [rk] [80wtl] k l [wryv] [wryz] L z [etiv] [etil] k l v [8l] k [wul] [th] [wryz] h v [rh] [wz] h [wul] [th] [wryz] h v h [5z] [30osh] s [6eisg] [5wusf] [5wusf] [5wyoad] [5wyoad] o [5h] o [5d] [5s] a [8tuos] t r t [8s] a [qips] t r t [qs] a [8us] [to] r [tfh] [8dg] [sf] [8dg] t r t [8h] d [8wsg] [8w] [sf] [5wad] [5wah] [ad] [^Pqdg] [^v] z [^c] [5woah] d [6eisg] [5wusf][4qypd] [29ipdg] [pj] [5wadhk] 5 5 [5sl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg][4sl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg] [4sl] [ak] [8afhk] [sl]8 [30osh] [30s] [PJ4qg] q 4 [4sl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg] [4sl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg] [4sl] [ak] [8afhk] [sl]8 [8osh] [8s] [5wsghl] [5w] [5adhk] [5sl] [ak] [8sfhl] h [4pdg] s a [8uos] o [qeti] s a [8wua] s 8 [ig] [8yd] [8sghl] [8o] I [8o] 8 [5adhk] [5o] I [5o] 5 [8sfhl] 0 w t u o s f h l x v m m

      Level: 8
      Length: 03:09
      Jurassic Park Theme (Expert)

      John Williams

    • u i o s | y u i | o p a g | p a s d f | u i o s | d f g o o f d o f d o f d o f d | u i o s | y u i | o p a g | p a s d f | u i o s | d f g o o f d o f d o f d o f d | u o i y i u o f u o i y i u o f d f g d g D d s s d o I o d o I o d s a s u o i y i u o f u o i y i Y y t u o i y i u o f d gPpPgPpPgDdD ssgPpPgPpPgDdD ssgPpPgPpPgDdDOoODOoODgh | u i o s y u i | u i o s | y u i | o p a g | p a s df | u i o s | d f g o o f d o f d o f d o g f d s
      Level: 3
      The Raiders March (Indiana Jones)

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    • u| [tpe0]| | [rqea9]| [wr90]|s d [tse0]| u| |u| [tqpe]||a|s|p|s p f [yqed]|||[ywrf0]| [utje0]||k l|j x|l [tqieb]| |j| l k j [xute0]||l j [wurf0]| f|k|[utje0]|||e| [yq96]| |[u9750]| [8650]|i o [qi96]| e| |e| [yq97]||u|i|y|i y p [wo97]|||[wp860]| [qed96]||f g|d j|g [zq^E9]| |d| g f d [qje96]||g d [pe860]| p|f|[qed96]
      Level: 7
      Length: 01:06
      The Force (Star Wars)

      John Williams


    • rery erery er yey ueu IoIuy hGd hGd hGdfGS IyuI yIIuyupp uTuy apy apy yTyuy IyuuI yyIuyupp uTuy apy apy yTyuy rIIy yIIy yapIy rTyy Tyu uuIuyu yeyIIuyu ueTuoIuIuy apy apy yTyuI yeyIIuyu ueTuoIIIuy apy apy yTpuI yeyIIuyu ueTuuopIuy apy apy yTyuy pIuu pIuu aIuy rTyy Iuyr rery erery ereyu
      Level: 3
      Silhouette (Naruto) (Easy)
    • [8w]||8|w|[8w]||8|w|
      [8i] u i|u||8||w||
      i u i|u||8||w||
      [8o] i u|[wy]||w||w||
      [qP] p o|i||[8p] o i|u||
      [wo] i u|y||w||w||
      [8i] u i|u||8||w||
      [8y] t y|t||8||w||

      Level: 4
      Length: 00:52
      Little Drummer Boy

      Katherine K. Davis

    • 3 4 $ 5 8 [f4] [p4] [f4]
      [f4] j [f4] 4 s [d9] f g
      [f5] d s [a0] s d [s6] u
      [i9] [s9] [s9] 5 s [a5] [s5] d
      p [tp] [o8] o 8 t [f0] [O0]
      [f0] [f6] j [f6] 6 s [s9] d
      f [d5] s [a0] s d [s6] p
      [o0] [o0] [o0] [o(] [d(] [d(] [p9] [f9]
      [f9] [wf] [wd] [wf] [wg] [wh] 9 q
      [wh] 9 q w [h6] [j0] [wJ] [j6]
      [h0] w e [g9] 6 8 [g9] 6
      8 9 [qg] [h8] [H(] [h^] [qg] W
      [hE] [f6] [p6] [f6] 5 [f$] j [f$]
      $ s [d5] 5 5 [d0] f g
      [f0] 0 d f d [s4]

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      Length: 00:47
      Mind of a Thief (Mother 3)

      Shogo Sakai