02:10 -
-1 -
[ij] s g j s j
[uh] s f h s h
[yg] p d g p g
[tf] o s f o f
[Edz] i P d i d
[esl] i p s i s
[wak] y o a [esl]|
[8s] w [th] w [th] w
[0h] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[qs] t [ij] t [ij] t
[qj] t i t i t
[0s] t [uh] t [uh] t
[eh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[9g] e [yf] e [wd] y
[8s] w t u o|
[8os] w [th] w [th] w
[0osh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[qps] t [ij] t [ij] t
[qpsj] t i t i t
[0os] t [uh] t [uh] t
[epsh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[9ipg] e [yf] e [wd] y
[8uos] w t u o|
[Ed] i P d i d
[es] i p s i s
[wa] y o a [es]|
[1os] 5 [8h] 0 [wh] 0
[3osh] 8 [0g] [wf] [td] [ws]
[4ps] 8 [qj] e [tpj] e
[4psj] 8 q e t e
[3os] 8 [0h] w [th] w
[6psh] 0 [eg] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[2ipg] 6 [9f] 6 [5d] 9
[1uos] 5 8 0 w|
[1os] 5 [8h] 0 [wh] 0
[3osh] 8 [0g] [wf] [td] [ws]
[4ps] 8 [qj] e [tpj] e
[4psj] 8 q e t e
[3os] 8 [0h] w [th] w
[6psh] 0 [eg] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[2ipg] 6 [9f] 6 [5d] 9
[1uos] 5 8 0 w|
[^d] [qi] [EP] [yd] [Ei] [qd]
[6s] [qi] [ep] [ts] [ei] [qs]
[5a] [9y] [wo] a [6es]|
[1os] 5 [8h] 0 [wh] 0
[3osh] 8 [0g] [wf] [td] [ws]
[4ps] 8 [qj] e [tpj] e
[4psj] 8 q e t e
[3os] 8 [0h] w [th] w
[6psh] 0 [eg] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[2ipg] 6 [9f] 6 [5d] 9
[1uos] 5 8 0 w|
[1os] 5 [8h] 0 [wh] 0
[3osh] 8 [0g] [wf] [td] [ws]
[4ps] 8 [qj] e [tpj] e
[4psj] 8 q e t e
[3os] 8 [0h] w [th] w
[6psh] 0 [eg] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[2ipg] 6 [9f] 6 [5d] 9
[1uos] 5 8 0 w|
[^d] [qi] [EP] [yd] [Ei] [qd]
[6s] [qi] [ep] [ts] [ei] [qs]
[5a] [9y] [wo] a [6es]|
[8os] w [th] w [th] w
[0osh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[qps] t [ij] t [ij] t
[qpsj] t i t i t
[0os] t [uh] t [uh] t
[epsh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[9ipg] e [yf] e [wd] y
[8uos] w t u o|
[8os] w [th] w [th] w
[0osh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[qps] t [ij] t [ij] t
[qpsj] t i t i t
[0os] t [uh] t [uh] t
[epsh] t [ug] [tf] [ud] [ts]
[9ipg] e [yf] e [wd] y
[8uos] w t u o|
[qp] t i p t p
[0o] t u o t o
About This Music Sheet
Use your computer keyboard to play Lavender’s Blue (Cinderella) music sheet on Virtual Piano. This is an Intermediate song and requires a lot of practice to play well. The recommended time to play this music sheet is 02:10, as verified by Virtual Piano legend, LegendEditor. The song Lavender’s Blue (Cinderella) is classified in the genres: Songs From Movies, Kids on Virtual Piano.Comments
Virtual Piano uses Facebook Comments. Log in to Facebook, then return to this section to see comments from other users and engage with the Virtual Piano community.
