03:09 -
t i T s t i T s t i T [uosh] [yia] [uoshl] [ipdk] [ipdl] k [odhl] [ishlz] [oahl] z [OHsglz] [PJsd] l k [8fhl] w u [yh] [og] s [wd] i [8o] [wf] g [yh] [ro] [ei] [qs] 0 [9p] [wy] [80wt] [0wt] r [4qet] [qet] r [80wt] y [8wry] i [8wti] 8 [8wtu] t [5wry] r [5w] [8wu] t [5wry] [30wto] t [4qeti] [5wtu] [5wtu] [5wry] [5wry] [5w] [et] [5w] [ry] [5ws] a [8wuos] [8wuo] [8wuos]a [4qips] [4qip] [4qips] a [8wtuos] [yoad] [8wyoad] [eipsg] [8eipsg] 8 [8wuof] s [5wyoad] a [wryo] [wtuof] s [5wyoad] [5w] [0osh] s [6eisg] [5wusf] [5wusf] [5wyoad] [5wyoad] 5 [sl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg] [4sl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg] [4sl] [ak] [8afhk] [sl]8 [8osh] [8s] [PJ4qg] 4 4 [5wsl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg][4sl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg] [4sl] [ak] [8sfhl] o I [9o] g f [wg] d S [td] [sl] [ak] [8sgl] [4qh] G h [5w] [ak] [5wh] G h 5 [8sfhl] s g d h [8s] [wg] [5d] [8l] s g d l [8s] [wg] [5d] [8fl] k h k l k [8h] k [4qsgl] h g h [5wadk] t r [80wtl] k l v [8l] k [0wth] [rk] [qetl] k l v [4l] k [qeth] [rk] [80wtl] k l [wryv] [wryz] L z [etiv] [etil] k l v [8l] k [wul] [th] [wryz] h v [rh] [wz] h [wul] [th] [wryz] h v h [5z] [30osh] s [6eisg] [5wusf] [5wusf] [5wyoad] [5wyoad] o [5h] o [5d] [5s] a [8tuos] t r t [8s] a [qips] t r t [qs] a [8us] [to] r [tfh] [8dg] [sf] [8dg] t r t [8h] d [8wsg] [8w] [sf] [5wad] [5wah] [ad] [^Pqdg] [^v] z [^c] [5woah] d [6eisg] [5wusf][4qypd] [29ipdg] [pj] [5wadhk] 5 5 [5sl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg][4sl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg] [4sl] [ak] [8afhk] [sl]8 [30osh] [30s] [PJ4qg] q 4 [4sl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg] [4sl] [ak] [8sfhl] [8oh] [4ipsg] [4sl] [ak] [8afhk] [sl]8 [8osh] [8s] [5wsghl] [5w] [5adhk] [5sl] [ak] [8sfhl] h [4pdg] s a [8uos] o [qeti] s a [8wua] s 8 [ig] [8yd] [8sghl] [8o] I [8o] 8 [5adhk] [5o] I [5o] 5 [8sfhl] 0 w t u o s f h l x v m m
About This Music Sheet
Jurassic Park Theme (Expert) is a song by John Williams. Use your computer keyboard to play Jurassic Park Theme (Expert) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Expert song and aimed at advanced users. If you're not an advanced user, you can still load this song and press auto-play to enjoy the music. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 03:09, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, Mark Chaimbers. The song Jurassic Park Theme (Expert) is classified in the genre of Songs From Movies on Virtual Piano. You can also find other similar songs using Instrumental, Inspirational, Universal Pictures.