[sl]|[ka][sl][oh]| [851]| ty[Y%]YO[8(%] oiY[i^]yiP[q^9]|P [ws8]|||[toh]| s| [tpd]| j [toh] s [tpd]gl[toh]|||[toh]| s| [tpd]| j [toh] s [tpj]kl[ypih]| [yoa]| [tqj]| s| [ywd]| fg[uha]| fh[zsY]|l|j [tqhe]|s| [q^9] s h|g[ywth]|||[ywr]|||[wo8]|[w8]t [w8] [ye8]|[e8]|[pe8] [wo8] [wt8] [ye8]i[e8]s[wo8]|[w8]|[w8] [wo8]|[w8]t [w8] [ye8]|[e8]|[pe8] [wo8] [wt8] [tp(]a[t(]s[qoe9]| [wr9]| [p84]|[84]t [84] [y95]|[95] u[95]i[wo8]|[w8] u[w8]o[td(]|[ts(]|[tp(] [wo8] [51]iu[te9] [62]t[sq^] [^4] [qi^][u0][t8][t51]|||t [qj]tip[sl]| [h0]wt[us][sl]| [g9]ey[if]g[pl] g [f0]wtus| [tqed]| j| [wts0]| h l [zyiPE]|lzlJ|jJjg|fgfs p [o5]9wryoadh|||[vuto]cxz l [okda] z v z [spmi]nbv c [xoda]| z| [splf]klz| [olda]klb m [vspi]|||[oda]|||[h8][wg][tf][ud] s [a5]9dw[rh] z [l4][k8][qj][he] g [f^]qE[id] fg[h3]70wjk[z@]$8[l(]kl[h2]69[sq]| [h84%]gD[g^95]dJ[sl]|[ka][sl][oh]| [851]| sd[D%]DH[8(%] hgD[g^]dgJ[q^9]|J [wl8]
Level: 6Length: 01:54IntermediateSuper Mario Odyssey Main Theme
Koji Kondo
[u0]osruoaruoPruoaruo[I0]sruIaruIPruIaruI[y9]iseuiaeuipeuiaeui[p7]QyupQyu[a0]ryO[d9]0Wsrap[s0]lrIo[a0]krIo[P0]JrIo[a0]krIo[s0]lEuI[a0]kEuI[P0]JEuI[a0]kEuI[s9]gjeui pdf[qpjT]|[ohe0]|[f9]etu|[qe620]||6 [e2]y [qe60]|2 [q60] yey[u6] [we80]|6 [w80] ueu[i^] [wq9] ioi[u1] [w^0] usp2 [q60] we6 [w0*]|[20]ey [qe60]|2 [q60] yey[u6] i[wu80] e 6 [w80] eui[o5] [tq9] p[iE]u1 [te80] y[wu]y2 [qe60] [tqe60] [yeQ9]6 [yeI2] [toe1] [yp^E] [yoE4] [ys] [tpi1] [uoE5] ui[toe6] [tie6] 0[us] [wut2] [tie6] 0q0[yp^E] [yoE4] [ys] [d1] [ws(] g[qfe]p2 [tq9] E [e60] 3w 08 [yp^E] [yoE4] [ys] [tpi1] [uoE5] ui[toe6] [tie6] 0[us] [wut2] [tie6] 0q0[yo@(]^[pi9][woP] [spe] [dYPE] EiE[ed]w[sh8] [p2]dh [we9] [960] [spG2] [Q86] [eQ9] [u0]osruoaruoPruoaruo[I0]sruIaruIPruIaruI[y9]iseuiaeuipeuiaeui[p7]QyupQyu[a0]ryO[d9]0Wsrap[s0]lrIo[a0]krIo[P0]JrIo[a0]krIo[g0]lEuI[a0]gkEuI[P0]gJEuI[P0]gkEuI[s(]leYI[a(]GkeYI[P(]gJeYI[g(]kCeYI[x0][rj][kI]G[h0][rf][IG][oa][d7][SQ][TI][ya][p7][uQ][TI]y[C$][k][WL][eH][j$][G][WH][rS][f][WD][aY][uS][O*][aW][YI]u[V%][L(][ZE][rJ][k%][H(][JE][rG][f7][dQ][TS][ya][p7][SQ][TI]a[g9][ea][ud][ig][j9][ed][ug][ki][g9][je][zu]g[j9][ze][ug]c[f6]xf0xfwxfuxf6xf0xfwxfExfexfExfwxfexfqxfwxf0xfqx|||[y2] [qe60]|2 [q60] yey[u6] [we80]|6 [w80] ueu[i^] [wq9] ioi[u1] [w^0] usp2 [q60] we6 [w0]|[20]ey [qe60]|2 [q60] yey[u6] i[wu80] e 6 [w80] eui[o5] [tq9] p[iE]u1 [te80] y[wu]y2 [qe60] [tqe60] [yeQ9]6 [yeI2] [toe1] [PE]dj h l [tsjg]o [phf] fg[pe]fhu g fgl[ysf]o [ysg] uiu[PE]dj [ihd] [ld] [ztD] [olYD] c[xpi]jye [ws] q[P8] [p6]6 [toe63] ut [yp^E] [yoE4] [ys] [tpi1] [uoE5] ui[toe6] [tie6] 0[us] [wut2] [tie6] 0q0[o@(]^[pi9][woP] [spe] [dYPE] EiE[ed]w[sh8] [p2]dh [we9] [960] [p2]sG6Qw yIs[yp^E] [yoE4] [ys] [tpi1] [uoE5] ui[toe6] [tie6] 0[us] [wut2] [tie6] 0q0[yp^E] [yoE4] [ys] [d1] [ws(] g[qfe]p2 [tq9] E [e60] 3w 08 [yp^E] [yoE4] [ys] [tpi1] [uoE5] ui[toe6] [tie6] 0[us] [wut2] [tie6] 0q0[o@(]^[pi9][woP] [spe] [dYPE] EiE[ed]w[sh8] [p2]dh [we9] [960] [p2]sG6Qw yIs[jd]zvsy|[dG]jzC| |[e9]|||[u0]osruoaruoPruoaruo[I0]sruIaruIPruIaruI[y9]iseuiaeuipeuiaeui[p7]QyupQyu[a0]ryO[d9]0Wsrap[s0]lrIo[a0]krIo[P0]JrIo[a0]krIo[s0]lEuI[a0]kEuI[P0]JEuI[a0]kEuI[s9]gjeui pdf[qpjT]|[ohe0]|[f9]etu|[qe620]
Level: 6Length: 04:02IntermediateGate of Steiner (Steins;Gate) (Alternative)
Takeshi Abo
[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [y4] [e3]tu||[w2]ry||[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [i4] [e6]tu||[w5]ry|w [o4] u [y4] t[y4] u4 9 [40] [o5] u [y5] [wt]5q [t50] [rq] [w5] [o1] u [y1] t[y1] u1 9 [10] [i3] u [y3] [t8]3 [73]|[53] [o4] u [y4] t[y4] u4 9 [40] [i5] u [y5] [wt]5q [t50] [rq] [w5] [o1] u [y1] t[y1] u1 9 [10] [i3] [u8] [y3] t37 [83] 9 3 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 s9 9|9 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 g95 [h5]|5 [t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [y4] [e3]tu||[w2]ry||[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [i4] [e6]tu||[w5]ry||[40]|4 4 4 9 [40] 5|5 w5q [50] q 5 [10]|1 1 1 9 [10] 3|3 83 [73]|[53] [40]|4 4 4 9 [40] 5|5 w5q [50] q 5 [10]|1 1 1 9 [10] 3 8 3 37 [83] 9 3 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 s9 9|9 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 g95 [h5]|5 [t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [y4] [e3]tu||[w2]ry||[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [i4] [e6]tu||[w5]ry|w [o4] u [y4] t[y4] u4 9 [40] [o5] u [y5] [wt]5q [t50] [rq] [w5] [o1] u [y1] t[y1] u1 9 [10] [i3] u [y3] [t8]3 [73]|[53] [o4] u [y4] t[y4] u4 9 [40] [i5] u [y5] [wt]5q [t50] [rq] [w5] [o1] u [y1] t[y1] u1 9 [10] [i3] [u8] [y3] t37 [83] 9 3 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 s9 9|9 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 g95 [h5]|5 [t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [y4] [e3]tu||[w2]ry||[t1]os| |[y2] [u3] [t1] [r5]oa| |[t6] [y7] [r5] [e4]ip| |[r5] [t6] [i4] [e6]tu||[w5]ry||[40]|4 4 4 9 [40] 5|5 w5q [50] q 5 [10]|1 1 1 9 [10] 3|3 83 [73]|[53] [40]|4 4 4 9 [40] 5|5 w5q [50] q 5 [10]|1 1 1 9 [10] 3 8 3 37 [83] 9 3 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 s9 9|9 6|[g6] 6[f5] 5|[p5] 4|4 4 4 o 4 [d5]|5 5 5 f [g5] [92] f 9 g95 [h5]|5
Level: 5Length: 03:33IntermediateVideo Outpost Too (Night in the Woods)
Alec Holowka