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Other Songs By John Williams
s a [8s]| |8|
s a [qs]| |q|
s a [8s]||d [8d]||
g [8g]| |8|
f s [wd]||a o| [8f] s [wd]| |w|
h s [eg]||[wf] [wf]||d [wd]| |w|
s a [8s]| |8|
s a [qs]| |q|
s a [8s]| o| [8h]|
g f [8g]| |8|
h d [8g]||f [wd]|
h d [Eg]| |E| [wh] d [eg]||[wf] [qd]|
g j [wk]| |w|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
l k [8k] l||[8h]| s| [qJ]| |q|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
l k [8k] l||[8h]| s| [wl]| |[wk]|
l k [8l]| h| [qg]|
s a [8s]| o| [qi]|
s a [8a] s||[8g]| d|
[wgl]| |w| |
[whk]| |w| |
[tfl]| |[qgl]|
[tfl]| |[qgl]|
[tfl]| |w| |8Level: 4Length: 01:18EasyJurassic Park Theme
John Williams
u s a
[6p] 8 0 6 8 [0u] [6s] 8 [0a]
[6p] 8 0 6 8 0 [6f] 8 [0g]
[6f] 9 q [6d] 9 q [6d] 9 [qf]
[6d] 8 0 [6s] 8 0
6 8 [0u] [6s] 8 [0a]
[6p] 8 0 6 8 [0u] [6s] 8 [0a]
[6p] 8 0 6 8 [0o]
[6i] 9 q [6u] 9 q [6y] 9 [qu]
[6y] 8 0 [6t] 8 0 6 8 0Level: 4Length: 00:18EasyIn Noctem (Harry Potter)
John Williams
u i o s | y u i | o p a g | p a s d f | u i o s | d f g o o f d o f d o f d o f d | u i o s | y u i | o p a g | p a s d f | u i o s | d f g o o f d o f d o f d o f d | u o i y i u o f u o i y i u o f d f g d g D d s s d o I o d o I o d s a s u o i y i u o f u o i y i Y y t u o i y i u o f d gPpPgPpPgDdD ssgPpPgPpPgDdD ssgPpPgPpPgDdDOoODOoODgh | u i o s y u i | u i o s | y u i | o p a g | p a s df | u i o s | d f g o o f d o f d o f d o g f d sLevel: 3Easy
The Raiders March (Indiana Jones)
John Williams
u| [tpe0]| | [rqea9]| [wr90]|s d [tse0]| u| |u| [tqpe]||a|s|p|s p f [yqed]|||[ywrf0]| [utje0]||k l|j x|l [tqieb]| |j| l k j [xute0]||l j [wurf0]| f|k|[utje0]|||e| [yq96]| |[u9750]| [8650]|i o [qi96]| e| |e| [yq97]||u|i|y|i y p [wo97]|||[wp860]| [qed96]||f g|d j|g [zq^E9]| |d| g f d [qje96]||g d [pe860]| p|f|[qed96]Level: 7Length: 01:06Intermediate
The Force (Star Wars)
John Williams
Q w W e|||
W w Q q|||
Q w W e|||
W w Q q|||
Q w [WO] [ep]||a s||O
p a s g f [Wp] [ws] [Qf]
[qD]| |dspop| |
Q w [WO] [ep]||a s||O
p a s g f [ws] [Wf] [ej]
Q w [WO] [ep]||a s||
O p a s g f [Wp] [ws] [Qf]
[qD]| |dspop| |
Q w W e| j h f d s p
[qD]d| Dd| [0D]d| Dd|
[es]pop p|
W w Q
[qs]pop p| Q w W
[es]pop p| W w Q
[qs]pop p||[0f]|
[6j]Level: 4Length: 00:57EasyPink Panther (Main Theme)
Henry Mancini
8 w t w u w t w 8 w t w o w u| 8 w t w u w t w 8 w t w o w t| o 0 [wi] 0 [ut] 0 w t [yrq] [wu] r [yw]r[t0] w t| [o8] 0 [wi] 0 [ut] 0 w t [yrq] [wu] r [yw]r[t0] w 8| p e [to] e i e t| [o0] [ws] [to] [wt] [u4]| [y5]| o 0 w [ti] u Q [te]| y q e t [rq] w r| o 0 [wi] 0 [ut] 0 w t [yrq] [wu] r [yw]r[t0] w t| [o8] 0 [wi] 0 [ut] 0 w t [yrq] [wu] r [yw]r[t0] w 8| p 8 [oe]| i 8 e [t8] a 7 [wp]| o 7 w t [so] 0 t a [tpeI8]||u [yo] 9 q 9| 9 [qp] a [tso4] 8 [tie] 8 [ti4] 8 e u [yto3] 8 w 8 [tod3] 8 [wt] y [y5] 9 q [y9] [o5] 9 q i [i1] 5 [u0] 5 1 5 [p0] a [tso4] 8 [tie] 8 [ti4] 8 e u [o1] 5 0 5 1| t y [ue3] 7 9 [i7] [uW93]||y [wt6] 0 e 0 6| [tp50] a [tso4] 8 e [i8] [i4] 8 [ue]| [uo1] 5 0 5 1| t y [u3] 7 w [i7] [u3] 7 [yw]| [y4]8e| t o p s g h j l g h [ic][sb]m| | [o80]| i| u| | [y9] u y y [t0] w|| [woe84]||i [urq95]||r [t1] 5 0 y u t y w 0 w t y u| [yo8] 5 1 5 0 y u t y w 0 w t y u| [yo8] 5 h w [qg] w [f0]| w| [qd] [wf] [rd] [wa] [s80] w [to] 5 [h0] w [qg] w [f0]| w| [qd] [wf] [rd] [wa] [s0]| w| [qj] e [wh] e [qg] e| q h [yl] [rh] [ws] [qfe]| [wrd]| [h0] w [tg] 0 [f9]| [ts]| [w5]| |[wri]Level: 6Length: 01:55Intermediate
I See The Light (Tangled)
Mandy Moore
e r t y [0u]| e| [7q]| 6 0 [6q] 0 [7q] 0 [0e]||u [eY]| [9r]| e 6 0 q [*e]| *| [60]||6 [80] 6 q t e| [79] q [qe]| [Wt]| [0r]| 8 0 [(e]| r t [ry]||q [0y]| 9| r||9 [er]| [Wt]| [we]| 9 q [QW] 0 y| [eu]| r t [eY]| [wr] e r| [9y] q [*e] w [5(]| 6 8 q 0 t| [0r]|| q| q [(e]| [8W]| [0e]| t u [8Y]| [8t]| e| q 9 [8e]| W| [0e]| e| e| [qe]| e| e| e| e| [(e]| e| e| [9e]| e| e| e| e| 0 0 e t p u i y q 3 8 q e q W 0 9 0 e y o y I e| q E y i t y r 0 0 e t p| i| q 3 8 q e| W| 9 0 e y o| I| ( 4 ^ 9 q| 9| [eu]| |[0e]| [qe]| [qt]| E| | [Qr]| |[9e]| r| [qt]| |[8E]| W| [(e]| |[*e]| w| [*e]| e| e| e| [(e]| e| [*e]| e| [we]| e| e| e| e||| [60]| |[6e]| [60]| [7q]| |[(w]| (| [80]| 0| [0w]| 0| [9q]| |[8w]| 7| [60]| |6| [0e]| [qr]| |[Yi]| [Yu]| [0e]| |[eu]| | [ei]| |[ey]| | [60]| |[70]| 8| q| 7| [0w]| q| [60]||| [6(]| 9| [6*]| 8| [60]| |6| 0| | 6| q| | 6| 0| | [6(]| |[69]||| e| u| | y| i| | u| y| | u| |t| | [0e]| |[eu]| | [ry]| [ri]| | [tu]| [ey]| | [eu]| |[Wt]| | [6e]| |[7r]| [8t]| | [7r]| [9y]| | [9y]| [8t]| [7r]| [6e]| [6e]| |[%W]| | [0e]| |[0e]| [qe]| [9W]| [qr]| | [qy]| [et]| [0r]| [8e]| [qe]| |[8W]| 7| [0e]| [8e]| |[0e]| [8e]| |[9W]| | [0e]| |[8e]| [0e]| |[7W]| | [6e]| [8e]| |[0e]| [8e]| |[9W]| | [0e]| |[qe]| [0e]| |[9W]| | e e e e e e e e e e e e W W W W e e e e e e e e e e e e W W W W e086e086e086e086 e086e086W97%W97% e086e086e086e086 e086e086W97%W97% e0[80]6e086e086e086 e0[8q]6e086W97%W97% e0[80]6e086e086e086 e0[8q]6e086W97%W97%| 8| [0u]| [qi]| | [9y]| [eY]| | [eT]||| [we]||| [0e]Level: 4Length: 04:25Easy
Dark Souls III Sister Friede & Father Ariandel
Yuka Kitamura